T Ir STarmeKPaSwsTT tl zatcmisxsagssseeKismesssssfsss THE BAYS DDDIfiS Ti J V SUMMARY OF LATE NEWS BY WIRE BLANCO IS WARNED HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR MER RIMAC HEROESUi JVES President Notifies Captain General that One Spanish Officer of High Rank will Be Hanged for Every American Prisoner Killed Captain General Warned The report that Capt Gen Blanco bad refused to exchange llobson and his com panions caused considerable excitement in Washington Monday The imprisonment of the Merriniac heroes in Morro Castle at Santiago is regarded as an act of barbar ity by the American government It has been pretiy well established that Blanco is responsible for this piece of mediaeval cruelty and he will be held accountable for the lives of the prisoners The presi dent has sent a communication to Blanco substantially as follows The United States notifies the captain general of Cuba that if llobson and his men are not removed from the fortress which guards the harbor of Santiago and are killed through the bombardment of that fortress the United States will not treat Blanco or any Spanish officer of high rank who may bo hereafter captured as a prisoner of war but will regard them as common murderers and will treat them accordingly For every American who may be killed as a result of brutal and inhuman exposure to bombardment the United States will hang one Spanish officer of high rank WONT RECOGNIZE THE FLAG Will Fire on White Flag and Stars and Stripes When in Range Blanco has done a most extraordinary thing Notlrng like it has been heard of since the nations of the earth have recog nized the fact that there are some rules which all arc bound to recognize and obey Blanco has notified tho blockading fleet that he will not hereafter recognize a flag of truce and that any vessel whether under the stars and stripes or tho white flag that comes within range of his guns will be fired upon The Spanish general cannot expect to have that recognized by his enemies which he refuses to recognize himself and itmay complicate his personal welfare before the war is at an end and the event has all the appearance of nn intention to sacrifice himself and all ho represents on the altar of most profound stupidity It is self evident that if he can stand absolute isolation without any of the safe guards known to civilized warfare his op ponents can and if he ddsiresto be treated as a savage he will beyond peradventuro be accommodated WATSON CONFIRMS REPORT Spain Rofuscs to Exchange Hobson and His Men Tho following has been received at Washington from Commodore Watson in command of the blockading fleet in front of Havana The captain general states the Spanish government refuses to exchange prisoners llobson and his rnenjuo tho prisoners referred to SIGHT TROOP SHIPS British Vessels Report Passing Shaf ters Expedition Sunday Steamers arriving at Kingston Jamaica Monday report that they passed twenty four American vessels in the Windward passage Sunday vjght headed southward Attempt to Destroy Mills The finishing department of the King Powder Company at Kings Mills near Cincinnati Ohio was destroyed Monday nignt The building in which was stored quantity of smokeless powder was evi dently fired by two men one of whom is badly burned He was captured but the other escaped Tho money loss is small The company has a contract to supply the government It is thought it was an at tempt to destroy the mills Donates 50 Per Month A New York draft for 100 was received by tho treasurer of the United States from an employe in the postoffice service and stationed in the northwest who wishes his name withheld as a donation to the United States to be applied toexpenscs of the war with Spain This he states to be for the months of April and May He adds that he will send a prorata of his sal ary for each month while tho war lasts Fatal Railroad Accident The passenger train on the Central Rail road of New Jersey was wrecked six miles above Mauch Chunk at 4 oclock Sunday afternoon and tho engineer Richard Mc Hale of Easton and tho news agent Chas Ebner of South Easton were killed Wil fred Yeomans the fireman and Charles Taylor tho baggage master both of Easton were badly hurt Spreading rails caused the accident To Build Nicaraguan Canal The senate committee on tho Nicaraguan canal has agreed to report a bill for the construction of the Nicaraguan canal practically by the United States The Maratime Canal Company will be contin ued but all the stock will be held by the United States Nicaragua and Costa Rica Eureka College Seinl Centennial Eureka 111 College an institution con ducted under tho auspices of the Disciples of Christ celebrated its fiftieth anniver sary Friday with a jubilee meeting of its alumni at which it was announced that the 80000 necessary to free the institution from debt had been raised and that in ad dition over 100000 had been added to its endowment fund Australias Wheat Crop Good rains are estimated to have im proved the value of the wheat crop in AustraliaoOOiOOO NEEDS 100000 MOKE Presidents Third Cnll to Ask for That Muny Troops It can be positively asserted that a third tall for volunteers will be signed by the president and issued by the secretary of war within the next two weeks said a Senator who is on close terms with the president The call will bo for 100000 men By tho time it is issued the regi ments now in the field will have been re cruited to their maximum strength One hundred thousand men will form about eighty regiments which will proba bly be organized into twenty five brigades nine divisions and three army corps This will make necessary the appointment of twelve major generals and twenty seven brigadiers besides a large number of paymasters commissaries of subsist ence quartermasters surgeons and other staff officers With an army of nearly 400000 men it will probably be unnecessary to made a further call unless the casual ties from diseases and battle are far more extensive than seems probable at this time Tho president has become convincod that the war is likely to last a much longer time than he contemplated and he is satis fied that the best way to force Spain to terms is to organize an army capable of annihilating all tho men Spain can put Into tho Pilippines Cuba and Porlo Rico logo her When the time comes for the siege of Havana an army of at least 200 010 men will be available for Cuban service if it is deemed necessary to send such a forco to the island BALLOON TO BE TESTED Airship Will Be Used to Spy Upon the Enemy at Santiago What may become an important adjunct to the Santiago expedition is the military balloon equipment prepared under the direction of Gen Greely of the signal oflica It is in charge of Capt Joseph Maxfield an experienced officer of the corps who will supervise all operations connected with the use of tho airship It will be given its first trial in Cuba in sight of tho enemy but Gen Greely hopes that with experienced officers to manage the ascension it can bo accomplished safely aud excellent results obtained Experi ence has demonstrated the usefulness and adaptability of the balloon in time of war in ascertaining the movements and opera tions of the enemy and in reporting theso results promptly by means of telegraphic communication with the ground to skillful operators who in turn will transmit the information to the commanding generals The two balloons obtained by Gen Greely in France are now at Tampa and will be used in future operations in Cuba and Porto Rico DISASTROUS UTAH FIRE Tho Business Portion of Park City Wiped Out The business portion of Park City Utah excepting a few houses on the upper end of Main Street was burned to the ground Sunday morning The damage is probably closo to a million dollars The fire was gotten under control at 9S0by the blowing up of several houses The ony storo left is that of Welch Driscoll Buck Every drug store butcher shop hotel and all but three saloons were de stroyed The Park Opera Houso the new A O U W building the new Grand Opera nouse city hall both bank build ings postoffice and telephone exchange are gone Many people are left homeless having noting but their clothes RUMORED CAPITULATION Reported in Madrid that Manila Has Surrendered A Madrid correspondent says that it is reported there that Manila has capitulated though tho ministers have not rcceiyed any news to that effect The correspond ent also says that Senor llomero Guion the minister of the colonies states that if Gov Gen Augusti has turned over his power toGen Sanderes to govern Manila Gen Sanderes will attempt a sortie Ac cording to tho same authority the Spanish consuls at Hong Kong Shanghai and Singapore have been ordered to organize at any cost the most rapid communica tions between the islands of the archipel ago still under Spanish authority WARM OHIO CONVENTION Nearly a Riot Between Hanna and McKisson Men at Cleveland A riot between tho Hanna and McKis son factions was narrowly averted at the Republican County Convention at Cleve land Ohio Saturday The trouble started when the Hannaites attempted to organ ize the convention which the McKisson resisted A wild sceue followed Tho police made a number of arrests The Hannaites finally withdrew from the hall and held a separate convention Fatal Accident to Scorchers Frank Murphy aged 40 years is thought to be dying and two other men named Thompson and IIunrvare in the hospital at Newark N J as the result of scorch ing on the streets of that city Thomp son and nunt on a tandem and Mnrphyon a single bicycle were racing down Broad Street heads down when a cab turned into the street Murphy crushed into the cab with such force as to break the side of the vehicle while the tandem riders struck it with almost equal velocity Murphys skull was fractured and Thompson and Hunt were hurt internally Divorced from Hanuas Son Mrs D R Hanna was granted a decree of divorce at Clevelaud Ohio by Judge Dissett in the common pleas court from Dan R Hanna the son of Senator Hanna No defense was made The petition in the case was very brief merely asking for divorce on the ground of extreme cruelty Mrs nanna was granted tho custody of her three children The question of ali mony was settled privately Eureka College Semi Centennial Eureka 111 College an institution con ducted under the auspices of the Disciples of Christ celebrated its fiftieth anniver sary Friday with a jubilee meeting of its alumni at which it was announced that the 30000 necessary to free the institution from delt had been raised and that in ad dition over 100000 had been added to its endowment fuud I r5 is PLOT TO KILL THE CZAR Attempt to Assassinate tho Russian Ruler Is Frustrated Advices from St Petersburg tell of a plot to assassinate the czar which has hitherto not been reported every effort having apparently been made to keep the matter quiet It appears that the czar va recently present at the ceremony of thq consecration of a new church at the Tsai Skoe Selo Shortly before the time foi the event it was discovered that the spo where his majesty was expected to stand during the ceremony had been under mined and a large number of arrests wero made It is believed however that tho whole thing was a scare arranged by the secret police in view of the proposed ab olition of many of the innumerable lucra tive posts enjoyed by members of that body Soma of those arrested are said to bo members of families of high standing and it is -believed that thosewfioactually prepared the mine are also incustody According to the reports the discovery ol tho plot has caused the wildest sensation Conflicting stones however are told Some say it was the work of nihlists SAVES A FORTUNE FROM TIPS Patrick Fay a Boston Waiter JLeaves 30000 to Charity John Kelly 8J years old called at police headquarters in Boston Saturday and asked as to tho proper method of disposing of seventeen bank books representing 28000 deposits and 2000 accumulated in terest the property of Patrick Fay also 80 years of age and who died at the Car ney Hospital Fay was a waiter in one of tho prominent hotels and had accumu lated this money from tips for the past seventy three years He had no relatives and decided to bequeathe it to charity Ho intrusted his bank books to Kelly who efused to turn them over to the public ad ministrator until satisfied about his legal rights The police gave him the informa tion desired and proper caro will bo taken of the affair FIVE ARE LYNCHED Mob Executes Negro Murderers at the Scene of Their Crime The men who murdered Cardcna and his wife and old man Caiice near We tumpka Ala were lynched Saturdaj morning Friday night Gov Johnson re ceived a message from the sheriff that a mob was assembling and asked for troops to defend the jail Ninety men of the local militia wero sent there on a special train Before they reached tliero how ever tho mob had secured the prisoners five in number and took them to the scene of the murder Four of the negroes confessed to having participated in the crime and one told where he hid the money He was compelled to find it and then all five were swung up and their bodies riddled with bullets WORDENS LIFE IS SAVED Train Wreckers Sentence Commut ed to Imprisonment for Idle Gov Budd of California has commuted the sentence of Train Wrecker Worden to life imprisonment The medical board condition decided that he was insane at the time he wrecked a train bearing United States soldiers thus causing the death of three soldiers and tho engineer Among those who signed a petition for the commuting of tho sentence were Pres ident Cleveland and the president of the Southern Pacifie Fire in nn Armory One of the most destructive fires in the history of Grove City Pa occurred Sat urday night It originated in the armory Tho town is without fire protection and volunteers were unable to check the pro gress of the flames Ten buildings were destroyed among them the principal structures of the town A number of peo ple had narrow escapes from being burned The loss will probably reach 50000 Sultan Approves Straus The sultan has given notice of his ap proval of the appointment of Oscar S Straus of New York as United States minister to Turkoy in succession to Dr James B Ahgell resigned Australias Wheat Crop Good rains are estimated to have im proved the value of tho wheat crop in Australia 1000000 MARKET QUOTATIONS Chicago Cattle common to prime 300 to 550 hogs shipping grades 300 to 425 sheep fair to choice 250 to 550 wheat No 2 red 87c to 80c corn No 2 33c to 35c oats No 2 24c to 26c rye No 2 43c to 44c butter choice creamery to 17c eggs fresh 9c to lie new potatoes choice 60c to 75c per bushel Indianapolis Cattle shipping 300 to 525 hogs choice light 300 to 450 sheep common to choice 300 to 450 wheat Uo 2 88c to 90c corn No 2 white 32c to 33c oats No 2 white 24c to 26c St Louis Cattle 300 to 550 hogs 300 to 425 sheep 300 to 550 wheat No 2 86c to SSc corn No 2 yellow 30c to 32c oats No 2 23c to 25c rye No 2 39c to 41c Cincinnati Cattle 250 to 550 hogs 300 to 450 sheep 250 to 475 wheat No 2 red 89c to 91c corn No 2 mixed 32c to 34c oats No 2 mixed 27c to 29c rye No 2 44 c to 46c Detroit Cattle 250 to 550 hogs 325 to 425 sheep 250 to 450 wheat No 2 94c to 96c corn No 2 yellow 34c to 36e oats No 2 white 29c to 30c rye 42c to 44c Toledo Wheat No 2 mixed 92c to 93c corn No 2 mixed 33c to 35c oats No 2 white 25c to 27c rye No 2 43c to 45c clover seed 315 to 325 Milwaukee Wheat No 2 spring 92c to 94c corn No 3 32c to 34c oats No 2 white 2Sc to 31c rye No 1 44c to 45c barley No 2 54c to 56c pork mess 925 to 975 Buffalo Cattle good shipping steers 300 to 550 hogs common to choice 350 to 450 sheep fair to choice weth ers 350 to 500 lambs common to extra 425 to 600 New York Cattle 300 to 550 hogs 300 to 450 shep 300 to 550 wheat No 2 red 97c to 99c corn No 2 39c to 40c oats No 2 white 32c to 33c butter creamery 13c to 18c eggs Western lie to 18c mm li STATE OF NEBRASKA NEWS OF THE WEEK IN A CON DENSED FORM Ticket Scalper Norris Questions the Legality of Omahas Ordinance Taxing His Business Test Case Commenced Other Items Wants to Make a Test Case William C Norris a ticket scalper ot Omaha has brought suit against the city and the license inspector the purpose of the action to be to tcitthe legality of the ordinance passed recently by the city council requiring ticket scalpers to pay an annual license of 75 for the purpose of doing business In connection with tho suit Norris has secured a temporary order restraining the city from interfering with his business until the case can be heard upon its merits In his petition Norris alleges that he is carrying on a legitimate business and that the council has no right to legislate relative to its conduct Prior to the passage of the ordinance that is in force ticket scalpers were not reiuired to pay a license SALARIES OF POSTMASTERS Annual Readjustment Made iy Postoffice Department First Assistant Postmaster General Heath has given out the annual readjust ment of presidential postmasters saleries South Omaha advanced from second to first class Advances of 23 and salaries for the next year are as follows Cozad 1300 iFalrileld 1300 Lexington 1600 South Omaha 3000 Kutton S1300 Columbus 1900 Fainnoimt 1300 Nelson Ii200 Advances of 100 and salaries are as fol lows mo Alma l200Minden Arapahoe i200Nobraska City 2J Ashland 1400 Auburn 1400 Boa trice 2500 Klair 1700 Broken How ljGOO Cedar Rapids 1200 Crawford 1200 Crclghton 1200 Crete 1700 David City 1C00 Julpar 1100 Falls City 1S00 Fremont 1500 Fullerton 1400 CJonoa -1100 Gothenburg 1 200 liartlngton 1300 Hastings 2500 Lincoln 3300 McCook 1700 Madison 1400 en 00 140O North Bend 110 Oakland 1200 ONeill 1400 Ord 1400 Pawnee City 1000 render 1100 Pierce 1100 Ravenna 1100 St Paul 1500 Seward 1000 Stromsburg 1300 Superior 1500 Syracuse 1200 Valentino 1103 Wahoo 1G0 Wakelleld 1100 Weeping Water 1200 Wayne lcoo Wisner 1100 Wymoro 1500 At Geneva the salary of the postmaster for next year will be 1400 at Orleans 1000 and at York 2000 decreases of 100 each Faculty for York College At the annual meeting of the board oi trustees of York College it was decided unanimously to retain Rev V E Schell as president of the institution The rest of the faculty for the coming year is as follows J E Maxwell vice president and professor of natural science W S Joseph professor of mathematics Sarwa Dowell Greek and Latin Louise Miller modern languages George M Jacobs commer cial department W W Porter elocution Mrs D E Sedgwick music Myra Graves art depart menet H J Gunnels bible his tory The faculty with the exception of Miss Miller is the same as for last year At rue commencement exercise ut cuc appointed to examine Wordens were tno graduates Olie Medlar B A Vernie Hedlar B A Miss Rainey Eva Barber and Pearl Broks in the normal and commercial courses Platte County Assessment The assessors of Platte County have made their returns to the county clerk and below are some figures of interest pet tabl ing to that county There are in the county 807054 acres of improved and 101 721 acres of unimproved lands which are worth 1131119 or an average of 304 for improved and 195 for unimproved land There are in tho county 25211 cattle 9514 horses 493 mules and asses 84227 hogs averaged at 892 761 698 and 61 cents per head respectively The railway and telegraph property is assessed at 47358 and the grand total valuation of all the real and personal property in the county is placed at 283913023 Charged with Delnying the Mails George Mann was arrested at Lyons by United States Marshal Allen and taken to Pender to appear before Commissioner Sloan to answer to the charge of delaying the United States mail It seems Maun had a grievance against Conductor Fuller for putting him off his train at Oakland a few days ago while he was trying 10 ride the blind baggage to Lyons lie was ejected by the train crew rather roughl lu thought and ho lay in wait for thi train crew the following evening when 1 general all around tight look plare be tween the brnkeman ami Mann theieby delaying the lrainfor a few moments Falls to His Death William T Salterfiyld nut with a fatal accident on his farm live miles southwest of Springfield Ho was up on his wind mill tower oiling the machinery when tho platform gave way aud he was hiulcd to tho ground forty foot below falling on his light wnV niashinir it in a hoirible manner Otherwise he seemed all light ami walked to the house His wrist was dressed but during the evening he became suddenly sick and died in great agony m ffro morning City lion Is Sold The 25003 school house bonds recent ly voted by Hie city of Columbus have been sold to Trowbri lge McDonald it Niver Company of Chicago at ar and thy brought 381 53 premium The plans submitted by W It Parsons Sons of Dis Moines la weiv accepted by the board The building will be a credit to the city and will be rushed along to completion and be ready for occupancy by Decem ber 1 Commits Suicide E S Chadwick one of tlu first settlers of Howard County commit ed sin dde by cutting his throit He was about 53 enrs of ago and leaves a widow and threo children in comfortable circumstances Prize Debate The Leoper prizj debate between the college students at Hastings Neb was won by the affirmative The question That Usury Laws and the Regulation of Interest by Law are Beneficial For the affirmative wero E R Bushnell and A II Jones For the negative were G C Por ter and R M Smith Department Store Closed The department store of the Nebraska City Mercantile Company has been closed upon a bill of sale for 1243174 to W T Kemper of Kansas City EUGENE MOORE ACQUITTED HxAudltoi Declared Not Guilty on His Second Trial 2Wjury in the district court at Lincoln Auditor Moore hasTdeclared ex Eugene not guilty of embezzlement of 23000 in insurance fees paid to the slate through him This was Moores second ttial he having at the first one entered the plea of guilty to a shortage but justifying his act on the ground that the law provided that insurance fees should be paid to the state treasurer instead of to -himself He was convicted at the first trial and sen tenced to seven years in the penitentiary but the supreni2 court reversed tho decis ion His second trial which has been progressing for a week came as a result of the grand jury indictment There are other counts in the indictment on which ln fin be prosecuted Arrested for Horse Stealing A few weeks ago a- sewing machine agent giving the name of J B Sheldon commenced operations in the vicinity of Ashland lie left the city for Ilavelock where he was married and started a boat cl ing house While engaged in the busi ness there he contracted a good sized account at a giocery store stipulating that the bill should be paid when the Ilavelock employes of the B M repair shops who constituted his boarders Should receive their pay In tho mean time he gave the grocer possession of one of his horses as security When the tim to liquidate the bill ar rived instead or settling Sheldon went to the stable harnessed his horse and the grocers together and left Ilavelock headed for Ashland The gro cer discovered the theft and sent a tele phone call for City Marshal Corwin oi Ashland to be on the lookout for the thief The man was overtaken at Omaha just as he was preparing to cross the bridge for the Iowa side Sheldon is now reposing in jail to answer to tho charge of horse stealing Shot Down by a Maniac A shooting affair occurred at Morse Bluff just across tho river from North Bend Frank Levy who has been con fined in the insane asylum at Lincoln but who has been at home for a week or so effected an entrance into the hardware store and stole a 88 caliber revolver and a shotgun and a supply of cartridges He then went to the home of his brother-in-law James Tomasek and slept in the corn crib When his out to do his morning chores and was within sixteen feet of Levy the latter raised the gun and emptied the contents of one barrel into Tomasek the charge striking him just under the left nipplo and lodging in his body Tho wound is pro nounced fatal Levy was arrested with out any resistance and taken to jail at Wahoo Young Roy Flint Missing When Mrs Belle Flint returned to her home in Omaha the other night she was nearly heartbroken to discover that her 12-year-old boy R03 had somehow dis appeared and could nowhere be found He had been employed on a vegetable wagon for a Mr Marks whom ho was wont to meet at the market at Eleventh and Howard every morning Inquiry of Mr Marks failed to give any clew to his thereabouts Move to Forfeit Franchise The city council of -- uMCd a resolution iMctiiung tne city attorney beein proceedings in forfeit tho the district coiJt iiting the street ail way franchise Beatrice Rapil Transit company r This action is based upon the company s long neglect to operate the system and be cause or their refusal to assist in the repair of streets upon which the track is laid Mandamus Proceedings Proceedings in mandamus have been ommenced at West Point by Charles C Bartels the newly appointed county clerk of Cuming County against Albert Walla the acting cleric Mr Walla is cited to appear before Judge Evans at Dakota City in chambers on June 27 to show causo why a writ of mandamus should not issuo against hi in Hurt in a Runaway A serious runaway occurred at Sutton In which a littlo girl 9 years of rge who was visiting tile family of William Dixon was hurt The team became frightened at firecrackers and in turning a corner threw out tho occupants of the carriage breaking the little girls leg Alleged Corn Thief Arrested On complaint of Henry Boe at Berlin Henry Vetty was arrested for stealing a load of corn from the field crib of tho com plainant Jail Contract Awarded John Lamshire of Central City was warded the contract to build Merrick nunlys new jail Nebraska Short Notes A new school houso is being erected at Paxton Stanton is talking of extending its water works system A Nebraska man recently caught a hundred pound catfish in the Missouri River Tho Auburn creamery has ceased mak ing butter for the summer and is convert ing all the milk received into cheese C C Horton of Genoa shot a fine spec imen of an American eagle which meas ured six feet from tip to tip of its wings It is reported that Emreue Cashman de faulting ex treasurer of Greeley County has settled his shortage by turning in a section of land and 10J The Waterbury postoffice was bioken into recently and stamps to the value of 1 taken Mr Connors store at the same place was entered by burglars the same night and goods to tho value of 53 taken As tho westbound passenger train on the Elkhoru was striking a lively gait ahout four miles beyond Wood Lake the engine struck and butchered thirtj -three head of cattle for a stockman and injured a number more John Brahni tin 5-year-old son of Mr and Mrs John Brahm of i lying dangerously ill with the loclcj iw Ahout three weeks ago he ran a rotter splinter in his foot which almost immed resulted in blood poisoning There wil be an immense crop ot peaches and every other kind of fruit ii Furnas County this year The business men of Hastings have started an organization for the purpose ol erecting a monumont In honor of the late James Liard It is the intention of the organization to raise 10003 which will be used to erect a suitable monument Belle Hinman 10 jears of age of Sid ney accidontly fell down the embank ment on the north Union Pacific tracki and severely fractured her thigh The child was taken to the county hospital where a physician set the fractured mem 1 per fc TJfl STOCK BRANDS Rosebud S D Left side Horses same left shoulder Deerhorn clip some cattle JMetzger Bros 7 e 1 feBHdterMLATi W RfB I I - J on right side Bear creeks 1 HI wfif r ir Mj If t WaylKLUWJPfgfc rullman Neb Cherry Co Brand on left fclde and thigh Earmark sqjare crop right ear Southern branded cattle have but one brand on left side Native cattle have throat wattle Range on Uordon and Snake Creeks Horses have same brnndfon left thigb A Iteicartl of 100 will be paid to any for information leading to the arrest and nal conviction of any person or persons steal ing cattle with above brand Joseph W Bownet P O address Memrauu Nebr Right car cropped Hole In center of left ear Range Lake creek 8 D William M Dunbar Lessee from Heine Kroeger Til bmaJ Cody Neb DUn Either side AlS Llenry Pratt ra Marshall Wolfenden Kennedy Neb Some s on the left hip Horses 3 on left shoulder Brand Is small Earmark Quarter clip behind half cir cle forward on left ear Range Lone Tree Lake Rosebud S D Range Big White and Bad Rivers H I - low in right Left ear ot cattle Split HaiiLe head ot Hay Jreek W pn 1 on I ja D William Shanjrien Cody Neb Dulap undet side 01 neck Jack LePoint Mcrriman Neb Cattle branded on left side Some on up also Kurmurk round hole In center 1 left ear Also iisc ES on K3H left And rensido L J Range Lake Corn ana Charles II Faulhaber Brownlee Nebr Either nghtor left side on cuttle Horses saniu on left shoulder Left ear cut off of cattle Kane Loup river rHt Louis F Richards W F3 I la J Merriman Neb Charles Benard Also m MV WT r Ml W R Kissel Brownlee Neb T Hi Also some below Iett hip right hip Range Kissels Ranch Wheeler Bros Cody Neb Ranee on the Snake Rver and Chamber lain fiat TH Charles C Tackett Rosebud 3 D Range head of An telope near 3t Mary3 mission Horses branded on left thigh William F Schmidt rtosebud S D On left side Horses branded name on left hip or shoulder Range on Horse Creek S VBaMIDHI I a r 1 saw Is L I 1