V I T r ir A m rV L 1 -v h J THE ILLS OF WOMEN And How Mr3 Pinkhara Holps Overcome Them Mrs MAnrBoLLiNOEr1101 Marianna St Chicago 111 to Mrs Pinkham I have been troubled for the past two years with falling of the -womb leucorrhaa pains over my body sick headaches backache nervousness and weakness 1 tried doctors and various remedies without relief After taking two bottles of your Vegetable Com pound the relief I obtained was truly wonderful I have now taken several more bottles of jour famous medicine and can say that I am entirely cured Mrs IlExnvDoRn No SOGFindley St Cincinnati Ohio to Mrs Pinkham For a long time I suffered with chronic inflammation of the womb pain in abdomen and bearing down feeling TTas very nervous at times and so weak I was hardly able to do anything- Was subject to headaches also troubled with leucorrhcea After doc toring for many months with different physicians and getting no relief I had rrivrn nn ill lmn n VAtM 11 5u cm uuju ul uiriiijf well again when I read of the great good Lydia E Pinkhamr Vegetable Com pound was doing I decided immedi ately to give it a trial The result was simply past belief After taking four bottles of Vegetable Compound and using three packages of Sanative Wash I can say 1 feel like a new woman I deem it my duty to announce the fact to my fellow sufferers that Lydia E Pinkham s Vegetable remedies have entirely cured me of all my pains and suffering I have her alone to thank for my recovery for which I am grate ful May heaven bless her for the good work she is doing for our sex JNittlo Tricks of the Mind One of the most curious facts in con nection with the big brain workers is that they are generally to be floored over some trivial thing which might be conquered by a child of eight For in stance one of our present day writers confessed recently to an English re porter that from his earliest boyhood he has never been able to count any thing in threes All mental ll M - - tiniK ho mnlros nitlior in rwns nr fours fatul he experiences the greatest diffi culty in repeating the three times mul tiplication table correctly from ory Almost as envious is the difficulty vs -of a clever north country ex Mayor r who cannot distinguish between s and v and constantly misplaces these let- -- in writing a failing which has caused him a life long annoyance Two -public school examination failures last year were due to the world field be- - -- lllofl feild and in both cases it was discovered that the inability to spell this identical word had gone ugaiust the boys on almost every former examination Springtic Id Union Try Allans Foot Ease A powder to be shaken into the- shopu At this FPnson your feet feed swollen nor- yous and -hot and get tired easily If yon lidYtf or tieli shoes try AIlensFoot Ease 1l coohvthe feet and makes vilkis V Iips swollen and sweating feetThHstJrs and calos sPots Relieves Corns and bunions of all pain am -gives rest and comfort Over ten thousand testimonials Try it to day Sold by al druggists and shoe stores for 25e Triii package FREE Address Allen S Olm sted Le Roy N Y - A Ruinous Practice I thought you and Horrikifis formed a law partnership last- week yet you seem to have this oflire all to yourself We did form a partnership but I iiiekod him out A woman came in the other day to consult hhn and he told her she had no case before he had put in a single days work ou it g - - Bhave been using CASCAKETS for Insomnia with which I Have been afflicted for ever twenty years and I can say that Cascarcts have given me more relief than any other reme dy 1 have ever tried I shall certainly recom mend them to my friends as being all they nrc represented Taos Gillard Elgin IiL gjt TRADE MARK RSOtSTffRCO f nsasant rilatable Potent Taste Good Do Good Never Sicken Weaken or Gripe 10c 25c Kte CURE CONSTIPATION Sterling tlrrafdy Ccspany Clilrapo Soatrral KrtrTorS SIS Ug TO DKO SoUtand tyiaranuefIJiUInip RU E WDAw gists to CUIIETobSHo HabltT 55s5C55C5C3CftCCS i Established 1780 Bakers - Chocolate til t tivSSA M Lift celebrated for more than a century as a delicious nutritious an d ttesh forming beverage has our 5 yi s Yellov Label j on the front ct every package and our trade mark La Belle q Chocolatiereonthc hj back to NONE OTHER GENUINE 3 3 KAOE OfLV BY rt fefALTER DorchesterRMa5S S iiiifi GOWNS FOR fiESORTS WHAT TO WEAR WHILE ON AN OUTING I he Summer Girl Is Now Preparing Either to Captivate the Masculine lieaorter or to Meet Her Soldier When He Returns Home Fancies in Summer Apparel New York correspondence ESORTS by lake sea and mountain are now opening and the summer girl is dressing herself for con quest Accesso ries that the male resorter should carry when you want him to do so and yet that are so delicate and elaborate as to keep him ou pins and needles lest he do dam age these are flue arms for sub jugation and the lew fancy cape Is one of the best of them At the top of this column is shown one that worn with a plain gown would fit it out dressily yet that could harmoniously top as highly wrought a rig as well could be devised It was made of black moire richly em broidered with jet rutlies of point d esprit outlined a plastron in front and a round yoke in back The pointed front pieces extended to the back met and were held with a large black velvet bow and sash ends To remove such a wrap and entrust it to an escort will be to stun him He will realize from a sight of the plainness underneath that all the ornamentation Is In his hands and thats enough to make the heart of a brave man sink Theres another point that makes the summer girl anxious to look her best shes convinced that the soldier boys will be homd before the time for laying away warm weather finery If she I KlllnfiM It ether all around There is an extrava gant fancy for making the petticoat dress which meaus the under dress effect white with lace over it Much care is necessary to keep the white fresh but nothing is prettier The re vers are faced to match the under dress This model was made up of one of the new opal gray changeable taffetas over a pale blue under gown covered with a lace so filmy that only the figure show ed A hat a little out of the ordinary of turban fashion pushed well over the face to protect the eyes accompanied it and somehow seemed not as frivol ous as a sailor The third of these was a summer promenade dress Follow this design Sul l li ill Urn Evil iff liWik if HI III k llU OTk FIT FOR AN HEIRLOOM and have a plain skirt of white stamine over silk a bodice cut away to show pointed yoke and front and the contin uation of the under bodice about the waist wide rever collar of pale yellow silk overlaid with white handwork the under bodice soft yellow crepon drawn close ovxjr white satin these should do nicely Have the belt a white satin ribbon held by narrow gold clasps and the hat just a lot of daisies with a block velvet bow The black is a French 1R -ill M IHBHra FINE FEATHERS FOR SUMMER awaits him on the piazza any one of the dresses that follow in these illus trations will do nicely and they 11 also be suitable for hotel piazza wear or for jmy of the dressy open-air- occasions of the summer place The left hand one of the three- pictured together was in pleated black tulle over mandarin yel low silk Bodice and sleeves were striped with bands of spangled lace in sertion the bodice being alike back and front with the exception of the butter fly jabot in front The large lace collar matched the bands but was detacha ble The lower of these three was styled a race meet gown by Its designer but in general service would prove a very swagger afternoon dress Nothing is better suited however to an ed observer hether of home coming recruit or winning jockey it makes lit- A IX PATRIOTIC HUES tie difference than the slightly trained princess effect which happily suits the poses a handsome young woman is pretty sure to assume in such occupa tion This one was as simple as a wrapper yet with its snugly laid re vers the in set of the back and the lusr tre of its smooth silk was afine affair -There-was T pretense 6Fan under gown albug its entire length Near the hem the opening widened a little andthe undergown effect showed below the J vvp sV - YX T ZUrih touch but dbnt mind If the hat didnt comefrom France It wont do to let anyone -write to your soldier boy who is at the front that you are grieving for him he must think of you as always bravely fixed upon his happy return A gown of bright red sill frills to the waist with dark blue liberty silk the frills set well apart and narrowing to the top will be at once patriotic and a protest against tears This model is the third of to days pic tures and Its patriotic touch was in the bodice which was liberty silk drawn over red the sleeves being band ed with red Over the shoulders a flat fichu affair of white silk nan owed to the waist and was strapped together over the bust by frogs of red ribbon A panel piece of white silk to match fell straight from belt to hern wi Icing downward This was red white and blue but not with a vengeance as is usually the cae when attempts are made to combine these colors She who thinks busy fingers are the best aids to a cheery mind can em broider herself one of those lovely old time lawn gowns that are among the most beautiful offerings for the sea son They are made of lawn as fine as Eastern mull In the one chosen for illustration here the design started at the waist giving petticoat effect wid ening towards the hem and sweeping about the skirt in a wide panel The front of the bloused bodice was em broidered and sprajTs crossedthe shoul ders at the back The bodice was made over a yoke that will come out The lawn was white oversale yellowand yellow was used in the embroidery which the tucked yoke matched These gowns are wisely made very full as to skirt for they deserve to become heir looms and changes of fashion should be allowed for in plenty of material Under the lawn is worn silk of any deli cate shade but there is a preference for pale yellow as in this one Copyright 1S0S Corn coter is being worn to some ex tent and it is a delightful summer color It is always pretty and cool and becoming to many people It is to be sen in some of the wide scarfs for the neck Frank Thompson president of the Pennsyl vauia Railroad- Company get 50000 annually A FATALITY AY0IDED Iron V e Democrat Jolien Jnd Yihrn neuralgia is accompanied by a ilull Ihvv ian near the heart freqnc Iy lHTO iriSjj intense it generally tpmiliir ates fay Mrs Nancy FJynn why lives UKir wic 2i Jmh survived pitch an at tul and her advice Is worth howling In ii ft of tyl Fie said I lx in o triilc vth my Lear Thura was n sliani jmii in my whirl bi-inn- v ri he doctor was pv zei si put nse under the inflaocrje of tjji There slar attacks followed one no at intervals and I became wen and n a liafrard look I was eomtani in suldjiH slept aud bad no appeit t if end of tvo yfarr I was coad ro my conch most of the tiae and the tors ajrnc d that my denh was only a maltt r of a sliort tiot it- - Arxj yj o i u ae u v I J ititlw I cTN a 7- 3 i - per an item about a v o hi a n h a v 5 n g Lc en eurti o f nearal ia of the he art b v D r Wili ians Pink Pills for Pale Trw nnl r A rto Tire ddl to try theai When I had finished cue ox I noticed an improvoment in my condition and when i Lad taken twelve boxes I waa ouinletely cured Thoac pji have dona for yon wha we could not do kkM or of my physicians they have caved you life That was two years ago and rcy heart has not troubled me since I believe I owe ray life to Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale- People and I take pleasure in tolling others about them Among the many forms of neuralgic arohoadaeho nervousness paralysis apo plexy and locomotor ataxia Some of tieso were considered incurable until Dr Will iams Pink Pili3 for Pale People were formulated Tb day thousands testify to having been cured cf uuch diseases b these pills Doctors frequently prescriuO thera aud all drugisto sell than iTe Objects Mrs Mushroom Josiah what do you think about having a beautiful frieze in the parlor Mr Mushroom Tt wont do Theres no use makin a show of the fact that I got my money at the Klondike by bavin freezes in the parlor Tlrern are uonie of the things I want to forjjit licit Springs S F Half rate excursion tickets Rood P day following dates June 115 nd July G and ll August 9 ami CO ruul Sep K and SJ For sleeping car ieei vaiion and other iuririuutiin address II C Jieyuey Icuerul Agent Hio x Ciiy Iowi nth Mrcft ar Minx Cant you squeeze rae in seat near the front Street Car Conductor Tits most too public hero hut if youll give me your address Ill come around to night and do so Halis Catarrh Cure Is a constitutional cure Pin e 7o cents vc ts X fH q nan test Younp Wife IJtforu wo wero mar ried George y v in iny irrseijee j S Husband 1 inov it my vtr and you nover wore cirl papers in unnu Pali Mall aelto I Klinll recommend Pisos Cure for Cn surnptioc far and wide Mrs Midliau Plunslead Kent Butrhitui Xov 8 lbW It h u HcckmiI Orijj n Tho Ameriean navy has practienliy all been tiuiit siuee 1SS Sirs Viiiwh pothinis stbup vt CThllrtren tcftuii K 6uleiis tiic rcames itiO injiiintiuu alluj 1 aiu cures n ind colic - cents a tiottlu Why does a man wear a frieze coal n order ti keep warmV 1 i 7hy let your neighbors i know It And xrhy give them a chance to guess you are even 1 five or ten years more Better give them good reasons for guessing the other way It is very easy for nothing tells of age so quickly as gray hair B3 K is a youth renewer it hides tee age under a i luxuriant crowth of hainhe color of youth It never fails to restore color to gray hair It will stop the hair from coming out also R It feeds the hair bulbs h Thin hair becomes thick hair ana snort nair oecomes long hair If plpanP hf ftn rt rj moves all dandruff and prevents its formation 7e bave a book on the Hair which we will gladly send you ir yon do not obtain all Ut3 VsneTneptPi frnmlhunwnrthA Vijcor wrfte tte doctor aboat It Probably tliere Is some dfflcoJty witti yoor peneral iTstem vclcn nwy bo easily removed Address Dr J C Ayer LowcU Alas r Snitora and Their Grievance The riOvanccr of Failors examined b the authorities in ports of ifry are often jrrcaily Vioi ucf is always objectionable and pointedly h when ex erted upon an unfortunate liver stomach or bowels by dosing with purgutles which weaken the intestines Use Hostellers Stomach Bitter An Honorable Function Pat What docs yez do at the new club Mike Oi m on committee Pat Whats that Mike Oi run the furnace Ilarlcxn Life I smM xa i 1 pi d 81 1 B7StlEG8S rT IHVPMSa VS NEr Z yV 1 1 UtvtUNUUijfti Pfe CI f u 3CllUBMf3SgySHCE J six Ffiuna C7 tws starch vail ra or M OW STA3CH fn InMnwhVK iia vt a mm mcm t xrrj liX J s n r7v n 1 fl B 9fl fi KT B ffA Kx2 f J viu y uis Was Weak and Hcrvous but Hoods Made Kirn Healthy and Strong I was feeling very dull and could not Gleep at night After I had taken two bottles of Hoods Sarsaparilla I felt more like myself and was soon healthy and strong Hoods Sarsaparilla puriGed my j blood and did me much good Ioy il the house warrmin Dale Hammond - - O ioods Sarsaparilla Is Americas Greatest Medicine SlV six for 35 HocJ5 Pills re Indigsslion biliousness ma A o pCSIiitiL ffWB 0 a a IS LIKE A GOOD TEMPER SHEDS A BRIGHTNESS EVERYWHERE WIJIIN W PITINCJ TO AUVKilTKICUS IU KSr 5iy yoa saw ttio aavertisuisttit in tUiu iytM wttzmmtt CUKtS VHEHE ALL ELE FAILS Best Coub Syrop Tates Gkx1 Dee in timu FI1 or drascuis m m p L rfti FPF T fnr n Prrr mnnTi 5 fn ptl nsr rs of the 0m celebrated ELASTIC STARCH Flat Ircn M Erud To induce yu to fry tfs brand of fiv starchco that you inav find out for yourself ffizA that all claims for its superiority and fIJirA fTnrr am fnt ttip mrl frcttrt7f tinr n rnnrrf1 PSK GAME rH J - f -- - r WW at great expense a series of three PLAQUES exact reproducfton3 of the iocco originals by Muville which will be given -you ABSOLUTELY FREE by ycur grocer on conditions named below These Plaques are 40 inches in circumference j free of any suggestion of advertising whatever and will ornament the most elegant apartment No manufacturing concern ever before gave away such valuable presents to its customers They are not for sale at any price and can be obtained only in the manner specified The subjects arc American Wild Ducks American Pheasant English Quail English Snipe The bird3 are handsomely embossed and stand out natural as life Each Plaque 13 bordered with a band of gold ELASTIC STARCH has been the standard for 25 years TWENTY TWO MILLION packages of this brand were sold last year Thats how good it is ASK YOUR DEALER to show yoa the plaques and tell you about Ac cept no substitute te ii Them All purchasers of three 10 cent or six 5 cent packages of Elastic Starch Flat Iron JJraad are entitled to re ceives from tlicir grocer one of theso beautiful Gams Plaques free Tho plaques rwill not bo sent by mail fhoy can bo obtained only from your ffrocor Every Grocer Keeps Elastic Starch Do not delay This offer t is for a sliort timo only IT 9r --V- - w tmm uiiMWMiMf ia Miiiin 1 i m - rriMiM w OT n THE OFFICIAL P90T0GRAPIS OF THE UNITED STATES NAVY Over 200 views of battleships gunboats moniJors torpedo boats torpwio boat destroyers cruisers rams dynamite cruisers and other war craft besides portraits of prominent Armv and Navy Officers including a complete description of the construction speed and armament of each boat together with a large authentic colored map of the Hast and Wet Indies by the aid of- which the reader can not only form an accurate estimate of our naval strength but folio v the move ments of I he contending fleets The work includes over 20 views of the Maire taken before the disaster in Havana harbor showing portraits of the officers and crew and supplemented by photographs taken after the explosion depicting the divers at their work and other incidents in connection with this sad and memorable event A souvenir to treasure after the war is over Kemit in silver or by money order Price 25 Cents Postpaid Address CHICAGO NEWSPAPER UNION No -93 South Jefferson SL Chicago III Ceo 1 liriti in CSMKK PA ICM I VhPUlU ianjwt a 11 rUStHMhU JOHN MV1 II I SIOI X CITY JUW l 4li IMr e - jg Tri INDIANA K IP CURE YOURSELF Ck Bg 3 tor nanntural discliarges InflaDiniation irritations or niceraiinn - l aiuiesa ana Hot iiHttTWSUK iiiCiLUO or pouonnn ClMCmXATlOI 3 Sold by nrumrJati 0 3 A 7 or iwul In plain wrapper s n u t y pxpr5 propaid for au ui r j Irftlllftf 27i o circular icui on regcai 2C 9S EiNSIONS PATENTS CLAIMS JOHN W MORRIS WASIHfffiTOnD a sjn u Ut Ttz liOiuiiutuz sUiau aj rr -3 i l J I V t l i u 1 l II I i v i H it 1 1 1 1 11