HE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT EGBERT GOOD Editor and Publisher Official Paper of Cherry Coun ty Nebraska 100 Per Year in Advance ut TUBLIHHED EVEBY THURSDAY Entered at tb e Postofflce at Valentine Chefftr county Nebraska s Secondclass matter This paper will be mailed regularly to its subscribers until a definite order to discontinue is received and all ar rears are paid in full A sinner suggests that the house of representatives and theBenate of the fcongresrbf the United States can be more hopef ally and Jealously prayed forby clergyman Who cannot loolr their members in the face Few jbreacherswith good eyes saith the feinner would have the mora courage to invoke wisdom and blessings on Average congressmen whose habits and morals are not taught in Sunday bchbols The present chaplains Mr iMilburn and Mr Couden are blind NebraskdCityCbiderbtitive It dont pay for the editor of a eouh try newspaper to be areiigtouB ptiiios fophef unless heBfceps hi8 philosophy but of the aper livery time he gets off a good thing about some kind of tinner or other he stepson some poor iellows toes- and then there is the dickens to pay Everybody in town Immediately fits your philosophy to Somebody aid the somebody usually concludes that he is being pub lished and goes after the editors Bcalp Everybody wants a newspaper fco publish the truth except when he is concerned The exhibition of life teck at the Transmississippi Exposition will be held from September 19 to -October 20 and everything points to a large dis play J B Dinsmore Commissioner bf live stock states that the corres pondence received from intending ex hibitors is far larger inaa anse of the fcftte for the closing of entries than it Was at the Columbian Exposition at Chicago If Mr Dinsmoses expecta tions are fulfilled the exhibition of live stock at Omaha will toe one of the -finest ever given in thexceuntry The 35000 prize money offered by the Exposition will be -distributed as follows Cattle 000 horses and mules 8000 hogs 7000 sheep 6000 fat stock 000 poultry 2000 -Money from other sources ill mostly be devetedsto special pre miums Very much discouraged are the gold bugs in their effortstte breed v dissen sions between the democrats and pop Tilists in Nebraska The only differ leaces between the pops and democrats are such as can be seen by republicans IChe allied silver forces are wonking together in complete harmony On yhe second day of August they will put up a state ticket Which every pop every democrat and every silver repub Ucan can heartily support That ticket may not contain the names of just jsuch men as every individual sil ver advocate would likesto see there i -but it will be the Choice of ty in all three conventions and that Will make it the Choice of every ene my of goldbugism in ihe state which means that the ticket will be elected r by twenty thousand majority There is eomething wrong with the dagestive organs of any goldbug who ean see lack of harmony in the ranks of the Bilverites Papilllon Times The report of the warden eiSie pen itentiary covering the six months end- ing with May 31 1898 makes a did Bho wing for the management of that institution since it has ieea in demopop hands During the period namedVarden Leidigh has not drawn upon the legislative appropriation lor a pennyefor the maintenance of the penitenjery Buringithe last 18 months in which the penitentiary was under- the con trol of theirepublican board of public lands andbuildings the expenditures Sot the current expenses of the prison amounted to 47315303 During the 18 months ceding June 1 1898 while this prison ws under the control of the demo pops the current expenses of the penitentiary amounted to 23 0Q939 Thus it will be seen that during a period of 18 rnoaths the demopops conducted the penitentiary at an ex pense 50000 less than the expense incurred during a similar period under the republican administration WarM Herald iJrt i hi ANNEXATION OR This paper always opposed the an nexation of Hawaii hence many seem to think thatit is against taking any of the Spanish territory we have ciojis qjuered tThis is not so there is a Wide difference between the two proposi tions The people of the United States are not in favorof an imperialistic policy dnd do not believe we should go into the business of annexing ter ritory beyond the Atlantic or Pacific simply because we can tEhe war with Spain has given us or will give us possession of the Philip pines Cuba and Porto Eico besides less important places What ate we going to do With them New con ditions have arisen which it seems will make the annexation or control of these islands imperative upon the United States In our declaration of war we expressly stated that we were not going in for reasons of conquest but for humanitarian purposes alone In the prosecution of the war it has been found necessary to take possess ion -of the enemys territory It is that the people of these islands are not capable of gov erning themselves hence we cannot retire and leave them to work out their own salvation without retarding civilization and working irreparable injury to the people themsefves We cannot return them to Spain without laying ourselves operi to cens ure for insincerity In this predicament annexation seems to be the most sensible way out If anything else can be done satisfactorily- this paper will favor it as against annexation A letter from Superintendent Jack son says The Nebraska Educational Exhibit at the Tranmississippi Exposition as in the gallery o the Manufactures build ing Some visit our educational -headquarters in the Nebraska building and fail to fin5 the exhibit not knowing that itis jtut up in another building The eyhibit occupies some 15000 square ifeet of floor space and grades of school work from the kindergarten up through -the state university and is pronouncedly lead ing educators of other states as ono of the finest educational exhibits they have ever seen The work is neatly arranged and tastefully -decorated Visitors can find seats wherethey can rest and examine the work You can stand up for Nebraska perhaps in no better way than by taking your friends with you to see this exhibit which no doubt is as fine arreducation al exhibit as was ever put up by any state Night before last five feet or 500 barrels of water were used from the watectank after 8 p an Most of this water was evidently stolen At63J yesterday morning every drop of water was used from the tank and the wind was blowing at the rate of 20 miles an hour Suppose a fire haG started The result of this wholesale stealing is that nobody will be able hereafter to get water from the city mains becween the -hours of 8 p m anda m A sufficientvpiantity must be kept on hand forifire protection There seems to be no -way of stopping the thefts and the village board is considering the advisability of putting -in meters This subject will receive attention next week Little Willie Mama what is politics Mama It is a disease my son Little Willie Then our poor par- rot must fee diseased for I byt some tickStonit today CCf aman snakes a practice of sitting on the -safety valve of truth he must not blame anyone but himself if he some jday gets -blown up O P iBillings of Norden one of the wealthiest fitockmen in that eec tion wasin Ainsworth over Sunday on his way east M V Nicholsen of Valentine was visiting in Ainsworth last Friday Attorney JEdClarke of Valentine is doing our tpwn today The sporting editor of the Star- Journal is authorized to issue a chal i ienge in tfee name- of Geo McDonald for a foot xace of pQ yards amount aot stated jtfobody Jarred Ains worth Star Jwinal Married at Cfaadron Tuesday July 26 I89S Claude B Eeece and Anna Sageser the Rev L W SEIorton per forming the ceremony The happy young couple came to Valentine this morning and will make their home at the grooms farm near Simeon where both are well and favorably kaown Special Jnys at the Exposition Aug 4 Stenographers Day Sept Oct 9 10 11 13 15 18 25 27 30 1 3 5 6 1 8 9 10 14 15 16 18 20 24 1 7 17 18 aUion11 1 h rM Ait Iowa K of P Day Red Mens Day Tennessee Redmens Day St Joseph Day Business and Fraternal As sociation Day Texas Day Sioux City Day Bohemian Day Missouri Day Kansas Day Editors Day Labor Day Colorado Day Bocky Ford Melon Day Port Arthur Day Fraternal Union of Amer ica Day Lumbermens Day Woodmen of the World New Mexico Day National SI i riners Day New England Day Oklahoma Day and 19 Modern Woodmen and 21 Iowa Days Commercial Travelers Day Chicago Day Knox College Day I O O F Day Tennessee Day Other Special days to be anntiunced later Teachers Institute Following is taken from the prospec tus for teachers institute County Superinten dents Office Cherry County Neb Fellow Teachers The Thirteenth Annual Teachers Institute for this county will be held in the public school building Valentine Neb - August 15 1898 and continue two weeks Each person who intends to teach in the county the ensuing year is expect ed to be present unless excused by the couuty superinteadpiit Our instructors for the coming ses sion need no introduction to you for the efficiency of their past w ork highly commends them to you Supt C M Pinkerton of 3Jead City S D and Prof li H Watson principal of Val entine schools will have chaige of the instruction lEach gentleman will de liver a Iecture during the ime An nouncement of subjects and dates will be made later Any information regarding board will be cheerfully given Examination August 26 and 27 Bring -all your text and reference books also Snug iyre Caref uTly pre pare the work A registration fee of fifty cents will bechargedtohelp defray the expenses of the Institute All school boards and other friends of education are cordially invited to all sessionand lectures during the In stitute Very -sincerely your co worker iiiLiaAN U Stoner Co Supt JLile of tlie Volunteers In an interview with the Chadron Journal Capt A G Fisher of Co H Second 2s ebraska Volunteers says Military life as I have experienced it is all that can be desired Our day begins at 5 o clock wheu reveille brings us out from our blankets which the cool nights makevvery comfortable The weather has not been so hot at any time as it was here Saturday and Sunday The setting up exercise con sisting of at least 10 minutes calisthen ics is folio wed by mess After this the sergeant takes his detail of four qr five men and goes to guard mouut which -ceremony takes about an hour Bydhat time it is 7 oebek and -the company marches out into the timber for tivo hours and a half of drill which isiconducted by each com mander and the nun commissioned officers independently from any other company This consists of warious evolutions of onarohiug the extended order and other skirmish drill the manual of arms and bayonet exercise At 930 the company comes back to camp and are engaged inbrushiug up their clothiug cleaning their guns shining up their belt plates buttons etc aud generally making use of the time until noon At 12 oclock the fellows all line up with their tinplates cups iron knives and forks rn single fileidown at the kitchen shanty where they are each served an ample ty of substantial food probably having a boiled potato alsoor some goqdpot j ato salad and some -excellent dump j lings By this time -the mail hascome and the boys are reading their letters- At 130 begins a non commissioned officers school fn each company and t 230 the commissioned miss this and go themselves to a bat allion school untif the expiration of an hour At four oclock the four com panies comprising our batuSion form and we have a hard drill for an hour which is immediately followed by mess As soon as mess is finished we form ither for a batallinn dress parade whieh is a ceremony consuming three- quarters of an hour followed by aa in spection of the dress aud arms of the men or the inspection without the dess parade if it be not our day which comes every three days for each v f iJ SWgStfBI SPAIN SAYS NOUGH Washington D 0 July 26 1S8 The Spanish royernment ias sued for peace not indirectly through the great powers but by a direct appeal to President McKinley The proposition was formally submitted to the president at 3 Vclock this afternoon by the French ambassador No terms were stated The government bulletins tlw aboveofficially Mies has landed at Porto Rico Manila is reported to have surrendered to Bewey Xiobrara Fulls Wanted A good cook at Parker ranch four miles west of the Falls Parties were over from Simeou Friday and boughtcornotMrs C A Johnson at 30 cents per bushel Several Indians were camped on theriVer Sat urday aud Sunday Frank Keese bought a new mowing mnebine e guess hay will be plentiful when e gets through haying Corn and crops of all kind will soon do to burn if a good rain does not come to onr relief Bad Bov Johnstown Four weeks ago today we landed in this quiet little village All are strangers to us and we re fnain about the same Everybody stays at home and attends to therr own business and the con sequence is that there is no quareiing Well about the Johnstown mail route it is a joe so far a3 deep sand is concerned and a horse killer too I have three teams and will have to buy two more if I continue to carry the mail Major Morris of Sioux City is hefe with a nice bunch of heifers to sell He is the same old Major of old My better half went up to Sparks last Thurs day to look after matters Uji there and she sold our hens and two calves tb Win Archer and Krnest Boden so it will be Bodeus chicken ranch instead of Sears just the same they are the best of property This place was visited by some persons who wanted to put on dog last Thursday night and they helped themselves to a uew set of har ness and fly nets that belonged to Wm Kilgore the section foreman Of course they wanted a buejgy for an easy ride so they just hooked onto D K Facts and 1 dont know if they said good bye or not but they are gone Mr Kilgore and Fifer followed their track and caught up with them at Moonlake 25 miles south ot here and saw tiie property they were locking for and something they did not want to see in their hands so they had to go back to Ainsworth to get the sheriff and by the time he got to vhere the boys left them the robbers were onfr and they took everything that belonged to us with them the could not be followed and the gents are sporting a new set of harness And buggy It they have not traded them off The hordes they were driving answer to the description of those of Otis Grady and the belt that one of them wore was suiely my Winchester rifle belt I Sre some of our people carrying their harness in to the house shice the robbers have gone but we can not get our buggies into the house The west bourid passenger train ran into a horse last night near the section house and Wil ed him The horse belonged to a traveling man audit was old and blind and did not heed the warning so now he is at rest and his owner is footing Ills wiy to Woodlake uhere he is going to work thiough the haying season J boucht his wagon aud harness so T have something to trade consisting ofleatlier straps stove wood bailing wire etc and anyone wanting to buy or trade for anything in that line just call on Jabiks II Scaiw Johnstown Nebr July 2i 1898 Democratic Senatorial Convention A delegate convention of the demo cratic party of the 14th senatorial dis trict of Nebraska is hereby called to meet in Valentine on Saturday Aug ust 20 1898 at 16 a for the purpose of placing in nomination a candidate for senator from said dis trict and the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the convention Each county is en titled to one delegate at large and one for each 150 votes or major fraction thereof cast for Hon C J Smvth for attorney general at the election in November 1896 which gives She fol lowing representation towit Sox Butte h Brown 3 Cherry 5 Dawes 7 Key a Paha 3 Bock -3 Sheridan 7 Sioux 3 It isearnestly requested that a full delegation be sent from each county ak many -matters of importance will cpme up at this meeting and a permanent-organization will be effected M F Clynes Chairman Democratitepresontati vc Contention The democratic electors of the 32d representative -district will meet in convention at JSorden Nebr Sept 17 1898 at 1 tp m to nominate a candidate for legislature and for any other business that may come before the convention IRepresentatioh is as follows Cherry S Keya Paha 31 Based on the vote cast for Hon C J Smyth w E Halet Chairman Populist Representative Convention The peoples independent electors of the 52d representative district are re guested to meet in convention at Xor den -on Saturday Sept 17 1898 at ldtolockp m Counties are entitled to rehresentation as follows Cherry 8 Keya Paha 4 o proxies will be allowed but the delegates present will cast the full vote of the county EO H Keineut Chairman Mill JPrices for JFecd Bran bidfc 50c per -cwt 900 ton Shorts bulk 60c per cwt 1100 ton J Screenings Chop Feed 70c Corn 50c Oate 80c It 600 1300 it m i WEVVQULDLIKETO CiUiDA a H X Left ears ta Customer of ours and to accomplish that end we- are making greatly reduced prices on all summer goods straw hats clothingj lawnsr shirt waists etc This class of goods- must all ga inside- of the next thirty days To housekeepers we would say we have just purchased half a ear load of STONEWARE Crocks jugs- jar3 churns etc all sizes Having purchased in large quantities we can sell at low prices this is one of th secrets of our low prices on sll goods f V premier typewriter Best Value Writing Machine First In Improvements Honest Construction and all High grade Typewriter Essentials T v ART BOOKLET FREE tion of 1897 viz One delegate at larcre and one for each 100 votes or major fraction thereof which gives the following by counties Box Butte 6 Brown 4 Cherry 8 9 Keya Paha 4 Sheridan 8 Sioux 3 Ainsworth Home Rule oam Hudson Simeon Neb tcsJSS3EKsij3 utred Left Kip on cattle Left shoulder on horses Some horses Lazy a on leftsiioulder ltange between Gordon iind Snake River and Niobrara Kiver All catcle dehorned Xotice to Bridge Guilders Sealed proposals will be received by the Coun ty Board of Cherry Countv Nebraska until August 15 180S at l oclock p in for the con struction of live 5 iron or steel wagon bridges described as follows One l across Cordon creek about 13 miles southwest of Valentine Dimensions of bridge is20 feet m length width 14 feet set on iron posts bottom of ondge to be C feet above level oficieek One 1 across Gordon creek about 14 miles southwest of Valentine Dimension of bridge 18 feet in lengtu width 14 feet set on iron posts bottom of bridge to be 3 feet above level of creek The above biidges are to be built on mail route from Valentine to Simeon Y O One l across Boardman ci eek abimt45 miles southwest of Valentine section 23 tottnship 30 range 31 Dimension ol bridge 35 feet in length width 14 feet set on iron posts bottoin of Undue to be G feet above level of creek One 1 across Snake river about 40 miles southwest of Valentine near section 11 town ship 30 range 32 Dimension of tridue 30 feet m length width 14 feet set on iro posts Dot torn of bridge to be 7 feet above the level of the river que l across Snake river about 35 miles south of Cody near section 12 township 31 radge 31 Dimension of bridge 40 feet in length width 14 feet set on iion posts bottom of bridge to be six feet above Hie level of the river Above bridges to be covered vnii3 inch plank either hard pine or oak Parties bidding can bid on one or all of the above bridges Bids should be addressed to 1 Sullivan Uiairnian Board of County Commissioners Val entine Nebniska and endorsed Bridge lro oosals The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids J w DakifA Va entme Neb July 14 1833 Co Clerk AlWotntmentof Administrator In the County Court within and fnr rUrrv county Nebraska In the matter of the estate of Agnes Archer deceased David A Archer having filed In my oflice a petition praying for the appointment of William A Archer as administrator of the estate of Agnes Archer deceased ail persons interested In said estate will take notice that I have fixed Satut day August 6 1893 at 2 oclock p m as th j time and my otlice in Valentine Cherry comity Nebraska as the place for hearing of said petition at which time and place all per sons interested in said estate may appear aud show cause if any there be why sii2h adminis trator should not oe appointed Witness my hand aud the seal of the county court this 20th day of -July 1898 kkAL W li Towvk v 2C 23 County Judge Xotice to Creditors In the County Court within aud for Cherry coun ty Nebr July 14 1898 In the matter of Henrv Carter deceased To the creditors nl said estate Youareherebynotifiedthatlwill sit at the County Court room iil Valentine in said jountv on the Cth day of August 189s to receive and ex amine all claims against said estate with a viewtoiheir adjustment aud allowance The nine limit ior uie preentation ol claims against said estate is months from the 1st day of July a i 1013 uiiu me tune Jiina lor payment ol debts Is one j ear from said 1st dav of Julv 1S93 Witness my hand aud the seal of the County SEAL LKJurt mis vix uay oi July JKJi i iir i 24 27 I Y7 R 10VF5U Couirjr udge to to to iff iiimn hrmiKii vr WMII IIIHUMJ iiMH I m bm i n - i i r rT YfM I - sr 3T rs The Red Front Tb prowmnt ft Order Air ott1leHa Earl Comstock3 Manager Valentine Neb Cattle branded on left side or hip Also M 969 TG CO OO Horses same as on steer left hip Also C on left shoulder TS Omaha Branch Office Corner Seventeenth and Earnam Street Populist Senatorial Convention A delegate convention of the peo ples independent party of the 14th senatorial district of Nebraska is called to meet at Valentine Nebraska on Saturday August 20 13 at 10 a ra for the purpose of placing in nomination a candidate for said dis trict and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the convention The representation is based upon the vote cast for Hon J 5 Sullivan for supreme judge at the general elec p 1r mm ii i - - - 7 9 I 825000 Seward for sufficient evidence to convict any person of stealingcattle of the above brands Thomas Farren Eosebud S D ID 1183 either left side or hip tTol F on left Horses shoulder Range head of Antelope John DeCory Rosebud S T JXD J WaSJSSjkSP Jmm3mimm W OF 1 Bros P OBrownleeNeb Right or left side norses same on left shoulder Iiannark Swal low tall clip right or left ear Range Eig Creek yCCR Paul Didier Rosebud S D Horses Cattle hole in each ear Range Big and Little White Rivera Steadman Bros JJ i frfflfOTHKTniF Whu Xi -- D Some branded ID 417 on left sido Horses JD on left hip KangeinMeyerCo on Anudope Craek S H Kimmel Rosebud S D Also B4U on left side Cattle undercut xn botk ears Horses branded 4 on loft shoulder Rane on Antelone end Spring Creeks f U4Ul Louis J liithards - tmr tsvijii Merriman Ntb Charles Eiehards aterrimaii Ket I DG j l Mi hzzmMj3L Iass Neb ISraud on either rightor left aide horses andsom cauia oraim on Ieit side and hip ss Kange Bull Lak and Y f irtcN T A Y