Y Y V 1 Y J IRONING MADE EASY IP HSft ROOFING Tbe m - W W W rG4ralmE 9 J roNHNWWJW fBSfS SEARCH B BFniiHJFNnrnniriMr U MAKES COLUKS AND CUFFS STIFF AND H10E AS WHEN FIRST BOUGHT NEW fntM m u - COPYRIGHTED MsmiisroM NERVE OF A BOLD DRUMMER He Forced a Railroad to Haul Him in a Private Car to Sioux Falls S I His bold defiance of a railway corpo ration procured M T McNeil the houor of a special car recently from Fort Dodge Iowa to Sioux Falls S D Mc Neil is a Chicago traveling man A few days ago he bought a ticket over the Illinois Central from Chicago to Sioux Falls and engaged a berth in a sleeper for the entire trip At Fort Dodge however it was decided to turn the train around and run it back to Chi cago a plan occasionally adopted when travel is light This compels the Sioux Falls passengers to rise early and change cars McNeil was accordingly aroused advised as to the situation and peremptorily required to hurry on liis clothes and leave the sleeper But not he He would ride to Sioux Falls In that sleeper he declared or go back to Chicago with it And then let the Illinois Central look out for a damage suit The conductor offered to pay his passengers hotel bill until another sleeper arrived or do anything else in reason to accommodate him The trav eling man stuck for his rights and the officials finally wired to headquarters for instructions On orders received from there the car was fhen carried through to Sioux Falls with McNeil its only occupant Kansas City Star Soldiers American Song3 All the military authorities of Europe are now paying great attention to sing ing on the march The French army lias of late permitted its soldiers to sing while marching A little book oi soldiers marching songs was published In Loudon with Gen Wolseleys words printed big on the cover to the effect that men march better and arrive fresh er when they sing than when the dont Curiously enough most of these songs are American words and all best Bd Bop Booflar fl ct icrwixook rps ana buu lncjaaea a M rU4IICDIl C a itm jiamua Koounx Co Camden is J H SsM ss I -I iftRf IT a- o ONE POUND OF THIS STARCH WILL GO AS FAR AS A POUND AND A HALF OF ANY OTHER STARCH theb r Li i mmrrB orane ro viuiiUDincrv dhujvt KeokukJowa NewHavenConn WAGON A better Scale for less money than has ever been offered Address Jones o I Blngharatoa siagiiamioQ s x 3111 msm SBSBSBBm twifm iii MS This starch is prepared on scientific principles by men who have bad years of practical experience in fancy laundering It restores old linen and summer dresses to their natural whiteness and imparts a beautiful and lasting finish It is the only starch manufactured that is perfectly harmless containing neither arsenic alum or any other substance injurious to linen and can bo used even for a baby pofrder For sale by all wholesale and retail grocers 1ouliiee Starts a Fire Fire insurance companies have all sorts of experiences and their officers can tell many curious stories One of the queerest fires fell within the busi ness of the Connecticut Fire Insuranco Company of this city recently A house was set on fire by a bathtub and the tub was set on fire by a poultice A mail in a Western city was suffering from a bad cold and his wife at the doctors orders prepared a poultice for his chest When she started to put it on it proved to be too hot Accordingly she took it to the bathroom and set t into the bathtub to cool This happened to be a fine tub lined with celluloid which served as a sort of enamel The heat of the poultice started the celluloid a going aud the burning tub set things going generally The department was called out and the house was well wet down for which the company had to pay This so far as is known is the first instance on record where a bath tub set a house on fire or where a tice kindled a bathtub Hartford rant A Soloonkecpers Price Iiist The handbill of prices recently issued by a Missouri saloon keeper might b of use in the public schools alcoholu instruction across the river The lril displays a skull and cross bones am this list of prices is given Hobo corn whisky 70 cents per gallon Kentucky Lightning 70 cents Oscar Fresh 90 cents Oregon County Busthead 00 cents Moonshine 50 cents Pure Tar antula Juice 40 cents Coroners Pride o0 cents Undertakers Friend 30 cents Persimmon Brand- 50 cents Gooseber ry Brandy 50 cents Pure Extract Juni per Berries 2G cents Embalming Fluid 20 cents Here is a dealer who is sufficiently frank He understands human nature and knows that it is always seeking peril St Louis Post Disyatch MRS HNKHAM TALKS ABOUT CHANGE OE LIFE Women are Urged to Prepare for this Wonderful Revolution in the Economy of Their Life Blood Mrs Watson Tells Hov7 She Was HepocL llllllllllllllllfllllll mini II mini iiiiiiiii ii 5ft A ffi at C IP ff rl r SPx At no time is -woman more liable to physical and mental dangers with hours of suffering- than at the Turn of Life The great want in womans system in ability to properly adjustitself to the new conditions The outlet monthly of blood is now being- diminished and carried into the body for the supply food of its later years Daughters you can now to some extent repay your mothers early care She must he spared every possible exertion You must help her bear her burdens and anxie ties This critical time safely over she will return to renewed health and happiness That so many women fail to ntirinn il I J 1 - r imscnangetnus iiappily is owing not merely to lack of care hut to igno rance There is however no excuse for ignorance when experienced ad vice can he yours free of all cost Write to Mrs Pinkham at Lynn Mass she has helped great numbers of women successfully through the Change of Life and she will help you Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Com pound is the best tonic for uterine changes It works harmoniously up on all these overwrought organs in vigorates the body and drives off the lililPK Eead this letter from Mrs Delul Watsos 524 West 5th St Cincinnati Ohio - Dear Mrs Pinkuam I have been using Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound for some time during the change of life and it has been a savior of life unto me 1 can cheerfully recommend your medicine to all women and I know it will give permanent relief I would beVlad to relate mv esnpripnpp to any sufferer Ask Mrs Pinkhams Advice A Woman Best UniJarstanrJs a Womans III p ENSIONS PATENTS CLAIMS iStiSt MORRIS WASHWGTON D a j ja ia last war 13 4jadieHa ttr Something entirely new FREIGHT PAID SCALES -- A OUR BUDGET OP FUN HUMOROUS SAYINGS AND DO INGS HERE AND THERE Jokes and Jokelets that Are Supposed to Have Been Recently Born Sayings and Doings that Arc Odd Cnrious and Laughable The WeeTis Humor In the Matrimonial Harbor Dixon Is that lighthouse job of yours a government position I Iixon Lighthouse job I dont know what you mean Dixon Arent you going to look after a lighthouse somewhere Hixon Certainly not What put that idea into your head Dixon Your wife told mine yester day that you were going to try light housekeeping next month What We Seem to Be Coming To w t ubsr 1 1 i Porter Klondike Junction change here for the North Pole Ally Sloper Hard to Tell Biggs I can always tell a man that has been employed as a hotel clerk Diggs My experience has been veiw much to the contrary Biggs Indeed Diggs Yes I can never tell them any thing They think they know it all He Must Be Satisfied Man wants but little here below Because hes too polite To interfere when woman strives For everything in sight He Wasnt Perfect Giles I just heard that Hawkins re ferred o me as a perfect idiot SmilesOh dont mind what Haw kins says he always does exaggerate more or less Im sure no one believes you are perfect Timey Information How do you keep that big clock wound asked the rural visitor as he passed the government building with a chance acquaintance They have a winding stairway in the tower Detroit Free Tress As a Reminder Albert time 1159 p m1 Really I must be going now its getting late Laura yawning Well you know the old saying Albert Whats that Laura Better late than never Got His Second Ficht When we were married a year ago said Mrs Oldby you were constantly telling your friends that our marriage was the result of love at first sight on your part and now you are always find ing fault with me Yes it is true that it was a case of lc ve at first sight when I met you re plied Oldby with a sigh and Ill never forgive myself for leaving my specta cles at home that morning Not an Iniisual Thing Dixon I dont believe young Short leigh is half as extravagant as people say lif is Hixon Perhaps not but Ivenoticed that he has a suit of clothes for every day in the- week Dixon Is that so Why he always had the same suit on every time I met him Hixon Well thats the one Patriotism Why the member from Wayback was asked do you think the measure would bring calamity upon tis Because he replied it was not in troduced by a member of the party to which 1 belong Inconsistent Wife Wife You shouldnt be so wild my dear Hubby Pshaw Before we were married you said that was the reason you liked me Philadelphia Press The Mother Sliipton Headgear - i Suggestion for a hat to go wkh the latest coiffure Scraps Her Gratitude Youll never have another offer like this he said as the maiden spurned him Thank you she replied I was afraid you were going to say something disagreeable Headed Off Here said the philanthropist Is a dime Now let me give you a little ad vice Never Hold on interrupted Skmehy Simp kins take back your mone3 My low est price for listenin to sermons is 00 cents A Discerning Maiden Old Gottroclis What reason have you for thinking this young man doesnt want to marry you simply be cause Im rich Miss Gottrocks Because it was no until after I told him all your property was in mammas name that he propos ed to me Her Guilty Conscience Mrs Mumley And so you have de cided to withdraw from Dr BrJerlys church Mrs Weeds Yes he insulted me at my husbands funeral Mrs- Mumley Insulted you at youi husbands funeral Oh surely you must be mistaken Mrs Weeds No He said my pool Tames had gone to a happier place and would surely not wish to return to this word even if he could Mother-in-Laws Turn Is your daughters husband a man of regular habits Yes very He never gets home be fore midnight and is always in th same condition when he arrives She Couldnt Help Sayiu It He Do you ever experience fears u the dark She Not unless I am all alone A moment later it struck him aud he turned down the gas Analogous A barking dog will never bite They tell us and by jinks I guess by this same token that A talking person never thinks Of Course He Got Her The Old Gentleman I would rather see my daughter in hercoffi than mar ried to you The Young Fellow Oh come now you cant mean that I know coffins are cheap at present but she tells me shell be satisfied with a very modest wedding outfit and Im willing to pay for the gas thats burned during the ceremony A Slight Mistake 1 Mr Flirt Ah Theres a pretty girl waving her handkerchief Ill just follow this up at nie U JfliloSPi 2 But it was Bridget washing windows Proved an Alibi Timkins I understand that Miss Anteek brought suit for damages against against young Softlei gh for casting reflections upon her Simkins So suie did but she lost her case Simkins She did eh What was i Softleighs defense Simkins Oh he proved to the satis faction of the jury that he wasnt bright enough to cast a reflection Kasily Explained Why is it that you never see a bald headed barber Thats simple enough Bald headed men cant stay in the business because one of the chief sources of the barber s revenue is from the sale of hair tonic Poetry of Motion She Poetry seems to have deteriora ted in late years dont you think so He Oh I dont know I read quite a moving little verse a day or two ago She Indeed Where did you discov er it He In a street car It was aa ad vertisement for something or other No Use for Them Stranger I understand there issonie talk of doing away with the bridges over the Chicago River Native Yes it is thought the water in the liver will soon be thick enoug to walk over on Hard Work Do you succeed In picking up a liv in said the robin to the toad Oh yes replied the toad but it keeps me on the jump Indiana Wom an New California Discovrrl Califomians are stirring awuiit In their mountains prowling into desert ed canyons looking over places in creeks unvisitcd for years and picking into Sierra hillsides for new quartz pockets The belief that the mother lode of the California mines has been discovered since the Klondike excite ment set men looking is of curious in terest There would be nothing prising in a big find in the Sierra any- day says the Boston Transcript There are remote back country mountain sides which have been well washed down in these past forty years whence new placers have been developed Mauy old claims and placer streams in California and British Columbia have never been deserted by the Chinese who in their unworldly wisdom are content to wash out a few cents a day and live in peace on a little rice Mrs Whulow Hoothino Srnnp Tor Cliildreu JWiliWE fl1iagt1palapat m Am DIMS WHERE ALL ELbE FAILS Best Cough Syrup Tastes Good tn time Hold by druggists KB b a a Fabulous Wealth The mineral wealth of newly found mining regions largely run by syndicates is in too many instances a fable The pro ducts nearer home are surer and promise more rewards No one will go unrewarded in the matter of improved health who use regularly Ilosfetters Stomach Bitters for malaria and dyspepsia Berlins Divorce Record A statistical table giving the number of divorces in Germany during the last twelve years has revealed the fact that Berlin of all the cities of Europe can boast the greatest number of divorces Even in America its record is only beat en in Utah and a few Western States In Berlin thirtj two divorces are grant ed for every thousand marriages Afle Berlin comes Hamburg with twenty seven while Paris is far behind with only twenti one Shake Into Your Shoes Allens Foot Ease a powder for the feet It cures painful swollen smart ing feet and instantly takes the sting out of corns and bunions Its the great est comfort discovery of the age Al lens Foot Ease makes tight fitting or new shoes feel easy It is a certain cure for sweating callous and hot tired nervous aching feet Try it to day Sold by all druggists and shoe stores Bv mail for 20c in stamps Trial package FREE Address Allen S Olm sted Le Roy N Y Various Hays lor cnrisruias The first and sixth days of January the twenty ninth of September and the twenty fifth of March have been cele brated as Christmas Day it Avas not until the middle of the fourth century that the Church Council fixed the dato is at present 100 Hewuril 100 The readers of tills paper will be pleased to learu tliat there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all Us stages and that is catarrh Halls Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cure now known to the med ical fraternity Catarrh being a constitutional disease requires a constitutional treatment Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken internally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system thereby destroying the foundation of the dlsoase and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work The proprietors have so much faith hi its curative powers that they olter One Hundred Dollars for any case that it Tails to cure Send for list of testimonials Address F 7 CHENEY CO Toledo O by Druggists 7e Perhaps That Was the Reason He I love5rou Miss Peach ardently passionately madly She Nonsense MrDe Sever you are hardly acquainted with me He I know but then why perhaps thats the reason dont you know Boston Transcript Picos Cure for Consumption is the best of all cougi cures George W Lotz Fa baeher La Aug 20 lSDl Hurrah or Iloeh Whether Hoch or Hurra hi is the proper ejaculation after a toast is proposed Is a question that is disturb 1 ins Geruauy Prince Ludwig of Ba 1 varia at the Munich banquet in honor of the Kaisers birthday avoided the point by shouting Iloeh hurrah TO ClKH A COM IN ONK DAI Take Laxlllve Bromo gulniiin Tablets Alllirugiasts lefuDtl the isouey if It falls W caret 2c A Donblc Killinjr Jack t trying to readj Say what ex cuse have you for pounding the piano that wa7 Tom Oh Im merely killin time Jack Well I wish you would deaden the soundwhile vou are about it icetbinc orteus the icuras reances inflammation nuayb pair cures wmu colic 5 cents a bottle How the Brain Acts Although the brain is perpetually act ive the whole of it is never active at one titte The two hemispheres or halve do not operate simultaneously but alternate in action now it is the ne baf then the other bnt hare sold direct to tbc i scccr for years at ivholi sale rriec s sarin him the dealers protitj iruere lor czazainaucn irerrtains yrsrraatcd 3 18 itylcj of Vehicles 5 styles of Harncjs Tod Bninries 11 io 7n SorreTj ISO to J125 CirHa res Phletocj Tran eiitS SDncz Itaad and Milk fcKJj Mia tha Back Then probably the kidney3 En tho GSassi Then probably the lungs In tSio Joints Then probably rheumatism own write for catalogue to A J TOWER Boston Mass zafESBSBSxsssssasaaast We Jeliiht to do an early frisne 001 1 No matter where it is nor what hind you need have it no longer It may be an hour a day or a year old it must yield to 2f Immediately after applying ii yon feci it3 Eoothinjj vanning strength ening power It quiets congestion drsvr3 oat inflammation It is a new plaster A new combination of new remedies Made after new methods Entirely unlike any other plaster The Triumph of Modern Medical Science The Perfected Prodcct of years of Patient Toil Placed over tho chest it 13 a powerful aid to Ayera Cherry Pec toral in tin treatment of all throat and lung affections Placed over the stomach it stops nausea and vomiting over the bowels it controls cramps and colic Placed over the small of the back it removes all congestion from the kidneys and greatly Etrentasaa weakness For sale by all Druggists J C Ayer Co Lowell Mas3 StoraarwaJfcPafo Mi I suffered SJie tortures of tho damned with protruding piles brought on by constipa tion with which I was afflicted for twenty years I ran across your CASCARETS In ths town of Nawell Ia and never found anything to equal them To day I am entirely free from piles and feel like a new man C HKeitz 1411 Jones St Sioux City la Pjfcfcm CANDY EM Z CATHARTIC j Tml TRADE MARK R50I3TERCD Pleasant Palatable 1otent Taste Good Do Good Never Sicken Weaken or Gripe 10c 23c 50c CURE CONSTIPATION Stcrtlas Kerned Compaaj Chicago Hootreal New Tort 312 Mfl TfS D A p Sold and iniarantped by all drus U 1 UBJlll Kists to CUE E Tobacco Habit B NtJlVlr tS3 li 7pr IH V4 Efie53 2r3 fk fcm5ji1L WILL KEEP YOU DRY K Dont be footeJ with a mackinios or rubber coat If ou want a coat that keep you dry in the harJ est storm buy the Fish Brand Slicker If not for sale in your turn Ino working yiuti of ANY AERMOTORl EXCHANGED FOR A ROLLER BEARING tephyrron nice tTer eoiEE everlitiuc dooblmj UP-TO-DATE 98 MOTOR 8 FT FOR S62 lt for 2l6a for 3J They run lifcr s bicycle and are made like a natch every movable parton rollers DouLs c red mill power 1 he Aenuotor ran wben all ether mill stood still aud made the steel windmill bajinera THE NEW BEATS THE OLD AS THE OLD BEAT THE WOODEN WHEEL On receipt amount reused motor Ibct not wheel i or vane will In sent to replace old one then to to returned veer tume t to cancellation at any lime II yuar oid vraexl a not an Aermotor write for terms or strap new for old to po on old tower Vou can put il on lenaotor Co- Ctltajo W SSK i i w jmmrsr TpSTrtafiESSlMPrrv f V2 a mSmSESmEfiyl a tTTTWrViSIJrtCl X S fM X X J J I Jf JSaf V no HBirer Harness priepsnsao rjns ceaa lor larire rr - ELK HART CABS ACE ASP UAIESS MFC CO W B PliATT Sec HtKHaiyr jrD Do You Know that There Is Sci ence in Neatness Be Wise and Use SAPOL MENTION THIS PA PER man umaa to aorxamsau S C N U - 18 98 1 y oubeX I fta 1 S daTS I Ar Uuraotted VJ lhf oat to siruturp l iPrnenta eentirioa lilii O V Y3mCIIIWTI0Jl v x v 3- y r CURE YCHJRSELF Ue Big G for unnatural discharges inrianiuiittiona irritations or ulcerations ol mucous Hcaibranesr imes ani not ITHEtVAHS ChEUICAlCo Sent or poisonous Sold by JTHe rrlta or Bent in nfain n rn yfxprlu Prepaid for 1100 or 3 bottles 273 CircaUr stat on request J