The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, April 28, 1898, Image 8

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4 V
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SOBERT GOOD Editor and Publisher
Official Paper of Cherry Coun
x 8
ty KebrasKa
100 Per Yeu ih Advance
Knt red at t be Tost offlco at Valentine Clierry
county Nebraska as Second class matter
This paper will be mailed regularly
to its subscribers until a definite order
- discontinue is received and all ar
rears are paid in full
The leading article in one of our
exchanges -down the road laBt week
was six toes long and our proof read
er counted seventeen errors therein
It was a war article and needless to
say was
a corker
Manager Bidwell of the JSlkhorn is
taking hold of the potato Question with
both hands He says that only 140
cars of potatoes were shipped from
this section of the state last year and
says he sees no reason why this
ber shouJd not be raised to 14000 cars
rreeleyCcl ships a train load of pota
1 toes dailyyyet we raise better
-toes than does Greeley
It is rumoredone of the young ladies
of a neighboring town is canvassing
for a book and kisses every man who
buys a copy and eveiy married man
there has -subscribed for one
known to his wife Every man in
Ainsworth is anxious tor one and tnei
-Star-Journal will contract for a copy
lor each or its subscribers it she comes
this way Ainsworth Btar Journal
Hostilities nave broken out againv
between the editors -of the Tallest-
-tine Democrat and TsTews Editor
Good has issued his ultimatum and if
the News man does not accede to his
terms for peace by noon on the 21st
inst war will be declared and a wail
will go up that will find a response in
Gordon We admonish our brother to
be Good and cease trying to strew his
path with Thorns Gordon Journal
The Rev Sam Jones the Georgia
evangelist was holding a series of5
meetings at a church whose pastor
was noted for his lack of good looks
One evening at a revival service as he
was talking about the sin of hypocri
sy and and duplicity he iu a sudden
gleam of characteristic humor turned
round to the pastor sitting in the pul
pit behind him -and said -amid a
whirl wind of laughter
Well John youi congregation can
never accuse yeu of being a two faced
man can they For the Lord knows
that if you had another face youd
wear it wouldnt you May Ladies
JSome Journal
Dissecting Table
It j - J tii r wjVSWTVTii I l T t 9v -v v
There are whole souled men small
louled men and no sou led men
Among the latter may be classed the
men of whom this article treats M
Some time ago one of ourpnost
prominent young men toldusl this
ietory or one substantially the same
Hehadoccasion tosenter one of our
smaller business houses a short time
ago but upon trying the door found
it locked Hearing voices inside he
t demanded admittance On entering
he discovered three boys aged 12 to 15
-years and the proprietor of the place
On the table was a deck of cardSj aDd
covered by a paper wasa small pile of
nickles and pennies -We will go -no
further the reader can draw his own
There is another place in town where
a dice game is run for a nickle a shot
and young boys are the victims This
is done in a most brazen manner but
if a stranger or older persoa steps in-
Bide no coin will be seen and the
proprietor will probably remarK that
-they are shaking for fun This
joint is under observation and when
positive evidence is obtained the boss
-will probably be taught a lesson in
American government that will make
his teeth chatter These men de-
aerve the contempt of every citlaen
fcut we are sorry to nay that the con
nempt or nonest people -will have do
xaore effectupon them than will water
on a duck When they -stoop to rob
bing the poor innocent boys who think
they are smart when they learn to play
pokec shoot the dice and smoke cigar
ettes they show themselves deyoid of
principles of lionor or honesty and be
come fit subjects for the pen of a
Brann It is things of this kind that
make criminals of our youths
i pother watch that boy
- iv
fc v Ui Mua3gfifaiiHWBgffiyg3gaa
Angie Kosa oi JSorden was in town
Tuesday returning borne yesterday
Geo lliggins of Urownlee was in
town on business the first bf the week
John Steinbrecher formerly of
Georgia but now of Norfolk wasMn
town last night -
M A Hall of Omaha attorney for
T J Foley was iu town yesterday
trying to effect a compromise in the
Enlow estate case -
It i3 reported that a certain man in
this town has ordered a commission as
captain in the U 3 Volunteers from
Montgomery Ward Co of Chicago
Mrs J N Andrews wife of the
Colonel left for Ne w York yesterday
morning Alex Maines went out on
No 25 with the Colonels 1200 team
Most editors are good because it
pays But some are good for nothing
Ex We lrnow of at least one
Good edttor Longpine liepublican
Journal r
T M Jones house and also L L
Bivens in the northeast part of town
are nearing completion and will add
greatly to the appearance of that see-
tion of the city when the painters get
in their work
There will be a battle royal
the newspaper fraternity when the
county commissioners meet again
Wait for it Enough gore Will be
spilled figuratively toiillall the ld
wells in the county
Lieut Barth at the post is all kinds
of officers in himselt now Command
er Quartermaster adjutant etc lie
resembles to a certain extent that
famous comic opera character in the
Mikado who held so many ollices
Bm Barker has purchased a new
press from an Omaha -firm and after
lie gets anew Duuaing wui nTe one
of the neatest and most complete news
paper plants in the northwest We
are glad to see our brother prosper
and so long as he doesnt call it Mc
Kinley Prosperity we will not object
The Chadron militia Co Second
Regiment N N G passed through
town this morning 62 strongon their
way to Lincoln The boys presented
a fine appearaice and barring the fact
that Lieut Dornngton was wearing
the captains shoulder straps two bars
we found no fault with them Stan
ley Ray is mnsicianTin the company
Miss Garcelon met with quite a ser
ious accident while standing in adoor
way on Main street one day last week
which might have bpen more serious
She was struck on the shoulder by a
base ball The busineaiiieets should
not be used for such purposes Long
pine Journal
STo indeed The side streets only
should be used when you want to
strike a lady with a base ball It
yon should mis the lady you might
break a plate glass front you know
1x TumeyTvas in town Tuesday
Milton Latta is home once more
seen on ilie streets Monday
Mrs Mell JIanuawasin town one day last
Mrs Holtietursotl to her home Sunday
airs Devorc came down from Valentine on
Thri sday
Dan Seans was seen on our streets on Monday
of this week
Erie Smith was transacting business in town
on Saturday
C M Bailey is expecting to load a car of pota
toes this week
jliJE Dewey made a flying trip to Valentine
one day this week
Jack Gronin iras taking in the sights on
Thursday and Friday
Kev -Garner preaced to Quite a large audience
last Sunday evening
Johnnie Day wis walking along the streets of
our cityon Monday
Mrs Alf Morris took dinner with Mrs SC A
Johnson ron Monday
Mrs X E Wilson of Neligltwas in town on
Saturday ef last week
Mrs Clarence Walcott was in town on Mon
day doingsome trading
te JinuWaodman is moving and fixing the fence
arouad G A Johnsons house
MrsKennicott is expecunff fto move out to
the ranch some time this week
Miss Kd wards left Saturday evening on the
freight for her home at Ainsworth
Mrs Hall Bakewell has been suffering with a
severe toothaelie for several dajs past
Ed Beabout went to Johnstown on Monday
after a load qf corn for E D Valentine
Mr and Mrs W V Johnson visited at the
iiome of C Afjohnson on Saturday afternoon
U G Steveusori haswholechargefottbe
school now as Hiss Edwardstime was up last
Doc Farleigh and wife were in town on Sat
urday Mrs Farleigh was visiting at Mr
Mi3s Ctemie Spain is now spending a week
withliersister Mrs Bessie Kime
Messrs D A and Leonard Piercy went to
Woodlake on business on the I8th
Mrs A C Ayers who has beqn quite ill of
recent date is we are glad to note muchfietter
Misses Edna Walliugferd and Nettie Spain
yisitedthe Misses Dunham of Thedford on the
Messrs It and H German have moved ftheir
cattle recently from bimeou to the upper ranch
on the North Loup
Mrs Wm Kennedy and Miss Agnes Piercy
receivea combination aurmg Kpiscopaiian ser
vices on tco 19 The Bishop aud Kev Bates
were received by a good audience
CoSupt L TJStoner was a pleasant visitor
tot Kennedy scSiool distrrc3l on the 14th and
presented them with History of England by
Chas Dickens This district can now boast of
3l -volumes in its librarv
Mill JPrtces for JFeed
Brqnbulk 50c per cwt 900 ton
Shortstbulk 60e per cwt 1100 ton
Screenings 35c
Chop Feed v70c
Corn - 50c
Oate 80c
1 iKTjwm
Sc5iv f -
5 MW
rvi 7 i7P W
f ig
J ismapitSaSfcy lyjrtittati iri va
Bill Pullman the Pullman mprchant
came in for a load of store supplies
tLis week
Jred Melzger another -brother of
Melzger Bros came from Phtttsmouth
to visit his brothers the tirst of the
Deputy Sherifi Carpenter of Valen
tine visitPd a few days with his fami
ly at this place this week Whitman
Application for Administrator
In countv court within and for Clierry county
Nebraska in the matter of the estate of
James Halloran deceased
Paul S ilalloran filed in my office a petition
praying for the appointment of himself as ad
ministrator of the estate of James Hallorau de
ceased all persons interested iu said estate will
take notice that 1 have fixed Saturday May 14
1898 at 10 oclock a in jus thelime aud my office
iu Valentine Clierry county Nebr as the place
for the liuing of said petition t which time
and placeall persons interested in said estate
may appear to show anise if any uere be why
such administrator sha1 nor be appointed
WituessviHj hand mid the seal -of the County
iXiurt tins 9ta day 01 April isos
Comity Judge
Claude Tories will run a town herd
this year charging 75 cents per month
for each cow Herd will be utarted as
tsoon as owners wish 10
Claimants and witnesses in final proof cases
notice of which appear in Im Dkmocuat will
receive a marked copy of tin- paper Should any
error in description of land or spelling 01 names
be discovered notice should be sent to the land
office and this office so correction can be made
rKcwaTVmB m2jzXMavMirtcwrrx ikr
US Laud Office Valentine Nebr
Marcli 21 1898 f
Notice is hereby given that thj following
earned settler has tiled notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim and
that siid proor w ill be made before the Register
and Iteeeiver at Valentine Neb on April 30
1893 viz
Charlie A Shaul of Wood
lake Xebraska
H E 9150 for thi se section 15 township
30n range 26 w
He names the following witnessee to prove
his continuous residence upou aud cultivation
of baid land viz
Andrew G Ward Elmer P Day Ely D Val
entine and Alberf Scblueter all of Woodlake
6 UJr C R GLOVER Seglster
r 7 7Z - - -- M - r -
u Premier Zmwnur
Best Value WrlJla Nackine
First- In Improvements flortcst
ConstruciioD and aH Uib rade
Typewriter Esseatiate
r r r
booklet recc
U S Land Office Broken Now Neb
ADrilv7th 1893
ToMcfi is lierfthv civen that me lollowin
named settler hus hled notiee of liis intention to
to make final proof in support of his claim and
thatsaid proof will he made before the County
Jifdne at Valentine Xehr on May 24 1898 viz
Lewis K Bulding
nE No 10G1 fr the winvJi section 9 town
ship 2fn range 27w
e names me followimr witnesses to prove hs
continuous residence upou and cultivation of
said land viz
Evans I Vanderprift Samuul D Montgomery
Joseph Kennedy and lulius Kllr all of Urown
lee iSebr CHAS li ADAMS Register
U S Land Office Valentine Nenr
March 23 1898 l
Notice is hereby given that 3Vtr Alt of
Crookston NeD ha filed notice of intention to
make final proof bcfore Registerand Receiver at
Uieiroificevin Valentine Nebraska on Fridav
the 27th Uav of May 1S9S on timber culture
No 832S for the uc54 -of section 34 in
township 3511 ninge 29w
He names as witnesses
Heinrich Sauerwein Henrj S Clayhaugh
Frederick H BaumcarWl and Max E Viertel
all of rrookston br
9 14 R GLOVER Register
U S land Office Valentine Nebr I
Marcli 23th 1893 f
Notice is hereby given that Emerson IJ Main
of Whitman Nebr has filed notice of intention
to make final proof before the Register or Re j
ceiverarnis oiuce 111 valentine er on bat
uiday the I4th dayof Mav1693 on timber cul
ture application No si 10 fortheseli section 0
township 27n range 31 w
He names as witnesses
Isaac H Lomav Thomas L Lomas Sherman
J 3ittinger and Matthew F Lomas all of Mul
en Nebraska
10 15 C R GLOVER Register
US Land Office Vmenline Nebr 1
Mairh 10 1S98 I
Notireis hereby given that Charles W Denver
of Colv Nebr i as tiled notice of intention to
make Una proof befon Register and Receiver
at their office in Valentine Nebr on Satiuday
the 7th dnv of May 1898 on timber culture ap
plication No 8290 lor the utYt of sectiou No 7
in township No 33n range 33w
He names the following witnesses
Gustae Gunderso 1 Wiliiam M Hook Will
iam F AlcGt e and Warren Cloutz all of Cody
Nebr also
Gustsive Ounderson of Cody Nebr
H E No 9G54 for the ssw1 section 32 and
lots 3 H section 5 township 3ln range 33w
Heiiames tliK following witnesses to prove his
contuiuous residence and cultivation of said
land viz
Charles W Deaver William M Hooic William
H Carter and Clarence Cuttccomb all of Cody
D9 M C R GLOVER Register
S Land Office Valentine Nebr
10 15 C R GLOVER
MaTh 283898 f
Notice is hereby ghreri that Hamilton McCrea
of Valentine Nebr lias filed notice of inten
tion to make final proof before the Register or
Receiver at his office iu Valentine Nebr on
Friday the 13th day or May 1S38 on timber
culture application No 7875 for ihe saH of sec
tion No 21 in township No 35u range No 25w
nc twines as wiiueises
William D Clarksonand Abner W Clarkon
of Valentine Nebraska Henry L Urown and
jouis If Smith of Sparks Nebr
US Land Office Valentine Vebr 1
March 19 1808
Notice is hereby given tbat the following
named settler has filed notiee of his intention
to make final proof in supnoit of his claim and
that said proof will be made before Register and
Receiver at Valentine Nebraska on April 30
1803 viz
Howard S Lock wood of Simeon Nub
u r 953 for lots 1 and L and syzue section
1 township 30iu range 29w
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upou and cultivation of
said land viz
John v Daniels of Valentine Nebr Sam
uel J flmchiiihou Charles W Remiett and
Charles S Retce of Simeon Nebr
9 14 CR GLOVER Register
U S Land Office Valentine Nebr
March 10 180s i
Notice is hereby given -that the following
named settler has fih d notice or his intention to
make final proof 111 support of his claim and
that said proor will be made the Keg ster
orReceivtr at Valentine Nebr on ilsv7 lfci8
Mary O Ladely of jSpwtnn Xebr
H E No I04CC for the sehneM niseH seld
seli st etion 19 township iron rauseSlw
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous resideuce upon and cultivation of
said land viz
Levi N Laynort of Valentine Nebr George
W Kime of Kennedy Nebr John Dysert and
Gustavusrf Vroman of Newton Nebr
9 14 CR GiovKit
cam Hudson
Simeon Neb
Lelt ears tag
ed All
Left hip on cattle
L ft shoulder on
s me horses Lty
zS on left snoiitdur
Rsi ge between
iordou and Snake
Rher andNiobrara
cattle dehomed
raiLf baud WE HAVE BUT FEW
t - I -
I AftftlllRiSife J AND
saw 0Siiwm Q -1 nwD -
i wmm h mmi
eSSSs3S2 AM 1 -
PL iSlUr feature in -a
m - ny b e p
U i fUUWi Ud
ryJiW r
T orqjnctie3 taller than the Worlds Famous Jumbo 3000 pounds heavier than Jnmbc
Secand at a Cost of over25ooo A Towering Giant amcu his Fellows The very
Lord of Beasts Taller -Longer we gns More uosts more man any liepnani
ever Captured Alive or lirwitght from his Native jungle R
Exhidition at all times in the Bg Tent No Extrz Chargi
KAJAli is on
Ticket Admits toJl the AdvertiSfd Shows Ask Yourself the
Question if RAJ All is not the Largest Living Creatura
thai Inhabits Gods Created EarthTJ
Will positively appear is the Xing in
Five Rjund Glove Contest under Mar
ais of Qucensbury Rules
Captured on the Kus kok vim Tthrci
in Alaska and taken from the Natives
while being worshiped
l3000000 Invested in this Great- Show
1000 People Horses and Animals
transported on to Trains owned by the Shov
2500 Daily Expense
pt Wcvr Divides i ever Charsges its Msme Kever Changes
Its Date of Exhibition
Remember Day and Date
9 Two Grand Performances Daily
in- 1 1 - -
Pi mm0m i M -
GhCM Round Trip Excursions On All Lines Of Travel
If22 ff
Now connected with otir clothing department
When in need of anythirg in our line call and see xs
In our store when you think of a leader as
some article which has been cnt in price only
for the purpose of attracting people bv its
cheapness Our plan s is different
i j Are leaders in quality and style as well as in
-if -
price For instance onr present leaders are
Everything in these lines is stylish new up-to-date
an fait fin de seicle nobby and cheap
ID 1183 either left
side or hip
F on left
Range bead of
Rosebud S D
Also E40 on left
l 5tl DtfAWlitN 4ltMASMMfAM T
JUcNiit Bl 08
Brownlee Neb
Right or left side
uorses same on
left shoulder
Earmark Swal
low tail clip right
or lelt ear
Range Big Creek
W rrLj I
i5 r ift A
Rosebud SD
Cattle hole in
each ear
Range Rig and
Paul Didier
Little bite Rivers
f ili2S2222fe
SSwi 9
iSilF AK
v b vyyvwi r v jyMnV USH
Omaha Branch Office Corner Seventeenth and Farnam Streets
Earl Comstock Masragcr
Valentine Xeb
Cattle branded on
left side or hip Also
Horses utuon
steer left hip Also
C on left shoulder
- I I 111 II ft-
Thomas Farren
Rosebud S D m
Charles Richards
iierrimar Neb
Utf rr
Steadman Eros
5 fc Pass Neb
cwSi iUU uu ciiaer
M right or left side
Morses and unrrw
cattle brand
011 left side
and hip
Range BullLak
aereel i
Now is the time to subscribe 100
John DeCory
Rosebtia s ir
JjJJlIjnfriTTinit J
Cattle undercut on
both ears
Horses branded 4
on left shoulder
Range on Antelope
and Sping Creeks
y rT1
Some branded ID
417 on left side
Horses JD oa los
Jfange in Meyer C
oa Antelope Crck
S L Kimmel
f U4U
Louis J lvichards