The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, August 25, 1898, Image 1

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S8 r
Cominv Events
Edith Turner Elocutionist August 28
O E S Entertainment August 31
Old Settlers Jleunlon Sparks Sept 2 and 2
Labor Day September 5
ScnoolDegms Sept 5
ropulist Commissioner Convention Sept 0
Democratic Commissioner Convention Sept 9
V L Greene Sept 10
ropulist County Convention Sept to-
QeraocraticCounty Convention Sept i0
Republican Comr Convention Sept 17
H M Dawson of Norden was in
town Monday-
Arkansas Bob was in town this
week from the ranch
- ME Hose the Chadron liveryman
- - was in town yesterday
Alfred Denneau is- now night clerk
at the Talentine House
Prank FiBcher will ship a car of
cattle to Omaha this week
J E Thackreys new house is being
placed under roof this week
n E Everdell and the Valentine
JJpnsehave severed connections
EMaeDavisson was renominated
for county of Brown county last week
M Christensen is painting the
water tank and hose house this week
H W Eowring registered 3t the
Donoher yesterday from Des Moines
Another- weeks work will about
finish the new storeroom of the Red
Geo C Ball of Chicago and son
Woodruff Ball of Cody were in town
John Steinbrecher and August Kara
of Norfolk were in town on business
Stella Mae Williams came over
from Rosebud Tuesday for a visit
with friends
Jphn McCutchen ofBrownIee was
transacting- business- at the court
House yesterday
M P Jordon of Arabia was in
town Saturday and stopped at the
Valentine House
Everybody isnor willing to admit
tnat ttie best laid plans of mice and
men gang aft aglee
FranK Brayton is carefully nursing
a large and healthy looking boil on
left cheek this week
Dr Winder and- Major Minor re
turned to Rosebud Tuesday from
their trip to Chamberlain S D
Every woman will favor an ordi
nance forbidding- the use of barb wire
for fencing within the city limits
Dr Lewis has had a large water
tank buili near his new windmill and
will run a water works system by him
The Minnechaduza mill is receiving
500 bushels of new wheat per
wiieat was worwr ao cents yes
C S Jones treasurer of the demo
cratic state central committee was- in
tbwn Tuesday looking over the field
of politics
Wheat which has been tnreshed is
yielding about 12 bushels per acre
but we are told that the best wheat is
yet to thresh
Dick Grooms was in town tHis week
j with a dozen tomatoes picked at ran
dom which weighed 7 pounds One
alone weighed one pound
The Donoher has added a fine new
two story cigar case to its office furni
ture has moved the clerks desk and
is putting on airs generally
The infant daughter of E Sparks
and wife has been quite ill during the
past week but is considerably- im
proved in health at this time
Grant Guthrie and wife visitedwith
the family of J C Northrop while
in town Saturday attending the pop
ulist convention from Sioux county
The Longpine Journal- will change
Hands next week 0 O Buck -formerly
of this county but later of MnLeao
HI having leased the plant from B B
Born Sunday Aug 21 to Mi and
Mrs JosephYeast a nine pound giri
Br Dwyex attending Cherry street
- -- atmosphere is conductive to the birth
or girls it seeing
Grandpa and Grandma Query came
up from Ainsworth last Thursday
making the trip by wagon
Jt M Utter was up from Sioux
City again this week and sold several
carsof cattle to local stockmen
C E Sherman was appointed depu
ty by Sheriff Strong last week and is
now a full fledged limb of the law
Razor Back will make a first rate
officialand evil doers must beware
when he is around
C H Wellford has a- copy of the
Hawaiian Shinpo a daily newspaper
published at Honolulu printed for the
Chinese population It looks about
ink smeared flies- hadiwalked over it
We had the pleasure last Saturday
evening of attending an elocutionary
recital at Johnstown by Miss Edith
Turner of this city Miss Turner did
excellently She has a good voice
splendid delivery and is perfectly
self possessed in all her work Ains
worth Star Journal
While driving with his wife and a
lady friend Sunday evening J J Guth
had the misfortune to guide his team
into a barb wire fence around John
Jones place and almost ruined one
of his horses The animal was badly
cut in several places on the chest side
and leg
We hope that our readers will deal
leniently with this weekss paper be
cause the editor has been busy all
week making arrangements to buy the
Western JSTews plant good will sub
scription list and accounts The deal
was only completed yesterday after
noon so look out for our next issue
Under the direction of the board of
health the village water tank was
thoroughly cleaned last Friday and
Saturday two barrels of lime being
used to make the cleaning thorough
With1 a little care by our citizens there
is now no reason why complaints
should be made against the purity of
the city water
The forecasts issued from the local
oftice of the weather bureau5 during
the last six-weeks-have been phenom
enally coireot and we notice that not
near so much fun has been made of
the forecasts People are prone to
notice a wrong forecast and say nothing-when
it is right though the mis
takes are very few
AM the democratic convention was a
trio of men who are known all over
the northwest J M Coble exsTJ S
marshal and present sheriff of Keya
Paha Pat Murphy sheriff of Brown
county when the- county was tough-
and Jim Danlman formerly sheriff of
Dawes Each of them bears a splend
id reputation for nerve and bravery
1 The Grant House has fallen into
good hands agaiD and the new- man
ager Mr A T White with the assist
ance of Mrs White who is a very
pleasant and entertaining hostess
will make the house once more a pop
ular resort for the traveling public A
Grip representative enjoyed the- luxu
ries of the table of the Grant last Sun
day Alliance Grip
Uncle Eobert Martin ot Ainsworth
attendedr the democratic convention
Saturday and visited with the editor
and family Sunday Uncle Bob is
a civil war veteran and an old linei
democrat and in addition bears the
distinction of having the editor named
for him Geo Hershey is one of the
boys whom Uncle Bob used to dandle
on his knee in Ohio years ago
We are in receipt of the speed pro
gram of the Custer county fair to be
held at Broken Bow September 13 to
16 and judging from the f2G00 offer
ed in speed the racing events will be
hummers Single races in both trot
ting and pacing reach as high as 350
each Good money is offered in- all
races and the program is replete with
bicycle races base ball tournament and
other sports
TKe village boardof trustees- should
pass an ordinance forbidding the use
of barb wire fencing within the city
limits when the fence will front on the
street or is next to a pablic highway
A number of ladies have practically
ruined costly dresses by having them
blown against barb wire fencing when
walking on the sidewalk and several
children have narrowly escaped serious
1 injury from these fences
Published for
in Judge Tojxnoffiiasfc Saturday
morning io oclock by Eobert Good
the chairman M Clynes being absent
like a sheet of paper would if a dozen I After reading the call and stating the
circumstances under which the same
was issued a temporary organization
was effected by the election of Robert
Good chairman and Geo D Canon
of Harrison secretary On motion the
chair appointed P J Murphy H W
Logan and Chas Morrissey -as com
mittee on credentials and permanent
organization A recess was then de
At 1050 the credentials committee
reported the following delegates en
titled to seats in the convention and
recommended that the temporary or
ganization be made permanent
Brown Robert Martin P J Mur
phy A G Holt
Cherry Robert Good M Christen
sen John Shore James Hudson W
R Towne
Dawes Chas Morrissey G H
Willisr G M Adams Wm Lackier
J W Owens A VetterW Stransky
Sioux Geo J Canonr instructed
to cast three votes
Keya Paha H W Logan J M
Coble H Anderson
The report of the committee was
adopted and committee discharged
A committee composed of J M
Coble M Christensen and P J Mur
phy was appointed by thechairto con
fer with a like committee of populists
with a view to arranging an- equitable
method of nominating a- fusion can
didate for senator
Rbbeitf Martin H W Logan and
Chas Morrissey were appointed- to
draw resolutions for the convention
and adjournment until 1 oclock fol
Upon reconvening1 the- resolutions1
committee reported as belGW The re
port was adopted The- conference
committee of the populists at this
time appeared and a recess was taken
to give the committees time to make
up a report
Beitrcsolved By the democrats of the 14th
senatorial district in convention assembled
that we endorse the democratic state convention-
at Lincoln on August 2d 188 and the principles
laid down in the Chicago platform of 1806
And wo heartily commend to the voters of
this district the entire present state adminis
tration especially the Hon CJ Smyth attor
ney general
The conference committee delivered
the following report which was adopt
To the senatorial convention of the democratic
party of the 14th senatorial district
We our committee of conference to confer
with peoples independent party now in conven
tion assembled beg leave to report as follows
It is proposed by the committee from the
democrats that each convention proceed to bal
lot for a candidate for senator and that when
any person shall have received- a majority ia
each convention he shall be declared the nomi
nee of each convention J M coble
C E Lear
Thereupon H W Logan of Keya
Paha was nominated1 for senator but
positively declined to allow his name
to be used M Christensen nomina
ted P Sullivan and P J Murphy
seconded the nomination The rules
were suspended and Mr Sullivan was
nominated by acclamation Rfennrt
was sent to the
populists and the con
vention rested until 430 when an ad
journment was made until- 7 oclock
At 730 the convention was called to
order and a committe from the popu
lists announced that their convention
had nominated Otto Mutz for senator
by acclamation- Mr Sullivans name
was withdrawn from
before the con
vention and on motion Mutz was nom
inated by acclamation He was noti
fied of the conventions action and
made a neat speech thanking the del
egates forthe honor shown him
Martin Christensen was elected
chairman of the democratic senatorial
committee and Robert Good1 secretary
Upon request of the- newly elected
chairman the following were made
members of the committee from the
various criunties in the district
Boy Butte H Barliew Brown P
J Murphy Dawes C T Wardlaw
ur Years as
eya Paha H W Logan Rock J J
Jarlin Sheridan P Pattisonj Sioux
Iemooratsafeet and Perfect
iaatlon nwd Endorse the Action ot
7 ven
xopuiists isvery toumj
the District Represented
The democrat convention jjg tlie j4th
senatorial district was oajj to orjer
J Biewett
After a short talk from the chair
le convention adjpurned sine die
The Populists
The secretary of the populist con
vention neglected to leave a copy of
his minutes in- town hence we are un
able to give a detailed account of the
work of that convention As near as
can be ascertained however the fol
lowing is a complete record
The convention was called to order
by chairman C W Potter of Brown
county and the call was read A tem
porary organization was formed by
the election of Potter chairman
Grant Guthrie of Harrison Sioux
County secretary Committees on
credentials organization and resolu
tions were appointed and- the conven
tion adjourned until one oclock
At the afternoon meeting the or
ganization made permanent the cre
dentials committee reported eight
eouaties represented and the resolu
tions committee submitted the follow
ing which was adopted
The peoples independent party of the 14th
senatorial district in convention assembled this
20Mi day of August 1898 adopt the following
platform of principles
We re afllrm our loyalty to all the principles
declared in the platforms of the peoples inde
pendent party adopted in national convention
at Omaha in 1892 and at St Louis in 1893 and
the state platform of 1893
earc opposed- to the standard bond
Issuing and American system of finance now be
in forced upon the people by the republican
party and we are in favor of bi metallism and
a national currency issued by the government
only direct to the people in sufficient amount to
transact the business of the country on a cash
basis Believing these principles to be true
we appeal to the people to leave in obeyance
far the present all former partrafflliations and
unite with us in our effort to free ourselves and
our children from the domination of the world
enslaving money power
We endorse the present state administration
as being honest efficient and true to the inter
est of the people and we commend our state
officials for their business Jike and conservative
policy in the interest of good government
We heartily endorse the olflciaLactions of sen
ator Wm Allen and pledge to liim the support
of the ttominee of this convention
We endorse the untiring watchfulness of- our
members of congress and especially of the zeal
and energy o congressman W L Greene of
the big sixth and we pledge to him our
united support
We congratulate the American people on the
successful prosecution and terminaiion of the
war with Spain and the complete independence
of Cuba We give all honor to the brave officers
and men of our army and navy who have en
dured the hardships and made the sacrifice in
the interest of humanity
Messrs Lear Hayward and Philips
were appointed a conference com
mittee and the convention took a re
cess The same report wa3 submitted
to the convention as to that of the
democrats and was adopted An in
formal ballot on- seaator was taken
and four candidates discovered
Twenty one ballots were taken without
result and the convention adjourned
until 7 ocIock at which time Otto
Mutz was nominated on a vote of 23
to Heaths 21 The nomination was
then made unanimous After ap
pointing committeemen from each
county the convention adjourned sine
In addition to Cherry the counties
of the district were represented as follows-
Brown G A Miles C W Potter
R S Jones
Box Butte S B Libby
Dawes H H Hayward Geo Cavin
Keya Paha C E Lear Ralph Lewis
Feter Bahr
Rock W T Phillips
Sheridan P T Johnson
Sioux Grant Guthrie
Last Friday an old woman and a
young woman a man and a little hoy
were arrested by Sheriff Strong on the
charge of vagrancy The women
were said to he very loose characters
and the boy belongs to a man in North j
Dakota The case did- not come to a
trial the judge letting the- older peo
ple go with a warning- to get out of
the county The boy is staying at
Strongs while efforts are being made
to locate his parents or relatives The
little fellow is only about five years
old and is a very bright boy
Edith Turner gives an elocutionary
recital ac the Methodist churcfr Friday
evening under the auspices of the
Epworth League We hare had the
pleasure of hearing Miss Turner on
several occasions and can recommend
her as an elocutionist of merit The
admission fee to this entertainment
has been fixed very low 10 and 15
cents and a good audience should
NO 31
Office over
Cherry County Sank
Commissioners Proceedings
Continued from lastweeTc
August 18 Board met pursuant
to adjournment Present P Sullivan
and T P Spratt
On motion the official bond of John
F Hook road supervisor of district
NTo 17 was approved
On motion the board proceeded to
Jack Darr bridge to ascertain what
repairs are necessary on said bridge
Whereupon the board entered into
agreement with Mr Mark to pot two
cords of stone around northeast pier
for 1000
On motion the following claims
were allowed on county general fund
and warrants ordered drawn
P Sullivan com fees- 24 90
T P Spratt 34 20
On motion the holdout for 1 17
erroneously held out against H Bazey
at June meeting was cancelled and
warrant ordered drawn for that
On motion the clerk was ordered to
have county coal weighed on other
scales than those owned by contract
On motion the official bond of Chas
E Sherman as deputy county- sheriff
was approved
Whereupon the board adjourned
sine die J W Daniels
Attest County Clerk
oOO Reward
Lost A fine black and white set
ter dog Answers to the name of
Paul Was first missed about July
23 500 reward will be paid for
his return to Lt C H Babth
27 Ft Niobrara Nebr
Notice io Hunters
Any person discovered hunting or
shooting on my place south of Valen
tine on ttie Niobrara will be pros
ecuted to the full extent of the law
Z9 John Fsbstl
To make room for
other goods we are
going to close out all
Mens Youths
and Boys
regardless of cost
Davenport Thaoher
A stock of the finest
Ii Stationery
wmmm Perfumes Toilet Soaps etc
Large and select line of
Wall Paper
Paints Oils Tarnish etc Df4 ICCIQf
Fine line of cigars
O tr
o tr
J B Wells
Hair cutting and shaving
Shop in th W H Moses building
Fine line of plain and fancy jew
elry constantly on hand
Repairing promptly executed and
done in the hest manner
Full line of sporting goods
All work executed with promptness
and accuracy
Office at residence east of M E church
invention 13 proDaor
strictly confidential
j Oldest azency
a taken through 1
Trade Marks
Copyrights c
Anyone sending a sketch and description ma
quickly ascertain onr opinion free whether an
natentabla Communica
tions Handbook on Patents
sent free for securing patents
Patents Munn Co zecelTS
tvecial notice without charee In tha
Scientific American
A handsomely illustrated weekly
cuiation of any scientific lournaL
largest cir
Terms i n
year four months CL Sold by all newsdealers
MUNN Co38 Hew York
Branch Office 625 Y St Washington D C
North Western Line77 is to be
to and from the
W ff