lU ijpr i f jTW I At lvir fc i V f T in j r I - - 1 Lh gL sA v iilh - LWi c iT J e L ifeL T V Wf Sf - Jf L - assr - issfwss E30V fhlgjfl iPr -- XxiJlj VOL XIH 9W MOKEY WATOHMAEE - AND - JEWEIR Fine line of plain and fancy jew elry constantly on hand Repairing promptly executed and done in the best manner Full line of sporting goods- 0 M SAGESEB TONSORIAL ARTIST Hair cutting and shaving Shop in the W II Moses building HOT AND GOLD BATHS C A Wells J B Wells WELLS- BROS DENTISTS Office over Cherry County JSanh A M MORRISSEY O 0 ATTORNEY AT LAW O- r O VALENTINE NEB S ESTABROOK 0NTY SURVEYOR- All work executed with promptness and accuracy x LAVACA - NEBR THIS AND THAT vomlna Events Decoration Day May SO County Commissioners June 14 V ofcs fov sale at the mill Cora Sparks is the proud owner of a new bicycle Erank Kleteckas little boy has been quite ill this week W G Ballard was in from his ranch on business Monday Mrs C A Gee of Kennedy is YiB iting in town this week During war one bnUafc in time may save several cannon balls Ely D Valentine was in town the -first of the week from Woodlake Do not fail to see Dr Crooks In Yalentine June 5 6 and 7 17 Sim Relnert of Ains worth visited his brottier George m town yesterday B F Carter of sol icitor for the P E was in town Sun day Mrs Kobt Wilson of Neligh was in town the past week visiting Mrs F Fischer Harry Folks was down from Crooks ton yesterday and joined the Valen tine Volunteers Do your eyes trouble you Consult Dr Stuckey Valentine June 56 and 7 17 Prof and Mrs B H Watson will spend the summer at Wahoo Lincoln and Oniaha Fred Gale and Alva Likens started for Valentine this morning on horse back presumably to enlist 2asseiS Eagte Prof E Cuff and Mrs Ida Ferguson ofNorden attended the commence ment erercises Friday returning home Saturday FSageSErcateover from Spring view Monday for a short visit and has accepted a position as clerk for E McDonald C H Cornell is a great exponent of the value of irrigation He flooded Main street Monday in order to water two trees To Cure A Cold in One Day 3Ke Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets All Druggists refund the money ifs ife f sHs to Care 25er 46 L00 per year for The Democrat W E Haley and Ed Clarke made - business trip to Omaha and Council Bluffs Sunday returning this morn ing Will Clarkson has the contract for hauling to Ft Niobrara during the next year at 4 and 5 cents per hund red D Q Nicholson and wife came up from Madison Sunday night and are visiting with relatives and old friends in town Miss Lueila Miller returned home to Ainsworth Saturday afternoon after an extended visit with The Demo crat f amilvw Born Monday to Mr and Mrs John Smyser a girl John seems to be as happy as he would have been if it was twins Mrs G P Crabb has been seriously ill during the past weekbut with Care ful attention has greatly improved and is now out of danger The ladies of the TJ B church at Woodlake will serve ice cream straw berries cake and lemonade to all comers Thursday June 2 J E Thackrey has purchased the two lots east of Wes Holsclaws north of the school house and will begin work on a new residence this week J H Trommershausserran attorney from Ewing was in town on business Sunday If it wasnt for his name Trommerhausser would be a pretty nice fellow Lots of people wonder why Charley Sherman raises goats at his livery stable We have never asked the zeason but presume -it is because he needs- mohair The total assessed valuation or per sonal property in Valentine village is about 53000 This is about 15000 more than last year and is not 20 per cent of real value either Peter Cooper of Crawford the horse man was in town Sunday on his way to Bosebud where he has a contiact for furnishing- the Indians with several hundred mares Ben Hornby a brothexvof T C and G II Hornby was in town from Omaha the first of the week Mr II is special agent and adjuster for the Pennsylvania fire insurance oompany 9 Dr J B Wells is off on a tour through Keya Paha and Boyd coun ties at the earnest solicitation of parties there who have aching or de cayed molars or voids where ivories should be Bom Thursday May 19 to W G Carson and wife of Simeon a baby girl The mother and babe did not improve as rapidly as they should have done and Dr Lewis was sent for Sun day and relieved their distress t Among all the suggestions made by ourbrethren of the pre anent the naming of our baby that of Bro Armstrong Butte Gazette was the best He proposed that she should be called Very Good To save our Bros further trouble though we will an nounce that the baby has been named Isellie Mae While jumping Monday little Willie Gibson slipped fell and broke the outside bone of his left arm just above the wrist The accident was a paint ful one but in a couple f weeks Willie will be as good as new He I now rivals Roscoe Fischer in the es timation of the numerous small boys around town Frank Brayton will begin building a neat residence on Virginia and Cher ry streets soon As soon as the house is completed he will we are told offer his heart and hand at public auction to the highest bidder on the frdnt step of the court house Now is your chance girls Save your change for thsale If there is not already arl ordinance prohibiting the use of barb wire fencing within the city limits one should be passed at once When wire is used on sides or in rear of a lot it is not so bad but whfen it is placed along sidewalks it is worse than a nuisanceat is absolutely dangerous We know of several children hurting themselves and uUn name half a dozen women who hvB ruined dresses on the -wire in town- Better have no fence than barb wire GRADUATED IIVVPPIHMPM A fF r M Afi Class of Six High Receive Diplomas Tb the presence of hundreds of friends with music and flowers in pro fusion with the plaudits of scores and the good wishes of all the class of 98 Valentine High School graduated and received their diplomas Prof Watson has worked -hard during the school year jiist closed and the class is a credit to him and a just reward for his labors The M E church where the -exercises were held Friday was very nice ly decorated the class motto Here We Launch Where Shall We Anchor occupying a prominent position at the rear of the rostrum In the rear of the piancwas the Gateway to Suc cess with the various steps leading thereto The rostrum was occupied by the graduates Prof Watson Eev Moore F M Walcott president of the school board and the choir Prof Watson opened the exercises with a short address followed by Lucy Brunec with a piano solo The invocation was pronounced- by Eev Moore and the quartette Miss Bruner Mabel Hahn C A aud J B Wells followed with Italia Beloved The first oration was civen bv Walter Flowers Looking Backward- Step ping Forward and1 in thought and composition was probably the besL of the evening Tacy Collett did very well with her oration The Work Remains Though the Workman -Dies Mrs J B Wells came next with a piano solo apd was followed by Dosse Ferguson of ISTordftn with a vocal solo 5Neglect not the Little Things Earl Pettycrews oration wa3 well receivdani AlmaGarQon advanced some new thoughts on the literature of the world in Our Heir ship Inez Pettycrew and Jessie Sageser rendered a very good vocal duet Mabel Towne had a splendid oration explaining Womans In fluence in Promoting Americas Great ness Edith Ft Pettycrew was the last of the graduaces to appear and made a logical and impressive Plea for the Birds F M Walcott president of the school board presented the class with their diplomas mating a very neat speech and the quartet rendered Good Night Gentle Folks closing the exercises NOTES At its meeting last Saturday night the school board elected the present corps of teachers and in addition vot ed to employ Edith Stark as assistant next year at a salary of 40 per month The teachers are given until June 10 to accept the positions The salaries of the First and Second Intermediate and Grammar school teachers were re duced 5 per month Western News pleuse publish and stand convicted of prevarication Miss Bruner went home to Wausa Tuesday morning and will attend the State University this summer Each of the graduates received beautiful floral tokens at the close of their orations Earl Pettycrew intends going to1 school again this fall Edith Pettycrew expects- tb teach school AafTntan IIooton At the residence of the brides parents on Main street Saturday even ing at 830 in the presence of but a few intimate friends the marriage of De Witt Clifton Huffman- and Miss EilaL Hooton was solemnized the Rev Saml Holsclaw performing the ceremony The groom is foreman in The Dem ocrat office and during the 6 months he has been- with us we have found him to be a perfect gentleman honest and capable and his intercourse with our citizens has won for him friends The bride is the eldest daugh ter of J A Hooton and wife the pop ular host aud hostess of the Valen tine House and her quiet and lady- j like demeanor has made her very pop ular among her acquaintances The young couple will for the present make their home at the Valentine House and have the best wishes of all for their future success in life The Royal Neighbors of Crookston will give an ice cream social on Sat urday June 4 and will also entertain their gnests with a fishing pond Musi rurniShed by graphaphone Everybody cordially invited Wild Rose Camp 928 R N of- A I iW - VALENTINE F v1hS Published for Four Years as CHERRY COUNTY INDEPENDENT The War With Spain v The President has issued a call for 75000 volunteers for immediate ser vice Nebraskas quota is 1475 This ought to give the local company a chance tom3sfcer m London says France Germany Rus sia and Italy will notify U S to end wartney to force Spain to relinquish claim on Cuba If proposition reject ed combined fleet to take Cuba from Spain andTJ S From Washington comes word that TJ S and England will defy the worldi Spanish fleet is bottled up at Santiago de Cuba with Sampson and Schley on the outside An Indention Dispute A B McCoskey of the state irriga tion board was in town last week and in company with Abe White went out on the Gordon to investigate com plaints made against Jos Lee near the Mormon settlement An inves tigation showed that Lees irrigation dam- and ditches are a benefit rather than a detriment to the community McCoskey returned Sunday and went to Atkinson the next morning A Warning We have been advised and already have names of parties who taking ad vantage of the fact that while bass in pond are in shallow water spawning are spearing and shooting same Now notice is hereby given that parties doing this are being watched and if caught will not only have all privileges of pond denied them but will be pros ecuted to the- fullest extent o3 the law Menneciiaduza Mill C S Gould Mgr Decoration Day Memorial and decoration services Memorial sermon will be preached Sabbath May 29 at M E church by Rev O T Moore to which all are in vited Decoration Day Monday All old soldiers and their Mends meet at court house at 10 oclock sharp march to cemetery and decor ate graves return to court house in time to be dismissed for dinner At 2 oclock p m meet in the Hall where the following program will De render ed Music choir 3rayP Eev S W llolsclaw Music choir Address J Wesley Tucker Music choir Address JP M Walcott Music ohoir Mrs Christensen Dead Died at her home in this city Mon day May 23 Mrs Cora Belle Christen nee Evarts of pneumonia after an illness of about ten days Funeral services were held from the M E church yesterday afternoon under the auspices of the Degree of Honor and A O TJ W Rev Holsclaw preaching the sermon The funeral was largely attended and the floral offerings were especially frae Deceased was the wife of M Christ ensen well known throughout the county and was a step daughter of Jas Ray She was 26 years old at the time of her death had been mar ried seven years and left a family of four children the oldest about 5 years of age the youngest a babe in arms This is one of the sad features of the case and Martin has the sympathy of all in his bereavement A sister of the mother Mrs Hollenbeckof South Dakota will move here with her hus band to keep housegfor Martin- and care for the babies HcsolutioiiaofCattdiolenec Castle Hall Cherry Lodge 169 K of P VAtENTIMK NEBK ftiav 25 189S t WHKKKAithas pleased the sunreme Ruler of the Uuiveraa to remove from th i house of our Brother M Christeuseu his beloved wife there fore be it Resftlved That we as an order fully realize his loss andthat while we bow in humble sub mission to Him who doeth all things well we ex fend our heartfelt sympathy and condolence to the bereaved Brother and his farail in this their hour of sorrow Resolved That these resolutions be spread upon the minutes and a copy be furnished each- oi inc papers xor puuncairtn ana a copy pres t emeu 10 me lamuy oi me ueceasea t E J Davenport Com- BKftYTOZf Josi fl Yeast WnEBEAS theMastePWorkmanof the Un iverse in His infinite wisdom has by death re moved the wife of our Brotner Martin Christen sen from his home -therefore be it Resolved That Valentine Lodge No 70 A O U W does hereby extend its sincere sympathy to Brother Christensen in his hour of sad affliction That these resolutions be spread upon the records of this order a copy be pres ented the sorrowing Brother and another be furnished each of the county papers for publica tion W A Pettycrew com - u otinabd Gr Gablso w Vl VALENTINE CHERRY CO NEBRASKA THURSDAY MAY 26 1898 tf I V DEMOCRAT NO 18 THREE - GRACES The three graces about our Shoes are FIT WEAR and APPEARANCE They fit well wear long and look and fitiarell as long as they wear The three graces about our Dress Goods are - STYLE QUALITY and PRICE They are all latest designs best material and net ns a very small profit Davenport Thacher GENERAL MERCHANTS Eull line of Undertakers Supplies A pp Wl 1 GOING TO DO -- - - v t ANYSPRING CLEANING The Largest and Finest Selected Stock of WALL PAPER In Northwest Nebraska WHITE LEAD OIL COLORS and VARNISH at - - - Elliotts Drug Store VALENTINE MEAT MARKET wim Ilil M ALT mm wmmm mmmt W D CLARKSON PROPR c A 6 1 Change ooaaw3v I Your Underwear I 49 49 WE OAERY A COMPLETE LIKE SEE US BEFORE i e Mcdonald i 4 49 vfr War after Peace RAIN AFTER SHINE A SPRING HAT AFTER A WINTER ONE We have a fine line to select from STYLISH- SHAPES COMPLETE SIZES CALL AND INSPECT OUR MILLINERY ANYTIME LLEFNER ONLY A FEW SUITS LEFT And they wont be left much longer if we keep selling them as rapidly as we have been doing during the last few weeks Remember that we- are SELLING ALL CLOTHING AT COST Because we want to close out our stock We are not buying any more and want to get rid of what we have We are not however closing out our - DRY GOODS GROCERIES OR SHOES And these lines are complete and will remain so We have an especially fine stock of groceries and sell them at prices which cannot be duplicated Crabb Vincent