The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, April 14, 1898, Image 4

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EOfiEET GOOD Editor and Prop
Favors Intervention to Terminate
Hostilities and Asks Discretionary
Authority Opposes Recognition of
Present Cuban Government
The Presidents Message
President McKinley has sent his long
expected message on the Cuban question
to congress The message begins with a
statement that under the precept of the
constitution the president must from time
to time inform congress on the state of the
union it becomes his duty to address that
body in regard to the grave crisis which
has arisen in the relations of the United
States and Spain by reason of the warfare
that for more than three years has raged
in the nighboring island of Cuba
The message asks congress to authorize
the president to take measures to secure
the termination of hostilities in Cuba and
secure the establishment of a stable gov
ernment there and the use of the military
and naval forces of the United States as
may bo necessary for the purpose
The president says the only hope of re
lief from a condition which cannot longer
be endured is enforced pacification of the
island The issue is now with congress
and he awaits its action standing prepared
to carry out every obligation imposed on
him by the constitution
Spains decree for the suspension of hos
tilities is submitted to congress for just
and careful attention with the observa
tion that if the measure attains a success
ful result ITben our aspirations as a
peace loving people will be realized If it
fails it will only be another justification
for our contemplated action
The Maine incident figures prominently
in the message The president argues
that the wreck of the Maine in Havana
harhor shows Spain is notable to gauran
tee security to foreign vessels Spain has
dissavowed any connection with the dis
aster and offered to aubmit to arbitration
allthe differences which may arise from
the affair
The president favors intervention to ter
minate the hostilities and asks discretion
ary authority but opposes recognition of
the present Cuban gavernment
Sailors Give Themselves Up and Will
Serve Out Old Terms
At the receiving ship Yermout twenty
five deserters have been taken from the
ships prison and restored to duty They
had all been out of the service two year
but when the probability of war arose had
given themselves up Under a recent or
der of the secretary of the navy they have
been restored to duty and will serve out
their original terms of enlistment This
is the first act of its kind in the history of
the service Victor Albizua a Spaniard
who was on the Dolphin and Avho was re
moved to the Vermont will Vc honorably
discharged from the service
Gov Tanner Refuses to Interfere in
Chris Merrys Case
Wife Murderer Chris Merry sentenced
to hang in Chicago has been informed
that Governor Tanner has refused to again
interfere in his case Merry in all -probability
will die on the gallows April 22
1 guess Im ready to go said Merry
when informed of the governors decision
It will all he over in a minute and if I
went to Joliet it would take all my life
But Ill tell you its sort of hard to pass
the whole thing up so quick
Disease will Eat Into His Brain and
Cause Death
There is little encouragement in the
news from Hawarden The eminent phy
sicians who have in hand the care of the
Grand Old Man look for the end within
6even or eight weeks In that time the
disease will have eaten into the brain and
ended the life of the great liberal states
man In a younger man the consequences
of his affliction would probably be in
sanity but in Gladstones case it can only
be death
Scott Makes an Apology
The controversy between Clement Scott
the dramatic critic of London England
and the theatrical people- of that part of
the world arising from Scotts reflections
upon the virtue of actresses in an inter- I
view in December last has been settled
by an abject apology upon the part of
It is believed that Sir Henry Irving will
accept the apology and that the matter
will be allowed to drop The controversy
had grown in bitterness the managers
combining to keep Scott out of their thea
ters while dozens of appealing and threat
ening letters were sent to the Daily Tele
graph by which paper Scott is employed
asking for his discharge
United States District Judge
United States Judge John B Bector of
the northern district of Texas who has
been insane for two years and unable to
occupy the bench died at his home in
Austin Monday night
Butterine lav Knocked Out
The circuit court at Chicago has decided
that the manufacturers of butterine have
the constitutional right to color their prod
uct yellow in imitation of butter This
in effect annuls the butterine law passed
by the last Illinois legislature -
Miss Wil lards Body Cremated
In accordance with her frequently ex
pressed wish the body of Frances E Will
ard was cremated inN Chicago Saturday
The ceremony of incineration was kept
secret to avoid the presence of a curious
fy l
S -1 fc
AJjWJfaaLAfeAA ya g vIJr rf SagiKjagyjffr iz
rtV M 4 a m m aaf fw
Govornment Informed of the De
oree und Its Terms
The Spanish government through its
minister at Washington Senor Polo de
livered an important official document to
the state department Sunday stating that
the armistice which the queen regent of
Spain had commanded Gen Blanco to pro
claim Monday was without condilions
that her majestys government had granted
liheral institutions to the Island of Cuba
which the coming Cuban parliament
would develop recalling the condolence
and sympathy expressed by the regent
and her government on the disaster of the
Maine and the horror this disaster had oc
casioned in Spanish hearts and appealing
to the courtesy and sense of justice of the
United States government to enlighten
public opinion on the attitude of Spain
The note also repeats the offer of the
Spanish government to submit the Maine
question to experts designated by the
maritime powers of the world
This document was the official notifica
tion of the Spanish government to the
United Stales of the granting of an annis
lice and its essential terms Minister
Woodfords dispatch Saturday night had
briefly stated the fact that an armistice
had been agreed upon but it was not com
municated as coming from the Spanish
government The communication cleared
up misapprehension on the most vital point
of Spains concessions namely that the
armistice was without conditions
Senor Qucsada o the junta declared that
the armistice was simply a Spanish trick
designed to create the impression that the
insurgents were unreasonable From his
standpoint nothing short of independence
will satisfy the Cubans It remains to be
seen how far Gen taomez and the insur
gents in the field entertain this view If
they also reject this armistice Spain is not
likely to continue the truce and the resort
to arms will continue
Consul General Left for the National
Capital at Once
Tell the Olivette to get under way at
once Capt Cowles signal the Bache that
the United States fleet is ready to clear out
of Havana and please follow the Bache
These were the words of Consul General
Lee at 515 Saturday afternoon as he stood
on the poop of the Fern with a group of
correspondents around him The Evelyn
had already passed Moro Castle when the
Olivette weighed anchor The Bache was
close behind and the Fern was the last of
the line The wharves and boats on both
sides of the narrow entrance to the harbor
were crowded with Spaniards who hissed
and -jeered as each boat passed out
There was one pretty incident On the
Cabanas shore a British steamer was un
loading at her wharf -As the Fern passed
the Union Jack was dipped while the Eng
lish crew gave hearty cheer It is need
less to say that the compliment was re
turned with all possible gusto
All arrived at Key West Sunday in a
state of wreck At about 11 oclock Gen
Lee went ashore and received an answer
from Washington to his request for orders
sent earlier After a brief reception Gen
Lee went on board the Olivette which hail
been kept waiting and sailed for Tampa
at noon He will go direct to Washington
Indiana Woman May Secure a For
tune From the Government
Mrs Catherine Snyder of Warsaw Ind
has finally been proven the lawful heir of
Robert Morris one of the signers of the
Declaration of Independence During the
war of tho revolution Morris loaned 100
000 to the national government With in
terest this now amounts to 1000000 This
amount will be claimed by Mrs Snyder
She has been proved the daughter of John
Morris a son of Robert who died at Mid
dletown Ohio seventy years ago The
facts would never have been known but
for the discovery of old family records by
the government investigators
Alaskan Disaster Worse Than First
Reports Indicated
Later details received from Alaska in-
crease the horrors of the avalanche in the
Chilkoot Pass instead of lessening it
Sixty six dead bodies have thus far been
recovered and 150 persons are said to be
unaccounted for It is barely possible
thatsome of these had succeeded in crossing
the pass before the avalanche occurred
A conservative estimate is that between 75
and 100 persons were killed
Gharges Against Gardner
Two affidavits were filed against Oscar
Gardiner at Columbus Ohio Friday one
charging him with prize fighting and the
other with manslaughter There was
padding on the ring floor and the theory
was advanced that concussion of the brain
was caused by Stouts head striking the
floor The autopsy does not bear out this
theory but indicates that the knockout
blow on the jaw did all the damage Gar
diner was released on 700 bonds pending
a preliminary hearing He says he will
never fight again
A Diver Asphyxiated
Chief Gunners mate Johnson of the
gunboat Newport while making an ex
amination of the ships bottom at Key
West met with a sudden death from
asphyxiation The exact cause is not
known but it is thoughlhe air pipe be
came entangled in some way He was
down some time and as he gave no sig
nals he was drawn up when he was found
to be dead The examination was a routine
affair and not made because of any sup
posed defect
Shipping Gold from Havana
Gold is being shipped from Cuba to New
lTork city Already 000030 have been re
ceived and 100000 more has been en
gaged for shipment This gold is shipped
from Havana because war is imminent
A Big Sacramento Fire
The pattern storehouse of tho Southern
Pacific company at Sacramento Cal Avas
gutted by fire Sunday night Tho loss on
thealmost invaluable patterns is estimated
anywhere from 200000 to 1000000
White Settlers Alarmed at the Pro
posed Withdrawal of Troops
The proposed withdrawal of United
States troops from Arizona and New Mex
ico has greatly alarmed the big cattle
raisers of that section of the country They
fear an outbreak by the Apaches and have
warned the department at Washington
that the removal of the troops is likely to
lead to a serious Indian Outbreak It is
intimated though that the national guard
of some of the Avestern states may be sent
to Arizona and New Mexico to protect the
cattlemen and the settlers There are
about SS000 Apaches in New Mexico
and they haAre not been any too good
tempered for some time They have a
number of real or fancied wrongs against
the settlers and it is the belief in the
Indian country that the presence of the
troops is the only thing that restrains the
Apaches The Whit Mountain Apaches
are particularly ugly and there have been
a number of small affva s recently betweer
Avhites and Indians Avhich are taken bj
the settlers as an indication of the tempei
of the aborigines
Steamer Wilhelm der Grosse Beats
All Western Records
Again the big German steamer Kaiser
Wilhelm der Grosse has eclipsed all west
ward records hetAveen Southampton and
New York It crossed the ocean at an
aAerage speed of 2209 knots Its time as
given by Capt Englehart from the
Needles to the Sandy Hook lightship Avas
five days and twenty hours or more than
tAvo hours ahead of its former record
which Avas made on its maiden voyage in
September last Moreover its average
exceeds that made by any ocean steamer
It is 1028 knots better than the best average
made by the Cunarder Lucania and it ex
ceeds the Cunarders record trip from
Leaders of Racine Volunteers In
hale -Coal Gas
Capt Sherman and Lieut Wilds the
women Avho conduct the Volunteers of
America in Racine Wis Avere in a preca
rious condition Sunday on account- of in
haling coal gas which escaped the previous
night from a coal stove the top havjng
been left partly open The women Avere
removed to a private residence and medi
cal aid Avas summoned Although they
regained consciousness they are reported
in a dangerous condition
The Anglo Egyptian Forces Take
Mnlunouds Fortifications
A Cairo dispatch says that the Anglo
Egyptian forces under Gen Kitchener at
tacked the Dervishes position Friday
morning and rushed to the center of mah
mouds fortifications Avithout a check
The attack Avas entirely successful Tho
Dervishes lost heavily
Canvas Uniforms for Troops j
Gen Miles commanding the army has
taken the initiatory steps for securing 10
000 canvas uniforms of a character de
signed especially for use in the warmer
states of the south Secretary Alger will
approve the recommendation of Gen Miles
that two companies of the Twenty fifth
infantry about to leave Montana proceed
direct to Key West instead of stopping
with tho remainder of the regiment at
Chickamauga The commanding officer
at Key West has some work which it is
desired the hurry forward and for this
purpose tho soldiers are needed
Murder the Jailer and Escape
A special from Marysville Kan says
Four prisoners confined in the city jail for
burglary murdered the jailer B C Bat
terson and made their escape Marys
ville is just across the state line on tho
Lincoln and Manhattan branch of the
Union Pacific system
Weekly Bank Statement
The New York weekly bank statement
shows the reserve decreased 084000 loans
decreased 8000000 The banks now hold
35000000 in exess of legal requirements
Purchases a British Steamer
Hong Kong advices stale that the United
States has purchased the British steamer
Safiro She was owned by the China and
Manila Steamship Company
Chicago Cattle common -to prine
300 to 575 hogs shipping grades
300 to 425 sheep fair to choice 250
to 500 wheat No 2 red 102 to 104
corn No 2 29c to 30c oats No 2 25c
to 27c rye No 2 51c to 52c butter
choice creamery 20c to 22c eggs fresh
9c to 10c potatoes common to choice
50c to G5c per bushel
Indianapolis Cattle shipping 300 to
550 hogs choice light 300 to 400
sheep common to choice 300 to 500
wheat No 2 93c to 94c corn No 2
white 31c to 32c oats No 2 white 29c
to 31c
St Louis Cattle 300 to 575 hogs
300 to 400 sheep 300 to 500
wheat No 2 99c to 101 corn No 2
yellow 27c to 28c oats No 2 26c to 27c
rye No 2 51c to 53c
Cincinnati Cattle 250 to 525 hogs
300 to 400 sheep 250 to 500
wheat No 2 red 93c to 95c corn No 2
mixed 31c to 32c oats No 2 mixed 28c
to 29c rye No 2 51c to 53c
Detroit Cattle 250 to 550 hogs
300 to 400 sheep 250 to 500
Avheat No 2 96c to 97c corn No 2
yellow to 33c oats No 2 white 30c
to 32c rye 52c to 53c
No 2 red 98c to 99c
corn No 2 mixed 30c to 31c oats No 2 i
Avhite 26c to 28c rye No 2 50c to 52c
clover seed 290 to 300
Milwaukee Wheat No 2 spring 97c
to 9Sc corn No 3 29c to 31c oats No
2 white 2Sc to 30c rye No 1 51c to 52c
barley No 2 40c to 45c pork mess
950 to 1000
Buffalo Cattle 300 to 550 hogs
300 to 425 sheep 300 to 525 j
Avbcat No 2 red 97c to 99c corn No j
J yellow 34c to aoc oats No 2 white
31c to 32c
New York Cattle 300 to 550 hogs
300 to 450 sheep 300 to 525
wheat No 2 red 104 tcr105 corn No
2 36c to 37c ots No 2 avhite 32c to
33c butter creamery 16c to 23c ejgs
Western 10c to U
I -I
Lincoln Visited by the Bloat Disas
trous Fire in the History of the
Capital Cify Loss Over Two Hun
dred Thousand Dollars
Disastrous Fire at Lincoln
The fire at Lincoln on April 1 Avas the
most costly conflagration in the history of
the city a consenralive estimate of the
loss being 200000 of which probably one
half is covered by insurance The origin
of the fire is not knoAvn but it is supposed
to have started from the electric wires in
the basement of the Davis furniture store
On account of the smoke for the first hour
the firemen could not locate the blaze and
worked at random in the basement When
it broke through to the upper floors the
water pressure Aveakened and the flames
crept to the adjoining buildings It AAas
not at first thought that the Richards block
Avas in serious danger as it was taller
than the others and Avas supposed to have
a solid Avail But there was a Aveak point
and the fire went through At the back
part of the Richards Block on the east
side the building was originally one story
higher than the Davis building At this
point there were two windows in the east
Avail Last year the Davis building was
raised one story higher and covered these
windows the openings being stopped up
in a temporary manner It was here that
the flames broke through Had it not
been for this weak point the Richards
Block could have been saved
When the flames seemed to be beyond
control and the Avater pressure gave down
the department at Omaha tvas1 asked to
send aid and a detachment of men were
sent immediately The Lincoln firemen
were Avorn out by their seven hours iight
but not a single accident was recorded
Next Quarterly Statement Will Be
the Best Ever Issued
Secretary P L Hall of the statebank
ing board said the other day Avhen speak
ing of the extraordinary increase in de
posits in banks during the month of March1
that this increase is general alLpyer the
state and may be expected to continue so
that the next i quarterly statement of the
banks will lie the best in this respect ever
made in the history of tlie state The rea
son for this c he says is because of the in
creased confidence in the banks and
because at this time of year and
particularly this year the farmers over
tho state are selling their surplus grain
and stock He said observation had shown
that December and January are the
months Avhen the most borrowings done
and that in February March April and
May there is sure to be an increase in de
posits and a decrease in the amount bor
rowed Speaking of the condition of the
banks throughout the state Dr Hall says
very few of them are making money at
the present time and not many have de
clared dividends for the last year This is
on account of the plentitude of money and
the difficulty in making loans There has
been a general reduction in the rate paid
on deposits and in some cases banks now
refuse to pay anything on deposits and
take the money for safe keeping simply to
accommodate customers
Fun Costs Ten Dollars
Charley Clemens Avho has had charge of
a restaurant at Wymore for some time
upon being ordered to vacate by the
OAvner of the building procured a gun and
endeavored to take charge of the place
He fired several shots through the Avails
and ceiling knocked the furniture down
and tore up things generally until Mar
shal Actor came a long and arrested him
He Avas taken before a justice of the peace
Avho fined him 10 and costs
Contracts for Asylum Supplies
The contracts for furnishing supplies for
the Hastings asylum during the second
quarter have been let Wolbach Brach
will furnish the dry goods Kirkby Day
bootsand shoes AM Clark drugs W
J Falk clothing Hastings Milling Co
flour and feed Raymond of Lincoln
groceries C J Miles of Hastings Avill
furnish half of the coal and Victor White
of Omaha Avill furnish the other half
Banquet at Shelton
The triennial social and banquet of
Wood Itiver Gibbon Ravenna and Shel
ton lodges Knights of Pythias Avas held
at Shelton Over fifty members Avere in
attendance Secret Avork Avas conferred
in two degrees first and second after
which an elegant supper was served
Killed by a Kick
WII Ackerman a prominent fanner
was killed by a kick from a colt oh the
farm of H N Way two miles south of
Stanton He had just purchased a span pf
colts and was tying them behind his
Avagon when one of them kicked him in
stomach killing him instantly
Engineer Biurt
While working at a switch in the brick
yard at Table rock a B M engine
jumped the track and the engineer
Charles Wands fell from the engine on a
pile of ties and sustained a sprained back
but AYas not seriously injured
Surveyors at Work
The surveyors of the projected Ne
braska and Northern Railroad from At
kinson to Butte have made arrangements
for starting on the preliminary survey
They expect to complete the Avork in a
week or ten days
Accidental Shooting
As Miss Barbara Hoffman of Falls City
was reaching for something on a shelf above
her head a revolver Avas knocked down
causing it to be discharged The bullet
entered at her elboAV and came out near
her shoulder
Boy Accidentally Shot
A son of W H HaAYley living near
Fremont was accidentally shot and killed
Avhile out hunting with several other boys
The accident occurred about six miles east
of the city The boy Avas about 15 years
Grain Company Organized
Another farmers grain company has
been organized by farmers of Adams
County Articles have beetf filed incor
porating the Farmers Grain and Supply
company The company will have an
office at Hastings and operate in Adams
Brick Work Resume
The Louisville Brick company began
work this Aveek For some weeks passed J
it has had a force of men loading brick
manufactured last winter About twenty
five men are employed
ni T
A Mandamus Is Issued Requiring
Holcomb to Appear April lO
On the petition of Dr Victor Rosewater
of Omaha the supreme court has issued a
mandamus requiring Gov Holcomb to ap
pear April 19 and show cause why he
should not be required to proceed to Omaha
and hear testimony relative to the corrup
tion of the fire and police commission of
that city created by the act of the execu
tive This is the case that grew out of the
impeachment proceedings filed Avith the
governor by Dr Rosewater alleging nu
merous corrupt practices The law re
quires the governor to in person investi
gate the charge He appointed a referee
however but Mr Rosewater refused to
submit testimony to him maintaining that
the law required the governor to attend to
the matter in person The governor main
tains that the attorney general advised
him that the course he adopted was legal
Recognizing the National Guard
Several days ago Adjutant General
Barry Avrote to Congressman Stark calling
his attention to the neglect in tho new
military bill to provide for the national
guard and the volunteer forces Avhile it
empowered the president to reorganize
and increase the standing army In his
letter General Barry recommended that
the entire bill be killed Later he received
a telegram from Mr Stark in Avhich he
said that the overwhelming sentiment was
that the national guard and the volunteer
forces were the mainstay of the govern
ment and that all of the Hull bill hadbeen
killed excepting that part authorizing the
organization of the regular army into
three batallions instead of tAvo The mes
sage extended congratulations to General
Barry and the guard
Will Be Ready June 1
The announcement waVmade the other
day upon authority of the chief architects
of the Trans Mississippi Exposition that
all construction work Avill be finished in
tirae for the installation of exhibits and
the perfection of concessions by the open
ing day June 1 The large buildings
are nearly ready for the artistic decora
rions save the fine arts building and the
immense structure which the United
States government is building On the
latter the staff Avork is nearly done and
the dome is receiving the finishing
touches The concessionaries are pushing
construction work rapidly as are the
various states fifteen of- which are- erect
ing buildings
It Was Loaded i -
Fred Wiebe son of Representative
Wiebe of Grand island accidentally hol
the servant girl with a 22 caliberrevolver
While the family hadbeen stopping at the
Koehler one of the guests gave the boy a
small revolver It lay around the house
for a Avhile and was put away by the boy
Later Mr Wiebe thought it might be Avell
to load tho weapon and have it handy for
possible burglars and it- appears the lad
did not know of this The lad happened
to come across the revolver and pointing
it at the servant girl playfully pulled the
trigger The ball entered beloAV the chili
The young woman is not seriously injured
Flour Mill Sold
J J Frederick has just sold out his floui
mill at St Paul to a neAV corporation jus
organized niider the name of the St Paul
Milling company with a capital of 20
0130 and consisting of the following citir
ens N J Paul president J S Van
Cott vice president Roger Scribner sec
retary and treasurer additional directors
A Dunn and- George E- Woodborry
Factory for Wymore -
Articled of incorporation under the laws
of the state of Nebraska have been filed by
the Webster Manufacturing company of
Wymore city with a capital stock of 14
000 The business Avill consist of the
manufacture of Sams Combination blow
pipe and other dentists and jewelers sup
New Depot for Hastings
It has beengiven out that the Burlington
Railroad Company has definitely con
cluded to build a neAV depot at Hastings
i i
Nebraska Short Notes
The Methodist Church society of Greeley
has started on a new and handsome par
sonage building
John S Rossiter formerly a brakemat
on the Union Pacific Railroad in trying tc
board a passenger at Oakland fell off ol
the platform and received a severe scali
The exercises of laying the corner stone
of the new Methodist Episcopal Church al
Wausa occurred April 7 A large gather
ing of people was present The edifice i
to cost 1200
A telegram Avas received by Coronei
Bancroft of Lexington the other day from
Eddyville saying that Frank Morse the
postmaster at that point had died undei
suspicious circumstances
Election of a principal and faculty ol
the State Normal School at Peru was the
nature of business transacted at a meeting
of the state board of education last week
Prof J A Beatty was re elected princi
pal and nearly all the members of the
faculty were retained
The case of the state against William
Egbrlght at Nebraska City charged with
obtaining money from the state undei
false pretenses Avhile acting in the capac
ity of superintendent of the Institute foi
the Blind has been continued until May 26
A new bond for 1000 Avas given
At a meeting of the Tecumseh city coun
cil the salaries of the city officers except
ing couricilmen were materially reduced
The action hasnot yet met the sanction ol
the mayor Avho is a retiring officer and
the legality of the action of cutting sala
ries of incoming officers on theeve of theii
election is questioned by some
Two tramps Avent into John A Reecej
shoe store in Ashland to buy some shoes
they claimed One of them pulled a re
volver on Waller Commissioner and
Andrew Urch but in the excitement suc
ceeded in escaping The other was caughl
coming out the front door with a box ol
shoes slipped under his coat Mr Reece
recovered the shoes the tramps making a
break toward the depot After an excit
ing chase of three blocks Depot Policeman
Robert A Hinkley gathered the thief in
his Avagon and turned him over to the
night watch who landed him in jail
The old city council of Lexington held
a meeting and requested the candidates
for mayor who Avere tied to meet them
and draw cuts to decide Avho shall b
mayor The issue of license or no license
will be decided by the result
The state oratorical contest was held in
Crete and resulted in first honor being
given to the University of Nebraska in the
person of J D Dennison on the subject
The Evolution of Government Second
place was awarded to Miss Martha John
son of Grand Island College on the sub
ject The Moral Triumph of Our-Republic
- -
WplJaJillliNlltftllJill M
Metzger Bros
f MTJ3 n
Tnll C
Horses same on
left shoulder
Deerhorh clip on
some cattle
Mcrriman Neb
Cattle branded on
left side Some on
hip also
Earmark round hole
In center of left ear
Also use Hgffij
And ESK352I side
on right side
Bear creeks
Rosebud S D
Range Big White
and Bad Rivers
Cody Neb
Ranee on the Snake
River and Chamber
lain flat
rullman Neb
Cherry Co
Brand on left tldo
and thigh
Earmark sqjaro
crop right ear
Southern branded
cattle have but one
brand on left side
Native cattle have
throat wattle
Raime on conlon and bnakc Creeks
Horses have same braiuijon left thigh
A Iteivartl of 100 will be paid to any
person for information leading to the arrest and
final conviction of any person or persons steal
ing cattle with above brand
Joseph W Bownet
I O address 1
Mernman Nebr
Right car cropped
Hole in center of left
Range Lake creek
- 1
William M Dunbar
Lessee from Heine Kroeger
Cody Neb
DUn Eithorslde
SJH rlkc
Left ear ol cattle
Hange head of Hay
Henry Pratt
I S 1 ID I
t nniimi ii ff ni 1
William Shanjrren
Cody Neb
Dulap uudei side oi
Jack LePoint
mM I
Jrrirriy ii ff Til 1 1 Tfcfl
Range Lake Corn ana
t T
Charles HTaulhaber
Browrilee Nebr
KltherriKhtor left
side on cattlo
Horses same on
left shoulder
Left ear cut off of
Range Loup river
Marshall Woljfenden
Kennedy Neb
Some k on the left
Horses 5 on left
Brand is small
Earmark Quarter
clip behind half cir
ale forward on left ear
Range Lone Tree
Louis jF Richards
Merriman Neb
Charles Benard
W R Kissel
Brownlee Neb
Also some below
lelt bin
Range Kissels
Wheeler Bros
Charles C Tackett
Rosebud 5 D -
Range head of An
telope near 3t Marys
Horses branded
on left thigh
William F Schmidt
Rosebud S D
On left side
Horses branded
same on left hip or
Range on Horse
0 -