Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, November 10, 1898, Image 12

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'True IMcaniiiK of tiic Activity in tl
Krilibh Foreign OfEcc Franc
Ai rcca to IJclire from I'ashoda , bt
-Other I'owcra May Act.
Advices from London say that Gre
Britain's secret is out at last in the opi
ion of well informed men of affairs wl
have been keeping close track of the r
cent extraordinary preparations for \va
Of fnr more importance than the poss
biity ! of a little brush with France , whic
would bu u repetition of the Spanis !
AiiH'riean war , is the declaration th :
Knyiaml i.s about to take the bull by tl
horns and proclaim a protectorate over a
of Egypt. This is the theory that is no
generally accepted as being the true soli
lion of the problem , and it is the only 01
on which the remarkable activity of tl
war ollice and the admiralty can be sati
3'actorily accounted for.
All probability of trouble with Fram
vanished with the receipt of positive stat
mcnls from Paris that Major Marchau
wiH be unconditionally withdrawn froi
Fnshoda , but the war preparations ha
Ix'i-n continued since then with more ei
eriry than before.
The proclamation of Egypt as a part <
the P.ritiKli empire would sot all Euroj
liy : he ears and would undoubtedly resu
in war were it jiot known that Englan
WJit > prepared and looking for troubl
Tilery is reason to believe that the Go
man Emperor abandoned his trip to Egyi
so as to be out of the country when th
proclamation was issued. He is thougl
10 be fully aware of England's plans.
Tiie British naval sind military prepan
tions are being pushed to an extent -\vitl
ou ! precedent since the Crimean wai
England \\as about to declare a protect
rati > in lij.S- { , urged to do so by Prince Bi :
marck. and it was only at the last mil
ute , when all the prepsrations had bee
mnde. that the scheme was abandone
for a more favorable opportunity. Tha
opportunity seems now at hand.
England's occupation .f Egypt is base
on alight and has frequently been d (
nouuccd by th , . khedivc himself , by hi
suzerain , the Sultan of Turkey , and b
France ns illegal , while the other power
! have quietly tolerated the act.
e 'Hi OILS am ! Visited Oma
hn's Shov.tbc Jusi Jiy. )
TheTniusmlssis pi , ! International ex
posh ion has closed. The closing hour
of the oiterpriM' vt-re the mo t brIIIian
iu the history of the Ji\c mouths' exhibi
lion. S.-venty-five thousand people crowd
< ? d the grounds during the closing day. U ]
to ( he last morning 2.r 5lioSS people ha <
registered at th ? turustiles. so the gram
toiaJill consideranly exceed 2.GOOOOG
The exposition was a iinancial success
something o\vr $400.000 rcmaiuin to bi
divided among the stockholders. A frac
tion less than S2.00U.OOO has been receive !
and ? ] . . " 00.000 expended. The cspositioi
owed 9200.000 when iie gates were open
ed : $3UO.OOO was Miliscribed for the ex
position and all but 590,000 of th t amoun
paid in. In addition corporations donatec
$100,000. It is estimated tn t the sub
scrihers should receive back SO per c&al
of the subscriptions.
Net Cash Balance in the Treasury Is
Placed at $300,233,275.
The debt statement issued by the Treas
ury Department shows thar in the mouth
of October the debt of the United States
increased . 3,487,717. The interest-bear
ing debt increased ? oUG7S,360 , and tht
cash ii , the treasury decreased ? 7.315),228. )
The debt on Oct. 31 stood : Interest-
bearing debt. ? 1,02G,7GG,9GO ; bearlag no
interest. § 383.101,367.
The cash in the treasury is inndo up of
the following items : Gold , 275.224,071 ;
silver. $505,920.77 : ; ; paper. 355,529,208 ;
other cash , 9G,5JG.013 ( ; total , $933,240-
Asainst this there are outstanding gold
certificate.- , $3i.lM0.149 ; silver certificates ,
$ of S.7.r > 3r.J4 ; certificates of deposit , $20-
105.000 ; Sherman notes. .1 > 97So3,2SO ; oth
er liabilities , $79.379.189. leaving a cash
balance , including gold reserve , of § 300-
owe OTrt
Official FicnrcH on October Kecelpta
and Disbursements.
The monthly statement of the Govern
ment receipts and expenditures shows the
receipts for the month of October araount-
tclto $3 30,051. and the disbursements
$53.982,270. The receipts from customs
'amounted to $15.555.234. against $9,713-
494 for October. 1S97. Internal revenue ,
; $22,356,511 , against $13,014,872 for Octo-
Ibor last year. Miscellaneous , $1,718,305 ,
Against $1,003.047 one year ago.
The increase in receipts for the month
as compared with October , 1897 , amount
ed to about $15,250.000. During the four
anonths of the present fiscal year the re
ceipt. exceeded those for the correspond
ing period in 1897 by over $ GO,000,000.
Wisconsin Man Goes Gunning for
Human Game.
Ad.ain Hammer of Beaver Dam , Wis. ,
became insane , and securing a "uu'
wounded nine men and was finally shot
to prevent his doing further injury. 'Ham
mer was the victim of a practical joke.
He procured a shotgun , and , in a frenzy ,
shot at every one in sight , threatening
death to his brother , who endeavored to
pacify him.
Lieut. Arthur T. A. Tibbetts of Com
pany J { , Second regiment , was selected by
the marshal to shoot the madman in such
. i manner as to bring him down without
killing him. The soldier's aim was true ,
the madman being shot through the shoul
der. None of the wounded will die.
New Chicajjo-St. L.ouis L.IIIC.
All arrangements have been perfected
for the immediate extension of the St.
'Louis , Peoria and Northern Railroad to
Chicago. When completed the new road
will form another direct line between Chi-
? a -'o and St. Louis.
Three years ago Paris began to dispose
uf its s'-wage after the manner of Berlin ,
t y lurning it into fields planted with cr-
disirds and vegetables. Oae-fourth of the
nvajr < is already thus disposed of , and
itis typed that in two more years the
ol itill be.
France : m'I iler 'J roubles.
It wouldn't be > ; ! rji'j.- > iug to see Fram
Hose the ninefpnth century as a moi
irchy. The French p-opjc love { he she
tnd glitter of a court. Cotton Tr.tvelcr.
Altogether. Franco presents u picture <
iirtei demoralization. : : i what is suppose
io be high cir'Iiz iiun , that should be
warning Jo other nations. Pillsburg Di ;
All in.nvho sincerely desire the ir.uii
if-iiance of the French lepublicvijl hof
Tor the triumph o ; the civil authority , fc
otherwise a sound republican system (
.tciveninient is not possible. Omaha Bei
J-'ranee should not make the mistake c
; oing to war with a foreign foe in onle
id prttveat trouble at home. Spain trie
that and. in addition to getting licked. r <
tailed her domestic woe. AVashingto
P. r.
This is tht first time since tlie republi
was founded that tfce congress of Franc
luuj stibordloiatc-d the civil to tlie militar
Unless Froaclinien are unlike otl
'lLtlos they are dangerously nea
a reroiuwon. Kansas City Times.
The Brlsson rnii.istry. opposinjc revisioi
found In July a eoiic ; chamber behind Ii
The Ilrisson nihiistiy in October advocai
. ' ' * Z revision , finds itself beaten by 29
a aust 243. Evidently truth is might
.11 : < 1 wUl prevail. New York Times.
If there were in France now a strong
Dol-J , ambitious man he would have a grca
jpponunity. Such a man could lift th
Joverument off its hinges. But there i
no such man. France has no Danton. n >
N"apolcHn 1. , not even a Napoleon III.-
.Itlauta Jouinal.
The present crisis was brought abou
&y ras-callty and corruption cndeavoriii ;
to conceal rascality and corruption. Th' '
Dreyfus case is at the bottom of it. am
the Dreyfus case maj pull down , the re
public before it is well over with. Mem
phis Commercial-Appeal.
Paris is kept in order only by the display
jf a large military force and there is IK
L-ertainty that the military and the mol
might not at any moment fraternize , o
lhat part of the military might not sidi
with one mob or another part with a riva
tnob. Cleveland Plain Dealer.
The French republic is that only ii
name. It has already fallen. It now onli
remains to determine what sort of Govern
nent v. ill follow the despotism which tin
inny is iu a fair way to establish by tlu
ivill of the people , and which itself can
lot endure. Washington Times.
Once France at the sound of foreigi
ilarm rushed to repel the assault of the
> pprossor on her borders , no matter were
lis forces fivefold her own. Now wher
: he same note is struck it incites her onlj
.o the fiercer persecution of the oppressed
vithin her boundaries. New York Press
Under whatever nominal form the ac
ual administration in France is essential-
y military. While this is in one sense .1
security , it is always a cause of weakness
n the civil government , and just now the
Irift appears to be toward some sort ol
ivowed militarism. Philadelphia Times ,
As long as militarism prevails in France
t can be a republic but in name. The pro-
notion of the rights of the people , the es-
ablishment of personal freedom and all
'he elements which enter into republican
rovernment are at war with the idea ol
nilitary supremacy. Atlanta Constitu-
The internal weakness of France at the
ttoment of England's aggressive stand on
he Fashoda question , causing the for-
uer's pitiable repudiation of Marchand's
nission , was largely due to the demoralisi
ng effects of the Dreyfus scandal iu its
iflueuce upon the national spirit. St.
> ouis Republic.
Spain Takes the Debt.
That Spain has consented to assume
hat debt means to the holders of Spain's
ecurities not alone of the Cuban bonds ,
ait of practically every description not
pecially guaranteed serious loss. St.
'aul Pioneer Press.
A nation floundering in practical bank-
up tcy has no ally. It is getting ready
a be dismembered and sold out by its
reditors or to seek a power that will as-
ume its debts at the cost of absorbing it
ntirc. Boston Globe.
The game.was well worth playing , and
; is no wonder , therefore , lhat the Span-
ill ommissioners went to the verge of
reaking off negotiations in their efforts
> win. But American firmness and in-
isteuce upon the terms of the protocol
ave triumphed and Spain yields at last to
le inevitable. She cannot shift the pen-
Ity of her wrong doings in Cuba upon
er conquerors. Detroit Free Press.
But it should be made clear to Spain
mt the purpose of the United States in
lis war was to free Cuba from opprea-
on. One of the grossest and most noto-
ous foims of oppression was the effort
> saddle Cuba not only with the debt cre-
led for her subjugation , but with scores
I millions of Spanish stealings in addi-
ou. To permit any of that burden to bo
? rpetuated would be a gratuitous nullifi-
ition of our object in this war. Pitts-
urg Dispatch.
Col. Gcorjrc K. "Waring.
In his youth Col. Waring fought for the
Hior of hjs country. In his advanced age
? checmilly accepted a mission to pro-
ote her safety. New York Journal.
If , in the irony of fate , one of the great-
it sanitary experts in the United States
es in the pursuit of his duty , we canner
) nor his memory in no better way than
- seeing that his sacrifice is not in vain.
Philadelphia Press.
Col. Waring was a brave soldier , and an
: pert of whose quality his fellow-Ameri-
ins are justly proud , but he was at the
.me time that still bettor thing , an ofii-
ul whose public service was faultlessly
ndered and on whose record as the na-
m's servant there rests not a single
ain. St. Paul Pioneer Press.
In the death of Col. Warins : there is
mething of the heroic. Ilis life was sac-
ficed so directly in the interests of sci-
, ce and his duty , as he saw it , that his
: ath certainly rises far above the com-
ouplace. Cincinnati Commercial Trib-
His efforts tu save their lives has cost
in his own , and the only reward is that
the last "roll-call" the answer to his
me must be , ' 'Dead on the field of honor
id duty dead that others might live. "
5 he died so he lived. His life has been
e long public service , often at great
st to himself. New York "World.
Its Immense Deposit of Bitumen Is
Practically Inexhaustible.
The famous pitch lake or great bitu
men deposit at Trinidad is situated at
Point Libre.i , on an elevation at about
a mile from the sen. It covers an area
of nearly 100 acres , ami its appearance
is that of a dull , still , dark waste. It
is regularly circular , and its surface
perceptibly covex , being more elevated
in the center and thence insensibly de
clining on all sides. In the center the
pitch is quite soft in fact , semi-liquid
but it becomes more and more hard
ened as its circumference widens out.
Except the soft central parts the sur
face is intersected in all directions by
numerous fissures or chasms , varying
in breadth from two feet to sixteen ,
and from half a foot to seven feet in
depth , widening also at the bottom ,
thus producing , as it were , inverted
angular hollows , while the sides are
regularly rounded. These crevices are
at at all times filled with fresh water.
Here and there , where the bitumen is
mixed with earthy matter , grow lich
ens , mosses , grasses , etc. The center
Df the lake the pitchpot or chandiere ,
is it is called is at all times soft that
it would be impossible to venture on
it without incurring the danger of be-
: ng engulfed.
The lake is government property , and
Darts of it are leased out to private in-
Jividnnls , who have to pay royalties
according to the amount of pitch removed -
moved , which amount is checked by
the government. The lake is , practi
cally , inexhaustible. No matter what
quantity is taken out it is replaced by
fro'sh pitch , which always wells up to
[ ill the hole. The surface of the outer
Hlges of this-most wonderful of li'kes
Is quite hard enough to walk upon : but
ii curious result ensues if you stand
still for any length of time on one spot.
For some yards around you the pitch
bodily sinks until it forms a sort of
basin. It is quite different to sinking
In sand , where your feet gradually dis
appear without making any apparent
tlifference in the level of the ground.
\Vide World Magazine.
Warning Notes Calling the Wicked to
HEAT heights
-y- are won by loAvly
The wcll-behav-
ed boy is seldom
Adulation is the
bridge some walk
over to reach our
good graces.
Morning prayer
* opens the gate of
Old Testamen
types were prophetic jewels.
Don't parley with wrong.
The fretting horse galls easily.
There is no civil service bar to salva
Forgiveness is Love giving birth tc
Blind men can walk over gold , anc
not know it. '
A rainy Sunday prevents many a
nap in church.
The day opened with prayer will
close with praise.
Garments for church wear usually
have small pockets.
Habits are strong as hell , but Christ
is uwglity as heaven.
Regret is the compound interest we
have to pay on hate.
Mercy was not born until Justice
girded on its sword.
The list of man's failings is the dev
il's choicest reading.
That man is wise who makes a wise
use of his knowledge.
One fact is Avorth more than a thou
sand improved theories.
The place where we love to be de
cides what we wish to be.
Walking on the stilts of pride soon
leads to a fall from grace.
If God knows when you are in trou
ble , lie knows when to help.
Close your eyes to truth , and you
tumble into the ditch of error.
Mourning over present troubles
makes us forget past blessings.
Burning incense on the altar of sec-
xiriaiiism is not worshiping God.
The preacher who conceals Bible
truth to please men offends God.
Some people lose all interest in good
work as soon as the bills come in.
A common task may become a holy
service by doing it to please Goc ! .
Some losses are true gain : the gold
gains in value what It loses in dross.
Men are willing to pay a high price
for damnation when salvation is free.
The shuttle of Providence weaves
many a bright thread in the web of
Ignorance loves to wear borrowed
garments , and go out riding with wis-
It is the heart-strings of earth that
ofteuest point our petition heaven
Those who are always looking for
favors are not the most willing to give
Professing Christians more often
consult weather bulletins Mian the di
vine oracles.
Some people are so anxious about
their neighbor's religion that they ne
glect their own.
If you are a fisher of men yoi will
have to toil all night , but Christ will
appear in the -morning.
The pulpit that would preach heav
enly ethics without a kuowioxlfe of
earthly economics is poorly
the -work.
Ho wore the natty -ostumo of a rnujrh
rider and was tall and good looking enouirh
to be a hero. [ Jo had vhispered to some
, , - fc of the jrirls at the
picnic that he was
/ by the side of "Ted-
I dy" Roosevelt when
\ the Spanish marks-
i men began to pepper
Jav.-ay with fatal ef
fect from the impen
etrable underbrush
at El Caney. He had
all the gingerbread
h ? could cat in six
weeks and the girls
just couldn't do
enough fo r him.
" There was one light
haired iniss. though , who didn't seem bat
isfied with the identity oi the soldier an <
she attacked him with idl the savagery o :
n Spanish guerrilla.
"Now , how does it corne that yonr stii
isn't worn any ? " was her first shot.
* 'Oh , that's easy to explain , " responded
the youth. "My old clothes were such i
sight when I got back to camp they mud <
me put on new ones. They were afraid ]
would dis-jrrace them. "
"Well , what troop did you belong to ir
that fur ; tway country' : "
"Troop D. Could have been corporal ii
I wanted , but would rather light iu the
anks. you know. "
The other girlo were setting restless , be
cause their idol was being impeached , and
looked indignant at the quixzer.
"Oh , 'troop D , ' was it' : " came the retort ,
"Now , you just run away from here as
fa t as you can. My Jack was in that
.vmpaiiy and he wrote me that all the boys
had their mustaches shaved off before the
battle and you've got one a mile long. "
And the would-be veteran abandoned
gingerbread and girls and went in seaich
jf other hero worshipers two miles uway.
When a soldier enters the detention hos
pital all of his clothes are burned. One
man who had been furloughed asked fo *
his clothing and $12 that he had left in
tris shirt pocket. It was all of his funds ,
ind he relied ou it to pay his fare home.
tie was told that his clothing had beer :
burned and the $12 also , as no one had
thought to look in the little pocket. At
Ibis news the weak and miserable fellow
jollapsed , and it was necessary to auaiu
jut him on his cot. lie was lyinc semi
conscious , overcome with disappointment
uid the hopelessness of his position , when
i nurse went to his bedside. "It was all
i mistake about your money being burn-
? d. " she said , "and here it is. " With that
she handed him $12. The poor fellow
: ould not at first realize his good fortune ,
out finally he smiled and then fell asleep.
The nurse was Miss Harriet E. Hawley ,
daughter of Gen. Hawley of Washington ,
who cast her lot in the detention hospital
when help was greatly needed there. The
{ 512 was really burned , and Miss Hawley
'old a fib , for which she will no doubt be
forgiven. She had collected the money
from doctors and nurses , subscribing the
most herself.
Some of the volunteer soldiers who were
put under the command of regular army
jfiicers soon after the beginning of the war
[ omul it a little hard to learn all the lingo
of the camps. An officer sent a. young
volunteer orderly to requisition at the
quartermaster's stores some tentage , and ,
when he returned , questioned him : "Or-
ilerly ? " "Yes. sir. " "Did you get the
tents I ordered ? " "Yes. sir. " "Did you
; et the wall-tents ? " "Yes , sir. " "And
: he A tents ? " "Yes. sir. " "And the dog-
tents ? " "Yes. sir. " "And the flies for
the wall-tents ? " "Flies , sir ? No , sir ! "
"What ? Now , why didn't you get the
( lies ? " The soldier saluted respectfully ;
.it any rate , he combined a salute and a
motion which brushed away a cloud of
flies from in front of his nose. "Camp is
full of them , sir ! " he answered.
One of Admiral Sampson's married
daughters , the wife of Lieut. Roy Smith ,
lives in Norwich , and has a small Ameri
can , of her own at the public schools. The
first time they sang the "Star-Spangled
Banner" in his room the patriotic young
ster rose to his feet , and there he stood
reverently and resolutely till the song was
iver. That's the naval rule , to stand un
covered when the great national anthem is
< ung or played. With a naval father and
grandfather he followed the laws of the
service. It was rather an unusual pro
ceeding , and his playmates undertook to
? uy the little patriot about it , but he stood
lis ground like a hero. The incident reach-
? d the ears of the local school board , and
: lie order at once went out that all schol-
irs of Norwich must stand while the na-
: icnal hymn is sun jr.
A recruit had just joined his regiment in
Santiago , and. meeting an old chum who
lad gone over with the first expedition ,
le asked him if Cuba was as bad as they
nade it out to be in the United States.
'No , not at all. " his chum replied. "The
'act of the matter is. there's a lot of young
'ellows come over here that don't take
) roper care of themselves ; they eat and
hey drink , and they sleep and they die ,
ind" then they write home and tell their
Tiends it's the climate that's killed them ! "
Recently a newspaper reporter who
vished to interview an officer at Caaip AI-
: er found that his man was in bed and
ioundly sleeping. "Is there no way of
retting at him ? " he asked. "No , " replied
he humorous sentinel : "he is now a re-
irud officer. " "Smart , ain't you ? " said
he reporter. "No. " answered the senti-
icl : "Smart's oil the retired list , too. 1
.in Brown. "
Telegraphic Brevities.
It is reported that Queen Victoria
vislies to abdicate , being much depressed
, y recent events.
A mountain lion , the skin of which
neasured nearly ten feet in length , was
: illed near Emporia. Ivan.
Concerning the return of Matafa to
kiinoa. the United States will insist that
he Samoans elect their own king.
H. K. Thurber , the millionaire grocer
f New York City , has presented Roswell ,
s. M. , with-120 acres of land for a public
Awarded Annually in Paria for Curl
oils Kcusona.
The city of Paris each year distril
tutes a number of prizes , consisting c
sums of money derived from funds b <
queathed by certain charitable person
'for special objects. There are prize
for the father of the most numerou
family in a given arrondissement ; sum
to be bestowed ou promising young an
ists unsupplied witii funds to prosecut
their studies , and so forth. Auothe
prize has been added to this list. It i
for the best instance of a wife's hell
ing her husband by work. The founde
is a M. Achille Couronne. formerl ;
chief in the Bureau of tlie Ministry o
Agriculture , whose hard-working wif
was of immense help in his career. Th
sum bequeathed returns a yearly in
come of over 0,000 francs. The condi
tions necessary for competition are : T
be Parisian by birth , and to have beei
married ten years to a husband em
ployed in a state bureau , and earninj
not more than 3.500 francs a year.
There were 100 applicants for th <
prize , and , as may be imagined , soim
little difficulty was experienced in as
signing it. Finally , however , the vote
of the committee fell to a Mme. Clerge
rie , who , though the mother of five chil
dren , has never ceased to contribute t <
the family funds by working as a flor
ist. Legacies of the above character
however good their intent , do not al
ways have the result anticipated b :
the testator , a case in point being th <
Goncourt will , which has done nothinj
up to the present time but give rise t <
fights and dissension. After a seriei
of legal battles the executors of th <
will and the three nearest relatives o :
the deceased man of letters have set
tied their differences out of court. Tin
net result is that the relatives get 400 ,
000 francs and the academy 1,000,00 (
francs. Galagnani's Messenger.
IVinter Health Hints.
Healthful exercise taken in inodera
tion , as walking , riding , wheeling 01
gymnastics , is a useful means of hold
ing in check the tendency to catarrh.
It is always advisable that childrcr.
of marked catarrhal tendencies should
wear woolen underclothing varying it
thickness with the change of the sea
In regard to the treatment of colds ,
prevention rather than cure should be
the motto. Bathing in cold water is
Dften beneficial in preventing colds , or ,
to speak more accurately , in rendering
the body sufficiently hardy to with
stand the effects of a chill , but in this
practice discretion must be observed.
Whether a common cold is contagious
) r not is a matter of opinion. Dr. S.
Westray Battle thinks that the point
s not clear , while Dr. Foxwell says
: hat acute cata.rrhs . are probably mu-
; ually contagious , and that pueurno-
lia and coryza are generally recognized
is being capable of reproducing thein-
> elves in fresh subjects.
Because in a healthy subject a cold
jets well , it does not follow that all
: olds will take that course , and every-
: hiug should be done to prevent such
ittacks , and cut short probable compil
ations. If a cold habitually flies to
: he chest it may be taken for granted
hat ithere is an inherent weakness of
he lungs , and the parents of children
vith such a predisposition should take
teps to eradicate as far as possible the
endeucy , else the complaint may be-
: ome chronic , or tuberculous infection
nay result.
Tulare JLake Dries Up.
Tula re Lake has passed out of exist
nee. Where once there was a body
if water in central southern California
Qore than 1,000 square miles in area
here is HOAV only a barren desert ol
nud , drying and cracking in the heat
f the desert sunshine. For years this
ike has been kuowu as the largest
ody of fresh water west of the Rocky
fountains. It was over eighty miles
) ng and about thirty-five miles across
t the widest point. Its depth was never
cry great. From 1S34 to 1872 the wa-
3rs of the lake changed very little in
rea. It was about these years that
Tigation was started in the valley
round Yisalia and Bakersfield , and
ic shrinkage became very rapid. The
ling's River and Tulare River were
ipped in several places , and the water
lat would have gone into Tulare Lake
as spread out over the dry pastures
nd cornfields. From 1872 to 1875 the
irinake was not marked. The south-
-n end of the lake contracted and took
le form of a creek. It narrowed until
was not more than a mile wide , and
ad drawn up from the southern end
t least fifteen miles. Between 1875
ad 1880 , when vineyards began to be
lanted , the waters shrunk up almost
> the borders of Tulare County. In
382 they crossed it and left Kern
ounty altogether. Boston Transcript.
Shawl Fit for an Empress.
One of the most wonderful shawls in
dstenee is a v\-oolen wrap presented
; a wedding gift to the empress of Rus-
a by the women of Orenburg , a town
the southeastern part of the empire ,
'hen spread out it is ten yards square ,
at is so exquisitely fine that it may
) passed through a finger ring , and
hen folded makes a parcel a few
dies square. The shawl reached the
npress in a wooden chest , with silver
cks and hinges , the outside embellish-
l with designs of spears , turbans ,
hips. etc. . in a ground of blue enamel ,
is being the color of the Cossack uni-
rm. On the inside of the box is a
acefully worded inscription , begging
e empress to accept the gift from
icr faithful and devoted subjects. "
Feed Themselves to Crocodiles.
A favorite mode of suicide among the
L'rdean tribes who dwell near Lake
vassa is for a native to wade into
e lake and calmly wait for a crocodile
open its mouth and swallow him.
The future is what we hoped the past
ijjht be , but isn't.
Uimetallic Theory.
The aim and purpose of all activity
is an exchange ( > f the products of in
dustry , and money is a means for pros
ecuting these industries and exchang
ing their products.
Apart from its employment for these
purposes , money has no economic valuq
whatever. It cannot directly gratify ai
single human want. For monetary use ,
silver has an equal rank with gold , foe
in accomplishing the objects for which ,
money was instituted , money made ofi
silver is in every respect as suitable !
and efficient aa ngc-ut as money made
of gold.
When there is an equal use of both
metals , if a person depositing at the
mint sixteen pounds of silver receives
in return for it the same number of le
gal tender dollars that he would have
received if he had deposited one pound
of gold , then sixteen pounds of silver
would be of the same value as one
pound of gold. \j
The Government simply gives back ]
to the depositor the coins struck from
the metal received from him. It no
more buys\the metal than does the
miller buy the wheat when he gives
back to his customer the Hour made
from it.
Price is the sum of money given
exchange for a commodity , but money
has no price , for people do not buy and
sell money , and when the mints are
open to the free and unrestricted coin
age of both metals neither of them has
a commodity value except when used
in the arts , and in that case they com
mand the same sum of money they will
exchange for at the mint.
There is no market price for gold in
England , and there was no market
price for silver or'gold in France when
her mints were open to the unrestricted
coinage of both iwtaH.
The Government , in establishing lii-
rnetallism that is. in providing for the
equal use of both metals in its curn-nry
and giving the same power to both -
simply prescribes the proportionate
weight of the metals from which full
legal tender coins shall be struck , and
this is the ratio upon which the nmtal.s
[ ire coined into monetary units.
If the ratio is 1 to 10 , it is in effect
saying that the same number of units
Df dollars shall be struck from sixteeq ,
Minces of silver , as from one ounce ofi
; olcl. Henry G. Miller.
Value in Monetary .La v.
1 have just read the most admirablb
irticle of Mr. Grier on the "Valu
Money , " or the use of "value" in n
tary laws.
T his is a question demanding inn t
lareful statement. It is concerning the
"ffect that is given to law that affects
he prospects and use of money.
Judging by the failure of executive
> ewer to give effect to the law of 1SD3
mder the title of "t.he repeal bill , " Mr.
Jrier is right in saying : "Our silver
lollars are not a full legal tender , as
hey are all tainted by the exception
hrase in our statute law and discarded
y official decisions. ' "
The character of these decisions un-
ler the law of 189:5 : is wholly negative ,
0 far as I have seen rhat is , the ques-
ion of the use or value of silver dollars
mder that law has not been openly de-
erniined. There is no formal decision
or or against silver dollars under that
iw , yet it very plainly makes our
taudard silver dollars legal tender foe
11 debts.
So our standard for payments is news
s it was up to 1874 our standard coins ,
rhile up to 1S34 our standard of coins
or payment was supplemental to our
roportional value for the pure metals
1 payments ; that is , the metals were
gal for use in payments in definite
roportion or ratio.
The definite use was a very powerful
id to business men in every part of the
orld , as every man was inside as to
ic custom banks would have a * to
exceptions , " etc.
Mr. Grier has by no means exhausted
is subject. To make the use of " r-
E > " still more evident , it could be poinr-
1 out that Congress has power to regu-
ite the "value" of foreign coins. Of
) urse. this means their use for pay-
ents under our law , and , of course ,
ongress would recognize that to "e -
tblish justice" is to coin , to cause to
a-ve for payment , to have that which
ould pay the price or measure the
, * alue" and to regulate the same so
) inequitable rise nor fall of price
mid come because of the action ot
ongress. J. P. Diekson.
He Wanted Them Free.
' "Why. " asked the prospective tenant ,
s your price so high on a building of
ich small dimensions ? "
"It's because of the ground rents. "
plied the real estate agent. "They
e something awful in this vicinity. '
"Well , that settles it. " said the other ,
don't propose to pay for any ground
nts. We have earthquakes where I
.me from and get all the ground rents
e want free. "
L.ast Call.
He This is the last time I will evec
k you to marry me.
She Do you swear it. Itudolph ?
[ le I swear it
by all I hold mosc
She Then I accept. Nashville Amer-
In 1S95 a beggar who died in Aux-
re. France , was found to have 1,000-
0 francs in bonds in a trunk and in
s cellar 400 bottles of wine of the
ntage of 1790.
Don't think love's young dream
udle the kitchen fire on a cold