i VA rM PUBLISHED EVERY THUftSDATf Entered at the Pout office -at Valentine Cherry jeouatylfebraska as Second class matter This paper wiH toe mailed regularly to its subDcribers until a -definite order todiacontinue is received all ar rears are paid in full - ANABOZOOX JOaiAKED Some time ago the editor slapped the face of one Carey 3iorn 4ing reports at once -detrimental aifd insulting to The Democrat A Hay or so afterward we learned that he re portedthat thenjctftoT was drunk as a reason for his exhibition of coward ice arising from the knowledge that the punishment was deserved Abjut the same time he gaye ic out that the editor was imi compos 7nentis Still later he bragged that ye scribe would have to apologize to him either through the columns of this paper or on his back The editor met the young up start almost daily for two or three weeks knowing these things yet for bade to speak to the liar because of a feeling of pity and charity for -one so weak minded In fact did him a favor without hi8 knowledge the same day the slapping took place say ing uwe would like to have him treat its with the same Christian spirit Now however the asp which rnc Democrat figuratively warmed in its Jbosom has turned and struck it Thorn is canvassing the county telling this papers subscribers that the editor is trying to sell out and begging them f to take his paper and stop Tins In answer we reply Mr Thorn is a liar and we demand an immediate written or public acknowl edgement of the fact The only time this paper ever in- timated a desire to sell was when the editor made a proposition to buy or self to Reinert That gentleman auid he couldnt buy but would sell and for two weeks we tried to agree upon terms The deal finally fell through The only reasn Thorn could have for making the scatements he does is this Three weeks ago -the ed itor made the announcement that in case of a call for volunteers he intend ed going to the front and would close up shop if necessary That statement holds good today and the man who tries to injure this paper on account of it is one of those misoable creatures With soul so dead Who never to himself hath said This is my own my native land He is and always has been a dem ocrat see Delphos Ohio Herald but he is patriotic nevertheless Thorn is evidently one of those who would be called a camp follower As to the drunkenness charge see Bro Barker J C Pettijohn or any- who was in the county clerKa office after the fracas As to the other see Dr Lawis who examined the ed- It i said that iu case of U S inter- vQUtton the Spaniards will display Jheir indignation by killing the recon- irentradog What have they been do- iur to the poor reconcentrados before - - l 4fl liwi XSr5A 3 1 -v Y itor for life insurance the next week The apology should reach this office by April 21 Eight divorces were granted during theterm of district court which closed last Friday Think of it Six- teen people who a short time ago lived together as man and wife the closest relationship people can have are now nothing but strangers to each other Eight homes which were once undoubtedly happy and full of peace now broken up and why In none of these cases was there a contest Per- hap8 in some the party not present is 3now and may for years remain ignorant of the fact that he or she is no longer bound to love and honor or cherish and protect as wa9 sworn achort time ago And bow flimsey are some of the excuses upon which divorce was granted In some tho excuse was he called me names -and threatened to strike me he no ionger supports me and I dont know where lie is In others -she kept company with other men and gets drunk I received a Jetterfroin a friend who says sbe is not lrneteme These eeem to be the stock phrases and upon them the judge dissolves the solemn vow of matrimony and violates the injunction what God bath joined together let not man put asunder v f - jfljj iawiiinih rt iurr THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT BOBEET GOOD Editor and Publisher Official Paper f Cherry Coun ty Nebraska 9100 Pea Year in ldvanee V ft- 1 M nnliMtnti iif uir rwms to lu a matter of bul u few hours and if our subscribers fail t i receive tneir pa pers next week they will know the ed itor is t the front and will be home when the Spanish are whipped The editors smiles aro for cause Ilere is one cause He gives 1 half column deadhead complimentary no tice of a money nriking scheme and then has a call for a couple of old papers containing the notice and sur prises the party by charging the usual price for the old papers of a week before Why wouldnt he smile The old -skinflint why didnt fre throw tnem in is jplios 0 Qotimnt his thanks B- The Uedd Herald on Tuesday caus ed McKiuley to get many a cussin which was not deservrd In printing his message fco congrPS3 the Wwrid llerald 4ef t ctff the business end of the document and hence destroyed the real -essence of the rnessnge Ws in company with others of all -political faitfhs cussed the president ifor not saying something and we hereby humbly beg his pardon Intense excitement prevailed on Main street Monday afternoefn when the tallowing special to Tiro Demo crat was posted at drug store Washington Message received a mid great excitement and applause Declares for imnediale united inter vention -Fleet moves 011 Havana to- morrow -E J Davenport caught the war spirit at once find ran up the stars and stipes over his store Graybeards shook their heads and while deploringj war talked patriotism to the gathered crowds Young men conimenced figuring on the possibilities of being killed or wounded -in the catise of Cuba aad a few Who some time ago offered fheit services to Che president wondered if their action would be taken in earnest If McKinley could see the people and hear them talk for a few days he would not hesitate over the course he should pursue JDet aman once fall into the habit of potteriug tinkering at his house his body his character -and always Uiere is dauger thathe will become a confirmed gobbler writes Robert J Burdette of Mending Basket in the April Ladies Home Journal Where he should rip off a rotting TOQt from ridge to cornice he will stick in a shingle a piece of slate a scrap of tin amid ever increasing leaks dry rot and general decay He braces bolst ers and patches walls -and fences un til his farm looks as though it had a a -combination of Saint Vitus dance and delirium tremens lie tinkers at his poor perishing frame with wire alls aud lotions pills and plasters He braces up hia decaying virtues with good resolutions poultices his xices with good intentions He fences his follies with certain or rather un certainlimitations And after all he is the same old man Decayed and decaying weak here and warped there out of plumb disjointed and covered With patches that do not renew him or not mend him at all but merely emphasized his degeneration lVo9fi lake Jim Wilson was in town on Monday Maud Cunningham was visiting at Mrs Wood smans on Monday Dell Dennis was seen battling a big load of ipssts for Johnson on Monday Bob Quisenberry of Oasis was doing business In town on Monday W L Cohee of Simeon was taking in the sighte one day last week He reports his boy Improving very fast Eriijnilth was in town on Saturday after grain and provisions Mjand Mrs C A Johnson went out to W A Johusonsto spend the afternoon Sunday Rev Garner preached to a large audience last 3unday evening Mr and Mrs C M Bailey spent Easter Sun- dayatJohnslons Mart Dew was st en on our streets on Fridav MrsChandlier has been very poorly of late It is hnped she will soon be herself again The South siders had a taffy party at Mr Wests on Friday night HK Dewey went to Valentine on Tuesday Bachklor WB Banks was transacting business in the city Monday Mrs S Kibjoue of Arabia visited friends aud relatives in town Monday Wm Heelan and wife and Mrs Fitzgerald of Arabia were io the city Saturday Jack Cronhxof Simeon was doing busiuess with our merchants Monday C It Walcott Jiad business in town Monday Joseph Leader of Chad ron stopped off here Saturday night from a trip east and is looking after his interest at his ranch for a day or two M E Baggs and P Peterson of Sioux City and Omaha are in town this week with eight cars of cattle for sale Mrs W Barnard jias returned home from Crawford after a visit of several months with lier parents Her sister Miss Jennie West ac companied her J D Woodman started east Sunday morning with his patent carpet cleaning apparatus J L McElderry went to Omaha on business Sunday morning Joe Payne was a Woodlake visitor Tuesday W S Garcelon came In Monday night and went to Brownlee Tuesday Miksv K - jkhuctiJI Ilwfrtf To make room for bnr SPRING AKD SUMMER STOK WJe wdll sell all of onr A ft I H iM n Gt II Iv SI lOlWgWW STiolrtftra alls Arf termanv days we will try again to give you our little liudgetot news Everybody has gone to work in earnest this time and the meadov lark and crow have come to proclaim that spring is here John Adamson and family have returned from Chestei field where ihev have been visiting his brother John dimson Lon and Charles Mosher and Tohu Qrmeslicr have been keeping house last week Looks as though cooks aie in demand R Grooms treated himself to a new set of harness last week Doc Johnson has become famous on rluLrPVer for extracting molars Jftoc can pull enio per fection BaDBov r ZSlU Vbtice Notice isherebv given that I haveliled with the Clerk of the Board if Village Jpriistces of the village or Valentino Nebr n pfitihn accom panied by a bond duly tested saidpetitum prav mgthat a license mavlie issued to me to -sell malt spintous and vinous liquors in said vil lage 01 valentine Nebiaska lor the year end ing May 1 lsuu IlKNitv STErrmt Notice Notice is herein- given that I have filed with the Clerk of the Board of Village TrustuWHtf the village of Vacntine Nebr a petition accom panitd by a bond duly tested said petitiotfpiav tnglhata license may be issued to me to sell malt spirituous and -vinous liquors in said vil lage of Valentine Nebraska for the year ending-May 1 1899 0 H Thompson Notice ishereby given that have tiled with the Clerk of the Bardof VIllageTrustees of the vuitc 111 iutuiuuw ieur a pciiuon accom panied byalmnd dutested said petition prov ing that a license imwbe issued to me to sell Hi I 111 t qniritiinnc nnrf rinnno 1inwrc m ootrf rll ilage of Valentine Nebraska Tor the year end- I iJ ioau XKUIL I iSUitlJIt Notice I- Notice isliereby eiven that I have filed with the Clerk of the Board of Village Trustees of the village ef Valentine Nebr a petition accom panied by a bond duly tested said petition pray ing that a license may to me to sell malt spirituous and vinous liquors in said vil lage of Valentine Nebraska for the -year end lug May 1 1899 John J Guth US Land Office Valentine Nebr I Marcli 24 1898 Complainthaving1eenentered at this office by Charles Taie against William Calhoun for failure tooomply with lavas to timber culture entry 83d2 dated June 20 1S90 upon the sej sw s4seJi neJiseii section 14 township 28 range 3Cw hi Cherrjvcounty Nebraska with a view to the cancellafkm of said entry contest ant allegingjthat William Calhoun claimant has tailed to break or catise to be broken the first five acres dimng the -first year after entry and has failed to cure his laclies up to this date The said parties are hereby sutnmoud to artpear at this office on the I4th day of May 1S9S at 10 oclock a nnto irsnd and furnish testimony concerning -said allegad failure 11 33 iR GLOVER Register FINAL PROOF NOTICES -Claimants and witnesses in final proof cases notice f whicn -appear in The Democrat will receive 41 anarked copy of the paper Should any errors iu description of lanlor spelling of names be discovered notice should be sent to the land office aud this ofhee so correction can be made TJ S Land Office Broken Bow Neb A ni il 7th tana - Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to to make final proof 111 support of his claim and that said jiroof will be made before the County Judge at Valentine Nebrou May 24 1898 viz Lewis K Belding H E No 1001 for the wnwi section 9 town ship 26n range 27w 1 e names tne following witnesses to prove his continuous residence apon and cultivation of saM laud viz Evans R Vandergrift Samuel D Montgomery Joseph Kennedy xtnd Julius Eller all of Brown lee Nebr CHAS H ADAMS Register U S Land Office Valentine Nebr March 21 1898 l Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver at VsQnntinR V Ph m a iii zn 1898 viz Charlie A Shaul of Wood lake Nebraska H E 0160 for th se section 15 township 30n range 26w He names the following witnessee to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz Andrew G Ward Kbner P Day Ely D Val entfne and Albert Sclilueter all of Woodlake Neb S-1-1 C R GLO VER Register i CLEARING SALE VY - WEIGHT CLOTHING L At a sacrifice All BROKEN LOTS of XOTHING COOTS and SHOES go REGARDLESS OF COST D STINARD THE CLOTHIER Mill Prices for Peed Bran bulk 50c per cwt 900 ton Shorts bulk 60c per cwt 1100 ton Screenings 35c b00 Chop Feed 70c 1300 Corn 50c Oars 80c Eli Precinct The first eight days of April was kind on Arebrio F U Yanish had business over south one day last veek Hugh Bovil and wife left for California on Thursday morning of last Week they will De gone a month or more k A young man from Chicago has taken chared of John Jewels ranch on the river- J W Garner was serving his coHntryasfd juror last week diet Gdodiich returned from the Churn ranch where lie has been worklhgfor a couple of weeks John Youug who lias toeen on Wm Wilsons ranch the past year moved back to Meiriman Chas Nichols is hauling posts and preparing to fence his claim on Beir CreeK Roy iMIey made a flyfng visit to LB Nichols one day last week Wm Nichols was out to Goodfellows ranch oueda hist week John Selder camehome from Siouv Citylast week and brought a carload of cattle v John Newell of Cody was on the rivet the last of last week Sanpy U S Land OlUce Valentine Nehr March 23 189S f Notice is hereby givi that Peter Alt of Crookston Neb hai filed notice of intention to make final proof btffofe Register and Receiver at their office in Valentine Nebraska on Fndav the 27th day of Mar 18U8 on timber culture ap plication No 8328 tor the ue of section 34 m township 35n range 20w He names as witnesses Heliirich Satienvciu Henry S Clavbaugh Frederick H Baumgartel and Max E Viertel nil of frookston N br W C R GLOVEK Register U S 1 and Office Valentine Nebr J s March 28rh 1803 f Notice is hereby given that Emerson B Main of Whitman Nebr hflsiHecl notice of intention to make final proof before the Register or Re teiverarhis office in Vtahtjnp Nebr ou Sat urday the 14th day T May 1898 on timber cul tireipplication No 8110 for the se4 section 6 township 27ii range 31 w Hb names as wmiesses Isaac H lArnias Thomas L Lomas Hermau Tittinger and Matthew FLomas all of Mullen Nebraska 10 15 C R GLOVER Register U S Land Office Valentine Nebr I Maxell 20 1893 f Notice is herebV given that Hamilton McCrea bf Valentine Nep has filed notice of intui tion to make fniavproor before the llegieter Or Ktceiver at his office in Valentine Nebr Ou Friday the 13thflay of iVIay 1898 on timber culture apphcatlm No 7875 for the saJi of sec tion No 21 in township No 33n range No v He names as witnesses William D Clarksonnnd Abner W Clark0n of Valentine Nebraska Henry L Brown and units II Smiti of Sparks Nebr 10 15 C R GLOVER Register U S Land Office Valentine Nebr Maich 7 1893 f Notice is hereby given that Renscke Bonnen of Pullman Nebr has filed notice ot intention to make final proot before Robert Lucas U S Commissioner at his office in Merriiuan Nebr on Kriday the 15th day of April 1898 on tim ber culture application No 82rG for lot 1 ne nwfci iy2ieh of section No 30 in township No 29n range No 3dw lie names as witnesses William L Enlow ana Charles H Jacobson of Gie wry Nebr William Pullman of Pull man Nebr and Elislia E Edwards of Gordon Neb 7 12 C R GLOVER Register U S Land Office Vaientme Nebr I March 19 1893 f Notice is hereby given that Charles W Deaver of Cody Nebr nas hied notice of intention to makefinal proot before Register and Receiver at thdir office in Valentine- Nbr on Satuiday the 7h day of May 1898 011 timber culture ap plication No 8290 forthenuM of section No 7 In township No 83n range33w Heyiames the following Sviuiesses GusUiveGuuderson VdFijmiH Hodk Will iam F McGee and Warren ClOiitz all of Cody iSebr also Gastave Gunderon of Cody Nebr H K No 9G5L for the sJ4sw section 32 and lots 3 4 sections township 3111 range 33w lie names thtj following witnesses to prove his continuous residence and cultivation of said land viz Charles W Deaver William M Hook William H Carter and Clarence Cutttcomb all of Cody Neb 9 14 C R GLOVER Register US Land Office Valentine Nebr 1 March 19 1898 1 Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will ha made before Register and Receiver at Valentine Nebraska -on April 30 1898 viz Howard S Lockwood of Simeon Nob H k 9535 tor lots 1 and 2 and sI4ne seotion 1 township 30n range 29w He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz John W Daniels of Valentine Nebr Sam uel J Hutchinson Charles W Bennett and Charles S lletee of Simeon Nebr 9 14 CR GLOVER Register V S Land Oinee Valentine Neb I Mar 131898 J Notice is hereby given that the following nam eJ settier ha filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim aud that satU proof will 0e made before Register and Receiver at Valentine Nebraska ou April 29 1898 Frederick H Goodfellow of Cody Nebraska HE 92U for the eseVi nwJ4se neJiswi section 20 township 32n range 35w Heonames the following witnesses to prove his continuous resideuce upon and cultivation of said land viz Wallace E Nelson James C Taylor Joseph H Bemisdarfer and Edward S WeeL all of Cody Nebr also Jaines C Taylor of Gody Nebr H E 9580 ese1 seneH section 33 and nwMwii section 34 township 32n range 35w He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upoti and cialtivation of said laud viz Fredrick H ioodfellow Joseph If Bemis darfer Edward S Weed John Bishefp all of CodyJfebr also Joseph H Bemisdarfer Cody Nebr H E 9221 w4se4 eswJi section 25 town ship 32n range 35w He names Uie following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz Frederick H Goodfellow James C Taylor Wallace E Nelson aud John H Stores all of Cody Nebr also Wallace E Nelson of Cody Nebr H E 9319 se4nw svne1 section 23 nw section 27 township 32n rangft 35w He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz Joseph H Bemisdarfer Frederick H Good fellow Edward S Weed and James C Taylor all of Cody Neb 8 13 c R GLOVER Register - TJ S Land Office Valentine Neb 1 March 5 1893 j Notice is hereby given that the follqwing naincd settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver at Valentine Nebr on April 15 189Sviz Osman A Ricliey of Nenzel Nebr H E 10089 for lots 1 2 4 and 5 section 7 township Sin range 32w and senej i sectiou 12 township 31n range 33w He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz William M Anderson Jesse V West Ira W Smith George L Coleman all of Cody Nebr 7 12 C It GLOVKR Register U h Land Office Valentine Nebr 1 March 19189 f Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made Vefore the Register or Receiver at Valentine Nebr on May 7 1698 viz Mary C Ladely of Newton Nebr H E No 1046C for the seneJi nsej se se section 19 township 29n range 34 w He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon acd cultivation of said land viz Levi N Lavport of Valentine Nebr George W Kime of Kennedy Nebr John Dysert aud GustavusS Vroman of Newton Nebr 9 14 C E Glover Register SSfiL - v snawssassiw m 31 M T5 w -1 j j JT t 7 ttt 1 11 liiiiiwnmiiiiTiTi nTrr TWiinffTr lii i rn l - 1 ib - f -- m m v- 1 mm 1 - 1 in - wunwni mm r r 3 WE HAVE BUT FEW LEADERS r r rnnQ B d sraevmu pfcnTpV fekMIMi EWEST MODELS FAMSY aud PLAIN Lelt tagged BTTQ rjkiJU MAKE American Beauties FC SHAPES HBTISTiG EFFESfS AH Lengths Ou Each Bat KUHZOQ CORSET GO SOLE MANUFACTURERS SOW BY DAVEXPORT THAHB oam Hudson - Simeon Neb T si Left hip on cattle Left shoulder on horses Some horses Lazy S on leftsnoulder Kaiige between Gordon and Snake liiver and Niobrara Kiver All cattle dehorned FJ REISLAND AGENT For taking orders for enlarg ing pictures from photo graphs or tintypes Work guaranteed Headquarters at Yalentine U S Land Office Valentine Neb March 4 1898 f Notice is given that John C Nichols of McCann Neb has flled notice of intention to mahe final proof before the Register or Receiver aimsmuce in aietuine jNeo on Saturday the lGtil dav of April lefls on timber culture ap plication No 8214 for tile ne sectiou No 25 in township 33n range 31 w He names as witnesses James T Galloway Dvid R Hendershot of McCann Neb William A Wilson and Albert T Brackett of Riege Neb also James T Galloway of McCann ieb H E 9321 for lots 3 4 senwy neiiswJi section 4 township 32u range 31v He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon aud cultivation ot said land viz John C Nichols and David K Hendershott of McCann Neb William A Wilson and Albert T Brackett of Riege NPb 7 12 C R GLO VER RegUter Land Office at Valentine Nebraska J March 23 1898 f Complaint tfuvihg been entered at tlit t ofllce by Waller G Baker against John Gibson of Gordon Nebr for abandoning bis homestead eitry No 10180 dated July 31 l33 upon the wYtSwH nesttki nwHseJi sectiou 1 township 29 range 33 In Cherry coimty Nebraska with a view V the cancellation of said entry the said parties are herey summoned to appear at this oinee on the day nf April 189V at 10 oclock a in to respond aud furnish testimony concern In said alleged aandoiiuient 9 12 - - C 11 GLOVER Rsgister - - m X In our store when you think of a leader5 as some article which has been cut in price ony for the purpose of attracting people by its cheapness Our plan is different OUR LEADERS Are leaders in quality and sfrfle as well as in5 price For instance our present leaders are HATS CAPS AND CLOTHING Everything in these- lines is stylish newr up-to-date au fait fin de seicle nobby and cheap The Red Front S151H premier cvDewriter ts Best Value Writing Machine First In Improvements Henesf Construction and all Mjfr iradcf Typewriter Essentials T AST BOOKLET TREB a 0 jff jBwSSjtT 8 attt m hi P Q Earl Comstock Manager Valentine Neb Cattle branded or left side orhip Also 969 TG a cp 00 Horses sa eason steer left hip Also C on left shoulder ca vimcz Che mlfl Premier tmwrlier g tmnt n v u s h Omaha Branch Office Corner Seventeenth and Farnam Streets - KXLT t -mi Thomas Farren Rosebud--S D ID 1183 eieer left side or hip rropjF onfeft iorsesglloQlder Bange head of Antelope I - m 71 t BBaaalBVlHfBHPaC WLw Now is the time to subscribe flOO John DeCory - Hosebud 8 D Yjxd T IW1 gzXaaK5aam Some brrjided ID 417 on left side Horses oa left hip 7 Uange in Meyer Co on Anieiopa cnes S H Kimmel Kosebud S D Also B4U on lelt side Cattle undercut on both ears Horses branded 4 on left shoulder Range on Antelope and Spring Creek 7 U4Ul tJ1 M Louis J liichards Merrimaalftfc JVlc2Tiit Bros KO ErownleeNeb Eight or left side Ilorses same on lei shoulder Earmark lotv tail clip right or leii ear Battge Big Creek Charles Eichards TcCRj Paul Didier BoseZnfd S D Horses Cattle hole in each ear Kaime BBr and LltUe White Rivers aBa J i - 9HKlSBBrlLaUBBBBKarBBBaJaV 1 Hi I Mi I MerrluAb Nrt I DG 1 i2i83fcs3fflHaTBh Steadman Bros Pass Neb- Brand on oith right or left sJe Horses and mm cattle brand on left side and hip B Eange Bnll Lake and Waaduce rwsfe - X V y h 1 1 M1 M Ml lit r ft aj