i i f 1- I 1 i t a 15 nil I U I i I I J r i W Is Hfc Si i 8 ft f 54 PJ i1t P li v IT I Ta rl hi CI y SI hsa ELECTRIC FLASHES NEWS FROM ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD DYING LIKE SHEEP STARVATION CLAIMS MANY IN HAVANA DAILY Madrid Finally Sees the Hopeless ness of the Conflict with the United States Peace Idea Gains Strength Daily Other Items Dying Like Sheep A Kingston dispatch of Monday last says The Talbot arrived from Havana with twenty three passengers including Sir Alexander Gollan British consul and Higgins vice consul Jerome was left in charge of the consular office Gollan and Higgins on leave are proceeding to Eng land Passengers report that only well to do people can survive in Havana Poor people are dying like sheep It is no un common sight to see them fall dead in the streets The price of food is prohibitive Buscuits are 10 cents apiece bread 50 cents a pound rice 49 cents a pound corn flour 28 cents The soldiers are on half rations and the barracks are full of starving women and children 4Q MADRID IN GLOOM Finally Sees the Hopelessness of the Conflict The newspapers in Madrid openly dis cuss the imminence of a ministerial crisis owing to the attitude of Gamazo minister of public instruction The Official Cor respondencia confirms the report of a cab inet crisis The Imparcial says of Sun days cabinet meeting We think import ance should be attached to the fact that Spain will reap great advantages in nego tiations for peace before Santiago and Manila and perhaps even Porto Kico are captured as should the Americans occupy those places their terms will naturally be harder The Imparcial adds It is most proba ble the government will telegraph Blanco to this effect urging him to direct the op eration of the army towards this solution On Blancos reply depends whether the government commences negotiatians im mediately without awaiting the outcome of the situation at Santiago The Liberal publishes an interview with a minister who is quoted as saying a cab inet crisis might occur today tomorrow or next week but in any case it will not be delayed long The minister is said to have added that the crisis- will be the occasion for the whole ministry resigning in a body ZOLA TO BE LIBERATED Court of Appeals to Allow Novelist to Pay a Fine of lO0O The Paris correspondent of a New York paper says As a result of the libel charges made by Emile Zola and M Per reux in connection with the Dreyfus case the court has condemned them both to pay 1200 damages and also to insert an an nouncement of the courts finding in the Aurore and ten other journals at their own expense M Zola is also sentenced to fifteen days imprisonment or the payment of a fine of 100 and M Perreux to pay 100 fine besides the damages which are in common M Zola and M Perreux were convicted in March of libeling the court martial that tried Count Esterhazy for the crime for which Alfred Dreyfus was convicted and exiled to Devils Island M Zola in an open letter to President Faure pulished in the Aurore a paper owned by M Perreux asserted that Dreyfus was wrongfully convicted of selling French military se crets and that Esterhazy was acquitted of the charge because the court feared to con vict him The sentence of the first trial was a year in prison and a fine of 600 for both Zola and Perreux They at once took an appeal CORBETT TO MEET MCOY Agree Upon Terms for a 25 Round Match Next Month It was announced in New York Monday that James J Corbett and Kid McCoy have agreed upon terms for a twenty five round match to come off at Buffalo August 27 The purse will be 20000 with a side bet probable Refused to Commute Sentence A special from Charleston Mo says James Albright was hanged here for the killing of Prosecuting Attorney Elliott of Mississippi County some time ago while the latter was trying to place him under arrest for tho murder of Albrights brother-in-law Great pressure was brought to bear on the governor to get the sentence commuted to life imprisonment but it failed Militia to Protect a Prisoner At the request of Adjutant General Col lier commanding the state troops at the trial of Bob Blanks the negro charged with criminal assault at Mayfield Ky Governor Bradley ordered an additional company of troops to that place A con flict between the citizens and militia is feared Suit to Test Stamp Act The Western Wheel Works of Chicago has begun suit in the circuit court against the United States Express Co to de termine who shall pay for the stamps which are required on all packages sent by express under the new war tax act Chili Issues an Ultimatum The Chilian government has sent an ultimatum to Argentine giving the latter according to the report until August 15 in which to decide the boundary question be tween the two countries which has been in dispute for a long time Get 30000 Worth of Diamonds - - While the Sehinid Bros jewelers of New Castle were watching a show parade thieves stole 30000 worth of diamonds and jewelery They escaped leaving dia monds scattered all over the street r4jfeaafeja EDUCATORS ELEOT OFFICERS Prof O E Lyte of Pennsylvania Is Chosen President At the business meeting of the National Educational Association is Washington Saturday the following officers for the en suing year were elected President E Oram Lyte Millersville Pa Secretary Irwin Shepard Winona Minn Treasurer I C McNeil West Superior Wis First Vice President James M Green wood of Missouri Diiectors North Central Division Ohio F B Dyer Indiana D K Goss Illinois E A Gaston Michigan Henry II Pat tengill Wisconsin L D Harvey Iowa W M Boardshear Minnesota George B Alton Missouri John R Kirk North Dakota W L Stock well South Dakota Frank Crane Nebraska Carroll G Pearse Kansas Frank E Dyer STREET CAR COLLISION One Passenger Killed and a Score Hurt in Washington An electric car on tho Congress Heights road Washington D C filled with pas sengers crashed into a horse car of the Anacostia line Sunday An unknown man was killed and between twenty five and thirty people injured Several of them fatally Both cars wero demolished and the horses of the Anacostia car killed The accident occurred opposite St Eliza beths government asylum for the insane A steep hill runs from tho asylum into Anacostia and the brake spring broke as the car started to make the descent Many of the passengers were injured by jump ing from the car during its flight down the hill PRISONERS AT PORTSMOUTH Admiral Cervery and Some 500 Other Captives Arrive The auxiliary cruiser St Louis with more than 476 Spanish prisoners includ H officers arrived in Portsmouth N H harbor at 830 oclock Sunday morning The big liner left Guantanamo at 6 oclock Tuesday afternoon July 5 and did not make a stop until she dropped anchor in Portsmouth harbor Including prisoners there were 1036 people on board the boat Admiral Cervera was confined to his cabin having been quite ill for three days Capt Eulate who was commander of the Viz caya and is among the prisoners is also quite ill- having been wounded in the head during the battle off Santiago RAINFALL IS ENORMOUS Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars Damage Done in St Louis All records were broken in St Louis and vicinity by the heavy rainfall of Fri day and Friday night Reports from all sections of the city indicate the- damage amounts to hundreds of thousands Dur ing tho twenty four hours ending at 6 a m over five inches of rain fell All low and badly drained sections of the city were flooded cellars filled and lower stories of many houses wet with several leet oFjwater In outlying districts the waters rose to such a height that it threat ened residents who sought safety on rafts UNCLE ANSON IS LEFT OUT Relieved of the i nagement of the New York Ball Team A C Anson has been released as man ager of the New York Baseball Club and Wm Joyce has again assumed the man agement of the team Since the manage ment has been in the hands of Anson the New Yorks have not ascended the per centage ladder and President Freedman was not satisfied Anson could not be seen and it was stated that he had gone to Chicago Chicago Bribery Case The jury disagreed in the trial of Jacob L Kesner manager of a large Chicago de partment store charged by Alderman Wm Mangier with attempted bribery Alderman Mangier claimed that Kesner offered him 2000 for his vote to override Mayor Harrisons veto of the general electric ordinance a year ago The jury is said to have stood eight for conviction to four for acquittal States Attorney Deneen declares he will begin the retrial of the case as soon as possible Chinese Rebellion Is Spreading The British gunboat Tweed has started for Woo Chow on the West River about 180 miles above Canton China from which city the news of a rebellion in the province of Kuang Si was recently re ceived The rebellion is spreading The towns of Sungh Sien and Pei Liuh have fallen Swa Chou and Woo Chow are threatened and disturbances are reported to have broken out at Chin Kiang Fu on the Yang Tse Wants Mining Laws Amended The international mining congress in session at Salt Lake Utah has adopted resolutions asking congress to amend the United States mining laws so as to do away with the extra lateral rights in min ing claims Plans were discussed for per- Imanent headquarters Milwaukee was selected for the next meeting Miners Strike Broken The strike of tho coal miners in Mercer and Butler counties Pa has been broken A number of the old miners at the Grave City mines reinforced by new men have resumed work Operators say the major ity of the mines will be in operation in a short time About 4000 miners have been out in the district Belgium Is Having Trouble The papers of Brussels announce th5c a Belgian expedition of 1500 men under Lieutenant Dubois has been surprised by Congalese rebels who killed thirty one members of the expedition and captured a quantity of rifles and cartridges Lieut Dubois was afterwards deserted by his soldiers and killed Socialist Conspirators Arrested Three socialist workmen have been arrested at Buda Pesth charged with high treason One of them confessed that he took part in a conspiracy to attempt the life of Emperor Francis Joseph by the use of dynamite during his visit to the city ARE FIGHTING AGAIN SANTIAGO ATTACKED A SECOND TIME SUNDAY Over Fifty Siege Guns and a Iiargt Number of Mortars Trained on the City Spaniards Wanted to Retreat with Arms and Flying Colors Assault on Santiago Begins Washington July 10 The bombard ment of Santiago has begun This was the verbal information ob tained this evening shortly before 9 oclock at the war department Almost immediately three bulletins were posted the most important of which was from Gen Shafter This dispatch announced that Gen Toral had declined to surrender unconditionally and that the bombard ment of the town would be begun by the army and navy about 4 oclock this after noon Anxiety has been expressed by the war department officials as to whether General Shafter had a sufficient force to prevent the evacuation of Santiago by the enemy this anxiety was allayed about half prist 12 tonight by the receipt of the following dispatch from Gen Shafter which con tained confirmation too of the earlier re ports of tho beginning of the bombard ment Pelaya Del Este July 10 Adjutant General Washington Headquarters Fifth corps July 10 Enemy opened fire a few minutes past 4 with light guns which were soon silenced by ours Very little musketry firing and the enemy kept en tirely in their entrenchments Three men slightly wounded Will have consider able forces tomorrow enough to com pletely block all the roads in northwest I am quite well Gen Garcia reports that the enemy evacuated a little town called Descaninos about three miles from Santiago and neai the bay Shafter The belief is held by the best informed officials that Gen Toral will surrender when he finds it will be impossible for him to evacuate the city Gen Shafter has nearly fifty siege guns and a large number of 7 inch mortars be sides lighter artillery at his disposal These guns taken in connection with the work that can been done by tho fleet it is believed will carry terror and destruction to Santiago The Spaniards made a proposal which was promptly rejected by Shafter that they be allowed to surrender tho city aud retreat with their forces ELEVEN LIGHTERS LOST Wrecked in a Severe Storm Off tht Coast of Cuba The war department was advised Sat urday that during a severe storm off the coast of Cuba eleven lighters en route to Cuba in tow of tugs were swamped and lost So far as known no lives were taken The lighters were from Mobile New Orleans and Charleston and were intended for the use of Gen Shafter is transferring supplies and ord nance from the transports to shore Theirs need was essential to the prompt forward ing of all military necessaries to the front before Santiago The war department upon receipt of this information immedi ately put into operation efforts to replace the lost lighters at once r PROMOTED BY MKINLEY Rank of Officers in Fights Before Santiago Is Raised The president has nominated Brig Gens Hawkins Lawton Chaffee and Bates to be major generals Col Wood of the rough riders and Lieut Col McKibben of the Twenty first infantry to be brig adier generals Lieut Col Theodore Roosevelt of the rough riders to be colonel to be quartermaster with rank of colonel F J Hecker Michigan divis ion surgeons with rank of major V S Vaughan surgeon of the Thirty third Michigan and C M Robertson suigeon of the Fiftieth Iowa Asked Du Bosc to Move Senor du Bosc and Lieut Carranza formerly of the Spanish legation at Wash ington have arranged for passage on the Dominican lino Ottoman which leaves Montreal on the ISth inst It is said that 3ome interesting correspondence has passed between Sir Wilfred Laurier the Canadian premier and Senor du Bosc the outcome of which was a sort of semi official note from the premier stating that if Senor du Bosc could accelerate his de parture from Canada it would avoitf serious international complications Fatal Floods in Missouri Four persons are known to have been drowned as the result of a cloudburst west of Stanbury Friday night Others are missing A wall of water sweeping down a little creek carried everything before it Several farm houses were demolished and their occupants drowned The entire family of J Davis is missing and is sup posed to have been drowned The loss of live stock is heavy Whlteman Is Found Guilty Alonzo J Whiteman former Duluth lumberman and state senator was con victed in Chicago on the charge of securing 250 from the Grand Pacific Hotel by moans of a fradulent check Under the verdict Whiteman may be fined 2000 and limprisoned for one year Democrats Decline to Fuse The Sixth district Democrats in conven tion at Colby Kan refused to endorse the candidacy of N B McCormick the Pop ulist nominee for congress and present in cumbent and nominated W G Hoffer editor of the Lincoln Sentinel to make the race Insurance Company Under the Ban Insurance Commissioner MoNall of Kan sas has revoked the license of the Connec ticut Fire Insurance Company of Hartford to do business in that state The company refused to pay the expenses of an examin iation of its books ordered by McNall French Warships at Havana The big French warship DEstaingehas arrived at Havana with the French ad miral on board The French authorities will alst send a warship to Santiago aas 4 X4f 0 tZlimAm SHIP SINKS AT SEA ICITIZENS - MEAT -MARKET Awful Horror Caused by Col lision in a Dense Fog 0VEK 600 DE0WNED Disaster Occurred Off Sable Island on the Morning of July 4 Steamship Ia Bonrgogne of the French Transatlantic Line Goes to the Bottom of the Atlantic Out of Over 800 Persons Aboard Only About 200 Were Saved and but One Woman from the 300 on the Ill fated Vessel Was Rescued Six hundred persons lost their lives the morning of July 4 as the result of a col lision between La Bourgogne and the British ship Cromartyshire and the French liner lies at the bottom of the sea a great hole in her side The ships met in a dense fog sixty miles south of Sable Island It was 5 oclock in the morning and the feeble rays of the newly risen sun were unable to even partially penetrate the thick white mist that covered the ocean like a garment The Cromartyshire was towed into Halifax by the Allan line steamer Grecian A ragged wound in her bow and the absence of two of her masts showed the violence of the impact with the sunken vessel There were on board La Bourgogne 191 first cabin passengers 125 second cabin and 295 third class passengers or steer age making a total of Gil passengers in addition to which there were 220 in the crew making a grand total of 831 souls on board The only woman saved out of 300 women on board was Mrs La Casse wife of a professor of languages of Plain field N J Among those saved were the purser three engineers and thirty of the crew which manned the luckless liner All the other officers of the ship were drowned The Cromartyshires crew got a terrible fright but none was lost Great service was done by those aboard in sav ing the remnant of the passengers and crew of La Bourgogne La Bourgogne is one of the best known of all the French liners She belonged to the Compagnie Generale Transatlantique and has carried thousands of persons to Euiope and back without a serious mis hap She left New York Saturday July 3 bound for Havre Shortly before the vessels came together Mrs Henderson wife of the Cromarty shires captain detected a steamers whis tle blowing on the port side The Crom artyshire was sounding her foghorn at in tervals of one minute Mrs Henderson called the attention of her husband to the sounding of the whistle and a minute later the mate who was on watch also detected the sound It came nearer and juearerlv Suddenly the huge hull of an ingabout seventeen knots an hour and almost immediately there was a fearful crash Capt Henderson as soon as the collision occurred ordered the boats to be lowered and the damage to be ascertained As it was found that the Cromartyshire was in no immediate danger the Britisher put about The vessel with which they had collided was at that time unknown A few minutes later her whistle was heard and several rockets were sent up Capt Henderson replied in like manner think ing the steamer was offering assistance but in a few minutes all was quiet and those on board began to realize the awful results of the collision At 530 the fog lifted and two boats were seen approaching with only men on board Later the weather cleared still more and men were to be seen in every direction clinging to wreckage and float ing on life rafts It was a terrible scene No pen can picture the appalling sight re vealed to the onlookers when the curtain of mist arose The work of rescue was commenced without a moments delay and over 200 persons were picked up and taken aboard the ship When the ships struck they were off Cape Sable The passengers with the sole exception of Prof La were beloAV decks Without warning came the terrible shock The struggles swishing water and terrible screams of the drown ing made the situation an awe inspiring one never to be forgotten One man on the La Bourgogne when she sunk went out of his mind and jumped to a watery grave Capt Nunan in command of the Allan line steamer Grecian to whose courage the Cromartyshire owed its con duct to a place of safety declares that La Bourgogne was less than five minutes from the time of the collision in going to the bottom It was the most appalling and most sudden catastrophe it was ever my mis fortune to witness said Capt Hender son of the Cromartyshire There was a crash the sound of which was indescrib able composed as it was of the rending apart of the stout oaken ribs of the French ship and the snapping asunder of her iron bolts Many leaped overboard immediately after the meeting of the ves sels but our men were not among the number of those who lost their heads La Bourgogne turned slowly around two or three times then seemed to go under with the rapidity of a stone dropping into a pool of water We were in some danger from the whirlpool which followed the disappearance of the transatlantic steam er but managed to get out of reach of the vortex in time It however engulfed scores of shrieking human beings whom we could hardly see for the density of the fog but whose cries of terror we could plainly hear Telegraphic Brevities Six hundred car loads of celery will be marketed by growers in Orange County Cal this year J C Harrington a prominent farmer of Dallas County Texas was robbed of 700 by an unknown burglar A recent shipment to the Klondike from Seattle included a fire engine furniture for a bank pianos and organs George T Hart a well known citizen of Paducah Ky was instantly killed by a heavy piece of timber falling on him and crushing his skull GEO G SCHWALM PROP This market always keeps a supply of FRESH -FRUIT -AND - VALENTINE dld JQI Vaf V5lffr Il i LaIIW y tVVgWr 2vp I XnF vJ I W E HALEY J GAM NEBRASKA E In addition to a first class line of Steaks Roasts Dry Salt Meats Smoked Hams Breakfast Bacon and Vegetables AtStetter8 Old Stand on Main Street VALENTINE NEBRASKA A iCiOxODO 9 4 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 A THE PALACE SALOON HEADQUARTERS FOR WINES LIQUORS AND CIGARS Of the Choicest Brands 0 0 o 0 o O 0 0 49 fr B ANK OF VALENTINE C H COKXELIj President JU V XIBIIOLSOX Cashier Valentine Nebraska J General Banking Business Transacted Buys aad Sells Domestic and Foreign Exchange Correspondents Chemical National Bank New York First National Bank Omaha oo 33 333o AAAA AAAAAA AAAAAAAAA 9P Ob0W0W040OM0O 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 ine JJUJNUhLKK v X V Is continually adding improvements and it is now the best equipped and most comfortable FIRST CLASS MODERN HOTEL IN NORTHWEST NEBRASKA Hot and Cold Water Excellent Bath Room Two Sample Rooms tVVVVVVYVV V o crOfco Ocro 0 0 o a WWWVI Qherry Qounty Bank Valentine Nebraska Every facility extended customers consistent with conservative banking Exchange bought and sold Loans upon good security solicited at reasonabU rates County depository E SPARKS President CHARLES SPARKS Cashier Notary Public Real Estate ABSTKACTER Valentine Nebraska 1000000 Bond Filed South of Court House fW GRAND OFFER j ftccp our great lactory busy and introduce early our splen did 98 models we have concluded to make a marvelous offer direct to the rider For 3o days we will sell samples of our swell 98 bicycles at net cost to manufac ture and will ship C O D on approval to any address on receipt of the nominal 100 sura of 100 if west of Denver 5 Thisk deposit is merely to show good faith on purchasers part if you dont want to send money in advance send your express agents guaranty for charges one way and we will pay them the other if you dont want the wheel T R5 P Tfl N Hi8heBt grade embodying every late improve JbJBnLJLa ment of value 14 inch imported tnbing flash jointa improved two pieco cranks arch crown large detachable sprockets handsomest finish and decorations Morgan Wright anickreDair tireBRincrlnnrHnnhtntinha hitrh m nrloin ent Special price on Bample 52900 COSSACK 8Plendid machine eqnal to any for service and easy rnnning BeatlHiach iJJJIm seamless tubing two piece cranks arch crown detachable sprockets finely finished and decorated Morgan Wright quick repair tires single or donbla tube high grade equipment Ourspecial Bample price 24 00 rON QT Ki Best medinm erad fr 1893 V inch tnbing striped and decorated arch JSm crown duBt proof bearings ball retainers best Indiana or New Brunswick tires standard equipment Special price on sample 1900 NOTE Choice of Color Style Height of Frame Gear etc Fully Guaranteed SMi lSi8nSriBd at theTJBPPearaJn1ce and auality of these wheels Dont wait order Ppces will be much higher soon Yon can make Big Money Do You Want Cheap Wheels StffiEffi 1200 to 1600 Wheels Slightly Used Modern Types 800 to 1200 - w w w w v vwww V W W W The J L Mead Cycle Co - Chicago r y T 4 s I v It