i - At- J - 1- 7 h i p HiE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT EOBEET GOOD Editor and Publisher Official Paper of Cherry Coun ty Nebraska 100 JPer Year in Advance EUBLIHHED EVERY THURSDAY Entered at l e Post officest Valentine Cherry county Nebraika as Second class matter This paper will be mailed regularly to its subscribers until a definite order to discontinue is received and all ar rears are paid in full Here is a Peyser the fusion nom inee fo governor will be elected ftxen the local tickets are nominat ed this fall the fusion ticket will not be a onesided affair It will- be fusion When we think of the achievements of Roosevelts Hough Eiders and re member that part of- them belong to Kew Yorks 490 we are forced to admit that the Yankee Dudell Do Democratic conventions which platform of 96 and Grover Clevelands attitude toward the acquisition of foreign territory can ex pect nothing but derision from sensi ble men ONeill Frontier Why The Ohadron Journal has launched a congressional boomlet for Capt A Gt Fisher It says no man can beat Greene easier than Fisher If that is true Fisher will not receive the nom ination because Greene will not be beaten this year thank you Ths town board did not take up the water quectrou at its meeting last night on account of f nil board not be ing present A premptory order was issued for the laying of new sidewalks on Cherry street to replace those which are so nearly worn our Action on meters may be taken at the next meet ing Theiiemocratic and populist coun ty conventions will be called for Sept 10 at Valentine Owing to failure to qualify Dr Dwyer is not recog nized as coroner and an election to fill vacancy wilf occur This with Miss btoners resignation will make trireeeounty officers to vote for The commissioner conventions will proba bly be held at on Friday Sept 9 for the greater convenience of the peopISIirthe district who- wish to have a voice in the nominations We notice several of our republican exchanges have been making lighsof the congressional convention which nominated Greene because many cdiinties in the big Sixth were not rep resented This fact is to- our mind one which shows that Greene is the candidate of the people not the cor porations The populists were not xilfijished with f iee transportation and boatSj or they would have turned out in force Very few people can r1 afford to spend 25 or 30 for the purpose of attending a convention The republican protectionists admit when J we arrive atthep6iut where the manufacturers of this coun try can sell goods in competition with the foreigner a tariff on imports fails toeither produce reyenue or protect the manufacturer According to the protectionist press we are now export ing much more than we are import 1 ing Hence republicans are merely bluffing when they point with pride to their high tariff Dingley law and tell the people that but for this law none of our manufactories could keep their machinery busy and would have to reduce the wages paid their labor ers aPiipillion Times this week shat ters oneVf the idols of the straight democratic oppbrients of fusion by de tailing how J Sterling Morton was the first fusion candidate for governor in the state of Nebraska having run for governor on the dembefatic arid81 in dependent republican tickets in 1884 ii is perhaps needless to say that the independent republican ticket was 3Ujpported bv E Kose waterwas in fact originated by that gentleman In the light of this fact we dont see how the straight democrats can kick against the fusion of tHe present day between the democrats and populists jertainly populists have more in com aaori with democrats than republicans jsVMhaYe had especially in 1884 - f - - - - -- Ji1 v- - iw t Ty v r - i - - iX mi iiii in i m ----- PROTECTIONIST VAGARIES The State Journal contains the fol lowing gems The first paragraph is democratic doctrine pure and simple but in the second paragraph the editor tries to prove that in the first place he was wrong The talk about tin plate is so stale thatwe need not contradiefc it That argument I was exploded long ago NbticeVth next paragraph too We would like to know how long it has been since pro tectionists began admitting anything of the sort Every man ought to know that what ever increase the government makes in the cost anything ultimately cornea out of the user or consumer of the document or the commodity or service -teat w taxed It is- frequently possible to raise a revenue for a time that will not come entirely out of the consumer by a pro tective tariff For instance the tariff on tin plate which was fought so per sistently by the pops and lii vanites -a few year3 ago did raise quite a reve nue without increasing the- price of tin and ultimately within a few mouths of its passage it- resulted1 in what appears to- be a r permanent re duction of the retail price of tin But all protectionist admit this re sult is really temporary as in time the home production will successfully meet foreign competition except in cases where unskilled manual labor is alone in competition and the cessa tion of importations of the articles we have learned to make at home with the aid of superior machinery finally outs off -the revenues SCHOOL MONEY During the last eighteen months un der republican administration the amount of school money apportioned to all the counties of the state was 70870474 Of this amount 231--05830 the amount of the December 1896 apportionment was not actually paid by the republicans but was left for the dembpop administration to pay and no money was left in the treasury with which to pay it But the demopop administration during its first eighteen months not only paid this 23195830 which the republicans neglected to pay but in addition there to collected and paid to the counties of the state the immense sum of 1 17028691 This amount added to the December 1896 apportionment which the demopops had to collect and pay brought the- total amount paid during the first eighteen months of demopop rule to 140224551 whicn was 92549877 more than was paid to the counties of the state during the first eighteen months of republican rule In other words during the first eighteen months of the demopop ad ministration there was apportioned and paid to the various counties of the state for the benefit of the public schools three times more money than was apportioned and paid during the last eighteen months of republican rule World Herald DOES FUSION PAY Under the republican administra tion Nebraska state warrants were at a discount Today under the demo pop administration Nebraska state warrants are at a premium of 1 The fees paid out by the demopop administration have been 10000 per year less than the fees paid out under tfie republican administration The expense of collectingthe taxes under the demopop administration has been 14000 per year less than the expense for collecting the taxes under the republican administration During the first 17 months- of the demopop administration the amount of the officers fees collected and paid into the state treasury was 5289569 more than was paid in during the en tire two years of 1895a nd 1896 under the republican administration During the last two years of its ex istence the republican administration increased the interest bearing debt of Nebraska from 118857559 to 2- 46370995 an increase of 1275134 36 During the first 18 months of the demopop administration the interest bearing debt of Nebraska was reduced 70054299-170- Herald Kaw WaFSofiffs aiulMiisiin Two of the most popular pieces of i music arranged for piano and organ have just been issued by the Popular Music Co Indianapolis Ind Bring Our Heroes Home dedicated to the heroes of the XJ S battleship Maine isbne of the finest national songs ever written The music is stirring and the words ring with patriotism Dew eys Battle of Manila March Two Step is a fineinstrumental piece and will live foreveraS afsouvenir of the bpanish war Either one of these pieces and PopulahMusicEoll contain ing 18 pages full sheetmcsic sent on receipt of 25 cents Address J Ui UJV AUUOXO JU 4 saw3SBlJsgaiS36 IndianapolisInd iSiisff t m si - 111 Ci 8 II R I Si R i ff i I H If S051 fi T yiimWHMJUuWMii tnWMiilWL1iiiiM nM 9 B fw ff a I Mm E4 B K ft n 6 - a 3 i uoiun jMUiumw iwfw FOR STATE Governor 0 3eimely Born on the 11th to Mr and ts Wm Erickson a girh Mr W H Wilkinson has recently completed a new sod house Jas Wallingford has gone up to the ranch lately vacated by Theo Doyle where he will put up hay to winter his stock It goes without saying that Wm Kennedy is one of the proudest men up from Frontier county to cook for hay hands in Lonetree valley A severe wind storm visited this vicinity which completely wrecked Frank Kimes topjmggy Mr Austins new tent and Mr Wm Steadraans new frame sheds also doing much- damage to hay stacked in punches A little son born to MrXind Mrs Frank Kime on the 26 EranK is not only proud of the new acquisition to his family but says he can make hay faster than ever with the aid of the boy XT 3 JfollllStowifia Vfe had 3 good rains last week They set the having and small grain cutting back some but the corn shows the affects of the rain A finer prespectforabig corn yieid I never saw in Nebraska than at present Wheat and oats are very good and hay will be plentiful Around Norden the corn suffered some for rain but I think the most of it is good for a fair yield Major Morris is again on deck with a lot of cattle to sell Miss Tearl Pifer and Mrs Fred Taylor have been attending teachers institute at Ainsworth the past two weeks and have returned and re port a good time Mr M Allen of Norden shipped a carload of fat hogs from this place Muesday to Omaha aud returned Friday He says he got the top price paid that day MiTSam Black the Norden hotel and livery manhasaverysore finger the lastrfew days He was leading ayonng mule toWater and the mule wanted to go one way and Sam wanted to go another The mule thought it would show him that things could get hot without lire and gave the halter rope a gentle pull through Jiis hand and made an ugly bum As we had hot given the mule any name Sam named llt for jisfji but the name is so long that we wouid get outof breath to call it by its name so I call it mule and 1 apply the whip for the rest Who says it dont pay to advertise Last week we mentioned oltr trading stuff and by Saturday night our supply was exhausted and calls for more Yesystrif you have anything to sell just let The Democrat know about it and every body wfllSeaifind it out jiacKg H SEAB - - -- zimrJvMaBS JaKrr in hQPTO nminfTT r nr 4 r rnrnl W ATOYHTEW I laiifnnnMi V cuwuaub governor A R GTLTRTT Attorney General q j SMYTH State Treasurer jB mesERVE State Auditor J W CORNELL Secretary of State - vy R- PORTER 1 1-1- T- Panels and Jiuildings J V WOLFE J Superintendent Public Instruction W R JACKSON Tfre foregoing is the ticket nominated by -the fusion parties- at Lincoln Tuesday night It will be noticed that the ticket is the same as in 1896 with the exception of the candidates for governor and lieutenant governor The reason for this is obvious A special to the World Herald says of the nominee for governor LINCOLN NEBR Aug W A Poynteiy nominated this morning by three conventions has been prominent in the politics of the state for the last ten years- He isa fawner living on the same farm near Albion in Boone county which has been his home for many years Mr Poynter has been honored by his people tvith their suf frages for important offices He was elected as a populist to the slate senate in Nov ember 1890 and at the opening of the sessiou in January - 1891jwas seleeted as the president pro tern of the senate -and lie took an important part in the legislation of that ses sion He is atpresent a member of the Nebraska Transmississ ippi Exposition commission and in the discharge of his du ties on thiscommission has come in contact with the as well aS the state outside of -that city He has made friends out of those with whom he has been thrown into business relates and some of his most earnest supporters in the convention were these men C C Patterson of Rushville was elected member of the demo cratic state central committee from this district i n I1M 1 1 u a a Us L V i n r 7 j 8 ror eacn iu votes or major fracti ui uhbii t uauguier u tue win thereof cast for Hon C J Smyth i Mrs Frank Marshal recently came attorney eeneral at thp PippHnn oay Ko reply has yet been received to the demands made by the United States upon Spain as a condition of peace but all authorities think that Spain will accept our terms Havana and its people are in a terrible state of suffering Hun- dreds of people are dying on the streets- from- starvation- and- con ditions are daily growing worse Merritt wants 50000 men for the Philippines All cavalry now in the south has been ordered north- Porfco reported will surrender entirely to the Ameri can troops The Fifth Illinois which mntined last week has been orded to Newport News All non commissioned officers have been reduced to the ranks Iemoczatic Senatorial -Convention A delegate convention of the demo cratic party of the 14th senatorial dis trict of Nebraska is hereby called to meet in Valentine on Saturday Aug ust 20 1898 at 10 oclock a m for he purpose of placing in nomination a candidate forsenator from said dis trict and the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the convention Each countv is en titled to one delegate at large and one on or in iovember 196 which gives the fol lowing representation towit tfox uutte 5 Brown Cherry 5 Dawes Keya Paha 3 Rock Sheridan 7 Sioux It is -earnestly requested that a 3 7 3 3 full delegation be sentfrorn each county as many matters of importance will come up at this meeting and a per manent organization will be effected M F Clyxes Chairman Democrat Representative Convention The democratic electors of the 52d representative district will meet in convention at Borden 2Tebr Sept 17 1898 at 1 p m to nominate a candidate for legislature and for any other business that may corne before the convention Eepresentatioh is as follows Glierry 5 Keya Paha 3 Baed on the votTecasfc for HonrC J Smyth w e Haley Chairman Populist Keprcsentativc Convention The peoples independent electors of the 52d representative district are re quested to meet in convention at Nor den on Saturday Sept 17 1898 at 1 oclock p m Counties are entitled to rehresentation as follows Cherry 8 Keya Paha 4 jno proxies will be allowed but the delegates present will cast the full Vote of the county Weo H KEiNEitT Chairman MiHlriftes for JFeetl Bran bullf 50c per cwt 900 ton Shorts bulk 60c per cwt 1100 ton Screenings 3c Chop Feed 70c Corn i 50c Oats 80c Et S jSagesajas 600 11 J1300 I W3 H H I The mi I lS f fr t 111 s described as follows OULD LIKE TO - S e c Populist Senatorial Convention A delegate convention of the peo ples independent party of the 14th senatorial district of Nebraska is called to meet at Valentine Nebraska on Saturday August 20 1898 at 10 a m for the purpose of placing in nomination a candidate for said dis trict and for the transaction of such other business as mav properly come before the convention The representation is based- upon the vote cast for Hon J J Sullivan for supreme judge at the general elec tion of 1897 viz One delegate at large and one for each 100 votes or major fraction thereof which gives the following by counties Box Butte 6 Brown Cherry 8 Dawes Keya Paha 4 Sheridan Sioux Ainsworth Home Rule dam Hudson Simeon Neb Lett hip on cattle Left shoulder on horses Some horses Liizy irfnge between RrtH Gordon and Snake w5 Kiver and Niobrara SfMaw5ftSsg jM VPr Lef t ears tagged All catile dehorned Notice to JBridce iluildera Sealed proposals will be received by the- ST Rnrl nf Ihprrrv flnnnhi VV t August in 1893 at I oclock p n for the con- SiniCtiOU Of five fo iron orsffiPl wnrrnn lirW1a 0 ufavo One 1 across Gordon creek about 13 miles southwest of Valentine Dimensions of bridee jsl01eetin length width 14 feet set on iron posts bottom of bridge to be c feet above level oi creek One l across Gordon creek about 14 miles southwest of Valentine Dimension of bridge isfcet in Iengtn width 14 feet set on iron posts bottom of bridge to be a feet above level of creek juusiuuvti unuges are ocr built on mail route from Valentine to Simeon Y70T une u across lioaruman creek abou45 miles southwestof Valentine section as township so range 31 Dimension of bridge 35 feet in length mum it leer set on iron nrwta twittnm f T Trt A rt t - tf i n I liiMslrrn tn n r fwif lur f fau One l across Snake river about 40 miles southwest of Valentine near section 11 town ship 30 range 32 Dimension of bridge 30 feet in leugjh width 14 feet spt on iron posts bot tom or bridge to be 7 feet above the level of the river One l across Snake river about 35 miles south cf Cody near section 12 township 31 VW Vr Djnicnsin of bridge 40 feet in length j width 14 feet set on iron posts bottom of bridge to be six feet above the level of the river Above bridges to be covered withs inch plank either hard pine or oak Parties bidding can bid on one or air of the aviz Dilutes liius Minimi no addressed to P Sullivan Mmirmaii Board of County Commiasionera Vsil entine Iebraskii tnd Hnrimri rssrr aVn11eiBoard reserves the right to reject any or all bids j v D vvipix Valentine Neb July 14 1898 Qo Clerk Ajijiointiitent of Administrator IncouetyCNebrLSrt WUm ad f0r Cherr In the matter of the estate of Agnes Archer David A Archer liaving filed in rny ofTice a petition praying for ilia appointment of William A Archer as administrator of the estate of iiiiiira ai uiier i eueisfe i i norsniic said estate will take notice that I have fixed jnio aio cioci p in as tI13tlniea11d my oiiice in Valentine Cherry county Nebraska as ths nlirP hn said petition at which time and place all per- 1 awiia iiueiebiuu in sum estate may appearand show cause if ahy there be why susli adminis tratior should not ie apooiutett Witness my hand and the seal of the conntv seat court tms 2Cth day of July isoa W IC TOWXK 2G 23 Coanty Judge Notice to Crctlitors In the County Court within and for Cherry coun ty Nebr July 14 18 In the matter of Henry Carter deceased uiti creuiiors ox saui eaiater 011 MPP Iif wihv nntiiil Hiit T ii County on Gonrt room in Valentine in snid niintv the tith day of August IS98 to receive uui Vl ami no all claims atrainst sfd mtnia v ii it jj ir - ----- r Ulfl cfc i iu uitir aajustmeiii anu aUowance Tii time limit for the presentation of claims aairht said estate Is 0 months from the 1st dav of Jul v A D 1S93 and the time -limit for payment of debts is one year from said 1st dav of Julv ws Witness my hand and the seal of the Comity Court this 14th day of Julv i0S SEA WPTOWNE 2i 2 - County Judge - s - JSg A Customer of oursjand to accomplish that end we are making greatly reduced prices on all summer goods strawrhats clothing lawns shirt waists etc This- eTas3 of goods must all go inside of the next thirty days To housekeepers we would say we have just purchased half aj car load of STONEWARE Crocks jugs- jars churns- etcj all sizes Having purchased in large quantities we can sell at low prices this is one of the secrets of our low prices on all goods Eightor left side Horses same on left shoulder Earmark Swal low tail cliD rijht or left ear Range Big Creek fc fc fe ed Front r BBsey John DeCorj BsebudV S T li T L T UAU I f CCR I Koseoud S D Horses Cattle hdte in each ear Itanire Rfw nnd Little WhiW Uivers Some branded ID4 417 on left side Horses JD on left hip Ranee in Mever Co- on Antelope Creek S H Kimmel Rosebud S D A130B4U on left side Cattle undercut on bdtheara Horses branded 4 on left shoulder Jiange on Antelope and Spring Creek3 2M f U4U j Lonis J liichards V Merriman Neb Bros P O Brownlee Neb - Charles Eichards Merriman Neb m - fir i I ri Paul Didier DG l jf Steadman Bros e Pass Neb mi oithovT right or left side n1orses andsomo vunic urai P nieitside ana hp E9 Tfinvrv Tl r r - rD uii t3Ke 1 jf wauiaduce itaavi reeir h S K r - mmm cypewiter TffiKWtS - Best Value Wrllin Machine llsaf flrsi Fit Improvements Hdnesl Construction and all High grade Typewriter Essentials T T v ART BOOKLET FREE rfafcjik il rh Sftiiift Pi0tt3dfi rimMa 7a eais vyyvwsiiw v Syracuse nY USJf Omaha Branch Office Corner Seventeenth and Earnam Streets Earl Comstock Manager Valentine Neb Cattle branded om left side or hip Also 989 TG lill w OQ Horses same as on steer left hip AI30 C on left shoulder Rosebud S D ID 1183 either left side or hip Horses F on left shoulder Range head of Antelope JwL - nrHhpi T St S2SOOO Reward for sufficient evidence to convict any person of stealing cattle of the above brands Thomas Farren JCF 4 -1 -- 1 J -