tru R Y X Y T is THIS Every morning I have a bad taste in my mouth my tongue is coated my head aches and I often feel dizzy I have no appetite for breakfast and what food I eat distresses me I have a heavy feeling in my stomach I am getting so weak that sometimes I tremble and my nerves are all unstrung I am getting pale and thin I am as tired in the morning as at niebt What does your doctor say You are suffering from im pure blood What is his remedy You must not have consti pated bowels if you expOct the Sanaparilla to do its best work But Ayers Pills cure constipa tion We have a book on Paleness and Weakness which you may have for the asking Write to oup DocfopSv Perhaps you would like toeeiisult eminent physicians about your condl tlon Write ug froelT all tho oartlculars In your case Tou will rocclvo a prompt reply Address DR J C AYER Lowell Mass PIMPLES My wife bad pimples onherfticebut the has been taking CASCARETS and they have all disappeared I had been troubled with constipation for some time but after tak ing the first Cascaret I have hod no trouble with this ailment We cannot speak too high ly of Cuscarets Pbed Wartman 5708 Germantown Ave Philadelphia Pa CANDY CATHARTIC TRADEMARK KIOlSTtRCD Pleasant Palatable Potent Taste Good Do Bood Never Sicken Weaken or Gripe IDe 25c 50c CURE CONSTIPATION Urrilas Remnij Coaptnj CUeag Montreal Xw York Sit 8old andjruflraiiteed by all MTARAft drug- I V Drib gista to CIUtE Tobacco Habit rW3555SSDK Established 1780 Bakers - g2 i Chocolate WALTER BAKER CO Ltd IPfllk fir iik fit fM Era mrm celebrated for more than a century as a delicious nutritious and flesh forming beverage has our 3 vrell known 31 Yellow Label on the front of every xg package and our trade markLaBelle g Chocolatiereonthe 3 back xg NONE OTHER OENUINE MADE ONLY BY xg 3 Dorchester Mass 3 f T JKQQQCiCiCCCiCCCClCCrc5CCS Fish from a Bottle of Infc A simple and pretty little trick that almost anybody might do Is the chang ing of a glass full of ink into an aquari um The glass of ink is exhibited to the audience then a handkerchief is placed over it and immediately removed showing a glass of water with a fish in it Of course the water and the fish are there at first The ink is perfectly represented by a piece of black rubber cloth laid against the inside of the glass A bit of thread is fastened to the cloth and hangs over the side of the glass away from the audience with a little cork at the end of it When the magician places the handkerchief over the glass he takes hold of the cork and brings away cork thread and all hid den In the handkerchief leaving the water and the fish disclosed The Force of Example A certain eminent judge who was re cently re elected when he was asked about the facility with which he turn ed from one case to another replied that he had learned that from what he saw at a baptism of colored people when lie was a boy The weather was very cold so that to immerse the can didates they were obliged to cut away the ice It befell that when one of the female converts was dipped back In the water the cold made her squirm about and in a moment she had slipped from the preachers hands and was down the stream under theice The preach er however was not disconcerted Looking up with perfect calmness at the crowd on the bank he said Breth ren this sister hath departed hand me down another A Musical Queen Among royalties Queen Christina of Spain is an accomplished musician Not only is she a good pianist and a clever violinist but she composes as well A lullaby song of her composi tion written for her son is said to be very charming She is the patroness of the young musicians of the capital Her ambition is to popularize in Spain the music of the German composers and to this end she has ordered that the Spanish military bands shall in clude clasical music in their repertoire Our American Policy The policy of this country regarding for eign complications seems likely to remain conservative The Monroe doctrine will ho sustained but patience and prudence in official quarters will restrain public opin ion The wisest and most prudent course for the rheumatic and the malarious is to use Hostetters Stomach Bitters Famous Old Kiddles i2jrtZr 3 Here are a few riddles which aucused our ancestors t Who was Adams mother How many calves tails would it take to reach from the earth to the sky When Antichrist appears in the worl5 what will be the hardest thing for him to understand r Why do men make an oven in a town How many straws go to a gooses nest What man getteth his living back wards Who killed the fourth part of all the people in the world What is the worst bestowed charity that one could give How many persons can furnish an swers to all of the above Notice of withdrawal before the ap pointment of a receiver of a building and saving association is held in Bab bitt vs Wilcoxen Iowa 38 L R A 1S3 to give no right of priority under by laws for payment according to the priority of notice but also providing thai only 30 per cent of the cash re ceiptg of the loan fund for any month should bb paid that month These by laws are said to contemplate going con cerns Admiral Dewey The American Navy Illustrated shows pictures of Admiral Dewey Fitz hugh Lee the wrecked Maine the vessels now composing the American navy Morro Castle and many others See adv col umus of this paper Improvement in American Physique A well known surgeon says that Americans are growing larger and tall er both men and women and that fifty years hence the average height of the better classes will be well over six feet The reason is that women as well as men are taking to athletics Former ly the clinging candy eating woman was in fashion She never took any exercise and was small and weak A small offspring followed Now the ath letic girl has come to stay Brevity Is the Soul of Wit Good Wife You Need SAPOLIO jTHE STANDARD DICTIONARY u is the Latest and the Greatest Dic tionary of the English language Its preparation costalmost a million dollars It is recognized on both sides of the Atlantic sis the perfection cf literary endeavor All scholars and all persons who are familiar with tho f acts know that it is truly in fact as ivell as in name the Standard Dictionary and will remain so for many years to come We are offering this unrivaled -work on such liberal terms that no one neod be without it The complete work in one superb volume handsomely and strongly inclosed in fall sheep binding elegantly embossed and having the patent thumb index can now T4 CA PAQU with the order and be had for S1350 in monthly installments vKusl the remaining Sll Jn payments of SI each on tho first of each month The Dictionary will be sent by ex press prepaid on rccoipt of Jlrst payment Write for order form and full information UNION DICTIONARY HOUSE 93 So Jefferson St Chicago III i Sl rT I Qg mrcm 7n The Opeu Fireplace in Summer The open fireplace is a regularly re curring summer bugbear What to do with it how to ornament It or how to hide its usual ugliness The illustration gives a hint on the last point It may be hid changed Into a useful set of shelves with a tiny- closet or cupboard In the middle It would not cost very much to have the shelves made they will be useful in any room In the house In the sitting room the center if fitted with a door lock and key would make a nice medicine case or left with a cur tain hanging in front it may hold many things that are to be put out of sight FIREPLACE BOOK SHELVES The size and quality of the shelves would be regulated by the space they are to occupy and the situation of the room The Best Cradle for Baby Take a very large bed quilt Fold first lengthwise then crosswise Tie a half spool in each corner so it forms a knot Now tie small sized but strong rope to each corner and suspend to the ceiling like a hammock but when hung up the center of the quilt must not be stretched flat but must hang considera bly In the middle Now place baby in with a pillow under him and a nice easy one at head fasten him in give a good push and start him swinging and if he is awake and kicks a little it will keep him cooing while you can attend J to your washing or other work and know the cradle is rocking If he is real still it will swing a long time of it self if started Another advantage is that baby Is off the floor and up where It is warmer in cold weather and can be hung on a porch or somewhere when it is warm and you dont have to stand j right by him and see if a dog is licking his face or cat scratching him as when he is in a cradle low down on the floor I have tried this and know it is too good a thing to even allow the finest cradle in the world to be pulled out in my way After using this babies dont cry to be rocked but lie still on a bed if wanted to and sleep House Cleanintr Yes Mrillys bin house cleaning n Im sleepin in the shed With some buggy robes for kivers n the wash bench for a bed Theres confusion in the parlor n a heap sight more upstairs While I kaint find comfort nowhere fer the varnish on the chairs First they tore up all the carpets then they pulled down all the shades Till the place looked like a homestead af ter one of Mosebys raids Next the walls were reuervated n the floors was soaked and scrubbed N Mrilly bossed the workers as they pounded shook and rubbed Oh I tell yer taint so funny when yer eatin oif the shelf N a feller has to hustle for a place to lay hisself Fer the wimen folks mean bizness n they make a feller jump Till hes like a pesky camel with a double action hump Franklin W Lee Spoon Dropcakes One cupful of flour one half of a cup ful of rye meal one half of a cupful of cornmeal one cupful of sugar two eggs two tablespoonfuls of molasses one tablespoonf ul of melted butter one sour apple chopped fine one quarter of a teaspoonful each of allspice clove and nutmeg one half of a teaspoonful of cinnamon one cupful of sour milk one half of a teaspoonful of soda Drop by small spoonfuls Into smoking hot fat and cook golden brown Beef Broth Chit some pieces of lean beef into small pieces cover with cold water and boil until the meat comes to pieces then strain through a colander and let the broth stand until cold Take off any particles of fat that are on top season with salt and pepper and add small squares of toasted bread Rice sage and tapioca may be used instead of toast if preferred Other meat broths are made in the same manner Corn Bread One and one half cups flour one cup corn meal one third cup sugar one fourth cup butter one cup milk two eggs beaten separately two teaspoons baking powder Cream the butter and sugar together add yolks then milk then corn meal then flour to which the baking powder has been added and astly the beaten whites Favorite MnfBns One cup sweet milk oue egg the yolk and white beaten separately one tea spoon sugar one teaspoon salt one tea spoon baking powder piece of butter the size of an egg two cups flour Bake in muffin rings s A SCHOOL GIRLS BATTLE From The Mail Milord 2nd Miss Emma Rybolt a prepossessing school girl of Milford Ind is of more than usual intelligence and is ambitious to rise in the literary world In the fall of 1S9G said Mrs Rybolt Emma was taken ill She was a close student and her work began to tell on her She grew weak pale and nervous and complained of pains in her back chest and limbs The doctor said she was a victim of nervous prostration and should have been taken from school weeks ear lier She grew worse her nerves were so tense that the least noise irritated her and she had a fever and a continual twitching in her muscles The symptoms were much like St Vitus dance ssssprrrrST ft A year p a ss ed and under a change of p hysicians Emma be came some what better but s oon was as bad as ever One day I read of a case similar to hers Her Battle which was cured by Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale People and I decided to try them Emma had no faith in proprietary medicines but decided to try the pills It was about the first of April when she be gan and by the middle of May after tak ing about eight boxes she was entirely cured While ill she lost twenty eight pounds but now weighs more than ever before Her nerves are strong and she is in perfect health We are all confident that Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale People cured her and I cheerfully recom mend them in all similar cases MRS E A RYBOLT Subscribed and sworn to before me this third day of September 1897 CALEB BAKER Notary Public These pills will cure all diseases arising from a poor and watery condition of the blood will build up a run down system and are a specific for paralysis locomotor ataxia and other diseases long regarded as incurable Funerals Conducted on Skates About fifty miles south of Berlin in the Spreewalde on the borders of Bo hemia funerals on the ice are of no uncommon occurrence Every one is perfectly at home on skates So the young men skating take the ropes at tached to the sleigh on which the coffin is borne the old men women and chil dren follow skating behind The skates used are old fashioned in char acter tied with string The men wear black coats and hats on such occa sions but the women vary their cos tume with white hats scarfs and aprons In Iceland the same mode pre vails except that snow shoes are used in lieu of skates In Venice all bodies are conveyed in boats to certain islands in the Adriatic used as ceme teries In Kamtchatka the dead are drawn to their graves on sleighs by dogs Shake Into Your Shoes Allens Foot Ease a powder for the feet It cures painful swollen smart ing feet and instantly takes the sting out of corns and bunions Its the great est comfort discovery of the age Al lens Foot Ease makes tight fitting or new shoes feel easy It is a certain cure for sweating callous and hot tired nervous aching feet Try it to day Sold by all druggists and shoe stores By mail for 25c in stamps Trial package FREE Address Allen S Olm sted Le Roy N Y Another Hello of Pompeii Another Roman villa has been dug up at Boscoreale on the slopes of Vesu vius near Pompeii where the great find of silver ornaments was made two years ago The walls are covered with beautiful frescoes chiefly landscapes and marines One represents a bridge over a river with an angler fishing with a line Four wine jars were in the cel lar and seven skeletons have been found in the excavation The Best Book Illustrating the American navy 15U See adv in another column Largest Room The largest room in the world under one roof and unbroken by pillars is at St Petersburg It is 620 feet long by 120 feet in breadth THE DUTY OF MOTHERS Daughters Should be Carefully Guided in Early Womanhood What suffering frequently results from a mothers ignorance or more frequently from a mothers neglect to properly instruct her daughter Traditionsays woman must suffer and young women are so taught There is a little truth and a great deal of exaggeration in this If a young woman suffers severely she needs treatment and her mother should see that she gets it Many mothers hesitate to take their daughters to a physician for examina tion but nefmother need hesitate to write freely about her daughter or herself to Mrs Pinkham and secure the most efficient advice without charge Mrs Pinkhams address is Ljnn Mass The following letter km Miss Mabie F Johnson Centralia 7uM shows what neglect will do and tells how Mrs Pinkham helped her My health became so poor that I had to leave school I was tired all the time and had dreadful pains in my side and back I was also troubled with irregularity of menses I was very weak and lost so much flesh that my friends became alarmed My mother who is a firm believer in your remedies from experience thought per haps they might benefit me and wrote you for advice I followed the advice you gave and used Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound and Liver Pills as you directed and am now as well as I ever was I have gained flesh and have a good color I am completely cured oi irregularity ROOFING The Tho beat Bed Hope Booflng for 1 cl per eo foot caps and nails Included Substitutes for Plaster SamDlesfree ay Manilla Rooting Co Canftlen K J Another Kansas Wonder There is a salt vein in Kansas at a depth of 000 feet containing according to a local statistician enough salt to salt the world for a million years M Tuc American navy Illustrated Is the most popular book of the day See adv ou this page Whenever Whittier had an inspira tion he would go to a corner of his room and kneel while reducing his thoughts to words Fri iffMJ MmwMm f T mw ri w -v -- iw Halls Catarrh Cure Is a constitutional cure Price 75 cents There are over a hundred female stu dents now at the University of Berlin as against thirty five last year My doctor said I would die but Pisos Cure for Consumption cured me Amos Kelner Cherry Valley 111 Nov 23 95 The speed of our fastest ocean steam ers is now greater than that of express trains on Italian railways Mrs Winslovrs Sootiunq Hybup for Children tcetninK soltens tuo yums reduces Inflammation aUays pain cures wind colic 25 cents a bottle Why Isnt a girls figure her fortune Instead of her face carried over from 1837 must I S5jf JtTlTft be sacrificed in AySUzU Grade ibest now cxt nil sys equipment tjuaran lfeedS975toSI700 Used wheels Late models all makes S3 to SI 2 TFeaMp on approval icith butacentpavment Write TSi bargain Unt and art cntalojruo iof weli 98 modeli BICYCLE FREE for season to advertise tbem Send for one Rider agents wanted Learn bow to Earn a Bicycle and make moae K C MEAD CYCLE CO Chicago I1L WA MTCF1 Good bargains m CHOICE FARM 17 All I LU LAND for A CASH CUSTOMER JOHN MULHALL SIOUX CITY IOWA 412 Pierce Street P ENSIONS PATENTS CLAIMS J O HN W MO R R I S WASffllKTOW d a Lata grtnelnal Exftmlnsr TT H flmi Dun 3 JT3 in lact vts 15 adjadkiBj claim alt ri KEiTIOS THIS FATES waxa vsan 19 uniani Uncle s rEM mvENjj I DFniMDPC MA MfWIKIrt - tLYlJlILJ IS VsVSVSlllYVJ t fXt MAKES COLLARS AND CUFFS STIFF fflDUDGE ft xSL AS WHEN FIRST BOUGHT HEW oVSi l Sarn Says This is Americas Greatest Medicine It will Sharpen Your Appetite Purify and ONE POUND OF THIS STARCH WIL17G0 AS FAR AS A POUND AND A HALlT OF ANYOTHER STARCH THEi vui iDiKinrn Done ro viVilIUDillwLn unUwiV KeokukJowa NewHavenCqnil buriniuni ku unigniHmHantmmftiiratnHimiinromBmHTiHHmniroamianariKW Y ODHES I inl las d5s ff Otrtat ctl j VeG V C1MCWATI0I I V S V V a I 1 nuTTTBBu Vitalize Your Blood Overcome That Tired Feeling Get a bottle of Hoods Sarsaparilla and begin to take it TODAY and realize the great good it is sure to do you Hoods Sarsaparilla Is Americas Greatest Medicine All druggist IRONING MADE ESY M This starch is prepared on scientific principles bymen who have had yearaof practical experience in fancy laundering It restores old linen and summer dresses to their natural whiteness and imparts a beautiful and lasting finish It Is the only starch manufactured that is perfectly harmless containing neither arsenic alum or any other substance injurious to linen and can bo used even for a baby powder For sale by alt wholesale and retail grocers m MM r i UJii mwcjf r A Your market and butcher shop ought to use Pearline surely Theres no place that needs to be V A IX Sh 1 yy III L3 11 is - Millions kept cleaner Theres no place thats half as hard to keep clean Soap and water is of no use at all It takes Pearline and nothing but Pearline to keep down the general greasiness How many places you see where the whole shop and fixtures in it seems to be fairly crying out tor jeariine 1 ki THE AMERICAN NAVY ILLUSTRATED Fourth Edition FRONTISPIECE OF ADMIRAL DEWEY THE WRECKED MAINE THE AMERICAN NAVY ISLAND OF CUBA with Map MAP OF THE PHILLIPINES ISLAND OF HAWAII The Only Pictorial Work Giving a Full and Authentic Account of the United States Navy TVHE dimensions of each vessel power of her engines number and size of guns speed date of construction etc are given in language shorn of technical ex pressions so that even a novice can com prehend its meaning and form a good idea of the execution each vessel could do Pictures oi the Indiana New York Massachusetts Chicago Katahdin Vesu vius Minneapolis Texas Consul General Fitzhugh Lee Havana Morro Castle The Court ot Inquiry Street and Country Scenes in Cuba Matanzas Santiago Cienfuegos Hawaiian Scenes etc etc The book contains 160 superb half tone pictures each 8xio inches in size which with the descriptive text and the Introductory articles make a splendid volume of 176 pages i3xio inches in size The paper is a high grade enameled stock the presswork and binding first class This book sells at sight It is just what everybody wants now Remember it is not cheaply put together and in paper cover but well made in every way and handsomely and durably bound in blue and red silk cloth stamped n silver thus reproducingour national colors Red White and Blue Sent by express prepaid on receipt of price 150 WAR VIEW PUBLISHING HOUSE No 93 South Jefferson St CHICAGO ILL CURE YOURSELF Lp Big C for nnnatorl discharjis iiiHariihiatxns irrittia3 or Uiccntjn3 of mucous membranes THeEyaX3 ChEMICALGo gsnt or poisonous Sold by Drngfxisfs or ent in plain wrapper by einresa nrnii 8U or3boltIesf2 5 circular sent on request in time Sola br drnzfjists S C N U - - 22 08 KEuMBiimGFTKW 3 rf JQ jBj J1 M CURES WHEHE ALL ETSE FAILS Beat Cough Syrup Tastes Good Use A 1 f WBlfrFlT7mlriHilMM iWi Cv