The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, August 25, 1898, Image 8

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i -
Buffalolake 5
Cleveland 1
Enlow 3
Gillaspie 4
MGtherlaker 3
Pleasant Hill 2
- Sharps Kanch 2
Steeu 1
BOBEET GOOD Editor and Publisher
Official Paper f Cherry Coun
ty ISefcraska
100 Per Year in Advance
Entered at t h e Post office at Valentine Cherry
eounty Nebraska as Second class matter - r
This paper will be mailed regularly
to its subscribers until a definite order
to discontinue is received and all ar
rears are paid in full
For Governor
AL E Gilbert
For Secretary of State
W F Porter
For state Treasurer
J R Reserve
l v t
For State Auditor-
Jv F Cornell
For Attorney General
C J Smyth
jr Com Public Lands and Buildings
J V Wolfe
Supt Public Instruction
W B Jackson -
representative convention of
lejgislative district and transact
other- business as may properly
mnty Convention
mention of the
county Nebr is
It in Valentine on
KnujETuuv oyisewjemBer
iSfat 10oclock a mM for
pose of placing in nomination
dates for the following offices towit
County Attorney
County Coroner To fill vacancy
Also to elect five delegates to the
the 52d
before it
Precincts are entitled to representa
tion as follows each precinct being al
lowed one delegate at large and one
for each 10 votes or fraction thereof
cast for Wm Metzger for county clerk
at the election in November 1897
Boiling Springs
S Lavaca
Robert Good Chairman
M Secretary
A -convention of the democrats of
the third commissioner district Cher
ry county rNb i hereby called to
meet in MerrimaEnriday the 9th
day of September 1898 at 2 oclock
p m for the purpose of placing - in
nomination one candidate for com
missioner Precincts are entitled to
samBrnumber of delegates as to county
convention Robert Good
Chairman Co Cen Com
It is not fair to sav4hajb thjpul
V C Ucajnartwliiu twenty
t yarsiaWJ3 state and to hold that
party responsible for all the legislative
Bins of omission and commission dur
ing all those years The fact is that
it was the railroad- machine rather
than the republican party which reign
ed during that period However
since our republican friends are willing
to point with pride to those years and
Bay Look what we did when we
ifereinpowerperhapiitisour duty
to let them get all the glory they can
out of the record Papillion Times
Hny republican newspapers chal
lenge the oorrectnessof the assertion
tllat M L Haywardr republican can
didate forgovemorsaidthe railroads
will not let me run for congress
The World Herald gives the fpHowing
in answer to a denial by a republican
paper that Hay ward ever used such
MJ L Hay ward the republican nom
inee for governor made the statement
at the Millard hotel in the city of
The gentleman to whom Mr Hay
ward made the statement was Judge
Benjamin S Baktr of Omaha
The exact language used by Mr
Hayward in explanation of the
reason why he did not exercise Ins
well known preference and remain a
candidate for congress was tlThe
B M willnot let trie run fdr con
gress - ti
If the St Paul republicans desire
anv turtner namcuiars tne
i Jleraldsuggests that it address Horn
-- lioritimri ft Ralrnr nrVin ri11 Tlrtf donv
----- JKts explicit statement -
The democratic
- riri i
iit - - -
ana populist con
ventions Saturday for the purpose of
nominating a senator from the 14th 1
district have passed into history and
with them went one of T the hardest
quiet fights ever seen here One
thing about it is peculiars no -bad
blood Temainedafteni the convention
adjourned There were three active
candidates for the nomination in the
populist convention and none among
the democrats The democrats cau
cused in the morning and agreed to
keep out of the fight and give the pop
ulists a chance to agree among them
selves The candidates were Heath
of Sheridan with 17 votes solid Mutz
of Kejafmaiwithli votes to his
credit and Beinert of Cherry with 9
votes The remaining votes were free
lances Reinert pulled out early and
Cherry and Dawes cast 17 votes for
Plumer of Cherry The balloting
then became fast and furious
Twenty one ballotts were- takenand
ana most or tnem resulted mutz n j
Heath 17j Plumer 17 No progress
having been made-the-convention ad
ioirhWunttIafti6rsuer and the
clans got together Plumers friends
having decided that he could not get
tie nomination divided their forces
-at least Dawes county did and
Mutz was given a majority To show
that no hard feelings were present the
nomiflatibnwas madeunanimousrand
Mutz was called for a speech It did
not take the democrats long to endorse
the action of their friends and assure
the nominee of their support
This action by the joint conventions
makes fusion on the legislative ticket
a fact The next representative from
the 52didfcict will undoubtedly
democratA3iHe nd custom
dictate that Cherry county shall name
the nominee this year it behooves
local democrats to put on their think
ing caps and decide upon some good
man for the place -
Ye editor is not a candidate
President JH of Knox
college in the interior constructs a
new decalogue
1 Thou shalt have no other nation
before this one
2 Thou shalt not take unto thee
any image of gold or silver nor fall
down and worshipit
3 Thou shalt not take the name of
thy country in vain
4 Remember the spirit of liberty
and keep it holy-
5Hon6r those- who- gave- thy
niStt6nbirthtbthe flaysOf thtlanfd
may be long
6 Thou shall not stain national
7 Thou shall not have entangling
alliances with other nations
8 Thou shall not corrupt the pub
lic credit
9 Thou shall not covet thy neigh
bors islands nor anything that is- thy
10 Thoushall not let thy partisan
ship bear false witness to thy patriot
A politician was heard to rpiark
Sunday that hereafter whsrfie had a
dead immortal cjiwi he would play
it for all it wTworth
j f
IrJ brder to satisfy the natural curi
osity of our friends wewilfsayV
We havent named the paper yet
We dont know what Mr Reinert
intends doing
We will run only one paper
We bought the plant subscription
list good will and all accounts
We do notcontemplate moving the
Wait for next weekspaper
The Omaha Bee of Wednesday con
tained the announcement that J L
Paul of this city had filed a petition
in the federal court to be adjudged a
voluntary bankrupt This news comes
as something of a surprise to our citi
zens This is the first case of the
kind from this part of the state under
the new bankruptcy law Chcldron
CaptP G Cooper accompanied by
Lieutenants Hobson and Jandt left
Chickamauga not
to assisHnguarding Cuba and Porto
Rico but to dispose of three carloads
of horses in ttief southern markets
which were shipped frmheie at the
time of their dyaprCrawford
The question has been aaked us the
difference between a rooster Uncle
Samdteoid maid This might be
igodd questioner a query box at the
mstitutebutlSsigiid the rooster says
CbcVadooledo7Kcie Sam sings
andkthe old
- r -
4 -
X r s ----v -- m 1
tv ZIZ rJr aiffisrjfcS afW zr tT
SHV JB av b mJ ajaw a as aaa flak al Bl I If k -- - - - 2
L L aMBB m - M m m mm mm Z III
Institute HUotes
The Cherry County Teachers Insti
tute closes today witn fiftyifive teach
ers in attendance the following par
ties having enrolled theirnames since
Winnie Crowe Merriman
W F Morgareidge Simeon
W F Flowers Valentine
Jennie Crowe Merriman
Ora Richardson Harlan
Cena Downing
ijuiu mmci mnh 0 nn
ftfer v-
Ada Dwyer Woodlake
U G Stevenson Woodlake
Rivers Still well Simeon
Frank E Thorn Valentine
Maggie Herring Valentine
Allie Handy Valentine
Of the 41 teachers now
normal institute in Valen
tmTEJDifMOGRAl1 knows of but
twothat it would care to vouch for as
being gentlemen Gee that is a de
plorable state of affairs when so many
Polks Miss their calling That
must be a worse Towne than Gor
don We cannot understand why
Cherry county Hayes so many
Thorns among its Pairheads We
fear The Democrat has Dunham
an injustice in which event some
Burley school maam ought to take
a Stoner something Harden her
strong -right Ha1rau and H5marrhe
editors Doty head until he learns
to stop Lyon and be Good Gor
don Journal
Prof R H Watson delivered an ex
cellent lecture on Factors of Child
Life at the M E church last evening
to a large audience- This lecture Jis
spoken of as the- bestr delivered in Val
entine for- a long- time Prof Watson
having made a special study of his
subject In addition to the lecture
the audience were entertained with a
song by MaggieHerring and -Edith
and a recitation by Mrs
Watson The evening closed with
America sung by the audience-
Prof Pinkerton is one of the best
institute instructors that ever visited
this county He doesnt tell the teach
ers very much but he makesjthem
think -for themselvesand that is the
main thing He sometimes does rriot
express an opinion - during a whole
period of instruction but before he is
through each of the teachers has a few
new thoughts
One of the best things we have
heard tor some time was the talk on
Foes Raven as delivered by Prof
Watsorr Tuesday afternoon The
teachers received many1 new ideas
about this poem from learning how it
was written and what the central idea
darkest despair -is the points being
brought out one by one as the stanzas
were read
Prof Pinkerton leaves for his home
at Lead tonight and takes with him
the best wishes of every teacher who
attended the institute
J Examinations wilr tomor
row and next day and Monday will
find most of the teachers at their
homes -
We are able to resumfcrdurpencll once more
Threshing has begun in our neighborhood
John Shelbourn threshed the latter part of
last week have not learned the average yield
Among the casualties I will mention that Joe
Bristol lost a fine cow by daring a
thunder storm the middle of the past wek also
Thos Fowler lost a valuable horse on Friday of
last week cause unknown
Ernest Bowden has built a new granary to
held his large crop of wheat
MraCanlefiFowlerstarted for Iowa Saturday
morning being callid there to see hermottier
who is very sick and not expected to iivel v
filrs Cooksey who Json Geo Tracewells
farm went to Omaha totUMethodist hospital
for treatment Saturday moving V
-Some of our folks are gathering j wild plums
ofwhlch there is aa abundance S A
r t i
Chickamatjga Pakk G a 21 Theresa a generally
accredited ruinbr of ariorder transferring the Second Nebraska-to
Omaha at once in circulation tonight and enlisted
men are wild witbrjoy except 100 who are wanting transfers
to regiments gping to Cuba
- The dread of tfhalaria has been likea pall over the camp
for many days the best men being stricken with fever daily
and thehospitals overcrowded Tlfere has been bitter dis
appoifitrrterit from enforced idleness pnba had been pre
ferred bnt any change- is eagerly- -welcomed
A special train with 46 Nebraska boys sick with--fever -leaves
here tonight with more to follow
Jamaica is making efforts to be annexed to theTJhited States
One Nebraska man was killed in fight at Manila He was- a
member of the David City company- -
100000 volunteerfr will Be mastered btrt of the shortly
Democrat Representative Convention
The democratic electors of the 52d
representative district will meet in
convention at Norden Nebr Sept
17 1898 at 1 p m to nominate a
candidate for legislature and for any
bther business that may corner before
theebfiVention Representatioh isias
Cherry 5 Keya Paha 3
Based on the vote cast for Hon C J
Smyth W E Haley
naantfttlVA rAitTAiltiniiH
v m 1iiaijavw f w - 1
The neonresiuaepenaein eiecton
the 52d representative district are re
quested to meet in convention at Kor
den on Saturday Sept 17 1898 at
1 oclock p m Counties are entitled
to rehresentation as follows
Cherry 8 Keya Paha 4
No proxies will be allowed but the
delegates present will cast the full J
vote -of the--county
GeoH Reinert Chairman
Branbulk -v per cwt 900 ton
Shorts bulk 60c per cwt 1100 ton
Screenings 40c 700
Chop Peed 70c 1300
Corn 65c -
Oats 100
A Experiences In Fish
ing While t Anchor
A ffroup of officexstood on the
the moititoryT erPdf as the ves
sel lay ia the Ilorgeshoetlown at Sandy
Hook one afternoon just before the re
cent trial of the ships guns at sea and
discussed whether there was time to
fish from the deck for awhile before
dinner The discussion brought forth
a lot of naval fishing experiences
Whenthfcgristof stories had nearly run
out an officer who had been silent up
to that time cleared his throat and
Isuppose some of Jypti -will laugh
and sneer at my statement but I want
to declare that Ihaveseen fish that
could and did catch bullets We have
all heard of magicians who catch bul
lets fired at them by members of a
squad I can go that better bysaying
that have seen fish that really did
catch bullets fired in a volley into the
water from a It was on
my latest cruise I had just been or
dered to the ship The day that I ar
rived my fellow officers said that they
had part of the crew drawn up for re
volver practice At the close of the
practice a volley rWas fired at an imag
inary enemy1
Later in the day the officers began
to fish for pleasure and several fish
were caught In- each of them was
found a bullet from the revolversrthat
had been fired that afternoon Of
course I snorted at the idea and asked
why they told such things when there
were no marines n board They then
said they would try it again- The squad
was brought up and another volley was
fired into the water We all went to
fishing right away In less than half
an hour we had two fine bass We cut
them open and there were the bullets
Of course I saw what had happened
The bullets were skipping across the
water and finally sank after having
lost their force- They were bright and
the fish darted for them as they do for
anything bright that goekjjy Never
theless I had to see it to be convinced
Certainly we believe what you have
told us spoke up a fellow officer of the
Terror for weve had these odd ex
periences in fishing from a man-of-
war Still theres one thing you
havent explained Youhavent told
usfiow you sent word to those fishes to
come up to the ship and be caught
tf Y Sun
Order for Bearing ofJBUnalAectfittvt
In ttieCounty Court of 1
CheiTy County- j
In the matterbftne estate of G A Erickson
Now 011 the ICfth day of August 1898 came
CMKime administrator of said estate and
prays for leave to tender an account as such
administrator It is therefore ordered that the
3d daydf Sept 1898 atJ2 m In my office in
Valentine in said countv beifixed a the time
and placeforexamining and allowing such ac
count and the heirs of said deceased and all
persons interested in said estate areMqulred to
appear at time and place as designated and
snow cause if such exist why saia account
should not be allowed It Is further ordered
that said C M Kime administrator give notice
tdall persons interested In said estate by caus
ing acopyof tnis onler to be published in THB
Valbiwinb Democrat a newspaper printed
and Ingeneralclrcuiation fn said county for
3 weeks prWf to the day set for said hearing
Given undermy band and seal of the said
county court this iOth day of August 1898
County Judge
Ck Smilb Premier Cypewritcr
Best Value Writin NachTn
first In Improvements Hnesf
Construction and all HiiM iraf
Typewriter Essentials
kiftd tbKl
ART ieOHLftT ril
- f I- -
mmfmjmmWmmh VM
29 31
- Thiistfi
VUSgSfa I from their
ITI aeent toamf
v aii
AmcricaPopda Tailor Chicago
Earl Comstoeky -Manager
Valentine Neb
Cattle branded on
left side or hip Also
969 TG
8 2
Horses sameas on
steer left hip Also
C on left shoulder
S2500O Reward for sufficient evidence to
convict any person of stealing cattle of the above
Eosebud S D
ID 1183 either left
3ide or hip
F on left
Horses sll0Ulder
Kangehead of
y c f J
fmmrt Tr
m MM
Eosebud S D
h Some- branded ID
417 on leitsiae
Horses JD on left
Kange in Meyer Co
on Antelope Creek
om Huclson
Simeon Neb
Left hip on cattle
Left shoulder on
Some horses Lazy
a on left shoulder
Kange between
Gordon and Bnaka
River and Nfdbrara
Left ears tagged Airoatriertiellcnied
Order for Hearing of JFinal Account
In the County Court of
Cherry Coanty
In the matter of the estate of John Enlow de-
Kow on the 9th day of Aujrost 1893 came
WHUara E Haley administrator of said estate
and prays for leave to render an account as
such administrator Itf is therefore ordwed
that the sd day of Sentemberl89at 10 oclock
a m at my office in Yalentine be fied as thei
time ana piace ior examining ana aiiowing sucn
accountsj andthe heirs -of said deceased and- all
persons interested in said estate are required to
appeal at the time and place so designated and
show cause if such exists why said account
shonldnotbe allowed It is further ordered
that said William E Haley administrator give
notice to ail persons interested in said estate by
causing a copy or tms oraer to ne puousnea in
Thb VAiBNTrKE Demockat a newspaper
printed and in general circulation in said coun
ty for three weeks prior to the day set for said
Given under my hand and the seal of said1
court this 9Uvdayof August 1898
County Judge
Cosvomer of ours and to accomplish hat
end vfeare maSrig greatly reduced prices on
all summer goods straw hats cldthing lawna
shirt waists etc This class of goods mnst all
go inside of- the next thirty days
honsekeepers -we wonldsay we have
just pchased half a car load of-
- Crocksy jiie jars chtirnsj etc all sizes
Having pnrchasin large quantities we can
sell secrets of
onr low prices on all
Eosebud S D
Also B4U on left
Cattle undercut on
both ears
Horses branded 4
on left shoulder
Range on Antelope
and Spring Creeks
Louis J Richards
f fSfl
k Mtt
iwtmmtttiKQrtT Jtv
imith Prtmitr CmCu - mmmm
t ywniw w syraewe n v U H
Omalia Ersfmmtmh Corner Seventeentb and Farn am Streets
IfUtl1 TKmW
lTfin Ax W
I Vcat -the
You cant al ways tell - looMs
ofa garment ho wits goihg to- wear
get the wear as well as the looks
when you can have both at the same
PRICE SI 200 is the starting
point of those
with an ironclad guarantee throwcvA
in free -
to examine this line and leave your
order for one of these handsome
w U4U
Merriman Neb
McNitt Bros
Eight or left side
Horses same on
left shoulder
Earmark R wal
low tail clip right
or left ear
Bange Big Creek
I Hi
Charle3 Eichards
Paul Didier
EosefiudS D
Horses z
Cattle holeln
each ear
Ranee Bis and
Little White Elvers
9 1 VHBav - J
Steadman J3ros
right ocleftsida -Horses
and some-
cattle brand
on left side
and hip
Bange Bull Lake
and Wamaduce