Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, October 06, 1898, Image 1

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A rsrears Farm ana stocR Journal
A Major Six Privates and One In
dian Policeman Slain Thirty Reds
Mad to Bite the Dust by Oar
Soldiers Other Items
Fighting at Lieech Lake
Minneapolis Oct 6 503 p m A
Walker special says Maj Wilkinson six
iprivatcs and one Indian policeman are
-dead Col Sheehan was slightly wounded
Thirty Indians are dead A dispatch boat
Jias just returned from the battleground
There was desperate fighting all morning
The dispatch boat brought out Deputy
Marshal Talman and Capt Sheehan who
is not badly wounded While the boat
was transferrin ir the wounded she was
-fired upon from ambush This was the
signal for reopening hostilities The
troops opened on the Iudians and soon as
ifieice a fight was in progress as that of
yesterday We landed provisions and
medicines The firing became so hot we
were compelled to weigh anchor and
-and steam out into the lake The Indians
appear to be in force
Bacons command is too small to take
the aggressive The detachment is en
trenched in a good position and can hold
out as long as the ammunition lasts Wil
kinson was shot while walking up and
-down admonishing his men to keep their
heads low No braver or better officer
ever lived His men are crazed with rage
When reinforcements arrive they will
wreak vengeance on the pillagers in their
- own way The fight is not half over yet
the biggest battle remains to be fought
Wilkinson was first shot through the
leg had it dresseil took the field again
and was shortly afterwards shot through
the uly Lying in a pool of blood he
raised himself on his elbow and shouted
to Gen Bacon
L Give them hell general nevermind
-about me
These were his last words
Sails for Manila with the Gunboat
Petrel Emperor Not Dead
The United States cruiser Boston and
the gunboat Petrel accompanied by the
oilier Nero hava left Manila Bay for
China The Chinese legation in Paris
publishes an official communication form--ally
denying all reports of the death of the
emperor of China
The German warship Kaiserin Augusta
lias left Kiro Chou for Taku at the en
trance of the Pei Ho River with thirty
marines who were sent to Pekin to act as
a guard for the German legation there
Prince Henry of Prussia will command
the squadron in China
Mismanagement Charged in the Na
tional Linseed Oil Co
A second bill praying for a receiver for
the National Linseed Oil Compauy has
been filed in the United States court in
-Chicago by John It Evans of Indiana
Mr Evans avers that he owns 1150000
worth of the companys stock and repeats
the charges of mismanagement made in
the first bill It is declared inthe bill that
appointment of a receiver is imperative in
order to secure the interests of the stock
Shuts Out Minor Parties
The minor political parties in Ohio
under a decision rendered by the supreme
court will have to comply with the Pugh
amendment to the Australian ballot law
which requires that thesigners to petitions
to get these party tickets on the ballot
must pledge themselves to vote the ticket
they ask to be given a place on the ballot
This will practically exclude most of the
minor parties as their total vote in the
state does not reach the number of signa
tures required by law to the petitions
Murderer in California
Chief of PoliceLees of San Francisco has
been requested h3 the Denver police to ar
rest BC Becker supposed to be hiding
in that city Becker is charged with the
-murder t Otto Goctte a sheep herder
who disappeared from his ranch forty
miles from Denver two weeks ago It is
supposed that the murder was committed
lor the purpose of robbery as his sheep
were sold for 3200 by a man supposed to
e Becker
Little Girl Commits Suicide
A special from Dallas Tex says Jen
nie the 14-year-old daughter of J H
Stephens who lives in Gonzales tried to
-commit suicide by eating the heads of 212
parlor matches She dieda day later
After eating the matches Jennie regretted
ner act and tried to save herself by eating
bacon and lard Instead of being an anti
dote for the phosphorus poison the lard
and bacon hastened her death
Granulated Sugar Reduced
The American Sugar Refining Company
of New York has made another reduction
in its prices All domestic grades were
reduced 14 of a cent bringing granulated
sugar down to 5 cents It is reported
that Howell Co representing the Na
tional and Mollenhauer opposition re
Blacks March to Mines Without
Clashing with the Strikers
Wednesday evening a trainload of
negroes arrived at Pana 111 from Bir
mingham Ala who are to supplant
miners in the Pana mine the only one
not yet in operation A large force of
deputies was in the Illinois Central yards
to protect the blacks and Capt Craig had
a detachment of military near the yards
to interfere in case of an outbreak On
the special train which brought
the negroes were ten Pink
erton detectives armed with Winchesters
the officials fearing a holdup Soon after
their arrival the negroes marched in single
file through the business streets to the
Penwell mine A portion of them will be
put to work at the Pennsylvania Coal
Companys mine and part at the Penwell
mine The arrival of the negroes does
not discourage but rather encourages the
miners They seem jubilant and converse
willingly in regard to the matter but re
fuse to state their future plans
Backs Down from Articles of Agree
ment with McCoy
James J Corbelt has definitely an
nounced that he would not meet Kid
McCoy October 15 When closely ques
tioned on the subject further he declared
that he had nothing at all to say and
turned to a table where he entered into
conversation with some friends He ex
pressed it as his intention to quit the east
and make a trip to San Francisco where
he would get fair play
I In addition to Corbetts statement that
he would not meet McCoy he volunteered
to advise the public that it had better not
patronize the advertised contest for it
would be disappointed ne said that those
who attended the affair would not see a
Dons Declare It Impossible to Eval
uate Cuba Immediately
The United States and Spanish commis
sioners held a joint session in Havana the
other day The street opposite the palace
and the entrance to the building were
carefully guarded by members of Iho
Order Publico The conference lasted two
hours no one being allowed to approach
within a blocks distance According to
report the Spanish evacuation commis
sioners at the joint session declared it im
possible for them to evacuate the island
immediately The American commission
ers insisted that their instructions called
for immedae evacuation No definite
agreement on the subject was reached
prior to the adjournment
Bear Indians Reported to Have
Slaughtered Gen Bacon
An unconfirmed minor reached St Paul
Wednesday night that the soldiers and
Gen Bacon had been massacred by the
Indians at Leech Lake A Brainerd
operator says this reported massacre is
Orders were issued late at night for ad
ditional troops to go to Leech Lake and
200 soldiers were to leave for there early
Thursday morning reaching the scene of
the trouble early in the afternoon
Body of Wright Smith Colored Rid
dled with Bullets by a Mob
Wright Smith colored who attempted
to assault Mrs Morrison wife of Capt
James Morrison of the Third district re
siding near Jones Md was taken from
jail early Wednesday morning and shot
A lynching party took the prisoner to the
vicinity of the city cemetery and riddled
his body with bullets Smith begged for
mercy and cried murder as he was be
ing removed from jail
To Replace Minister Cambon
A Paris newspaper states that Count
dAubigny now French charge daffaires
at Munich will replace M Cambon and
that the minister to the United States M
Cambon will go to Madrid These
changes the paper says were decided
upon at Mondays cabinet council
Earns 100000 Endowment
George A Plimpton treasurer of Ber
nard College New York announces that
that the entire indebtedness of thecollr
121000 has been discharged and that un
conditional endowment of 100000 offered
a few days ago by a friend of the collego
would now be available
One Hundred People Drowned
A special from Bombay says that a ferry
boat capsized while crossing the Indas at
Mittun Kote a town of the Punjab on the
west bank of the river and 100 of the
passengers were drowned
Three Buried in a Sandbank
Lloyd and Joseph Henderson and Frank
Dorst farmers near Rockport Mo were
buried in a sand bank in which they were
digging and were dead when taken out an
hour later
Revision Assured
It is semi officially asserted in Franco
thatM Manau the procurator general
has sent a report to the court of cassation
which insures a revision of the Dreyfus
First Snow in Minnesota
Specials from Hallock and Stephen m
extreme northwestern Minnesota report
the first snow storm of the season Wed
To Maintain Spains War Tax
The Spanish cabinet has decided to
fineries are quoting granulated sugar at J maintain the war tax but to abolish thf
5c i tn on exports
Tradesmens National a Century
Old Institution Suspends
The Tradesmens National Bank of 260
Broadway New York did not clear in
clearing house of which it is a member
Tuesday This fact led to an investiga
tion and it developed that the bank is in
serious trouble The clearing house com
mittee found its capital impaired and ad
vised an early liquidation
The bank was organized in the early
part of this century and while never a
leader among the banks of the city was
always regarded as very sound and con
servative in its business dealings The
capital of the bank is 750000
In the banking district the opinion is
expressed that the troubles of the -wool
exchange are indirectly responsible for
the Tradesmens Nationals trouble Vice
President Holmes Bates promised the
clamoring depositors that the bank would
pay its patrons a hundred cents on the
dollar He said further that the bank
would resume as soon as all its claims
were liquidated
Large Importations Have Been
Made Without Certificates
A most important revelation regarding
American pork was made by the German
governments announcement in the semi
official press that it has received informa
tion showing that American pork has
entered Germany without a certificate
Inquiry made at the United States em
bassy in Berlin confirms the report that
the discovery has been made Thousands
of tons of American pork have been im
ported through a number of custom houses
for several years past without certificates
The German government was ignorant of
the fact and denied its accuracy until
overwhelming evidence was obtained and
submitted by the embasseys attache a
Mr Smith The embassy has requested
the foreign office to instruct the customs
houses to insist in every case upon a cer
Warrants Issued for Arrest of Quay
and Other Politicians
The issuing of warrants in Philadelphia
for the arrest of United States Senator
Matthew Stanley Quay his son Richard
R Quay ex State Treasurer Benjamin J
Haywood and Charles H McKie of Pitts
burg law partner of Lieut Gov Lyon
has caused a big sensation They are ac
sused of conspiracy with John S Hop
kins formerly cashier of the Peoples
Bank to use moneys for their own use
Hopkins killed himself last March shortly
before the banks failure
Steamer Runs Into a Lptr Raft
The steamer South Coast I Jund from
Ventura for San Francisco ran into one of
the derelict log rafts near Pigeon Point
The vessel was severely jarred but sheered
off in time to escape serious injury Secre
tary of the Treasury Gage has been re
quested to take steps tostopthedangeious
practice of lowing tafts at sea
Caught by One Foot
J C Davis a prominent cattleman and
city marshal of Wellington Kan was
sitting in the window of his room in the
thiid story of the Carey Hotel at Wichita
ho fell backward and his foot caught in
the shutte He hung suspended for se
minutes and was finally rescued by a
hotel clerk
Boy Defends His Mother
Francis P OConnor 17 years old a
moulders apprentice of Mobile Ala
stabbed John Kitchen to the heart in de
fense of his mothers honor OConnor
surrendered to the police after the slab
bing Feeling is on his side and it is not
expected that the law will bold him
Chicago Cattle common to prime
300 to 600 hogs shipping grades
300 to 400 sheep fair to choice 250
to 475 wheat No 2 red 64c to 66c
corn No 2 29c to 30c oats No 2 21c
to 22c rye No 2 45c to 47c butter
choice creamery 18c to 20c eggs fresh
13c to 15c potatoes choice 27c to 35e
per bushel
Indianapolis Cattle shipping 300 to
550 hogs choice light 300 to 400
sheep common to choice 300 to 450
wheat No 2 red 65c to 67c corn No
white 29c to 31c oats No 2 white 2 4c
o 25c
St Louis Cattle 300 to 550 hogs
350 to 400 sheep 350 to 450
wheat No 2 66c to 68c corn No 2
yellow 29c to 30c oats No 2 22c to 24c
rye No 2 46c to 48c
Cincinnati Cattle 250 to 525 hogs
300 to 425 sheep 250 to 425
wheat No 2 67c to 69c corn No J
mixed 30c to 32c oats No 2 mixed
23c to 25c rye No 2 47c to 49e
Detroit Cattle 250 to 550 hogs
325 to 400 sheep 250 to 425
wheat No 2 67c to 69c corn No 2
yellow 30c to 31c oats No 2 white 25c
to 26c rye 49e to 50c
Toledo Wheat No 2 mixed 07c to
69e corn No 2 mixed 29c to 31c oats
No 2 white 21c to 22c rye No 2 4Sc
to 49c clover seed 375 to 385
Milwaukee Wheat No 2 spring 03c
to 64c corn No 3 29c to 31c oats No
2 white 23c to 25c rye No 1 46c to 47c
barley No 2 43c to 45c pork mess
775 to 825
Buffalo Cattle good shipping steers
300 to 5 75 hogs common to choice
350 to 425 sheep fair to choice weth
ers 350 to 500 lambs common to
extra 500 to 575
New York Cattle 300 to 575 hogs
300 to 450 sheep 300 to 475
wheat No 2 red 73c to 75c corn No
2 35c to 36c oats No 2 25c to 27c
butter creamery 15e
prn 16c to ISc
to 22c egss West
liist of Ministerial Appointments
Made by the Methodist Episcopal
Conference at Its Recent Annual
Session Held at Fairbnry
Ministerial Appointments
The following appointments were made
by the Methodist Episcopal conference in
session at Fairbury
Lincoln District H T Davis Presid
ing Elder Alva W H Shoof Ashland
W M Worley Bennett L Jean Cedar
Bluffs R A Barnes Crete R Pearson
Oresco J W Warfield Davey T C
Priestley Dorchester JN Royse Eagle
E R Advance Elmwood W H
veil Friend T
L F Harmon
Thica A M
Church II E
H Worley Greenwood
Havelock E L Burch
Perry Lincoln Asbury
Bromwell Bechel C n
Dalrymple Emanuel J W Embree p
worth A B Grossman Grace L T
Gueld North Lincoln C E Rush St
Paul F L Wharton Trinity R L Clip
perfield Normal A P Hull Mead I W
Kenegy Raymond AH Foreman Rosa
ti F Smith Prairie Home I B New
burn Sharon R E Howard University
Place B W Marsh Valparaiso A S
Bull Victoria C D Metcalf Wahoo J
W Swan Waverly G L Hosford Wes
ton N C Lawyer
Beatrice district G WIsham presiding
alder Beatrice Centenarv Church C S
Dudley La Salle Street D C Phillips
Belvidere F H Winer Blue Springs
EJ Randall Burchard George Wash
Chested U G Brown Crab Orchard L
Parser Daykin H B Seymour De-
witt J R Getlys Diller T M Ransom
Dubois II Zennecker Ellis G M An
drews Fairbury J A Barker Filley C
E Rovre Hebron II G Wilcox Ilolmes
ille J E Reppelve Hubbell and Rey
nold W M Cowley Liberty W II
Btaley Odell F Deal Ohiowa P C
Johnson Pawnee City J W Stewart
Plato W W Hull Steele City F E
Smith Strang J P Badgeley Swan ton
L D Willard Tobias W N Simpson
Vesta M C Smith Western T L
Lowe Wilber O T Stowe Wyraore J
R Woodcock
Nebraska City District P Van Fleet
Presidi Elder Adam D Storm Au
burn JKjallagher Brock and Talmage
J G SCannard Brownville and Nemaha
C H Gilmore Cook D S Davis Doug
las A V Wilson Elk Creek W Van
Buren Falls City J S W Dean Hum
boldt W B Warren Highland C N
Alden Johnson S Goldsmith Louisville
J Culvert Nebraska City CM Shephed
NehawkaDFelse Palmyra H W Cobb
Platlsmouth F A Campbell Rnlo J
Barron Salem H Curtis Smartville and
TrinitvOf Eaton Stella and Howe G
Sherniftjfterling McK DeMotte South
Bend C L Myers Syracuse D li luice
Table Rock G M Gales Tecumseh A
B Wheelman Union A L Folder
Weeping Water J K Maxfield
JIastings District W BAlexander Pre
siding Elder A yer W C Swartz Blue
Hill G W Hummel Bromfield A G
nollingsworth Carleton C P Metcalf
Hay Center F W Beaan Cowley J D
Day Davenport II Mills Doniphan C
L Hamilton Edgar W J Scott Exeter
T S Fowler Faiifield R N Orville
Fairmont C B Linguist Geneva F A
Colonv Grafton N H Davis Guide
Rock E J Bird- Hardy E F S Darby
Harvard A W Shamrael Hastings G W
Abbott Juniata E L Waiff Kenesaw
IL A Wimberly Lawereuce E S Burr
Nelson J W Seabrook Oak J G Wal
ker Ong C W Wills Red Cloud J M
Darbv Red Cloud circuit A G Black
well Roseland A E Chadwick Superior
Asa Lee Sutton P II Smith
York District A C Crossthwaite Pre
siding Elder Circleville D T Hawkins
Aurora M H Moulton Beaver Crossing
J A Capin Bradshaw H G Claycombe
Brainard J A Nichols David City G J
Wright Garrison F Mills Gresham ST
Walker Linwood S Kiser Marquette
mdMcCool MRCrisp Milford C E
Daniels Osceola L F Smith Philips H
U Paine Platte Valley J A Larkin
Pleasantdale A J Marsh Rising City
3 M Jones Seward J Kemper Shelbj
E D Gideon Stockham WK Williams
Stromsburg J H Prisson Surprise D
P Kline Ulysses G M Morey Utica
L Morrison Waco R E Neal York O
W Fifer York circuit C L Smith
Inmate of the Asylum for Insane
Commits Murder
Hugh Carroll an inmate of the asylum
or the chronic insane at Hastings killed
Jharles L Davis also an inmate of the
same institution by hitting liim on the
aead with a heavy piece of cast iron
Uarroll succeeded in cutting his restrain
ng strap and before anybody could get to
aim he siezed an it on bar which was lying
jearby and struck Davis square on the head
with such force as to cause his death within
m hours time It is reported that Carroll
rilled one of the inmates of this asylum
ibont two years ago Carroll conies from
Lancaster County and Davisfrom Pawnee
Ann Broken in an Affray
George Mull gan a prominent farmer of
iWira Creek came into North Loup to ad
just an old grain deal with one of the local
buyers During the progress of the set
lUnient a dispute arose during which the
farmer used language which the dealer
considered uncomplimentary and he
Dideied hi in out of his office Mulligan
refused to go and the dealer picked up the
Dflice chair and struck him with it break
ing his left arm above the wrist
Flouring Mill Will Open Again
The flouring mill of Wells Niemen at
Hchuyler has again been put into opera
tion after having been shut down for over
i month to undergo extensive repairs and
he installation of the universal system
The firm has numerous large orders to fill
tud will be obliged to ruu night and day
rr some time
Children Come in Swarms
School children were everywhere In
evidence about the railroad stations In
Omaha September 80 Every incoming
train brought its quota of small boys and
girls to participate in the pleasure of chil
drens day at the exposition and the cars
that carried them were labeled wi h
myriads of handkerchiefs that fluttered
from the windows whenever a train drew
into the station The delegations from
Hastings and Holdridge were first to ar
rive They came in three coaches followed
shortly after by parties of children from
Beatrice and Wymore who filled four cars
The boys and girls attending the schools
of Blair turned out in greatest numbers
There were 900 of them They had their
own band a military band of twenty
members who wore striking uniforms and
played patriotic airs whenever a station
was passed and they had a special train oi
twelve coaches through which they
romped and played and had a good tima
until the exposition grounds were reached
They were in charge of their superintend
ent W K Fowler
Farringtons Sensational Case
Quite a sensational case was brought be
fore County Judge Hannibal at St Pam
one day last week It appears that some
time ago an indictment for embezzlemen
was found in Potfawattamie County Iowa
against one W M Farrington of Councl
Bluffs who fled An extradition warran
was granted by Gov Holcomb of tub
state and Sheriff John S Morgan of Pot
tawattamie County Iowa captured lib
man in Scotia this state On the arriva
oEthe train in St Paul the sheriff was
stopped by a writ of habeas corpus issuec
by County Judge Hannibal ordering hin
to bring his prisoner before his court in
stead of proceeding to Council Bluffs The
hearing was to have taken place befon
Judge Hannibal who however grantee
defendant a continuance of thirty days
blocking the whole judicial machinery fo
that length of time In addition the de
fendant Harrington now sues Sherifl
Morgan for 200 damages
Court Martial a Nebraskan
Sergeant Gallagher of Company M
Third Nebraska regiment was tried bi
court martial at Jacksonville Fla on th
charge of circulating slanderous reports
concerning Camp Cuba Libre It b
claimed that Gallagher wrote to his fathei
that at the time of the corps parade heir
August 81 seven men had died as the di
rect result of the parade and 100 had beer
physically ruined for life The letter was
sent by Gallaghers father to the secretary
of war the latter sending it to Jackson
ville and Gallaghers arrest and trial fol
lowed The result has not been made
It Was Loaded
A distressing accident occurred at the
home of E S Rand in Wahoo a few days
since Mr Rands son H O of Colon
and his daughter Mrs J M Barnes ol
Ulysses were present with their families
One of the little ones fished a loaded re
volver from behind a bookcase and in
some manner the weapon was discharged
The ball passed through a little boys
linger entered a little girls arm and
lodged somewhere in her shoulder and
cannot yet be located The wound is
painful though not necessarily dangerous
Ellenwood Found Guilty
The committee of the Methodist Episco
pal conference after three days investi
gation at Fairbury against C W Ellen
wood late chancellor of Wesleyan Uni
versity at Lincoln reported sustaining all
charges against Prof Ellenwood and
recommended that he be expelled from
the ministry and church The report was
accepted by the conference The com
mittee found that Ellenwood had failed to
account for 39000 of university funds
and while the diocese set up a counter
claim for 18000 the committee would not
admit it
Beatrice Raids the Bicyclists
Several days ago Beatrices city authori
ties decided to prosecute all violators of
the bicycle ordinance Several arrests
were made for using the sidewalks and
now the police will arrest those found
without bells and lights on their wheels
About ten have been taken in including
one woman In a little while after a num
ber of riders appeared on the streets car
rying barn lanterns Japanese lanterns
and every conceivable kind of light con
Soldier Loses a Limb
As Company B Twenty fourth infantry
colored was passing through Kearney
M J Mabrey a private stepped off tho
train to take a walk on the platform Just
as the train started up Mabrey attempted
to get on but slipped and fell under the
wheels He was immediately taken to the
Womens Christian Temperance Union
Hospital and the company physician sum
moned One of his legs was taken off
above the knee and he is now doing well
Wreck on the Burlington
While train No 41 of the Burlington
route was standing in front of the Burling
ton station at Omaha the other day ready
to pull out for the west the Rook Island
express from Denver to Chicago train
No 6 plunged into it The Rock Island
train was a heavy one drawn by two loco
motives Its two engines were badly dam
aged while the Burlington locomotive
came out of the collision somewhat worse
for the blow No one was injured
Held for Horse Stealing
nenry Holland a resident of Wisner
was bound over in the county court by
Judge Drake on a charge of stealing a
horse buggy and harness the property
of Enoch Black who was visiting in Wis
ner at the time Sheriff Philips pursued
the thief and captured him and the stolen
outfit atHernian where the accused ha
a brother-in-law
Lost a Leg Stealing a Hide
Robert Shannon a former employe of
the Union Pacific gravel gang lost a por
tion of one of his legs just east of Lex
ington He was riding between two cars
beating his way from Kearney to 2rtb
Platte on freight train No 21 when he
slipped fell and was run over He had
been put off the train once but boarded
it again
And now the dons are alarmed over the
report that Vesuvius is throwing out red
white and blue fire Pittsburg Post
And so it 3eems that it was the move
ment to cut off the pigtails that occasion
ed the latest squealing in China Boston
Admiral Schley has enabled AdmiraJ
Sampson to reach Havana without thef
loss of a single man Memphis Commer4
cial AppeaL
For some soldiers to bring home smal
pigs as trophies is no evidence they were
living on the fat of the land while away
Philadelphia Times
The Sultan is such an artful dodger that
it may become necessary for Uncle Samj
to send one of our admirals over to sit oq
his doorstep Cleveland Plain Dealer
The rough riders are to have a tourna
ment in New York At least such a pro
ject is like the riders themselves afoot
Cleveland Plain Dealer
Before we get around to discussing tha
location of the Schaumberg line again lei
us ascertain it England is wid us on the
Turkey question St Paul Dispatch
Tornado reports indicate that our West
India acquisitions can at least competa
with Kansas and Nebraska in ability ta
raise the wind Philadelphia Ledger
The idea that Admiral Sampson did no
damage in the recent war will have to ba
abandoned Didnt he destroy the Cristo
bal Colon Memphis Commercial Appeal
Two Connecticut farmers went to New
York and bunkoed a lot of green goods
men No wonder the papers of that city
are demanding more facilities for educa
tion Philadelphia Times
After he has had a few more meetingi
with Dewey and Otis we shall not be sur
prised to hear of Aguinnldo as candidate
for the position of delegate to the Czars
universal peace conference Milwaukee
Thomas F Bayard
The late Thomas F Bayard is not to bt
ranked among the greatest of American
statesmen but he was a man of great abil
ity whose public service was clean and
honorable Omaha Bee
Thomas F Bayard deserved well of th
republic and Americans of every shads
of political opinion will breathe over his
grave a heartfelt requiescat in pace
New Orleans Times Democrat
In brief it may be said that Mr Bay
ard deserved well of his country in his
public capacity and that those who knew
him in his personal capacity had every
reason to esteem him a gentleman a man
of upright life and courteous disposition
Boston Transcript
His influence with his own party was of
the best He was consistently true to his
Dwn beliefs and to his political and social
inheritance For thirty years he had
filled some of the highest posts in the na
tion to the satisfaction of the great party
which elected and supported bim Boston
Mr Bayard was the personification of
dignity courage and courtesy combined
He was truly a chevalier without fear and
without reproach There have been great
er public men in the history of the coun
try thi Thomas Francis Bayard but
hone more worthy of official trust and pub
lic honor Springfield HI Register
Mr Bayard held high place in various
forms during nearly forty years and he
was always competent for the most exact
ing requirements of his position Wheth
er as Senator as Secretary of State or as
ambassador to England he dignified the
office rather than drew dignity from it
Boston Herald
The public life of Thomas F Bayard
was clean strong and consistent Like
his chivalrous namesake slain generations
ago on the soil of France in the Battle
of the Spurs he was without reproach
and this immunity applies both to his pri
vate conduct and his conceptions of pub
lic duty St Louis Republic
The country knew Mr Bayard as Sena
tor presidential aspirant Secretary of
ptate and ambassador He possessed ex
cellent though not the highest gifts and
n impressive presence His personal in
tegrity was far above thejslhrhtest ques
Jion His claim to rememtr e will rest
jpon his record as Senator Washington
His remarkable career furnishes a noblq
xample to the young men of the land anJ
s worthy of all emulation by the risiny
ftatesmen of all parties in this country
lor whatever else may be said of this fami
us man all will agree that his life worlj
tvas shaped by the dictates of conscienc
tnd the promptings of the highest charao
er Atlanta Journal
The Cretan Trouble
The Sultan is said to be somewhat tron
bled and impressed by the fact that Great
Britain has dispensed with the assistanci
of the other three powers in Crete am
shows a disposition to play a solo when
Abdul had hoped to hear the soothini
strains of the European concert Chi
cago News
One of the remarkable truths of th
day is the fact that GOO Christian men
women and children should be eithei
burned alive or massacred in the rioting
which occurred at Candia on the Island
of Crete right under the shadow of Eu
ropean civilization and under the protee
torate of the powers It is a disgracefc
episode Columbus O Journal
The Breyfns Case
Esterhazy says he knows the secret o
the Dreyfus case As the only man whq
knows anything whatever about it ha
should occupy a museum Chicago Jour
In trying to prevent a revision of the
Dreyfus case the French military ia
adopting the foolish policy of the man that
sat on th esafety valve Indianapolis