Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, September 29, 1898, Image 1

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No Lose of Life is Reported bui
Several Persons were Badly In
jured The Property Lioss will Be
Very Heavy
Tornado in Ohio
A tornalo passed over Lima Ohio
Saturday afternoon which unroofed over
fifty residences leveled several barns and
houses iu the course of construction
lifted two houses from their foundations
demolished the high school building and
the Quina brewery Lima Egg Case fac
tory Cincinnati Hamilton and Dayton
depot ami other buildings were unroofed
or damaged No one was killed but
Jacob Bose George Hadsell and Mrs
Willis KcKillen were badly injured A
6-year-old son of Sydney Walthey play
ing in the yard was carried away by the
wind and has not yet been found The
property loss will be heavy but no es
timate has been made at this lime
St Joe Police Confident They Have
the Guilty Men
Chief of Tolice Hayes of Kansas City
received a telephone message from St
Joseph Sunday that three men suspected
of complicity in the robbery of the Mis
souri Pacific train out of Kansas City on
Friday niht had been arrested in that
city and it is alleged that they had in
their possession 670 in mutilated green
backs The three men had spent the
afternoon and evening going from saloon
to saloon ordering drinks at each place
and tendering in payment paper money
which was invariably changed into silver
Some of the bills showed signs of having
been burned slightly The fact caused
one bartender to call the attention of the
police to the incident As a result Police
Officer Kennemau shadowed the men for
several hours finally arresting them In
the sweatbox each of the trio stubbornly
refused to talk All aie strangers in St
Joseph and none could give a good ex
cuse for being there
It is stated that the robbers haul Friday
had netted between 10030 and 20000
but the express officials still insist that
their loss will not amount to more than
2000 if that much
Lighter Pounders in the St Marys
River Near Sault Ste Marie
Five men weje drowned in St Marys
liiver near Sault Ste Marie Mich Sun
day by the foundering of the lighter
Monitor The bodies were recovered by a
diver The lighter was In tow of the tug
Bruce and was loaded with iron ore taken
from the schooner Carrington which was
stranded in the river In turning the
light on the way to Point aux Pine the
lighter foundered There was a brisk
wind and considerable sea Capt Smith
manager of the wrecking company own
ing the Monitor was on board the boat
He made heroic efforts to save his men
and his exertions nearly cost him his life
He finally caught a line thrown to him
from the tug and was taken aboard ex
Report of the Chinese Emperors
Demise Generally Credited
A Hong Kong correspondent writing
Sunday says Although there is no pos
itive confirmation all the evidence tends
to the conviction that the emperor is dead
A private dispatch says he died on Sep
tember 21 Nobody doubts that Yang and
Chang Yen Hoon who were ministers at
Washington in 1895 are both innocent of
the charge of poisoning the emperor
Steamer Sunk iu a Colision
The Spanish steamer Caithagena has
proceeded after being In collision on Sept
-22 off Cape Villano with the British
steamer Bheubina from Huelva for Lis
bon The latter vessel was sunk and the
crew with the exception of one seaman
and the captain who were landed at Gib
raltar were drowned
Burned To Death
Fire Monday morning destroyed the
bakery of Frank Goetz at Manchester
Conn John Leetler and a man known as
Rob German baiters aboutSJyearsold
were burned to death Leetler came from
New Jersey- Financial loss 10000
Congress of Mothers
A congress of mothers under the ans
pices of the national organization will be
lieid in Omaha Octobers 9 and 10 by in
vitation of the Trans Mississippi Exposi
tion All interested in the movement ar
invited to attend
Gilbert the Winner
Fred Gilbert of Spirit Lake Iowa de
feated J A R Elliott of Kansas City in a
1100 live bird shooting match for the Du
pont 1009 trophy in Chicago Gilbert
grassed 97 birds against Elliotts 9i
Three Fishermen Drowned
Capt A C Johnson his eldest son
JAltJBrt and Erick Bergman fisherman on
Lake Michigan nor Hi of Millers Ind
jrif drowned by the capsizing of theif
Number in the Volunteer Army
Will Be Cut Down
The president is now considering the
subject of mustering out a number of gen
eral and staff officers of the volunteer
army proportionate to the 100000 volun
teers ordered mustered out The lists of
officers in the volunteer service have been
prepared and carefully gone over by the
president and war department officials
Many officers both general and staff have
resigned which tends to simplify the
mustering out as there is no desire to re
tain officers who do not care to serve
The president is also considering the
matter of six or seven promotions that are
to be made for gallant and efficient service
in the Santiago and Porto liican cam
paigns These will be announced in a
few days In mustering out general and
staff officers some of the regular army of
ficers who have been promoted in the vol
unteer service will be mustered out as
volunteers and returned to their regi
ments and former rank
Hundreds of People Lose their
Lives in China and Japan
Advices from the Orient by the Empress
of India state that China and Japan have
been visited by thunderstorms and disas
trous floods in which many hundreds of
people lost their lives The region north
of the Shang Mountains has been inun
dated for hundreds of miles by the Yel
low River Several hundred thousand
persons have been plunged into deepest
distress and many into absolute penury
which the local authorities are unable to
British Consul Butler at Kiung Chow
has requested the American consul Dr
Bedloe at Canton to urge the viceroy to
send soldiers to Nodoa near Hoikow to
protect the lives and property of the
American Missionaries in that district
Temporary System Will Be in Opera
tion Very Soon
Information received by Acting Post
master General Heath indicates that the
temporary organization of the postal sys
tem in the important cities and towns in
Porto Rico under United States auspices
will be in operation almost as soon as the
evacuation of the island bylhe Spaniards
is complete Chairman James E Stewart
of the postal committee now in the island
has telegraphed that he has established
military postoffices at San Juan and
Mayaguez the two largest places in the
island besides Ponce An indication of
the amount of business being done and in
prospect is shown in the request by Mr
Stewart for 5000 worth of postage sup
plies for the island
Empress Dowager Assumes Charge
of Reins of Chinese Government
The Pekin correspondent of the London
Times says The recent imperial decrees
are mainly due to the influence of the
Cantonese reformer Kang Yumoi Now
Kang Yumoi has been ordered to leave
Pekin and the Empress Dowager has as
sumed charge of the government She
will attend all cabinet meetings and audi
ences and ap prove all edicts before they
are issued This is equivalent to a virtual
restoration of the regency and will prob
ably result in the reinstatement of L
Hung Chang
47000 Worth of Ammunition
Ordnance officers say there is a very
erroneous idea prevalent as to the value
of ammunition shot away by Dewey at
Manila and by Sampsons fleet at Santiago
Instead of this running up as high as 2
003000 as asserted in some quarters the
fact is that Dewey at Manila fired 47000
worth of ammunition and the North At
lantic fleet at Santiago on July 3 and
during the bombardments not to exceed
Inventor of Girardey Fuse Dead
Major L P Girardey of Paducah Ky
a confederate veteran aged 70 years is
dead lie was born in France and spent
most of his life at Augusta Ga He in
vented the Girardey fuse to explode shells
For his invention lie received 51000 for a
one fifth interest hiring the war His in
vention was successfully used in the
Franco Prussian war
To Aid Travelers Home
George F Green president of the Com
mercial Travelers Homo Association of
America has started a 10 cent endless
chain of letters for the purpose of raising
money to complete the home the corner
stone which was laid on South Mountain
in Binghampton N Y
Explosion in a Distillery
An explosion in the Fleischmann dis
tillery at Long Island City N J wrecked
the building and it is believed caused
the death of Patrick McCaffery who i3
missing Three other workmen were in
jured seriousljr
Calls on National Banlrs
The comptroller of the currency has
issued a call to national banks and tor a
report on their condition at the close of
business September 20
Blanco in a Pardoning Mood
Captain General Blanco amplifying his
degree of August 2 has pardoned 119
persons who were exiled from Cuba for
all kinds of crimes
Many Fishermen Drowned
Heavy storms prevailed on the Baltic
Sea Saturday One hundred and twenty
fishermen were drowned between Polangen
and Libau province of Coursland Russia
Mme Paulmier Wife of Member of
the Chamber of Deputies Fires
the Shot Fatal Mine Explosion in
Pennsylvania Other items
Paris Editor Shot
Mme Paulmier wife of M Charles
Ernest Paulmier member of the French
chamber of deputies from the department
of Calvades has added another tragedy 10
the bewildering intricacies of lie Dreyfus
case Mme Paulmier on Saturday entered
the office of La Lanterne in Paris and asked
to see M Millerand M Millerand was
absent and M Ollivior who was present
stepped forward to receive the lady who
without waiting for any explanation
whipped out a revolver and fired twice M
Ollivior fell to the floor wounded He
was taken to a hospital
Mme Paulmier was taken into custody
and when questioned cooly announced
I wished to kill M Millerand She ex
plained that La Lanterne had slandered
herself and her husband because her hus
band had written the letter to Gen Chan
oine minister of war with reference to
putting a stop to the attacks upon the
army provoked by the Dreyfus affair
An Explosion of Fire Damp Near
Brownsville Pa
An explosion of fire damp occurred in
the Empire coal mines near Brownsville
Pa Friday morning A hundred and
thirty men were at work in the mine and
all but about fifty escaped without injury
As soon as possible after the explosion
rescuing parties were organized Three
hundred women and children surrounded
the mouth of the shaft The days work
had just been begun when the explosion
occurred and it was immediately fol
lowed by a second Of the 180 men be
low ground fifty eight were in entries 9
and 10 Four men were near the mouth
of the entries and the others far in When
the explosions came these four men made
a rush for the main heading which they
succeeded in reaching although all were
more or less injured and finally crawled
out to the open air These four were the
only ones in entries 9 and 10 known to be
Twenty seven of the entombed miners
escaped by traversing a mile and a half of
underground passages coming out at the
opening near Lynn station Eight dead
miners have been recovered The explo
sion is said to have been caused by the
loosening of a large block of coal which
opened a pocket of gas
President of University of Iowa
Passes Away
Charles E Schaeffer president of the
University of Iowa died at his home in
Iowa City Friday morning The imme
diate cause of death was a malignant form
of gangreneous gastritis He had been ill
but a few days President- Schaeffer was
born in Pennsylvania in 1843 graduated
at the University of Pennsylvania in 1861
attended Harvard from 1863 to 1865 as
sistant in chemistry at Union College
from 1865 to 1867 attended school of mines
of Berlin 1863 9 professor of chemistry
and mineralogy Cornell University 1869
87 dean of Cornell faculty 1886 87 pres
ident of Iowa University since 1887
United States Will Stand No Delaj
in Evacuation of Cuba
A very peremptory message of instruc
tions has been sent the Cuban military
commission and by them made the basis
of a note to the Spanish commissioners
The authorities will not make public the
terms of the note but its general tenor is
that the United States will not be satisfied
with any further delay in evacuation of
Cuba If is to the effect that the terms of
the protocol called for the immediate
evacuation of Cuba and that Spanish sov
ereignty must be relinquished The
American commissioners have been in
formed that the evacuation of Cuba cannot
be delaved
Chili and Argentine Agree to Submit
Disputes to Arbitration
An agreement between Chili and Argen
tine to submit the boundary disputes be
tween the two countries to arbitration
has been signed
Shooting Becomes Epidemic
Frank P Myers shot and instantly killed
John Lenhart a constable and Michael
Kerns a bystander at Garrett Md while
resisting eviction from a house which was
the subject of a family dispute He then
barricaded the doors and windows and
was finally captured by the sheriff of the
count As he was being taken to jail
someone in the crowd shot the prisoner in
the head and he fell dead in the sheriffs
arms A posse is hunting for the man
who shot Myers
Firing on Prisoners Justifiable
Lieutenant Colonel Dudley of the judgt
advocate generals department has re
turned to Washington and is now encaged
in the preparation of his report upon tha
conditions under which the Spanish pris
oners on the Harvard were killed It ij
believed that Colonel Dudley has already
collected sufficient testimony to jnako
clear tht fact that the firing upon lb
Spaniards was a necessary and justifiaui
Dowager Empress Supreme and Pro
posed Reforms Are Impossible
An imperial edict issued at Pekin an
nounces that the Einperor has abdicated
in favor of the dowager empress The
latter has ordered that henceforth the
ministers shall deliver their official re
ports to her The edict says the Em
peror three times requested the Empress
to reassume the government and that she
yielded at the third request It is diffi
cult to learn accurately what is happen
ing in the palace There is little doubt
that the reform edicts led to the deposi
tion of the Emperor The Dowager
oress was content to let the Emperor
alone so loDg as he was merely a figure-
head but wlien he initiated or sanctioned
a policy that was opposed to her views
Ehe compelled him to abdicate
Numerous rumors are in circulation
some of which are alarming One report
has it that the Dowager Empress is ac
tuated by the determination to baffle Mar
quis Ito the Japaucse statesman who
it was understood visited Pekin for the
purpose of arranging an offensive and de
fensive alliance between China and
Japan When the Emperor received Mar
quis Ito in audience the other day he
showed him great honor and expressed
the hope that he would give advice re
specting tffe proposed reforms Another
report says that violent scenes occurred
between the Dowager Empress and the
Emperor in the The
Empress is believed to be greatly Incensed
by Russias passivity and by the degrada
tion of Li Hung Chang and is now court
ing Russia with all her might
IJLiarce Party Reaches Seattle with
About 100000 in Dost
The steamer Humboldt arrived at Se
attle twelve clays from St Michaels
Alaska with 230 passengers from Daw
son City Tbe majority of them were
glad to get Jack to civilization There
were only a few who had any gold dust
David Bellcnberg had the largest sack
He told Purser Twiggs that lie was bring
ing out 00000 spending money Purser
Twiggs estimates the total amount of
treasure brought down on the steamer at
100000 The troops taken up from San
Francisco on the Humboldt left St Mi
chaels for Rampart City on the steamer
Arnold Among the Humboldts passen
gers were A E Gardiner who is inter
ested with some Chicago people in the pio
posed construction of a railroad from
Rampart City to the coast and Robert
Moran of Seattle who took up a fleet of
river steamers this summer
Dedicated at Junction City Kan Dur
ing the Recent Soldiers Reunion
A feature of the Fifth district G A R
reunion at Junction City Kan was the
unveiling and dedication of the fine me
morial arch that has just been completed
The monument is thirty five feet high
made of native stone and surmounted by
a bronze figure eight feet high and can
non and stack of arms
Airs Stevens of the W C T U Speaks
of the Chicngo Enterprise
Mrs L M X Stevens acting national
prtodiiii of the Womans Christian Jmi
peranee Union of America and State
president of the Maine organization de
livered an address at the State conven
tion in Bangor Me The important por
tion of her remarks related to the situa
tion of the union relative to the Womans
Temple in Chicago She said The build
lug has never brought revenue to the so
ciety on the contrary more than 200
000 mostly from whitc ribboners has
been spent in floating the enterprise
while the National W C T U has paid
and is paying to day regular rent for its
office in the Temple Hence in giving
up the Temple the C T U has nothing-
to lose but much to gain s
Empress Dowager
airs Flo Jauiison Miller Is Youngest
the Organization Has Ever Had
Mrs Flo Jamison Miller the new presi
dent of the Womans Relief Corps is a
native of Monticello III and one of tha
most popular women in that part of th
State She is the youngest president thq
relief corps has ever had Col W H
Jamison Mrs Millers father was a
ber of tihe Twenty first Illinois Grants
m mjmmL
i tKti ys5
114 III
old regiment in the civil war and was
mustered out as its colonel Mrs Miller
was very active in the work of the corps
and in 1894 she was elected to succeed
Mrs Emma R Wallace as president of
the Illinois department Her husband
is W Scott Miller a contractor
List of Losses Eeceived in Chicago
from Lake Points
The following lake disasters were re
ported in Chicago in one day recently
Schooner Senator coal laden for Harbor
Springs stranded in the thick smoke on
Skillagalee reef Lake Michigan schoon
ers J H Mead and Mediator Duluth to
Chicago with lumber went ashore on Ke
weenaw point Lake Superior near Port
age Lake canal total losses steamer Colo
rado Duluth to Port Huron 1500 tons
flour stranded on a reef at Eagle harbor
Keweenaw peninsula total loss steamer
Keystone went ashore on Big Summer
Island Lake Michigan and later caught
fire and was destroyed with 1000 tons
of coal schooner Keepsake with a cargo
of coal for Marine City foundered in
Lake Erie schooner Southwest without
cargo sunk on Huron Island Lake Su
Complains to the United States of
Colombias Bad Faith
The Italian Government has called the
attention of the Government of the Unit
ed States to the incorrect attitude of the
Government of Colombia and demanded
that the latter respect its treaties other
wise Italy reserves to herself the right to
adopt the energetic measures toward Co
lombia which were recently abandoned in
deference to the United States Advices
received at Colon from Bogota the capi
tal of Colombia say that all relations be
tween Colombia and Italy have been sev
ered owing to the action of the Italian
Government in the Cerruti affair which
the Colombian officials considered arbi
trary and in violation of the treaty of
1S92 which was thereby annulled
English and American Sailors March
Together in Canada
Wednesday was a memorable day iE
Quebecs history Representatives of
three great nations the United States
Great Britain and France united to hon
or the memory of Samuel Champlain the
intrepid explorer who founded that city
in 160S and died there twenty seven years
later The United States protected cruis
er Marblehead Capt McCalla was sent
there specially by the American Govern
ment The spectacle was witnessed of
American and British bluejackets march
ing in procession through the streets of
Canadas ancient capital and standing
shoulder to shoulder in the square round
Champlains monument All the Ameri
can commissioners were present
The hay crop of the United States ia
larger than last year by several millior
Orange production of the Pacific coast
this season has been the greatest in Cali
fornias -history
The reports indicate that the acreage ol
winter wheat sown in Nebraska this fall
will be larger than ever
The cotton crop in Texas alone will be
equal to a pound of cotton for every man
woman and child on earth
Quebec Commission Hears froini
Americnn Industries
The people of the United Slates are evi
dently beginning to awaken to the great
importance of the results which may
come from the work of the international
joint high commission now in session in
Quebec Canada It has become known
that the Canadian representatives aret
urging that a treaty embodying commer
cial reciprocity be made which treaty itt
Is held would seriously affect nearly all
the great industries of the United States
These industries are now being heard
from in a very emphatic way The Amer
ican commissioners have been besieged by
deputations of Americans praying that
no ironclad treaty be entered into which
would disturb if not in many instances
destroy the present protective tariff laws
of the United States The farmers of the
United States put In their protest and it
was a very strong one
Following this came another earnest
protest from Albert Clark president of
the Home Market club of Boston Tie saidi
the organization he spoke for had up-
wards of 2000 members mostly manufact
urers and represented a total capital in
terest of 700000000 He opposed com
mercial reciprocity
J A Tawney of itf mnesofci i lejiali
of the lumbermen of the United States
presented to the commissioners a printed
memorial signed by 259 of the principal
lumber firms in twenty one states and
protesting earnestly against the reduction
of the duty on Canadian lurcher
Navy Department Orders that Pouf
Hundred Men Be Recruited I
The Navy department has ordered -100
sailors to be sent to Admiral Dewey sj
squadron at Manila The men will be sent
from San Francisco on a merchant steamer
It is the purpose of the department toj
gather most of the men from the Pacific
coast but orders havebeoR given to Lieu-
tenant Commander V it in charge of the
permanent naval ecruiting station atl
Chicago to recruit i0 of the sailors there
This detail does ofc mi mm to a reiu j
forcementof the fo p - a ila for thej
men are to take the place of sailors whose
lerms of service have expired
The American Tobacco Company In
vests 1250000 in St Louis
A deal was consummated in St Louis
Thursday whereby the Brown Tobacco
Plant becomes the property of the Ameri
can Tobacco Company The price paid
was 1259000 Paul Brown president of
the Brown Tobacco Company will be
come manager of the business for the
American Tobacco Company
France Said to Have Decided to
Dispatch Troops at Once
The Paris Journal says the government
has decided upon the immediate dispatch
of a company of Senegalese and sharp
shooters and a detachment of artillery to
re enforce Maj Marchand the French
explorer who is reported to have occupied
Fashoda on the Nile about 400 miles
above Khartoum
Buffalo Bill Is Very III
Colonel William F Cody Buffalo Bill
tvas taken very ill at Kansas City the
other day and was removed from his pri
vate car to St Josephs hospital He is
suffering from typhoid fever and his phy
sician says his conditionals serious
Sends Ultimatum to Argentine
A Buenos Ayres dispatch says Chili
has given Argentine five days in which to
decept unrestricted arbitration of the
boundary dispute between the two coun
Chicago Cattle common to prime
P300 to 000 hogs shipping grades
300 to 425 sheep fair to choice 250
to 475 wheat No 2 red 66c to G7c
corn No 2 29c to 30c oats No 2 21c
to 22c rye No 2 47c to 49c butter
choice creamery 19c to 21c eggs fresh
13c to 15c potatoes choice 35c to 45e
ner bushel
Indiananolis CaiWo thinnin S300 to
550 hogs choice light 300 to 425
sheep common to choice 300 to 450
wheat No 2 red J4c to 66c corn No
2 white 29c to 30c oats No 2 white 23c
to 25c j
St Louis Cattle 300 to 575 hogs
350 to 425 sheep 350 to 450
wheat No 2 G9c to 71c corn No 2
yellow 28c to 30c oats No 2 23c to 25c
rye No 2 45c to 47c
Cincinnati Cattle 250 to 525 hogs
300 to 425 sheep 250 to 475
wheat No 2 68c to 70c corn No 2
mixed 30c to 32c oats No 2 mixed
23c to 25c rye No 2 47c to 49c
Detroit Cattle 250 to 550 hogs
325 to 425 sheep 250 to 425
wheat No 2 G7e to 69c corn No 2
yellow 30c to 32c oats No 2 white 24c
to 26c rye 47c to 48c
Toledo Wheat No 2 mixed 69c tO
71c corn No 2 mixed 30c to 31c oats
No 2 white 20c to 22c rye No 2 47e
to 49c clover seed 375 to 385
Milwaukee Wheat No 2 spring 65c
to 67c corn No 3 30c to 31c oats soi
2 white 24c to 26c rye No 1 47c to 49c
barley No 2 42c to 44c pork mess
800 to 850
Buffalo Cattle good shipping steers
300 to 575 hogs common to choice
350 to 450 sheep fair to choice weth
ers 350 to 500 lambs common to
extra 500 to 650 a
New York Cattle 300 to 575 hogs
300 to 475 sheep 300 to 500
wheat No 2 red 74e to 75c corn No
2 35c to 30c oats No 2 white 26e t
28c buttercreamery 15c to 22c eggs
Wesrn 16c to ISc