The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, May 05, 1898, Image 4

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The Amount Appropriated by the
Measure Is 35720945 Naval
Officers Dont Believe Dewey
Threw Petroleum Bombs
Money for the War
Washington- Several war measures
were passed by the senate Monday and
notwithstanding their importauce not one
of theua elicited The lightest debate
Probably the most important measure
passed by the aenate was the emergency
war deficiency bill carrying 35720945
Senator Ha wley ecureti the passage of a
bill providing for the enlistment of a vol
unteer brigade ot engineers and of 10000
men iu the south who are immune to yel
low fever these enlistments to be in addi
tion to those provided for in the presidents
call for 125000 volunteers Some amend
ments had been made to the appropriation
bill in the senate and a conference was
agreed to between the two houses The
conferees soon came to an agreement and
the bill was then passed by the house
carrying the amount above stated
Not Believer that Dewey Threw
Petroleum Bombs Into Manila
Washington Naval officials are in
clined to discredit the statement in dis
patches from Madrid that Admiral Dewey
employed petroleum bombs in the reduc
tion of the city of Manila In fact no
definite information could be obtained
that the American squadron was supplied
with such instruments of destruction The
belief is prevalent in official circles that if
a fire occurred the Spaniards confronted
by the inevitable fall of the city them
selves applied the torch thereby carrying
into effect the threat which they have
made concerning both Maniia and
Havana that the cities should never fall
into the hands of the Americans except as
heaps of smouldering ruins
Cora Belle Fellows Former
H us-
band Tired of Life
Xiorraua Neb Samuel Campbell
or ChasUa - the half breed Indian who
made fame ten years ago by marrying
Cora Belle Fellows cut his throat Sunday
morning while in the cell of the county
jail A few weeks ago he was arrested
for stealing harness of his Indian friends
to the amount of 75 and he was held to
answer to the May term of the district
court Various attempts have been made
to procure a bond ot 500 for his release
but none up Jo the present time has been
satisfactory to the county judge Becom
ing discouraged he attempted to take his
life and declares he will succeed another
Steamer Argonauta Captured by the
Gunboat Nashville
Key West One of the most important
captures made since the outbreak of hos
tilities was that of the Spanish Argonauta
by the gunboat Nashville news of which
reached here when the warship arrived
The Argonauta had ou board Col Cor i jo
of the Third Spanish cavalry his first
lieutenant a surgeon a major and ten
privates and non commissioned officers
All were held as prisoners of war The
steamer also carried a large cargo of arms
and ammunition She was bound from
Batabano Spain for Cienfuegos
Cattle to Feed the Miners
Tacoma Wash At least 2100 steers
will be driven over the Dalton trail to
Dawson starting from Pyramid Harbor in
June C W Thebo representing Butte
City men has purchased 1200 head and
lack Dalton is gathering 700 more for the
same purpose Thebo has shipped over
half his stock to pastures between Tacoma
and Puyallup where they will be fattened
The balance will arrive within a week
They have been selected with great care
and will average 1500 pounds each when
shipped from here Each band of 100 cat
tle will be in charge of six Montana cow
boys and each cowboy will be provided
with a saddle horse and a pack horse to
carry his food for the entire journey This
arrangement will require seventy eight
cowboys and 156 horses
Murder by Striking Miners
Steubenville Ohio Five of a party
of Slav miners were shot at from ambush
as the were going to work One was
fatally wounded The miners have been
on a strike Three hundred voted to go
to work and because they insisted upon
going into the mine the shots were fired
by a party of strikers
A Town Nearly Wiped Out
Wichita Kan A Canada Texas
special says The town of Mobeetie
Texas was almost totally destroyed by a
cyclone Sunday morning John Stocker
Mrs R Wright Mrs Rufus Kitchen and
baby Patterson were killed and many in
jured The population of the town is 200
Elevator and Warehouse Destroyed
Augusta Ga The Georgia railroad
elevator and warehouse capacity of 150
000 bushels of grain and the warehouses
of Busey Carswell burned to the
ground Monday Total loss estimated at
1200000 All the stock was comprised of
grain and provisions
Brings Explosives from England
New York The Atlantic transport
line steamer Michigan which arrived
Suuday night from London brought 560
cases of cordjtc addressed to the com
mandant of the Brooklyn navy yard
Nominated for Congress
BELLEVILLE Kansas The Republican
congressional convention of the Fifth Kan
sas district unanimously nominated W
A Calderhead of Marysville
Prof Carl Betre Dead
Kansas City Prof Carl Betre orig
inator of the system of calisthenics taught
in the publicschools died here the result
of an operation
i ii ii
Shenandoah Reaches Liverpool
Liverpool The American ship Slieu
andoah reported captured by the Spanish
gome days ago arrived Friday afternoon
First Twister of the Season in This
Sioux City Specials on Sunday record
the disaster wrought by the first tornado of
the season in this latitude It was not
nearly so severe as some which have vis
ited the northwest only three fatalities
being reported
The storm seems to have formed be
tween 4 and 5 oclock Saturday afternoon
in Dixon County Nebraska and crossed
the Missouri into Union County South
Dakota going northeastwardly crossing
the Sioux at Akron into Plymouth County
crossing the Sioux City and Northern at
Maurice in Sioux County the Omaha
road at Ashton in Osceola County and
thence southeastwardly through OBrien
County and into Buena Vista County
Another storm is reported at about the
same time in the vicinity of Oto and
Smithlaud Woodbury County but no
news of important damage has been re
Near Elk Point considerable damage
was done Many buildings were razed
John Johnson the oldest son of Lewis
Johnson was sitting on the north side of
the house He was found twelve rods
from the building lying dead in a ditch
by the side of the road A piece of timber
had entered his head behind the right ear
making a hole in which one could put his
four fingers The storm then crossed
Brule Creek sweeping everything beforo
it It then crossed the Big Sioux River
moving in the direction of Akron Iowa
The wind caused great destruction in that
locality it is said A great many of the
hail stones were of the size of lemons
Shade trees and windmills and other
things in the path of the storm suffeied
At Maurice Iowa the depot was blown
lown Houses barns and elevators suf
fered the same fate Nearly everybody in
town had taken refuge in storm caves or
there undoubtedly would have been
aumerous casualties
At Whiting the new house of James Mc
Clain was turned bottom side up and com
pletely demolished Mrs McClain saw the
storm coming and ran out of its course
thus saving her life
The storm passed one mile west of Shel
don demolishing farm buildings and in
juring six persons
Several buildings were blown to pieces
n the vicinity of Alta
Later dispatches from points in the path
of the storm show the damage was greater
than first reports indicated OBrien
County Iowa seems to have suffered
more than any other section At the
Lemkahls place eight miles south of
Sheldon two children were killed No
jther fatalities are reported in Iowa
Examiner Laid a Trap Which
closed Peculation
Washington The comptroller of the
currency has received a telegram from
Bank Examiner Ewer stating that he hac
taken charge of the Hampshire County
National Bank of Northampton Mass
The president who the examiner says i
a defaulter to the amount of 75000 or 103
000 is reported as missing The president
of the bank is said to be also president oi
the Hampshire Savings Bank and the dis
covery of the defalcation was madt
through a ruse The government exam
iner made an arrangement through the
state examiner for an investigation of tlm
two banks at the same time They are
located in the same building and by thii
scheme it was made impossible for thosu
in charge to transfer funds from one to the
-other to cover up shortages In its last
statement the officers of the Natioual
Bank reported Capital 250000 deposits
520000 surplus 50000
Ship with 75000 Bushels Aboard
Clears from Portland Ore
Portland Ore The German barl
Amazone has cleared for East London
with the seventh carge of grain that has
left Portland for South Africa this season
She was dispatched by Sibson Kerr and
carried 74666 bushels of choice bluesteir
wheat valued at 68500 The British bails
Semantha also completed her cargo and
cleared for Queenstown or Falmouth foi
jrders with 183079 bushels of wheat
valued at 119773 She was loaded b
Eppinger Co The grain trade witfc
South Africa is much larger this
season than in any previous season In
addition to the seven cargoes that have
eft Portland for South African ports foui
vessels have cleared for there from Tacoma
Telephone Service on the Field
Washington For the first time in the
experience of any army in actual service
the commanding officers of the United
States troops will have complete outfits
for maintaining telephonic communica
tion with the various brigades regiments
etc that go to make up divisions or corps
of any army For this the officials are in
debted to Gen A W Greely the chief
signal officer By means of the communi
cation thus afforded commanders will be
able to immediately send instructions to
subordinates in the field and to receive re
ports of movements Gen Greely also has
equipped and ready for service his field
telegraphic outfit
Chinese May Go Back
Seattle Wash Unexpected compli
cations affect the disposition of forty eight
Chinese which are now on the Japanese
liner Yamaguchi Maru lying in this port
The party of Celestials was brought over
for the Trans Mississippi Exposition at
Omaha When notified of their arrival
the manager of the exposition replied
stating that lie did not want any more
Chinese They were not allowed to land
and it is believed the steamship company
will be required to carry the party back to
Extra Guards for Powder Houses
St Louis Owing to the suspicion that
the recent destruction of the powder mills
at Santa Cruz Cal and Dover N J by
explosions may have been the work of
Spanish spies the managers of the eight
big powder companies having headquar
ters in this city have placed a double guard
at all points where powder is stored or
manufactured There are five powder
storehouses near here carrying thousands
of tons of explosives
Set Back for Drunkenness
Washington Lieutenant Commander
Charles A Adams attached to the re
ceiving ship Independence at Mare Isl
and was convicted by courtmartial of
intoxication and sentenced to dismissal
The president has mitigated the sentence
by dropping the officer forty nine num
bers putting him at the foot of the list ot
lieutenant commanders The commuta
tion was made because of Hie courts rec
ommendation in favor of the officers-
splendid sea record i
Opening of the War Has No Appre
ciable Effect
New York Bradstreets says The
lack of excitement nervousness or inter
ruption to the ordinary orderly conduct
of public affairs and particularly busi
ness operations with which this country
has passed from peace to war seems likely
to become hysterical When contrasted
with the records where extant of busi
ness conditions at periods in the countrys
history when war was the final result of
the strained relations the temper with
which the country has recognized the out
break of hostilities with a foreign power
is not only proof that the dullness and de
pression of the past six weeks have largely
discounted the effect usually witnessed
but furnishes a valuable index to the gen
eral point of view taken by the business
community as to the outcome of the pend
ing war Little or no effect upon general
trade distribution of an unfavorable char
acter is perceptible in the reports of the
past week
Perhaps the most notable because most
uniform feature has been the unanimity
with which the fluctuations of leading
staples have beenmarked up These ad
vances too have not been confined to food
products but include many widely differ
ing articles alike of home and foreign
The Organization Is Ignored by Gov
Leedy of Kansas
Topeka Kansas It is clearly the pur
pose of the state administration to turn
down the state militia and the three reg
iments from Kansas must be made up
largely of raw recruits Gov Leedy re
ceived a message from the war department
authorizing him to organize the state
troops to suit himself Immediately upon
securing this authorization the governor
telegraphed to the captain of every Kansas
militia organization directing that all
army clothing and equippage belonging to
the state or federal government be for
warded at once to the adjutant general in
Topeka This step in effect disarms the
militia and has raised a storm throughout
Kansas Following this action Gov
Leedy named five recruiting officers as
signing them by congressional districts
and these officers will enroll the Kansas
volunteers Gov Leedy orders that after
the companies are recruited they shall
elect their own company officers All reg
imental officers the governor will appoint
and the supposition is that the national
guard will be all but ignored
Accuses America of Ingratitude for
Past Favors
London The Moscow correspondent
of the Standard says Public opinion in
Russia so far as it is expressed sympa
thizes with Spain Apart from admiration
of the courage that ventures upon a con
flict with an overwhelmingly superior an
tagonist Russia lias received a severe blow
in the suspected friendly agreement be
tween the United States and England
The Russians do not forget placing their
fleet at the disposal of the north in the war
of secession in 1861 and they are bitterly
aggrieved that the United States is not
equally mindful of this service now
Indians Refused the Cattle
Browns Valley Minn A S Cross
field of this city and Joseph R Brown
Chief Two Stars and D K Simon of Sis
seton Indian reservation started for Wash
ington Friday morning to make a demand
oirUncle Sam for a portion of the money
due the Indians under treaty The gov
ernment has offered the Indians a pay
ment of 100000 in cattle but the teds
have refused this and will insist upon a
cash payment
Abandon a Barge in a Storm
Wilmington N C The tug John
Harland towing the barge Carrie L
Tyler with a cargo of phosphate rock
encountered a gale off Cape Lookout on
the 27th The barge became unmanagea
ble and with five men on board was aban
doned by I he tug which filled with water
and dragged ashore at Lookout light The
crew of the tug was rescued but it is
feared the men on the barge were lost
Blancos Conscription Decree
Washington Secretary Quesada of
the Cuban legation here said that Gen
Blancos order conscripting Cubans be
tween the ages of 15 and 5 J in the Spanish
army showed the dire extremity to which
the Spanish commander was driven Senor
Quesada said that up to this time the
Spanish authorities have not utilized the
services of a single Cuban company or
Searching for Russian Embezzler
Chicago The police of this city are
searching for Gabriel Ribine and Tbeo
phile Przilenski who are said to be
fugitives from St- Petersburg Russia
Ribine is accused of embezzling 900000
from a Russian estate while he was em
ployed in the Russian court of wards
Przilenski is charged with stealing 75000
from the Russian government
Tanners Hopes Shattered
Springfield III Gov Tanners hopes
of leading the Illinois troops to the front
were dashed to pieces by word from Wash
ington that he would not be placed in
command by McKinley As a result Col
J R B Vancleave inspector general has
resigned Tanner and his general officers
held conferences and there may be other
New York Exeeds Its Debt Limit
New York Comptroller Coler has
issued a statement of the citys finances
showing that the city has exceeded its
debt limit by over 125000000 Mr Coler
includes however 27765813 for lauds
acquired and not paid for and 15112115
for contract liabilities which may not
have to be met for some time
Slain by Chinese Brigands
Vancouver B C Oriental advices
say a party of twenty brigands attacked a
hamlet near Taipeh China March 31
killedKank Kin Shang his wife mother
children and servants numbering fifteen
who resisted the attempt to rob their
house and assaulted their daughters The
robbers then fired the house
Bank Wrecker Gets Four Years
Columbus Kan Alexander Warner
a Republican leader in the state legisla
tuie who was recently convicted of hav
ing wrecked the bank at Baxter Springs
of which he was president was sentenced
to four years in the state penitentiary
Railroad Deal
Denver A deal involving about 3
00000 it is said between the Union Pa
cific and the Union Pacific Denver and
Gulf railroads has been consummated
here by the latter company securing con
trol of the Union Pacific shops in this city
Responding to a resolution of inquiry
in regard to the enforcement of the liquor
law in Alaska Secretary Gage sent a
statement to the Senate in which he says
that notwithstanding the effort of the
department it is still a fact that the law
is openly violated It has he says been
reported to the department that forty
saloons do business in Juneau a town of
less than 4000 inhabitants while in
Sitka which contains less than 1000
white inhabitants there are twelve open
saloons The universal public sentiment
in the territory says the Secretary is
bitterly opposed to the enforcement of the
liquor law and the efforts of the officers
are met with intimidation threats of vio
lence and attempts at bribery The Sec
retary closes with the statement that it is
impossible to enforce the present law
against the existing public sentiment
Officials of the money order department
are somewhat at a loss to understand
why a formal prohibition should have
been issued forbidding the further ex
change of money orders between this
country and Spain except upon the as
sumption that the order follows some pre
scribed form previously used The fact
is there has never been any interchange
of money orders between Spain and the
United States The Spanish Govern
ment has shared with Mexico and the
South American States the distinction of
never having sought to establish a money
order system within its own borders and
therefore has never been in a position to
negotiate a money order convention with
the United States
Patriots in the employ of the Treasury
Department who desire to enlist in the
army or navy for service against the
Spaniards are to receive encouragement
from Secretary Gage who has had a cir
cular prepared to be used in replying to
the numerous inquiries coming in from
employes of the department throughout
the country It announces that those who
desire to leave the service temporarily for
the war may be reinstated under existing
civil service rules at any time within
twelve months from the date of separa
tion from the service
The model of the battleship Maine
which has been on exhibition in the
corridors of the Navy Department and
has been surrounded by a crowd of tour
ists almost continuously since the explo
sion at Havana has been removed to the
basement to be packed for shipment to
Omaha where it will be exhibited this
summer at the exposition One of the
messengers estimates that the model has
been inspected by an average of i000
persons a day since the 13th of February
Over GOO doctors have applied for ap
pointment as temporary surgeons in the
navy for the war although for months
there have been several vacancies in the
regular service which are permanent and
carry with them a pension Thi difficulty
is in passing the examination imposed by
the medical board It is so severe that
few young men can pass it although there
is always an abundance of candidates
-V T
Gov Atkinson of Georgia and Gov
Taylor of Tennessee have both applied for
commissions as brigadier generals in the
volunteer army and assignment to the
command of the troops from their respec
tive States Both gentlemen express their
intention of resigning their governorships
if they receive appointments and they
understand that it is necessary for them
to do so
It has been decided to send the insur
gents in Cuba a quantity of muskets and
carbines that are stored in the arsenals
They were discarded by the army when
the new Krag Torgensen rifle was adopt
ed and are similar to those that have
been served out to the militia in the sev
eral States The arms are in excellent
condition although they are not up to
There is a real estate dealer in Wash
ington named William McKinley There
used to be a real estate dealer here nam
ed John Sherman and he caused his
venerable Senatorial namesake a good
deal of annoyance It looks queer to see
signboards upon vacant lots offering
property for sale or rent by William Mc
In 18G1 the postal business of the coun
try had increased from 513000000 to
9GOuO000 a year and the last official
report of Government disbursements
showed that it cost 48000000 a year to
transport the mails and 4 1000000 to
handle them The aggregate number of
pounds handled is 000000000
William Jennings Bryan has written a
letter to President McKinley offering his
services to the Government in any posi
tion in which they may be useful The
letter is brief but courteous and asks
for any assignment the President may
see fit to give him
Ad jr Gen Corbin is the busiest man
in the department perhaps the busiest
man in Washington working nineteen
and twenty hours a day to get the volun
teer army started and the new regiment
of regulars under way
Congress had an opportunity to con
template war from a new point of view
when Secretary Alger asked for an ap
propriation of 3401999738 to pay the
ordinary expenses of the army for just
two months
The President has received a touching
letter from a gentleman in Richmond
who offers to raise an entire regiment of
Virginia colonels but this has become a
delicate subject down in that quarter
It is believed in Washington official cir
cles that after the insurgents are fully
armed and equipped they will be able to
send a force of 50000 men against Ha
The President is bearing up well under
the strain and public receptions have been
Extortionate Fees Asserted to Be Un
common in the Profession
It is ordinarily supposed that as a
rule high charges are seldom made by
the members of the dental profession
for their services The dentists them
selves maintain that this supposition is
entirely correct They say that big fees
for professional services go to the law
yers and the physicians and that they
seldom receive sums commensurate
with their services when compared
with the services and pay of the mem
bers of the two professions mentioned
One of the oldest and best kuownjUen
tists in Chicago said the other daythat
dentist die younger than any other pro
fessional men This fact which he
said was statistical lie said Avas due
to the severe nervous strain under
which the dentists work For this rea
son it Avas contended that the dentists
are a class paid less than they should
be and that large fees and those
which could be called extortionate
were heard of very infrequently
Although the dentists may not get as
large fees or get them as often as Iuav
yers surgeons and physicians they
nevertheless make some charges once
in a while that take away the breath of
the patients Some time ago a dentist
achieved considerable notoriety by
charging a wealthy South American
9000 for filling nine teeth The South
American however was no easy vic
tim even if he did come from the
wrong side of the equator and he pro
ceeded to give the dentist a tussle in the
courts The dentist brought in an item
ized bilL that was characterized by
more nerve than any suffering man
ever thought he liad in an aching tooth
This bill was such a AA onder that it
was straightway passed into the ar
chives of dentistry as the most remark
able dental document ever produced
Among other things in the itemized bill
was a 50 charge for the use of a gold
plated cuspidor There were a number
of other almost equally ridiculous items
In the bill There was quite a little
fight over the bill which in the end was
cut down several thousand dollars
Ill tell you how one man got even
with a dentist who overcharged him
said a State street doctor The dentist
sent the man a bill for G0 for some
work lie had done for the mans daugh
ter The victim thought the bill seem
ed pretty large for the Avorlc that had
been done so he showed the biJL to an
other dentist who was thoroughly com
petent but who did not make a practice
of overcharging and asked him what
would have been a fair price for the
work The dentist said he AAould have
been glad to do the job for 25 or 30
The man thought of going to law over
the affair but concluded it was not
worth while He determined to get
even by giving the man a long hard
disagreeable task in getting his money
A lawyer advised him that if he gave
the collector a little something on ac
count every time he came around the
dentist could not do him any legal dam
age Then the man determined on his
course Every time the collector came
to his place of busines he gave him a
quarter of a dollar on the bill and made
the collector give him a receipt lie
kept that thing up until he drove both
the collector and the dentist half
crazy Finally the dentist said he
would knock off SIS if the man v ould
pay the remainder of the bill The
man avIio had been overcharged laugh
ed in his sleeve and paid ihe rest of Uie
reduced hill Chicago Chronicle
The largest mass of pure rock salt in
the world lies under the province of
Galicia Hungary It is known to be
550 miles long twenty broad and 250
feet in thickness
In the long Arctic nights there is a
constant difficulty in keeping awake
Greely had to make very strict rules to
Keep his men awake during the long
Arctic night Beds were not allowed to
be made and the men were compelled
to get up and move ahout
When you pinch your finger you think
you feel pain the very same instant
but really the hurt and the pain are
not simultaneous although they seem
to be so If a person had an arm loog
enough to reach the sun it would be
132 years before he Avould feel the pain
of the burn
It is reported that an English officer
named Harrington has discovered in
India a working telephone between the
two temples of Pauj about a mile apart
The system is said to have been in op
eration at Pauj for over two thousand
years In this connection we may ob
serve that Egyptologists have found
unmistakable evidence of wire
between some of the tem
ples of the earlier Egyptian dynasties
but Avhether these serve a telegraphic
telephonic or other purpose is not
The Rich and the Poor
Not long ago a London preacher In
dulged in a little bit of sarcasm over a
small collection And he did it very
neatly in a preface to his sermon on the
following Sunday Brethren he said
our collection last Sunday Avas a very
small one When I look at this congre
gation I say to myself Where are the
poor but as I looked at the collection
when we counted it I exclaimed
Where are the rich
A Valuable Clerk
Merchant Hae you had any experi
ence in chinaware
Applicant Years of it sir
Merchant What do you do AAhen you J
break a valuable pieced
Applicant Well er I usually set it
together again and put it Avhere some
customer Avill knock it over
Merchant Youll do London Tit
This getting married is like renting a
door for the purpose of keeping a wolf
from it
P O address
Mernman Nebr
Right oar cropped
Hole in center of left
Range Lake creek
Metzger Bros
Pullman Neb
Cherry Co
Rraud on left dde
and thigh
Earmark square
crop rteht ear
Southern branded
cattle have hut one
brand on left side
Native cattle have
throat wattle
RaiiLt on wordon and Snake Creeks
Horses have same urandou lett thigh
A Rctvartl of SlOO will be paid to any
person for information leading to the arrest and
final conviction of anv person or persons steal
ing cattle with above brand
Joseph W Bow net
William M Dunbar
Lessee from Heine Kroeger
IfcTil ii 1JVT1
Horses s on left
Rraud is small
Earmark Quarter
clip behind half cir
cle forward on left ear
Range Lone Tree
Cody Neb
DUn Either side
William Shanijien
Cody Neb
Wm 1
Jack LePoint
Mcrriman Neb
Cattle branded on
left side Some on
hip also
Earmark round hole
In center ot left ear
Also iiseBSon
Bl tea
And kJcW side-
Louis F Richards
Lett ear oi cattle
Range neau oi uay
Henry Pratt
Rosebud S D
Left side
Horses same on
left shoulder
Deerhorn clip on
some cattle
Dulap uudei side oi
on right stde Range Lake Corn ana
Bear creeks
Charles H Faulhaber
Hrowntee Nebr
Either right or left
side on cattle
Horses same on
left shoulder
Left eareutotT of
Range Loup river
Marshall Wolfenden
Kennedy Net
Some Zi on the left
- rBJi
Merriman Neb
Charles JBenard
Rosebud S D
Range Rig White
and Rad Rivers
mfl I 3iX IB
W R Kissel
Urownlee Neb
Also some below
lett hit
Charles C Tackett
Range Kissels
Wheeler Bros
Cody Neb
Range on the Snake
Rver and Chamber
lain Rat
Rosebud S D
Range head of An
telope near St Marys
Horses branded
on left thigh
William F Schmidt
Rosebud S D
On left side
Horses branded
same on left hip or
Range on norse