Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, November 10, 1898, Image 3

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The Overstroct - McCleary currency
'bill , now pending in Congress , which ? s ,
by the way , the result of the Indianapolis -
. olis Monetary Commission's several
sessions , ff ennftled into law ( as it sure-
Jy will be \ ( ( lie McKinley adminislra-
tilon is given encouragement by this
.year's elections ) , would create a set of
- -condition- ) this country that would
.almost justify revolution. It would :
3. He-tin * $ . ' { 16,000,000 of greenbacks.
' _ ' . Stop coinage of silver dollars.
: : . Make $ r 00,000,000 of silver redeemable -
deemable in gold.
1. Make debt contracts , public and
private , 7)iyible in gold.
it. .Turn over to banks all power to
issue paper currency.
( ! . Secure bank currency by assets
7. Leave depositors without prolec-
. tion.
S. Enable banks to contract or ex
pand their currency at will.
! X Create a bank monopoly.
10. Leav < > honest banks at the mercy
of dishonest ones.
31. Make legitimate banking hazar-
r 12. Increase the value of our debt
-obligations national and private , many
million dollars.
1' * . . Open an avenue for wildcat bank
1-1. Provide a twelve-year board to
control currency.
"Make money the master , everything
else the servant , * ' as McKinley said in
1SL ! Do Democrats want these condi
tions to prevail ? We think not.
Price of Silver aii'l Wheat.
"Along in the last part of May wheat
went up to about S1.su , " says B. P.
"Spry , in the Iowa Fanners' Tribune.
"ami that Denm-IIepublicau-gold stand
ard sheet , that tries to Isold the Demo
cratic patronage by pretending to be a
Democratic paper , and to hold the
j Democrat ie traitors the 'gold bug
Democrat * * by advocating free trade ,
.ami the .Republicans and their advertis
ing money by referring to the silly
jokes about Bryan , wheat and free sil
ver made a great hit. as the Leader
fchnught. by saying , when wheat was
up in the gambling rooms of the Chicago
cage Hoard of Trade to $1.00. 'How is
Bryan with his silver and wheat ?
Silver and wheat have parted company
now that irood times have come an ; !
the country is again prosperous ; let the
peopl" part with this silly Bryanism
which promulgates the idea that silver
and wheat io hand and hand in prices. "
"But mv that wheat is worth , after
ill ! the .stretching up it had. only about
-J. , to 31 cents and silver about GO cents
iiere in Des Moinc-s. and they are prac
tically together , v. e do not hear the all-
. .JQround-political-parly paper say one
word about 'Bryan , silver anil wheat. '
"After the speculators had bought
practically all the wheat in the world ,
_ iid only left a few bushels here and
there in the possession of the farmers ,
TiVy went to lighting and gambling
with > ne another , these Board of Trade
/ * . ziH'u. and the result was that the poor
people all over this country had to pay
an enormous price for flour ; and the
farmer who had sold his wheat at
about 4 < cents per bushel to the speculators
la-tors had to put it back in Hour at
about 10U per cent. , and many are the
puor familie < that had to go hungry be-
< an.se of the maehiifalions of trade rob
ber * ; ami still we have a class of pau
pers : iiid people , in the face of all these
facts , publishing and proelairuiifg to
the publi.- that good times have. come.
and they can prove it by citing the fact
that wheat has advanced in price.
" .fust think of the logic 'good limes'
not btvatiMi the demand for labor or
* ! wages of the laborer have advanc
ed : not because there has been an iti-
creasc in factories , an advancement in j
tli- price of cattle , hogs , horses , chick-
< ns. or ( he general productions of the
farm ; but because speculator had
i i ght up all the whea ! and have then
jmt it tip and made everybody pay a '
< l nibl * price for the bread of the fam-
"A country is in a dangerous posi
tion when a fev men in the large East
ern cities of these United Stales run
jTt i iheir .heads aid pocket-books to-
irnherJ make the hungry millions
pay a. double price for their bread.
without any advantage or help added to
produce or buy it ; and then hypocritical
ami boodle newspapers make the cili- j
jii tts believe that Ihese evils are signs
f and even proofs of 'goofi times. '
"We would no : expect the people , to
be ied astray now by the devices of
These desiirning and evil agencies be-
-eanse oC the iur rest of the present
Avar , which overshadows all else in the
mtuds of a loyal pple. . because the
penple of the United Slates love their
ror.iitry more than their lives ; that is.
the people do , but there is a class of
human devils that live In this land who
Jove their money more than their coun
try , and now is the time that { hey will
fasten their posonous fangs into Hie
life-blood of the principles of the equal
lights of our people , and while the at
tention of the great republic is intense
ly absorbed on the Avar they will steal
into legislation measures that will
leave evils which will punish and reach
to our great-grandchildren. ' '
Barker's liiuietallic Views.
By restoring bimetallism , expanding
the basis of our currency instead of
contracting the superstructure of credit
money to the narrow gold basis , we
can keep gold and silver In circulation
< aide by side. The gold monometallist
believes , or at least feigns to believe ,
this to be impossible. He says wo must
turn the balance of trade much in our
favor ; that only thus can we keep our
gold. We answer , certainly. He says
it is only possible to turn the balance
of trade sufficiently in our favor by
contracting our currency , and thus
causing such a fall in prices as to in
duce foreign buying. We answer , this
is not only ruinous but needless. The
English trader dees not seek our prod
ucts , because he can buy cheaper in In
dia , Argentina , or Mexico. Raise the
price to the Englishman of wheat or
cotton bought in India and Mexico , and
he will buy from us at prices much
higher than those now ruling. That it
is preferable to make a market for our
surplus products at higher prices ,
rather than beg for a market at lower ,
any gold monometallist. whose feelings
are not deadened to the sufferings of
our people , must admit. But is this
possible ? Assuredly it is. The En
glishman now buys in India , in Mexico ,
and other silver-using nations paying
with silver or silver exchange silver
that has remained of stable purchasing
power in those countries even since the
Weslern world struck it down. We
have simply to raise the price of silver
with which to pay for purchases made
in silver-using countries at 07 cents an
ounce , but forced to pay our mint price ,
to wit , $1.29 , would at once find the
cost of buying in silver-using countries
doubled , and he would eagerly turn to
our markets to buy cotton and wheat ,
so long as the price was not doubled
here.AVharton Barker , in 1S9G.
Peace Palaver Is Costly.
The American Peace Commission is
still palavering with Ihe Spanish com
mission over which country shall bear
the burden of the Cuban debt a con
troversy beyond Ihe limits of the pro
tocol and stupid to Ihe point of silliness
in so far as the United States is con
And meanwhile the United States
continues to pay the freight. The peace
negotiations at Paris are costing this
country on a fair estimate $1.000,000 a
day. That is about the cost of main
taining the army and navy at its pres
ent rating. Until the Paris commission
reaches an agreement the presentj
strength of the army cannot be reduc
ed. Volunteers must be kept in the ser
vice. The costly war footing must bo
maintained. It is the same in the navyj
Vessels of the battle line can not be ptitj
out of commission even temporarily.
Costly auxiliary vessels must be kept
in ship-shape and seaworthy which
otherwise could go into dry-dock or be
dispensed with altogether.
Responsibility for this condition of
affairs , say competent critics , rests sole
ly upon President McKinley. It is his
lack of definite policy ; his inability to
make up his mind what to demand in
the Philippines , which has cost the
United States $23,000,000 without any
adequate return. Criticism of this cost
ly pottering with diplomacy is becom
ing caustic. It is felt at the White ! {
House and the Stale Deparlmenl.
The War Investigation.
There appears little doubt now but
that the committee appointed by Presi
dent McKinley to investigate the short
comings of army officers and the causes
of disease in camps and the fatal ill
ness of so many soldiers will thor
oughly and effectually whitewash the
matter and bring in a clean slate. Not
an instance has occurred yet to indi- j
rate even a suspicion against a man. j
In fact , the investigation has been car
ried on in such a manner that there
are no formal charges preferred against
any army officer. Surgeons , generals ,
colonels , who are said 1o have neg
lected their men , who failed to furnish
hospital accommodations , wiio neglect-
ed to supply sufficient medicines or
wholesome food , will be found to have
acted directly in the line of duty , and
not one word of censure will be raised
against them. The committee has already -
ready announced that there is not an
iota of evidence to indicate that the
Secretary of War was to blame for any
of the unfortunate occurrences , and
this finding will eventually go down
the line even with the horse doctor ,
who reigned so long it Camp Thomas.
The committee was intended to be a
whitewashing committee , and Presi
dent McKinley selected well when lie
picked the men to do this duty. Bur
lington Gazette.
Opposed to a Public Dcltt.
In his letter , dated Monlicello , July
12. ISlfi , to Samuel Kerchival. Thomas
Jefferson said : "I am not among those
who fear the people. They , and not the
rich , are our dependence for continued
freedom. And to preserve their inde
pendence , we must not let our rulers
load us with perpetual debt. We must
make our selection between economy
and liberty , or profusion and servitude.
If we run into such debts as that , we
must be taxetl in our meat and in our
drink , in our necessaries and our com-
forls in our labors and our amuse
ments , for our callings and our creeds ,
as the people of England are. our people
ple , like them , must come to labor six
teen hours in the twenty-four , jrive the
earnings of fifteen of these to the gov
ernment for their debts and daily ex
penses , and the sixteenth being suf
ficient to afford us bread , we must live
as I hey now do. on oatmeal and pota
toes : have no time to think , no means
to call the mismanagers to account :
but be glad to obtain subsistence bj
hiring ourselves to rivet their chains
on the necks of our fellow sufferers. "
frhc Late A. Oakcy Hall Was Politi
cian , Journalist , Lawyer and Actor.
A. Oakley Hall , ex-mayor of Xew
1 I'ork. who died in the metropolis recently -
| cently , had had a career remarkable iu
' many ways. lie was at different times
j ' politician , newspaperman , lawyer and
actor. His name is inseparably con
nected with the rise and fall of the
Tweed regime , lie being mayor of the
metropolis when the Tweed ring
frauds startled the nation.
Mr. Hall was born in New Orleans of
English parentage seventy-three years
ago. He graduated from the Univer
sity of New York and , settling in that
city , identified himself with the Dem
ocracy. He was three times elected
district attorney and in 1868 was elect
ed mayor over the Republican candi-
date , Frederick A. Conkling , a brother
of Koscoe Conkling. He was re-elected
mayor in 1870. The Tammany over
throw in 1872 , when the Republicans
put William F. Ilavemeyer at the head
of the city government , ended Mr.
Hall's political career. When the frauds
of the Tweed ring were exposed he was
one of the men brought to trial , being
charged with willful neglect of his du
ties as mayor of the city. He was ac
quitted on the second trial , the first one
being a failure on account of the death
of a juryman.
In 1S75 Mr. Hall appeared on the
stage as an actor and author , playing
the leading part in "The Crucible , " but
his dramatic career was of short dura
tion , lie then devoted himself to news
paper work , being editor of the New
York World for a time , and later rep
resented New York papers in different
European capitals. He returned to
New York in 1891 and had since lived
there. Mr. Hall was brought up in the
Prebyterian faith , but he and his wife
were baptized in the Catholic Church
some time ago. He might have com
manded considerable wealth if he
wishcil. but he died a poor man.
Premier of New South Wales Protects
HimsL-lf from Kegs ami Fruit.
The election and campaign methods
which disgrace England have spread
to Australia. During the recent gen
eral elections in New South Wales aged
eggs , overripe vegetables and bombs of
flour were thrown at the candidates
with such abnormal liberality as to in
terfere considerably with the address
es of the speakers. To stop or lessen
this unappreciated punctuation of a
candidate's speech an ordinary poul
try netting , erected between the speak-
ery' platform and their audiences ,
proved an effective egg and turnip
The pet target of the rough-and-ready
marksmen was the premier of the col
ony , George Houston Reid , who atteud-
er the jubilee festivities of last year.
an'd was made a privy councilor it
their close. This gentleman at the end
of at least two meetings of his constitu
ents had to be scraped down by his
friends to remove the deposits of eggs
that had long passed the edible stage.
"Beautiful. "
Death-bed scenes are not always edi
fying , but sometimes one is portrayed
which is so full of light and love that
we are glad to remember it. Such was
Mrs. Browning's , and her husband's
story of it shows his own love for her
in an exquisite fashion that also is not
to be forgotten.
She said , on the last evening : "I ; is
merely the old attack , not so severe a
one as that of two years ago. There is
no doubt that I shall soon recover. "
And so we talked over plans for the
summer and the next\vear. I sent the
servants away and her little maid to
bed , so little reason for disquietude did
there seem. Through the night she
slept heavily and brokenly , but then
he would sit up , take her medicine ,
say unrepeatable things to me , and '
sleep again. At 4 o'clock there were
symptoms that alarmed me , so I called I
the maid and sent for the doctor. She
smiled as I proposed to bathe her feet
"Well , " .she said , "you are determin
ed to make an exaggerated case of it ! "
Then came what my heart will keep
until I see her again , and longer -the
most perfect expression of Her love foi
me within my whoh knowledge of
her. Always smilingly , happily , and
with a face like a girl's , in a few min
utes she died in my arms , her head 0:1
my cheek.
These incidents so sustain me that I
tell them to her beloved ones as their
right. There was no lingering nor
acute pain , nor consciousness of separ
ation ; but God took h r to Himself as
you would lift a sleeping child from a
dark , uneasy bed into your arms and
the light.
"When I asked , "How do you fcelV
the last word was , "Beautiful ! "
A Phrase Used in Japan Where Weav
ing Is Set to Music.
At Sakai , about half a dozen miles
from Osaka , and some other towns in
Japan , where carpets , rugs and fabrics
of the same class are manufactured ,
there are no large carpet factories , but
hand looms may be seen in nearly every
house. The weaving is set to music.
The children are taught to sing a sort
of nonsense verse to a certain tune , the
Superintendent or head worker leading ,
and that air means a certain pattern ,
the deft fingers of the little workers
rhythmically following the notes. At
the right moment the woman in charge
of a loom hums a new tune , and the lit
tle ones instantly take-it up and as
quickly change the pattern to suit the
music. It is consequently quite correct
to speak of these productions as a "one-
tune , "two-tune" or "four-tune" car
pet , etc. , as the case may be.
The children kneel at their work upon
a plank at the end of the loom , and each
of them slides backward and forward
along it according to the space occupied
by their allotted portion of the pattern.
The actual workers are. for the most
part , children of from 7 years of age
upward , and from two to four , live or
even six work at a single loom under
the direction of an adult , generally a
woman. Some 5,000 boys and over 1.'i ,
000 girls are thus employed. The chil
dren work twelve hours a day. and each
earns about a penny in that time. Three
of them can , if expert hands , complete
an ordinary rug , say six feet by three
feet , and made of colored hemp or wool
en yarns , in a day. A silk rug of thfi
same dimensions , however , would occu
py the same workers for from 80 to 109
To le Quiiiucy.
When \ve read great names , name4.
"to conjure with , " it is sometimes hard
to believe that the men to whom ihov
belonged were ever browbeaten by pub
lishers or crushed by critics. Even DC
Quincey had to be brought to a sense
of the realities of this earth , hazy phil
osopher as he was. and while he was
yet a new contributor to Blackwo-xl'-
.Magazine the publishes addressed tc
him this sharp appeal. In the lighs of
his literary glory , it N interesting read
"Jan. 0 , 1821.
"I must tell you frankly , at once , that
your mode of furnishing articles \\ll
neither answer your own purpose n. > i
mine. For Instance : This article \'sirh
you have not yet finished , you positive
ly promised to have with me complete
on Tuesday by 2 o'clock.
"No doubt you may have had m ; nj
unavoidable causes for the delay : s.iil
this is nothing to a man of busiiv < s
who , as he adheres to his own eujxair >
meuts , expects equal punctuality i-i
those who engage with him.
"It is quite unnecessary , as I hi . :
again and again told you , to make any
inquiry as to whether an article will IK \
in time. A good article is alw.iys i/ ; j '
time. "
Unpleasant Imputation.
Among the stories told of Dr. Km ,
mons. a well-known dergymau of a
former day and gener.ition. there are
many \vhich show his keen wit.
In the town where he was pastor th"r : :
lived a physician who was a panthei.-r.
and took pains to let every one kno\v ,
it. He had made frequent boast il'r"
he could easily conquer Dr. Emm--
in argument , and one day came \ . ' . -
chance. lie and the doctor met at : . ' .
house of a .sick man.
"How old are you. sir ? " ask"d th-j '
physician , brusquely. j
"Sixty-two. " replied Dr. Emmons ,
quietly , although his eyes showed hi--
surprise. "May I ask your ago in tuns V
"I've been alive since the creation in
one form or another. " said the physi
cian , curtly.
"Ah , then I suppose you were \vith
Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden1
inquired the doctor.
"Certainly. " came the reply.
"Uin ! " said Dr. Eminons. placidly.
meditating on the other's face. "I al
ways thought there was ; i third person
there , but some have differed
Married Six Times.
Mrs. Augustu * Thistle wood , of Prov
ide-nce. It. 1. . lias been married sl. %
times. At her last wedding four of her
former husbands were present and act
ed as ushers. The fifth sent his regret :
and a present , and an invitation to the {
bride and groom to spend the honey- {
moon at his house. The average term
of servitude for three husbands wa
ten months All the divorces were
granted upon the application of the
lady without opposition. The dis.solu- !
tion of matrimonial ties has been due ,
to the tact and diplomacy of the lady. , '
who convinced her several spouses thaf i
they were mismated.
Two Names Tor One Thing.
What we call aping in the case of a ;
monkey , we call fashion in the case of
men and women. Fliegende Blaetter.
The first symptom of honesty is a
willingness to pay honest debts
Girls nc Gulden's.
Everybody knew that the Goldens
couldn't get a girl to stay , or one that
would suit them If she would staj- . That
was the family worry from January to
December how to secure competent
help. A few girls stayed the mouth
llj llC . some only half a month , the ma
jority a week or less and there had
been known cases where the girl left
the day after she arrived. It must not
be supposed from this that the Goldens
were hard people to get along with. Mr.
and Mrs. Golden were nice , quiet people
ple of an easy-going nature , and the
two daughters were just as affable and
good natured as any two girls in the
city. Young George Golden was rare
ly 3 at home except during sleeping
hours , and Willie , who attended school
dally , did not interfere with the servant
girls at all. The family always provid
ed a good table and paid fair wages for
help , while the house was not so large
ns , to frighten a girl accustomed to a
reasonable amount of work.
But inside of twelve mouths the Golden
den family had had English , Welsh.
Scotch , Irish , Dutch , Danish , Swedes ,
Norwegians and colored girls. Those
that weren't lazy were dirty or cheeky.
The English girl was found by Mrs.
Golden stretched at full length on the
parlor lonnge reading a cheap novel ,
while her work remained untouched
around her. The Scotch girl had such
a thick brogue that It impeded her ut
terance and made It almost impossible
for her to be understood. The Welsh
girl was addicted to drink , and the Irish
girl was decidedly too familiar and act
ed as if she was mistress of the house.
The Danish girl didn't speak English at
all. The Swedes uroke almost everything
in the house , including a few command
ments , and the two Norwegian girls
were lacking in neatness of appearance
and general cleanliness. As for the in
numerable colored girls that had been
employed by the Golden family , they
were in the aggregate lazy , dirty ,
cheeky , parsimonious in the matter of
the truth , and generous in the dispen
sation of groceries and other eatables to
their relatives and friends.
The great cardinal virtue in the Golden
den household was scrupulous cleanli
ness , and had that been tno prominent
characteristic of any one of the girls
it is likely that her other shortcomings
would have been overlooked and that
she might have stayed in the position.
As it was , however , the only two of the
entire bunch that kept the house even
passably clean were slow and always
behind with their work.
One day Mrs. Golden returned home
from " " the
the "Intelligence" office by
way , why on earth do they call these
headquarters of ignorance "intelligence
offices ? " in quite a flutter of excite
"I do believe , " she declared , as she
took off her hat and wrap , and seated
herself in her favorite armchair , "I do
believe that I have secured the right
girl at last. "
"Yes , we have heard that very often
before , " remarked her husband , com
placently ; "they are always the 'right
kind of girls' until they get here , and
then they turn out wrong. "
"But this one is really different from
all the others , " said Mrs. Golden.
"Different in what appearance ,
manners } or accomplishments ? Is it im
possible for her to oversleep herself in
the morning , burn the toast , or tell a
lie ? Doesn't she break crockery , give
cheek , or read novels ? Is she fonder
of work than of gossiping , or what
kind of a freak is she ? "
"She's just a plain , ordinary-looking
girl , but she's an American first
American we have had yet , remember ,
Joseph , and she looks clean , moves
quickly , and talks well. She wants $20
a month , which shows that she has a
high appreciation of her own worth. "
"Oh , they all have that none of them
are too modest in their claims of what
they ' can do. Twenty dollars is a mere
bagatelle ' if she is worth it , but we
have ' not had a girl yet that was worth
half ' of it. "
"Well , she's coming this afternoon ,
and we'll see how she gets on. For my
i irt I believe the girl will give corn-
; . -te satisfaction to us all. I believe 1
' . . , vc captured a new gem at last ! ' '
"What's her name ? "
Annie lioouey. "
' Good gracious ! "
Sure enough Annie Kooney assumed
her 1 new duties in the Golden household
that afternoon , and somehow there
was that in her appearance which in
spired confidence in every member of
the1 family as soon as they saw her.
At the table she was a jewel. Little ,
active , alert swift to see what was
wanted and quick to supply it , she had
earned the admiration of all before the
evening meal was over. She was up
early in the morning , lighted the fire
noiselessly , started breakfast on the
way , and then commenced to clean the
kitchen and everything in it ; as she ex
pressed it , the place "wasn't fit to be
seen with dirt. "
"Joseph , " said Mrs. Golden to her
husband ] , shortly after breakfast , "An
nie j haf gone to do the up-stairs work ,
and I just wait you to come down and
look at her kitchen. "
Mr. Golden softly followed his wife
down stairs , and the pair quietly tiptoed -
toed into the kitchen. The greasy ,
grimy look on the walls had disappear
ed , the paint looked fresh and clean. '
The tin and agate ware s jne bright
ly , as did all the metal work about the
stove and kitchen shelves , the crock
ery ( dresser glittered and glistened In
the ' morning sunlight , the linoleum on
the floor was spotlessly clean.
"There's her morning's work before
breakfast , " said Mrs. Golden. "I won
der ( how ever she did it in the time ? "
"Here's the answer , ' ' replied her hus
band ' , sententiously , as he pointed to a
package I that stood near the sink. "The
girl is a gem , as you said , my dear
she uses Sapolio. "
"But I should think it would take
time - "
"My dear , Annie Itooney evidently
knows the dlifc-rence between time and
Sapolio. "
"What do you mean , Joseph ? "
"Time , my dear , was made for slaves
Sapolio has abolished slavery In
housework. "
An English Diver Uroucht Proof tlt t
He Had ViHited n hunkcii Vessel.
James Cassidy. in the St. Nicholas ,
has an article about diving , entitled
"Under the Sea. " Mr. Cassidy says :
Some of the experiences of the. divers
are well worth recording , as we soon
discovered by a chat with one of them.
"I don't know that I've anything par
ticular to tell you ; " he began , "nothing
that you'd consider exciting ; now , if I
were Lambert , the famous British div
er , I could tell you many stories of ad
venture under the water. "
A little coaxing , and we soon prevail
ed upon the brave fellow to talk about
the submarine life.
"I take it , " he said , "that pluck and
luck help materially in the making of
1I efficient diver. Some time ago Mr.
Lambert and I Lambert was then
Messrs. Siebe & Gorman's chief diver-
were sent out to survey a wreck sup
posed to contain a considerable amount
of specie. Spanish divers brave fel
lows , and capital men at their art had
been trying before us , but declared that
it was quite impossible to reach the
hold of the wreck , or even her deck.
'It's a sheer impossibility , ' they said.
" 'Well , it may be , ' said Lambert ;
'but I mean to have a try , at all events ,
now that I've come so far ; ' and so ,
dressing , he went down. Forty minutes
expired , and then came the signal ,
'Haul up , ' and he was brought to the
" 'It's all right , ' he declared ; 'the gold
is there ; but there'll be some difficulty
in recovering it. '
"Meantime the Spaniards were talk
ing together rapidly , and one of our en
gineers heard their discourse. 'Do you
know what they are saying ? ' he asked.
'It is that Lambert never reached the
wreck at all that he is only pretending
to have done so. '
" 'Oho ! ' exclaimed Lambert , 'so that's
their idea , is it ? Well , we'll soon cor
rect that. ' And in spite of entreaties to
the contrary , and the fact that he had
been forty minutes under water at an
unusual depth , he put on again his div
ing apparatus , and made a second de
scent , the Spaniards looking on in.
"Forcing his Avay to the steward's
pantry , he took from a rack a tea-cloth
marked with the name of the ship , and ,
pushing it into his beit , gave the sig
nal , 'Haul up ! ' I was keenly watching ,
and espied the cloth in his belt. Seizing
it , I waved it around my head ; and the
Spaniards , understanding in a mo
ment what had been done , cheered and
applauded lustily , subsequently throng
ing around Lambert and begging a
thousand pardons of the brave fellow
for their former skepticism. And so be
lief in English pluck was confirmed. "
Russia's American-Built IVarsliips , Ij
Some details have been made public 81
concerning two war vessels that are to
be constructed in Philadelphia for the
Kussian Government that should be
studied by our naval authorities and
the naval committees of Congress. The
largest vessel is to be a battleship of
12,700 tons displacement , which must
maintain a speed of eighteen knots an.
hour for twelve consecutive hours , with
all coal , ammunition and stores on
board. Speed must be maintained with
ordinary li draught , and the coal , am
munition and stores will be greater by
50 per cent , than those carried on any
vessel outside of Ilussia. The other
vessel y , a cruiser , will have a displace
ment of 0,500 tons , a speed of twenty-
two knots an hour for twelve consec
utive hours , and a carrying capacity of
50 per cent , more stores of all kinds ,
than has ever been put into a warship.
These vessels will be far superior to
any hitherto designed for our navy , and
will embody all the lessons taught by
Sampson's fight with Cervcra.
Alan's Inliiimaiiit3- .
"Oh , you needn't talk , " said the in
dignant wife. "What would you be to
day if it weren't for my money , I'd
like to know ? "
"I really don't know , my dear , " calm
ly replied the heartless wretch , "but
I'm inclined to think I would be a bach
elor. "
Unshaken Confidence.
"It's always pretty safe to judge a.
man by the company he keeps. "
"Oh , I don't know. There are excep
tions. My Uncle John's business makes
it necessary for him to associate with
aldermen a good deal and still I'd trust
him with every dollar I've got in the
world. "
His Eccentricitr.
"That young Hooper is an enigma
to me. "
"Why ? "
"He has had three poems- published
in as many different magazines and
still keeps on having his tiair cut. "
Not Difficult.
He ( indignantly ) I hope I know my
own mind !
She ( sweetly ) Yes ! You surely ought
to know as much as that. Pick-Me-Up.
A I > carth of Game.
"Hear about Gunning ? While out
hunting , the other day , he shot a
pointer for which he had paid $125. "
"What was the matter were there
no men in the vicinity ? "
Vienna has lost one of its best-known
women authors by the death of Mar-
barathe Halm. Her most popular
works are the novels "Frau Holding's
Heart" and "A Feminine Prometheus. "
She was twice married , but was soon
divorced from her second husband.
Hearts may be attracted by assumed
qualities , but the affections are only t
be fixed by those which are real. Da
If a pessimist has nothing to
him he STTzr'es about that