p I n Li m K v iV - vi T T I r h FT LIVE STO i c -- I BX Z a If CHIOACO ILL hhli ftMMWMl SIOUX CITY IA 612803 825689 wiifelV 1594038 ST JOSEPH MO 2F fJSMVr - A iT fPKRmeAAlfllill POHr Ssa a wvoSfIWIWI 111 18 57 wimArr nvnv rsectrrrt eirr t rifie OTcn rATTi P onnn w5fcK - - fc X fl CAPACITY 17500 I0 0OO 000 1 - - - - - rAILY CAPACITY USYADS SL5QOO iSOOO 20O0O s aaiLiw rvjvtwiil i WOOD BROTHEKS LIVE 8T0GK AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS SOUTH OMAHA AMD CHiCACO Walter Wood Cattle Salesman Henry C Lefler Hog Salesman WE FURNISH MARKET REPORTS FREE OF EXPENSE Write to us Write to u MALLORY INCORPORATED MMERMAN GO ESTABLISHED 1862 SO ST PAUL MINN LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS ROOMS 130 132 AND 134 y V KtV EXCHANGE BUILDING SOUTH OMAHA NEBRASKA JOHN L CARSON Financial Manager D B OLNEY Cattle- Salesman J M COOK Hog Salesman 1 A JicINTYKK Hog Salesman C A CALDWELL Cashier COX JO i r W COX LIVESTOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS SOUTH OMAHA NEBRASKA Itoom 108 Exchange KIdK References PACKERS NATIONA L tTWION STOCK YAEDS w NATIONAL BAKE f1 BANK Telphone 141 We have a large clientage among Nebraska Feerte a and can always beat Omaha prices to Ranch customers IF NOTIFIED BEFORE SHIPMENT Flato Commission Company LIVE STOCK SALESMEN AND BROKERS Capital 10000000 Salesmen i 3 Directors V W Flato Jr Pn idont Ed IT Keid SaIesmeii Paul Flato Vice President mi o hokn J C Daiilman Secretary E W Caiiow Hog Salesma John D Seitz Hugh Hitchcock Sheep Ed H Ried Joiin Clary Cashier SOUTH OMAHA NEBRASKA Correspondents DRUM FL ATO COMMISSION COMPANY Capital 50uuuuuu CHICAGO KANSAS CITY ST LOUIS A Few Facts For Cattle Dealers It has Iseexirepcatedly demonstrated in the paxt that SIOUX CITY IA Stands at top as a market for Range Feeders You can satisfy yourself as to the truth of that dlarement by comparing the saies at Sioux City last year with those at any other competitive market You can also ask your neighbors who have sold ca ttle at Sioux City This year Sioux City is in the field for fat cat tle as well as feeders The great bejf slaughtering plant of the Cudahy Packing Co is ready for business The capacity of the Stock Yards has been greatly increased and you will find excellent facilities for handling v your business No charges except for feed ordered if your cattle are not sold on our market r The Sioux City Stock Yards Co XQRN IL liEEtfE General Manager tfferf i Ae it lt WESTERN NEWS DEMOCRAT EOSEET GOOD Editor and Publisher Fusion Ticket For Governor V A Povnter For Lieutenant Governor A E Gilbert For Secretary ol State W R Pcirter For stale Treasurer J 5 JMeserve For State Auditor J F Cornell For Attorney General C J Smyth For Com Fublic Lands and Buildings J V Wolfe For Supt Public Instruction W R Jackson For Congress Sixth District W L Greene For State Senator 14th District Otto Mntz For Kepresentative 51st District John H Shore For County Attorney A M Morrisaey For County Supprintendent W F Morgareidge For County Coroner Dr J C Dwyer For Commissioner 3d District Albert Metzger The name of the next commissioner from the west will be A II Metzger Every time Ed Clarke savs he could have had the democratic nomination for county attorney he insults the demo crats of our county It was the individual not the sex which made a good superintendent of Miss Stoner This fact will not be lost sight of on election day The republicans of the 58d represen tative district have nominated A G Fisher for repi eseutative The regu lar nominee J II Jones having with draw from the race Everybody is now singing Pull for the Shore This doesnt mean that a religious revival has struck the 52d district It means that the voters know a good man for representative when they see him lie was nominated by the party that stands for principle says the Re publican of its candidate for represen tative Shades of Bartley Moore Mosher Alger and every other republi can saint are called upon to witness this and testify to a waiting multitude what that principle is Ive got ten bottles of beer a gallon of wine and a gallon of whiskey and Im going up to get the d d Dutch to vote for Clarke remarked a repub lican politician a short time since Our worthy German friends will show this politician that they are not hogs to be bribed with swill The Chadron Journal is way behind the times If it had not been it would never have published the oleomagarine story on the pops Tell it round among the people that the republicans in 1893 1896 purchased for state institutions over 16000 pounds of oleo several tons of which were fed to the old soldiers We remember that last year and two years ago a certain man in this town roared like a stuck porker because he thought another man would not sup port the free silver ticket in its entirety Today that man is openly campaigning for the republican ticket and still claims to be a free silver man Won der what his influence amounts to A M Morrissey has changed his postoffice address but twice in his life Chadron is crowded with attorneys ralentine offered a good field for a good attorney Mr Morrissey now has a larger law practice thau any other attorney in the county with the possibe exception of Judge Walcott Why then should tlie charge be made that he is here only for office and if defeated will move away V After eec tion Mr Clarke can accept the offer of the Omaha lawyer with whom he con templated forming a partnership prior to the republican convention People of Cherry county do not take kindly to the efforts of the spoils gang to force upon them for office men who have scarcely resided in the county a sufficient length of time to gain a resi dence It is frequently remarked by voters of this county l egardless of politics that they have no use for and will not support carpet baggers who come here only for the purpose of se curing an office if possible It is not strange then why voters are so unani mous in saing they will support for county attorney E D Clarke a man they know and one they have tried and found true in preference to a stranger Republican We presume from the fact that Ed Clarke is mentioned that heustrangerJ referred to above is A M Morrissey and the spoils element is the fusion parties If this is true it is laughable Mr Morrissey has been a resident oi Valentine since last January He has never before run for office and the charge of carpet bagger coming from a republican is one of the nerviest things imaginable And to think of Ed Clarke having been tried and found true fairlv eclipses the efforts of the most renowned humorists of the century Ed wont make that claim for himself The only thing he has ever been found true to is the republi can party and we believe he would sacrifice the bast friend he ever had if politics was involved The Republi can effort is excruciatingly funny James Parker the youn who recently purchased t gentleman the btokoo ranch east of here has purchased 500 sheep from the Aguew brothers ranch unauron j onrnai Shelby D Heed was up from his Cheyenne river ranch last week and reports feed short down in that country partly due to drouth and partly to the steady encroachments of the sheepmen He stated to the Stockman that quar rels between cattlemen and sheep grow ers -were of a frequent occurrence and that both go armed with a view to protecting Stockman their rights Rapid City The Spearfish Register says that the notorious Currey gang of Belle Fourche bank robbery fame are again on the rampage They have now turned their talents to robbing postoffices and steal ing horses It would be well for the boys to remember that Uncle Sam plays no favorites and we hereby notify them that there is a reward of 2500 offered for them dead or alive preferred dead The Northwestern Nebraska Sheep Breeders and Wool Growers associa tion was organized at Chadron Oct 1 with the following officers President Wm Agnew vice president Win J Darrow secretary J S Romine treasurer W W Wilson executive committee II M Wilson AIIKrout James B Parker U S Agnew Wm McGannon The admission fee is 250 and the annual dues are one dollar There was a good run of cattle to open the week 230 cars G377 head This was nearly 1000 short of last Monday but hardly so much of a falling off as might have been expected after the weakness displayed at the close of last week at all points Everything came from the west the supply not in eluding a single loa I of corn fed or na tive beef and while there was a fair display of beef among the rangers and of cows the big end of the offerings were on the stocker and feeder order and more desirable for that purpose than for tne slaughter house The effect of the break in prices was more plainly demonstrated at Chicago than at any other point her receipts being only 12500 as against 21000 on last Monday Drovers Journal October 10 Purdue University has sent out a bulletin describing a disease called sore mouth in cattle which has appeared in several localities The symptoms are as follows The animal ceases eating stands and frequently champs the jaws and saliva drips from the corners of the mouth The muzzle has a peculiar brownish hue which extends to the nostrils and to the inside of the lips The inside of the lips gums pads and sides of the tongue become reddish The tongue swells sometimes to such an extent as to keep the mouth open There is a very disagreeable odor about the mouth After a few days the membrane peels off the gums lips and tongue in patches leaving them raw There is often lameness and soreness of the teats The disease runs its course in from six to ten days during which time the animal will be unable to cat anything hard The bowels are usually constipated The disease is not known to be contagious The treatment is to apply an astringent wash Tannic acid one half ounce borax powdered one ounce glycerine eight ounces and water sufficient to make a quart has been recommended The demand for cattle to fatten is remarkably large On a recent day 263 car loads or 8137 head of feeding cattle were shipped from Kansas City for fattening purposes being by long odds the largest days movement of feeders on record Missouri got 82 cars Kansas 71 Illinois 38 Nebraska 31 Iowa 28 and Indiana 13 The largest single shipment was 25 cars to a distillery at Peoria Illinois In the Chicago market large numbers of West ern range cattle are being sold to feed ers at 375 to 425 A few days ago a train of sixteen cars of thin young stock and feeding cattle ranging in weight from 400 to 1000 pounds rived from stock yards Janada at the Chicago This is the first such shipment of any importance ever re ceived here from the Dominion More money is being loaned on cat tle than ever before and cattle loans have been reduced from 8 and 10 per cent to 6 and 7 per cent The head of a prominent national bank in this city estimated that the holdings of cattle paper bv Chicago banks last winter were not less than 10000003 The recent organization of the Chicago Cat tle Loan Company with a capital stock of 500000 was partly with a view to directing a heavier movement of cattle to the Chicago market since the stipu lation is exacted that the cattle when marketed shall be shipped to the Chi cago stock j aids National Stockman tlosirt Sloime iSoiid fiorluinntio Notice is hereby given lo the qualiliud elector- otClieiry county in the state of N braska that an election will be livid in the varioK precincts of said i berry county mi the 8th diy o Novem ber 180 for thi purpose of voting upon the fol lowing projiosllioi to wlt Shall the count v board of Cherry county in the state of Nebraska hsite the coupon bonds of said county in the sum oi 12L00 of the denomi nation of 1000 each for the pirposa of building and furnishing a court boue s lid bonds to take tllect January 1 189U and bearing interest at the rate of Ave per cent per annum payable semi annually on the first days of July and January in each year until the principal aud interest there on has been fully paid the principal and inter est thereof being payable at the ofnee of the county treasurer of said county ProvinedThat the county board of said county may at its option pay olf any or all of said bonds at any time after the expiration of ten years from the date of their taking elfect And shall the county board of Cherry county aforesaid annually levy upon the Jtuable prop erty of Cherry county a tax sufficient to pay the interest and principal of said bonds as they be come due aud shall the said county board at the last annual tax levy provided bv law pre ceding the maturity of said bonds lew upon iho taxable property of said county a tax sufficient to pay the interest aud principal not otherwise provided for and then unpaid upjn aid bonds And shall said ointy board negotiate s ml bonds ar not less than their par value tbe amount realized from the sale of said bouuN to bo used in the building and furnishing a eoimty court house lor the me of said herry county Tlieballnts used in voting upon said proposi lion shall have printed thereon For court hoiHe bonds and Against court house bonds1 Dated this llth day of October 1803 38 J w DANiias County Clerk FiTtitTUblicuttou Oct 13 CITIZEN K 89 VALENTINE S9 A A A A A MEAT GEO G SOHWALM PROP This market always keeps a supply of FRESH - FRUIT - AND - GAME In addition to a Brst class line of Steaks ijsts Dry Salt Meats Smoked Ilams Breakfast J3acon aud Vegetables AtStetters Old Stand on Main Street VALENTINE NEBRASKA THE PALACE SALOON HEADQUARTERS FOR WIfTES LIQUORS AND CIGAFS Of the Choicest Brands The DONOHER w f v v Is continually adding improvements and it is now the best equipped and most comfortable- FIRST CLASS MODERN HOTEL IN NORTHWEST NEBRASKA Hot and Ccld Water Excellent Bath Room Two Sample Rooms Wc charge no commission I H Y J tKfSSIfiB34dLBW Peden Thorsen Gordon Nebraska On right side r on right Irp e horse Dranu um i on right shoulder Range four miles south of Irwin i w fkmmm Annlii Young I AY rody Nebraska u light tult Right i ar spit Rauge Little White riwr Horses on left shoulder Brand is small Earmark Quarter clip behind half cir cle forward on left ear Range Lone Tree Lake TE U MS fcfr to ft I b to MRS ARRIS BOARDING HOUSE AND BAKERY Fruits and Confectionery Meals at all hours Price 25 cents NEBRASKA First door South of Valentine Bank AAAAAAAA AAAAAAA 4kA4 AAAAAAAAAV O O O O O O O OO - O OO oJJJJJJJrsj - T3 w www wvwt wvww vwwwl 0HERRY QpUNTY jANK Valentine Nebraska Every facility extended customers consistent with conservative banking Kxchunge bought and sold Loans upon good security solicited at reasonably rates County depository E SPARKS President CHARLES SPARKS Cashier C H CORXLL President 31 V HHCHOIiSOX Cashier gANK OF VALENTINE Valentine Nebraska A General Ranking Unsiness Transacted Bays and Sells Domestic and Foreign Exchange Chemical National Bank New York Correspondents First National Bankr Omaha Nebr Highest market price paid and prompt returns Omaha National Bank Refcrenc e F S BUSH COMPANY JI1U Ir Ives for JFeal Bran bulk 50c per cut 9 00 ton Shorts bulk GOc per cwt 1100 fon Screenings 40c 1700 Chop Feed 70c 1300 Corn 65c O its 100 lit Sjli -150 head of cattli cows y Killings and calves J Vr Burleigh Simeon Nebr 3G Henry Young Coilv Nebraska HorsH liraud HY on left shoulder Cattle right ear SJiIt Range Little White river S D 513 South 13th St OMAHA NEB Metzger Bros 7 E- J Pullman Neb Cherry Co Brand on left bide and thigh Earmark square crop right ear Southern branded cattlt have but one half diamond E on Ieit side Native cattle have throat wattle liaucc on Gordon and Snake Creeks Horses have same brand on left thigli A Reward of 250 will be paid to any person for information leading to the arrest and final conviction of any person or persons steal ing cattle with above brand i Marshall AVolfenden Kennedy Neb Home z on the left bin T HI oam Hudson Simeon Neb Left hip on cattle Left shoulder on horses Some horses Iizy on leftslioulder Range between Gordon and Snake River and Niobrara sKiver Lett ears tagged All catile dehorned William M Dunbar Lessee from Heine Kroeger Cody Neb DUa Either slde ESI right Left ear ot cattle Split Iange head ot Ilav Crwk