- V V r rs Bfral 5 rt A - THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT OBEBT GOOD Editor and Publisher i I J - f Official Paper of phery Nebraska 100 Per Year in Advance PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY t Entered at ihe Post office at Valentine Cherr County Nebraska as Second class matter This paper will be mailed regularly to its subocribers until a definite order o discontinue is received and all ar fears are paid in full The brand oxmmissioners are having Jots of trouble this week The brand recerd is cumbered with did marks and brands to such an extent that it is al paost impossible to get a Simply brand registered The law relating t brands and their registration should Te Tnadel over to sufit new conditions Deputy Labor Commissiorier S -3 ent teas completed a cqmpararve Etatement of the surplus products of the stacle for the years 1831 and 397 The comparison on the nine pric2ipal products is as follows 1 1891- S97 Corn bus 2429500 76S46362 Wheat bus 9821000 1840915 Oats bus 11926000 1494679 Bye bus 03500 879612 Barley bus 488000 -499667 Hogs head l43i54S H953752 -Cattle head 1 657942 Sheep headH966S0 007980 Horses mules hd 18940 13240 -A gang ot swindlers is said to be 5naking a totrr through the slate ex- amining the vrelto by a1utk6rity from the state They inspect Mine water through a mnsroscopa ted find kinds of bacterid chor sraand typhoid vgerrns and permit the f areier and his T wile to look through the where of course they see the mena gerie that alvsys has bean and always will be contained in a -drop of water 7The frightened farmer -is advised to apply certain remedies rsold by the fakirs at a -high price Tke warning farmers jRcsc7iange It appears that Gov Holcomb is the only available man upon whom republican -opposition can count with hope of suceess -Judge Westover hav ing been -agreed upon or congress While the third term cry may have some effect yet we belier e that a ma jority of people would prefer three terms of honest government to a re turn to former conditions that sent some prominent officialstto the pen and -oblivion and cast a cloud of suspicion upon a host ot others as being aiders and abettors to their nefarious schemes for robbing the state riSMance Grip Keportstfrom Crawford are to the effect that11 tramps or vags that wear pants are as soon as discovered in that vicinity -arrested by Marshal Spearmanand tarcen toeFt Kobinsou examined and fequestedta join the Tegular army This is endorsed by all good citizens as a good move recruit- ingthe army with men who need its disciplineandj are benefited by it and -doing a way with the tramp nuisance at the same time Send all the tramps to Crawford and they will be cared foTQ7icuir6i News To the contrary nogood citizen en dorses aa action that leads o impress tiag tramps into -the service of the United States in any capacity whRtever and sp9cially in oar army which should be -composed -of the firstflewer of our natiorfs man ihood honest intelligent and honor able Americans The war department realised this and also the necessity of a change in thepersohnel of the army and in 1895 issued general orders relative io en listments disbarring foreigneis Illiter ates -ex-convicts and those who -were unable to procure satisfactory refer ences as to good moral character If bur army is to W recruited foam tramps hobo ebc it is better that it should be disbanded What Reside the Mg of our cous try is calculated to inspire in the breast xf ordinary citizen a more patriotic spirit more bursting pride and loVe of God and country than the sight of our regular army boys in blue Then shall we seek to compel these brave boys to associate with the scum of creation and shall our tramps hobos and vagsr carry Old iRlofy into battle wearing the uniform designed for an honest honorable soldier 2fo neither would toe editor of the JJews uphold such an outrage to our army if ewas a regular suiuior TV T Kinkaid is visiting in Omaha this week Postmaster Shermans salary has been increased from 1000 to 1100 per year C M Sageser will build a new dwell ing house just west of Barkers in the near future Mrs A B Watson left Tuesday morning for a visit in the eastern part of the State S S McClean and niece Emily were in town at The Donoher yester day from YToodlake Jackson Braytous new building is progcessimr rapidly carpenters now being zlt work on the inside ohn Bachelor and wife spent Sun day and Monday in tlvcctiy returning to the ranch Tiiesday morning C R Watsdn Visited the Exposition at Omiifoithis tveek also his parents who we therefrom Wisconsin JtcSge Towns and daughter Mribel mads a trip through the sand hills5n search of a scfcaol for the latter Tues day Treasurer Thackrey sett iJlSSB to Lincoln last Saturday Cherry countys taxes for foe months of MaTch and April Prof IC Stotts of ody V733 in town Tuesday and filed a petition fon saloon license with Sioners To Cure A Cola lit OneSDat Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- lets M jDruggisls refund fee Inofiey f ftfafis to Cure 5c 46 3fonrJ Pf under came up from ONeill Monday night andr8ht out to Sam Hudsons ranchTuesdriy morning to vfotk during the summer Among the real estate sales made by Judge Walcott this Week Avas a sal6of 240 aeres on Dads Lak e and 160 on the Gordon to W GBsfilard and 4S0 acres n Big Creek to Jacob Emmiek All of these sales are for cash at good prices The editor spent SunSay and Mon day in Ainsworth aad Long Pine Crops look fine in Brown county asd everybody feels that -prosperity ill react them this faH Judging from appearances that county has had even more Tain than cherry Thcopperhead sheets of 1898 just likeiJbeir brethren of 1861 are tryings their utmost to creaks dissension in the minds of the people in regard to the conduct of the war And their infamy will be recorded in historyide by side -Crawford IMJbune Ehe county commissioners are ae a board of equalization this week Next week claims peti tions etc will be taken up So far but fewkicks have b6en made to the board one of them being from a man whose assessment was notoriously low W 5 Hunt breeder of prize-winning thoroughbred poultry Light gry aBrahmas and -Barred Plymouth Bocks Hawkins andOustoris strain Best en earth Eggs EL3 for 1 Call and see mystock at Mrs Ill Valentine Neb Westpartof town 20 AxWiehitapaper in discussing tain iasiiions in vogue among women says that -any young girl who bleach es henhair can be kissed That is no argument against bleaching the hair So can any girl who dont bleach her hair ifthe right party dees the work Gordon Journal The Princeton Press is responsible for the story that a xyoung oupie were iOut proudly promenading the streets with their rst born in new baby bug gy when they were surprised and lr ated to notice everybody on the street was giggling at somethingin the pro cession but finally noticed the inscrip tion on the buggy uOur Own Make lie Best on the Market Talk about pretty girls We haye aot seen a bevy of beauties anywhere that would compare with those Irish I girls of ONeill And they know how to preside at a banquet board with all the grace of a queen If our wife had not been along with us on the trip we would have got left tjo or tried mighty hard No wonder Bro Julian missed the train and Good put his wife off at Longpine Gordon Jour i j i - ia f 1 Ka rr tsr 3Born Sunday morning to John Bor man acd wife a girl as U3ual Br A Lewis attended the mother and re ports all concerned doing well Americas War fox Humanity Hin our advertising colurains will be feund an snnouncement of John Ingalls forthcoming book entitled Americas War for Human- H ity CsnVassing agists will find in it a bsdk of remarkable inttrest stk certainly of extraordiaary salability The htetory of the war is told in pict ure anrd story and in way that always characterizes tfae brilliant pen of Sen ator Tngads Tn -narrating the tdenfe of this was be finds grand scope for his superb descriptive and analyti cal power The iheme is worSby of tho author and the author is worthy of the theme It ie published by D Thompson Publishing Co of St Louis Mo It will be a monumental work that will not oriy be eveay where read but will be a monument to his genius that will outline in history his brilliant senatorial career The subscription book trade and the ca nvassing -agent are fortunate in the fact that an au thor of such rare ability has been enlisted-in itsuafesrest Xiehrara Falls EdHarneaud family visited onhe river Sunday The Comatock Cattle o were brand ingand vaccinating lasl week Mrs F Meltendorf viaited withher brother a couple of days last week Lon Mosher went over to the flat today to see how the old woman was getting along Cole AiBslie and wife were -over from Simeon Sunday to visit Coles mother Mrs Johnson Doc Grooms came up from near Sparks Saturday and will work -a few days for his brother Dick D M Troffer was over Saturday looking for range for some cattle His attempts met with no success What has become of my brother Good Boy and all of Kellys aunts and his pa etc We -would like Nto hear from themall John Anderson has taken charge ot 100 head of cattle belonging to Sparks Bros Wenderstand he received 4 per headifor Jteeping them a year Bad Boy Woodlake LeRoy was m town Tuesday Mrs Alf Morris was in town Tues day Mrs Manchester was in town Mon day Maud Jay was visiting in the city Saturday FrediBrayton was seen in our streets Tuesday Mrs iRigg8 was seen in town Tues day afternoon Hiram Davis was visiting at Mr Lattas Monday Miss Elsie Sherman returned to Val- Tuesday Scott Banks was taking in the town the -first of theweek Willis Barnard is spending a few days out at bis ranch Jim Wilson from the Hansom Cat tle Co was in -town on Tuesday Mr and Mrs W L Cohee from Simeon were visiting in town Sunday Mr A S Allen and sister from Johnstown were in town last Sunday Ed Beau bout and Harry Sherman went to Johnstown visiting last Sun day Miss Ferguson from Kansas is here with her uncle and aunt for a short time Mrs Harshey and Mrs Forest took the passenger Tuesday morning for Sioux City Mrs Dain has been having her house painted It adds very much to the appearance of the town Mrs O O Buck daughter of Mr and Mrs H E Dewey is here on a visit from Illinois for a few weeks Mr Ballard and Ed Harris came down from Valentine Tuesday even ing and returned on the passenger train the same night Bachelor 4 SrfiSS 1- WAR R PEACE Clothing and Shoeing just as necessary as ever Ask to see our LADIES SKIRT MACKINTOSHES Our June Clothing Sale this month TAILOR MADE CLOTHWG AT UNPRECEDENTED PRICES DSTINARD THE CLOTHIER The War With Spain The First Nebraska left for the Philippines yesterday Fifteen thousand troops have been ordered from Chickamauga to Tampa The first land battle occurred near Santiago de Cuba and four Americans were kitted Spanish loss unknown Popnlrsf Congressional Convention A delegate convention is hereby called to meet ia the city of Broken Bow m Thursday July 14 1898 at 2 oclodk p m for the purpose of placing in nomination candidate for member of csagress to represent the Sixth Con gressional District of Nebraska and to transact such other business as may presperly come before the convention Itis recommended that the county con ventions be held at the respective county seats on Saturday July 9 1898 for the purpose of electing delegates to tiris convention The representation from the various counties will be based iipon the ote of Hon W L Greene n the congressional election of 1896 one delegate being allowed for every one hundred votes or major fraction thereof nd one delegate at large from jeach county which makes the follow ing apportionment Cherry county 8 delegates It is recommended that no proxies be allowefl but that delegates present east the full vole of the delegations James Stockman Chmn Cong Com Application lor ArfiniJiintration In tlie county court within and for Cherry comity Nebraska in the matter of the ebtate of JrthnW Oens deceased Matiidk Oens having filed in rav ofilce a pe iitionfofthe appointment of William fi Haiey as administrator of the estate of John W Owens deceased all persons interested in said estate will take notice that I have lixed feature-lay July 9th 1S9S nt l oclock p in as the time and my office in Valentine Cherry connty Kebr as the place for hearing said petition at which time and place all persons interest eft in said estate may appear and show cause if any tliereoe why such administrator should not be appointed Witness my hand and the seal of the county court this 15th day of June 1898 SEAL W K Towxb 2 23 County Judge lronate Kotace Statk of Netraska l CHKRiiy County h To all persons concerned in the estate of Abram Johnson deceased Wherkas Cyntlia Ann Johnson of said county has filed ininy otllce an instrument pur porting to be the last -will and testament of Abram Johnson deceased late of said county jani a petition praying to have the same ad mitted to probate which will relateto both real and personal estate whereupon 1 have appoint ed Saturday thel8th dav of June 1S98 at l oclock p m at my oftice in Valentine in said county as the time and place of proving said will at which time and place you aud all con cerned may appearand contest the probate of the same It is further ordered that the petitioner give notice to all persons interested in said estate of the pendency of the petition and the time and place set for hearing same by causing a copy of said order to be published in Thk Valextixk Democrat a paper published in said county of Cherry for three weeks successively previous to the day set for said hearing In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and official seal this 23th day of May 1898 SEAL ISSUED MONTHLY AGENTS WANTED In Every County to Supply the Great Popular Demand for AMERICAS WAR FOR HUMANITY TOLD IN PICTURE AND STORY Compiled and Written by SENATOR JOHN J INGALLS Or Kansas The most brilliantly written most profusely and artistically illustrated and intensely popu lar boolcou the subject of the war with Spain Nearly 200 SUPERB ILLUSTRATIONS WHS FROM PHOTO- fciken speclallv for this great work Agents are making SS0 to Sfoo a week seeing it A ver itable bonanza for live canvassers Apply for description term and territory at once to HDTHOMPSON PUBLISHING CO St Louis or New Yokk Cidt J W R TOW2JE County Judge 25 CENTS Jflf The Rand ItlcNally Official Gnido -and Hand Book of the Railway and Stcaui Navi gation Lines of the United States Dominion of Canada and Mexico Devoted especially to transportation llnesln the territory of the Ohio and Mississippi valleys the lake region including all lines governed by the time of tbe 90th meridian Central Standard time and west thereof having also condensed and through time tables to all other sections SUBSCRIPTION S3 OO PER YEAR 25 CTS PER COPY THE AMERICAN RAILWAY GUIDE -CO Publisliers and Proprietors 162 to 174 Adams Street Chicago l ft I 5--7- THE U S HAS WAR ON ITS HANDS - But if the Spaniards will Bght it will spon have war off its hands We have no war on hands but we have a splendid line of ORGANDIES CHALLIES ETC Which will not last long if yon are looking f or Summer Dress Goods and look over our line Now too is the time for men to buy new snmmer hats shirts etc We will sell you a splendid latest style hat for 225 A good fancy shirt thoroughly up-to-date for 100 The Red Front 3 flfcA Mt4U DftrAftMijiM iimaimmUam 4lTfrMKMne Order fr - vit liiiu ri viii i vi vypiwiuti Best Value Writing Machine First In Improvements Henest Construction and all High irade Typewriter -Essentials T r r ART BOOKLET TREE Cfte Smith Promkr typewriter go syr ns u sa s On Each Box NEWEST MODELS FANCY and PLAIN Simeon Neb Left liip on cattle Left shoulder on horses Some horses Lnzy a on left shoulder Jlance between Gordon and Snake KiVer and Niobrara River Left ears tagged All catde dehorned Application for XiceiiMC Kotice is hereby given that I have filed a petition signed by a majority of tbe resident freeholders of Boiling Springs precint with the board of county commissioners of Cherry county jSTebraska praying that a li cense be issued me to sell malt spirit uous and vinous liquors in Boiling Springs precinct Cherry county Ne braska and that I will make applica tion for said license before said board of commissioners at Yalentine Ne braska on Saturday the 25th day of June 1898 at 2 oclock p m 21 22 Ekank Mogle Apjil2cflion for lAcnse Notice is hereby given that I have filed a petition signed by a majority of the resident freeholders of Boiling Springs precinct with the board of county commissioners of Cherry county Nebraska praying that a license be issued me to sell malt spir ituous and vinous liquors in Boiling Springs precinct Cherry county Ne braska and that I will make applica tion for said license before said board of commissioners at Valentine Ne braska on Saturday the 25th day of June 1898 at 10 oclock a m 21 22 Irwin C Stotts a GGM5ET MAKE American JBeaoties F C CORRECT SHAPES ARTISTIC EFFECTS All Lengths KUAZGG CORSET SOLE MANUFACTURERS I CO SOlrD BY JDATISXiOBT TEACHER JiicKitt Bros P O Brownlee 2seb Elghtor left side Horses same on left shoulder Earmark Swal low tail clip right or left ear Eange Big Creek D Cattle hole in each ear Jianire Bijr and Little White Pivers hm ul m Omaha Branch Office Corner Seventeenth and Farnam Streets c5am Hudson p Earl Comstock ftanager Valentine Neb Cattle branded on left side or hip Also m 969 TG q 22 Horses same as on steer left hip Also C on left shoulder RaBkfcRRRMtRP Thomas Farren Rosebud S D ID 1183 either left side or hip Horses slouWer Range head of Antelope Now is the time to subscribe 100 John DeCpry Rosebud S K fdXD J mTifiirtiMi n - Some brandtsi ID 417 on leftside Horses JD aa left biy Range in Meyer Oa on Antelope Ccecfc S II Kiramel Rosebud S D AlsoJBiU on left side Cattle undercut on both ears Horses branded 4 on left shoulder Range on Antelope and Spring Creeks Louis J Kichards lVlJL i T U4U J Merrimao XeQ Charles Richards yCCRj IJose7jud S D Horses Jierrimas Xef Paul Didier I DG J 2SIsMMm Steadmati Bros J Pass Neb Brand oa either ZSgEi right or left side uuu aunifj cattle brand on Ieit side and hip - i El Uange Bull Lika ks cs and WamadiKv T A s H Y