The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, June 23, 1898, Image 8

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u wj i iiiuMti jiij 1
-- - f f
aad Publisher
tail Paper of Cherry
ty Nebraska
fc0 Per XTear in Advance
Entered at the Foatoffice at Valentine Cherry
oounty Nebraska as Second class matter
This paper will be mailed regularly
to its subscribers until definiteorder
to discontinue is received and all ar
rears are paid in full
Three months ago the citizens of
Valentine donated about 4000 fori
the relief of starving Cubans Ac
cording to reports in the daily press
the donation did notleave the U S
until Monday Three or four weeks
ago the piesident called for 75000
more volunteers Up to date not a
single company has been
under the new tcall
mustered in
Ve are told friends that a gen
tleman gave us a good cussing at
the depot Jast Sunday t night because
ivcJfiad the temerity to say that hehad
made an asVof himself the last time
he was in town His foul mouth
stopped for neither men nor women
who were present and the blackguard
ing continued untilthe last lady had
left the platform
In this day and age when every
thing goes by pulls it is refreshing
tor know that people have a judge be-
iqre whose court every person nigh or
low rich or poor has to stand upon the
legal merits of the case at bar Such
is the enviable recordsJudge Westover
lias established for his court and no
matter what the case may be every
person I eels that nothing but strict
justice without fear or favor win be
dealt out People in this district did
good work when they elected Judge
Titestover to the bench Alliance
Pioneer Grijt
The American Ecopomist the vade
mecum of republican editorial writers
declares that the recent republican
victory in Oregon as wpnby a fight
for protection- It jplaces tariffbe
lore the money question Interviews
with two congressmen froznOrgdn
are significant Tnsay the1 reub 1
licanfoujdnothave carried the state
either this year or in 1896 on the
financial question alone This is
merely a hint to the fusion forces and
we should be prepared to tight the
enemy on this ground as well as on
One of our neighboring exchanges
reported that it received the following
communication from one of its patrons
Send me a few copies of the paper
which had the obituary and verses
about the death of my little child a
month or two ago You will publish
the enclosed clipping about my nieces
marriage And I wish you wonld men
tion in your local columns if it dont
cost anything that I am going to have
a public sale and will rent a part of my
farjn also that I have a few extra
calves to sell at public sale Send me
a couple of extra copies of the paper
this week but as my time is out you
may stop my paper as times are too
hard to waste money on a newspaper
The proceedings at the recent ses
8ionof the populist national com
mittee held in Omaha illustrate the
vanity of attempts at harmony be
tween men who maintain exactly op
posite views on national political
questions The so called
are determined against
fusion while their opponents in the
partyare equally earnest in their ad
vqcacy of a course that will obtain re
sults All time t and energy seeking
to harmonize these differences are
simply wasted The middle-of-the-readers
would prefer to see the gold
bags in powerrather than t to aid in
the election of men whoT were not
known ast populists Populisms- who
-advocate fusion are anxious for results 1
and they would prefer the election
a silver republican or a silver demo
crat to the triumph of a gold ticket
Between Senator Allen and General
Manderson there cannot be any degree
of harmony The views of these two
are no more in harmony than the
views of Grover Cleveland are har
jnpnious with the views of William J
Bryan Why then shoujd there be
any effort made to obtain harmony
under such conditions
With a burst of righteous indigna
tion the Ord alz last week exclaimed
There were copperheads id the early I
nv4 n nA 1I i J it - I
siauco auu tn m war is aeveioping tne
jaub Liiati butjrtjare inanj or mem sun
Men stood back then arid fought the
government in the rear by the mean
est of all weapbnsithe tongue falsify
ing facts and impugning the motives
oi me government anatne same
thing isgoing on flow Copperheads
wereU democrats then and copper
heads areall populists or demopops
now- c
But near the top of the same column
appears this little item
Bryan did not hear McKinleys first
call for men to go to the nations de
fense Will he hear McKinleys second-call-
Could anything be more false
Does not the Quiz read the daily pa
pers Dpe3 it not know that Bryan
tendered his services to the govern
ment and received not even a reply to
his offer According to the Quiz and
its brand of papers you are a copper
head if you tell the truth about a re
publican administration and a patriot
if you lie about a democrat who wishes
to fight for his country It is patriot
ic if youjjjmeve in issuing bonds tor
which therms no need if you believe
in starving the Cubans for whonV we
are supposedly fighting while a few
contractors get rich and soils ot their
lathers receive soft snaps in the army
and navy if you believe in annexing a
leprous country to secure a naval
station while we own the only harbor
in the country suitable for such a pur
pose crIf you impugn the motives
of democrats or populists who chance
to secure appointment and it is cop
perheadism if you dont Hade3 Is
full of such patriots
Our government already owns in
fee simple the only sheet of land-locked
water in the Hawaiian islands that
is in anyway fitted for a naval and
coal station This is Pearl river har
bor and from a strategic standpoint
Pearl river harbor is alf there is to
Hawaii la that harbor we have the
kernel why should we covet the shell
The London TimSiT says The mari
time power which holds Perl river
harbor and moors her fleet there holds
also the key of the north Pacific
Does this not satisfy every require
ment raised by this argument We
have only to fortify Pearl -river harbor
and no nation can grab1 the key of the
nortHacrncI THe harbor is ours
absolutely already to do with as we
please So long as our guns t that
harbor are effective we need no more
Hawaiian soil to use as a defense of
our Pacific coast
In announcing the opening of a new
volume of the Butte Gazette Editor
Armstrong truly says
While it would be a heavenly state
of affairs to run a paper tbat would
suit everybody we are1 frankLoxconiess
that we have probably rubbed the hair
the wrong way on several occasions
and on divers persons but like the
fond parent who lambasts the unruly
urchin with one hand and wipes bitter
tears away with the other we have
done it for the public weal and the
good of the
Ex Senator John Jngalls of Kan
sas wnose fame as a brilliant writer a
man of remarkable scholarship and lit
erary attainments is even greater
than that of the distinguished senator
anntfunses a new bdok m the subject
C the war
It ientiiled Americas War for
and Story It is
publishedbythe -D Thompson Pub
lishing Coof St Louis Mo and is an
exhaustive discussion of the causes of
the war andan equally exhaustive
history of its incidents and a brilliant
analysis of the famous characters con--ducting
it It promises to be the one
great and popular workalled forth by
this wonderfully interesting national
episode Whdtevdr Senaibx Ingalls
touches he adorns and ths book
rUr nA nnn 11n t liJ 11 L -
genius The present work is worthy
of his genius and will be a monument
to his fame The subject now so en
for this book a sale that will be urn
veraal It will be sold by subscription
only and the canvassing samples are
now ready for agents We advertise
it in another column
Dick Grooms was in town
of Pday selling vegetables He has a
splendid garden this year and will
CQneitotown three times a week dur
ing the summer He says he has lots
of new potatoes already and bushels
of peas and sucliatuff F M Hackler
will drive his wagon this season
Strayed One white horse -about
8 years old weight 8Q pounds NcY
brand but plain kidney mark on left
side Address M Harris Valen
foY pronation recentlyr ana will soon
receive a captains commission
If it wasnt for injuring the girl
wed publish a story of mans hellish-
ness that would open our readers eyes
Assessors Witt of Loup and Sears
of Kennedy precinct neglected to sign
their assessors books and Clerk Dan
iels went out south yesterday to secure
tneir autographs
County Surveyor Es abtook and
family have moved to Valentine from
Lavaca and are now comfortably in-
stalled in Miss Mills house just east
of the Methodist church
Tickets to Hot Springs S D good
returning within 30 days will be sold
by the F E M V at one fare for
the round trip on June 30j July v5 and4
19 August 9 and 26 September 10 and
A man never know h6w many
friends he flB uni11 c talks seriously
Theiliermometer registered 96 in
theu shade yesterday afternoon A
farmer from thetaWe said it was- ao
hot at his house that he had to soak
his pigs in water before they wouldf j
hold swill
S F Gilman authorizes us to say
that if any person is caught bathing
in the mill pond without a bathing
suit he or she will be prosecuted to
the full extent of the law This is
official and final too
j Ltstrweek we gave an account of
Willie Gibsons aeries -of misfortunes
and the day after the paper was out
he got familiar with a poison ivy -vine
and has beenjaid up till week from
the effects of the poison
The board of health Alfred Lewis
George H Hornby and Robert Good
qualified for their positions Monday
and are smelling out nuisances this
week Everybody is being treated im
partially and all causes for complaint
must be removed immediately
W P Hunt breeder of prized wiriJ
thoroughbred poultry Light
grayBrahmas and Barred Plymouth
Hocks Hawkins and Dustons strain
Best on earth Eggs 13 for 1 Call
and see my stock at Mrs H Bazeys
Valentine Neb west part of town 20
Dick Cook was over from the reser
vation the first of the week and re-
portStbat Humphreys has but one
moretssue 150 head of cattle to turn
tine and receive reward for trouble years ja
l t v
Clothing and Shoeing just as neeeasaryjas ever Ask to see our
Our Jane -Clothing Sale this month
Official paper of Cherry County
Flora Sageser and two little sisters
are visiting at Lead City
J Fred Folks ofCrookston is work
ing for Crabb Vincent
The immense new plate glass for
the Red Fronts new building arrived
Miss Mary Shaughnessy went to
Fremont this week to attend the nor
Thebftsement6f Barkers new build
ing is completed and the first floor
joist are laid
Capt Ellis came down from Fort
Meade the first of the week and has
joined his troop at the post
Lieut Barth passedrm examination
E J Davenport daughter Mae and
Miss WhitetqpKin 4h9 sights alRoie
bad the first ofthe week and drove
homeduring the nice warm weather
of yesterday
Niobrara Falls
Henry Ballard was calling in this vicinity
The printer made me say J Anderson Instead
of Adarason last week
Maggie Adamson -went up to Chadron Wed
nesday morning to visit her parents-
Geo Lenangu was out to the fall Monday
looking at the prospects lie expects to locate
on the river as soon as possible
Clarence Walcott returned last week with
1C00 bead of cattle which he will hold on the
south side ot the river The Corastock cattle
company and the Ballard Bros will commence a
10 mile fence this week to -keep the herds sep
Dick Grooms is again at work at his irrigation
wheel vBil Boy
Erie Smith was taking in the sights on Satur
Mr and Mrs W V Johnson were city visitors
Mr Milton Latta vas home- for a fewt days
Mrs Coryell is having hrbouse painted this
last week
Another new boat is being made Our lake
wiH tie a success yet
News is scarce this week so I will bid you
adieu until next week
E D Valentine and George Dew made a trip
to Valentine on Tuesday
Mrs O O Buck and sister Sadie Dewey went
to1 Valentine on Tuesday
C A Johnson and son Chester returned from
J A Gee has justniahedpaildipjrJwo miles
Mrs J lAGee and daughter visited with Mrs
B MFaddi3 of Pass recently
Win Erickson has recently moved into his new
frame residence two miles west of Kennedy
Mrs J Sedlacek having sold her farm of 320
acres to Haeber Grange will oon move away
Our jovial wide awake nurserandjnsuranoe
man Mr J McCutcheon went up tile Gordon
of goingaVrlyEHst Theft lyiMfjSajnuel 3ears after completing a--x
all sayhe is a- dassed v t oofc iV the residw
dont Say itjthey dolat caefor you a
little bit
ItfEvery Comity to Sunnlv
aunliy one day last week
Miss Anna Sears recently returned from Loup
county 2fter finishing a three months term of
school near her former home
Mr A C Ayers is building a new sod house on
Mr JBates claim northeast of Kennedy lie
expects tohave the same completed by July 1st
Hot hotterhottest and tnen some
Wm Spence and family were over to church
Wm White of Merriman wasdowtf on- the
river Sunday
Lewis Adams is holding a bunch of cattle for
Eoss Burfee
Eememberthe anhual school meeting next
Monday the 27
Mrs Jennie Goodrich spent last week visiting
with Mrs Nichols
Chas Nichols and Geo Monnier are having
their serai annual round up
Constable McNainee of Merrjnjn precinct
was down thTswaylatrweefe
Rev Hunt was greeted with quite a crSWd
last Sunday at thd school house ia district 55
P Sullivan is m Valentine helping to straight
en out the assessment tangle Dan is running
the ranch in his absence
Now that the Gallop correspondent of the
Western News has expressed his opinion that a
5000 courthouse is good enough for Uherry
county the county dads should grant the peti
tion at once but why not move the county seat
to Gallop SSuirr
Application lor Administration
In5 thV county court within and for Cherry
coUfcfcgNeraSlraiTnttieTnatter of the estate
of JomV W Oens deceased
MatildarQens havjng filed in mv office a pe
nnon ior me appomtmenc or wuuam is liaiey
as administrator of the estate of John v
Owens deceased all persons -interested fn said
estate will take notice that I have fixed Satur
day July 9th 3898 at 1 oclock p m as the
time and my office in Valentine Cherry county
Nebr as the place for hearing saldpetitionat
which time and place al 1 persons interested in
said estate may appear and show oause if any
there be why such administrator should not be
Witness myhand and the
- court- this 15th daydfJuije IsdS
SEAL W K Tovfse
21 23 County Judge
grosses the popular mind as to forecast tdthe government to complete his a H KNTTR WANTTFn
ratiA contrafct Dick will go to Cody tM WAiNji iiy
fitfscf July to act as cook in - D M
Undeoods hotel
i Mrsi Wf ian Lawrie who has been
in town voting for several days left
for Cody- vShiesday morning Mrs
LawneisHraveiing special agent for a
ChicagopTlolishirr house and is work 1
ing through to Orforado She ap
pointed EliaStflwell general agent for
the northwesfwbile inSown
It is estimated thai theotal assess
ed valuation of Cherry county this
year will be about l50000or 800
000 more than last year Land was
assessed on an average 9 centsper
acre lower this year than last and
tle are 150 higher In reality lane
istsroxth more now than for several I
t tib Great Populaf Bedrid for
Compiled andViStteV
Of Kansas
The most brilliantlywritten most profusely
and artistically illustrated and intensely popu
lar book on the subjectdt the war wilh bpain
taken specially for this great work Agents
are making 50 to sroo a wcek seeing It A ver
itable bouauza for live canyassers Apply for
description terniy and territory at once to
Sr Lotus ar Szr Vokk Ciry
dam Hudson
Simeon Neb
Left hip on cattle
Left shoulder oir
Some horses Lazy
2 on left shoulder
Kange between
Gordon and Snake
left iears ItaggeaAUeattte dehorned
Application fov Xtccjtse
Notice is hereby given that I have
filed a petition signed by a majority
of theresident freeholders of Boiling
Springs precint with the board of
county commissioners of Cherry
county Nebraska praying that a li
cense beissued metosell malt spirit
uops and vinous liquors in Boiling
Sprlrig3 precinct Cherry dounty
braska and that I will make applica
tion for said license before said board
of commissioners at Valentine Ne
braska on Saturday the 25th day of
June 1898 at 2 oclock p m
21 22 Frank Mogle
Apl tent ion for JAcensc
Noticeis nereby given that I have
filed a petition signed by a majority
of the resident freeholders of Boiling
beard of
county commissh5ne4 1 ofj Cherry
county Nebraska praying that a
license be issued metto sell malt spir
ituous and vinous liquors in Boiling
Springs precinct Cherry county Ne
braska and that I will make applica
tion for said license before said board
of commissioners at Valentine Ne
braska on Saturday the 25th day of
J line 188irat 10 oclock a m
21 22 Ihwin C Stotts
American Beauties
On Each Bex
SOLE MAHMffAcinifiCSaf1 -
trs t
Earl Comstockj Manager
Valentine Neb
Cattle branded or
left side or hip Also
969 TG
Horsos same as on
steer fenfhip Also
C on left shoulder
Thomas Farren
Rosebud S I
ID J183 either left
aide or hip
wnriPF on left
Eange head of
Of satisfiecl wearers of our cool cheap and
comfortable shirts and shirt waists shoes- and
slippers -socks and stockings straw hats and
summer dress goods light suits and neckties
This army is not mobilized7 at any par ticulas
pointy but is scattered over the whole of Cherry
Connty and contiguous territory The beauty
of enlisting in this army is the fact that you
Butifvvbvjonce enlist youll never want
i gefc on t because this army is welL treated
tilere are no officers every body is his own
commissary sergeant and is furnished with the
best teaj cofiee dried fruits canned goods and
groceries in the market and at the very lowest
market prices If youvlont believe it call aud
see at the recruiting office m
Cbc Smith Premier typewriter
Best Value Wriihi Machine
first fn Improvements Honest
Construction aml ail Hlih grado
T- r v-
Cfie Smitfrfrettiier typewriter Co yacnv
ImymmattUOritr t
OmahaBranch Office Corner Seventeenth and Farnam Streets
- fl
jLg m
m y
ml llv
NW4shelime to subscribe 00
tT6hn lioCory
Hosobua b vr
hluuu ViTSMldfll Alt
417 on left sMe
Horses JD ou left
Kxinge in Meyer Co
on Antelope Creek
S H Kimniel
Rosebud - J
Cattle undercut on
both ears
Horses branded 4
on left shoulder
Range on Antelope
and Spring Creeks
f U4U lj
Louis J ltichards
Merriman Xeb
W 63 I
JiicNiit Brosxi
Ilight or left side
norses same on
left shoulder
Earmark Swal
low tail clip right
or left ear
Kange Big Creek
4 n ir
til VI S J
Charles Ricliarai
Panl Didicr
noseZud S D
Cattle hole in
each ear
Range Big and
Little White Efvers
Merriman Xet
ffSHXMMMMti IS Tniff
Steadman Eros
Pass Neb
Brand on eithrr
right or left side
JJurses and some
caiuu orana
on left Hide
anu hip
Eange BnU Jko
and UimHlifA
kajtg etjk