I X J V V V JAP r S 9 A i T T J Perhaps you have had the grippe or a hard cold You may be recovering from malaria or a slow fever or possibly some of the chil dren are just getting over the measles or whooping cough Are you recovering as fast as you should Has not your old trouble left your blood full of impurities And isnt this the reason you keep so poorly Dont delay recovery longer but Take It will remove all impuri ties from your blood It is also a tonic of immense value Give nature a little help at this time Aid her by removing all the products cf disease from your blood If your bowels are not just right Ayers Pills will make them so Send for cur book on Diet in Consti pation Vtrllo to oesr Doctors We have the esclusivo services otsomo ot the most eminent physi cians In tho United States TV rite freely and receive a prompt reply without cost Addrcs3 DR J C ATER jjovreu aulsi wfrlEElirlS i rcrwiH For six years I was a victim of dys pepsia in its worst form I could eat nothing but milk toast and at times my stomach would not retain and digest even that Last March 1 began taking CASCARETS and since then I have steadily improved until I am as wel as I ever was in my lire David H Murtpnr Newark o ApBryk candy MM 7J CATHARTIC SISW TRADE MARK REOtSTZRO d rieaant Palatable Potent Taste Good Do Good NoverSlcken Weaken or Gripe 10c 25c 50c CURE CONSTIPATION Sterling Kenrdj Company Chicago Montreal Ktw Yort SI I IJfl Trt RJlf8 Sold and ciiamntecd by alldrue IIU I U Bfiu dsts to CUKE Tobacco Hablc tER WILL KEEP YOU DRY Dont be fooled with a mackintosh or rubber coat If you want a coat that keep you dry in the hard est storm buy the Fish Brand Slicker If not for sale in your town write for catalogue to A J TOWER Boston Mass BMHSKHBSBaBHSi We delight tn do n early f ritoi I uoil turn The working parts of ANY AERMOTOR1 EXCHANGED FOR A ROLLER B E ARI N C zepbrrrun nine ver goinc ctcrlutinc power duubiins UP-TO-DATE 98 MOTOR 8 FT FOR 56 K ft forl2l6ft I tor tjj liter run like a bicycle and are mode like I mlcti rrsry iwntblg part on rollers Doubles eared I mm power 1 lie Aermotor ranvrrien mil other mills I stood mil uid made the steel windmill basinets ITKE NEWBEATSTHEOLDASTHE OLD BEAT THE WOODEN WHEEL On receipt amount revised motor but not wheel i or ie wni be sent to replace old one then to be returned user fuaiccl to caneellstion at any time it your old nheel is not an Aermotor write for terms of strip new lor old to to on old to wer ou can put it on Aeraiotor Co Chicago W2f Wflfttrnrrtiif ffrfnc fittEjtl ii nTi le w rV 2 i uk waier jiiinuiwi i uui jpAtJMi iuxuimrv worn IS a Sold hv tinfl ilalo inilure If - ample iiotiln mailed lor 20 cents Guaranieed as rer rofiictiMi or iimney refunded Hopes Hints on Art of Jlrmliiu Utnken Ware sen free to anyone luentlnnlus tbi paper HopjjiKMiCAiCo482LaSaUeAvCliicaso P 1 VtftC tA ItpirfnM iPnreou con 1151 p a V LCINCINKATLO TJ S A CURE YOURSELF Ub Bie 42 for unnatural discharges inflammations irritations or ulcerations of mucous membrane rainless and not sent or poisonous iTHEEvansChEUICALCx r Sold by DrapT lif or sent in plain wrapper DY exnrma nnnil rn flno or 3 bottles 275 Circular sent on request ENSIGNS PATENTS CLAIMS JOHN WMORRIS WASHINGTON D CI Late Prinei iaJ tnnnap rr s iii v- V - 1 it j war aojutucarLax i atlr Th tmy Manilla The best Bed Rope Eooflac for 1 ct per sq foot caps and nails Included SubstltiueaTor Plaaler SamDlesfree Bootlne Co4 Camdea N J WMMWWm HB CUHtS WHERt ALL E1SE FAILS Best Cough Syrup Tastes Good Use In time Sold br drucjriflta rrei3 mm ri enm o vry 3ll Mjs rT W Cements Cements of various kinds should be kept In readiness for accidents Tho following cannot be excelled For a china cement take the curd of milk dried and powdered 10 ounces quick lime 1 ounce camphor 2 drams Mix and keep in a closely stopped bottle For use mix a little with water into a paste and apply quickly A strong solution of common isinglass Avith a little diluted alcohol added makes an excellent cement for leather For glass ware mix five parts gelatine with one part of a solution of acid chromate of lime Cover the broken edges join to gether and expose to the sunlight Will withstand boiling water For mend ing china glass or wood take pound best white glue pound dry white lead pint soft water 4 pint alcohol Put first into a dish and the dish iuto boiling water let boil until dissolved then add the alcohol and boil again un til well mixed and add a little camphor Makes articles as strong as new Tliis Cleans Knives In the kitchen of the large restaurant the labor saving devices are every day becoming more common One of the most recent patterns of knife and fork cleaning machines is shown here The QUICK AND CEKTA1X rollers which are revolved by hand are made of a special composition rub ber and are said to put the finish pol ish on a silver plated knife without scratching it in the least The attach ment at the end with the grooves in it is for the purpose of readily cleaning forks and operates in the same man ner Graliaui Muffins One and one half cupfuls of coarse graham flour one teaspoonful of bak ing powder one quarter of a teaspoon ful of salt one esg one teaspoonful of sugar one tablespoonf ul of jiielted but ter sufficient milk to make a drop bat ter Mix together to the flour salt and sugar Beat the egg white and yolk together until very light add one quarter of a cupful of milk and stir into the dry mixture Add the melted butter and sufficient milk to make a medium thick drop batter and beat until air bubbles appear over the sur face Stir in the baking powder pour into veil greased muffin pans and bake in a hot oven about twenty minutes Ktartinjr Plants Early Make little boxes of writing paper fill with rich earth and set in a shallow box or on an old fashioned tray in a sunny window Sow your seeds in these little boxes and keep just moist enough not to rot or tear the paper of which the box is constructed when the plants are large enough and the weath er permits of setting them in the gar- den bury box and plant to the right depth for setting Your plant will not know it has been moved if you have hardened it by setting the tray out doors on fine days Fasten the corners of your papei boxes with needle aud thread if necessary Vinegar Cookies Cream together one cupful of butter and two cupfuls of sugar add two ta blespoonfuls of vinegar1 three eggs well beaten one half of a teaspoonful of soda dissolved in one tablespoonful of -warm water and one quarter of a teaspoonful of salt Stir in sufficient sifted flour to make a soft dough out on a small floured board cut into any desired shape and bake in a mod erate oven Hints Clothes turned right side out care fully folded and sprinkled are half ironed Onions are great absorbents They should not be left cut for any length of time and then used A soft corn can be cured bv Dlacine a tuft of cotton wool saturated with olive oil between the toes and renew ing it every day The corn will very soon disappear If a small hook is screwed on the under side of the dining table at each corner and loops sewed on the corners of the felt undercloth it will be found a convenient means of adjusting its length when the table needs to be made smaller Did you ever suffer torment fronua shoe tight in one spot Here is a rem edy for it Apply sweet oil to the stock ings where the rub comes It is better than applying it to the boot because it softens the inside of the boot where it is needed instead of the outside Brushes and brooms would last long er and do better work if they had an occasional bath Four tablespoonfuls of household ammonia in two quarts of lukewarm water are the proportions for a good bath Let the bristles or straws stand in the water half an hour then rinse thoroughly and do not hang them by the heat but put in a cool plac to dry r t IPLMBUTORY RHEUMATISM From St Lawrence Plaindealer Canton N T To suffer for years with a prevailing painful ailment which baffled skillful medical treatment yet which was cured by a simple household remedy is the lot which befell Mrs George L Rogers of West Main street Canton N Y Thirteen years ago said Mrs Rog ers to a reporter I was attacked with in flammatory rheumatism and a complica tion of diseases You can judge some what of what I endured when you look at these hands They were distorted twisted and swollen My foot too is so much out of shape that the big toe lies across the others the end touching the little toe Alb 4 1 d Goes to Church are without good health doctors anu many proprietary but was not benehtod Notwitn s t an ding I am s i x ty five years old have a p 1 ea san t horn e and o t h er com forts life to me was far from enjoy able for all other things pale into in- s i gnilicance when y o u I tried different remedies Last March I tned Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale People and before I had finished the first box I began to feel that they were doing me good I -continued using them and steadily grew better I have used thirteen boxes of the pills and to day feel better than for the past fifteen years My appetite is good I feel bright cheerful and have a desire to live and enjoy society I have been a member of the Methodist Church for many years but for six years was unable to attend I am able now to attend the church services regularly and certainly appreciate that privilege i con sider Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale People a wonderful medicine Dr Will iams Pink Pills for Pale People are com posed of vegetable remedies that exert a powerful influence in purifying and en riching the blood thus curing many dis eases The Dog Voted The Rev J C Wingo was recently re elected pastor of the Baptist Church at Carrollton by the most unanimous vote ever cast by its members sajrs the Atlanta Journal It was at the annual church meeting over which Doctor Fitts was presiding One of the members has a pet dog that has been taught a number of tricks one being to rise to his hind legs and walk at the command stand Doctor Wingo had retired in order that the church might vote on the ques tion of his re election One brother had moved the re election of Doctor Wingo Another had seconded the mo tion and several speeches had been made while the pug dog blinking sol emnly sat in the front part of the church The question was called for and Doctor Fitts put it All who are in favor of the re-election of Brother Wingo will please rise and stand Everybody rose and then the pug dog got up very solemnly on his hind legs and walked around in front of the pui pit Everybody laughed and then Doctor Wingo was informed that he had been re elected by the unanimous vote of the members and the dog Catarrh Cannot Be Curetl with LOCAL APPLICATIONS as they cannot reach the seat of the disease Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies Hairs Catarrli Cure is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces Halls Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine It was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years and is a regular prescription It is com posed of the best tonics known combined with the best blood purifiers acting directly on the mucous surfaces The perfect combination of tho two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results iu curing Catarrh Send for testimonials free F J CHENEY CO Props Tole lo O Sold by Druggists price 75c Honpsty Of course said the coal dealer soothingly we dont expect to satisfy everybody You dont expect perfec tion in this world do you Xo I dont expect perfection But I do expect a full ton of coal when I pay for it Thats human nature for you You insist upon referring to one slight shortcoming and fail to give us credit for our scrupulous honesty in other re spects While there may hare been u w pounds short on the ton you can- deny sir that every pound we de livered was full weight Aud you must admit that in this age of deception that is doing very well 2 CENTS A COPY FOR 40 CENT SHEET MUSIC The latest popular pieces The old stand ard favorites Bright sparkling and de sirable Send ten 1 cent P O stamps and yon will get by return mail five good pieces full size 40 cent sheet music with catalogue and other valuable information F P Dean Music Stoke Sioux City la The Rule of Three Heart disease carried off a Brooklyn man the other night An old friend was so shocked at the news that he pur chased poison and killed himself His sister then went to the druggist who sold her brother the deadly dose and gave him a piece of her mind The druggist whose heart was weak be came excited and dropped dead Peo ple who believe in the rule of three may be interested in this singular tram of fatalities New York Cor Pittsburg Dispatch HE LIKES WESTERN CANADA Has a Splendid Farm Iots of Stock and Pays Scarcely Any Taxes Dominion City Man Jan 17 1S98 At the request of the Immigration Department of the Canadian Govern ment I give the following information I immi grated to Muni toba in October 1892 from L u v e me Rock Coun ty Minn and took land in Dominion City Manitoba where I now reside I have been very suc cessful in Manitoba and have more than doubled my capital since I went to Canada I took about 2500 worth of 7heat 200 bushels of flax and GOO bushels of oats I do mixed farming I milk as much as ten cows Dairying and stock raising has paid me well 1 have on the farm now 44 head of cattle and 18 head of horses and sold during the past year 1897 425 worth of fat cattle I have good buildings and a comfortable bouse and good stable My children have had better school advan tages in Manitoba than they had in Minnesota The district schools are very thorough and good My sou now 10 years of age is teaching the public school in our district and receives a sal ary of 420 per year All my children have done well at school I have 1700 insurance on my buildings on the farm I also own my personal warehouse and ship all my grain through it to the rail way station at Dominion City It is free of debt I have no prejudice against the State of Minnesota as I made a living and a little more while in the State but would not take a farm as a gift in Minnesota and leave Manitoba The taxation in Minnesota was too great I paid taxes on my stock and chattels no such taxes have ever been exacted in Manitoba from me and my land taxes are about one half or less than it was in Minne sota I am delighted with my new home and expect in a few years to be in circumstances that will enable me to take life easy Yours very truly S G MAYNES P S Any person that may take ex ception to the foregoing letter will kind ly investigate for I can back up every word it contains 1 am not an immigra tion agent nor the agent of any cor poration but simply a farmer S G MAYNES The above letter was written at the request of C W Speers in the State of Minnesota where I am at present with my wife visiting my friends in my old home It is my intention to do what I can to have them remove to Canada where I have done so well Having called upon Mr Davies of St Paul Miun I was received with every courtesy and got some valuable infor mation as well as literature pertaining to Western Cauada SAMUEL G MAYXES Prince Albert Pawned Hb Watch The Prince of Wales once had to pawn his watch Shortly after the Franco Prussian war he and his equerry Gen Teesdale were visiting the field of Sedan He was traveling incognito not wishing to offend the susceptibilities of the French When the time came to pay the hotel bill both he and his equerry found them selves without a penny As a last re sort they pawned the princes watch at the nearest pawnshop SHOULD BE PREPARED Rheumatism and La Grippe Prevalent ana Prompt Treatment Neces3ary Every family should have a bottle of 5 Drops on hand especially at this season of the year Changes in the weather are so liable to caut rheuma tism la grippe and many othe diseases that the 5 Drops cure Swanson Rheumatic Cure Co Chi cago 3 Drops promptly received That is the medicine we want My wife would undoubtedly have been a cripple if it had not been for your 5 Drops We would not be without it Yours truly John G Martin Wellsville Mo Feb 16 1S98 This is one of many testimonials which the manufacturers of 5 Drops nave received During the next thirty days they will send out 100000 of their sample bottles for 25 cents a bottle Write to day to the Swanson Rheumatic Cure Co 167 Dearborn street Chicago 111 This company is reliable and promptly fill every order Landlords and Tenants For soma time the landlords of Ber lin have had a blacklist of undesirable tenants and now the tenants have re taliated by making a blacklist or un pleasant landlords Shake Into Your Shoes Allens Foot Ease a powder for the feet It cures painful swollen smart ing feet and instantly takes the sting out of corns and bunions Its the great est comfort discovery of the age Al lens Foot Ease makes tight fitting or new shoes feel easy It is a certain cure for sweating callous and hot tired nervous aching feet Try it to day Sold by all druggists and shoe stores By mail for 25c in stamps Trial package FREE Address Allen S Olm sted Le Roy N Y The water that has no taste is pur est the air that has no odor is freshest and of all the modifications of manner the most generally pleasing is simplic ity A 8olar Plexua Clow Look isnt that a magnificent tur key asked the humorist of his friend the proof reader as they were passing through the market Yes replied the proof reader and dont jou know I always envy a tur key Why do you asked the funny man Because was the reply they are never stuffed with chestnuts until after death A Long Iiook Ahead Politicians are even now weighing the possibilities involved in the next presiden tial election The papers are full of pre dictions as to the future which are some what too self confident But it is safe to say that a systematic course of Hostet ters Stomach Bitters will renew health in the bilious rheumatic or nervous Turkey is more correctly written Turkia the country of the Turks The title the Ottoman empire was given in honor of Ottoman I who assumed the government of the empire about the year 1300 It- Will Pnir - It will pay to carefully read the de scriptive advertisement of Alabastine appearing in this paper explaining the difference between these goods and kal somines Consumers should bear in mind that Alabastine is unlike all the various kal somines sold on the market under dif ferent names Alabastine stands pre eminent and alone as a durable wall coating All consumers in buying should see that the goods are in packages and properly labeled Sixty languages are spoken In the empire governed by the Czar of Russia TO CUKE A COM IN ONE DAY Take LaiatlTo Bromo Quinine Tablet All Hrugtfsu refund Uie tnonej if ll falls to cure 25c Why shouldnt the man who is a rake succeed as a gardener Pisos Cure for Consumption has been a godsend to me Win B McClellnn Chester Fla Sept 17 1895 Never come from high heels to low heels at one jump Mrs Wlimlows Soothing Stkup lor Children teething sotteus the kuuis reaucea inflammation allays imin curea wind colic 25 cents a bottle Why isnt a medical glass a sanitary measure m Awukbl b Ib eSd SBk I IT IS EAST It Is easy for any one to understand that Alabastine the base of which Is a cement that when applied to any clean solid surface goes u rough a process of setting and grows hare with age should be durable that Is not rub and scale off but admit of recoatln from vme to time without having to wash and scrape off Its old coavs before It Is equally lain that all kalsominesare renewing reverse of tils being the whiting chalks jlays etcM manufactured for a from belwt stuck oa the rail with glue which J when exposed to the air moisture etc soon decays and the rubbing and scaling then commences leaving the wall In a terrible condition On account of this bad repute most man ufacturers of kalsomines brand their prod ucts with some arbitrary name but the con tents of the package still remain a kalso niine MUCH SICKNESS Particularly throat and lung difficulties Ig norantly attributed to other causes is the result 0 unsanitary conditions of walls aud J iVs 11 I I b uv kjiw or liarnejj Toa Bnir iM XV tn srn SurreTi ISO n ttl Phaetons Tram Wutn ewc apnnj Koad and Milk A Perfect Type of the Highest Order of iilJTliilrfJlilriMIIMilt1iIililIi1IIilHiminilIUrMSrfiMrif3tth Excellence in Manufacture waittMs fm m Breakfast nl Willi Absolutely Pure Costs Less Titan QUE CENT a Gap f Be sure that you get the Genuine Anicle made at DORCHESTER MASS by WALTER BAKER CO Ltd i Established 1780 jL IN 3 OR 4 YEARS AN INDEPENDENCE IS ASSURED - IS S C N U - SHE gMfy TOARG refceftT INVENT kiuue i avy ItVSVrilUMU HIKES COLLARS AND CUFFS STIFF AND NICE no ujucm irrDQT Qrmninr racur no mini nnui uuuuni new iv tt fLtaraamwiirra jjSm ONE POUND OF THIS STARCH WILL GO AS FAR AS A POUND AND A HALF OF ANY OTHER STARCH HOTACTURED 0NLy THyCHUBfN6ERBR0So KegkukJowa NewHavenConh ucTmanitu 142S If you take up your homo in WESTERN CANA DA the land of plenty gSflllustrnted pam phlets giving experience of farmers who nave be come wealthy fa growing wheat reports of dele gates etc and full in formation as to reduced railway rates can be had on application to Department Interior Ottawa Canada or to N Hartholomew Ues Moines Iowa D II Mur phy Stratford Iowa W H Rogers Watertown South Dakota XV V llennett N Y Life Btiild nc Omaha Neb lien Davies 154 E Third St Saint Paul Minn J S Crawford 308 Board of Trade Building Kansas Cfty Mo Azents for the Government of Canada 9 - ie 08 THE FRAYT BCST SCALES LEAST MONEY JONES OF BINGHAMTON N IRONING MADE E2SY ll JiHjrrilLiiiiintHiiuiiiintiiitiHiilittiiittli tfr VftUlL lull Ud mm II WSBBt wMws MrMyKftjKZi Wmm Sill ate This starch is prepared on scientific principles by men who havehadyearsof practical experience in fancy laundering It restores old linen and summer dresses to thoir natural whiteness and imparts a beautiful and lasting finish It is tho only starch manufactured that is perfectly harmless containing neither arsenic alum or any other substance injurious to linea and can be used even for a baby powder For sale by ail wholesale and retail grocers Thoughtless Folks Have the Hardest Work but Quick Witted People Use SAPOLIO WEHAVENOftSENTS ffo 77 Surrey Haraesi Price 1500 Ai food j Mill for 25 bat bare sold direct to the cob ccaer for 25 years at whole- ue prices Knag mm tbo dealer s proliu Ship any- waere lor examination ETerrihms Tarranted 113 tylea of Vehicles mhmmBftJX cVtrrauu - uajeoaeriKU AirtmuvUbrBL ceilings Think of having bed rooms cover ed with layers of molding flour paste to feed vermin with paper to hide them and to ab sorb the moisture of respiration and an ani mal glue culture ground on its face for dis ease germs this having strong colors added like a colored shirt to hide the dirt then thJnk of the nasty practice of repeating this papering without removing the old and a number of times at that as many do Then think of a room coated with pure porous permanent Alabastine which is retlnted with but little trouble or expense and Is purify ing and sweet smelling and fills cracks Wall iistimitcw jffimWt iSm jisiffCm ELKHART oabbiaoe and hasebb mfc co w b pisatt 8tej elkuaut exd STINE paper free would be dearer than Alabastine if cosr of removing paper is considered TO DEALERS Dont buy a lawsuit or Injunction witSfc cheap kalsomines imitations of Arabastlne No dealer Is justified In risking a suit and heavy damages while trying to iutroduce and sell a direct Infringement on Alabastine The right to manufacture and sell wall coat ing adapted to be mixed with cold water la covered by letters patent owned by the Ala bastine Co Alabastine Is for sale by druggists and paint aeaiera everywhere