r5 1 s t 1 I i 1 i I In I I H si h L li Pi 1 i i I t MH JfcHJII U I lUliMHWWMflU r sEgaagesaga tB3jiBiaiujgog - ---- JP Valentine fanmyat ROBERT GOOD Editor aad Prop VALENTINE NEBRASKA A LACK OF HARMONI STRATEGIC BOARDS METHODS DISPLEASE PRESIDENT Will Take Things Into His Own Hands and Direct Movements oi Array and Navy Himself Hercaftez Other Items of Interest Displeases the President President McKinley has grown lired of the jealousies and bickerings which have been the order of the day among the fore most officers of the army and navy Dur ing the past week these misunderstand ings and differences of opinion Ihave led to orders which have been countermanded changed and reissued until there is a de cided fog as to the program which even the president of the United States is un able to see through The president has finally decided to take matters into his own hands It can be asserted positively upon the highest authority that from this time forward every order governing the movement of the array or navy will em anate from the president The first of these orders was issued Monday It is as serted the president early in the morn ing informed Secretary Long that ho had a plan of his own for handling the block ading fleet and that in carrying out his plan he desired the secretary to immedi ately transmit its details to Commodore Watson As a consequence dispatches were carried to Watson -directing him to hit a Spanish head wherever he sees it He is to cruise along the coast of the blockaded district and to shell thoroughly everything along the coast -outside of Ha vana which looks like a battery or a forti fication There will be no repetitions of the unfortunate Winslow affair nor will there be any more cables cut by a boat load of American sailors -within a hundred feet of masked rifle pits DRAPER IS NOT -GUILTY Second Trial for Murder of Hast ings Results ia His Acquittal The jury in the Draper murder trial at Jersey ville 111 returned a verdict of ac quittal The murder was one of the most sensational ever committed in Illinois Charles Draper and Charles L Hastings were for years employed by Abstractor of Titles in Kirby in Jacksonville Draper lost his position and it is supposed that jealousy of Hastings prompted the crime Hastings was very popular while Draper was not On the night of March 31 1897 Hastings was in the abstractors office attending to some work when Draper came in What happened no one knows Draper attacked Hastings with a pocket knife inflicting 138 wounds He fairly cut him into strings Draper at first denied all knowledge of the crime but later made a full confession to his attorney The trial just ended was the second The first trial was at Jack sonville where the jury returned a ver dict of guilty and fixed the penalty at life imprisonment SAMPSON REPORTS Commander of American Fleet Stops at Capo Hayti Admiral Sampson reported to the navy department Monday from Cape Hayti The department says he will now go to Cienfuegos on the southern coast of Cuba A dispatch from Willemslad Curacoa sajs that the Spanish cruisers Vizcaya and Maria Teresa left that port at 6 oclock Sunday evening Their destination was unknown While there the two warships took on a small quantity of coal and pro visions Their departure was due to the Danish government requesting them to leave as provided in the decree of neutral ity There are no colliers with the fleet Nothing is known as to their boilers FIRE IN A CONVENT Scyoii Dead and Five Missing at St Hyacinthe Quebec The St Joseph Sisters School at St Hyacinthe Quebec burned Monday morning Seven are known to be dead of the 200 in the institution and five are missing and a number were injured in jumping from the windows The dead are Two boys named Beauchmen Sisters Alexandrina and Hilomena The missing are Maria Millott and Nofiette Meunir ser vants Mrs Berlhiaume boarder Sisters Bouvier and Auge Kansas Squatters in Trouble The colony which under the leadership and advice of Judge F M McDonald of Fort Scott Kan settled on a lot of rich railroad land near Yates Center about six months ago has just been ordered to vacate the lands and serious trouble for some one is probable The colonists sent McDonald to Washington to see about the lands ami ho reported that they were open to pre emption A repetition of the Allen County Land League trouble is threat ened Big Paris Robbery A package containing over 530000 francs in securities and gold was stolen Monday morning from a car in Paris on the Ly onsland Mediterranean railroad There is no clew Timber Fire Thirteen hundred thousand feet of logs were burned on the skids at Reefer Creek near Bayfield Wis a few dajs since They were owned by Hiram Knox and E L Chase of Wfest Superior and were cut last winter It is suppose that it was the xwork of an incendiary No insurance Murder Trial Dispensed With Clark who killed James Adney at At kin Minn died about noon Sunday He was conscious to the last but died without knowing that lie uaJ killea Adney m rMtsiuisgrr st rnrSSssS t jj -if i - - i - iria cj i Jijnj Jiigg i iwBM4EB0SSj3U SWIFT WATER BILL DROWNED Klondike Millionaire and Tiro Wo men Perish in Ijake Bennett Word has reached Seattle to the effect that Swift Water Bill Gates one of ihe most unique characters in the Klondike countiy as well as one of the wealthiest prospectors was drowned Friday May 6 in Lake Bennett Alaska with two women He was on his way to Dawson City when the disaster occurred Swift Water Bill was the owner of valuable claims in the vicinity of Dawson and was accounted a Klondike millionaire The fact that two women perished with Swift Water serves to recall his expe riences with women last year While he was at Skaguay enjoying his newly found fortune he became infatuated with a vau deville actress and offered her 50000 if she would go with him to San Francisco and marry him She accepted his offer took the 50000 and went to San Francisco with him Before the wedding day the actress tired of Swift Water and re fused to marry him going east with a large part of the money which he had given her SEVERE HAILSTORM Thousands of Window Lights Bro ken in Kansay City Kansas City was visited Sunday even ing by the heaviest hail storm ever expe rienced there Hailstones as big as liens egas fell everywhere The storm came from the south and throughout the city residences and business blocks were left without a window pane on the south side Skylights were smashed everywhere and in the business districts many stocks of goods were soaked The roofs of several street cars were pierced by hail Horses ran away at every hand and there wore numerous injuries The storm seems to have been general in eastern Kansas and it is feared that serious damage has been done to fruit trees PENSION FOR GEN CLAY Famous Old Kcntuckian Granted 50 Per Month The entire session of the house Friday was devoted to pension and private claim Lills At the night session the house in committee of the whole voted to grant a pension of S50 per monlh to Maj Gen Cassius M Clay of White hall Ky The famous old veteran of Mex ican and civil wars was represented as the owner of the extensive- estates known as Whitehall but with an income insuffi cient to meet his expenses A total of forty six bills were passed in committee of the whole and six were passed finally by the house TRAIN ROBBERY Bandits Make a 5O0O Haul Near Chun Alabama The Alabama Great Southern passenger train was held up by five masked men near Cuba Ala Sunday night The ex press car was robbed of 5000 Express officials however claim only 500 was taken as the express messenger hid most of the money in a stove pipe A posse was immediately formed and went in pursuit of the bandits with bloodhounds Protests Against Our Course The first political step taken by the Cuban congress after being definitely con stituted was to appoint a commission which will send through the Spanish gov ernment to the powers and to the United States a protest against American inter vention in Cuban affairs declaring the entire adherence of the people of Cuba and the colonial authorities to Spain and the Spanish government Gloomy Outlook for Wheat Owing to the prolonged drought through out California the outlook for the wheat crop is a decidedly gloomy one Accord ing to reports received by the weather bureau officials only a small amount of wheat raised on irrigated land in the lower sections will be harvested and some elsewhere cut as hay It is scant owing to light crops of hay and alfalfa McDuffie Defeats Titus Eddie McDuffie easily defeated Fred J Titus on the Charles River park track at a distance of fifteen miles for a purse of 1500 in 27 minutes 58 5 seconds He broke the worlds record made by Michael for the distance by 5 1 15 seconds and made new records from five miles up and defeated Titus by about five sixths of a mile Mysterious Topeka Murder J S Collins one of the most prominent citizens of Topeka Kan was killed early Saturdsy morning as he lay in bed The murderer fired two shots from Collins shot gun standing at the foot of the bed One charge slightly wounded Mrs Col lins It was at first supposed to be the work of burglars but it is now in doubt Elks Klect Officers The grand lodge of Elks in session at New Orleans elected the following offi cers Grand exalted ruler John Galvin Cincinnati grand esteemed leading knight C A Foote Minneapolis grand esteemed local knight W L Saxon New Orleans grand esteemed lecturing knight Henry D Cozzens Des Moines Peter Maher Knocked Out Tugilistic history was made very rapidly at Philadelphia Friday night when in 1 minute and 51 seconds of combined spar ring and fighting Joe Goddard the Bar rier champion retired Peter Mahcr with a sort of pivot punch which was delivered so suddenly that hardly a spectator real ized what had come off Blanchard Declines the Position Chairman Blanchard of the Joint Traffic- Railroad Association who was recently1 appointed by Secretary Alger to have charge of the transportation of the troops of the volunteer arm has informed the secretary that he must decline the honor conferred upon him Ear ley Is Electrocuted Frank Early the Cincinnati wife mur derer was electrocuted in the annex of the Ohio penitentiary at Columbus at 1215 Saturday morning The electrocution was not as successful as previous ones Six applications of the current were required before life was finally pronounced extinct gj43yj 223K3K3rXE3G DEWEY HEARD FROM HE EXPECTS SURRENDER OF MANILA SHORTLY Cant Stand the Blockade Estab lished Much Longer Rebels Hem It In by Land and Our Warships by Sea Other Items Must Surrender Soon The dispatches from Hong Kong Sunday brought welcome news from Admiral Dewey to the president Secretary Long and the naval officials who are watching the admirals movements with so much interest The telegrams indicate that Dewey has lost none of his prestige gained in his memorable fight of two weeks ago and that while he refrains from taking the city of Manila he has it practically at his mercy The admiral expresses the belief that the rebels are hemming in the city by land but the fact that he says explicitly that they have made no demonstration seems to disprove thor oughly the published reports that they had already entered Manila and had be gun a career of bloodshed and rapine The best evidence of the effectiveness of the blockade maintained by the American ad miral and also of the work of the insur gents in surrounding the city is shown in the statements in the dispatches that pro visions are scarce in the city of Manila which seems to indicate to Admiral Dewey an early surrender by the Spanish author ities SPANISH CABINET RESIGNS Prime Minister Sagasta Will at Once Form a New Ministry The Spanish cabinet resigned Sunday It was composed as follows President of the council Senor Sagasta Minister of foreign affairs Senor Gul lon Minister of Justice Senor Groizard Minister of Finance Senor Puigcerver Minister of the Interior Senor Capde pon Minister of War Gen Correa Minister of Marine Admiral Bermejo Minister of Agriculture and Commerce and of Public Works Count Xiquena Minister of Colonies Senor Morct The liberal cabinet under Senor Sagasta assumed office October 4 and was formed shortly after the assassination of Senor Canovas del Castillo who was assassinated on August 8 1897 by an Italian anarchist named Golli One of the first steps taken by Senor Sagasta was to re call Gen Weyler the then captain general of Cuba who was succeeded by General Blanco But the situation did not im prove and Spain was courteously but firmly warned that the United States could not much longer maintain neutrality in the face of the terrible situation of affairs in Cuba and the damage which American interests were suffering therefrom Spain however refused to regard the situation from a humanitarian standpoint and dip lomatic relations with the United States were broken off on April 21 last It is officially denied that the cabinet changes are connected with a peace movement On the contrary it is declared that Pre mier Sagastas ministry when the new ministry is formed will continue to prose cute the war with the full recourse of the country Bumped a Freight The Pioneer limited a new 250000 train for the Chicago Milwaukee and St Paul Railroad ten cars fresh and new from the shops at Dayton traveling on an exhibi tion tour from Columbus to Cincinnati on the Big Four collided with a switch en gine with frcightcars at Middletown Ohio Both locomotives were injured the bag gage car of the St Taul was smashed and two passenger cars were derailed The only man hurt was the fireman who suf fered dangerous concussion of the brain The wreck was caused by somebodys blunder Forkey a Lifer The jury in the Forkey murder trial at Fairbault Minn was out only two hours When it came in it returned a verdict of guilty in the second degree which means a life sentence Forkey is glad that his neck was saved the evidence against him being so strong that his attorney put in a plea of self defense France Issues a Denial A semi official note has been issued in France denying the report that the steamer Lafayette permitted by the United States to enter Havana landed a number of French artillerymen and de claring France had not departed and will not depart from loyal neutrality Weekly Bank Statement The New York weekly bank statement shows a reserve increase of 3000000 loans increase 2500000 specie increase 600000 deposits increase 7000000 The banks now hold 47000000 in excess of the legal requirements Will Succeed Gen Merritt It is stated in New York army circles that Brig Gen John I Rodgers chief of artillery has been appointed commander of the east to succeed Wesley Merritt who departed Friday for San Francisco on the way to Manila Famous Confederate Stricken Gen Henry R Jackson the famous ex confederalo major general and a veteran of the Mexican war and minister to Mexico during the first Cleveland administration was stricken with paralysis at Savannah Ga Sunday Columbias Boat Crew Beaten The boat crew of the naval academy at Annapolis defeated that from Columbia University Saturday in an eightoared race over a two mile course finising 13 seconds ahead of the visitors Time 1129 Makes a Loan to Spain The Paris correspondent of the London Daily Mail says The Banque de Paris has conoluded a loan of 10000000 francs to Spain and in consequence Spanish ex teriors are firmer Reconcentrndos Dying News comes from Havana that the re concentrados are dying of starvation and that cartloads of dead are taken daily lirfcirrl fliA Gnaniali linAp wivujju iug Kjaui3L uugo y - -- i iiTi r i Tr ii Ll j s ft fSf DARK DYNAMITE PLOT Suspected Scheme to Blow Up Government Buildings A Washington special to the St Louis Globe Democrat says Notwithstanding the absolute secrecy of the police and secret service officials it is learned on high authority that a scheme to destroy several of the public buildings of Wash ington has been detected and is now un raveled Friday afternoon a man at work on Analostan Island in the Potomac River a mile west of the city discovered a box of strange looking things He re ported his discovery to the police officials of No 7 precinct They sent a detail and a patrol wagon What they found was startling Hidden in a dreary wild spot were a can ister containing 250 pounds of dynamite a large canister of nitroglycerine and a can containing a white mixture These dangerous explosives were taken to the station The officers who are being aided by the secret service have a clew which leads to the belief that Spanish spies had secreted the explosives with ihe purpose J of -blowing up some of the public build ings A sensation is expected to develop GOLD IS VERY PLENTIFUL Circulates So Freely In New York as to Cause Inconvenience More gold coin is in circulation now than was ever known before This is be cause of the plethora of gold and the dearth of currency in the banks as well as in the United State treasury Mer chants and particularly Wall Street brokers when drawing money at New York banks object to the inconvenience of carrying heavy bags of coin instead of the more easily handled currency notes Payments of gold at the subtreasury have aggregated 1000000 daily lately greatly increasing the work of the paying tellers Nothing better illustrates the abundance of gold than its use in the settlements of customs duties Of the total receipts for customs duties last month 50 per cent was in gold In October 1897 the proportion of gold was only 5 per cent and before that month the average did not exceed 2 percent This movement began before the war and money shipped from New York has not begun to return FATAL BOILER EXPLOSION Two Men Killed and Another Mor tally Injured The boiler of McFarlin Bros mill at Conway five miles east of Petosky Mich exploded Monday afternoon insiantly killing two men and fatally injuring an other The mill was about to start up and it is supposed that the engineer started the pump with water too low The mill was demolished Mrs Manning Asks a Divorce Mrs Mary C Manning eldest daughter of Chief Justice Melville W Fuller of the United States supreme court has made an application in Chicago for a divorce from her husband Colin C Manning on the ground of non support and alleged bad habits Mr Manning is now United States consul at Fayal Azores Islands He has given notice of an intention to re sist the granting of the decree The parties were married about six years ago Retirement of Carl Schurz Carl Schurz has retired from his post of editorial writer on Harper- Weekly and gossip has it that the reason therefor is a falling out between the noted journalist orator and campaigner and the propietors of the publication concerning the war policy of the big weekly This story is denied by the editors of the Weekly and Mr Schuaz has not spoken He is now free to engage himself in another arena of public opinion Secure Incriminating Papers Stories were published in Rome Friday confirming the reports that the police have seized at the residence of Madame Kuli cieff a noted nihilist who is closely asso ciated with the socialist leader Turati not only correspondence relating to the organ ization of the disorders but the outlines of the whole concerted scheme for a revo lution compromising several republicans socialists and anarchist leaders Horse Sells for 125000 It is asserted in London that the Russian government has purchased the celebrated Irish bred race horse Galtee Moore for 25000 125000 MAKKKT QUOTATIONS Chicago Cattle common to prime 300 to 550 hogs shipping grades 300 to 475 sheep fair to choice 250 to 450 wheat No 2 red 150 to 152 com No 2 35c to 36c oats No 2 29c to 31c rye No 2 68c to 69c butter choice creamery 15c to 17c eggs fresh 9c to lie potatoes common to choice 65c to 85c per bushel Indianapolis Cattle shipping 300 to 550 hogs choice light 300 to 450 sheep common to choice 300 to 450 wheat No 2 124 to 126 corn No 2 white 37c to 38c oats No 2 white 33c to 35c St Louis Cattle 300 to 550 hogs 300 to 450 sheep 300 to 500 wheat No 2 120 to i22 corn No 2 yellow 34c to 35c oats No 2 32c to 33c rye No 2 62c to 64c Cincinnati Cattle 250 to 550 hogs 300 to 450 sheep 250 to 475 wheat No 2 red 120 to 131 corn No 2 mixed 37c to 39c oats No 2 mixed 33c to 35c rye No 2 69c to 71c Detroit Cattle 250 to 550 hogs 325 to 425 sheep 250 to 450 wheat No 2 123 to 125 corn No 2 yellow 38c to 40c oats No 2 white 36c to 37c rye 69c to 71c Toledo Wheat No 2 red 137 to 139 corn No 2 mixed 37c to 39c oats No 2 white 31e to 32c rye No 2 65c to 67c clover seed 300 to 310 Milwaukee Wheat No 2 spring 127 to 129 corn No 3 36c to 37e oats No 2 white 32c to 34c rye No 1 68c to 70c barley No 2 50c to 55c pork mess 1150 to 1200 Buffalo Cattle 300 to 550 hogs 300 to 475 sheep 300 to 450 wheat No 2 red 139 to 141 corn No 2 yellow 41c to 42c oats No 2 white 36c to 37c New York Cattle 300 to 550 hogs 300 to 475 sheep 300 to 450 wheat No 2 red 150 to 151 corn No 2 42c to 43c oats No 2 white 38c to 39c butter creamery 14c to 17c eggs Western 10c to lie V C jga33wi V BANKS AND CURRENCY Of late the gold advocating press is not saying that the banks are safer than the Government This may be owing to the fact that just now the people are inclined to be impatient with those who show a disposition to impugn the stability and honesty of this government Again the recent big bank failures in Philadelphia followed within the last week by a genuine boom in bank wrecking- in the East may have cooled the ardor of the sound money reform ers Lemuel T Terry of New Bed ford Mass Lewis Warner of North ampton Mass and E H Myers of Carthage N Y have wrecked the banks with which they were connected and have stolen an aggregate of half a million dollars These men were nil highly respected members of society and representatives of what President McKinley calls our best citizenship Will the gold advocates again take up the unpatriotic false and stupid are safer than Government iossiiror twMii1 other argument to advance in favor banding the control of the currency over to the banks To admit that the Government is safe and honest is to admit that there is no excuse for talc ing the power to issue currency away from the Government But facts prove that in many instances the banks are not safe and that bank officials are not honest while the converse is absolute ly true of the Government hence the gold clique argument has no weight and will be thoroughly discounted by the people Awakening of the Giant How is it that not a single paper in the United States that is advocating the cause of bimetallism finds any time to say a word in favor of an Anglo American compact The answer is dead easy There is not a single newspaper advocating independent bi metallism in the United States that is owned in England either in whole or in part There is not a single paper advocating the gold standard in the United States that is not also advocat ing an Anglo American alliance There Is not a single paper advocating an un derstanding with England that is not either wholly or in part owned in Eng land They do not represent the senti ment of the American people Their present noise however will serve to awaken the American people from their slumbers When they awake they will sentence to British fortresses as It were now established among us and teaching false doctrines Nation al Democrat Nelson Dlnfifley HIs Bill There is a bright and beaming smilo upon the usually rugged face of Mr Nelson Dingley these days He heara with delight the music of Deweys guns at Manila the smell of powder smoke is as Incense unto his nostrils He glories in the triumph of American arms and he Is particularly enthusiastic over all propositions looking to the prosecution of hostilities For every gun fired every naval skirmish tends to distract attention from Mr Dingleys bill to produce revenue As he justly remarks The expenses of war are of an extraordinary nature and must be met by extraordinary means of rais ing money It was no 111 wind that bore to the Hon Nelson Dingleys ears the clash of resounding arms It was a zephyr freighted with balm to the troubled soul and carrying away disa greeable mutterings concerning a defi cit of 10000000 per month Grim vis aged Avar is a white winged dove in the eyes of Hon Nelson Business Interests and the War When it is borne in mind that all the men likely to be engaged in the war with Spain will not amount to 1 per cent of the active working male popu lation of the country and that all the money that will be expended is less than the capitalization of each of sev eral railroad companies in the United States the importance of the war con sidered with respect to its effect on trade and industry is insignificant There is no good reason why business should not go on without serious Inter ruption and the reports of the trade reviews show that this is the view taken generally by merchants Kan sas City Star The Gerrymander Nuisance The Supreme Court of Illinois has very properly killed the infamous ger rymander enacted at the recent session of the Illinois Legislature The decis ion goes to the very root of the ques tion and prevents any further attempt at apportionment until after the next census Every step that is taken to wards putting apportionment beyond the reach of continued meddling is ben eficial and if the States would adopt the rational basis of county representa tion they would be rid of this perpetual nuisance altogether Indianapolis Sen tinel Vast Power Given to One Ulan No other Parliament in any other countiy of the world has ever given the executive a freer hand than- Congress did when it voted unanimously and without a single restriction that 50 000000 There are those who talk of the attempt of Charles I to overthrow the rigbts and liberties of England but he- never dreamed of asking the House of Commons to put under his control any such sum as that Providence Journal Qnay Has Work on Hand Senator Quay is making the most de termined efforts to secure his own re election to the United States Senate by forcing- the election of bis hench men to the Legislature he Is also strenuously engaged in efforts to compel tbe election of his candidate to the office of Governor and to accom plish the nomination of one of bis local lieutenants for the office of Mayor of Philadelphia Philadelphia Ledger T Points for Housekeepers Instead of new papers for pantry shelves get white table oil cloth This may be easily washed off and will last a long time It Is also nice for kitchens table and wall back of table where the paper is liable to get soiled Every housekeeper should have some place to keep medicines apart from other things If one has not a small closer Which is the most convenient place a shelf in some closet pantry or bed room may be utilized Tut high out of the reach of the children and use for no other purpose All medicines bot tles etc shLJe properly labeled jjfcthirHjxiKren y mtKe iilte orcepJKTakeB in tuis way precious lives have tgn destroyed For neuralgia or any suddexreyere attacks of pain wring cloths out o hot water and apply A mosi t excelled monia Is a hot poultice of corn ni and hops Apply cover with dry clotb and renew not allowing the poultice to cool For earache put black pepper ia cotton batting dip in sweet oil and in sert in the ear Golden Spice Cake Cream together one cupful of butter and two cupfuls of sugar add the well beaten yolks of seven eggs and one whole egg one cupful molasses one teaspoonful of ground cloves one-quarter of a teaspoonful of salt two tea spoonfuls of cinnamon one teaspoonful of ginger one half of a teaspoonful of nutmeg a dash of cayenne and five cupfuls of flour Add one and one quarter cupfuls of thick sour milk beat well for five minutes add one scant teaspoonful of soda dissolved In one tablespoonful of hot water Pour at once into well greased pans and bake in a moderate oven Freshness of an Egg To ascertain the freshness of an egg without breaking says a writer ia Good Housekeeping hold it before a strong light and look directly through the shell If the yolk appears round and the white surrounding it clear the chances are that the egg is fresh Or you may drop it into water If the egg snks quickly and remains at the bot tom it is in all probability fresh but if it stands on end it is doubtful and quite bad If it floats The shell of a fresh egg looks dull while that of a bad one Is glossy A As Mother Used to Do He criticised her pudding and be did jaot like her cake he wisbed shed make the biscuits like his mother used to make She didnt wash the dishes and she didnt make the stew and she dldnt mend his stockings as his moth er used to do Oh well she wasnt perfect but she tried to do her best until at length her time had come to have a little rest so when one day he growled and whined the whole day through and through she turned hint up and fanned his pants as bis mother used to do Fricasseed Oysters Put In a stewpan a pint of drained oysters add a tablespoonful of hot wa ter salt and pepper and a dash of cay enne pepper Boil for about three min utes shaking the pan to keep from sticking Strain out the oysters and add to the liquor a gill of cream Cook but do not brown a tablespoonful of butter and flour together Add slowly the oyster liquid and cream when boil ing hot stir in one well beaten egg add the oysters pour the whole tered toast and serve Rhuharb Pudding Cover the bottom of a buttered pud ding dish with some fine bread crumbs and then with a thick layer of rhubarb cut into dice Sugar Is scattered thickly over the rhubarb more bread crumbs added and the dish filled up in this way bread crumbs being on top with a few bits of butter and a slight gratings of orange peel if that flavor Is liked The pudding should be baked in a slow oven until the rhubarb is thoroughly cooked and the top of the pudding a tempting brown Oyster Cocktails For each person allow the strained juice of one half of a lemon one half teaspoonful of vinegar eight drops of Tobasco sauce one half teaspoon ful of horseradish and one balf tea spoonful of tomato catsup Add eight small blue points let stand for five minutes aud serve in a tall glass Rye Breakfast Soils Two cups milk two cups rye floor three eggs pinch of salt one table spoon of sugar Beat the eggs add jnilk and sugar Stir this into the flour to which the salt has been added Have the tins warm when the dough is put in Corn Meal Griddle Cakes One quart sour milk two eggs beaten Jiight one teaspoon soda one teaspoon salt two tablespoons molasses one tablespoon melted butter and one hair cup flour enough corn meal to make a good batter Fodder froui Russian thistles Farmers about Alliance Boxbutte County Neb claim that when the Russian thistle Is cut before the sharp points get hard and stems woody the resulting fodder is preferred to prairie hay It will be eaten more rapidly and richer milk will result when fed to cows On the table lands north of here cattlemen depend largely upon It for winter feed It is eaten readily wheri young and tender but with cows thtrV milk is liable to have an unpleasant V flavor as when feeding turnips or cab bage J B Johnson l i V