ft- L to CT X h x j 1 l S ol m OWMOEEY WATCHMAKER - AND - JEWELEB Fine line of plain and fancr eliy constantly on hand Repairing promptly executed and done in the best manner Full line of sportiBg goods o o ATTORNEY AT LAW O It O 7 A M MORRISSEY VALENTINE NEB J S ESTABROOK COUNTY SURVEYOR All work executed with promptness and accuracy LAVACA - NEBR THIS AND THAT Comintf Events Celebration Committees Meeting June 10 Countj Commissioners June 14 Independence Day Jmy 4 Teachers Institute August 22 Valentine will celebrate Commissioners meet next Tuesday Judge Walcott is in Merriman today on business D C ifelson of Cody spent Mon day in the city Prank Kothleutner was down from Georgia Tuesday liev A B Clark was over from Eosebud Monday LeRoy Sawyer is studying telegra phy at the depot II E Evjerdell is making trains for the Valentine House Prof Bob Bruce of Woodlake was in town Monday on business Hudruff Ball of Cody has been in town several days this week Jean Morrow and V Gr Stevenson of Woodlake were in town Tuesday J W Stetter recently purchased Theo Doyles cattle near Kennedy Work on the foundation of Bro Barkers building commenced Mon day Poll tax is now being worked out on the streets and crossings of the town P A Baumgartel and wife regis tered at The Donoher from Crooks ton Monday H A Datvson one Pine Ridges prominent people is in town on bus iness this week Messrs Pays and Shaul of near Woodlake were in town on land office business Monday Miss Etta Brown went to Lincoln Sunday morning where she will at tend summer school The Western News has changed its form of paper and now looks much neater than formerly Mrs W E Waite and son returned home to Chesterfield this moruiug after a short visit in town Marshal Layporte Informs us that bills for water will be collected July 1 Be ready to meet them J P Prentiss the New York Life insurance man was in town Monday on his way to the White River coun try C F Martin went home to Ains worth last Priday afternoon and ex pects vo go to Omaha to work m a laundry soon Mrs J E Pettycrew and Lottie Hubbard went to Omaha Tuesday where the former will receive medi cal treatment Ira Richardson T M Pitzhenry and Bob Gillaspie accompanied by J W Stetter came in- from the south country yesterday To Cure A Cold In One Dai Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets All Druggists refund the money -1 ifcfai to s e c - - Cure 25c A 46 At least seven of teachers will attend this season v Cherry countys summer schools Mrs Jackson of Valentine sister of Mr John Morris spent several days in this place the past week caring for her invalid brother Olvadron News Chas Bredeson and Isaac Bettel youn returned from the Indian Ter ritory Tuesday morning where they had been with a couple of insane Sioux aiaie ijana commissioner wolie in forms us that the snu 8eu 1G Tp 30 II 31 school land will be on the market for lease all day Saturday July 2 Among the Rosebud people who registered at The Donoher during the past week were Mesdames Mullen and Balgord W C Courtis and Amos Randall Mrs Good and the baby are visiting in Longpine and will remain for some time Meanwhile we are keeninsr bachelors hall i e living at The Donoher John Brown came over from Rose bud Priday and went to Longpine to meet his sister Miss Myers who came up from Seneca Missouri for a shori visit with him at the agency Dr Wm A Winder and Major I C Minor two well known characters from the Agency spent several days in town the past week renewing old friendships and making new ones Some folks think it fun to fool the editor by giving him false information as a joke but get maddern thunder if the editor doesnt get an item right when his name is mentioned Mrs Lizzie Crawford left Tuesday for a ten weeks stay in Premont at the normal school Oliver Walcott accompanied her on the trip return ing with his grandmother last night A band has been organized here C M Sageser as leader Most of the members are old band men and we can soon expect theux to give open air concerts for the benefit of the town We will pay a salary of 1500 per week and expenses for a man with rig to introduce our poultry Mixture and insect Destroyer in the country Ref required Address with stamp Perfection Mfg Co Parsons Kan J M Hanna came up from Wood lake on Monday nights passenger Mr Hanna has located in Ainsworth where he is building a new residence but rumor to the contrary says he does not intend going into the banking business While on her claim on Big creek last week Katie Noble and party had the misfortune to have their horses pull their picket pins and run away Neighbors helped the party to town but up to date the horses have not been found Charley Schwalrn who left here about six months ago for Richmond Virginia returned Saturday morn ing and is working for his brother George We are glad to welcome Charley back again and he says he will never leave us again There is no place like Nebraska A Poitevin has taken about fifteen loads of wheat to Valentine in the past ten days We understand he gets 95 cents per bushel fanrffA cs BmiOT brutner of the editor arrived today from Iowa He will do the mechanical work and local izing for the Borealis in the future Warden Borealis Dr J B Wells and family left for home yesterday The Dr was well pleased with his patronage for his first visit here and expects to make this place again in about a month due notice of which will appear in this paper He has proven himself a firstclass dentist all his patrons being Wi ArTl kSweWV X ONEILL 98 R -V SECOND ANNUAL MEETING OFTHEEV EA Tlie KewBimiiez Fraternity of the 2lkhorn Sjsteni Meet and Ex change Ideas ace the Circus and Attend a Banquet The second annual meeting of the Elkhorn Valley Editorial Association held at ONeill last Saturday June 4 will go down in history as one of the most pleasant occasions in the exper ience of the newspaper men present About twenty five members of the association were present and the peo ple of ONeill entertained them peruiy ine town was thrown wide open for the benefit of the bhoys and everything from the visit to the court house to the banquet in the evening was finer than silk ONeill people it is said are all Irish If that Js a fact we are now willing to fight and bleed not for Irelands independence but for its annexation to the United Stales ONeill has more pretty girls more big hearted men and better eat ables than any other town in the state except Valentine The western contingent of the As sociation was met at the train by Messrs Cionin Jenness and Weekes and piloted to the Evans Hotel after which the association held a business meeting at the opera house presided over by Bro Barker Secy Reinert was not present so the minutes of the last meeting were read by Robert Good1 who after their adoption nominated Ernest W Julian for tem porary secretary Bro Julian was elected by a unanimous vote Mayor Charley Davis then welcomed the ed itors to ONeill in a neat speech and was followed by P B Wilson of the John Robinsons circus who invited the editors to attend the show in the afternoon The invitation was ac cepted After the boys had paid their -as for the ensuing year T V Golden made a short talk followed by Edgar Howard president of the state asso ciation who spoke principally on the Exposition and the newspapers Elec tion of officers resulted in C C Mc Hugh of the Holt County Independ ent being made president Ernest W Julian Chadron Journal vice- presi dent G A Mile3 Ainsworth Home Rule secretary treasurer The as sociation will meet in Ainsworth next year Several working com mittees were appointed and the offer of a lot on the Longpine Chautauqua grounds was accepted The following resolutions were adopted at the ban quet in the evening Resolved That we the members of the Elk horn Valley Editorial Association extend our heartiest thanks to Brothers Mcllugh of the Holt County Independent andCronin of ONeill Frontier and the committee on arrangements for the pleasant greeting they have given the association and the hard work they have done to make its second annual meeting a success to Mayor Davis for extending to us the freedom of the city which we have used to the utmost to Messrs Weekes and Jenness who could have made us happier only bv giving us all final proof notices to the Evans Hotel and its genial proprietor for the cordial reception given us and 10 the manager of Old John Robinsons Lircus who so kindly invited us to attend his show in all its departments free of charge Resolved further that we extend our sincere sympathy to those brethren of the press who failed to he present at this meeting thus miss ing one of the mot pleas lit oases in the desert of editorial existence ROBERT GOOD Cornell G LYON J W H DAVIS We attended the circus and saw everything from the fret- exhibition to the concert and at 8 oclock repaired to the banquet hall The spread there was simpiy immense The elite of the town turned out to liouor the news paper men and a splendid musical program was rendered Judge Kin kaid officiated as toastmaster and wit wisdom and wine flowed freely Ten of us missed the west bound train and stayed over to see Judge Morris water She billy goats next morning This was a sight worth going miles to see highly pleased with his work JBtttte Whea we asked for our ill at the Gazette The annual soldiers and sailors re union will be held this year July 12 13 14 and 15 A meeting of delegates from the different posts in this section was held in Chadron this week and the dates of the meeting fixed The place will in all probability be at Bor deaux The W R C will have charge of the exercises on the afternoon of 1 July 15 Chadron Journal Evans the landlord simply wrote across the page containing our names one short but expressive phrase Whole d biz paid Hence if we didnt owe Evans we certainly did ONeilL The funny man of Tiie Democrat has compiled a complete list of the members of -the Association for future reference This is the way he did it It was a Good day for the Elkhorn newspaper boys when Julian and Howard went to ONeill to attend the xwdMiWi - Their Unlucky Star Ascendant While caring for his horses Monday afternoon about 430 Jas Wellford had the misfortune to receive a kick Published for Sour Years as CHERRY COUNTY iN DEPENDENT circn The first thing they did was to- tae to the Woods and get lost in a big Morris Its no use Lyon said Julian were lost Whats Eaton you replied Howard Dont jot see that Cooper making barrels out of a JBiglin tree over there by that Mullen stalk Quit your Cromn it cant be many Miles from here to town Soon they reached a wheat held and approaching a Raker who was busily working therein asked if he uuuiu jviuuiy ALeiiugn nis nttie son show them the way to town Cer tainly said the man if he will Mc Parand work in his place while gone This was done and the boys all got around in time for the show After the performance they discussed the merits of the actors and Julian re marked I think Davis the best one m the lot A Burleigh Barker for the sife show who was gone on the coochee coochee girl took offence at this and called to a comrade Ketcham forme Tins nittU d Julian and he asked Howard Is your Armstrong No replied that worthy and wed better practice the famous Kelly slide Thpy did it forthwith hence lived to tell the tale Regardless of these harrowing experiences the boys say they will ever Foster Golden mem ories of their visit to ONeill Selah Morrsase JRceord 18 farm mortgages were filed dur ing the month of May for 4402 None were released 3 city mortga ges were filed for 2450 no release 102 chattel mortgages valued at 241 799 were filed and 58 for 57362 were released This is a record break ing month for chattel mortgages one mortgage alone for 45000 being filed on the jaw from an 8 months old colt I resulting in a compound fracture 3f that necessary portion of his anatomy j ywb accident was a very one and Wellford is now -a man of few words About half an hour after ward while getting into the spring wagon a log of wood fell onto Mrs Wellfords right foot crushing the bones thereof compelling her to use a crutch to assist her m locomotion The couple look as though they had been in a Princeton Tale foot ball game A Sluin for Xlxna Stoncr Last Friday our efficient county superintendent Miss Lillian TJ Stoner received word that she had been ap pointed to the post of preceptress of the state normal school at Peru and will enter upon her duties about Sept 7 This position carries a salary of 1000 per year and the friends of Miss Stoner while sorry to have her leave Cherry county will congratula te her upon her appointment She will continue her work as county superin tendent until after the teachers in stitute the last ot August when she will tender her resignation The com missioners will appoint a successor to her position who will serve until after the November election The people of Cherry county need not fear that Miss Stoner will neglect her work from this time on in fact she is work ing harder than ever as she wishes to leave the affairs of her oflice in first class shape Valentine will Celebrate Tell it to your friends and neigh bors Valentine will celebrate the com ing Fourth of July The mpeting held Tuesday night decided upon the matter and appointed the following committees On arrangements E Breuklander G- II Hornby O W Morey W S Barker P Simons J G- Stetter aud D E Sherman Finance A E Thacher M V Nicholson and W E Haley Speakers F M Walcstt J W Tucker and C H Cornell Music Robert Good W S Barker and G- H Reinert These committees will meet and re port Friday night at the Co Judges tfiice so Iook out for the program nextweeu Base ball game horse foot sack novelty bicycle and other races fireworks oratory music dancing and free lemonade are being arranged fot Everybody is iuvited to come Y 3 hLJ X eS Sfes M acv f J3 f a A M 4 -- - - -4-1- Tv TiAiiryn si r nil nu ri i I frti Hi TUL I V73 THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT VALENTINE CHERRY CO NEBRASKA THURSDAY JUNE 9 1898 NOT PCOOL i r8 L OS 1 ttiatna EaS 7 1 u y a R vvn ELKHORN RAILROAD is or th Western Line is to be to and from the SUGAR BEET FIELD OF NORTH NEBRASKA m - l NO 20 During the hot days that are coming by wearing SHIRT WAISTS SUMMER HATS and SHOES Purchased of the old reliable firm of run a i naunc GENERAL MERCHANTS Are You GomGit SPRING CLEANING The Largest and Finest Selected Stock o feVrkWMKsrgffaa APER bsei In Northwest Nebraska WHITE LEAD OIL COLOES and TAENISH at - - - Elliotts Drug Store VALENTINE MEAT MARKET Ill j M1M5 W n CLAFKSON w PROFR 49 3 W Change WE CAEEY A COMPLETE LINE SEE US BEFORE BUYING e Mcdonald 6 0 2 Your Underwear s o u ise tjr j y kjt -vi f jt j You will want a New Hat for the t o We have an Elegant Line JULY TEBLUE Eibbon trimming just as you wish Shirt Waists and Dress Skirt3 A line of light weight Wrappers on hand just the thing for house work SEE OUR HOSIERY BARGAINS O M SAGESER T0lw4 ft AW V Hair cuttiag arid shaving Shop in the W II Moses building HOT AND GOLD BATHS I L EFNER C A Wells J B Wells WELLS BROS DENTISTS Office over CJierry County JBanJi kiMi A 50 YEARS EXPERIENCE iTSB3H Trade Marks Designs Copyrights c Anyone sending a sketch and description ma7 quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable Communica tions strictly confidential Handbook on Patents sent free Oldest acency for securinepatents Patents taken through Munn Co receive special notice without charge in the Scientific American A handsomely illustrated weekly Lareesti cir culation of any scientific Journal- Terms 3 a year four months L Soldbyall newsdealers MUNN Co36BTOra New York Branch Office C35 F St Washington D C 4 T-