The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, April 28, 1898, Image 6

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    W 34 wg sv s T hBSI5PSBBWBWBPIBH
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Peggy first made her
WHEN iu the Dissem
inator office none o f us paid
any attention to bcr Certainly none of
us even dreamed that she -was likely to
prove a heroine
Peggy was Jimmys sister and Jim
my otherwise James McGovern was
one of the Disseminator office boys On
ascertain spring afternoon when I en
tered the city department of our justly
celebrated journal I found my accus
tomed chair occupied by a rosy-cheeked
wide eyed fluffy haired young per
son whose brief skirts at once pro
claimed her sex and her extreme youth
The watchful Jimmy seeing my per
plexity instantly darted forward and
half pushed half lifted the usurper
from my rightful throne
Its my sister he exclaimed clear
ly somewhat ashamed of owning such
a commodity You see mothers dead
an fathers at work all day so Peggy
her couldnt stay home all by her lone
some and I thought thought
You thought you might bring her
here 1 interrupted Well shes a
pretty little thing and if you dont let
her get In the way I fancy the boys
wont mind
I wont get in ve way piped Peggy
with superb self consciousness An
zen an zen I tan help Jimmy
I laughed at the idea of a little G-year-old
maiden helping in the busy whirl
of a newspaper city room and gave
Peggy an encouraging pat on the head
and a very modest coin of the realm
for certain transactions in candy
Thenceforward Peggy adopted me as
iiei especial friend and champion
It was a day or two later that on en
tering the city room I came upon a
curious sight no less a sight indeed
than old Buchanan the city editor
with Peggy on his knee Now if ever
there was a surly human bear it was
Buchanan and it spoke volumes for
Peggy that she had been able to tame
liim Indeed I had feared that wnen
my chief discovered her daily presence
in the office he would instantly order
her todecamp Quite the contrary had
occurred and I was stricken with
amazement wliich did not decrease
when Jimmy subsequently narrated to
me the events leading up to Peggys
Buchanan it appears had come
growling into the room as was his
wont and looking for someone upon
whom to vent the spleen generated by
a half digested breakfast He was a
terrible man was Buchanan when his
breakfast did not agree with him But
this morning the city editor was not
expected for an hour to come and so
Jimmy and his sister bad been indulg
ing in a merry game of tag They
were rushing wildly hither and thither
upsetting chairs and waste jpaper bas
kets and utterly unconscious of all else
but their fun when the burly form of
Buchanan loomed up in the doorway
Bless you these happy urchins never
even saw him and for full fifteen min
utes he stood on the threshold looking
-on and feeling his ill temper oozing
out like Bob Acres courage at bis
linger tips
Presently Peggy in one of her fran
tic rushes from the pursuing Jimmy
ran plump into Buchanans outstretch
ed arms Poor little thing she almost
fainted with fright when she saw who
her captor was and for the matter of
that Jimmy was quite as horrified but
the very first words Buchanan spoke
reassured her Wben I entered he was
telling her about his own little girls
particularly about the one that was
Peggy became quite a feature of the
Disseminators city department She
had a funny little piece of needle work
which she called her emboydy
meaning embroidery I suppose and at
this she stitched or made believe to
stitch assiduously But she had a
quick eye and wit had Peggy and lit
tle by little she managed to pick up all
the technicalities of the office the
manner of managing that wondrous
being the telephone the mysteries of
proof slips and the files appertaining
thereunto and most of the accumulat
ed lore of Disseminator office boys One
day I found her perched on a table
gravely calling tip Thentral on the
phone and asking with visible import
ance for Thlx -
On another occasion I met her
toddling down from the composing
room with a bundle of proofs in ber
chubby arms while from the printers
landing that usually dignified person
ithe foreman watched over her daring
About the middle of January two
notable events occurred One was the
breaking of Jimmy McGovems leg in
a coasting accident and the conse
quent loss of that invaluable youngster
foroliicepurposes Thesecond wellyou
shall hear about the second event as
Buchanan is never tired of describing
We had all gone home for the night
or rather for the morning The office
was deserted and supposed to be closed
although events disclosed the fact
that a careless janitor had been in the
habit of leaving it carelessly open
while he sought refreshments around
the corner
Buchanan was in the very act of un
dressing himself to slumber when he
heard his private telephone bell ring
ing furiously Leaping out of bed he
seized the receiver and gruffly demand
ed wbat anybody wanted with a Chris
tian city editor at such an unearthly
hour of the morning
Great was his astonishment he ad
mits that he at first accused himself of
dreaming wben there came across the
wires a voice he knew a lisping child
ish voice calling faintly
Misto Boocan Oh h Misto Boo
can Zis is Peggy Jimmys sister
iWhot do you want child
Wobbers is ve matter was the an
swer louder and more hopefully giv
en Wobbers burglars tieves Come
quick or ve wobbers 11 get away
Buchanan was a man of quick
thought and hair trigger resolve There
flashed across his mind the thought
that in his desk at the office ready for
publication on the morrow lay the
proofs and papers in the great Bolton
bribery and corruption case He knew
that Bolton prince of swindlers was
visit to Jimmy at the hospital they had
stopped to see the night watchman of
the Disseminator office This careless
personage had coolly left little Peggy
in charge while he slipped across the
street a minute for refreshments
with his old crony McGovern senior
They had hardly been absent five
minutes when Peggy half dozing in
a dark corner heard stealthy steps
and saw two men enter the room Onel
of them she recognized as a discharg t
ed printer of the Disseminator Healy
by name Not seeing Peggy in her
ner the two broke open Buchanans
desk and after a careful search found
and abstracted the Bolton documents
And where did they go asked Bu
Peggy ran to ve window an watch
ed em They crossed ve street an
went into ve saloon across ve way
The same saloon that your father
and the watchman entered
Peggy nodded her head
Quickly Buchanan lifted the child on
his shoulder and ran down the stairs
On the threshold of the street door
were McGovern senior and the recalci
trant watchman but Buchanan had no
time to abuse them then
Follow me men he shouted and
still carrying Peggy and with the star-
m W -
hello thentbal
tied pair at his heels be darted across
the street and into the saloon a night
resort for printers across the way
The saloon was empty save for a
group of three men at a table in a far
corner One of these men Buchanan
recognized as Bolton the swindler an
other was the discharged printer
Healy Even as they entered a bundle
of papers lay in the middle of the table
while Bolton was counting out some
Buchanan set down the child and
sprang like a cat does upon a mouse
at the documents
a desperate man who would risk any
thing to secure those proofs Clearly
Pggy was telephoning from the local
room of the Disseminator How or
why she came to do so he did not stay
to ask In ten minutes he was on bis
bicycle and speeding through the silent
Wben he reached the Disseminator
office his fears gained ground from the
fact that the private door leading to
the editorial rooms was ajar Rushing
upstairs and throwing open the local
room door he was greeted with a glad
cry and Peggy a disheveled pale
faced Peggy leaped into his arms
At first the child could only point
speechlessly to his desk in the corner
where the invaluable documents had
lain The desk was broken np as
though with an axe and the Bolton
proofs were gone
Now that Buchanan knew the worst
his calmness returned Carrying the
child to the refrigerator in the corner
he made her drink a glass of water
Peggy revived instantly Her voice
returned and she managed to lisp out
her story
Coming with her father from a late
Hold those men They are thieves
he cried seizing the papers and ward
ing off a frantic blow from Bostons
sledge hammer fist
In the confusion Buchanan made
good his escape catching up the fright
ened Peggy as he went and still
clutching the Bolton papers In the
street he met a policeman and dis
patched him to the saloon where the
erring janitor was probably paying for
his carelessness in a tussle with the
Bolton gang
In the office while they waited for
news from the seat of war the grim
city editor found time to tell Peggy
what be thought of her
You have done a great thing for the
paper Peggy he said and we
shant forget it By the way we need
an office boy baddy and I dont know
anybody better fitted for the job than
The great Bolton case as published in
the Disseminator made a sensation
and when Jimmy McGovern got well
and came back to work be foundhim
self obliged to take a subordinate posi
tionas Peggys assistant Chicago
s -
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house He then enters closes the door
tvitli his blanket and reclines on the
new bed of fir boughs Here he lies
antil in the close small hut -with no
nening for ventilation and close to
he roasted rocks he perspires as free
ly -as do the stokers in the hold of an
cmean liner He then rushes from the
house and leaps into the melted snow
f the -mountain torrent Returning to
the sweathouse he repeats the opera
tion until satisfied that every pore of
his skin has been cleansed by this vig
Drous treatment
These Indians say they take this bath
about once a month and one may -well
imagine that that is sufficient for it is
aot hard to believe that the absence of
fide people at the village is due to this
trying custom
Ethnology of Kissing
The kiss Avas unknown among the
iboriginal tribes of America and of
Central Africa From the most ancient
times however it has been familiar
to the Asiatic and European races The
Latins divided it into three forms the
Dsculum the basium and the suavio
um the first being the kiss of friend
ship and respect the second of cere
mony and the third of love The Sem
ites always employed the kiss and Job
speaks of it as part of their sacred rites
is it is to day in the Roman Catholic
The Mongolian kiss- is not the same
as that which prevails with us In it
the lips do not come into actual contact
with those of the person kissed The
nose is brought into light contact with
the cheek forehead or hand the breath
is drawn slowly- through the nostrils
and the act ends with a slight smack or
the lips The Chinese consider our
mode of kissing most detestable We
on our part regard their method with
Equal disdain
Darwin and other naturalists have
attempted to trace back the kiss to the
act of the lower animals who seize theii
prey with their teeth The average
man does not take a great deal of in
terest in the ethnology of the subject
however London Mail
The Interior of Patagonia
Professor J B Hatcher of Princeton
University has newly returned from a
remarkable trip of exploration in a
hitherto unknown region of South
Africa namely the wild Interior of
Patagonia He visited Washington a
few days ago for the purpose of de-
positing with the Bureau of Ethnology
a rich collection of objects illustrating
the mode of life of the various tribes
of aborigines in that part of the world
I Tbese natives are among the strangest
Natives of British Columbia Parboil
The Nhla Kapmuli Indians of the
interior of British Columbia have
sweathouses and indulge in a treat
somewhat similar to our Turkish bath
By the side of streams of melted
snow at some distance from the vil
lage among the pines and firs are two
curious structures One is made of
small poles set up like the roof of a
house These are covered with fir
boughs and finally with earth the door
facing the setting sun has a blanket
hanging over it Within on the south
side is a circular hole in the ground
about two feet in diameter and one
foot deep filled with burned and
crackled stones The remainder of the
floor is covered deep with a soft bed of
fir twigs In front of the door one will
see traces of a good sized fire and many
stones both those that have been burn
ed and blackened in the fire and those
brought near but still unused This is
the mens sweathouse or part of the
bathing outfit of the village
The other structure is similar to this
in essentials but at this particular
village it is not covered with soil It is
roofed with blanket mats or skins when
in use This is the sweathouse for the
When the Nhla Kapmuh wants to
take a bath he builds a fire and heats a
number of stones These he rolls into
he hole in the floor of the village sweat
and most picturesque savages in exist
ence some of them being described as
representing almost the lowest stage in
the scale of human development Their
country too is more than ordinarily
interesting being associated since the
earliest times with rumors of gigantic
human inhabitants and an astonishing
fauna Quite recently some skeletons
of birds that had heads as big as those
of horses have actually been dug up
They stood at least nine feet high and
bad short wings claws like an eagles
and a beak like a condors It is likely
that they attacked with success the
largest maruinafs contemporary with
them being the biggest fowls of ju ey
that ever lived but they became ex
tiuct long ago and so there was no op
portunity for Professor Hatcher to se
cure a living specimen
Italian Marriage Brokers
In Genoa there are regular marriage
brokers who have lists of marriageable
girls of the different classes with notes
of their personal attractions fortunes
and circumstances These brokers go
about endeavoring to arrange connec
tions in the same off hand way that
they would a merchandise transaction
Marriages there are more often a sim
ple matter of business calculation gen
erally settled by the relatives who
often draw up the contract before the
parties have seen each other It is only
when everything has been arranged
and a few days previous to the mar
riage ceremony that the future
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band is introduced to his intended wife
Should he find fault with her manners
and apearance he may annul the con
tract on condition of defraying the
brokerage and any other expenses in
Marble in Australia
Fine marbles of various colors have
been found in several districts of New
South Wales A pure white is equal
to the second class Carrara another
species is black with white streaks
and gold markings There are grays
and browns of various tints and in the
vicinity of Lucknow are immense de
posits of green serpentine well worthy
of attention
Indian Sharpshooters
Ojibway Joe1 the Chippewa chief
who died in Superior Wis the other
day is said to have killed more North
erners than any other man in the Con
federate armies He was a sharpshoot
er having joined the Confederacy be
cause of a personal grievance against
the Federal Government
Wonderful Iioom
Recent improvements in the Millar
loom will it is claimed revolutionize
the weaving industry as with less at
tention than ordinary it will turn out
from 140 to 200 yards of worsted coat
ings in ten hours
Mr Hunter I have a speaking ac
quaintance with Miss Throckmorton
Mr Spatts You are very lucky All
her other acquaintances are listening
acquaintances Judge
The Uncle Are you entirely satisfied
with your lot The Niece still angry
at her grandfathers will No Im not
It ought to have a house on it Har
lem Life
Cloves often
savor of the spice tI
This is
Take it
Now to
i u Si
M n
Feeling Go to your druggist and get
a bottle of Hoods Sarsaparilla and be
gin to take it today and realize at once
the great good it is sure to do you
i NAAn
ffl mm
ca rts samara SB S
Is Americas Greatest Spring Medicine
piLiii t -or
cokuuuaiicu iou
celebrated for more
than a century as a Kg
delicious nutritiou 2
and flesh forming
beverage has our
well known
Yellow Label
on the front of every
package and our
trade markLaBelle q
Chocolatiereon the 5
S Dorchester Mass
- - j w
3rWatorproof dries qulcly stamU boiling water
This discovery after years of laboratory witk Is a
Sold by dealers IT yourlueu t Keep It
sample bottle mailed lor 20 cents Guaranteed as rep
resected or money refunded Hopes Hints on Art ol
Mending Broken ware sen free to anjono mentioning
this paper Hopj CnxsiiCAi Co482 LaSalle At tnlcago
vPJf J
Yk n vAf v ijnff
carried over from 1887 mutt
be sacrificed now Aeir
illlzb tirade all styles
Ibest equipment guaran
teed S975 to SI700
1 lined wneelmiato models
nil makes S3 to SI 2s
Weshio on awroval tpfA
out acentvavment Write
inrrraln lUt and art cataloinia
swelT9S modes BIC YCIE FJIEE for
season to advertise them Send for one lildcr ncent
wanted Learnhow to Earn aBIeycleandmake money
d2i00 0
oooh Free
H nd name and address of ten housekeepers
for full particulars This elegant piece of furni
ture absolutely free
We sell all kinds of llsbt vehicles direct to the user ac
wholesale ptlc s Vrite to day or onrCa aiogua
We save you iXi per cent Addresi Clinton Vehicle
and Bicycle Company Clinton Iowa
LV A MTC n Good bargains in CHOICE FARM
412 Pierce Street
Shark Ch armers
In the Persian gulf the divers have
n c ous way of opening the season
Tl tlepend implicitly upon the shark
oiijtrers and will not descend with
ut their presence To meet this diffic
ulty the government is obliged to hire
he charmers to divert the attention of
the sharks from the fleet As the sea
son approaches vast numbers of na
tives gather along the shore and erect
huts and tents and bazaars At the
opportune moment usually at mid
night so as to reach the oyster banks
at sunrise the fleet to the number of
eighty or a hundred boats pulls out to
sea Each of these boats carries two
divers a steersman and a shark charm
er and is manned by eight or ten row
ers Other conjurers remain on shore
twisting their bodies and mumbling in
cantations to divert the sharks In
case a man eater is perverse enough to
disregard the charm and attack a diver
an alarm is given and no other diver
will descend on that day The power
of the conjurer is believed to be hered
itary and the efficacy of his incanta
tions to be wholly independent of his
religious faith
Telephonic Talks
According to statistics the number
of yearly telephonic conversations in
the United States is 75000000 of tele
graphic messages G5000000 of are
lights 1000000 of incandescent 15
000000 and several hundred thousand
electric motors There are 1000 elec
tric railways It is estimated that to
2500000 persons in this country elec
tricity contributes a means of liveH q
hoocL -- - -- 3s