The Feast of tbo Butterflies On the track of a sunbeam shining through The blossoming hedge the wind cars flew As only the trains of the fairies do And every butterfly came down From Lilac vale to Bluebell town In a velvet bodice and satin gown 1 r V K lt With green leaf plates was the board complete With drops of dew for their bread and meat And in blue Delft cups the honey wine sweet And they only stayed to dance and sup Nor cleared the table of platter and cup For the rain washed all the dishes up Womans Home Companion The Chinese Flag Is a very queer looking affair It repre sents the most grotesque of green dragons on a yellow ground The latter is sugges tive not only of the national complexion but also that of a sufferer from bilious ness To remove this use Hostetteri Stomach Bitters which will speedily rcgu late your liver and prevent malaria Fanciod Attributes of tho Rose The Syrians regard the rose as an em blem of immortality the Chinese plant ed it over graves and in the Tyrol it Is said to produce sleep Rose leaves are sometimes thrown on the fire for good luck In France and Italy it is be lieved that rosy cheeks will come to the lass that buries a drop of her blood un tier a rose bush Shake Into Your Shoes Allens Foot Ease a powder for the feet It cures painful swollen feet and instantly takes the sting Jut of corns and bunions Its the great est comfort discovery of the age Al lens Foot Ease makes tight fitting or new shoes feel easy It is a certain cure for sweating callous and hot tired nervous aching feet Try it to day Sold by all druggists and shoe stores By mail for 25c in stamps Trial package FREE Address Allen S Olm Eted Le Roy N Y When making an omelette never let it cook long enough to be hard Inside An omelette to be good should run when cut odco Denver and Return 2000 June 5th and 6th round trip tickets will be sold to Denver Trains leave Sioux City at 7S5 p m reaching Denver the next afternoon at 133 Returning leaves Den ver at 430 in the afternoon reaching Sioux City next morning at 945 Final limit of tickets July 5th All information at Northwestern office Security Bank Building H C OJieney general agent Sioux City la One pound of sheeps wool is said to be capable of producing one yard of cloth Mrs TVlnslows Sootiiino Syrup for Children teething bo tens the uums reancen inflammation allays pain cures wind colic 25 cent a bottle The Japanese are capturing the math and umbrella trade in India and Burma h Nervous and Tired IVas Not Able to Do Her Work Until HoodsSarsaparilla Cured I was troubled with headaches nerv ousness and that tired feeling I read in the papers about Hoods Sarsapariila and If began taking it I am now able to do my work as Hoods Sarsapariila has relieved me Mrs T F Rich Hampshire III Hoods Sarsapariila Is Americas Greatest Medicine SI six for 5 Hoods Pills cure indigestion biliousness havo bcoa tutnjr CAGCAIiXTS and as n mild and effective laxative they are simply won derful My daughter and I were boJhereu with Eick stomach and our hrcath iras very bad After taking a few doses of Cascarct8 wo have improved vonderfully They are a great help in tho family WlLIIKLMIXA NAGEU 1137 Blttcnhonso St Cincinnati Ohio xHt TRADE MARK RSStSTSRCO g Pleasant Palatable Potent Taste Good Do Goodvncver Sicken Weaten or Gripe I0c2jc50c CURE CONSTIPATION OirrUn flrmrdy Company Chicago tlutml Sew York 315 A Perfect Type of the Highest Order of Excellence in Manufacture I Breakfast M 1VX li Costs Less Han QUE CEHT a Cop Be sure that yon get the Genuine Article made at DORCHESTER MASS by WALTER BAKER CO Ltd Established 17S0 lJ 1 k 1 m 4T i AGENTS i TT fffeWSk - WWy gcoa AbsQlntely Pore Delicious Nutritious A llTPfl Gooa bargains m CHOICE FAItM F M II I X U LAND for A CASH CUSTOM ER IHXKUEHALL SIOUX CITY IOWA 413 Fierce Street Vanted In erery town for th best 8cli InxwuanJ household npeclalUai In Tsstixe Golden JUi Co Cfclcajo in V JV STEONG STATEMENTS Three Women Relieved of Femalo Troubles by Mrs Pinkham From Mrs A W Smith 59 Summer St Biddeford Me For several years I suffered with various diseases peculiar to my sex Was troubled with a burning sensation across the small of my bacly that all gone feeling was despondent fretful and discouraged the least exertion tired me I tried several doctors but received little benefit At last I-de- cided to give your Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound a trial The ef fect of the first bottle was magical Those symptoms of weakness that I was afflicted with vanished likp vapor before the sun I cannot speak too highly of 3rour valuable remedy It is truly a boon to woman From Mrs Melissa Pnniips Lex ington Ind to Mrs Pinkham Before I began takingyour medicine I had suffered for two years with that tired feeling headache backache no a p petite and a run down condition of the system I could not walk across the room I have taken four bottles of the Vegetable Compound one box of Liver Pills and used one package of Sanative Wash and now feel like a new woman and am able to do my work From Mrs Mollie E LIerrel Pow ell Station Tenn For three years I suffered with such a weakness of the back I could not perform my household duties I also had falling of the womb terrible bearing-down pains and headache I have taker two bottles of Lydia E Pink hams Vegetable Compound and feel like a new woman I recommend your medicine to every woman I know Introductions Do not presume that promiscuous In troductions are agreeable You should be sure that the parties to be introduc ed are at least willing to be made ac quainted The person of inferior rank should be presented to those of higher rank the younger to those of superior age and gentlemen to the ladies in ev ery case No extended formula is nec essary in introductions A short court eous presentation of one to the other is all that is needed Nor should exces sive adulation be indulged or gushing expressions of pleasure etc When a famous person is introduced a refer ence to his -fame is not out of place Because of an introduction neither party should presume tltat the ac quaintances shall be continued that must depend on the encouragement in that direction which either party may be pleLStd to give A lady to whom you have been introduced may at her op tion omit to recognize you afterward This is no discourtesy it is her proper privilege In introducing parties a formula en tirely proper is Mr Webb permit me to introduce to you to my friend Mr Cams Then turning to the friend pre sented add Mr Cams my friend Mr Webb Gentlemen bow and shake hands on introduction If introduced to a lady let her make the advance in the handshaking and whether she ex tend her hand or not the gentleman should bow Let all handshaking be cordial but not excessive A mere exteusion of a few fingers or a listless offering of the hand is as far from the proper act as a grasp that splits a glove and crushes a ladys hand The Use of Chicory Few people are aware of the extent to which chicory is used as an addition to coffee This vegetable is usually spoken of as an adulterant and many look upon it as such It has however gained such a foothold in public esteem that housekeepers are buying it and mixing it with their coffee by choice It is thought to make the coffee richer and is employed for the purpose and without any consideration for economy An immense amount of chicory is grown in Nebraska and the last years yield is said to be of excellent quality At one factory 14000 pounds of finished chicory are turned out every twenty four hours This is but one of the large plants in the State There are contracts with Nebraska farmers for 15000 acres of chicory and at Fremont the drying plant is running at the rate of eighty tons a day New York Ledger Birds Made to lrtier The Japanaese are ruthless in theii tampering with nature If they decide that they want a bird or an animal oi a certain shape or color they set about manufacturing the article so to speak by the exercise of exceedingly clevei Ingenuity and nUring patience Here for example Is how the white sparrows are produced They select a pair of grayish birds and keep them In a white cage in a white room where they are attended by a person dressed in white The metal- effect on a series of genera tions of birds results In completely white birds Rural World The Ill fated Victoria May Be Raised A suggestion has ben put forward to raise the il fated Victoria which sank in the Mediterranean with nearly all hands by means of with other things heavy electro magnets The success ful raising of the vessel would cos nearly 500000 Halls Catarrh Cure Is a constitutional cure Price 75 cents The oldest city in the world is Nip pur the 1Older Bel of Babyou the foundations were laid 7000 years B C The ruins have lately been unearthed I never used so quick a cure lis PisoV Cure for Consumption J B Palmer Box 1171 Sen ttler Wash Nov 25 1805 Jules Schulhoff the pianist whose Galop dl Bravura a generation ago was heard in every parlor in Berlin at the age of 73 years smstPiBimmaemssssmi T i J - Sa Systematic Housework No one can accomplish much unless there Is real system about their work Not only will this give more time to ac complish each task but having less to do each day the work will be done in a better manner Always have certain days for laundry work hang all the ironed clothes around the fire till per fectly dry when folded always put those that need repairing in one place and mend them before they are put away for good Always have certain places on closet shelves or in draw ers for all clothes and keep them in good order Have one day in the week set apart for a good cleaning of the house sweep and dust well and with a little care the home may be kept in order all the time If the sewing is all done at home as it is in our case do not make the mistake of sewing some nearly every day but try to do your summer sewing in the winter or early spring and winter sewing in the falL By following this plan you will not al ways be rushed with your sewing Al ways plan the work ahead and you will not always be kept at It besides you will find more real pleasure in the work Rhubarb Pie Wash the rhubarb and cut off the root and leaf end but do not peel it unless very tough for the pink skin gives a fine color and flavor If It is a very sour variety pour boiling water over it and letit stand five minutes then drain It Put the rhubarb cut into men pieces into a deep dish earthen or granite and sprinkle over It one level cup of sugar to each heaped pint of rhu barb If you like the syrup thick mix one level tablespoonful of cornstarch with the sugar Add also one table spoonful salt Cover with a rich pastry crust and bake about half an hour To Milk a Kicking Cow By adopting my plan you can cure a cow or heifer of the habit of kicking without touching her Make a light pair of bars of 3x1 inch stuff then frame 5 or 6 jof the same pieces to gether to form a gate of any desired length place It between yourself and the cow having the uprights hinged to joists above or working in a slide so it can be pushed forward or drawn back as needed Uprights should be about eight inches apart In a short time the cow will become very gentle Albert A Oberlin Holes in Umbrellas One of the fruitful causes of holes in the folds of an umbrella is improper care when it is wet To roll up a wet umbrella Is to Invite the dyes to rot it and one of the banes of the umbrella manufacturer is loaded dye on silk When over dyed silks are wet and the umbrellas rolled and set away we find the owners complaining that their um brellas are cracking in the folds Fine holes appear and they are apt to re turn the umbrella to the merchant and claim damages The Farm Home The farm is a home not a place to be lived at to day and moved from to-morrow but a home to be improved and btautified a home where orchards are to be planted where vines are to be grown where substantial things are to be constructed where children are to be born and fathers are to die Into the fields come and reap new genera tions out of the fields and into the graveyard pass old generations Southern Progress Chocolate Caramel Sauce Into a clean saucepan put two eup fuls of granulated sugar and one cup ful of hot water When the sugar is dissolved boil without stirring until a little dropped in cold water will quick ly crisp and snap Have ready two tablespoonfuls of cocoa dissolved in three tablespoonfuls of boiling water Add this to the syro and boil until on testing it is as brittle as before Take quickly from the fire and serve at once Cheese Rolls Into the bread dough when very light work a tablespoonful of butter Make into round cakes with a biscuit cutter Spread over the tops freely grated cheese double and bake when very light again These are particular ly nice when small and crisp and served with salad Hints Keep the yard clear of bones and dirt Flour Keep cool dry and securely covered Quicksilver and the white of an egg destroy bedbugs Herbs Keep in paper bags tied se curely with string Cement made of ashes salt and water for cracks in stoves Nutmegs Prick with a pin and if good oil will appear Brooms Hang in the cellar way to keep soft and pliant Keep an account of all supplies with cost and date of purchase Apples Keep in a dry place as cool as possible without freezing Cranberries Keep under water In cellar change water monthly Dish of water Set in ovn pre vents cakes etc from scorching Ink stains Wet with spirits of tur pentine arter three hours rub well r Tea Equal parts of Japan andgreen are as good as English breakfast Glassware Clean- with water and ammonia one tablespoonful to a quart of water j A EEMABKABLE CASE The following case was printed origin ally in the Monitor published at Mesifonl Ontario Doubts were raistnl as to its truthfulness consequently n close watch was kept for two yearn and tho original statement has uow been completely veri liiMl MrPetchhadbeeu a hopeless paraly tic for five years His case has had wide attention Ue waa confined to his bed was bloated almost beyond recognition nnd could not take solid food Doctors called the disease spinal sclerosis and all said he could not live The Canadian Mutual Life Association after a thorough examination paid him his total disability claim of 1650 regarding him incurable For three years he lingered in this con dition Af 4 ft- Paid II is Claim his limbs This extended a pricking sensation until tijwyt ter taking some of Dr Will iams Pink Pills for P ale Peo ple there was a slight c h a nge a ten dency to s w eat freely Next came a little feeling i n followed by at last the blood began to course freely and vigor ously through his body Soon he was re stored to his old time health A reporter for the Monitor recently called on Mr Fetch again and was told You may say there is no doubt as to my cure being permanent I am in better health than when 1 gave you the first interview and certainly attribute my cure to Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale Peo ple To these pills I owe my release from the living death and I shall always bless the day I was induced to take them In the face of such testimony can any one say that Dr Williams Pink Pills are not entitled to the careful consideration of every sufferer man woman or child Is not the case in truth a miracle of modern medicine These pills are sold by all druggists and considered by them to be one of the most valuable remedial agents known to science LAW OF THE UMBRELLA An Important Oplirion that Has Been Ascribed to JLord Coleridge The law as to umbrellas was settled once for all by Lord Coleridge in a lead ing English case His Lordship held Umbrellas properly considered are a part of the atmospheric or meteoro logical condition and as such there can be no individual property right in them In Sampson vs Thompson de fendant was charged with standing on plaintiffs front steps during a storm and thereby soaking up a large quanti ty of rain to which plaintiff was enti tled But the court held that the rain was any mans rain no matter where it fell It follows therefore that the umbrella is any mans umbrella In all ages rain and umbrellas have gone to gether and there is no reason why they should be separated in law An um brella may under certain circum stancesthe chief of which is posses siontake on the attributes of personal property just as if a man set a tub and catch a quantity of rain water that rain water will be considered as his personal belonging while it is iu his tub But if the sun evaporate the wa ter and it is rained down again or if the tub is upset and the water spilled then the attribute of personal owner ship instantly disappears So if a man hold his umbrella in his baud it may be considered a personal belonging but the moment it leaves his hand it re turns to the great general indivisible common stock of umbrellas whither the law will not attempt to pursue it So far as we know there has never been a successful appeal from this de cision Chicago News It costs more to resent injuries tnan to bear them Are your nerves weak Cant you sleep well Pain in your back Lack energy Appetite poor Digestion bad Boils or pimples These are sure signs of poisoning From whst poisons From poisons that are al ways found in constipated bowels If the contents cf the bowels are not removed from the body each day as nature intended these poisonous substances are sure to be absorbed into the blood al ways causing suffering and frequently causing severe disease There is a common sense cure They daily insure an easy and natural movement of the bowels Ydu will find thatthe useof rapopifi with the pills will hasten recovery It cleanses the blood from all impurities and is a great tonic to the nerves WrM0 tho Doctor Onr Medical Department has one ot the most eminent physicians in tbe UnltOd States Toll the doctor luat how you are suffering Yon will receive advice without cost Addreas DB J C AYEK Lowell Hais Ipr - 4 mONINa MADE E51SY iajSJJI flail ggEgpsftujii i mm wm - v ww y MAKES COLLffiS AND CUFFS STIFF AND NICE ONE FOUND OF THSS STAHCH WILL GO AS FAR AS A FOUND AND A HALF OF ANY OlfiiSR STARCK tH0CHUBIGERBR0SC9 fiwHw a3 J WHEN FlKbT BOUGHTNtW KEOKUKJ0V NEWHAVECOMN iWiliKM For SKCOXn HAKp PRINTING KKY and allow lbcral prices for tho Bams in cs chanKo for new Our btock of Cylinder TeH Job lVesse6 Paper Cotters and Gas Endues Is complete If on vlahto trade or buy Iqt ns hear from you Ya have bipairm to offer sjIOUX CITY NEWS - - - PAPER UNION I HI I tmmmmrm I Ills II sill itttfl WIRZi QfggAI - inte s ULz jw i vfoy M This starch is prepared on scientific principles by men who havo had years of practical experience in fancy laundering It restores old linen nnd Bnmmor dresses to tnelr natural whiteness and imparts a beautiful and lasting finish It is tho only starch manufactured that is perfectly harmless containing neither arsenicjalom or any other substance injurious to linon and can bo used evoa for a baby powder For sale by all wholesale and retail grocers A Good Tale Will Bear Telling Twice Use Sapolio a mJ OC LIO - - MflStMTN The Official fmmS Photographs mMMJ of the llFllMd United States fg5i Navy WAR PICTURES Over 200 views of battleships gunboats monitors torpedo boats torpedo boat destroyers cruisers rams dynamite cruisers and other war craft besides portraits of prominent Army and Navy Officers including a complete description of the construction speed and armament of each boat together with a large authentic colored map of the East and West Indies by the aid of which the reader can not only form an accurate estimate of our naval strength but follow the move ments of the contending fleets The work includes over 20 views of theMaine taken before the disaster in Havana harbor showing portraits of the officers and crew and supplemented by photographs taken after the explosion depicting the divers at their work and other incidents in connection with this sad and memorable event A souvenir to treasure after the war is over Remit in silver or by money order Price 25 Cents Postpaid Address CHICAGO NEWSPAPER UNION No 03 South Jefferson St Chicago 111 1 n g in 1 to i Jiy I Itrfil QuruMd J It b not to atrbioK iiSfPrcTftiiu coetAHM V w b a y P u P CURE YOURSELF Una Bfz 6 for unnatural discharges inflammations irritations or titrations Of ID U CO US tnnmlirarm Painless and not r - THEEYAH3CHWCJUC0 Sent or poisonous fltoM bymrfafiL or sent In plain wrapper 7mexprSV PreIl for 10O or 3 bottles 275 Circular sent on reqnsit ENSIONS PATENTS CLAIMS 32W if R1S 1 WASHINGTON D C Lata Itinelpta ZzskJsw vJs Masloa Bartaa 3 713 la lirt war 15 4jad JeMax Ettr S C N U - 24 08 M CUKES WHE8E AIL ELSE FAILS si Best Cough Syrup TutesGood Use B In time Pold by dToarfats g tsuiiTrr zsrwwTywsiT W sWsTsHlllllf