Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, November 10, 1898, Image 11

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    Every cough makes
your throat more raw
and irritable. Evtiy
cough congests the lining
membrane of your lungs.
Cease tearing your throat
and lungs in Vhis way.
Put the parts at rest and
give them a chance to
heal. You will need some
help to do this , and you
will find it in
From the first dose the
quiet and rest begin : the
tickling in the throst
ceases ; the spasm weak
ens ; the cough disap
pears. Do not wait for
pneumonia and con
sumption but cut short
your cold without delay.
Dr. Ayer's Cherry Pec
toral Plaster should tie
over ilie lungs of every per-
sea troubled witli a cougli.
Write to ibe Doctor.
Unusual opportunities and long PT-
porlonco cmincnt'T qualify in lor
riving yon medical ad > ice. Write
freely all ilio particulars Iu your case.
ToU us what vour experience has
been witn our Chcrrrrcctor.il. You
Mil receive a prompt reply , without
cosL Address , DR. J. C. ATER.
Ixmcll , Mass.
celebrated for more
than a century as a q
delicious , nutritious , * 2
and flesh-forming S
beverage , has our
well-known 5v
Yellow Label <
on the front of every
package , and our
Chocolatiere"or. the
back. *
Dorchester , Mass. \
Send Five One = Cent P. O.
Stamps = Contains :
- - . Don't Quarrel Avith Your Swcel
lieart. Pretty. SmilhiK KHa. You'll Have t
Ask Tapa. ( in the Banks of the AVabasli , Fa
Away. The Mother of the ( Jirl I Love. M
( Jal'sa Jlitth-born Lady. Iy Coal-Black Ladj
Mamie Reiltv. Your Key Don't Fit This Loc
; S"o More. 1'Love Them Botli the Same. Man
my's Little Ansel Boy. My Pretty Little Louli
Txnila. Lou. ISliss Brown's Jn Town. Kiss an '
Say Good Xifihr. Sweet Katie Dear. Ohio-h'u
When the Girl that You Love Says Yes fcomplet
words and music > . What Broadway Says , Gee :
Some Dav Perliaps You'll Know. My Blac
Venus , ilonto Carlo Girls.Vo Are Read ]
ItemenVber M e to All the Folks at Home. .
< 'hilly Coon. Onlv a Tear-Stained Message.
Am Only a Poor \Vorkim ; Girl ( music ) . Tw
,1 . JtHe , Uluo , _ . . Little J- , Shoes. Vk _ . Don't _ . 1. Know It. . V , * ! Don . _ _ m
Care. Captain of the Hand. Brush By , Nigge :
r Brush By. Ask Her to Forgive I\Io ( music
Hattie , the Idol of the Day. Polly , I Love Bi
You.Vhisppr Your Mother's Name. M
Honey Tx > u. Dead Among Strangers , " \\lie
the Girl That You IMVC Says Yes.
Also you will rm ive catalogues of the late ;
sheet music and eng books at cut rates. Ac
ares ! , P.P. DEAN Sheet Music Store ,
Sioux Cltv , IOWE
OlTCf reiief in FITB minutes. Sender
or a FKEEtriul package. Sold by
3ructrlst . Ono uoi cent postpaid
sc receipt of $1.00. Eliboict $3.00.
address TH03. FOPHAM. P1I1LA. , PA.
I crown. Goodwa cspai
F weekly. Farm Seeds ( sel
by sample on sipbt ) , 'Minnesota Tree'
Planis , Flowers , etc. Good salesmen make
o MONEY. For particulars write atonct
Too Slow for Any Use.
Ella Isn't Charley Smudgkins a sini
pleton ?
Etta How , pray ?
Ella/nio other evening when he wa
kissing me I told him to stop and h
did. Roxbury Gazette.
St. Jacobs Oil cures Rheumatism.
St. Jacobs Oil " Neuralgia.
St. Jacoba Oil " Lumbago.
St. Jacobs Oil " Sciatica.
St. Jacobs Oil " Sprains.
St. Jacobs Oil " I'rniscs.
St. Jacobs Oil Soreness.
St. Jacobs Oil Stiffness.
St. Jacob ? Oil Uackache.
St. Jacobs Oil " Muscular Aches.
Tulip is derived from the Persia !
word "d'lilhaud , " meaning turban
Uusbeck. a German traveler , brough
the first bulb to Europe in the sisteentl
J " Spiirgcon ami tnc Scold.
While Spurgoon was still 21 boy
preacher he v.-as warned about a cer
tain virago and told that she intended
lo give him a tongue lashing. "All
right , " he replied , "but that's a game
at which two can play. " Not long af
ter , as ho passed he gate one morning ,
she assailed him with a Hood of bil
lingsgate. He smiled and said : "Yes ,
thank yon , I am quite well. I hope you
are the same. " Then came another
burst of vituperation , pitched in a still
higher key , to which lie replied , still
smiling : "Yes , it does look rather as if
it is going to rain. I think I had better.
be getting on. "
"Bless the man ! " she exclaimed ,
"lie's as deaf as a post ! What's the
use of storming at him ? "
California Has the BiffRost Bird.
The South American condor is no
longer the king of flying birds. The
rare California vulture , which is now
only to be found iu the Cocopah moun
tains , holds the honor. It stands about
four feet high , though it is neither as
weighty nor as strong as many birds of
smaller size. It has much tiic same ap
pearance as the turkey buzzard. Years
ago the California buzzard was quite
plentiful , but poisoned meat intended
for animals led to their extinction. It
is for this reason that the eggs of this
bird are now more valuable than those
of the great auk. There are fifteen per
fect specimens of the latter known ,
while only two eggs of the California
vulture are preserved.
Jlarest Bird in Insistence.
The horned screamer , the rarest spe
cies of bird now extant , and one which
is almost extinct , has his home iu the
jungles of South America. The bird ,
which feeds on the leaves and seeds of
aquatic plants , inhabits swamps , is of
a blackish-brown color , nearly as large
as a turkey , and has somewhat the ap
pearance of a galinaccous bird. The
only one now in captivity is that be
longing to the aviary of the Philadel
phia Zoological Gardens.
Kansas Has : i Feminine Hobson.
If it ever becomes necessary to sink
another Merrimac Kansas stands ready
to furnish a heroine who is equal to
the job. Mrs. Corwiu- Moore , who lives
near Manchester , slid down a rope to
the bottom of her well and rescued a
little pig that had fallen in. On reach
ing the bottom she put the pig in the
bucket , climbed back hand over hand
on the rope to the surface , and then
drew the pig out in safety. Kansas
City Journal.
From the Ereiting L'rescent , AppMon , Wif.
A remarkable euro from a disease which
has generally wrecked the lives of chil
dren has attracted much attention among
the residents ot" Appleton.
The case is that of little "Willard Creech ,
SOD of Richard D. Creech , a well known
employe of ono of the larjrcj paper mills in
the Fox Kiver Valley. The lad Avas at
tacked by spinal disease and his parents
had given , up all hope of his over beini ;
well again when , as by a miracle , ho was
healed and is uo\v in school as happy as
any of his mates
Mr. Creech , the father of the boy. who
rv-sidps at 10G2 Second .street , Applcton ,
Wisconsin , told the following story :
He Goes to School.
"Our Iwy Avas absolutely helpless. 115 :
lower limbs were paralyzed , and when vn
used electricity ho could not feel it be
low his hips. Finally we let the docto :
go. as ho did not seem to help our son
and we nearly gave ; up hope. My mother
who lives in Canada , wrote advising tin
use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pali
People , and I bought some.
"This was when our boy had boon 01
the stretcher for an entire year and help
less for nine months. Jn six weeks afte
takingthopillswenoted improvement , am
in four months he was able to go to school
"It is t\vo years since he took the firs
of the pills , and ho is at school now jus
as happy and well as any of flip othe
children * It was nothing else in tin
world lhat saved the boy than Dr. Wil
Hams' Pink Pills for Pale People. "
fconiethliijr Out of Tt.
"Hello , there , " t.aid . the banker , as hi
entered his ofliee ami found a burgla
resting in his easy chair. "What d <
' "
you want' :
"The name of the maker of you :
safe , " replied the crook. "I've tried al
uight to break it , but it beats me. :
though t I might be able to sell a re
commendation to the makers and re
alize something on my seven hours
work.Philadepbia North American
$1OO Reward , $ IOO.
The readers of this paper will be pleased f
learn that there is at least ono dreaded diseas
that science has been able to cure in all it
stages , and that Is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cur
is the only positive cure now known to the met !
leal fraternity. Catarrh being a constitution : !
disease , requires a constitutional treatmenl
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally , actiiij
directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces n
the system , thereby destroying the foundatioi
of the disease , and giving the patient stren tl
by building up the constitution and assistiu ,
nature in doing its work , The proprietors hav
so much faith iu its curative powers that the
offe'rOue Hundred Dollars for any case that i
fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials.
Address. F. J. CHKN'KY & CO. . Toledo , O.
by Druggists , T.'vc.
By the streets of "by and by , " one ar
rives at the house of never. Cervantes
Sirs. TVliislow'H SOOTHING BTUUP lor Chlldrer
certluug : sotteus the K'utns , reduces inflammation
allays pain , curen wind colic. 2S cents a bottle.
If it was a moccasin snake no won
dcr Eve put her foot in it
WANTED. Coseorbad health that IVI-P-A-
not benefit. Send 5 centa to Rlpans Chemical Co.
New York , for 10 samples and 1.000 testimonials.
If a man is ignorant he soon publishei
the fact.
If yon strike a thorn or rose , | \
Keep a-goin' !
If it hails , or if it snows ,
Keep a-goin' !
'Tain't no use to sit an'vhine
When the fish ain't on your line ;
Bait your hook an' keep a-tryin'
Keep a-goin' !
When the weather kills your crop ,
Keep a-goin' !
When you tumble from the top ,
Keep a-goin' !
S'pose you're out o' every dime ,
Gittin' broke ain't any crime ;
Tell the world you're fcelin' fine-
Keep a-goin' !
When it looks like all is up ,
Keep a-goiii' !
Drain the sweetness from the cup
Keep a-goin' !
Sec the wild birds on the wing.
Hear the bells that swcetU ring ,
When you feel like sighin' sing-
Keep a-goiu' !
-Frank L. Stanton.
YOU thin
r S ihe'll take
badly , Nora ? ' '
Nora Helm ;
1 o y shrugge
her shoulders.
"My dear Be
ty. you ought t
k u o w in o r
about Mi
Markham's powers of endu :
'tR'Z I. "
-But what do you think he'
do ? What do you sui
"Why waste our time in sui
position ? Ho'il be here most likel
this afternoon , and you will be able i
judge for yourself. "
Betty Oakhurst sprang to her feet.
"Ted is coming here this afternoon
\Vliy on earth didn't you tell me b <
fore ? " And she fidgeted nervously wit
her hat before the glass as she spoki
"But you knew. Betty , where ai
you going ? "
"Anywhere out of this , " cried tli
girl , laughing nervously as she stoopc
to kiss her friend.
Nora , however , caught her am
"Nonsense. Betty ! You'd much bettf
tell him straight out now and get
over. It will be ever so much inoi
awkward for you if the news reach *
him from outside. "
"I don't see that at all , " rclurnc
Betty quietly , as she drew away froi
her companion. "I am sure that if
She paused tentatively.
"You don't mean to say that you e :
pcct me to tell Ted Markham th :
you've jilted him ? "
"I certainly don't expect to put it i
that way. " replied Miss Oakhurst , wit
a little laugh ; "but I am quite certai
that you would explain it to the poc
fellow much better than tiny one else
"Explain ! " exclaimed Nora , imps
tiently. "I don't know that there's an ;
thing to explain , except that you'A
put yourself and me in a most ridici
Ions position. "
"Nora ! "
"I wish I'd never had anything to tl
with it. 1 never felt so uncomfortab
in my life as I have done since yo
dragged me into this precious schon
of yours. "
"Poor old Nora I" murmured Bett
sympathetically , while she cast furth
glances at the clock.
"You came here and shed any nun
ber of tears ; declared that you adore
Ted Markham ; that your fatlu
wouldn't hear of an engagement , In
that if you only had a little time b
tore you , you were sure everythin
would come right. "
"So it has , " remarked Betty sott
voce. "It's only a question of poii
of view. "
Nora Hashed an indignant look ;
"I think you might be serious nov
and at least pretend that you're ashan
ed of yourself. You begged me to he !
you to get my aunt to ask him her
to act as screen in fact , so that yoi
people might imagine it was all ov <
and that you had both changed yoi
minds , and now now "
The sound of a bell broke in upo
Miss Ilelmsley's eloquence , and Bctt
caught up her gloves.
"I'm awfully sorry , Nora. Abuse n
as much as you like. Good-by. "
And before Nora could stop her si
had darted through the door , and w.r
on her way downstairs. She let h (
go. After all , it never was 01 any its
to argue with Betty ; she was one (
those delightfully irresponsible ere !
tures who always manage to shift tl
blame of their shortcomings on to otlu
people's shoulders , and whom no one-
no man , at any rate ever dreams c
judging by ordinary standards. Nor
wondered , as she stood there idly lool
ing into the street , how she could ev <
have been foolish enough to take Be
ty's love troubles seriously.
Nora sighed as she stood at the wii
dow. It was a topsy-turvy world , an
the wrong people were always bein
thrown together. If only
"Am I disturbing you ? I was tel
to come in here. "
Nora started , and the color rushc
to her face.
"Oh , I hadn't heard you come ii
Do sit down. Aunt isn't well. I : use
so sorry you should have had th
trouble of calling for nothing , but si :
hoped to be able to go until the la :
moment. Won't you let me give yo
some tea ? " She spoke with nervoi
hurry , scarcely pausing for an answe
Ted Markham took the chair she o
fered him , and listened iu silence whii
she rattled on. Suddenly she stoppei
conscious of his iixed glance.
"Is anything the matter ? " she asl
ed , iu a slightly alarmed voice. 1
was surely not possible that he coul
already have learned Betty'n treacl
"Yes. We can't go on like this , Mis :
nelmsley ! "
"No ! " Nora felt the color go out o :
her face.
"It isn't fair to you , and besides I-
things have changed f >
"You mean that Betty "
"Miss Oakhurst is going to be mar
ried. " Nora gasped , but did not speak
"She is engaged to Lord Barthope.
met Lady Oakhurst just now , and sh <
was overflowing with loving-kindnes ;
to the world in general. "
"Betty has behaved abominably ! " pu
in Nora , indignantly.
Ted Markham smiled.
"I think , on the contrary , that sh ;
has shown remarkably good sense ,
am going to leave London I really
came this afternoon to say good-by. "
Nora bit her lips.
"I am sorry , " she began , hesitatingly
"I am afraid I was rather to blame
but I thought Betty really cared
and "
She left the sentence unfinished. Tei
Markham's demeanor puzzled her ; IK
was quite white , and there was a lool
in his eyes which troubled her. Wha
was there in her Huffy-haired blue-eye t
little friend to move a man so ? Tlui
her companion had taken some grea
resolution , and that a singularly ditli
cult one , it was easy enough to per
"Are you going to be away long ? '
she asked awkwardly. "I mean , an
you going far ? "
"I think of going to have a look a
the antipodes. My father has some in
tere.st. and I hope to get sent off to Mel
bourne. "
"But haven't yon made up your mint
rather hurriedly ? " she objected timid
"Hurriedly ? Why , 1 put things ii
train weeks ago ! "
"Weeks ago ! " she exclaimed. "Bu
Betty's engagement is quite fresh. Di (
yon suspect "
" [ suspected nothing. I knew "
"Von knew ! " she exclaimed indig
nantly. "Then why didn't you speak
"Why didn't you tell me ? "
"Tell you ! " She stared at him , hi :
tone Avas so vehement. "Oh , abou
Betty , you mean ! "
"Of course. What else could I mean ? '
"Nothing , of course "
"Iteally , I don't understand you. "
He laughed drearily as he rose. "Nu
I must not explain. Good-by. "
She looked up at him with startlei
"You are too liard on Betty. She '
"On Betty ? Don't you know that
haven't thought of her for weeks tha
I found out long ago that we had mad
a mistake ? "
"Then , why are you going ? "
Sue managed to keep her eyes upoi
his face , though her cheeks burned aiu
she felt almost choked.
"Don't you know that I am almost :
pauper ? " he said bitterly , as he turnei
Nora took a step after him. "Ar
you troing , " Mie asked in a tremblin ;
voice , "because you want to make you
fortune , or because because I am to
rich ? "
"Nora ! "
She covered her face with her hand. '
"Oh , if you were not in love wit !
Betty , didn't you see didn't you gues
weeks ago "
The voices of the chaperons wer
loud in condemnation when the en
gageinent was announced , and th
mothers of younger sous and ungil
titles declared that Lady Ilewitt hai
allowed her niece to throw hersel
away ; while Betty Oakhurst shook he
pretty head and reflected sadly tha
men were fickle creatures and tha
feminine friendship was but a broke ;
reed. London World.
The Itcal Author of " Dixie. "
Neill Bryant and Colonel John F. Kil
kouney of the Louisville and Nashvill
Kailroad had been friends ever sine
their early boyhood , and whenever the ;
meet the reminiscences that are callei
up are replete with the flavor of th
high-rolling days when Neill was a sta
member of the celebrated Bryant com
biuation , so many years America's mos
popular minstrels.
"It makes me tired , very tired , " sail
Mr. Bryant , "to read all this stuff ii
the papers about Will S. Hayes bein ;
the author of 'Dixie , ' when everybod ;
except the most besotted ignoramus i ]
the land knows that my old colleague
Dan Emmett , wrote it , and was th
first man to sing it when he was per
forming with Bryant's minstrels. Dai
Emmett is alive yet , out in an Ohl
town , though the old boy has loni
since retired from the stage. It is ;
stupid thing to try to put the author
ship of the stirring confederate battl
song on Hayes or anybody else , wliei
these are scores of people living wh <
can substantiate the statement I hav
made as to the real author. " Washing
ton Post.
Caujjbt in a Box.
"Why is it , " he asked "that beauti
fnl women are always the most stu
pid ? "
"Sir , " she replied , "am I to under
stand that you dysire to cast reflec
tions upon my mental capacity ? "
"Oh , no , " he hurriedly returned ; "
have always said that you were one o
the brightest girls I ever "
But. he didn't finish. Before he coult
do so he realized that ho had said tin
wrong thing and could never make i
How Cactus Whisky Is Made.
The Apaches of southern Arizon :
make whisky from the sap of a smal
species of cactus. They cut out thi
hearts of the plants , resembling littli
cabbages , and in the cup-shaped recep
tacles left behind the sap accumulates
From this sap they distil the famoui
mescal , which drives those who drink i
to sheer madness.
Nothing makes a man quite so iua <
as to offer to help his wife , and tliei
be told that shn can get along bette
i without him.
Not the Only Dumpling.
There are 3f224-104 ummrried women
in the United States , so when she turns
you down , young man. you needn't hes
itate for one brief moment in telling
her that she is not the ouiy plump
dumpling in the pot. Denver Post.
Activity oT Vesnvitm.
Much anxiety has been pau ; ol in Naples
ly the renewed activity of Mouut Vi sn
rins. There is little likelihood that it wilde
do any serious damage. On the other hand
thousands die daily from stomach disor
ders , who miuht have survived had tiu- :
resorted to Ilosletter's Stomach Bitters
It is the greatest tonic known for stouiacl
and digestive organs.
The most cub.ly tomb in existence ii
that which was erected to the memor :
of Mohammed. The diamonds and ru
bies used in the decorations are wortl
§ 10,000,000.
Arc You Goiiij ; to Ploruln ?
T > o you \vmt : maps , rates , routes , tinv
. aid or other information ? If so , add res.
II. W. Sparks , T. P. A. , W Clark bticet
Punctuality is the stern virtue of im-r
of business , and the graceful courte.-\
of priucrs. Bulwer.
Cold weather is just as apt to affec
' .he nerves as any other part of tin
joily , and neuralgia sets in. St. Jacob :
Dil is just as certain 10 cure it as i
: -ures the general pains and aches ot th
body. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The tAvo pens employed in signing tin
treaty of Amiens were sold in 1S2-3 l"o
? 2DOU. , _
Piso's Cure for Consumption has heei
n godsend to me. Win. B. McCIcIInn
Chester. Fin. . Sept. IT. 1S9. > .
Quarrels Avouid never last long if tin
fault was only on one side. llochefau
cauld. _ .
Mrs. Pinkham's Advice Inspires
Confidence and Hopo.
Examination by a male physician i :
a hard trial to a delicately organizec
She puts it oir as longas she dare
and is only driven to it by fear of can
ccr , polypus , or some dreadful ill.
Most frequently such a Avoman leaves
a physician's ofiicc
where she has un
dergone a critical
examination Avitr.
an impre.sbionmorc
or It s , of discour
This condi
tion of th (
mind ties troy ;
the effect o :
adA-ice ; anc
she groAV !
_ _ _ _ i AAorse rathei
than better. In consulting Mrs. Pink
ham no hesitation need be felt , th <
story is told to a woman and is AvholiA
confidential. Mrs. Pinkham's addres ;
is Lynn , Mass. , she offers sick womei
her advice Avithout charge.
Her intimate knOAA-ledge of Avomen' :
troubles makes her letter of advice :
wellspring of hope , and her wide experi
ence and skill point the Avay to health
" I suffered Avith ovarian trouble fo :
seven j'ears , and no doctor knew Avha
was the matter Avith me. I had spell :
which would last for tAvo days or more
I thought I AA'Ould try Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound. I huv <
taken seA-en. bottles ot it , and am en
tircly cured. " MRS. Jonx FOREMAN , 2' '
N. Woodberry Ave. , Baltimore , Md.
The above letter from Mrs. Forrmai
is only one of thousands.
If marriage is a mistake , it is at leas ;
one a man doesn't make ov rv day.
After Suffering
" 5 DROPS" received. It was lor an old frieni
had Neuralgia in his chest , suffering >
heart , and ho could not sleep on account of a
the most eminent physicians , but obtained no i
rested -well the Very first ni jht , and
years old , and commenced taking "o DROPS"
terribly for 49 years ; also for a weak heart , iron
" 5 DROPS" the Rheumatism has all dis
and my heart never misses a bent. In all my lif
" 5 DROPS. " I only wish I could sound my bus
and could convince every sufferer that " 5 DROP
Carver , Winslow , Stephenson Co. , 111. Sept. 9 , 1
solicited testimonial of what " 5 DROPS" had d
want to send you another , saying -\ve have no
tiszu since. I think the cure must be permit ;
the house and I know that would stop it. It is i
it. Yours truly , Mrs. D. T. Car\er. Sept. l'i" , IS
The wondorf til su rfss that has attended t
the history of the world. Think of it ! It has (
v.-ithin the last thre > years. This must appeal t
be mistaken. If suffering , we trust ' vou mav ha
of " 5 DUO PS" for 52.30 , which will'surely cure
tains enouch medicine to more than prove its
express. This wonderful curative gives alma
Rheumatism , Sciatica , iS'euralcia , D :
Catarrh , Sleeplessness , JMervousnee
Heart Weakness , Toothache , Karach
Numbness , Bronchitis and kindred d
fit J is thi- name a
_ paid by mail
us and our agents. Agents Appointed in
plensr siy ; you saw the advertisemeu
> n this payer.
Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good
m time. Sold by drujrjrlsts.
A crop of sprains and bniters * s
vested from outdoor sjiortv Tht tire la
the crop St. Jacobs Oil dHljj'iM ' * in as
the triumph of the season , lUe one that
beats the record.
Tlio highest inhabited plart * In tfco
worhl is the custom huuse of Anromar-
en. in Peru , it being lci. i feet abora
the sea.
Why is it that a weak tvoicaa pos
sesses abnormal strengt'- when U
comes to getting the l 'jt < > fi THUU ?
Catarrh Cured
Blood Purified by Hood's Sarsaparilla -
rilla and Health Is Good.
"I was a sufferer from catarrh. One of
my neighbors advised me to take Iiood'a
Sarsnparilhi and I did so. A few bottles
purified my blood nnd cured m > . I have
remained in good health over sla'v. ' * .IAS ,
T. ADKIXS , AthonsviHo. Il'iiH.is.
Hood's Sarsapariiia
Is America' * .r M * ' " < t M h-'ii < x 'M - x ' . ' $3.
HoOd'S Pills ' -ur--ui lav r
ife had Dimple * on lit r faceUllt
she bJ.s Iw-n t t.uu.r CA.sCAK'.Y ' a : u 'bey
hive : ail disappeared. I lisiti been troimleti
with conatlpat.on for some tine but after tak
ing thtllrst Caseuret I bav - h.id no trouble
\\itli this ai'ir' nt.Vic.mrioi ; -i * lee t.Ipk *
ly or 'asrarnt- > " KIBDW'I uv
5703 Germantovrn Avc. . Philadelphia. I'a.
Pleasant. Pnlatablc J'olcnt Ta'te no ! Do
Good. Never Sicken. Weaken , or t.nt , HI. . > . MJc.
tHrrlinc Reratdy torapanj. Chle > p > , Montreal. " Tori. ? li
Mfl Til Rflf1 Sold and pnar nt Ml bv a'.tlrug-
HU" 9 U"DAW cists to OX'HITooacco H.iblt.
About Ncbraslui Js 'Vv.V iv _
.V- .
And our monthly ) > .i | > T. tin"rnrn 'IT
1'olt , " should IIP n-nil 1 \ -\f r > farm-
renter who wants to bcrnnu' a tirm- ; 'IV
owner : by every farm-owner who is
tired of trying to inik < - uniiiej oil
hiuh-linced land ; by evry lather
who wants to jilvo his son -tart on
the highroad to Indepemlenre.
It is an interotinK. iirai-ti " llrnth-
fnl book. In -traiKhtforward. . * .iin-
) ) le fashion ittelN you e\er > tlunu ymi
need to know about Nebraska , its
eliinate , people , schools , rlntrrlit s.
railroad"inarlxet < - . \oil and rrops. It
explains why the Nebraska larnier
makes money in spite ol hard tnn " -
and low prices ; why land ii ehi-ap. 'IV
and how it is asoas\ for an intelligent
and industrious man to 1JUY : i N -
bra ka farm as it is to rent me in any
state east of the .Missouri ICiver.
AVi ite for a copy. Free.
Lata Prlnclp * ! ni jalner U A Pcailon Barcao.
3 vra. in iajt i r. lit "
harms ror sato. 52 per ncrc cjsh.hs.ts
" /t croo/Sntil paid. Mulhall.Siouj tit . .Jc
- " ' - . -"free.
DSTZTWTS''C ir"-1 'r crc/allrc- : : ' '
t A3 Ln ICo.amer&.Co.4Pft ) : . V\a-n' , L.C.
& BE FREE ! But send 25c ami wa
1 you a bottle of " 5 Drops. "
9 Years 69 Years Old and Still Well.
Icarborn St. , Chicago : DEAR SIB Your bottle of
Mr. AVm. Edwards , of MartinstownVis. . llf has
reat deal of pain , so much so that itafffrt > d his
aothered feeling. He had been under th 'woT
; f until I gave him a dose of " 51)RO1'S. " He
5 ever since , and is gaining daily. I myfolf am 69
it April for Rheumatism , which has troubled me
hich I have suffered since I was 18. Since taking
tpeared , the stiffness has gone from my joints
have never felt so well , and I owe my health to
if praise loud enough to be hoard the world over ,
is all you claim it'to be and more. Mrs. D. T.
> years ngo this present month I sent you an un-
j for myself and friend , Mr. Edwards , and now I
lad a return of Neuralgia or Rheuina-
it ; but if it should return. I kepp "SDKOI'V m
d for so many things no house should be w.'hou *
introduction of " 3 DROPS" is unprer < > der : ' "l to
[ JED more than One Million and a Quarter sufferer *
ou. One million and a quarter people cannot all
sufficient confidence to send for hree large bottles
u. If not , than send foraSl.OQbottlo , whirh con-
mdorful curative properties. Prepaid by mat ! or
instant relief and is a PERMANENT CCKK foe
> epsin , Backache * Asthma ) Hay Fever ,
Nervous and Ncuraljric Headaches ,
La Malaria Creeping
Croup ) Grippe ) ,
dose. LARGE HOTTI/H (300 doses ) , 11.CO , pr -
; xpress ; THREE BOTTLES. S2. & ; . Sold only by
; w Territory. U rite to-day.
> . , 167 Dearborn St. , Chicago , III.
fHERE. "
UB UIK e for unnatural
ducharpeg. iL2amaiat onit
irritations or ulceration *
of muconi membranes.
Painless and not astrin-
. Sent or poieonoua.
Sold by Drapg-Ut * ,
ornt in plain wrapper ,
by ezpresi. prepaid , for
Circular scut on'
MENTION THIS PA IT. ! ' , wr.xs m. T j Tirnusc. ;