ft ii Y tf iL v r x r I APr vV TT7HERE village spires In sleep abide tt Where buildings tower on hlgb Through all the quiet countryside And where the cities He There swell at word a lusty band - In garb of motley hue fik Who at the bugle notes command Are citizens in blue A patient throng oer dusty road Oer hard and echoing street MId heat and cold theyve grimly strode Nor recked their blistering feet Theyve drilled In field and dingy hall When long days tasks were through And now theyre ready foirthe call These citizens in blue Theyve felt the scorn of friendly foes Who watched them but to jeer Theyve seen the angry mob oppose Their bayonets austere But now behold a nation thrilled Would ask what they can do Their answer is Our ranks are filled With citizens In blue And thus a eouchant host they wait Close to their hearthstones plow iFrom rivmouth to the Golden Gate TXhe InKlS to Mexico Their knapsacks packed their rifles scoured Their hands and courage true Sweetheart nor mother finds a coward In citizens in blue IILINOIS Springfield correspondence j history 01 Illinois nas never rllj produced such a camp us Pnmn Tinnni If iyS82K Wittily J UtllJVl AC means more from every aspect than any gathering of the troops ever held and all seem to know it AVlfen the regiments are called to the an nual encampments in this city every soldier of more than a years experience knows just what is going to happen He knows the hours for each turn of duty what he will have to do each day during the week and just the day and hour camp will be struck and the start made for lionie Here he knows nothing about it citifer does his captain nor his brigadier general Whatthe morrow the next hour may bring no uiaii knows It may be an order to move at once to Chickamauga It may he orders to return home The result of all this is a tense interest in every move that is made The next call of the bugle may be for parade and it tinny be the assembly for breaking camp Every soldier in the post feels that he ilias responded to a call that means war and is duly impressed with the gravity of the situation whenever he takes time to think or talk it over Mud and rain in combination with cold sraw winds laden with a chilly mist wind which blows the smoke from camp fires twisting and writhing into the faces of rthe cooks who bend over them These 4ie tijthe mettle of soldiers and all of these the men in camp pmve nail to struggle with KQH to them the absence of sufficient blankets and if i lif jll iyM ill hlllllll lill TIIE SUBSET GUV clothing and you can judge of the boys discomfort In the cavalry there is one blanket fGr every six men and for twenty men who came into camp with overcoats there are eighty who rushed away from home without them trusting with a child like and pathetic confidence in the Lord or the government to provide In spite of all this sickness in the camp steadily decreased The first company to be mustered into the United States volunteers of Illinois was L of the Fifth Infantry These men came from Feoria Company G of Fckin was the next totake the oath and G of Springfield the third The regiments mustered in the following order seniority -of colonels being the test of precedence The Fifth first the Third second the Sixth third the First Col Turner in command fourth the Second Col Moul tons command fifth the Seventh Col Kavanaghs command sixth the Fourth seventh the First Cavalry Col Youngs command eighth IOWA - Des Moines correspondence Alir McKinley at Des Moines is an ideal place for sol diers It is in the State fair grounds on which no fair will be held this year The grounds are cov ered with grass and the buildings in which ments furnish good shelter the four regi are quartered One thing which helps to strengthen the Iowa soldiers and make them ready for service sooner than in some other States is the fact that they have not been pampered In their annual regimental -camps they have been kept on regular army rations If they got anything out side they had to provide it themselves They have learned self reliance The raising of two batteries was assign ed to Lieut Hanson B Ely U S A at present instructor in artillery practice in the State University Tins State has -not maintained any artillery in connec tion with the National Guard but its practice lias been taught in the univer sity agricultural college State normal J 27 egMLvZw A a r ifci im jtt ramsr - - m r non and one or two other places JThe students of these institutions haVe re sponded nobly to the call for volunteers Former artillerymen of the regular army eager to get back into the service conic by the score to offer their services Grad uates of military schools have been heard from It will be necessary to secure 304 men for the two companies Fred Hol stein captain of the State University battery is in temporary command but Lieut Ely will probably command one of the batteries Thousands of visitors from all parts of the State go to the camp daily So ninny soldiers have never been seen in one place in Iowa since the civil war Roast beef with gravy chickens in va rious styles potatoes onions ritfishes and fruits constituted the menu at the dinner served to the soldiers in camp by the women of Des Moines the other day Improvised tables were spread at the dif ferent company barracks and the prettiest girls in Des Moines acted as waitresses Most of the companies passed resolutions of thanks INDIANA Indianapolis correspondence HE camp of the Indiana National Guard near Indianap olis is a constant source of attraction to all classes Every thing is now perfectly systematized and working in clock like order All the for malities of camp Jife are observed and the discipline is prac tically as rigid as though an enemy lay encamped but a few miles away Each of the companies has from ten to twenty new recruits and there are six new com panies in the camp but distributed through the four regiments These are rapidly being transformed into real sol diers and some of them are so earnest and so deeply interested that were they uniformed it would take an experienced eye to distinguish them in the drills from the older members of the National Guard The work of examining the troops pre paratory to muster progressed rapidly FEED CALL presence is discouraged as the boys had to pass through a trying ordeal on leav ing home and they are now crettinc ac- jsehool lown Wesleyan College in Mount customed to tent life Pleasant Cornell College in Mount Ye Of the men how in camp Detroit fur- v- nishes nearly 700 and Grand Rapids about 350 while the following cities have each a company Coldwater Kalamazoo Battle Creek Grand Haven Ionia Flint Alpena Bay City Saginaw west side Saginaw east side Port Huron Owos so Cheboygan Monroe Big Rapids Manistee Muskegon Calumet Iron Mountain Houghton Sault Ste Marie and Ironwood NEBRASKA Lincoln correspondence rw B OM a habit of pleasure and- peaceful pursuits the old State fair grounds near Lincoln have been transformed within a week to a place of rendezvous of warlike men At the present time between 1500 and 1- G00 men are bivouacked in Camp Alvin Saunders so named in honor of Nebras kas venerable former Senator and terri torial war Governor They are now awaiting the orders of Gov Holcoirib who will turn them over to the Unted States The transformation of the grounds from the civil to the military has not boi u without excitement On the whole how ever the rendezvousing was long ago dis counted well planned and perfectly car ried out Brig Gen Bills was one of the first to arrive and military discipline was quickly established In exactly forty eight hours Gov Hul comb was able to telegraph the War De partment that the Nebraska militia had assembled to a man and awaited orders for the mustering in as volunteers of the United States army Gov Holcomb at the same time laid claim to the distinction of being the first State commander to make such a report as going to prove the efficiency of the Nebraska guard OHIO Columbus correspondence HE State troops of Ohio are now WUfvNV being prepared for volunteer service at Camp Bushnell a mile east of the city limits of Columbus The ground was of fered free to the State by the owner John C Bullitt The city of Columbus furnishes water and light electric free pipes and wires being ex tended to the grounds for this purpose Gen IT A Axline who is in command of the troops estimates that more than PREFARING A MEAL IN CAMP On an average five men to a company were rejected There are 5400 men in camp and some idea of what it takes to supply their wants may be had from the following issue of rations for a single day Fresh beef 9375 pounds pork 1350 pounds bread includ ing hardtack and fresh loaves 9770 pounds beans 075 pounds rice 540 pounds coffee 5G3 pounds sugar 1125 pounds tea 90 pounds salt ISO pounds pepper 33 pounds potatoes 4500 pounds cabbage 1350 pounds pickles 1200 pounds The beans are furnished ready baked and the coffee comes to the camp roasted and ground Besides these edibles nearly all the men buy pies and fruit from peddlers and none suffer for any of the necessaries of life Many do their own cooking but a majority hire colored men to do it for them Their cooking utensils are limited to pots and frying ruins and the cooking is done in the open air and often when the dust is flying MICHIGAN Island Lake correspondence ICHIGAsS Governor H S Pin- gree is the busiest man in the State now beeaxise he is running the biggest thing in the State the camp of volunteers He has forgotten everything else politics and bus iness and is devoting his entire time to equipping the troops for the field He hopes to have Michi gans brigade ready for the field the first of all State troops The troops through his efforts are in better shape to day than ever before The routine of camp life is seemingly enjoyable to the men notwithstanding the fact that they are kept busy drilling all day and no pass is extended beyond taps A detail watches all trains going to neighboring towns at night and the announcement at the outset that any who did not wish to be thorough soldiers would be dismissed has had a good effect There are so many young men throughout the State who are so anxious to join the forces if given the opportunity that all are anxious to hold their positions In order to accustom the men to living in the field each company is obliged to do its own cooking bing provided with field ranges and it is wonderful how they man age to get up meals with them in so short a time The cook details are kept busy No visitors are fed in camp and their 75 per cent of the members of the Na tional Guard are in the ranks and ready to go into the volunteer service There are now S2S2 officers and men in Camp Bushnell A severe routine of daily duty has been adopted After three days in camp not a single case of sickness was reported Maj Gen Axline has appointed Col E C Brush of the First Artillery provost 1 1- i ki a t jix - ri i n - i tmsgfm SOLDIERS AT TABLE marshal of Camp Bushnell and Lieut E C Greiner of the Fourteenth Regi ment assistant provost marshal The brigade formation of the State troops has been put into effect with Col C B Hunt of the First Regiment in com mand of the First brigade and Col A B Colt of the Fourteenth in command of the Second Webb C Hayes of Cleveland has com pleted arrangements with Gov Bushnell for the organization of the seven addi tional cavalry troops required of Ohio WISCONSIN Milwaukee correspondence T Camp Harvey everything is iBHffll In N4u3 taJfrrlJ sVvV v S A AX -- 0 - 1j now done under strict discipline The grounds have been f o u n d excellently i adapted to camp uses J ami officers and men are completely satis fied The big mead- mvc rrosniif nn J - viii 44n mated picture at all times In addition to the bits of blue picked out all over the fields where men are drifting from one regimental camp to another there are always in the fore ground groups of recruits who are prac ticing the goose step or the setting up ex ercises varied with foot movements The soldiers are now getting accustomed to the cold and there has not been as much complaint lately as there was at first There is one thing the Spaniards will learn if the Wisconsin regiments happen to meet them and that is that marks manship is something to which the badg ers have paid attention How they can shoot Take the Third Regiment for instance this in preference for ever since riflecpractice has been made a feature the Third has been assiduous in that line Ev ery man in the regiment is almost as good a shot as the trained sharpshooters en listed in the civil war While the Third leads the Second is a close second and the Fourth and First are crowdinir -the others When it comes to field officers on the other hand military experts rath er give the pass to tie First though neither of the regiments has cause to grumble in this regard and neither will admit that any other badger regiment is any better equipped than they with offi cers It is a generous rivalry BI0TERS SHOT DOWN SPANISH MOBS ASK BREAD AND GET BULLETS Violent Demonstrations Are Report ed Throughout Spain Restaurants Shops and the Homes of Merchants Stoned by Hungry Crowds Many Killed or Wounded Dispatches indicate that the crisis in Spain has become intensified The queen regent is rapidly losing the little popu larity she has and is now insolently re ferred to as that Austrian woman It is believed she would quit Spain at once should she believe that such a step would promote the interests of the infant king Meanwhile the trouble in the provinces increases and the rioting may become a revolution Thus far a number of per sons have been killed and wounded and several buildings wrecked In the finan cial world all is chaos Runs on banks everywhere prevail and the funds with drawn are being hoarded The speech of Lord Salisbury in London enraged the Spaniards They discern that with En gland in sympathy with America the other European powers will hesitate to -act for Spain The outlook in Mrdrid grows darker every hour that passes Reports of riot pour in from the provinces and in most cases there has been bloodshed A se rious disturbance occurred at Caceres and a still more violent demonstration took place at Leon where large crowds of women and children paraded the streets crying Give us bread or work These paraders were joined by large numbers of men and the disorder became greater The mob stoned the restaurants provision shops and the houses of mer chants breaking doors and windows and seizing everything they could lay hands on The civil guard called upon the crowd to disperse but the demand was refused whereupon the troops fired a volley into the- mob A mob of 10000 persons rioted at Helquist and plundered houses on all sides The police fired into the crowd Eight thousand miners who are on strike at Murcin paraded the streets shouting Death to the thieves Down with the octroi dues The mob tried to set fire to the railway station and a number of other buildings but was not successful The mob then marched on Cartagena but was intercepted by troops who fired upon and wounded sev eral of the rioters All these disturbances are due to eco nomic causes to the great dearth of wheat and the consequent advance in the price of bread and the closing of fac tories and workshops owing to the com plete paralyzation of trade and the pro hibitive prices of coal and raw materials The government is adopting drastic meas ures to keep food in the couutry A bill passed the cortes to come into immediate operation totally prohibiting expn t of wheat Hour and potatoes DOLE OFFERS HAWAII Malccs Formal Tender of Islands to Uncle Saui President Dole has sent a long com munication to President McKinley offer ing to President McKinley offering to transfer the Hawaiian islands to the United States for purposes of its war with Spain and to furnish American ships of war in Pacific waters with large quantities of coal supplies and ammuni tion This action was unexpected in Washington There is a general senti ment in Congress favorable to the ac ceptance of the offer and a Washington correspondent says that when it is for mally received it is probable that the President will send to Congress a mes sage recommending the passage of a bill granting him authority to act wfisamDSs OF s All records in baseball were broken Friday a week when two National League teams were shut out without a base hit Jack Daly and Kid Lavigne are to tackle each other again in the latter end of May This time they are to try con clusions at Long Island City Teter Jackson has retired from the ring giving as a reason the statement that the youngsters like Jim Jeffries who are coming up are too speedy for him Major Taylor the colored cycle rider is matched to ride against Jaap Eden Kiser Gardiner Boulay and August Lehr five races each on a different track On March 21 the stallion Boyets trot ted four miles in a race in Russia in 1007 This performance lowers all rec ords for the distance not only in Europe but America John C Knowles the century rider who made a 00 century run in 1S94 died at the Bellevue hospital New York last week from consumption brought on by excessive riding There has been no let up in the enmity between Tom Cooper and Eddie Bald Sooner than train at the Fountain Ferry track at Louisville Ky where Bald is Cooper went to Cincinnati There is a good deal of interest mani fested in the coming contest between Jim Jeffries and Tom Sharkey in California inasmuch as the winner is likely to be pitted against Peter Maker In his day Bobby Mathews who died the other day had no peer He was the second pitcher to knack the art of curv ing the ball The first to throw a curve was Arthur Gummings The pitching rules in those days called for a 45 foot distance Bobbys curves furnished col umns of sensations in the newspapers at the time Cordang holder of the worlds 24 hour record of 010 miles is again in great form I aim will make an attempt to ride even further in the double revolution of the clock some time during the spring The League of American Wheelmen has secured the support of the State De partment in pushing the claims for indem nity against Turkey for the death of Frank Lenz the American cyclist who was murdered by Kurds while making a tour of the world awheel The Turkish Government has signified its willingness to pay an indemnity but thinks 40000 the amount churned too high 3 N CITIZENS MEAT MARKET GEO G SCHWALM PROP This market always keeps a supply of FRESH -FRUIT -AND -GAME s In addition to a first class line of Steaks Itoasts Dry Salt Meats Smoked Hams Breakfast JBacon and Vegetables AtStetter8 Old 8tand on Main Street VALENTINE NEBRASKA aaaaaaaam 4 4 4 4 THE PALACE SALOON HEADQUARTERS FOR W B HAtEY miTi Valentine Nebraska 1000000 Bond Filed MM n 1 VALENTINE NEBRASKA 8WWWW9 WW WSW WW WS W9 w w w 0 WINES LIQUORS AND CIGARS S a Of the Choicest Brands it ANK OF VALENTINE C JET COllXELLi President Jl V XIBIIOLSOX Cashier Valentine Nebraska A General Banking JBusiness -Transacted i Huijs aatl Sells domestic and HForeiyn lEloccliantjc Correspondents Chemical National Bank New York First National Bank Omaha 4 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 39 49 49 49 The DONOHER u i Is continually adding improvements and it is now the best equipped and most comfortable FIBST OLASS MODERN HOTEL IN NORTHWEST NEBRASKA 1 Hot and Cold Water Si Excellent Bath Room Two Sample Rooms 2 to to bb to to to to to hb to to QlHERRY 0OUNJY ANK Valentine Nebraska Every facility extended customers consistent with conservative banking Exchange bought and sold Loans upon good security solicited at reasonably rates County depository E SPARKS President CIIAPtLES SPARKS Cashier Notary Public Real Estate M 9 SoutJi of Court Iloiifta OR GRAND OFFER To keep our great factory busy and introduce early our splen did 93 models ve have concluded to make a marvelous offer direct to the rider For 3o days we will sell samples of our swell 98 bicycles at net cost to manufac ture and will ship C O D on approval to any address on receipt of the nominal sum of Sioo if west of Denver 5 Thisi im deposit is merely to show good faith on purchasers part if you dont want to send money in advance send your express agents guaranty for charges one way and we will pay them the other if you dont want the wheel T SSrTfl M grade embodying every late improve- Knni i ment of volae 1U inch innorted tnbine flash joints improved two piece cranks arch crown large detachable sprockets handsomest finish and decorations Morgan Wright quiuo repuir ures singio or uonoxe tune nign grade ment Special price on sample S20 00 COSSfl C PC b A sPlendid machine eqnal to any for service and easy rnnning Best 1 Ji inch L1 m t7f seamless tnbing two piece cranks arch crown detachable sprockets finely finished and decorated Morgan Wright quick repair tires single or double tube high grade equipment Our special sample price S24 00 QT F1l Best racdiura grade for 1693 Va inch tubing striped and decorated arch - uunk iJiuui jreuiuiKs uau retainers Dest Indiana or JJew Brunswick tires standard equipment Special price on eample S1900 NOTE Choice of Color Style Height of Frame Gear etc Fully Guaranteed You will be surprised at the appearance and quality of these wheels Dont wait ordr now while this offer is open Prices will be much higher soon Yoo T can mnkeBte MoSev Do You Want Cheap Wheels yflEZSSSZSSittZZZZS 1200 to 1600 Wheels Slightly Used Modern Types S800 to 1200 Our business and reputation are known thrnjiffhnnf thn wt v express companies or any bank in Chicago Art Catalogue free Secnro agenciat once - 1 lie J L Mead Cycle Co Chicago ii life Eg J5Vt JK Z