The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, June 02, 1898, Image 8

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XOBEBT GOOI Editor and Publisher
Official Paper of Cherry Coun
ty tfebrasks
100 Per Year in Advance
tr r
Entered atlbe Post offlce at Valentine Cherry
fouaty Nebraska as Second class matter
n m i ii in 0 ii
Tfcis paper wil bemailedregularly
to its subscribers until a definite order
to discontinue is received and all ar
rears are paid in fulU
Whats the matter with Spain
Shes tiVL riot savs a western paper
W IL KorjD8l formerly of tUo Cas
par Derrick has purchased the type
presses and outGt of the defunct Chad
Ton Recorder and last week issued
Vol 1 No 1 of The News from the
old stand The first issue of Bro
Korns paper shows three things He
is a pOpulist a good printer und a
apicy writer If succeeding is3ues
continue to be as good as No 1 The
News will prove to be both a financial
and political success
TheOinriha World Herald a short
tme ago remarked A republicans
idea of patriotism is To damn the dem
ocrat that enlists This is strong lan
guage and while we can scarcely en
dorse the remark we must confess that
it is very nearly a true one Ever
since Bryan was mentioned as a pos-
sibilityfor the colonency of the Third
Nebraska republican newspapers not
-only in this state but throughout the
nation have drawn upon their supply
of billingate and hj perbolical invec
tive in opposing him until it seems
that no foul words are left in their
vocabularv These wouldbe smart
Alecks have created more disturbance
a - -
and caused moie dissension among
patriotic citizens than any other class
of people in the country They have
claimed that such a proceeding as the
appointment of an inexperienced man
to a post of authority in the volunteer
service is unprecedented they have
said that none but democrats and pop
ulists will be admitted to his regiment
they have asserted that Bryan was de
feated for the captaincv of his own
company they have urged mothers
wives and sweethearts to adviie their
relatives and lovers to keep out of the
clutches of this tin soldier they
1iave used every means in their power
to down the peoples favorite and yet
lie stands head and shoulders above
them all Nor have they stopped at
traducing Bryan they have damned
every democrat and cussed McKinley
for appointing democrats to places of
power They have fumed and fretted
and made it hard for democrats to be
For three months this paper has
kept quiet even against the protests
of its supporters and the advice of
friends to give em hell It ha3
acted as it thought an American news
paper stiou Id act and supported the
administration in its war policy right
Or wrong It has heard of scandals
in the war department in the state
department in the executive depart
ment yet has not protested because
it believed in allowing the powers that
be to work without hindrance It be
ifeved that patriotism dictated a policy
of silence when the fate of the nation
was at stake and placed patriotism
above politics and what has been its
reward Politicians have insulted it
and demagogues tried to down it
Republicans give it no credit and
populists pronounce it a friend of the
administration Patriotism seems to
be at a discount and politics at a pre
mium A democrat is a yellow dog
in any event if he stands up for his
party he is a traitor to his country
and if he stands up for his country
and shows not the mistakes of the
other fellows he is a traitor to his
- If there is ever to be a time wben
party lines should be dropped5 this is
that time What matters a mans
politics in war time Why should nisi
- political principles be either a help or
a hindrance to him if he is a capable
man Are not democrats - populists
and republicans alike Americans
- For Gods sake drop this political
puking and stand up for the
States xnis paper Deueves rna aic
Kinley is running the war wrong you
may believe Bryan should not be
given a commission as an officer but
if we are Americans we will first settle
trie war then settle our own
Dissecting Table
Nobody can get a commission with
the Nebraska troops unless he is a
d- dpop or democrat said aproms
inet republican on our streets about
ten days ago
This is but a sample of the many
not only slurring but lying remarks
made by the enemies of Governor Hol
ering and the fusion parties of Neb-
faska The man who made the above
remark originally knew it was false
wjtene made it Heisa well post
ed politician and hejm6w that more
a majority e store than three
fourths of tha commissioned officers
In the First and Second Regiments
Nb VolS are republicans Not only
that but he knew that the three officers
of the Cnadron company are republi
cans because he is acquainted with
them It was a dirty mean remark
atidpassedf rom lip to lip until half
tile people in town believed it was true
Coming from S3high an authority
It wai a remark unworthy a man of
honor and a gentleman yet its origin-
atorclaims both these titles It was
occasioned by the report that Bryan
was to be made a colonel of the Third
Regiment and shows how badly our
honest opponents hate the champ
ion of the plain people He knew
that he could not hurt Bryan by a
direct assault so he attacked his
friend Governor ITolcomb who has
more ability and more pblitrcal honesty
in his little finger than this rfian has
in his whole body Cant get a com
mission unless youre a danihed pop
forsooth Wonder what J6hn Skir
ting of ONeill would say to that or
L D Richards who has authority to
raise a company at Fremont When
did A G Fisher of Chadron turn
pop or AI Domngton republican as
piraut for the Alliance land office
And the bullies in the school I
guess there will always be bullies in
all schools There were some mean
orres in tli kindergarten The boy
bully was always a coward of course
a bit of a snake as well cringing to
big boys and brutal to the little ones
In tne presence of the teacher he was
half crazed with teiror crying out
What have I to do with thee But
the weakpupil whom he could handle
he mauled without mercy It was his
nature to be brutal Rather than not
have anything to worry he would tor
ture a hog even though he had to
live with the auimal to gtjt at hlra
Robert J Buiidettd iu the June
fadies Home Joarimi
That is the right sort of informa
tion which comes from Washington to
the effect that if the steamship owners
persists iu their efforts to rob the gov
ernment in the terms exacted for
transports the vessels will be impress
ed It is about time to teach some
of these people- that a state of war
with a foreign power does not furnish
unlimited -license to domestic enemies
to prey upon us from within The
government ought to take at reason
able compensation any American ship
that it needs Zbiiisville Sty Courier
J IX Scott of Kearney a populist
has been appointed by Judge West
over as his court- reporter- to succeed
John Maher This change of report
ers so far as salary is concerned dates
from next Wednesday June 1st Mr
Scott is a man of a- family and will
move hia family to RAshville as soon
as he can procure a suitable residence
for them RusKville Standard
The Wahoo -New Era emphatically
demands that in the next silver con
vention candidates must be selected
according to theratio of votes polled
by the respective parties Well the
democrats and silver republicans
would not object to such an arrange
ment It might give them- five of the
state offices whereas- they now have
but one Bapillion
C W Spence formerly of the Amer
ican Typefounders Corhas purchased
a half interest in the Nebraska Liquor
Dealer the organ of the retail liquor
dealers of the state published at
Omaha Spence is a jolly good fellow
and we hope that he will make his
hardware journal a success and not
patronize Dick Donnelly too frequently
Not content with attacking defence
less women this week the TVoodlake
disciple of Weyler turns his attention
tq girlsand babes- iu arms LeRoy
has now reached his level and like
Weyler will chronicle a victory each
-Vv v3wW vv T -V t Stv i
for single men and 3 per day for man
and team The contractor refused to
grant their demands but hired an
other crew
paid those he hired the same rate
maaded by those who quit workv
Crawford Bulletin
The gentlemanly agent of the
Northwestern Yeast Company is
around with the little yellow samples of
with the good qualities ot Yeast Foam
At a post mortem heldon the- body
of Tod Randailit was found1 that Dr
Langsons diagnosis of the case- was
right in every particular Mr Ran
dall having died of cancer of the stom
ach The cancer had eaten through
the- stomach in two places Dr
Dwyer congratulated Dw Langson on
Ins perfect scientific diagnosis which
iwas arrived at after a careful- chemical
and microscopical examination and
analysis Gordon Journal
Valkntike NKBit June 1 1893
Whereas our Heavenly Father has seen fit
to remove by death our sister Clara B Christen
sen Charter Member of Hope- Lodge D of 11
No no and
Whereas by her death we have lost aworthyf
sister ner nusDanu a Kina wue ana uer cniid
ren a loving mother therefore be it
Resolved That we extend td the family and
relatives our heartfelt sympathy in their hour of
Function we snau miss ner pleasant lace in
our Lodge room but knowing that our loss is her
eternal gain we bow in humble submission to
the call of Him who doeth all things well
s itaolced That our Charter be draped in
mourning for thirty days that this tribute to
her memorybe spread upon our records aHd a
-copy be sent to our- bereaved- brother and a
copy dc given me yateniine papers iorpuonca
tion t J C Pettijohn
Com- A E Pettvcrew
Cora Gillett
Robt McCormick returned from
Valentine last Sunday where he has
been several months attending school
Hesays he likes the people there quite
Mr Sears who has been carrying
inafl from Sparks to Valentine has
pttfrcontrscted the route from Johas
town to Norden for 300 per annum
Mr Jackman received 360 per an
nunr for his present contract and the
new contractor FC E Means of Win
sor Mo bid 332 per annum Mr
Sears sub contracts from the latter
Mr fat thing out of
his contract and it is a question how
Mr Sears will make it Maybe there
is a lot of glory about it that us fel
lows dont understand Nordeiv Bor
- Pm J
Clothing and Shoeing jnst as necessaryasever Ask to see our
- i i
Our June Clothing Sale this month
Miss Mabel Hahn went to her home
in the country last Monday to spend
- D D Kellog has resigned hia post-
tiou in Schwalms meat market and
will join the regulars
J W Tucker received a letter from
his son John yesterday saying that
all the boys of the Second Nebraska
are doing finely at Chickamauga
Mary Shaughnessy is working in W
EV Haleyo office this week during the
absence of Anna Lane
IF w6 win another naval battle Val
entine will celebrate the Glorious
Fourth in great style This is official
Mrs C R Glover and family Went
to Lbngpine Friday niorning We un
derstand that Charley will locate in
Omaha and will send for his house
hohTgoods to be shipped there shortly
People in the countrp Bhould re
member in ordering hand bills that 10
or 12 will cost about the same a3 lO
bills Thecharge is made more for
the work than the paper andit is as
much work to set up type for a fefr
bills as for a larger number
Judge Towne yesterday issued a
marriage license to Fred Gordon and
Eva Williams The ceremony takes
pla39 today at the residence sf the
brides parents south of Thacher
Several parties from town will attend
and wish the young couple such joy
Exposition ItatCN
Tho F E M V hcts made the
following announcement of rates to
Omaha for the Exposition
Each day tickets will be sold good for
30dalft ona and- orteUhifar iare
Each day until Oct 15 tickets good
until November 15 will be sold for
SO per cent of double oue way fare
IVar Aer Ttvica A IVeeli
The fact that the Omaha Weekly
World Herald is issued twice a week
gireait an immense advantage over
other weekly papers sent out from
Omaha A subscriber to the Weekly-World-Herald
gets his war news twice
a week instead of only once For this
service the World Herald charges onlj
400 a year which is less- than one
cent a copy
The laborers engaged at electing
the large water tank at Ft Robinson
went on a strike the fore part of tho
wpPtr nprnanninfTr v i ppnrs tmr hniir1
The quilt made for the Omaha Ex
position may be seenat Hornbys hall
next Tuesday afternoon and evening
No charges
j Eli Precinct
Nichols Bror are away shearing sheep
J E Garner of Wyo was down last week
looking after his horses
What has beconfc of Big Foot
The youngest daughter of Hugh1Bovil and
wife was on the sick list last week
F H Kobinson bought the JE Garner hay
flatilast week
A ccordinto the assessors book therewas
2400 head of cattle in Kli Precinct thellstlof
April valuedj S5fG0000
We were quite agreeably surprised last Fri
day night the occasion beingfour 33d birthday
Thanks ladieBand gentlemen come again
Robert Bruce was iu town on TUtftday
John Pogue was taking in the sights on Mon
Mr Cunningham was in towftTueiday morn
Mrs E D Valentine is on the sick list this
Mr Willis Barnard is expected home this
Mr Ferguson was waiting on our streets on
W A Johnson is numbered on the sick list
this week
C K Howard was visiting friends in Wood
lake last week
John West and Harry Sherman went to Ains
worth Monday
Ed Bruhmstadt is with us once more but for
hw long ue have not learned
Miss Maggie Kibbler and a lady friend of hers
spent Monday in town visiting friends
C W Dewey went to Brownlee last Friday
expecting to return the fore part of this week
We notice the ladies of the U B church are
quite busy preparing for the sficial bn Tuesday
Mr and Mrs Stevenson went to Ainswoith
Monday to help decorate the graves at tiat
Hall Bakewell andwifo Mrs Le wis and Mrs
Barnard called on WV Johnson an l wi fe lat
Our lake is just lino ow all it lacks is a few
more nice toats iiefiioii
Our attention is called to an article in last
weeks Oracle signed Keportei aud is intend
ed as a slur on one of our young ladies
We wish to sav that it is an undisputed fact
that the editor of the Oracle win iu this in
stance signs himself Keporter was nevei
known to do any manual labor whereby he
might gain a livelihood for himself but we sup
posed he had no objections to other people
working when an opportunity presented itself
The signature Reporter does not mislead our
people as to the true author of the dirty aitice
and an editor who would such stuff to
bemean honest labor is beneath the notice of
anjone Living off the hird earned earnings of
illlitllr ij n fnr liunoitli lwno 11
We understand that h9
s not t0 be compared in any slianeor manner
A word to the w ise is sufficient aud we would
say to the high minded editor of the sheet called
Oracle printed in some obscure place iu the
country to go slow lwt hi hear the lion roar
M - jr
Ordinance SbrSB
ltii r rznij irm iu uiniiiiiniiLiiinin in unr i7iiiTHj a j
o -- r utuiuu Aiimmi APProDrKuion mil oeincr -in
ii 7- a i ji n i -- i - - c
worm JLeust roam nss ueen on uie uiuiuaiice levying ji tax ior tne purpose of pay-
market over twenty years without an- ZZstffiQuiVllaio1 Valen
eaal as a healthful bread raiser- and Be it ordained bvthe Chairman ami nnmi nt
is extenEivelv used in all Darts of- thp Trusteesof tlieVlllago or Valentine Nebraska
is exiengiveiy useu in ah parts oi me Tuat f0l tne vWfme of-raising-revenue to pay
United states Everybody is familiar the expenses of said village government lor the
jisucii aear ieyo a levy oi 3 mills be nd the same
is hereby levied on ech dollar of- assessable
property Doth personal and real estate within
thecori orate limits ofthe vilUrge of Valentine
rhatfor tlwpurpose of raising -revenues to
pay the interest on the Vlllago bonds and for
the maintainance of the village water works a
lvy of seven mills be and the same hereby ii
levied on each dollar of assessable property
both personafand real estate Avithin Hie cor
porate limits of the said Village of Valentine as
aroresaid the same to be collected as reoured
by law
This levy is made in pursuance of an estimate
heretofore made of the current expenses of said
vHage P F Simons
A M MoimissEY Clerfc
Application for Administrator
In county court within and for Cherrv cenrv
Nebra ka in the matter of the estate of
Henry Carter deceased
Kathrin Carter having filed in mv office a peti
tion prayirg for the appointment of WR Haley
as administrator of the estate of Henry Carter
deceased all persons interested in said estate
will take notice that I have fiNed June the 30th
1898 at 10 oclock a m as the time and my office
in vaientine unerry county jeo the place
neanngsaia petition atwhicYtimeand pacc
ijer suiia iiiieresieu in sam esraio miv anne
and show cause if any there be why uch ad
ministrator should not be appointed
Witness my hand and the seal of the County
Court this iG dav of May 1893
SEAL w U Towne
a- 18 20 County Judge
Probate Aotice
State of Xkkuaska
CiiKRRy County j sa
To all persons concerned in the estate of A fcram
JohnsoB deceased
wnKtiiKAS Cyntlia Ann Johnson of said
county has filed in my office an instrument pur
porting to be the last will and testament of
Abram Johuson deceased late of said county
an1 a petition praying to have the same a-
mitted to probate which will relate to both real
and personal estate whereupon I have appoint-
ed Saturday the lStli day of June 189S at l
oclock p m at mv office in Valentine in said
cdurtty as the time and -place of proving said
wiiiat which time and place you and all con
cernei may appear and contest the probate of
tfie same
It Is further ordered that the petitioner give
notice to all persons ipterested m said estate
of the penHency of the petition and the time and
place set for hearing same by causing a copy of
saidorderto be published in Thk valentinr
Democrat a paper published in said county of
Cherry for three weeks successively previous
to the day set for said hearing
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my
hand and official seal this 25tli day of May 1893
County Judg
Ca EaclrBox
ojrm 11 ud son
Simeon Xeb
rxr im f
Left hip on cattle
Left Fhoukler 011
S on left
hordes Ixizy
KiiiKe between
Cordon and Snake
A oi i viri
i iTfirn nuiiiiiuuiaii
Left ears tagged All cattle dehoriied
Strayed Ifom my ritilje roar Crookstonstivcn
licad of steers branded P 7 on right hip or j
on side or hip TIIOS KELLY
Hill Prices for x- fed
Bran bulk 50c per cwt 9 00 ton
liorts bulk GQis per ewt 1100 torr j
Screenings a SW
Chop Feed 1300
Corn mOc
Oats 8c
rtcan xieauues
The Kand illcNally Official Gaido and
Band Book of the liUway and Steam Navi
gation Lines of the Unfttki States Doinlnloa of
Canada and
Devotcd pspeclaliytd tiihJpoTtatlon lines In the
territory of the Ohio and Mississippi valleys the lake
region including aU lines go crncd by the time of
the 90th meridian Central Standard time and west
thereof having aUo condensed and through time
tables to aU other sections
Publishers and Proprietor
Itita 171 Adama Street Chicaco TIL
T ill i iini ii ii i
j1 g jtf wwrPwfew1
But if the Spaniards will iglit it will soon
have war off its hands We have no war on
hands but we have a splendid line
Which will not last long if yon ae looking for
Stammer Dress Goods and look oyer onr line
Kow too is tha time for men to buy new
snmmer hats shirts etc TVe will sell you a
splendidr Jatest style hafr for 225 A good
fancy slurry -thoroughly up-to-date for 100
The Red Front
vSsl T
if i tr
Valentine Neb
Cattle branded om
left side or hip Also
969 TG
m co oo
Horses same as on
steer left hip Also
C on left shoulder
Omaha Branch Office Corner Seventeenth and Farnam Streets
QMsqmfts FarreiK
ItosebudS TT
ID 11S3 either left
side or hip
on left
Horses sIl0lier
llange head of
Sfflitfr Preasier typewriter
Best Value Wrifln Machine
First In Improvements Honest
Construction andaIIIHh rafo
TypewriterEssentlals T-
m Smifl Premier typewriter Co- Syracuse n v u b
Iow is the time to subscribe 100
I l tfib
John DeCory
IkOsebuiL S D-
f jxi51
jsl m
fi I
Some brandttd 1U
117 on left slrte
Horses JD om left
iSaime in Merer Ci
in Antelope-Creek-
S II Kinimel
Kosebud S I
Also B1U on left
Cattle undercut ou
both ears
Horses branded 4
on Wi shoulder
1auge on Antelope
and Kpi lux Creeks
or ieiear
ltange Big Creek
Tir in wwfi
Kose7ud S D
Cattle hole in
ea eiir
K uie Hivr and
Louis J
Alclht Bro
T O Brownlee Xeb
Itight or left side
Horses same on
left shoulder
Earmark Swal
low tail clip right
I 13 J
I 1 K
Charles Richards-
Fa u Y Dfdier
LiiUe White Kivers
1 ip
f M f
vri yrfc
Steadman Bros
if JJ i
I m lifj
If uimimmis
rT i
Pass Xeb
Brand on either
riuht or left side
Horses and some
cattle brand
on leftside
and hip
Itangc Ball Lake-
reeii -