The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, August 11, 1898, Image 8

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1 1
EOBEET GOOD Editor and publisher
Official Paper of Cherry
ty Nebraska
1jOO Per Year in Advance
Entered at lb e Post office at Valentine Cherry
county Nebraika as Second class ntatter
This paper will be mailed regularly
to its subscribers until a definite order
to discontinue is received and all ar
rears are paid irffull
t -
It is expected that Hon W L
Greene will speak here on Sept 10
though complete arrangements have
not yet been made
JL man who gads around blowing
himself at political conventions while
iiis wife and children stay at home
and work from the beginning of the
year to its end may be looked upon as
a good politician but he will never be
elected to a seat in paradise-
The democrats of Brown county
have nominated T VV De Long for
superintendent to fill the unexpired
term of J O Berkley Mr De Long
is an old friend of ye scribes and will
inake Brown county a first class super
intendent when he takes charge of the
After the capture of lower Califor
nia by the American army Old Tecum
seh Sherman was sent by the presi
dent to that country to report upon
its condition and resources TTpon re
turning to Wasington and being asked
about the late acquisition to Ameri
can territory he replied There is
but one way out of this difficulty we
have got to have another war with
those greasers Why so asked the
president To mase them take the
d d country back again replied
Sherman Well that is what may
happen to us again if we dont quit
acquiring Spanish possessions
Ill is suggested thatfon January 1
1900 a new division of the year into
13 months will be instituted If suck
a division were made the first twelve
months would have twenty eight days
or four weeks each and the new
month twenty nine days to make 365
and 30 in leap yeass After a few
days there would be no need to refer
to calendars as the same day of the
week would have the same date If
Jan 1 was say Monday every Monday
would be the 1 8 15 and 22 and so on
all through the year and many calcu
lations like interest dates of maturing
notes Easter and many other import
ant dates would be simplified Al
though the present generation would
have to figure new dates for birthdays
and all legal holidays except New
Year would be on different dates yet
ifhe gain would be more than the loss
as that would be permanent and the
objections trifling Delphos 0 Her
That there will be fusion this fall be
tween the democratic and populist
parties there is little doubt The state
conventions of both parties have set
the example and it la meet that coun
ty and district conventions should fol
low the dictates of the leaders To
attain this end however it will be
aeccessary f or each party to make
concessions to the other and harmony
should prevail The senatorial rep
resentative and county conventions
of the two parties have been called for
the same places and times so that an
equitable arrangement can be made
It seems that no opposition has been
made to the populists naming the
fusion candidate for senator and it is
probable that there will be none
Likewise if is conceded that the dem
ocrats should name the representative
from this district Candidates are
always numerous for this position and
it is not always easy to select the best
man for the place but this difficulty
will be a small one this year because
John Shore of Kennedy is a candi
date for the nomination To those
who know the gentleman this state
ment is enough To those who do
not we would say that Mr Shore is a
democrat a gentleman a stockman
and a first class business man Dur
ing the two years and a half we have
Iraown him personally and by reputa
tion we have never heard a single
word derogatory to his honor honesty
ability or integrity If nominated and
elected John Shore would make a
-representative of whom we could all
islBtmM XKmmfsasituyjw
MltH8ffi3ft aLflhateBitjg
r jj -
v- VF
Folltlcal Gossip
The republicans talk of nominating
Kobt G ibasley for county superin
tendent in the event ofliss Stoners
resignation Mr Easley we are told
isXman well qualified for the position
and should U G Stevenson decide to
stay out of the race he will very prob
ably be nominated There Is an other
faction however which favors Miss
Brown thinking a woman would
make the better run
It seems to be aforegone conclusion
that P VV PrudenV of Merriman will
be the republican nominee for com
missioner from the third district Mr
Pruden seems from our limited ac
quaintance with him to be a good
man but ethere are others who are
not republicans and the populists and
democrats can be depended upon to
find the right man for the place
During the severe electrical storm
last Friday morning a bolt of lightning
struck the Cherry County Bank build
ing but beyond frighteniug the oc
cunants of the building did no dam
age Attorney Morrissey was sitting
on a hot water radiator at the time
and received a little shock We have
understood that Andrew had his light
ning rod up but didnt know he was
looking for that kind of lightning
The proper kind may strike him about
Sept 10
W P Hunt of the Twelfth Infan
try who was in the desperate fighting
around Santiago arrived home Friday
night very much the worse for wear
A shell exploded near Mr Hunts head
and knocked him- down and he has
not vet recovered from the shock to
his nervous system Added to this
the climate of Cuba pulled him down
and on his arrival here he was hardly
able to walk He is stoppiug at the
home of his father-in-law H Kazey
Consumers of water should remem
ber that it is against the ordinance to
allow water to run from the hose un
less a sprinkler or quarter inch nozzle
is attached when using for the purpose
of supplying water to grass trees etc
We are told that several very promi
nent people are in the habit of letting
a full inch stream of water flow from
their hose for the trees and we sincere
ly hope this warning will be sufficient
to 3top the practice
John Shore of Kennedy was- in
town Friday and Saturday paying tax
es and attending to other business
John is one of the pioneer residents
of this county and is one of the old
standby democrats in this section of
the county He was one of the first
commissioners of Cherry county and
possesses among other things the dis
tinction of having the oldest stock
brand on record at the court house
The board of health reccommends
that all drinking water be boiled at
this season of the year before being
used Typhoid fever is becoming pre
valent in some ot our sister towns and
in a majority of cases the disease re
sults from impure drinking water
Boiling destroys all germs in water
and if people will use ordinary pre
caution the dread typhoid can be cir
When people tell of how a couple
have been married on the reservation
they should remember that such mar
riages are not so easily consummated
now as in the past No marriage can
be solemnized without the consent of
the agent As that gentleman is in
telephonic communication with the
world any bar to the marriage can
easily be discovered
Married Sunday August 7 John
Story of Kilgore and Mabel Oyerman
of Crookston The groom is 18 years
J old and the bride 17 This is pretty
early for a couple to start working in
double harness but we wish the young
folks oceans of happiness and prosper
ity and trust they will teach their el
ders the secret of marital f orebearance
and conjugal joy
During the month of July six mort
gages for 2913 were filed with the
county clerk and four for 1730 were
satisfied Chattel mortgages to the
number of 115 were filed for 139394
and 13 for 19138 were released No
city mortgages were recorded and no
sheriffs deeds issued
The Chadron Journal last week con
tained a three-line-pica head Fanning
the Man followed by a long article
We didnt read the story but any edi
itorwho will give away n a ghjl like
that ought to be barred irom tfce so
ciety of the fair lex
Jj4 l
jnm nrrm f 83
u yr
- fcrfr -
3n5 vSMI
Dispatches yesterday and the day before gave aa account of a
hard fight at Malate near Manila in which 46 Americans and about
20O Spaniards were killed
Below is the latest dispatch regarding the progress- of peace nej
Washington DC Aug 10- Secretary Day at 1 oclock
today made the following statement to the Associated Press
We have agreed upon a protocol embodying the proposed
terms for the negotiation of a treaty of peace including the
evacuation and Porto Eico and it is expected that a protocol
will be executed
It can be stated that the terms are precisely those laid
down by the president in his original note about a week ago
It is believed that nothing but a few formalities remain to
he disposed of to secure the signature of the protocol
Several advertisements which should
have been in this weeks paper were
received too late for publication
Watch for them next week
The water commissioner informs
us that all amounts due for sprinkHng
permits must be paid by the first of
next month without fail
Valentine celebrated the signing of
the peace propositions with bonfires
fireworks and cannon Monday night
The celebration was a little previous
but it went just the same
The central committee announces
the appointment of the following del
egates to attend the democratic sena
torial convention to be held here Aug
20 Robert Good M Christensen
Jas Hudson John Shore P S
The more we study mankind and
observe results the stronger is our be
lief that policy more frequently wins
in the race for riches and honor in this
world than real genuine ability and
worth At least seven times out of
nine it is the smooth fellow that gets
there eithwr in politics- or business
Gordon Journal
Quartermaster Sergeant J W Blair
of the 12th Infantry died July 22 of
fever while in camp near Santiago
His comrades constructed a coffin for
the remains from lumber taken from
a Spanish house The band played
Home Sweet Home at the inter
ment and it is reported that there was
not a dry eye in the regiment during
the ceremony
Col A L Towle of Valentine pass
ed through ONeill Friday morning on
his way to Niobrara The Colonel
looks hale and hearty and fs well pleas
ed with his new home
a Kansas eaitor claims to- own a
Persian lilac bush over twenty five-
feet in diameter The Denver Post
says that an editor who can lilac that
must be invaluable to his party in a
local campaign and the Post is author
ity on such matters ONeill Frontier
vve - unaerstana tnat a norse race
has been matched between Ten Pins
and Flora E for two hundred dollars
a side to be run at Gering in about
two weeks Distance a quarter of a
mile A good deal of money is liable
to ehange hands at the outcome of
tnis race as both horses are racers and
no mistake
Miss Bertha Childs starts to morrow
night for a visit to Lincoln f or a couple
of weeks and there will be no service
at the Episcopal church for the next
two Sundays Alliance Pioneer Grip
Kiobrara Falls
Everybody is rejoicing over the re
cent good rains
Quite a party of old and young folk
enjoyed an outing on the Schlegel
Sunday and it is needless to say we
enjoyed ourselves immensely
Lyms Parker is sporting a brand
new saddle
Henry Ormesher came down from
Chadron with a bunch of cattle which
he will hold at J A Adamsons place
until later
Joe Baush called at the Falls Tues
R Grooms brought out a load of
roek salt for the Ferdon cattle com
Harry Ormesher who is visiting his
sist rs went over to Swanlake to visit
his uncle Ted Ormesher for a day or
Mrs Johnson is in Valentine far an
indefinite stay with her daughter Mrs
Eva McHardie
Lettie Tiuson is staying with Mrs
Reece f or a f gw daye Bad Boy
Sheep Alley
Plenty of rain
Everybody baying
Some women fret and worry others work
and save while some set with penny novels in
there laps and study up some lie to tell their
I B JVichols shipped a carload of sheep to
Omaha last week
Elmer Crane went to Gordon last Saturday
to see his sick wire
Fred Mayby shipped a carload of cattle to
Ottiaha and the next heard of him he was in
Colorado and out of money and had to dispatch
his father for money to get home on-
Charley Goodrich who was badly bitten by a
boar went to Gordon for treatment
Mr and Mrs Gallop were out for a troS Mon
day and Tuesday and got some fresh air
George Shad has lots of business at Gallop
about his I suppose
Miss Isic Lincoln will teacn the Conley flat
Several teachers have applied for the 55th
school but no teacher is hired yet
Mrs C Goodrich was in Gordon- last week
to see her son Charley and visit the hospital
Jim Itay has a fine field of corn as you see on
the fiat
Everybody happy
Mrs Klmer Ciane who has been very sick
in the Gordon hospital the last 4 or 5 weeks
has mostly recovered from her illness and soon
will be able to return home
Elmer and his wife are among the old settlers
and are well known all over Cherry county
among the ranchers
Elmer is happy once more
Populist Senatorial Convention
a aeiegate convention or tne peo
ples independent party of the- 14th
senatorial- district of Nebraska is
called to meet at Valentine Nebraska
on Saturday August 20 1898 at 10
a ra for the purpose of placing in
nomination a candidate for said dis
trict and for the transaction of such
other business as may properly come
before the convention
The representation is based upon
the vote cast for Hon J J Sullivau
for supreme judge at the general elec
tion of 1897 viz One delegate at
large ana one ror eacn iuu votes or
major fraction thereof which gives the
following by counties
Box Butte 6 Brown
Cherry 8 Dawes
ICeya Paha 4 Sheridan
AinswortJi Horns Rule
Demociatic Senatorial Convention
A delegate convention of the demo
cratic party of the 14th senatorial dis
trict of Tebpaska is hereby called to
meet in Valentine on Saturday Aug
ust 20 1898 at 10 oclock a m for
the purpose of placing in nomination
a candidate for senator from said dis
trict and the transaction of such other
business as may properly come before
the convention Each county is en
titled to one delegate at large and one
for each 150 votes or major fraction
thereof cast for Hon C J Smyth for
attorney general at the election in
November 1896 which gives the fol
lowing representation towit
Box Butte 5 Brown 3
Cherry 5 Dawes 7
Keya Faha 3 Rock 3
Sheridan 7 Sioux 3
It is earnestly requested that a full
delegation be sent from each county
as many jmatters of importance will
come up at this meeting and a per
manent organization will be effected
M F Clynes Chairman
Democrat Representative Convention
The democratic electors of the 52d
representative district will meet in
convention at Norden Nebr Sept
17 1898 at 1 p m to nominate a
candidate for legislature and for any
other business that may come before
the convention Eepresentatioh is as
Cherry 5 Keya Paha 3
Based on the vote cast for Hon C J
Smyth W E Haley
Populist Representative Convention
The peoples independent electors of
the 52d representative district are re
quested to meet in convention at
den on Saturday Sept It 1898 at
1 oclock m Counties are entitled
to rehresentation as follows
Cherry 8 Keya Pahs 4
Ko proxies will be allowed but the
delegates present will cast the- full
vote of the county
ueo ii iiEiNEriT unairrean
- -25 JSk 25 OS vS jS tS 0 f i
De SsiiHi Preiser typewriter
- Best Value Writing Machmt
First In Improvements ffanest
Construction and all High grade
Typewriter Essentials T t t
Notice ttr Hunters
Any person discovered hunting or
shooting on my place south of Valen
tine on the Niobrara will be pros
ecuted to the- full extent of the law
John Ferstl
Mill JPrices for JFeetl
Bran bulk 50c per cwt 900 ton
Shorts bulk 60c per cwt 1100 ton
Screenings 35c 600
Chop Feed 70c 1300
Corn 59e
Oats Sfle
cam Hudson
Simeon feb
jfgjhww 1 1
LSI r DTi3
Left hip on cattle
Left shoulder on
Some horses Lazy
a on left snouMer
Itaiige between
Gordon anti Snake
River una Xiobrara
Left ears tagged- All catcle dehorned
Order of Hearing o Final Account
1 n the County Court of 1
Cherry Joxnty
In the matter of the estate of John Enlow de
Now on the 9th day of August 1893 came
William EHaley administrator of said estate
and prays for leave to render an account as
siii h administrator It is therefore ordered
that the 3d day of September 1S93 at to oclock
a m at my office in Valentine he fixed as the
lime and place for examining and allowing such
accounts and the heirs of said deceased and all
persons interested in said estate are required to
appeal at the time and place so designated and
show cause if such exists why said account
should not be allowed It is further ordered
that said William E Haley administrator give
notice to ail persons interested in said estate by
causing a copy of this order to be published in
The Valkntixe Dkmockat a newspaper
printed anu 111 general circulation in said coun
ty for three weeks prior to the day set for said
Given under my hand and the seal of said
cov rt this 9th day of August 1898
- W R Tow r
SEAL County Judge
Order for Hearing of Final Account
in the County Court of 1
Cherry County j
In the matter of the estate of S A Erickson
Now 011 the lOtlr day of August 1898 came
CMKime administrator of said estate and
prays for leave to render are account as such
administrator It is therefore ordered that the
3d day of Sept 1808 at 2 p nx in my office in
Valentine in said countv be fixed as the time
and place for examining and allowing such ac
count and the heirs of said deceased and all
persons interested in said estate are required to
appear at time and place as designated and
show cause if such- exist wliv said Account
should not be allowed It 13 further ordered
that said C AI Kline administrator give notice
to ail persons interested in said estate by caus
ing a copy of this o der to be published in The
Vaiknti e Demockat a newspaper printed
and in general circulation in said county for
3 weeks prior to the day set for said hearing
Given under my hand and seal of the said
county court this 10th day of August 1893
SbA L County Judge
IVotice to Bridge Builders
Sealed proposals will be received by the Coun
ty Board of Cherry Countv Vnhraokn until
August lo 1898 at 1 oclock p m for the con
struction of Ave 5 iron or steel wagon bridges
described as follows
One l across e ordon creek about 13 miles
southwest of Valentine Dimensions of bridge
is 20 feet in length width 14 feet set on iron
posts bottom ol bridge to be G feet above level
of creek
One 1 across Gordon creek about 14 miles
southwest of Valentine Dimension of bridge
18 feet in lengtn width 1 1 feet set on iron posts
bottom of bridge tn be 3 feet above level of creek
xne above bridges are to be built on mail
route from Valentine to Simeon 1 O
Onel across Boardnidu creek about 45 miles
southwest of Valentine section 23 township 30
range 31 Dimension of bridue 35 feet in length
width 14 fept set on iron posts bottom of bridge
to be 6 feet above level of creek
One l across Snake river about 40 miles
southwest of Valentine near section 11 town
ship 30 range 32 Dimension of bridge 30 feet
in length width 14 feet snt on iron posts bot
tom of bridge to be 7 feet above the level of the
One l across Snake river about 35 miles
south of Cedy near section 12 townsliin 21
ratige 31 Dimension of bridge 40 feet in lenetb
width 14 feet set on iron pocs bottom of bridge
to be six feet above the level of the river
Above bridges to be covered with 3 inch plank
either hard pine or oak -
Parties bidding can bid on one or all of the
above bridges
Bids should bo addressed to P Sulfivan
Chairman Board of County Commlsslone Val
entine Nebraska and endorsed Bridge Pro
posals The Board reserves the right to reject
any or all bids J W Daxikls
Valeatlne Neb July 14 1838 Co Clerk
- -
i i iiw
Customer of ours and to accomplish that
end we are making greatly reduced prices on
all summer goods straw hats clothing lawns
shirt waists etc This class of goods must all
go inside of the next thirty days
Ta housekeepers we would say we have
just purchased half a car load of
Crocks jugs jars churns etc all Bizes
Having purchased in large quantities we can
sell at low prices this is one of the secrets of
our low prices on all goods
Earl Corastockj Manager
Valentine Neb
Cattle branded oni
left side or hip Also
969 TG
Si cp 00
Horses same as on
steer left hip Also
C on left shoulder
S H Kimmel
Eosebud SD
Also B4U on left
Cattle undercut ou
both ears
Horses branded 4
on left shoulder
Range on Antelope
and Spring Creeks
The Red Front
T fT tm Ifc 1 m
oTtteHge fti
Cfte mm Premier typewriter Co syracwe n v s h
Omaha Branch Office Corner Seventeenth and Farnam Streets
- an
25000 Reward for sufficient evidence to
convict any person ot stealing cattle of the above
Thomas JFarren
ID 11S3 either left
aide or hip
on left
Range heatl oJ
John DeCory
Itosebud S D
Some branded ID
417 on left siao
Horses JD on lelc
Range in Meyer C01
on Antelope Creek
Louis J liichards
Meniman Neb
McNitt Bros
P 0 Brownlee Neb
Pightor left side
iiorses same on
leu shoulder
Earmark Swal
low tail clip right
or left ear
Range Big Creek
Hkt it
- mmimmimmZP
m vpvf
1 iririr J a
Charles Eichards
Paul Didier
Cattle holer in
each ear
Range Bic and
Little White Rivers
Merrimao Nek
I DG ij
ft WC
Steadman Bros
1 11 1
jlf y
x 4
Brand on fnthr
right or left side
Horse and some
came orand
on leftside
Kagee Bnll Lato
and Wainadues
rees c
1 f