Y r A A 4 ftrecf 7pe off re Highest Order of Excellence in Manufacture WaiterGaKerGos 0 1 pip9 Absolutely Pure J Costs Less Tftsn QUE cent a Cop f Be sure that yon get the Genuine Article made at DORCHESTER MASS by 7 WALTER BAKER CO Ltd ESTABUSKED 1780 BAD LOOD CASCAKETS do a claimed tor them una are a truly wonderful medicine Itavo often wished for a medicine pleasant to talce and at last have found it in Caecarcts Since taking them my blood has been puriOed and my complexion has Im proved wonderfully and I feel much better In every way Mus Sallie i Bellaiis Iuttrell Tean HXffiH CANDY TRADEMARK Pleasant Palatable Potent Taste Good Do Good Never Sicken Weaken or Gripe 10c 25c 50c CURE CONSTIPATION Stirling Remedy Company Cblrato Sontrenl Kew Tort 319 IIflTftR4P Sold and jruaranteed by all drug HU I U DAW Kistsao CUBE Tobacco Habit SLECKER WILL KEEP YOU DRY EsMBganHRHE3aaMMMMMaM Dont be fooled with a mackintosh or rubber coat If you want a coat that will keep you dry in the hard est storm buy the Fish Brand Slicker If not for -sale In your town write for catalogue to A J lUWtK Boston Mass UHKS in 1 to 5 Jj UurxilMd Dot to lUittare LJyS 1 CURE YOURSELF TIrA Ttf -O trT lintintncal discharges inflammations rritatinn A fir lllrftrnf inn a r 1 lPnTu conugien Painless and not UHtcANSuiHiCALUO eeni or poisonous I Sold by Dracxlat USA 7 sent in plain wrawxsr ioj express prepaid for 3bottIes273 Circular sent on reqnsit USURY SHYLOCKS They Are Winked At in London If They Have Titled Protection One of the most extraordinary fea tures of the recent promissory note trial which necessitated the flight from England of Lord William Neville the blackleg sou of the ultra respectable and respected Marquis of Abergavenny was the extraordinary and even tender courtesy and consideration with which the celebrated money lender Sam Lew Is was treated by every one judge counsel and the press The latter was loud in its denunciations of usury at the time of the parliamentary investi gation into the money lending abuses a few months ago and no abuse was con sidered too strong for the cent-per-cent gentry But here during the promissory note trial we find Sam Lewis confess ing to having charged the trifle of 8 000 a year interest on a loan of 15 000 spoken of by every one as a bill discounter of the utmost respectabil ity who has been in business at the same old stand for thirty years and who has never yet incurred any kind of reproach In fact the proceedings in court and the utterances of news papers seein to imply that Lord Will iam had been far more reprehensible in swindling Sam Lewis than in get ting the better of his fellow officer Mr Clay Yet it must be borne in mind that according to the laws of the land usury is a crime punishable by imprisonment But then it is not every usurer who has titled backers and who has the honor of dining two or three times a year where the Prince of Wales is the principal guest dinners which usually are given by his sporting friend Sir Frederick Johnstone It probably is due to these royal and titled acquaint ances of Sam Lewis that he was the only one of the great usurers who was not summoned to give evidence by the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry into Usury last summer Chicago Record Married Couples Ages A statistician has published the re sults of his investigation of the rela tive ages of husbands and their wives in the various capitals of Europe He discovered that marriages are more fre quent where the husband is two or three years older than the wife Wo men under twenty years of age how ever usually take unto themselves hus bands six or seven years older than themselves The cases in whicli the man was a year younger than the wo man were almost as numerous as those in which he was six or seven years older The first condition was true of G7 per cent of all married couples and the latter condition of G4 per cent The cases where the husband was six or seven years younger than the wife were almost as numerous as those where he was thirteen or fourteen years older Only two cases were discovered where the husband was thirty five years the senior one case where he was forty six years older and one case where he was the older by forty seven years One case was discovered where the wife was thirty four years older than the husband Twelve and three tenths per cent of all men who marry women under twenty years of age ac cording to the statistician are between twenty six and twenty seven years old HUMAN NATURE LIKES PET This Is Especially True of Human Na ture that Goes Into Camp They call them mascots in the lan guage of the camp The word is the cover for the expression of the soldiers affections The brawny Missourian carrying about in the hollow of his arm a half grown rabbit and occasionally touching it with a caress so delicate that the shy creature forgets to shrink hasnt any thought of luck to come from the possession He has found something which affords a vent for the sympathetic and emotional of his na ture You cant take a young Ameri can volunteer away from home and so cial surroundings and make of him in a week a machine to fight and kill It is human nature for the regiments to have pets and the fresher from home the command the more In number and extravagant in character the pets by misnomer called mascots The Mis sourians who received from the hjds of a little girl at Athens O her rabbit as they came through to Camp Alger have preserved it and tamed it until the bunny hops among the tents and refuses all opportunities to escape The self appointed guardians take it out in the woods to pasture on the tenderest grass and it hops back to camp with a loyalty to its possessors which is wonderful As Interesting as the lavish expres sion of the soldiers sentiments toward their pets is the appreciative response of the brute creation to the enforced adoption There doesnt seem to be any representative of animal creation which will not take kindly to camp life and to men In uniform after the first strangeness wears off Of course the mascot dog Is the head of the list There Is in canine disposition a liking for vagabondage which answers quick ly to the Invitation WThen the volun teers visit Washington for a day off the dogs follow them back to camp The higher the strain of blood the more luxurious the home kennel of the dog the more willing he seems to be to quit his comforts and enlist with the soldiers at a snap of the fingers or an encouraging look You may see on the curbstone in Washington a group of soldiers gathering streugth for the long tramp to Georgetown and over the aqueduct bridge to the Falls Church electric cars Beside them will squat the foxhound of costly pedigree looking up in their faces with admira tion and confidence And when the soldiers slowly get upon their feet and move off the dog follows with an air of Whither thou goest I will go St Louis Globe Democrat Golf can positively be traced in Scot tish histoi y to 1457 and it is believed to have been played much earlier than that date A Wonderful Mineral There is a wonderful mineral found in Iceland that possesses the strange property of producing two images of a single object On looking through it at a pencil for instance you will see two pencils both of which will be clearly defined The mineral is translucent and crystal like and goes by the name of Iceland spar The mine in which it is found is located on the eastern coast of Iceland and Is controlled by the Danish Government The spar is ex ceedingly valuable owing to its many uses in the sciences particularly for the manufacture of optical instruments and for experiments in polarization The Oldest Volunteer A New York State doctor aged 109 vol unteered his services to the President re cently as an army surgeon At his ad vanced years he can read without glasses and walk ten miles a day The oldest standard medicine is Hostetters Stomach Bitters which has no equal for indiges tion dyspepsia and constipation One bottle does much good Life is a short day but it is a work ing day Activity may lead to evil but inactivity cannot be too good Hannah More Shake Into Your Shoes Allens Foot Ease a powder for the feet It cures painful swollen smart ing feet and instantly takes the sting out of corns and bunions Its the great est comfort discovery of the age Al lens Foot Ease makes tight fitting or new shoes feel easy It is a certain cure for sweating callous and hot tired nervous aching feet Try it to day Sold by all druggists and shoe stores By mail for 25c in stamps Trial package FREE Address Allen S Olm sted Le Roy N Y The most terrible of lies is not that which is uttered but that which is lived W G Clarke Wheat 40 Cents a Bushel How -to grow wheat with big profit at 40 cents and samples of Salzers Red Cross 80 Bushels per acre Winter Wheat Rye Oats Clover etc with Farm Seed Cata logue for 4 cents postage JOHN A SAL ZER SEED CO La Crosse Wis C N TJ Do not eat very acid fruit with fari naceous food unless you have a very good digestion FITS Permanently Cured No fits or nervoosnesa utter first day uo of Dr Klines Great Nene Re storer Send for FKEE 8200 trial bottlo ani treatise Dr It U Kline Ltd 931 Arch St Philadelphia Pa As many as 40G1 muscles have been counted In the body of a moth Mrs Wlnslows Sootiiinq Syiiup for Children teething softens the uums rcauces inflammation allays pain cures wind colic 25 cents a bottle What we are is much more to tis than what we do George Herbert WANTED Caseof bad health that will not benefit Send 5 cents to lllpins Chemical Co New York for 10 samples and 1000 testimonials Nine per cent of cases of amputation are said to be fatal The More You Say the People Remember Word With You e ifl i ia t Had IJccn Acatnnt it Tom ls it Welsh rabbit or Welsh rarebit Dick I dont know which is the fash ionable name now but I know what It ought to be and thats Welsh night mare Halls Catarrh Cure Is a constitutional cure Price 75 cents A closed heaven represents the black est misery humanity Is capable of suf fering Rev W S Cassmore Two bottles of Pisos Cure for Consump tion cured me of n bad lung trouble -Mrs J Nichols Princeton Ind Mar 2G 95 Be a whole man at everything whole man at study in work In play Joseph Gurney liiiiiiiiiipp lSIJBtOH H fTTINVENivS m iU MQUIRMKOCOOKINff M ggggll JEOQODUJUlSfHDaffraSTFFliDKCE Wm 0MMmg ill CNE POUND or THS STARCH VILL 00 itttfvl 1 AS FAR AS A POIND AHO A HALF WSjk Of ANY 0TWR STAHCH tfdrfm WHEN -WRITING TO ADVERTISERS plcnso say yon saw the advertisement In this paper S C N U Esa 82 08 UUHES WHERE All ELSE FAILS Best Cough Syrup Tastes Good Use in time Sold bv druzeists i Weak Stomach Sensitive to every little indiscretion in eating even to exposure to draughts and to over perspiration this condition la pleasantly positively and permanently overcome by the magic tonic touch of Hoods Sarsaparilia which literal makes weak stomachs strong It also creates an appetite makes yoa feel real hungry and drives away all symptoms of dyspepsia Be sure to get Hoods Sarsaparilia Americas Greatest Medicine All druggists Hoods Pills cure all Liver ills 25 cents Box 579 Denver Colorado for WDITC DESIRABLE GOLD MINING SHARES MENTION THIS PAPER trazx sm to iDnituiu A Beautiful Present FREE for a few months to all users of the celebrated ELASTIC STARCH Flat Iron Brand To induce you to try this brand of starch so that you may find out for yourself that all claims for its superiority and econ omy are true the makers have had prepared at great expense a series of four GAME PLAQUES exact reproductions of the 10000 originals by Muville which will be given you ABSOLUTELY FREE by your grocer on conditions named below These Plaques are 40 inches in circumference are free of any suggestion of advertising whatever and will ornament the most elegant apartment No manufacturing concern ever before gave away such valuable presents to its customers They are not for sale at any price and can be obtained only in the manner specified The subjects are American Wild Ducks American Pheasant English Quail English Snipe The birds are handsomely embossed and stand out natural as life Each Plaque is bordered with a band of gold ELASTIC STARCH has been the standard for 35 years TWENTY TWO MILLION packages of this brand were sold last year Thats how good it is ASK YOUR DEALER to show you the plaques and tell you about Elastic Starch Accept no substitute Hew To Get Them If you are dissatisfied with the size of piece or with the quality of the chewing tobacco you are using - - -1 f and you 11 get your moneys worth The 10 cent piece of Battle Ax is larger than the 10 cent piece of any other brand of the same high quality and is the largest piece at T flnft1 chewing tobacco that is sold for 10 cents iemember the name wiiuu yuu uixy ogoiu B All purchasers of three 10 cent or six 5 cent packages of Elastic Starch Flat Iron Brand aro entitled to re ceive from their grocer ono of theso boantifnl Game Plaques freo Tho plaques will not bo sent by mail They can bo obtained only from your grocer Every Grocer Keeps Elastic Starch Do not delay This offer is for a short timo only UNIVERSITY of NOTRE DAME NOTRE DAME INDIANA Classics Letters Science Law Civil Me chanical and Electrical Engineering Thorough Preparatory and Commercial Courses Ecclesiastical students at special rates Rooms Free Junior or Senior Year Collegiate Courses St Edwards Hall Tor boys under 13 The 108th Term will open September 6th 1898 Catalogue sent Free on application to REV A MOKRISSEY C S C President lENSIONS PATENTS CLAIMS JOHN W MORRIS WA8HW6T0N D 0 Lata Principal RTunlnrr U f Tuition Bortu J jit la last war 15 aqrodJeatlBX attr i s M I f 1 r n HI u