The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, July 14, 1898, Image 1

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l r
vol xrri
All work executed with promptness
nnd accuracy
Office at residence east of M E church
Comina Events
Democratic Convention July 23
Teachers Institute August 15
County Conimlssionera August 15
John Maxwell is working for The
Prof L E Stuart of Cody is in
town today
F Y Sunderland of Brownbe was
in town Tuesday
Raymond Smith of Pine fiidge is
in town this week
11 M Paddis of Pass was in
Saturday on business
J 11 Ayers of Crookston
- wr
Saturday night in town
P E Wantz of Johnstown is in
town today on business
SE Williamson of Aberdeen S
D was in town Tuesday
W G Comstock and wife came in
from the west this morning
llev J G Sloan held services at the
Presbyterian church Sunday
Albert 2fenzel and Hans Osterman
of Xenzel were in town Tuesday
C E Colby of Madison S D reg
istered at the Valentine House Mon-
Y G- Ballard is in town from Dew
ey Lake looking after business mat
- J A Hootongaye Judge Walcotts
residence a new coat of paint tins
Mrs John jSficholson and daughter
Alta - returned home to Ainsworth
Monday morning
C V Thorn went to Broken Bow
Tuesday to attend the populist con
gressional convention
Prof a TV Wheeler of Cody was
in town Monday looking after some
of his business interests
Miss Kibbey of Melrose Colo is in
town visiting with her friends Misses
Sate and Wren Donoher
Stock shipments on the railroad
have commenced A push engine
will be stationed here ere long
Jim Gallaspie was up from the
ranch this week looking for men to
work in the hay field They are scarce
but Jim rounded up five or six
An inch and eleven hundredths of
rain fell Saturday night about an
inch of it falling in half an hour
Mrs C F Smith wife of Rev
Smith of Woodlake arrived in town
yesterday afternoon for a short visit
Lottie Dwyer returned Tuesday
afternoon from Crookston where she
had been visiting Leona Baumgartel
Senators Cullom Morgan and Hitt
are the committee who will draft the
laws for the government of Hawaii
Ed Corr of Salix Iowa is working
in Elliotts drug store as pharmacist
in the place left vacant by Charlie
Cherry county will elect a county
attorney countd superintendent and a
commissioner from the west district
this fall
Mrs Chas Marsden returned to her
home in Ainsworth yesterday after
noon after a visit her with her daugh
ter Mabel
Dr Lewis was called to the home of
1 2T Russell about 40 uiiles from
Cody Sunday on account of illness in
the family
W G Baker of Norfolk registered
at The Donoher Tuesday He will
inake this place headquarters until the
stock shipping season closes
Elder P H Eighmy will hold quar
terly conference at the Mj E church
Sunday The Elder will be here for
both the morning and eveniggservices
I frr
The War With Spain
About two hundred wounded sol
diers were brought from Santiago to
Tampa this week Among the list of
those returned we find the following
belonging to the Twelfth 17 S In
fantry r
Sergt Edmund Gerber Corporals
Paul Shondelmayer Warren W West
on Artificer D H Mulkey Privates
Sid Gideon Barney Redman Rufus
jl feigner jLuther Smith J F Whit
man Orvin B Hatch John W Win
burn i L
Bryans regiment has been ordered
to Jacksonville Florida to join Gen
Lees brigade and will leayet Omaha
The second needs 65 men to fill its
Unless there is a hitch in the plans
now on fooc Santiago will be ours by
the time this reaches our readers
The troops under Gen Shafter have
surrounded the city and It must fall
There is a report however to the
effect that the Spanish soldiery have
slipped away after looting the town
30000 troops are to be sent to Porto
Riqo as soon as the can get away
Gen Miles has gone to Santiago
but will not take the command of
troops there
J C Dahlraan came up from Lin
coln Saturday morning and weut to
Rosebud to look after his horse bus
iness with the government
Bert Martin resigned his job at the
Deadwood station of the F E and
stopped in town over Sunday while on
his way home to Ainsworth
Attorney AM Morrissey went to
Chadron Sunday to lpok after some
legal business in the district court
which meets there this week
James Kincaid father of W T
j caid of this place was in town several
days during the past week from Le
Roy Ills visiting with- his son
W H Cox of Fort Sill Okla was
in town Monday on his way to Rose
bud where he will take the position
of principal in the- Industrial school
A H Winder representing a Du
buque Iowa shoe firm is in town and
contemplates moving his family here
as hi territory is principally west of
this place
Among the improvements made on
main stieet recently is a new porch in
front of Moreys jewelry store and also
one in front of the south sample room
of The Donoher
E Sparks has purchased the Strick
land property on Cherry and Virginia
streets and is having the house
thoroughly repaired preparatory to
using it as a residence
Rev S W Hoisclaw and wife re
turned from their visit to Iowa Sun
day morning Their son Dr C V
Hoisclaw of Lavilla Iowa accom
panied them home and is visiting here
this week
The Odd Fellows installed officers
last Thursday night and indulged in a
banquet immediately thereafter Len
Bivensis now Past Grand Wes Hois
claw Noble Grand and D E Sherman
Vice Grand
Arthur Gore has been transferred
temporarily to the F E station at
Merriman He expects to take a va
cation and visit the Exposition shortly
Meanwhile A W Miller of Chadron
holds the night trick at the depot here
E J Davenport went to Omaha
Sunday morning to attend a three
days session of the national league of
republican clubs and hobnob with the
top notchers while seeing the tranr
miss position
Died at her residence near Simeon
Saturday July 9 1898 Mrs Mary
Thompson Deceased was a daugh
ter of Chancy Rogers and was about
thirty years old at the time Gf her
death She leaves to mourn her a
husband and two little sons twins
aged 4 years
The mortgage record for June shows
that during the month 9 farm mort
gages for 4170 were filed and 3- for
600 were released Chattel mort
gages to the number of 107 for 203
993 were filed and 34 for 26939 were
released Nothing was done in the
line of town property mortgages and
no sheriffs deeds were issued i
the county are -worth about 95
on the dollar and warrants sell
iitJZ 5
to par according to the amount and
registry number The county treas
urer will in a week or two call in 4t
000 worth of 1897 warrants Taxes
are being collected more rapidly now
than at any time for years past and it
is thought that within two years the
county will be on practically a cash
basis The total bonded indebtedness
of the county is 19000 and bonds
are being called in and paid years be
fore they are due Real estate is
rapidly advancing in value and if per
sonal property increases at the ratio it
did in the last twelve months the
assessed valuation next year will be
about 2000000 Cherry county pays
800 a year rent on an old building
for court house purposes It has
thousands and thousands of dollars
worth of county records lying loose in
this old building At the next meet
ing of the commissioners a petition
will be presented for a 5000 court
house Valentine school district paid
about 13000 for building and furnish
ing a school house
Draw your own conclusions
What l2ihvell Thinks
General Manager Bid we 1 General
e i tt i J tn
bupenntendent Harris of the Fre
mont Elkhorn Missouri galley rail
road passed through town yesterday
in their private car In conversation
Manager Bid well informed us that
the F E is doing a very nice business
and that the prospects for fall ship
ments of cattle tfrgbfa Stock will
be ready to maruet from two weeks to
a month earlier than usual Ee says
that there is slight prospect of Neb
raska securing any new sugar factor
ies soon but seems to think that Ha
waiian sugar will not cut much figure
in competition with the Nebraska or
California article lie speaks highly
of our town and its progressive citi
zens and thinks that if the people
south and west of us would give up
all ideas of trying to farm they would
be much better off Speaking of rail
road extensions in this state he was of
the opinion that a road through Bojd
county would be a good thing but the
Short Line would not Mr Bid well is
a very eutertaining gentleman and we
would be pleased to have him move
his offices to Valentine but presume
the Omaha people would kick on that
A Word to the Wise
The attention of the authorities is
directed to the horrible condition of
the sidewalks on Cherry street both
north and south The walks m many
places are an everlasting disgrace to
the town and the profanity that is
caused to issue from the lips of our
citizens and the slighting remarks
made about them by strangers is
enough to set a person who has the in
terests ol the town at heart wild If
the property owners will not repair
these walks upon solicitation they
should be repaired by the town and
assessed to the property This advice
is offered not to antagonize the owners
but for the protection of the limbs of
pedestrians and to guard the village
against all possibility of one or more
damage suits
Longpinc 431tnutaurTi
Thel2tn annual assembly of the
Longpine Chautauqua opens July 22
and closes Aug 2d 1898 W H
Green of Omaha who has become
famous as an excursionist has arranged
to run four excursions July 21 23
Published for jonv Years as
The new chiefs of the Red Men were
raised up at thd wigwam or Sitting
Bull Tribe No 22 last Friday evening
The chiefs for the ensuing six moons
Sachem J A Tlitt
Senior Sagamore Robert Good
Junior Sagamore G II Q Smith
Pro Barker and wife and sister-in-
law and ye editor and wife and sister-in-law
took dinner with Landlord
llooton Sunday and almost foundered
on the plethora of good things set be
fore them Being newspaper people
In giving an account of the Fourth
of July celebration at Ainsworth the
Home Rule says of Robt G Easley
Although a little disappointed in
Rev Sisson not coming as he had
agreed the committee -secured Mr
Easier of Valentine
who gave us a
ringing patriotic speech full of force
and enthusiasm so in the end our dis
appointment took wings and we con
gratulated ourselves instead
Entertained Her Friends
Mrs HilTleV Wlffi Cif thr snnrunn
u - MWI
uuticiuiicuueui xiuguBfe anu division jlh jNiooiara gave an afternoon to
a number of her lady triend Satur
day and among those who attended
from town were Misses Wren and
Kate Donoher Mesdames C Sparks
J B Wells T C Hornby E Sparks
and mother Mrs Parks The first
five named made a party and drove to
the post in the Valentine House bus
Went Horseback Etitinj
A delightful riding party was given
last evening by Misses Kate and WrcD
Donoher Those attending in addi
tion to the hostesses were Dr and
Mrs Higley Dr and Mrs J B Wells
Misses Williams Connolly and Kib
bey Mrs Chas Sparks Mrs T C
Hornby Messrs Comstock Cornell
ClarKe and Donoher The party rode
through the picturesque Minnechadu
zn canyon about 7 oclock viewed the
Tablp and returned to town and par
took of lunch at The Donoher The
party was altogether informal in its
nature and all enjoyed the brisk ride
through the evening cool
Populists Elect Delegates
The populist delegate convention
was held at the county judges office
last Saturday and the following dele
gates were elected
To attend the state convention at
Lincoln on August 2 A M Morrissey
G P Crabb M Bowen J H Fritz
A J Plumer W A Parker L C
SparKs and J W Grows
To the congressional convention at
Broken How on July 14 II Murphy
Judge Zarr C Y Thorn F II Inger
sol G Tracewell J W Burleigh G
H Rienert and E R Murphy
The convention was presided over
by G P Crabb with Geo Rienert as
Pokes Fan- at Us
Our readers remember the item we
printed a couple of weeks ago about
John Ferstls strawberries The ber
ries were big but the Newport Repub
lican thinks the story was bigger and
Weve read the Arabian Knights
and Bwron Munchausens Tales with a
good deal of interest and some credu
fity Weve seen he fertile and en
chanting landscape that surrounds
Yaleutine an oasis in the midst of
the sand hills land so fertile that vou
29 and 30 from all poiuts on the P E 1 can raise nythlDg frm a disturbance
M V railroad to Longpine during
the assembly Saturday July 30 at
the Chautauqua is Grand Sunday
school Rally with addresses from
Hon John P St John ex governor of
Kansas on Our Money Geo M
Brown Buffalo N Y and Dr P M
Sisson Omaha 3Tebr Concert and
reading 8 oclock p m Longpine
Cornet Band Chorus Class Omaha
Quartet Elta Matheson reader and
Js i4i
up oui sun we naa not conceived it
to be as fertile the above item indicates
Then the Republican tells the story
about the camel that tried to swallow
one of Mark Twains stories but could
not db it and concludes
Yes those strawberries would be
good but we cant forget the fate of
that camel and wed advise Bob Good
when he goes to the front with Co A
ot the Pourth to carefully destrov all
his manuscript copy There might be
camels in Cuba and theres a law
against cruelty to animals
t a
its H rfy vi y
- -- t
- --
Facts ami Figures
The assessed valuation of Cherry
county i 1614000 which -means a
real valuation of something over 6
000000 The board of commissioners
levied on this valuation a sufficient tax
to raise about 19350 They ordered
warrants drawn ygainst this amount
for about 13000 Therefore at each
meeting of the board in the future
they will allowclaims Claims agaiust
This is about all that will be
left of it for the yoiino Kino- to
take home as a souvenir when
Sampson and Dewey sret through
with it but if the people 06 Cher
ry county want soiuethn 1 1
12 071
Hair cuttiag and shaving
Shop in the W II Moses building
Fine line- of plain and fancy jew
elry constantly on hand
Repairing promptly executed and
done in the best manner
Full line of sporting goods
JIUl Irices for JFeed
Bran bulk 50c per cwt 900 ton
Shorts bulk 60c per cwt 1100 ton
Screenings 35c 600
Chop Peed 70c 1300
Corn 50c
Oats 80cV
r v 1
NO 25
S fTr Klt evPr vUe their goods from us as by so doing they will make a of from
in Slffllt DHL Wtt llPliPVf iliirnim naa w J C ilum
would have done the same thing with
such a good dinner
Miss L S Waite of Farmingtan
Conn and Miss A V Waite of Well
esley Mass sisters of W E Waite
of Chesterfield ai rived in town Thurs
day night and went out to their
brothers ranch next day We are
told that both ot these ladies are first
class teachers one of them being a
member of the faculty of the famous
girls school at Wellesley
substantial to take home with them we would advise them to purchase
10 to 20 We are headquarters for summer dress goods straw hats
underwear boots and shoes
Graiati Window Bisplay on July 4th
AJ ta
Kb indeed We have earned on the war against
King High Prices too long to think of giving up
Great slaughter among summer goods this
Prices are way down
e Mcdonald
Sfreffgs3y ggCTrgyggr 5
Largest Stock of WALL PAPER In Northwest lNTebr
Attracted most atteution on July 4th
You saw the parade come in and see the millinery
In hats ribbons and furnishings are now baing offered See them
n m sia
C A Wells J B Wells
1 Jr v4 i Ibi I iSi
Office over
Cherry County JBanJz
Trade Marks
Copyrights Sec
Anyone sending a sfeelch and description may
qnlcbl7 ascertain our opinion free whether an
invention is probnblj patentable Communica
tions strictly conUdentiaL Haadbookon Patents
sent free Oldest aeencr for seennnp patents
Patents taken through Munn Co recede
special notice without charge in the
Scientific Hmerican
A handsomely illustrated -weekly Iargest cir
eolation of any scientific Journal Terms 3 a
year four months L Sold by all newsdealers
MOSffCo86 New York
Branch Office 625 F St Washington D C
North Western Line is to b e
to and from the