ry v MAKES hows Specie 7 r v THE STRUGGLE ON APRIL 21 increased 7885000 loans de 17489000 The banks now hold 300000 In excess of the legal require jaeaU r Tfe2 ELECTRIC FLASHES NEWS FROM ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD DECLARATION OP WAR BEGIN Action Thus Legalizes the Seizure of Spanish Ships by United States Vessels Takes House One Minute and Forty Seconds to Act Declaration of War The president on Monday sent to con gress a message recommending a declara tion of war After citing the action of Spain toward the United States in sever ing all diplomatic relations with this country the following recommendation is made The position of Spain thus being made known and the demands of the United States being denied with a complete rup ture of intercourse by the act of Spain 1 have been constrained in the exercise of the power and authority conferred on me by the joint resolution aforesaid to pro claim under date of April 22 1898 a block ade of certain ports of the north coast of Cuba lying between Cardenaz and Bahia Honda and of Port Cienfuegos on the south coast of Cuba and further in the exercise of my constitutional powers and using the authority conferred on me by the act of congress approved April 22 1898 to issue by proclamation dated April 28 1898 calling for volunteers in order to carry into effect said resolution of April 20 1898 I now recommend to your honorable body the adoption of a joint resolution declaring a state of war exists between the United States of America and the kingdom of Spain and I urge speedy action thereon to the end that the definition of the inter national status of the United States as a belligerent power may be made known and the assertion of all its rights and the maintenance of all its duties in the con duct of a public war may be assured The bill reported by the foreign affairs committee declaring war reads 1 That war be and tbesame is hereby declared to exist and that war has existed since April 21 a D 1898 between the United States of America and the king dom of Spain 2 That the president of the -United States is hereby directed and empowered to use the entire land anil naval forces of the United States and to call into actual nervice the United States militia of the several states to such extent as may be necessary to carry this act into effect It took the house one minute and forty one seconds to pass the declaration of war The senate then took up the house bill and passed it without amendment The president affixed his signature to the resolution shortly after 6 p m QUITS THE CABINET Secretary Sherman Tenders His Resignation to SIcKinley Another resignation from the cabinet occurred Monday when the venerable sec retary of state John Sherman handed his resignation to the president at a special meeting of the cabinet The reason for the resignation was the condition of the secretarys health It is altogether prob able the next secretary of state will be William It Day first assistant He has been urged to take it by the president Day has bad entire charge of Cuban af fairs almost since the beginning of the present administration Mr Day accepted the secretaryship and Prof J B Moore an eminent international law expert succeeds the assistant secre tary HAVANA CABLE CUT Wires Severed Ten Miles from the City by the Mangrove The United States has cut the Havana cable The cut was made about ten miles out of Havana and the southern end of the cable is now on the Mangrove which was reoently converted Into an auxiliary cruiser This gives the government ex clusive use of the cable and entirely cuts Blanco Spain off from communication with DASH IN THE DARK The Porter Lands a Reconnoitering Party Under Morros Gnns The torpedo boat Porter off Havana made a daring trip inshore under cover of darkness Monday night and Lieut Fre mont landed with a small party and ob tained valuable information Business in New Mexico Flans for the establishment of a cannery factory at Santa Fe N M are being pushed enthusiastically by local men who have every assurance that capital for the enterprise can be had in abundance Such an industry will be of very great benefit to not only the fruit growers of the Santa Fe valley but to the Espanola valley as well Thousands of tons of the finest fruit in the world which is now wasted for lack of a nearby market will be saved Washington Guards on Duty A portion of the national guard of the national capital has been placed on duty along the conduit bringing the water sup ply from Great Falls on the Potomac to Washington There is some talk of a mil itary detail to guard the public buildings and the White House No order has been Issued on this line but Col Bingham euperintendent of public buildings and grounds has spoken favorably of the plan New YOrk Central Officers At a meeting of the new board of directors of the New York Central Rail road Cbauncy M Depew was elected chairman of the board and Samuel R Calloway was elected president in place t Mr Depew Weekly Bank Statement The New York weekly bank statement a reserve increase of 6179000 Sbses riRE ON THE FLEET Blookading Warships Bombarded by Morro Castle Guns Morro Castle opened fire on the fighting squadron of the United States at 11 oclock Sunday night About ten shots were sent in the direction of our ships but not one of them took effect and no shots were fired in return The firing was reported by the officer of the deck Ensign J E - Hr frS M Edie to Capt Chadwick who was asleep 1 at the time The young officer asked the captain in somewhat excited tones whether the New York had not better discontinue signaling No muttered Capt Chadwick with the utmost coolness there is no necessity for stopping the signals Go ahead A little later Capt Chadwick was on the forward bridge whence he watched the tongues of flame shoot out from Morro Castle He glauced in the direction of the Spanish fortifications for a few seconds and then turned his back on them in silent contempt and went back to his bed per fectly certain the Spaniards could do no damage at five miles which was then the approximate distance of the flagship from Morro Castle MORE PRIZES TAKEN Three Spanish Steamers and Two Schooners Captured The United States gunboat Helena cap tured the Spanish steamer Miquel Jover 2500 tons Saturday The prize is estimated to value 500000 her cargo alone being worth 150000 She belonged to the Pinlilo line Barcelona Ensign Christy with a crew of sixteen from the cruiser Detroit and four from the flagship brought into Key West Sunday the captured Spanish Steamer Catalina Capt Fano 3491 tons which left Cadiz March 7 and was bound from New Orleans for Barcelona via Havana for which latter port she was making when taken The Catalina was captured about 1 oclock Sunday morning twelve miles from Havana The gunboat Wilminglon captured the Spanish schooner Onadidia with a deck load of charcoal intended for Havana where it is extremely valuable for fuel The torpedo boat Porter captured the Spanish schooner Antonia laden with sugar for Havana The revenue cutter Winona from Mobile captured the Spanish steamer Saturniua at Ship Island Miss Sunday TAKES CHARGE OF THE WIRES Uncle Sam Assumes Control at Key West At the direction of the president Gen A W Greely chief signal officer of the army has taken general charge of the Key West end of the cable that runs to Havana A Key West dispatch says The wires here have been taken by the government The press matter is censorized The Ha vana connection is abandoned Prune Crop Will Be Short The prunes that escaped the cold snap in California of about six weeks ago have heen seriously affected by the hot winds lhat swept over the valley last week The Iruithas commenced curling up and fall ing off The pruues were at that stage of if growth where they would be mostaf ected and it did not take the hot air long loruin all of ihe fruit on the exposed parts of the trees Three Lives Lost in a Mine Fire Three men lost their lives in a fire in the Londonderry mine on Ironclad Hill near pripple Creek Colo The dead are YV if Pine mine superintendent J W Foster miner J P Jones miner Jones and Foster were working in a drift at the bottom of the shaf t when the shaft house look lire Pine went lo their rescue and the three were asphyxiated The bodies were recovered Sending Railroad Iron to Japan The tramp steamer Urd to load railroad iron for Yokohama has been docked at Tacoma She is the second of the vessels chartered to carry rails to the Orient and will be loaded without delay The Devon shire now loading rails will be ready to sail in a few days Joint Note from the Powers It is understood Germany Austria and France will send a joint note to the United States and Spain enjoining great caution in dealing with neutral shipping MARKET QUOTATIONS Chicago Cattle common to prime 300 to 550 hogs shipping grades 300 to 400 sheep fair to choice 250 to 450 wheat No 2 red 110 to 112 corn No 2 31c to 32c oats No 2 26c to 28c rye No 2 56c to 58c butter choice creamery 16c to 18c eggs fresh 10c to lie potatoes common to choice 45c to 65c per bushel Indianapolis Cattle shipping 300 to 525 hogs choice light 300 to 400 sheep common to choice 300 to 450 wheat No 2 95c to 96c corn No 2 white 31c to 32c oats No 2 white 29c to 30c St Louis Cattle 300 to 550 hogs 300 to 400 sheep 300 to 500 wheat No 2 100 to 102 corn No 2 yellow 29c to 31c oats No 2 27c to 28c rye No 2 54c to 56c Cincinnati Cattle 250 to 525 hogs 300 to 400 sheep 250 to 475 wheat No 2 red 99c to 101 corn No 2 mixed 32c to 34c oats No 2 mixed 29c to 30c rye No 2 56c to 58c Detroit Cattle 250 to 550 hogs 325 to 400 sheep 250 to 475 wheat No 2 99c to 101 corn No yellow 33c to 35c oats No 2 white 31c to 32c rye 55c to 57c Toledo Wheat No 2 red 103 to 104 com No 2 mixed 32c to 34c oats No 2 white 27c to 28c rye No 2 55c to 57c clover seed 305 to 315 Milwaukee Wheat No 2 spring 102 to 103 corn No 3 31c to 33c oats No 2 white 29c to 31c rye No 1 57c to 59c barley No 2 42c to 48c pork mess 950 to 1000 Buffalo Cattle 300 to 550 hogs 300 to 425 sheep 300 to 525 wheat No 2 red 99c to 101 corn No 2 yellow 35c to 36c oats No 2 white 31c to 33c Now York Cattle 300 to 550 nogs 300 to 450 sheep 300 to 525 wheat No 2 red 111 to 112 corn No 2 S8c to 39c oats No 2 white 32c to 34c butter creamery 15c to 19c eggs Western He to 12c uEBBt STATE OF NEBBASKA NEWS OF THE WEEK IN A CON- DENSED FORM The Parole System for Mildly In sane in Vogue at the State Hos pital Is Working Well Benefits Both the State and Patient Parole for Mildly Insane The parole system at the Lincoln Hos pital for the Insane whereby convalescent or mild patients may be sent out of the in stitution and placed in the care of friends has proven to be a wise provision in the regulation of the hospital not only mak ing room for new patients but lessening the expense on those who are afflicted with only a mild form of insanity After a medical report is made by the physicians the state board inquires into the case and allows the patient to be paroled with some responsible party usually a relative for the period of ninety days the state during this time being relieved of all expenses At the end of the ninety days the patient may be returned to the hospital if the de rangement is such as to make him un manageable or unsafe to be left unre strained If no application is made for a return to the institution however a final discharge is given When patients are brought back at the end of the parole term the expenses must be paid by the outside parties up to the time that the patient is received back into the institu tion The release of patients on parole before final discharges are made often has a good effect in bringing about a complete cure But there are instances where the parole system is abused One has come to the attention of the management of the asy lum which required prompt action A Swede girl was paroled to her brother-in-law People in the neighborhood said she was abused forced to work in the field like a man Dr Abbott inquired into the matter found out that the reports of ill treatment were true and telegraphed the authorities of the county to immediately take the girl away from the custody of the brother-in-law and provide for her until further arrangements could be made The letters received by Dr Abbott in response to his inquiry showed that the brother-in-law had secured the parole of the girl in order that he might have her take the place of a hired hand on the farm NEW SHEEP SHEARING PLANT One of the Industries Brought Into Prominence at Lincoln The new plant for shearing and dipping sheep which was added to the Lincoln stock yards last October is now handling a large business and is becoming one of important industries of that section of the state In the sheariug department from six to ten men are employed and each one shears on an average of 100 sheep per day These men are all experts and at the rate of 9 cents for each sheep their pay runs from 8 to 950 each per day The ileece of the sheep being shorn at this time in the season weighs about six pounds per head and is sold on the market at 16 cents per pound After the clip they are dip ped then placed on feed in the yards for a time and then sold to the feeders or are shipped east Each animal yields almost a dollars worth of wool and tiie average price obtained for them when sold to feed ers is 350 each Sheep lhat have the scab are almost worthless as wool producers as their con tinual rubbing and scratching pulls off nearly all the wool In order lo cure the scabby sheep that come into the yards as well as to guard the healthy ones from in fection a dipping plant has been put in where all the sheep that are sent to the range are first dipped and rendered secure from the scab for the coining season A great number of the sheep that are -dipped are brought in from the range by the owners who have them cured of the scab or made proof against it for the sea son and are then taken back to the pas tures The charge for the dip is 1 cent per head making it an inexpensive operation Where the sheep are left in the yards ten days in order that they bedipped twice the charge is 5 cents per head for the dipping and the feed Encounter with a Tramp Perry Reynolds brakeman on passenger train No 5 which leaves Ashland at 985 in the morning for Denver had a desper ate tussel with a tramp the other day as the train was pulling out of the Burling ton and Missouri yards The tramp was determined to ride but Beynolds succeeded in keeping him off until the train was well under motion As the brakeman jumped on the tramp threw a rock at him hitting him with sufficient force lo knock him from the train and he narrowly escaped falling under the wheels The tramp escaped Boy Has a Narrow Escape Willie Pollard aged 8 years and his sister older were in the pit of the Omaha elevator at Silver Creek pushing down corn when Willie was drawn down too near the buckets His sister being unable ito hold him back called to their father iwho tends the elevator for help He came none too soon shut of the grain just in the fnick of time found the boy buried about three feet in the grain and finally got him out unconscious Badly Hurt Bart Miner 19 years old employed in the railroad office at Table Rock went to Pawnee City and while attempting to board a sand train for Table Rock lost his footing and fell beneath the train and iwas struck on the head fracturing his Skull across the crown Two small pieces of bone were removed His right arm from elbow to wrist was badly lacerated with a deep cut Kicked by a Horse Charles E Dinsmore one of the pro prietors of the Hastings Milling Company was kicked in the head by a horse Phy sicians pronounce his injuiies fatal No Ghantauqua This Year Secretary D L Whitney announces that there will be no Chautauqua held at Beatrice this year Warlike Spirit at Plattsmouth Excitemedt over the Cuban situation is high at Plattsmouth II G Livingston son of tin late Captain Livingston has opened a lecruiting station and is fast en rolling a company for service in the antici pated war Went with the Soldiers Two of the patriotic students of Bellevue College W 12 Hannonand Chester Clark took French leave the other day and went south Willi the twenty second infantry Friends will endeavor to locate Clark who is a minor and have him return home AyfcltV1 yiw j ir m FIRE AT HOSPITAL FOR INSANE Chapel and Kltohen of Norfolk In stitution Destroyed Fire broke out at the state hospital for the insane at Norfolk and it was only by the heroic efforts of the attendants assisted by the fire department that serious conse quences were avoided The fire started in a woodhouse adjoining the building used -for a chapel and kitchen but this was soon subdued by the attendants and the attendants retired to bed Soon however fire broke out in t he chapel and kitchen and burned fiercely as it was fanned by a strong wind The water supply at the hospital is quite limited and the burning building conld not be saved though the ire was kept from spreading to the main building in which the patients were con fined and also kept from the other build ings Everything was done in an orderlyi manner to remove the patients in case it should become necessary the only trouble being among the parole patients The more violent ones were easily controlled The loss is estimated at about 5000 with no insurance McKey Brothers Discharged The preliminary hearing at Falls City of Thomas and James McKey for the alleged murder of Olliver S Jones near Argo on the 9th inst was held last week The only evidence brought against the McKey brothers was that on the day of the der they had passed the house of Jones in going from their home to their fathers and stoppeJ at one of Jones nearest neighbors about the time the act was committed Over a year ago the McKey boys and Jones had a few words over the loading of a gun It was loaded heavy and Jones accused the younger brother Of loading it to blow his Jones head off The boys had been living with Jones and left him about that time The judge thought the evidence was not strong enough to binl them over and discharged them Western Nebraska Teachers The sixth annual convention of the Western Nebraska Educational Associa tion was held last week at Sidney There was a good attendance and much interest manifested Among prominent educators present were W F McDowell D D chancellor University of Denver W E Jackson state superintendent J W Crabtree state inspector of high schools The associations officers are President W P Killen Lodgepole secretary Min nie Chase Sidney treasurer B KBushee Kimball Executive committee J C Orr North Tlatte Mrs Rosa Dotlds Chappell No Extra Session Gov Ilolcomb has been interviewed on the probability of an extra session of the legislature He said lhat the emergency had not yel arrived Nebraska was able to at once equip and place its entire national guard at the disposal of the gov ernment and until some further call is made it would be unwise to make any move toward an extra session The emergency might come soon and the stale would respond in the proper manner Edward Iiorenz Acquitted Perhaps the most exciting trial in the history of Eed Willow County ended at McCook last week when Edward Lorenz was acquitted of the charge of murdering Michael Travers This is the second trial the case having been remanded back for a rehearing by the supreme court On the first trial Lorenz was found guilty and given a life sentence The jury was out only two and one half hours Want New Comity Buildings A petition containing 1000 names was presented to the board of county commis sioners at Auburn asking them to call a special election to vote bonds to the amount of 50000 to build a court house and jail at Nemaha County The com missioners called the special election for the 28th day of May The call was made for 50000 for court house and 10000 for jail Burglars at Aurora Some parties as yet unknown supposed to be tramps entered the residence of ex State Senator Mighell of Aurora while tiie family was out and after helping them selves to the contents of the cupboard ransacked the house for valuables taking some jewelry and what little money Mrs Mighell had in the house and then left for parts unknown Attempted Suicide Timothy Cliff of Auburn fired a bullet into his brain with suicidal intent He came to this country from France in 1878 Despondency from excessive drinking is supposed to be the cause of his act Nebraska Short Notes Falls City has a daily paper The Ponca creamery has opened for bus iness Burglars last week made a 200 haul at luemont Arapahoa is enjoying a building boom this spring A Zeplin of West Point died in conse quence of injuries received by the kick of a horse Great numbers of pelicans passed up the river at Loup City Saturday evening and Sunday morning The minstrel show given by the Wymoro women was a grand success and was by far the most important social event of the season The Arcadia Champion is authority for the statement that a four foot vein of coal has been struck near Ansley at a depth of 200 feet In one hour after the opening of the re cruiting office at Gordon last week twenty persons had attached their names to the roll of honor George Eitterbush who was sentenced a year ago to the penitentiary pardoned and returned home last week committed suicide at Crookston by shooting himself A gang of tramps at Dubois built a fire in a box car in order to keep warm They got tip a little more heat than they ex pected but skipped out before they could be apprehended Tccumsehs city council at its last regu lar meeting passed an ordinance giving ihe salaries of city officials a sweeping re duction It is said that some of the in coming officers will not qualify A fight is on between the papers of Ne braska City over the publication of the notices for liquor licenses Captain II O Evans of Company E at North Platte lias issued a call for twenty volunteers The intention is to enlist enough men to bring the number in the company up to G5 the full number allowed by the governor A reward of 1800 is offered for the ar rest and conviction of James Dalton Ed Royal and Tom Taylor who broke jail at Marys vi lie Kan j ust over the Nebraska line after beating the- deputy sheriff Phnrlpc R RnMorsrm in siul ji trmnnpr that he died r j l J r KnfiM f iT vi JbiwW iV43 23bL3 CITIZENS - MEAT MARKET 3 49 GEO G SCHWALM PROP This market alwavs keeps a supply of FRESH -FRUIT-AND - C II VOKXKiAu President W0MOO Bond Filed GAM HEADQUARTERS FOR WINES LIQUORS AND CIGARS VALENTINE Of the Choicest Brands NEBRASKA E In addition to a first class line of Steaks Koasts Dry Salt Meat3 Smoked Hams Breakfast JBacon and Vegetables A tStetters Old Stand on Main Street VALENTINE NEBRASKA MAAA AAAAAAA AAA AAAAAAAAM 2 I Hb Y ALAUb bALUUIN to to to to to to to to ANK OF VALENTINE Jl V XIMIOLSOX Cashier Valentine Nebraska 1 General Ranking Business Transacted Buys aad Sells Domestic anil Foreign Eocchangc Correspondent Cliemtcal National Bank New York First National Hank Omaha AAAAAAAAA AAAAAA J 4 49 4 4 49 4 4 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 The DONOHER v f u s continually adding improvements and it is now the best equipped and most comfortable FIRST CLASS MODERN HOTEL IN NORTHWEST NEBRASKA Hot and Cold Water Excellent Bath Room Two Sample Rooms to to to to to to to to to to to to to to tf t Qherry Qounjy Bank Valentine Nebraska Every facility extended customers consistent with conservative banking Exchange bought and sold Loans upon good security solicited at reasouabli rates County depository E SfARKS President CHARLES SPARKS Cashier Notary Public W E HALEY Real Estate ABSTRACTER Valentine Nebraska Soutli of Court House Apr grand offer To keep our exeat factory busy and introduce early our splen did 98 models we have concluded to make a marvelous offer direct to the rider For 3o days we will sell samples of our swell 98 bicycles at net cost to manufac ture and will ship C O D on approval to any address on receipt of the nominal m sum of i oo if west of Denver S5 This d deposit is merely to show good faith on purchasers part if you dont want to send money in advance send you r express agents guaranty for charges one way and we will pay them the other if you dont want the wheel Y R5 P Tfl N Hlsbest grade embodying every late improve- Wwr menfcnf vnlnn 111 inch innnri a t joints improved two piece cranks arch crown Jarge detachable sprockets handsomest finish and decorations Morgan Wrieht qnick repair tires Bingle or doable tabe high grade equip ment Special price on sample 2900 CSSflCK A 8plendid macllino eqnal to any for eervice and eafly running Best 1H inch F seamless tnbing two piece cranks arch crown detachable sprockets finely finished and decorated Morgan Wright qnick repair tires single or double tube high grade equipment Our special 6ample price Cl AA K WNQT r BeBt medinm sra for 1893 Va inch tnbing striped and decorated arch r r crown dust proof bearings ball retainers best Indiana or New Brunswick tires standard equipment Special price on sample 1900 rw i e cnoice or color style Height of Frame Gear etc Fully Guaranteed - th aPPearance and of these nrSn8 quality wheels Dont wait order gnceswillbe much higher soon Yoa can makeBli Alone as our Agent selling fur us Wo give our agents choice of cash the free use of a umSm Wheel or irift Of a v heel jmrnrtlinirtn wnrlr nr ap Do You Want Cheap Wheels BieHo 1200 to 1600 Wheels Slightly Used Modern Types - - 800 to 1200 Our business and reputation are known throughout the country References any of the express companies or any bank in Chicago Art Catalogue free Secure agency at once - The J L Mead Cycle Co - Chicago t i r 1 r 4 i i M i 1 I