IV- A T i A flllJgCi W tSjSSa s You feel the blood rushing along But what kind of blood That is the question Is it pure blood or impure blood If the blood is impure then you are weak and languid your appetite is poor and your digestion is weak You can not sleep well and the morn ing iinds you unprepared for the work of the day Your cheeks are pale and your com plexion is sallow You arc troubled with pimples boils or some eruption of the skin Why not purify your blood and then put your finger on your pulse agcin You can feel the difference It is stronger and your circulation better Send for our book on Impure Blcod If you are bilious take Aycrs Pills They greatly aid the Sarsaparilla They cure constipation also Wrlto to our Dodoes Write thom freely all the particulars In your case Tou ll receive a prompt reply without yot s aaxessvu d J AYER Lowell Mass Remember the name when you buy A K fa szg will do it Take it a few days again 1 PLU6 m m Remember the name when you buy again aniW sggssrea Lost His Iafe Ravine Others A country boy visiting New York stop pod a runaway loam that was about to dash on the sidewalk where there were hundreds of women and children He saved their lives but lost his own Hun dreds of lives are saved every year by Hostellers Stomach Bitters People with disordered stomach liver and bowels are brought back to pood health by it NntWar but Row Where are all those gray haired men going I wonder V To the front very likely But theyre too old to enlist Oh I dont inean that Theres a spectacular show In town this week BEAUTIFUL HOUSES The Tendency of the Age Is Toward Mural Decorations Probably at no time in the worlds his tory lias as finch attention been paid to the interior decoration of homes as at present No home no matter how hum ble is without its handiwork that helps to beautify the apartments and make the surroundings more cheerful The taste of the American people has kept pace with the age and almost every day brings forth something new in the way of a pic ture a draping a piece of furniture ot other form of mural decoration One ot the latest of these has been given to the world by the celebrated artist Muville in a series of four handsome porcelail game plaques Not for years has any thing as handsome in this line been seen The Eubjccts represented by these pajuc are American wild drClCs Anorican pheasant American quail and English snipe They are handsome paintings amj ar especially designed for hanging on diit ing room walls though their richness anj beauty entitles them to a place in th parlor of any home These original plaques have been purchased at a cost ol 50000 by J C Hubiugr BrqsCo ma 2 ufic tflrcrs of ibV ceTeCraied Elastic Starch and in order to enable their num erous customers to become possessors o these handsome works of art they hav had them reproduced by a special process in all the rich colors and beauty of th original They are finished on heavj cardboard pressed and embossed in tli shape of a plaque and trimmed with heavy band of gold They measure fort inches in circumference and contain nc reading matter or advertisement what ever Until Sept 1 Messrs J C Hubingei Bros Co propose to distribute thes plaques free to their customers Ever purchaser of three ten cent packages ol Elastic Starch flatiron brand manufac tured by J C Hubinger Bros Co is en titled to receive one of these handsome plaques free from their grocer Old and new customers alike are entitled to the benefits of this offer These plaques will not be sent through the mail the onlj way to obtain them being from your gro cer Every grocery store in the countrj has Elastic Starch for sale It is the old est and best laundry starch on the mar ket and is the most perfect cold process starch ever invented It is the only starch made by men who thoroughly un derstand the laundry business and the only starch that will not injure the finest fabric It has been the standard for a quarter of a century and as an evidence of how good it is twenty two million pack ages were sold last year Asfc your den let to show you the plaques and tell yon nboul Elastic Starch Accept no substitute Bear in mind that this offer holds good a short time only and should be taken ad vantage of without lela Dont judge all men by the models displayed In front of a clothing store 1 t ror Infants and Children HHHHHHLKi ne mn i HinMitiniitntUiiiMjiitnnMhhf i iMHutftUn th Yjt ATlLm JgeablePrcparationfor As similating theTccdandRegula ling the Stomachs anlBcnvels cf PromotesTigesHonCheeiful ness andRest Contains neither OpiumMorpliiiie norlfiiuiral Not Nasc otic Etcx afOZdErSAIfUELVnUlUl jdxJtttna IiLTUSAt biitcSced Upptrnaat - ftUvtSeed -- Auerfcct Remedy forCcnstipa tioru Sour StomachDiarrhoca Worms uonvuisionsrevensn aess and LOSS OF SLEEP facsimile Signature of NEW YORK EXACT COPV OF WRAPPED Vl2S5SSi y frtl Qti ways Boognt Bears the I Signature JM a Jfv In F For 0 ver Thiirtu Yoaro ll uw THE CENTAUR COMPANY NEW YORK CrTY Fame Goiiijr to Waste What was your chief impression of New York Well I uever before saw a city so full of unknown celpbrities Wheat 40 Cents a Bushel How to grow wheat with big profit a1 40 cents and samples of Salzers Red Cross SO Bushels per acre Winter Wheat Bye Oats Clover etc with Farm Seed Cata logue for 4 cents postage JOHN A SAL ZEIt SEED CO La Crosse Wis C N D Dont blame a man for kicking if you r all him n donkey Picos Cure for Consumption is Jhe besl of all cough cures George W Lotz Fa bacher La Aug 20 1805 Nature Is tue supernatural partially unveiled MY BAD LITTLE BOY Did you ever see him my bad little boy Down on the sands by the sea That is his picture my boys own self With his big eyes smiling at me With his hands in his pockets his hat awry And his face all covered with tan Oh he was a bad little boy my boy Who never will be a man He kept me busy from morn till night I lived in a Babel of noise He would romp and play in the roughest way After the fashion of boys He spilled my ink and he broke my pen I had never a chance to write Till the mystical music of winds and waves Had lulled him to sleep at night But once in a while he would come and lay His curly head on my knee And watch the Sun King going down To his kingdom under the sea And talk iu his odd little way of things Too deep for my duller ken After the fashion of some little boys Boys who will never be men Alas and alas for my bad little boy It happened one summer day That the light went out of the tired eyes And the little feet lagged on the way And just as the sun was going down To his kingdom under the sea The angels came for my bad little boy And took him away from me There is quiet now when I want to write There is never a toy on the floor Nobody teases the cross old cat Nobody pounds on the door Nobody loses or breaks my pens Nobody spills my ink I have plenty of time to read and work I have too much time to think And I think as I sit here alone to night In the shadowy silence and gloom I would give the wealth of tlie world to see My bad little boy in the room To hear the rollicking ring of his laugh To see him among his toys Or playing at leap frog over the chairs After the fashion of boys I would give the world for I miss him so To have him with me again My boy who has entered the silent ranks Of the boys Avho will never be men And I think if an angel looked dowu to see His song would lose some of its joy For all that was dearest in life to me Is gone with my bad little boy Cincinnati Enquirer A PRISONER IN ASMS IIANCITA sat on the rose - covered porch listening but w i t h inaitentivo i w d tirs to the march- 0a4 i n S and eounrer J3Jy marching of the ml flPWi litia which was imS8E k T h e troops were hourly expecting a call to active serv ice in the war with Spain but Cuancita was not thinking of war but of love To night Manuel would come for his answer and she had decided at last to give him her promise Tlu reproach ful eyes of Tom lleilley haunted her and her conscience remonstrated but Chandra shrugged her shoulders in dis dain It is true she haxl encouraged Tom Had even gone so far as to con template with pleasure the possibilities of the three rooms over his grocery for the ho me making instinct was strong in Chancita but Tom was so hopelessly slow unresponsive atitl as awkward as a schoolboy when she was kind aJid when she openly scoffed at him lie had never a word to say in reply but stood looking at her with a pained uncom prehending look NowtfManuel the liot blood rushed to her cheeks at the thought of La Fiesta and the moonlight walk in the park She thrilled at the memory of the way Manuels arm Jiad stolen around her and his dark head bent over hers until his mustadie brushed her cheek She had resented the kiss with a blow and then Manuel seizing her hands had kissed her again and again til she lay trembling And sub dued in his arms But Ohanciias thoughts were inter rupted by Lupe Valencia who came running down the street with a shawl thrown over her head Spanish fashion Chancita she exclaimed -breathlessly as soon as she was within speak ing distance Mrs La Spada has been arrested She wrote a letter to the Spanish Premier What folly interrupted Chancita Mrs La Spada cannot so much as scratch her name with a pen and as for writing a letter Brit tis true I was there when they cook her She cautioned me to say noth ing for twas Manuel who wrote it ind she would not betray him And what then Can we no longer write to Spain without arrest O the letter was opened at the tostofSce It urged the Spaniards to attack Santa Barbara told how there was only one gatling gun on the coast youth of San Frandsco and that all the troops were to be called away leaving cs defenseless The traitor exclaimed Chancita springing up The double dyed trai tor To enjoy the good things of a coun try and then a stab in the back Manuel hoped great things from the Spaniards perhaps even a rancho In LCuba I t was a regular Judas trick Lupe shrugged her shoulders and slip Ied away saying Well there was no harm done I just come over to tell you he news Mother called Chancita through rhs pan door if Manuel comes tell him if will find me near San Morro drill Manuel did not follow Chancita He It that he had recdved his answer tvred away with an angry light In his eyes and a curse on his lips His family was in too great disfavor for him to care to mingle in a crowd of loyal-citizens Tom Reilley although a new recruit was winning the approbation of the of ficers by his military bearing and the skill with which he executed the man euvers of the drill but his heart was heavy for to him enlisting had meant more than the mere facing of danger It meant relinquishing the last hope of winning the beautiful Spanish girl whom he loved Suddenly he looked up and met Chan cltas gaze Surely there was no anger there Admiration shone in her eyes and there was a wistful look in the drooping corners of her searbt lps Never had ha seen her face so safe hd tender Fergifid of military discipline Tom would have left the ranks and gone to her but for the sharp reprimand of Jhc Captain which recalled him to his duty However the drill was scon over and Chancita womanly wise lingered Walking home under the shadowy trees Tom carried his first assault against the Spanish Never was an at tack more sudden nor a surrender more complete What was said is a secret between them and the stars but Chan cita found herself a prisoner within the barricade of his arms And the banns shall be published next Sunday declared Tom trium phantly Why such haste That I may have a wife to look after my interests at home said Tom gaz ing tenderly at the sweet face resting against his shoulder And Chancita smiling contentedly back at him consented Boston Post AN ISOLATED ROCE - - Ainos of Japan Who Had Never Seen a Foreigner Mrs Mabel Loomis Todd writes for the Century from personal observa tion an article entitled In Aino Land Mrs Todd sajs In the summer of 189G as a lay member of the Amherst College expedition whch visted north ern Japan to view the total eclipse of the sun I had the rare opportunity of seeing the absolutely primitive hairy Aino ot that region In the southern portion of the Island near Hakodate and Sapporo and about Volcano Bay travelers have visited these shy and si lent people But several hundred miles north are many Ainos who until the summer of 1S0G were strangers to the members of any race but their own or the few Japanese who are establishing small fishing villages along the jcoasr The dwellers in the province of Kitami are too distant to be sought by visit ors and a foreign woman the Japan ese officials informed me had never be fore reached Kitami SklrtiLg the rough western coast by steamer and rounding Cape Soya the eclipse party located at Esashi which mise net be confused with another town cf the same name near The news of the arrival of srange white foreigners spread quickly among I the neighboring villages Walking with stately tread bushy haired and beard- I ed groups of Ainos often passed the ex- peiiirion headquarters apparently look ing for nothing unusual and giving no evidence of curiosity yet never failing to see every foreign figure within their range Humbly accompanying their lords women and children frequently followed far less imposing than the men Somewhat larger and apparent ly stronger than the Japanese al though not taller the cider men are actuall3 patriarchal with long beards mid masses of thick hair parted in the middle Many faces have a benign and lofty expression Driven gradually through ags from the south to Hokkaido the Ainos are among the few races yet retaining in this over civilized world of ours an ut terly unspoiled simplicity Their origin has never been satisfactorily traced but they were -certainly in Japan long before the present race of Japanese had arrived and names clearly originating in the Aino tongue are still retained all over the empire 5entle and subserv ient to the conquering race it is evi dent that they formerly hdd more ego tistic views than now even fancying themsdves the center of the universe as Is shown perhaps by an old national song Gods of the sea open your eyes divine -Wherever your eyes turnjthere echoes the sound of the Aino speech Gn rded by a Snalce There was a stampede among work men engaged in cleaning the Canner street sewrer to day The sewer is a five foot affair and several men under the direction of Daniel Lawlor were inside sweeping the accumulation of sand and filth that covered the floor of the conduit knee deep Mr Lawlor was in advance of others laying out the work when he heard a prolonged hiss issuing from an eye in the sewer directly ahead of him Turning his lantern in that direction he saw a huge snake of the most venom ous species coiled upon a pile of hard ened sand Its head swayed from side to side and its forked tongue played with lightning rapidity An alarm was given and the work men ran pell mell for a manhole Fi nally two of them ventured back Into the sewer and killed the reptile with spades after an exciting fight It was three feet long and as big around as a mans wrist New Haven Spec New Yorl World In dc Mawnin De good Lawd hide me out er sight Fer dey got a ship thows dynamite En blows you up laik a streak er light En de war wout end in de mawnin Pe good Lawd keep me day en night Fum de ship dat come wid de dynamite Or Ill go ter glory on a streak er light En de war wont end in de mawnin Atlanta Constitution I SARPMY vjyga j yr- r RtQumuNocooKixo JUKE3 COtlAPo m 0TF3 SIFFM RCE ifudra pmmgm am pouno or this starch wim qo A3 WtH AS A PCUO AMD A tlAT if AMY OTXGa STASCH yJCMJBINGEaBROSCOJ Wjr A eaoffiu Present FREE for a few months to all usere of the celebrated ELASTIC STARCH Flatiron Brand To induce you to try this brand of starchso that you may find out for yourself that all claims for its superiority and econ omy are true the makers have had prepared at great enpense a series cf four esact reproductions of the 10000 originals by Muville which will be given you ABSOLUTELY FREi by your grocer on conditions named below These Plaques are 40 inches in circumference are free of any suggestion of advertising whatever and vill ornament the most cegrnt apartment No manufacturing concern ever before gave away such valuable presents to its customers They are not for sale at any price and can be obtained only in the manner specified The subjects are American Wild Ducks American Pheasant English Quail English Snipe The birds are handsomely embossed and stand out natural as life Each Flaque is bordered with a band of gold ELASTIC STARCH has been the standard for 25 years TWENTY TWO MILLION packages of this brand were sold last year Thats how good it is ASK YOUR DEALER to show you the plaques and tell you about Elastic Starch Accept no substitute THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the California Fig Svpup Co only and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co only a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties The high standing of the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co with the medi cal profession and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence pf its remedy It is far in advance of all other laxatives as it acts on the kidneys liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them and it does not gripe nor nauseate In order to get its beneficial effects please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO 8LS FRANCISCO Cal LOUISVILLE Ky KEW YOKK NY 5 i The Best Saddle Coat Keeps both rider and saddle per- 3j3s n j i jwck uosion mass w HI JgagPS fectlydryin the hardest storms JJ Substitutes willdlsappoint Ask for B Of 1 L I09 nsn orana rommei ouctcer nf it ts entirely new If not for sale in 0l IVII llTl llS ltfk 4f l lnTHn J5S 7 iiS ruuc Remember the name when you buy again LUO rilEN TO ADTKRTI8ERH Dlenie but Ton ar th aclvrtinmnt In this paper Hew T Set llmmi All purchasers of tbreo 10 cent or Bix 5 cent pnclcaees of Elastic Starch Flat Iron Brand aro entitled to re ceive from their grocer one of these beautiful Game Plaques freo The plaques will not bo sent by mat They can be obtained only from your grocer Every Grocer Keeps Elastic Starch Do not delay This offer is for a short timo only Bear in Mind that The Gods Help Those Who Help Themselves Self Help Should Teach You to Use - Ruffes Ikn 2lftlrf fs5k KaOrtASGtf X2wWwWwwm h I Remember the name when you buy again m Edrssa r4 Y CCKES in l wJdijiA irr m v ItfSJI tux to luutare lSUTi v n r 7a X k r I rfi U S3W t 3 i MUM W 1 v5 5 t3 II IV rHC FREIGHT SECTCCALE3 LEAST MONEY JONES Or BiKGHAMTOHT UNIVERSITY of NOTRE DAME IOTRO DAME INDIANA Classics betters Science Law Civil and Klectrical 1 njiineerin Thoroueli lrepiritory and ComBcenrfaJ CourHeH Ecz eMaatlca students at special rates Kooms 1ree Junior or Senior Year CaXtsfsy Courses St Kritvarda Hull for buys undrr li The lOflth Term will own September GCK 1S98 Catalogue rent Free on application 0 REV A MOKKlSaliY C S C rreiidsai S g Remember the name when you buy m CURE YOUSSEiF discharges inttauiciztMj of kjucoui xjembtaixji HEEvANSChEUICJLCq gent or pocrmou LCmctXHATlOf 1 Sold br nrarzisL or sent In plain a iaptg JlCO or 3 bottle Z7S - -V ujrcuiar gent o r8Ml jhIPAYS FOR2g inrni 4 1111 In lOOhlzb gradtt papers in Illinois Kuarantred Intlon lOOOOO or wn ran tnanrt t 3 TIM KM In 14CO coun try papers ror SKUD FOR CATALOGUE Clileagro Newspaper TJixior 03 SouUi Jeitorson Street Cblauo lit Got Your Pesdar nra pww w Write Capt 0AH2ELL Persies AsentTisiisjJcs ILfi WDEN TVRIT1NG TO ADVERTISES pleaso snj yoa saw the advertisemaaS In tills paper S C N U S3 9S CURES WHhilk ML fISF FA I SI Best Cough Syrup Tastes Good TJs i in lime Boiq by drngglats