The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, April 21, 1898, Image 7

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Both the method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste and acts
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys
Liver and Bowels cleanses the sys
tem effectually dispels colds head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to the stomach prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50
cent bottles by all leading drug
gists Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it Do not accept any
noMK stuut Mind icanitering prevented Hemoru
improved Quick and thorough srepara Ion for all ex
aminations including Civil Seuvice Uscrnl to all In
lercslpd In heh CuUure and liono Study without an
instructor Mailed anywhero l25 Circular Tree
1L COOK 935 Armstrong Avenue St Paul Minn
Get Your Pension
Writo Capt OTAEBZLL Pension Agent Washington DC
XUfi IVay Manilla
The best Bed nope Roonne Tor 1 ct
per so foot ops and nails Included
Substitutes for Waster Samples free
Itooiicc Co Camden N J
Aurora Borealis and Superstition
Conceive for a moment the glories of
the aurora borealis We who live in
the semi somber atmosphere of this
zone may well forestall by imagination
the speechless wonder which would
seize lis were we first to behold that
most dramatic phantasmagoria of sun
phases on sky and sun and ice The
Teutons portrayed their emotions in
their legends relating to their god Loki
In the story of his funeral pyre we de
tect ithe imagery inspired by the splen
dors of the aurora borealis Loki is the
god of evil enemy of both gods and
men Fire at first dangerous at last
the friend of man is the emblem of this
dark god He is surrounded by flame
through whose circumference man
must pass to the place of eternal sleep
lie is pictured as seizing his faithful
steeds and plunging into the sea of fire
the aurora borealis and then disap
pearing Men heroes and gods follow
him Some return some never On
on to the dark icy regions beyond the
dismal ironwoodwhere all is night the
Land of Shade to the very house of
Death where reigned King Death
guarded by his two dogs We need not
penetrate much deeper into the mythol
ogy of antiquity to discover all the
forms around which gathered the legen
dary superstition of medieval Christian
ity concerning hell
Indeed it -will be discovered by stu
dents that the Scandinavian legends
are much responsible for the dark
gloomy phases of Christian theology
especially concerning hell and the devil
Ouida has beautifully formed hands
and feet and to keep the latter from be
ing distorted by unnatural pressure on
the bones she -Tears open buckled
shoes summer and -winter alike in
stead of boots
From theJiepublican Scranton Perm
The cause of dyspepsia is lack of vital
ity the absence of nerve force the loss
ofthelife sustainingelementsof the blood
So organ can properly perform its func
tion when the source of nutriment fails
When the stomach is robbed of the nour
ishment demanded by nature assimila
tion ceases unnatural gases are generat
ed the entire system responds to the dis
A practical illustration is furnished by
the case of Joseph T Vandyke 440 Hick
ory street Scranton Pa
In telling his story Mr Vandyke says
Five years ago I was afflicted with a
trouble of the stomach
which was very aggra
vating I had no appe
tite could not enjoy
myself at any time and
especially was the trou
hleseverewhen I awoke
in the morning I did
not know what the ail
ment was but it be
c a m e steadily worse
and I was in constant
I called in my fam
ily physician and he
line nosed the rasp as
X v
fciia w
V rKl
catarrh of the stomach ln Misery
He prescribed for me and I had his pre
scription filled I took nearly all of the
medicine but still the trouble became
Worse and I felt that my condition was
hopeless I tried several remedies but
without benefit After I had been suffer
ing several months Thomas Campbell of
this city urged me to try Dr Williams
Pink Pills for Pale People
I finally decided to buy a bos and be
gan to use the pills according to direc
tions Before I had taken the second box
I hegan to feel relieved and after taking
a few more boxes considered myself re
stored to health The pills gave me new
life strength ambition and happiness
Dr Williams Pink Pills cure dyspepsia
by restoring to the blood the requisite
constituents of life by renewing the nerve
force and enabling the stomach to prompt
ly and properly assimilate the food These
pills are a specific for all diseases having
their origination in impoverished hlood or
disordered nerves They contain every
element requisite to general nutrition to
restore strength and good health to the
Victoria and Jenny Lind
That Queen Victoria is not blind to
the hold that other celebrities may
have upon the feelings of her people
was prominently illustrated in 1S48
when Jenny Lind was to sing at her
majestys theater The Queen made
her first public appearance after the
memorable Christmas Day For the
great artiste tocr this was a first ap
pearance for it was the beginning of a
season at a place where the year be
fore she bad won unparalleled fame
It happened that the Queen entered
th ro3ral box at the same moment that
the prima donna stepped upon the
stage Instantly a tumult of acclama
tion burst from every corner of the the
ater Jenny Lind modestly retired to
the back of the stage waiting till the
demonstration of loyalty to the sover
eign should subside
The Queen refusing to appropriate
to herself that which she imagined to
be intended for the artiste made no
acknowledgment The cheering con
tinued increased grew overwhelming
and still there was no acknowledgment
from either the stage or the royal box
At length when the situation be
came embarrassing Jenny Lind with
ready tact ran forward to the foot
lights and sang God Save the Queen
which was caught up at the end of the
solo by the orchestra chorus and audi
ence The Queen then came to the front
of her box and bowed and the opera
Brass Collars for Drunkards
A colonial gentleman -who now sits
on the Wandsworth and Clapham
board of guardians amused his col
leagues at their weekly meeting by
stating during a discussion upon the
best manner of dealing with local in
ebriates that they had an excellent
way of checking excessive drinking in
Manitoba When a man had been twice
or thrice convicted of drunkenness in
the police courts he wras sentenced to
wear a brass collar which marked him
out among his fellows as a person to
whom no publican could with impunity
serve liquor The drastic measure
often proved a cure On the authori
ties being satisfied that the branded in
dividual had served a sufficiently long
term of -probation he was uncollared
and endowed with the liberty of drinks
Tit Bits
Espoed hy Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound St
merit from Mrs B A Lombard
One of the greatest triumphs of Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compot
id is
the conquering of womans dread enemy Fibroid Tumor
The growth of these tumors is so sly that frequently their presence is not sus
pected until they are far
So called wandering
painsmay come from its
early stages or the pres
ence of danger may be
made manifest by ex
cessive menstruation ac
companied by unusual
pain extending from the
ovaries down the groin
and thighs
If you have mysterious
pains if there are indica
tions of inflammation or
displacement dont wait
for time to confirm your
fears and go through
the horrors of a hospital
operation secure Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound right away and
begin its use
Mrs Pinkham of Lynn Mass will give you her advice free of all charge if you
will write her about yourself Your letter will be seen by women only and you
need have no hesitation about being perfectly frank
Read what Mrs B A Lombard Box 71 Westdale Mass says
Ihave reason to think thatl would notbehere nowif it had not been for Lydia
E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound It cured me of a fibroid tumor in my womb
Doctors could do nothing forme and they could not cure me at the hospital I
will tell you about it I had been in my usualhealth but had worked quite
hard When my monthly period came on I flowed very badly The doctor gave
meniedicine but it did me no good He said the flow must be stopped if possible
and he must find the cause of my trouble w Upon examination he found there
was a fibroid tumor in my womb and gave me treatment without any benefit
whatever About that time a lad y called -on me and recommended Lydia E
Pinkhams Vegetable Compound said she owed her life to it I said I would
try it and did Soon after the flow became more natural and regular I still
continued taking the Compound for some time Then the doctor made an ex
amination again and found everything all right The tumor had passed away
sad that dulache was gone
y j v
Gates for Handling Hogs
The device shown in the accompany
ing illustrations for handling hogs
when they are to be rung or for other
purposes is very useful ou the ordinary
farm The first picture represents a
chute and gates which will shut behind
noG chute
and before the hog and hold him in
position There is 311st room enough
for him to stick his nose out and while
in this position rings can be inserted
The sides of the chutes must be much
closer together than shown in the en
graving so that the hog cannot turn
about In fact the width should be just
sufficient to allow a hog to pass
through In the second illustration is
represented the side view of another
gate and pen so arranged that the door
can be opened and shut without getting
into the pen These devices are so con
venient about the hog lots that it is a
surprise that more of them are not in
use Orange Judd Farmer
Manure for Strawberries
The strawberry plantation requires
very heavy manuring to produce its
best yield Every year on most plants
there is a succession of berries the
first and second pickings being almost
always larger and finer than those that
ripen later But if the later season is
very wet as it sometimes is we have
known the later crop to ripen up and
be very nearly as good as the first
This suggests that in addition to the
top dressing applied in winter there
ought to be an additional fertilization
while the crop is forming and this last
should be always dissolved in water
so as to be readily available Nitrate
of potash is the best manure to be thus
applied This is saltpetre aud costs
Jve to six cents per pound But a very
small lump dissolved in warm water
and applied freety will keep the vines
fresh and vigorous to the last and wrill
make a great increase hi the size of the
fruit The labor of applying liquid mn
uure is more than its cost and is great
er than can be generally afforded for
any other crop than the strawberry
Handy Wheelbarrow
The Iowa Homestead gives an illus
rration of a handy wheelbarrow that
aiay be used about the farm It is
made from the two front or the two
lind wheels of a little express wagon
which has seen its better days This
wheelbarrow has the advantage of hav
ing the load over the wheels and sus
tained by them instead of being held
by the one wheeling it The design ex
plains itself and the wheelbarrow can
be made very easily if the wheels are at
Arbor Vitae Hedges
In order to have a full hedge the
plants should be about two feet apart
in the row and carefully trimmed once
a year In the fall loosen the top soil
on both sides of the hedge aud apply
wood ashes Keep a close watch for
the basket worm which does consider
able damage to evergreen hedges of
this kind The plant is best known to
some as flat cedar because the leaf
is flat It is one of the most beautiful
ornamental plants grown
The Asparagus Bed
To make a new asparagus bed dig a
trench two feet deep and fill it with
rich well rotted manure to the depth
of twelve inches Over the manure
scatter bone meal and sulphate of pot
ash any quantity preferred Then
cover with three inches of rich dirt
and on the dirt place the roots using
2-year-old growth about two feet
apart as they will thicken in the bed
every year Cover with rich dirt and
throw the soapsuds over the bed when
ever possible to do so Once an aspara
gus bed is made it should last for twen
ty years
Unplowed Headlands
It is the practice of many farmers rn
plowing grass land especially for hoed
crops to leave an unplowed space us
ually called a headland on which the
horse can turn when used in cultivat
ing But with a careful horse this
care is not necessary in growing corn
or potatoes though the nurserymans
more valuable stock may justify it In
growing com some farmers plant two
or three rows of potatoes next the
fence But these scattering rows of
potatoes are difficult to harvest as the
wagon has to be drawn all around a
field to gather a few potatoes We
used in the later years of our farming
to plant corn out to the end of the row
If while small a hill of corn was step
ped on there it still time to plant a hill
of beans Yet Ave always noticed that
the outside rows of corn ripened ear
lier and had better ears than those in
the Middle of the field Most corn is
planted too closely to yield the largest
amounts of grain American Cultiva
Peanuts require a light soil sandy
loam being excellent The seeds are
planted about three inches deep and
the soil kept loose They seem to be
benefited by lime or wood ashes on the
soil The plant is very pretty while
growing and a few of them in a garden
add to its attractiveness Plant the
seeds in May or as soon as possible
after danger from frost is over The
seeds should be removed from the
shells and care should be taken not to
break the crown skin covering of the
Animal Pedigree
What is the value of a pedigree It
is simply the history of an animal If
there is no pedigree the auimal is un
known and its offspring may not par
take of its characteristics With a pedi
gree the animal can be traced back to
several generations if necessary Pedi
gree does not of itself make an animal
better than another but it is a valu
able guide in breeding
How to Plant Onions
Plant onion sets in rows placing
them four inches apart in rows The
rows may be sufficiently wide to per
mit of the use of a wheel hoe It is
important to keep the grass from be
tween the onions as well as to have
the space between the rows clean On
ions can endure frost and will start to
grow almost as soon as planted
Cheap Sweet Potato Plants
A correspondent of the American Ag
riculturist says that when sweet pota
to vines are about 18 inches long cut
off 12 or 14 inches and set out as shown
in the illustration Treated in this
way this planted vine will raise the
best of potatoes and its removal will
not injure the original plant
When to Plant the- Garden
Do not be deceived by the advance
warm weather of spring and put in the
garden crops too soon It will be time
enough to complete the planting when
the apple trees begin to bloom A late
frost will destroy all tender plants
Cool nights are also detrimental to the
growth of such plants as squash
beans melons tomatoes and corn The
ground must be warm before plants
will make headway in growth
Preparation of the Soil
A piece of ground that is plowed or
spaded and then worked very fine with
a harrow or rake will give better re
sults without manure than ground that
is heavily manured and uot worked
fine One half the battle is wron in the
preparation of the soil for the seed It
is a good start the rapid growrth the
first month that enables plants to get
ahead of weeds
Garden Peas
Many gardeners have planted the
extra early peas though it is rather
soon to do so Should they be subject
to a freezing spell they may turn yel
low and though not necessarily killed
will make but little headwray The dif
ficulty is that the seed may rot in the
ground if a cold spell comes but in or
der to have earlj peas some risk must
be incurred
A Happy Combination
It is a happy combination to have a
good farm and a good man together A
good manager is imitated in his meth
ods for miles around lie sets the ex
amplewhat crops to seed how to cul
tivate what machinery to buy when
and how to market and in many ways
is unconsciously helpful to those
around him
A Hint to Fruit Growers
It has always been thought beneficial
to put cinders and scales from the
blacksmith shop around fruit trees
Australian fruit growers go further
dig ditches around the trees and pour
in a solution of sulphate of iron in con
siderable quantities covering it with
The Twentieth Century
The 20th century will begin Jan 1st
1901 and end with 2000 People did not
reckon time from A D 1 but waited un
til about the uHOth year of the Christian
era People who begin to take Hostet
ters Stomach Bitters immediately after
the first outbreak of dyspepsia or kidney
trouble will date their cure from then
Some Folks Have That Trouble
Mr Peck Before we were married
you called me 3our king
Mrs Teck I know it but I always
did have more or less trouble in dis
tinguishing the kings from the jacks
Shake Into Tour Shoes
Allens Foot Ease a powder for the
feet It cures painful swollen smart
ing feet and instantly takes the sting
out of corns and bunions Its the great
est comfort discovery of the age Al
lens Foot Ease makes tight fitting or
new shoes feel easy It is a certain
cure for sweating callous and hot
tired nervous aching feet Tiy it to
day Sold by all druggists and shoe
stores By mail for 2i5c in stamps Trial
package FREE Address Allen S Olm
sted Le Roy N Y
No Time to Crow
Jones Why Bridget this is a very
small egg
Bridget Shure sir it was just laid
this morning Detroit Free Press
Take Laxative IJromo Quinine Tablets All Druggists
refund the money If It falls to cure 25c
The Chinese shake their own hands
instead of the hands of those they
Two bottles of Pisos Cure for Consump
tion cured rne of a bad lung trouble Mrs
J Nichols Princeton Ind Mar 20 93
The most unhappy of all men is he
who believes himself to be so Home
FITS Permanently Cured No nts or nerroiunpsa
after first day use or Ur Klines Great Nerve Ke
Btorer I Send for FKEE8200 trial bottle anl treatise
Vr R U Kline Ltd 131 Arch it Philadelphia Pa
Asia comes from the Sanskrit TJshas
signifying land of the dawn
Use Instead ot unwholcsomo cosmetics GIeim3 Sul
phur i oap which purifies and ueamilie3 tho skin
mil s llalr and Whisker Dye black or brown 50c
Bloomers An invention for discour
aging love at first sight
Mrs Winslows Soothing Syrop for Children
teething sottens the knms reances Inflammation
allays pain cures wind colic 25 cents a bottle
Vanity is the only intellectual enjoy
ment of many people
Many persons have their good
day and their bad day Others
are about half sick all the time
They have headache backache
and are restless and nervous
Food does not taste good and
the digestion is poor the skin
is dry and sallow and disfigured
with pimples or eruptions
sleep brings no rest and work
is a burden
What is the cause of all thi3
Impure blood
And the remedy
S ill
It clears out the channels
through which poisons are
carried from the body When
all impurities are removed from
the blood nature takes right hold
and completes the cure
If there is constipation take
Ayers Pills They awaken the
drowsy action of the licr they
cure biliousness
Writs to our Daclap
We have the exclusive aerrlcea of
some of the most eminent physicians io
the United States Wrlto freely all tho
particulars in your case You will xe
ceivo a prompt reply without cot
Lowell Ma
vmviarjv u J Jftga FL I
---- -
MfaaiBttirxrnS2Kii via flnftisang vggtWffTWf t irxrTiss vygty
yB3iiiinrEriMM --
This starch is prepared on scientific principles by men who have had years of practical
experience in fancy laundering It restores old linen and summer dresses tothoir
natural whiteness and imparts a beautiful and lasting finish It is tho only starch
manufactured that is perfectly harmless containing neither arsenic alum or any
other substance injurious to linen and can bo used even for a baby powder
For sale by all wholesale and retail grocers
i V
E kw t
is is iiar
t --
most people think But is it any harder for
a man than the old fashioned way of wash
ing is for a woman And yet how many
women apparently bright and
N vT II lisent still oersist in that clumsvl
I - wearisome expensive way of
lA I cashing
and save the hard work the ruinous wear and tear the1
needless rubbing and wrenching Pearline cant hurt the
clothes Its the most economical thing to wash with
Why dont they use it like millions of other women ko y
Use the Means and Heaven Will Give
You the Blessing Never Negiect
A Useful Article Like
- 17 08
Best Congo Syrup Tastes Good
in time Sold by drnggtata