The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, April 14, 1898, Image 3

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Words of Wisdom and Thoughts
Worth Pondering Upon Spiritual
and Moral Subjects Gathered from
the Religious and Secular Press
Satans Quest
N EASY fashion
is prevalent of
-- -ascribing to sa
lan every misfor
tune which be-
1 falls the Christian
in his daily life
when the real is
sue in which the
devil is interested
is where he be
leaguers the soul
Take away virtue
from purity and
what is left Take
away a mans rep
utation and what is his career worth
to him Take away courage from a
-soldier and of what avail is his dis
cipline Take away the faith once
committed and the devil will turn over
the premises to a legion of spirits to
Tevel and ravage in The trial of our
faith is much more to the point than
all else It may be lost through be
reavement or robbed in prosperity It
may be surrendered for a mess of pot
tage or on some poorer collateral It
may be stolen through weakness or
snatched with impunity All the worxd
may be offered in exchange for ones
soul Some people think that the scene
in Martin Luthers life was the imag
inary effect of his overwrought nervous
nature when he hurled his inkstand
at the devil But it was far more real
Because the soul of the great reformer
was in the throes of a fearful issue It
was the crisis of Protestantism in
Western Europe and that meant the
supreme moment of the worlds new
birth from medievalism The tempter
was seeking with audacity to rob Lu
ther of his loyalty and he Is on the
same quest to day Child of Jesus he
is seeking thy soul Rams Horn
Dollars and Sense
Money without sense is like a single
ox floundering with a double yoke and
-a double load we oftentimes under
value the patriotic philanthropic and
religious value of dollars They do not
go to war in the defense of our coun
try but they do furnish the sinews of
It is a powerful agency for good Its
ano rives are often misunderstood A
man may combine a desire for riches
Willi the very best of motives and the
most honorable means of acquiring the
varae He should not be so impatient
to get riches that he shall crush others
in the gelling It is not money that is
the root of ail evil but the love of mon
ey which is a root of many kinds of
-evil It makes a great difference
whether a man has money or money
has him
Gambling is among the unquestioned
evils and the indisputable follies of hu
man life Therefore young man have
ense enough not to risk so much as
xl despised nickel in a game of chance
The principle of gambling is all wrong
It is an attempt to get something for
nothing What you seem to gain to
lay you will more than lose to morrow
Ilev J P Brushingham
Prof Scheils Discovery
The announcement of Pere Scheil
the French assj riologist who has glr
eu so much time to study of the collec
tions in the museum at Consitantiinople
that he had discovered a Babylonian
-account of the deluge much older than
Moses was so interesting to the Bibli
cal student that we asked the discover
er for sn account of it He kindly con
sented and his account wall be of no
little interest
Every Biblical scholar knows that
-the Hebrew account of the deluge
found in Genesds has been paralleled
by two Babylonian accounts one that
-of Berosus a Babylonian historian
whose narrative has been handed down
to us by early Greek Christian writers
and the other that found on Assyrian
tablets by George Smith Poth
jlrto and yet both differ from the Gene-
-sis story Biblical critics have ddffered
-as to the age of the Biblical story the
more conservative holding that being
written by Moses it is older than his
time and was incorporated by him into
the Book of Genesis while the newer I
school of clitics were umtfi the discov
ery of the tablets in
clined to believe that the story was
borrowed from Nineveh or Babylon at
the time of the captivity or not long be
fore it at which time the Book of Gen
esis was written
The discovery by George Smith of a
full poetical account of the deluge on
tablets in King Assurbanipals library
tit Nineveh was of immense interest
Init it did not assure us of the age of
-the deluge story among the inhabitants
-of the Euphrates Valley for it was on I
tablets written in Assurbanipals reign
that is scarce GOO years before Christ
To be sure these were said to be cop
ied from tablets in Babylonian libra
ries but we did not know how old these
original tablets were Besides the del
uge story was on the eleventh tablet in
a long poem compiled in twelve books
one for each month in a quite aitificial
way and might belong to a compara i
late period of religious and
syncretism The original Baby
lonian tablets from which the Assyri
an copies were made were much de
Now Pere Scheil has made the
covery To be sure the record on the
tablet does not amount to much It is
such a fragmentary bit but it is large
enough to make it -sure that the tablet
most fortunately rthe most important
part of all is preserved the colophon
with the date It is dated in the reign
of Ammi zaduga King of Babylon and
we know that he reigned about 2140
B C That is we have here a precious
bit of clay on which was written a
poetical story of the deluge seven cen
turies before Moses and about the time
of Isaac or Jacob That is enough to
make the discovery memorable We
learn positively that the story of the
deluge was familiar to the common
people of Babylonia and therefore of
all tiie East from Syria to Persia New
York Independent
Charity in Judgment
Hasty judgment of the actions of oth
ers is dangerous and often unjust We
measure ioo much by some superficial
appearance and condemn hastily
when if we but knew and understood
the motives and reasons we would
warmly approve We sometimes bay
of some one That pain sorrow or
loss has not deeply affected him But
we do not know It is like the death of
a few of the soldiers in front of a regi
ment The broken ranks close up again
into the solid phalanx and the loss is
not apparent There may be no dis
organization no surrender no craving
for pity no display of despair It is
like the calm dazzling play of the
waves warmed by the mornings sun
after a night of storm and disaster
there is no sign of the wreck the tide
has carried the debris away far out
on the ocean the treacherous water
has swallowed all signs and tokens of
the nights awful work We see only
the fairness of the morning not the1
suffering of the night Let us be char j
itable in our judgment and condemn
not when we do not know William
George Jordan
Over Indulgence to Children
One of the greatest mistakes that pa
rents make is the over indulgence to
children Being too indulgent is a se
rious mistake and In time works in
jury The child who has his every
wish and whim gratified grows up self
willed and arrogant and overbearing
which at times is a source of trouble
to every one in the house He looks
upon his parents as menials loses that
respect love and obedience due the par-
ent and when he goes out in the world
to make his living he finds that thei
world can get along without him and
will not put up with his nonsense
This is where the Injury works He
then discovers but too late that his
training has been wrong Therefore
parents see that you rear your chil
dren that they may be a benefit to
themselves if to nobody else
We live by faith but faith is not the slave
Of text and legend Bensons voice and
Natures and Dutys never are at odds
What asks our Father of his children
Justice and mercy and humility
A reasonable service of good deeds
Pure living tenderness to human needs
Reverence and trust and prayer for light
-to see
The Masters footprints in our daily
No knotted scourge nor sacrificial knife
But the calm beauty of an ordered life
Whose very breathing is unworded praise
A life that stands as all true lives have
Finn rooted in the faith that God is good
John G Whittier
The Dead Line
In the ministry there is a great deal
of talk of men reaching the dead line
No man ever came to -that point unless
he chose to come to it A dead line
is not necessary in the ministry any
more than in any other profession amd
will never be approached if the mrhi
istei devotes himself as thoroughly to
his work as the lawyer the physician
and the merchant do to theirs Pres
byterian Banner
Gods Work on His Footstool
A successful Presbyterian mission to
the Jews is in White chapel London
The Christian Endeavor Society of
the American church in Berlin has un
dertaken to support an Armenian for
a year
It is reported from Bombay that seventy-five
of Pundita Ramabais famine
widows and orphans have been bap
tized at Poona
A school for Catholic deaf mutes of
the Boston archdiocese is to be opened
at Jamaica Plain under the care of
Mgr Magennis
Rev Cyrus Hamlin D D founder of
Robert College Constantinople has
been a missionary in the Turkish em
pire for forty years
At Tacoaia Wash a strangers
tea under the auspices of the Y M C
A is held every Sunday at 5 oclock
and is proving a great success
An ecumenical missionary confer
ence to be held in this country in 1900
is contemplated by the various mission
ary societies of America and Europe
Racine Wis has been selected by the
United Danish Evangelical Luteran
churches of America as the place for
locating the Danish American college
Rev K Miyama the leading temper
ance worker among the Christian min
isters of Japan was recently appointed
temperance evangelist to co operate
with Miss Parrish
Rev William Carey great grandson
of the pioneer Protestant missionary to
India is the author of the first publica
tion of the new United Society of Chris
tian Endeavor for India
At Silver City Idaho a mining camp
Where there are nine saloons and no
church a Christian Endeavor Society
of twenty nine members is doing good
work in establishing a reading room
A young Sioux Arthur Tibbets is
studying at Springfield Mass to fit
himself for secretary of the Y M C
As of the tribe Efforts are being
made to organize Y M C As among
the Crows of Montana and the Nez
James ONeill Relates a Story of the
Eminent Tragedian
I think the most thrilling experience
I ever passed through was in New York
city one time when quite by accident
a number of foreign diplomats from
Washington a few American states
men some prominent New Yorkers and
one or two of us professionals were
gathered together in a smoking room
of the Fifth Avenue Hotel when some
body asked Booth who by the merest
chance happened to be there if he
would not repeat the Lords prayer for
the assemblage 1 was sitting not far
from the tragedian when he fixed his
eyes upon the man who made the re
quest I think that it was Lord
at that time British minister
to the United States and I shall never
forget the peculiarly searching expres
sion that Booth shot out of his dark
eyes They seemed to penetrate the
very soul of the man at whom they
were directed and then as if satisfied
resumed their wonted vacuous density
We were all breathless with anxiety
at least I was for seldom would he
ever recite off the stage but at length
lie arose walked to a little cleared
space at one end of the room and be
gan a recital that even after all these
years makes me thrill through and
through He said Our Father and
never before had those two words been
clothed with the majesty and reverence
with which his look and tone enveloped
them And then he carried us into ce
lestial regions our spirits seeming to
leave our bodies and to follow his be
hest lie lowered us into depths too dark
for Dantes genius to conceive or Dores
pen to portray the power exerted over
us was simply unnatural His musical
ly resonant tones sounded sloAvly
through the room and as he swayed his
lithe body Ave unconsciously followed
his motion It was something horrible
beautiful terrible fascinating I can
not find words in the language to ex
press it There are none
I would not go through the scene
again for a thousand worlds and yet
if I had the opportunity I would brave
any danger to hear it once more Do
you understand Those few score
words as delivered by Edwin Booth
were the most powerful argument for
Christianity that I ever heard and
could every being on the face of the
globe have heard them there would no
Jonger be atheism Booth strode out
of the room when he finished and a sim
ultaneous sigh of relief arose while
without a word we stole away singly
and on tiptoe and I do not believe that
any of us think of that thrilling even
ing without a shudder He was a great
man a great man KaDsas City
Warning Notes Calling the Wicked to
1 HE devil hates a
good book
The true proph
e t is seldom a
prophet to his
own people
When the con
science is drug
ged Satan is
ready for settle
If stolen dollars
jm ys wouiu Durn mere
nuuiu ue some
hot pockets
A man without a creed of some kind
is a man without a moral backbone
As long as the devil remains unchain
ed the Christian must expect to be
There is a vast difference between
speaking one to another and one
about another
It is one thing to survey yourself
with pride and quite another to ex
plore your heart with humility
Without first making everything else
God would have been without a lan
guage with which to speak to man
Treatment of the Alaskan Doff
The Alaskan dog is almost human in
intelligence He weighs about 100
pounds Heavily laden he will travel
sixty miles a day
With twenty dogs in a team no two of
them are in a straight line from the
driver When unhitched for the night
they pile upon the first blanket that is
thrown upon the snow and there they
stay When you crawl into your sleep
ing bag and pull a robe over it the dog
will get under the robe Unless you
are careful he will be inside of the bag
in the morning Their endurance is
phenomenal and they are capable of
strong affection are great fight
A traveler who recently returned
from Alaska says of the treatment ac
corded these faithful animals
The whip that is used on them is the
cruelest thing of its kind that is known
to man Thirty feet in length and two
inches thick near the short handle it
has a lash ten feet long that cuts like
a knife The Russian knout isnt in it
When a dog is struck you hear a sharp
yelp and then your sleigh whirls past
a bit of fur or possibly a piece of
bloody skin lying on the snow St
Toul Dispatch
Wall Paper Oddity
Zinc wall paper is the latest oddity
The zinc is attached to the wall by a
cement invented for the purpose and
is made to imitate marble The sur
face is enameled so as to render it per
manent or washable It is claimed for
this new departure in decorative mate
rial that while it is as permanent as
tiles or marble it is much cheaper and
can be as easily put on as ordinary wall
An old bachelor says that marriage
Is a permanent injury resulting from
falling in love
The judge never sits on the jury but
he frequently docs on the attorney
Quaint Sayings and Cnte Doings of the
Little Folks Everywhere Gathered
and Printed Here for All Other Lit
tle Ones to Bead
Mammas Help
Yes Bridget has gone to the city
And papa is sick as you see
And mamma has no one to help her
But two-year-old Laurence and me
Youd like to know what Im good for
Copt to make work and tumble things
I guess there aint no little girlies
At your house at home Dr Brown
Ive brushed all -the crumbs from the
And dusted the sofa and chairs
Ive polished the hearthstone and fender
And swept off the area stairs
Ive wiped all the silver and china
And just dropped one piece on the floor
Yes doctor it broke in the middle
But I spect it was cracked before
And the steps that I save precious mam
Youd be sprised Dr Brown if you
She says if it wasnt for Bessie
She couldnt exist the day through
Its Bessie bring papa some water
And Bessie dear run to the door
And Bessie love pick up the playthings
The baby has dropped on the floor
Yes doctor Im siderably tired
Ive been on my feet all the day
Good byl well perhaps I will help you
When your old Bridget goes off to
Southern Presbyterian
fhed Their Clothes in Winter
When the boys and girls are putting
on more clothing to keep out the cold
a curious rock crab that lives in the salt
water along the New England coast
sheds its shell These little creatures
begin casting their hard shells in De
cember and the shedding process con
tinues for two months After the hard
shells are cast the crabs are quite soft
and are considered very desirable for
the table
A Writer Whom Boys Love
Jules Verne the French author who
wrote Twenty Thousand Leagues Un
der the Sea and many other tales of
adventure eats almost nothing but
eggs and herbs it is said He is now
nearly 70 years old and is in good
health living in Amiens France He
has written six books more than he is
years old He arises early in the morn
ing and wrorks steadily till 11 oclock
Strangely enough though he has writ
ten many books of travel Mr Verne
has not traveled much but has secured
his information from reading stories of
the travels of others
An Ostrichs Appetite
An ostrich will eat almost anything
It swallows oranges small turtles
fowls kittens and bones A South
African writer tells of one swallowing
a box of peaches tennis balls several
yards of fencing wire and half a dozen
cartridges One followed the workmen
and picked up the wire as they cut it
Most frequently the ostrich does not
swrallow each dainty separately but
collects several in its throat and then
swallows them all at once Sometimes
it is strangled Its windpipe is then
cut the obstacle taken out and the
wound sewed up when all goes well
Two Masqueraders
These two unique and saucy dogiets
hail from Australia They have the
air of nonchalant lightheadedness
which is fetching in anything living
and from their attire have evidently
been attending a canine fancy dress
ball Unlike most animals they do not
object to be dressed up and for that
reason are especial pets with the chil
dren fortunate enough to live near the
owner of Bang and Scamp who has a
pretty home in Adelaide
From Corn Husks to Clothes
Clothing made of corn husks attract
ed so much attention at a fair held last
fall in Atchison Kas that it is planned
to have a similar exhibit at the great
fair to be held in Paris in 1900
These costumes are so attractive
many of them that any girl might well
be proud to appear in one Dresses of
the daintiest designs imaginable and
with any number of delicate frills and
flounces were shown They proved so
effective that a new Industry has
sprung up in Atchison It is called
corn millinery and those who prac
tice it make charming looking hats for
women and girls from corn husks One
of the most successful corn milliners
recently sent a husk hat to the wife of
President McKinley
Under Water to the Pole
An engineer of Baltimore Md makes
the claim that a submarine boat can be
propelled under the great fields of ice
that have thus far stopped northern
navigators from reaching the north
pole This gentleman Albert Riedel
proposes to build a boat for the jour-
aey at once and to start from
where in upper Canada
Those who believe in Mr Riedels
plan claim that the boat will have to
travel under GOO miles of ice before an
open sea around the north pole is
reached They believe that enough
open places will be found on the jour
ney to enable the boat to go to tho
surface to replenish the air It is pro
posed to run the boat by electricity pro
vided by storage batteries
Infantile Humor
Whats veal Benny Oh its the
part of the cow we eat before she
grows up
Visitor And who are you my little
man Cuthbert with conscious pride
Im the babys brother
Grandmamma What are you doing
in the pantry Tommy Oh Im just
putting a few things away gramma
Mother Now Jamie you know that
Adam and Eve were driven out of the
Garden of Eden Jamie In a phaeton
or a carriage mamma
Say grandpa asked little 5-year-old
Minnie does the good people all
die young So they say replied the
old gentleman Well grandpa con
tinued the little lady if thats true
jou must be an awful wicked man
Little Jeanie the 3-year-old pet was
playing with her rag doll in the front
room of her home not long since when
suddenly her quick eye rested upon
one of those large shiny black bugs
which occasionally fly indoors on sum
mer nights and was now slowly crawl
ing along the carpet The little ob
server came running out to the kitchen
with great excitement exclaiming
Mamma mamma theres a prune in
the parlor Come and see it walk
Curious Attractions France Is Prepar
ing for 1900
While there have been an almost in
finite number of suggestions for fea
tures at the exposition and the ingenu
ity of all -the inventors and engineers
in Prance has been engaged in planning
spectacular effects the result is disap
pointing The great architectural fea
ture as stated by Wm E Curtis in a
letter to the Chicago Record will be
the bridge erected in honor of Alexan
der III The most conspicuous freak
will be a huge telescope forty feet
long with a lens six feet in diameter
which it is said will bring the moon
within one meter or three feet of the
observer This has been determined
Another feature will be a panorama
of the world which will revolve on
rollers around a pyramid upon which
several thousand spectators can be seat
ed and will represent the most inter
esting portions of the globe The spec
tator will start from Paris and travel
eastward through Europe Asia and
Africa across Bering straits through
the United States and then through
Canada Greenland Iceland and Great
Britain to his starting point Ellsee
Reclus the great geographer has de
signed a globe 40 feet in diameter
which will accurately represent the
earths surface The interior will be
filled with museums representing the
history and ethnology of the universe
There will be an old Parisian street
of three centuries ago and other exhi
bitions suggested by the peculiar hab
its customs and manners of life of for
eign countries There is a proposition
to revive the famous wooden horse
which played so important a part in
the siege of Troy an Egyptian city
with a representation of the romance
of Antony and Cleopatra figures among
the propositions a cafe in a tunnel be
neath the waters of the Seine hasjejm
planned and a Milwaukee brewing
company bus applied for a concession
to eiQCt a monumental barrel of beer
of glass 52 feet in length and 27 feet in
diameter from which the beer will be
drawn through several hundred fau
Ancicnt Rain Prognostioator
On the old Ritchie place which
abounds with relics of early days is an
old log springhouse built at the begin
ning of the century by John Ritchie
the inventor of the sour mash process
of making whisky says the Bardstown
Record A never failing stream of ice
cold water flows into this old house
forming a pool several feet deep Here
since John Ritchie left Lynns fort and
built himself an independent dwelling
it is alleged a giant bull frog has had
its home As the frog family is en
dowed with great longevity it is said
by those who ought to know that it is
reasonable to believe that the frog is
the same one which took up its resi
dence in the Ritchie springhouse in
pioneer times
What lends color to this theory is the
fact that there has never been but one
frog seen in the neighborhood of the
old spring and Mr Stephen Ritchie
now a man well advanced in years
states that this same frog or one very
similar to it had its home in the spring
when he was a child and that he has
often heard his grandmother term the
frog her rain sign The frog is said to
be of vast proportions with a thunder
ous voice that can be heard a great dis
tance It is very active and shows no
evidence of its century or more of
He Knew the Rest
Tommy said the younger lady
sharply as her little brother opened
the door softly and was about to enter
the parlor you shut that door from
the outside and then take yourself off
to bed at once Then she went on
No Mi Borem it is with the deep
est regret that I say it but I can only
be a sister to you and
Never mind the rest of it Miss Chil
ton interrupted Mr Borem sadly I
shall follow the example of my brother
and take myself off to bed at once
And crawling into bis fur lined
ulster he lighted a cigarette and
waded out into the gelid nisht
Et Still Has a Strong Hold on thot
People who Think for Themselves
War talk has not diverted the attend
lion of the people from the considera
dou of the political battle which was
fought between the forces of gold1
monometallism and bimetallism in the
lutunin of 1S90 William J Bryan has
oeen given a most enthusiastic recep
ion in the South and has demonstrat
ed to the dismay of the gold clique
hat silver sentiment is deeper ana
broader and wider more enthusiastic
and more earnest than ever before
In discussing the triumphant tour of
Bryan the Washington Post a news
paper devoted to the gold cause and op
posed to the Democratic candidate for
President in 1S3U says Those emi
nent mugwumps and cuckoos who are
trying to make themselves believe that
Mr Bryan is a dead issue will do well
to take careful note of the manner in
which the people receive him every
where along the route of his present
journey There can be no sort of doubt
that Mr Bryan received in New Or
leans a welcome of unparalleled
warmth and enthusiasm Those Demo
crats who refused to accept the Chi
cago platform hi 1S0G were as zealous
rnd as cordial in their attentions as the
other Democrats a vast majority
who stood by the party and its candi
date Under the circumstances it
would perhaps be just as well for the
gold clique journals to restudy the the
ory that silver sentiment is dead
Differences of opinion among Demo
crats are being harmonized and Secre
tary Gage has been forced to admit
that the battle of standards will have
to be fought over again in 1900 This
is not a propitious time to discuss polit
ical questions but it is just as well to
call attention to the fact that rumors-
of war or even Avar Itself cannot di
vert the thoughts of the people from
the vital question of bimetallism Chi
cago Dispatch
Michigan and Iminber Dntics
The furniture manufacturers of Mich
igan are turning against the DIngley
law They point to the disappearing
orests of that State and then to the
new 2 duty on lumber which shuts out
the Canadian product upon which they
are coming to depend It is a duty ex
cellently desigued to stimulate foresc
slaughter in the United States but the
rrouble in this case is that there are
few more forests left to slaughter So
a united protest against the Dingley
duty goes to Washington from the very
State which next to Maine was sup
posed to be a chief beneficiary ofthe
imposition Springfield Mass Repub
Ingalis as a Populist
It would be a sight for gods and men
to see ex Senator John J Ingalis of
Kansas running for Congress as a Pop
ulist candidate for the purpose ot over
coming a big Republican majority in
the first Kansas district If Ingalis can
down his former party in such a
struggle and Is willing to do so the
opportunity should certainly be given
And whether he can or not it might be
well to encourage the effort The ex
ample would be valuable to many per
sons not yet fully awake to the versa
tility of politicians of the Ingalis type
or to the wild and weird possibilities of
Kansas politics St Louis Republic
The Boodlers Pet Stronghold
Republican and mugwump spouters
love to talk of the depravity of New
York under Tweed and other Tam
many bosses but they never refer to
Philadelphia where boodleism and alt
sorts of knavery have flourished for
years and where the people are worse
governed and more shamefully plun
dered than those of any otbT great
city in the country- The developments
jIoTT Uiaklng of rascality in the Council
of PhilacfeWa are only in line with
similar revelations whfell bave 1en
made from time to time for many ycsil
past In Philadelphia boodling has
been a fine art for more than a genera
tion Indianapolis Sentinel
Sordid Commercialism Scored
Boss Hannas insolence was fittingly
rebuked by Senator Thurston The
high priest of sordid commercialism
ready to sacrifice every thing to gain
stands for a group which is struggling
to make itself a class and a caste a
group already laden with iniquity ami
which is now bent upon turning an ig
noble penuy out of national perplexity
Senator Thurston dad well to rebuke
these men and his words will be cheer-
ed by every honest heart by every
true patriot by every man who hates
wickedness and loves the light St
Louis Post Dispatch
Begun Under Democratic Auspices
The Philadelphia Press speaks of
the development of the modern navy
as begun under President Harrison
These are times when even party or
gans can afford to be fair The devel
opment of the modern navy was be
gun under the first Cleveland adminis
tration and the credit for the Inaug
uration of the good work is due to Will
iam C Whitney Washington Post
Disgusted Republican Organ
Thepersistent interference of the pro
Spanish party represented in Washing
ton chiefly by Secretaries Bliss and
Gage is having a disturbing effect both
on Congress and on the people Ameri
can citizenship cannot endure the
thought that a question of principle
and duty can be determined or consid
ered by the profits or loss of stock
speculators or of anybody else New
York Press
Patriotism of the Highest Order
The attitude of the Democratic party
from the inception of the Cuban crisis
to the present moment has been iir
the highest degree patriotic Mere con
siderations of partisan advantage have
been utterly lost sight of and the Dem
ocratic party has stood as one man in
favor of a policy which would main
tain the national honor and be worthy
of the best traditions of the American
people Indianapolis Sentinel
1 1