The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, July 14, 1898, Image 8

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QBEET GOOD Editor and Publisher
Official Paper of Cherry Coun
ty Nebraska
100 Per Tear in Advance
Entered at t he Tost offlce at Valentine Cherry
county Nebraska as Second class matter
This paper will be mailed regularly
to its subscribers until a definite order
to discontinue is received and all ar
rears are paid in full
The foreigner pays the -tax like
h 1 KeyaPalia Call
The World Herald truly remarks
that since the New York troops have
been sent to garrison Hawaii the sol
diers from California should immed
iately be shipped to Porto Kico The
people are cheerfully paying the
Whenever a newspaper says any
thing against a minister of the gospel
the members of the church with which
the minister ss connected usually claim
that the church is attacked People
who look for something rich in this
weeks paper will be badly disappoint
If Judge Kinkakl can decide wheth
er or not he should accept the repub
lican nomination for governor between
now and state convention it will be
the quickest decision he has ever been
known to make The Judges friends
should have laid the matter before
him at least a year ago so he could
have carefully taken the matter under
advisement in the usual way At
kinson Plain Dealer
Whenever a newspaper has opinions
of its own it is sure to be of influence
and likewise will make enemies of a
few narrow minded fools who are al
ways looking for trouble and think
that their ideas on everything from
the quality of whiskey to the proper
method of salvation are the only cor
rect ones We have noticed however
that the newspaper with consistent
opinions always has more friends than
has the fools spoken of
The war tax is like the protective
tariff because in neither case does the
foreigner nor any other fellow pay the
tax The war revenue bill was de
signed to make the wealthy corpora
tions pay their just share of the bur
den but it doesnt work true to design
Take the telegraph and express com
panies for instance The law pro
vides that a revenue stamp shall be at
tached to every package and every
message handled by these companies
hut do the companies furnish the
stamps Jf you thins so just try to
send a message or a package and
learn who pays the tax We rejoice
that the war tax has been levied be
cause it will do more than all the ed
itorial writers and orators nave ever
done in opening the eyes of the peo
ple to the fact that the great corpora
tions of this country are wholly lack
ing in patriotism wholly indifferent to
the needs of the nation in time of war
just as they are indifferent to the
rights of the people in times of peace
Pajpillion Times
The Hawaiian Islands are now a
part of these United States Under
stress of war excitement the republi
cans in congress forced the measure
through and the islands have been an
nexed with all their Chinamen Kan
akas paupers filth and ignorance
The grand old republican party
which has posed for years and years
as the friend of the laborer and farm
er thus brings these two classes in
direct competition with the pauper
labor of the Hawaiians As a state
or part of the United States theres no
way of protecting the American
people from this labor and the Sugar
Trust has secured another victory
The senate even refused to incorpor
ate in the annexation resolutions or
hy other legislation a law abolishing
the contract labor system of the Ha
waiian islands The only thing gained
hy the annexation of the Hawaiian
islands will be a few jobs by republi
can politicians When a man tells
you that we need the islands for a
coaling and naval station take issue
with him at once and refer him to
this paper The passage of the an-
nexation resolution was the crowning
disgrace of this session of congress
and the reverend seiginors immedi
ately adjourned so as to go home and
the stench out of their nostrils
2fow that the congress and president
of the United States have annexed
Hawaii we will soon settle down and
as American citizens will figure what
is best to do in the premises The
first thing that is to be done is to give
the politicians a tip to the effect that
we will not use the islands as a politi
cal football nor as an asylum for
broken down war horses of any pol
itical party Still another question re
mains to be solved to wit The
United States has for over thirty years
prided itself on the fact that every
mail citizen of proper age could have a
voice in the moulding of the govern
ment but what are we going to do
aboutjthe ignorant Kanakas Chinamen
and Malays who inhabit the islands
Will we admit them to full citizenship
at once If we dont what are we to
with the time honored declaration
all men are created free and equal
And if we do what political party
will control thsir votes
These Islands are about 3000 miles
from the American continent and it
takes at least three weeks time to com
municate with them will the govern
ment lay a cable to Honolulu The
United States prohibits contract la
bor but that system is in full force in
Hawaii and the U S senate refused
to legislate against it what will Am
erican laborers do about it Already
we have dispatched a regiment of
soldiers to garrison Honolulu are we
to maintain a standing army to enforce
the United States laws There are a
hundred questions to be solved about
these islands and the great American
people should begin to study them
There are some strange freaks in
human nature which cannot be ac
counted for on any other grounds than
that of depravity There is the can
didate for office who will saciilicc
friends and even family ties and re
sort to all manner of dishonest means
and methods to secure his election
He is void of honor and fidelity Then
there is the man for whom you have
labored and said good words and who
it may be owes his official position to
your earnest efforts in your behalf or
perhaps you have lavished kind words
to aid him in his business or who for
some trifling cause forgets all the
kindness you have shown him and be
comes your political or business enemy
and seeks to destroy your- good name
and patronage Gordon Journal
One of the queerest things that has
happened in connection with our naval
operations around Santiago was the
placing of Captain Sampson in com
mand of the ileet over Commodore
Schley and numerous other senior
officers Schley drove Cervera into
the harbor penned him there and
destroyed the Spanish fleet when it at
tempted to escape yet Sampson seeks
to take all the credit to himself
Annin the State Journals Washing
ton correspondent says thai Sampson
has ever held soft snaps and was
placed in command of the ileet through
the rankest kind of favoritism
The paper which some time ago
started out to convince strangers that
the police service is so inefficient in
Omaha that it would be unsafe for
them to come to the exposition has
now determined to clinch the arraign
ment by getting up a police row that
will invite thieves hither and from all
points of the compas and insure them
immunity from arrest by either of the
rival police factions Omaha Penny
The largest word in the English
language is proentirausubstantiation
ist a joined word of 28 letters
Transubstantiatiouableness is the
next longest And it is ten to one
that neither -of these words was ever
used except by the man who invented
it to show his own hyperincomprehen
sibility Delp7ws 0 Herald
The Pullman company which was
too poor a year or so ago to grant a
slight increase in wages has just de
cided to divide a surplus of 18000
000 among its stockholders in or
der to prevent its being taxed to pay
the war expenses The Pullman pa
triots have no use for the army when
they have to foot the hills World
The Wilson outfit from near Lusk
Wyoming who have been here for a
week or two witn a bunch of hoases
sold 25 head to Reynolds who is look
ing after Dahlmans contract at Rose
bud The outfit left overland yester
day morning headed for Omaha witn
about 100 horses which they expect to
sell on the road Charlie Tate is cook
ing for the outfit
C V Thorn of the Valentine News
was married on the 29th ult to Miss
Belle Callen one of the teachers in
the Valentine school The Journal
tenders congratulations and well wish
es though we admit that we were con
siderably surprised We had antici
pated a vacancy in the Gordon schools
the coming year However it is not
improbable that such a vacancy may
occur Gordon Journal
IsTearly everyone in town went lo
the Elkhora depot on Wednesday
night to witness the departure of the
new recruits ind to give them a good
sendoff The band played enlivening
music and a number of people shot
skyrockets Roman candles and other
fireworks mating a genuine
time There were twenty two of the
boys who had enlisted with Sergt
Eeed in Co H Second Neb Yols
CtawforcL Gazette
I JfRvii j
miriw VjVirm
i V
A mass convention of the voters
of the democratic party is hereby call
ed to meet in Valentine on Saturday
July 23 1898 at 2 oclock p m for
the purpose of electing five delegates
to the state convention tu be held in
Lincoln on August 2 and the tran
saction of sneb other business as may
properly come before the convention
A delegate convention will be called
later for the purpose of nomina
ting candidates for county offices
All democrats are urged to attend thcj
mass convention Robert Good
M Secretary
Cobs for sale at the ssiiil
Rock is being hauled for Pettyjohns
new house
The walls of the Barker building
are up about ten feet and joists will
be laie in a day or so
The Owl saloon sports a brand new
up-to-date glass front refrigerator
the old one having been sold to Under
wood the Cody hotel man
The new Red Front building is vap
idly approaching completion- The
plate glass front has been put in and
the partititions upstairs set
Tickets to Hot Springs S D good
returning within 30 days will be sold
by the F E M V at one fare for
the roand trip on June 30 July 5 and
19 August 9 and 26 September 10 and
Ella Stil well of Valentine and Viv
ian Gorman Lowrie of Gordon were
registered at the Commercial yester
day We understand they are book
agents and were working the town
RusJivilU Standard
E G Garland who worked for this
paper during the temporary illness of
our foreman is now editor of the
Newport Republican and is making
that paper sparkle with wit and wis
dom as it never sparkled before
Mrs J Nicholson and daughter Miss
Alta went up to Valentine the even
ing of July 4 to visit a week with
their son and brother M V Nichol
son cashier of the First National
bank and other friends Ainsicorih
Star Journal
Dr Belt was over from Rosebud
Saturday evening to meet a brother
who came in on No 3 Saturday night
While in town the doctor met a num
ber of business men and speaks very
highly of them and our town The
doctor expects to send for his family
to join him here in the near future
At the meeting of the Kimball
County Stock Association Saturday
some routine business was transacted
and it was decided to call an adjourn
ed meeting on July 16 The plan now
under discussion is to pay a yearly
sum to the Wyoming association to se
cure the services of their inspectors in
all the markets to protect members of
the county association Kimball Ob
Clothing and Shoeing just as necessaryas ever Ask to see our
Our J nly Clothing jSale this month
lo stock allowed on this land al
swjand wke Sec 34 Tp 33 Range
26w By order of owner
23- John D Sitser
Sparks to Johnstown
JUNE 2G 1893
Left Sparks at 0S0 a m arrived at Norden at
1215 p in slopped for dinner and fed onr teams
Left X01 den at 1 30 and arrive 1 at Johnstown at
ll0Jp m Onr loads were quite heavy but the
day was cool and pleasant and we got through
without a misshitch but tired well I should say
so ami Iruigrj as wolves Services had not
closed at the church and as soon as we drove up
in front of the house where our goods was to be
stoied I went to the church ro find my man to get
the key to the house as lie was not at the church
It took some time to find him and when I came
back my wife accused me o going over and at
tending church while she stood out and held th e
lorses but with all the lelp that J II Biggies
and Charles Lowes cold g vi we were all to tired
to joke very much so weate a lunch and hung
up for the night As soon as the sun began to
give light we rolled off our bunks and got break
fast in order to give Charles Lower an early
start for home but lo after breakfast Charley
and John went down town and I guess they got
lost at any rate John ciime in about 10 a m
and said that Charley was sitting down on the
sidewalk asleep the Inst he saw of him Just as
I was going to start to hunt him up I saw Char
ley coming m a half hand gallop up the street
and a puffing like a steam engine I dont know
where he had bpen but lrom his general appear
ance Ie must have started to Valentine afoot
aim happen to think that he would need his
team to plow his corn with when he got home
and turned around and came buck after them
However he came back after them and stayed
until this mo ning June 28 he says he is bad
ly stuck on this town lie may have run on to
a good looking widow down here for all that I
know for the last that 1 saw ot him lie was look
ing back this way Maybe he was watching the
passenger train forit was pulling down the track
at a slow pace a short time after he left but just
the same Charley is a good hand to help to pile
goods in a wagon ncd we have no kick coming
on him we have been very busy and havent
got acquainted yet hut all that we have met are
very eeer turned people and I think we will
like to live here very much More anon
JamksII Seaks Johnstown
Mrs Walcott was in the city Sunday
Mrs IT E Dewey has been on the sick list the
past tow days
Mrs Callen has been visiting friends in town
the past few days
Mr and Mrs Hall were in town Sunday
night to attend church
Elder Eighmy preached to quite a large con
gregation Sunday night
Mr and lrs Ferguson and Mrs Guyton were
in town on Sunday to attend quarterly meeting
Miss Sadie Dwey left last Saturday for Long
pme where she expects to remain some time
Mr and Mrs W V Johnson were in town
Sunday visiting at the home of C A Johnson
Mr and Mrs Johnson returned last Wednes
day from the Kx oiition where they have been
spending a week
A dance is to be given at the livery barn next
Friday night and an soft additiou has been
built Come everybody
An entertainment was given at the school
house Wednesday night and quite a large crowd
attendei reporting a uoud time
Buelah Mumaugh came in Wednesday night
and expects to stay with her grand father for a
time how long we have not learned
Eli Psecsixet
Eah for Sampson and the rest of the bovs
Fred Maybee purchased 10 head of saddle
horses last week
O C Goodrich and wife went up to Bordeaux
to the soldiers reunion
Win Wilson aud F B Yanish spent two days
ast week over south fishing
Mrs Grace Steele was visiting her parents and
her brother John at Eli last week
Bow Bales of Longpine was visiting in the
north part of the pr cilice last week
Mrs E E Crane went to Gordon Tuesday to
take a course of treatment in the hospital there
Miss Isis Lincoln was up from Valentine and
spent tiie 4th and contracted for the school m
district 39
Charles iiclnls was seee meandering apross
the hills to the southeast last Saturday We
suppose Chas went to Seger
Wm Nicholson was elected director in dis
trict 55 Although Will is a married man he
will cheerfully answer any and all applications
from school inarms for the school
Henry Deckel made a business trip to Gordon
inc lirst oi tne week Sakdv
A few young people gatherad at Frank Reeses
Sunday and spent the day in playing tag et
Xora Haekler and Iva Stilwell spent Wednes
day at the Tails
Another glorious Fourth of July come and
gone Those who celebrated at Valentine re
port a grand time Those who went to Crooks-
ton say they had a small crowd but a big cele
Several head of range rattle broke into Doc
Johnsons cornlleld on the 3d aud destroyed
considerable corn We understand the owuers
will scttte the damage Bad Boy
Notice to Creditors
In the Conntv Court within and for Cherry coun
ty Nebr July 14 1893
Jn the matter of Henry Carter deceased
To the creditors of said estate
You are ln reby notified that I will sit at the
County Colirt roo n in Valentine in said jounry
on the 0th day of Auirust 1SSW to receive and ex
amine all eiaims against sum estate with
0rt view to llieir adjustment aud allowance Ths
flv in 111 it- si Iln n rii n rtliillttn i n
Uiiiu niiiii ami nil inr iciiuiiiuu ui twuin igilli1t
said estate is months from the 1st day of July
A n 1803 and the time limit for payment of
debts is one year from said tst day oi July 1S9S
Witness my hand aud the seal of the County
Court this Mtii day of Julv iss
rr 2A County Judge
Of satisfied wearers of our cool cheap and
comfortable shirts and shirt waists shoes and
slippers socks and stockings straw hats and
summer dress goods light suits and neckties
This army is not mobilized at any particular
point but is scattered aver the whole of Cherry
Comity and contiguous- territory The beauty
of enlisting in this army is the fact that you
But if you once enlist youll never want
to get out because this army is well treated
there are no officers every body is his own
commissary sergeant and is furnished with the
best tea coffee dried fruits canned goods and
groceries in the market and at the very lowest
market prices If you dont believe it call aud
see at the recruiting office m
Hi ha
cam Hudson
Simeon Neb
- q
Nr - li
A Left Did on nnttle
W i Iert shoulder on
yssa 1 iiircio
Sorio horses Lazy
on leftsnoulder
Kauge between
A tl rArlrn tnrl
33S3iv -
Left ears tagged All entile dehorned
In Every County to Supply
the Great Popular Demand for
Compiled and Written by
Of Zvansas
The most brilliantly written most profusely
ami artisticnllj illustrated and intensely popu
lar book on the subject of the war Willi Spain
taken specially for tins creat work Agents
are making ro to foo a week seeing it A ver
itable bon mzii for live canvassers Apply for
description terms and tei ritory at once to
St Louis or New Yokk Cily
E KttA4ftA6 VTnAZa43A6
1 1 ri B U IJ U bf tj ftjUUBl7ll UiUUIlltJ Hr17B
isaw u iwdtBti vwvwsaiva
Best Value Wriiin Machine
FIrsi in Improvements HoncsS
Construction and all High grade
Typewriter Essentials
r t v
Bf mlJ 4Z 0 t
SS S J S- tf ff-
Ttaprooetnent the Order X
m ffi
v n
t - -
Smitf Premier Cypewrlter go Syracuse tk
Omaha Branch Office Corner Seventeenth and Farnam Streets
Can you tell me why the United
States is like a mule and a bottle of
Well whv
eithpr has a mane-
But where is the connection with
the mucilage
Oh thats where you get stuck
jx ft
if ssasi
Earl Comstock Manager
Aralentine Xeb
Cattle branded on
left side or hip Also
969 TG
VHfjSfl rr
Horses same asorj
steer left hip Also
C on left shoulder
y s it
Thomas Farren
Rosebud S D
ID 1183 either left
side or hip
on letc
Uange head of
Now is the time to subscribe 100
John DoCory
Itosebud S D
Some branded ID
H7 on left side
Horses JD on left
iange in Meyer Co
on Antelope Creek
S H Kiramel
Eosebud S D
Also B4U on left
Cattle undercut on
both ears
Horses branded 4
on left shoulder
Range on Antelope
and Spring Creeks
f U4U J
Louis J liichards
AmeriGan Beauties
fllllfeJL McNHt Bros
sanS3Pr F
wWiMil 00liE0Tp OBrote a
Wwl MiW rses onft
rraa a iracf same
W1 Jir HAP left shoulder 0 SM -
ifeSMffl ImY tail right A rlgai I j
StfKfcPsl or left ear l f
raSBpa Kange Big Creek ur r rT
Jfe mBTIS 10 temmM
Mi Mm zz
IIBl 11111 EFFEOTS C1 Bichanis
lSlJL AH CCR arerriman Jfeb
rh 3
Tgy Lengths JIZM
On Each Box J
- iF PaulDidier
mm Wt9wm s f dg n
mMmW Ka8e Bfe ami
PI II I H - Mim Steadman Bros
a faffunUB q8mgSA3m
mmm m
HAVKTyPfllMP A- BTAifrffaXTD fWjL fet
Pass Neb
Brand on either
right or Ieit side
Horses and some
on left side j
ana hip
Ifcinge Bull Lake
and amadnce