The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, April 28, 1898, Image 5

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gy A m
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merican MenofWar Ad
vance on Havana
White Squadron to Silence Guns
of Morro Castle
Proclamation Prepared Asking the Coun
try for 100000 Men
Cruiser Nashville Captures the Spanish
Ship Buena Ventura
Ultimatum of the United States Was
Considered a Declaration of War by
the Government at Madrid Handing
of Passports to Minister Woodford
Definitely Put a Stop to All Pcaceiul
Diplomatic Negotiations McKiuley
Sicus the Bill Asking for 100000
Men Those Willing to Serve Are to
Take Up Arms at Once aud Aid in
Fighting the Spaniards
Washington correspondence
If any lingering doubts have remained
as to the existence of a state of war be
tween the United States aud Spain they
may be dismissed Havana the capital
of the Island of Cuba is in a state of
siege and our navy has commenced the
capture of Spanish boats attempting to
enter the harbor The President Friday
afternoon in compliance with the law of
nations issued a proclamation declaring
a blockade of Havana This proclama
tion is i notice to the world and stops
the vessels of neutral nations from enter
al ing the harbor of Ilavaua with
or supplies of any sort The procla
mation applies to all harbors on the north
coast of Lhe island and to Cienfuegos on
the south
Captaiu Sampson in command of the
squadron at Key West was ordered to
Havana Thursday
On Wednesday April 20 1S9S about
11 oclock a in the Department of State
served notice of the purposes of this Gov
ernment by delivering to Minister Polo a
copy of instructions to Minister Wood
ford and also a copy of the resolutions
passed by the Congress of the United
Suites on the 10th inst After the receipt
of this notice the Spanish minister for
warded to the State Department a re
quest for his passports which were fur
nished to him the same afternoon The
Uted States minister at Madrid was at
the same lime instructed to make a like i
communication to the Government of
Thursday morning the department re
ceived from Gen Woodford a telegram
showing that the Spanish Government
had broken off diplomatic relations with
this Government The Spanish Govern
ment having the text of the ultimatum
of the United States from its own sources
did not wait for the United States minis
ter to present the ultimatum but sent him
his passports This course rendered un-
necessary any further diplomatic action
on the part of the United States as
Spains action was considered a virtual
declaration of war
A semi official note issued from Madrid
Thursday afternoon says
The Spanish Government having re
ceived the ultimatum of the President of
the United States considers that the doc
ument constitutes a declaration of war
against Spain and that the proper form
to be adopted is not to make any further
reply but to await the expiration of the
time mentioned in the ultimatum before
opening hostilities In the meantime the
P7 x s i
Spanish authorities have placed their pos
sessions in ft state of defense and their
fleet is already on its way to meet that of
the United States
Under No Circumstauccs Will the Gen
tier ex Take Part in War
The Secretary of War and the surgeon
general of the army issued an ultimatum
which is calculated to create a sensation
throughout the country This is the un
alterable decision not onl not to employ
trained or volunteer women nurses for
the care of the sick and wcnded in the
war with Spain but not to recognise them
in any way whatever No proffer of their
services however strongly backed by offi
cial or other kind of influence will avail
the slightest degree to alter this
f -
yf -V
Presidents Proclamation Askn Vol
unteers from All Sides
The bill for the creation of a new regu
lar and volunteer army passed both
houses of Congress Friday afternoon The
measure was immediately signed by Vice
President Hobarl and Speaker Beed and
was then sent to the President An offi
cial proclamation was prepared at the
War Department calling for 100000 men
to serve in the war against Spain This
was approved by Secretary Alger and
sent to the President for his signature
In many respects the proclamation fol
lows the lines of the first call made by
President Lincoln of April 35 1861 when
he asked for 75000 men Necessarily
there are a number of changes because
of the different purpose for which volun
teers are asked
The Senate and House conferees
reached an agreement in the morning be
fore Congress convened The measure
was immediately reported and adopted
According to the agreement the Senate
receded from its first amendment concern
ing the time in which the organized mili
tia shall serve but the time for which all
volunteers are to be enlisted is reduced
from three years to two The Warren
amendment authorizing the President to
organize independent troops was retain
ed but the number was limited to 3000
The Senate receded from its amendment
making it compulsory for the regiment
and company militia officers to receive
their commissions from the governors of
their respective States and leaving it op
tional as fixed by the House
The number of men required from eacli
State is to be in the proportion that its
population bears to that of the whole
- SisS SSz3 Sen Tl sva Si wr5S2sS ASSi55iir
k wC r t
Buena Ventura then surrendered with
her crew of twenty men The Nashville
towed her prize into Key West harbor at
11 oclock and put a prize crew on board
The news of the capture of the Span
iard set the people of Key West frantic
with enthusiasm All work was suspend
ed and the people crowded the docks in
great numbers
Second Fhip Taken
The Spanish freighter Pedro from An
twerp for Pensacola Fla was captured
by the U S cruiser New York Saturday
morning The steamer was sighted about
ten miles oft Havana by the llagship of
Captain Sampsons lleet The New York
sent a shot across the Spaniards bow
This did not stop her Then Captain
Sampson ordered all steam on and a
IfTtYV f
country According to this ratio the sev
eral States are called on to furnish men
as follows
Alabama 2000 New Hampshire G02
Arkansas 1J00 New Jersey 2370
California 290 New York 10011
Colorado 1059 N Carolina 20T7
Connecticut 12SG N Dakota Mi
Delaware 27 Ohio r7i
Florida GOO Oregon G6j
Georgia 25 Pennsylvania SGlo
Idaho ISO Rhode Island TGS
Illinois 04M South Dakota 14S0
Indiana 442 S Carolina olS
Iowa 01S Tennessee 244S
Kansas 2230 Texas s5
Kentucky 2725 Utah 340
Louisiana lrr2 Vermont o07
Maine l00r Virginia 2230
Maryland 1534 Washington 042
Massachusetts 3777 AV Virginia 1111
Michigan 3495 Wisconsin 2019
Minnesota 2299 Wyoming ISo
Mississippi 1720 Arizona -- 145
Missouri 4329 D of Columbia 359
Montana 419 New Mexico 272
Nebraska 1927 Oklahoma 114
Nevada 110
Oath of Volunteers
Whether these volunteers consist of Na
tional Guardsmen or of simple enlisted
men they will be required to take the
following oath
I do solemnly swear that I will bear
true faitli and allegiance to the United
States of America and that I will serve
them honestly and faithfully against
all enemies whomsoever and that I
will obey the orders of the President
of the United States and the orders of
the officers appointed over rae accord
ing to the articles of war
This puts the men in the same category
as the regular army so far as any foreign
service is considered
Cruiser Nashville Captures a Spanish
Merchant Steamer
The first shot of the war was fired early
Friday morning About daylight the
United States cruiser Nashville captured
the Spanish ship Buena Ventura 1000
tons having on board a cargo of lumber
She was taken seventeen miles south of
Key West The cruiser fired a
and the Spaniard surrendered The
Bueua Ventura was bound from Pasca
goula Miss for Rotterdam with lumber
The Nashville fired a blank shot which
the Spaniard ignored This was follow
ed by a 6hot from a six pounder The
stern chase of four miles followed When
the flagship got in better range she sent
three more shots after the Spaniard Then
the steamer hove to
The American squadron has sailed from
Hong Kong for Manila
Gen Woodford reached Paris after an
exciting trip from Madrid
The United States Government has
purchased a number of British steam
The United States military attaches at
St Petersburg and Vienna have been
called home
Gov nolcomb of Nebraska has receiv
ed offers from 157Sl individuals Avho de
sire to enlist
A Havana newspaper calls our hand
some battleships Texas and Iowa dam
aged barges
Bev T DeWitt Talmage has announc
ed his intention of going to the front as
an army chaplain
Spaniards are arriving in New York
from abroad in order to evade service in
the Spanish army
The crew for the patrol cruiser Dixie
has been selected from the members of
the Maryland Naval Battalion
How Spain grasps at straws may be
illustrated by the fact that she pretends
to expect aid from Mexico
The United States Government has es
tablished censorship of telegrams at Key
West forbidding the transmission of
code messages to or from Havana
Senor Bruzon civil governor of Ha
vana has sent his family to Mexico in
anticipation of a bombardment and cap
ture of the city by Uijited States forces
Several Chicago firms have notified
their clerks that if any of their employes
go to the front their salaries will be paid
during their absence their situations will
be preserved for them and if they are
killed or disabled they will be pensioned
Infantry Cavalry and Artillery
Hurried Towards Cuba
On to Chickamauga On to Mobile On
to New Orleans On to Tampa aud On
to Havana For a week 18000 men in
Uncle Sams army blue have been moving
towards points of concentration from
which they could be quickly hurled into
Not since the close of the civil war has
there been such unanimous action among
the troops The startling events of the
previous few days prepared the soldiers
for the order issued and found every man
ready for the march The President hesi
tated till the last possible moment before
sanctioning the order for the expense of
sending the army to the South has been
The four points to which the army has
been moving are Chickamauga battlefield
Tampa New Orleans and Mobile As
soon as reaching those places the troops
go into camp Advance agents of the de
partment preceded the troops and made
all necessary arrangements for their com
fort and convenience The soldiers carry
thirty days rations and a number of
rounds of ammunition
Orders were issued from the War De
partment Tuesday placing the light bat
teries of artillery on a strictly war foot
ing Telegrams were sent to the com
manding officers of these batteries in all
parts of the country directing them to
increase each battery from four to six
guns and to increase the horses for each
gun from four to six
There is no lack of volunteers Uncle
Sam can have enough soldiers to eat up
the Spaniards The spirit of Paul Bevere
is riding through the land It is knocking
at the doors of the rich and the hovels of
the poor It is awaking alike the resi
dents of the mansions in cities and the
occupants of humble huts nestling in the
valleys of the Shenandoah and Mississip
pi or perched far up in the white-bearded
Rockies Wherever it passes with its
warning men are springing up they are
responding each in his own way but the
individual responses all blending into the
one inspiring strain We are coming
Uncle Samuel ten hundred thousand
There is no diminution in offers of vol
unteers They are falling upon the War
Department like leaves from trees before
the first strong wind of autumn So
great is the eagerness of patriots for the
honor of defending the flag that during
the past few days not a few letters have
been received at the department from
young men who state that rather than
not have a chance of going to the front
when the war begins they are willing to
enlist in the regular army Among men
of all creeds nationalities and politics
there is an expressed intention and desire
to uphold the honor and the integrity of
the flag of the republic
As far as practicable the State organ
izations entering the volunteer service
will remain intact the Governors of the
various States being permitted as they
were in 1SG1 to designate the regimental
officers which will include those of the
grades of second lieutenants to colonels
The President will reserve to himself the
right to appoint the staff and field offi
cers The total strength of the National
Guard as reported to the War Depart
ment is lloTGl men
President McKinleys Postmaster
General Resigns His Portfolio
Postmaster General Gary resigned
Thursday and Charles Emory Smith was
immediately nominated to succeed him A
Washington correspondent states that it
is generally understood that Gary resign
ed because he opposed war and does not
care to be connected with an administra
tion that conducts it
The official explanation is Postmaster
General Garys resignation had absolute
ly nothing whatever to do -with our pres
ent foreign complications It was owing
entirely to the condition of Mr Garys
health lie has suffered a groat deal of
late from a general breaking down of the
system which has continued to progress
until finally Mr Gary reluctantly reached
the conclusion that he was unable longer
to carry the burden of his office
McKinleys Ultimatum to Woodford
Held Until Discussion Is Had
In forestalling Gen Woodford by
breaking off diplomatic relations with the
Woodford Minister Madrid
You have been furnished with the
text of a joint resolution voted by the
Congress of the United States on the
19th inst approved to day In relation
to the pacification of the island of Cuba
In obedience to that act the President
directs you to immediately communi
cate to the government of Spain said
resolution with the formal demand of
the government of the United States
that the government of Spain at once
relinquish its authority and govern
ment in the island of Cuba and with
draw its land and naval forces from
Cuba and Cuban waters
In taking this step the United States
hereby disclaims any disposition or in
tention to exercise sovereignty juris
diction or control over said Island ex
cept for the pacification thereof and as
serts Its determination when that Is
accomplished to leave the government
and control of the Island to its people
under such free and independent gov
ernment as they may establish
If by the hour of noon on Saturday
next the 23d day of April inst there
be not communicated to this govern
ment by that of Spain a full and satis
factory response to this demand and
resolution whereby the ends of peace
in Cuba shall be assured the President
will proceed without further notice
to use the power and authority en
joined and conferred upon him by the
said joint resolution to such extent as
may be necessary to carry the same
into effect SHERMAN
Sherman Washington
Early this Thursday morning im
mediately after the receipt of your
open telegram and before I had com
municated same to Spanish govern
ment Spanish Minister for Foreign Af
fairs notified me that diplomatic rela
tions are broken between the two coun
tries and that all official communica
tion between their respective repre
sentatives has ceased I accordingly
asked for safe passports Turn lega
tion over to British embassy and leave
for Paris this afternoon Dave notified
consuls WOODFORD
They Face Ships on One Side Insur
gents on the Other
The blockade of Cuban ports is very
significant when the map of Cuba is
studied in connection with the Presidents
proclamation The President declares
that he has instituted and will maintain
a blockade of the north coast of Cuba
including ports on said coast between
Cardenas and Bahia Honda and the port
of Cienfuegos on the south coast of
Cardenas is about twenty five miles east
of Matanzas and Bahia nonda is about
fifty miles west of Havana The coast on
the north blockaded is not more than 150
f w wml Ira
miles in extent and includes Havana
Matanbas and two or three smaller ports
With the North Atlantic squadron
blockading the coast controlled by the
Spanish troops and leaving open all the
coast from Cardenas east and around to
Cienfuegos a coast line of at least 100U
miles with numerous ports held by only
a few hundred Spanish soldiers the way
is clear for the insurgents to extend their
control to the coast and communicate
with the United States gunboats If they
control five sixths of the island as is
claimed and have an army of 50000 men
in the field which can be increased to
75000 men when they have arms and
ammunition they can drive Spain out of
Tfo MeWs
The Spanish would better look out for
a rainy season at home
These are the days Spain wishes she had
kept up her credit at the coal dealers
The Spanish battle cry is To morrow
and the American slogan is To Morro
The cruiser Diogenes might appro
priately greet the Spanish foe with Greek
When a warship puts on her powder
sin is supposed to be all ready for the
If Spain is anxious to do something re
ligious Sagasta might comply by passing
the hat
Havana never has been regarded as a
first class health resort but a great many
Americans probably will spend the sum
mer there in the interest of Cubas health
Wheros that man with the bullet proo
United States in advance of the presenta
tion of the American ultimatum by the
minister of the United States Spain re
sorted to one of her old devices Presi
dent McKinleys telegram to Gen Wood
ford conveying the ultimatum was held
by the Madrid telegraph authorities while
a copy of it was sent to Premier Sagasta
coat Cant he be induced to come from
under the bed 7
I will flee away from the heat of war
warbles a San Francisco poetess Going
to the Klondike V
Senor Polo thinks war is a horrible
thing How does he know He says
there has been no war in Cuba
JMetzger Bros
Right car cropped
Hole in ceuterof left
Raniie Lake creek
Pullman Neb
Cherry Co
Hranrl on left aide
and thigh
Earmark square
crop right ear
Southern branded
cattle have but one
brand on leftside
Native cattle have
throat wattle
Kuiine on iiordon and bnuke Creeks
Horses have same brandjon left thigh
A IScwnnl of 100 will be paid to any
person for information leading to the arrest aud
final conviction of anv person or persons steal
ing cattle with above brand
Joseph V Bownet
P O address
Mernman Nebr
va mum
William M Dunbar
Lessee from Heine Kroeger
P u 1
w -Ma
rm B
133 J
A saasHie
Cody Neb
DUn Elthorslde
Left ear oi cattle
Range bead or Hay
Ilenry Pratt
Rosebud S D
Left side
Horses same on
left shoulder
Deerhorn clip on
some cattle
4f A
i aV
Vjl -
William Shaninen
Cody Neb
Dulap uuderatde oi
Jack LePoint
Mcrriman Neb
CatHe branded on
left side Some on
np also
hannark round hole
In center f left ear
Also use KvKW on
on right side Range Lake Corn ana
ueai creeKS
Charles E Faulhaber
Ilrownlee Nebr
Hither right or left
side on cattle
Horses same on
left shoulder
Left ear cut oQ ul
Range Loup river
Marshall Wolfenden
Kennedy Neb
Some s on the left
Horses son left
Rraud is small
Karniark Quarter
clip behind half cir
cle forward on left ear
Range Lone Tree
Louis F Richards
Merriman Neb
Charles Benard
Hosebud S D
Range Big White
and Iad Rivers
W R Kissel
Brownlee Neb
Also some below
left bin
Range Kissels
Wheeler Bros
Cody Neb
Ranee on the Snake
River and Chamber
Iniii flat
tmWI i
41 SKV
Charles C Taekett
9Mi tiirTiiT
Itosebud 3 D
liange head of An
telope near it Marys
Horses branded
on left thigh
William F Schmidt
Rosebud S D
On left side
Horses branded
same on left hip or
Range on norse
- --
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