The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, April 07, 1898, Image 8

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    i ii tii i i - i mum I iOJIIIIIII 1 1 in iMimini n mmMk 1Wi Mt
SOBEET GOOD Editor and Publisher
Oflicial Paper f Cherry Coun
ty Nebraska
100 Per Vetir in Advance
EnUroi as t bt Postafflceas Valentine Cherry
ousty ZStbrailu as 8ecfplass matter
TWs paper will be mailed regularly
to its subscribers vfxtU a definite order
e Eicontinue is received aud all ar
xeats are paid in full
f t is the 8ameofd story nothing has
ryetbeen done jy the president or the
Congress though a declaration of war
-is expected today This is what the
-American people seem to want
A Spanish paper calls the United
States brutal We are almost in-
clined to agree with the assumption
If we were otherwise there would be
fewSpanlards left to starve Cuba
The Atkinson Plain Dealer was is
sued last week by the pupils of the
public schools at that place The first
page wasmbellished by a number of
half tone engravings and the tfhole
paper was a credit to tho schools
The American Protective Tariff
-League is working hard to gather
prosperity statistics They will get
them of course because few -people
are addressed who are notin sympa
thy with the movement This is the
secret of favorable-to-republicans sta
tistics of the American Economist
The Ainsworth Home Rule announ
ces Otto Mutz as -its candidate for con
gress this fall to -succeed Hon Wm
L Greene While Mutz is a pretty
able roan but we dont think he is
the proper person to send to congress
As between Greene and Mutz Greene
2s the better man Westorer though
Is the best man yet named in -our es
It is well to keep out of trouble as
much as possible but The Quiz Is real
ly ashamed that this nation has allow
ed the Spanish atrocities to go on as
Jong as they hare down in poor little
Cnba While we were lamenting
Armenias fate -and calling Europt to
-task for permitting Turkey to outrage
that d fenceless land we were allow
ing Cuba to be treated even more
avagely by the Spaniards under our
rerynose Our help is tardy but it
hould now be effectual and without
bait Ord Quiz
The F E M V railroad sends
out the information that potatoes
grown in Northern Nebraska are su
perior to those grown in Utah and
Colorado and mates the timely and
pertinent suggestions that farmers
along the line confine their potato crop
to one or two standard varieties in
each locality A carload of potatoes
of a single variety brings much better
prices than does a carload of mixed
potatoes Merchants should advocate
this plan and use measures looking
toward its adoption It will pay avery
one connected with the business in
the long run
Wasnt that a splendid stab Thurs
ton gave the Wall street crowd He
talked lite a sure enough democrat
Thurston is indeed a democrat at heart
but for so many years he has throttled
his best impulses at the command of
jthe corporations that seldom has InV
better self appeared in his political
utterances One cannot read our
senators Cuban speech without re
memberance of that prophesy made by
Andy Jackson who in his famous
farewell address speaking of- the bond
holders said This organized money
power from its secret conclave- would
fridicatathe choice of your highest
officers and compel you to make war
or peace as best suits their own wishes
The forms of your government might
for a time stand but its living spirit
would depart from iWPapittUm
C E Walcott and family spnt Saturday In the
J H Hanna returned from Minnesota Friday
W 8 Cook of Wakefield shipped in 3 cars of
cattle April a
D Leach has purchased the Bcnning land
south of town
O FSmith preached in Woodlake Sunday
afternoon aud evening
A Bailey is roakiusaparkarond the sec
tion house this week
Milton LatUU improving the bicycle track
sod lake bed
R W Handy a brother of Mrs West Is yjs
Jtlpgwith his sister for a few days
A E Morris was in the city Saturday after a
new buggy lilch had Just arrived
W kMwiyftfcyw
I H Stottfl of Cody shipped a car
load of potatoes to Missouri Sunday
He paid 27 cents per bushel for them
Dont put off cleaning up your alley
much longer the authorities will be
lenient but not negligent in this mat
Ctabb Vincent have dispoed of
roost of their clothing stock bur have
a few bargains left They wont last
Prof Peter Hoffman of Nenzel
made this office a pleasant call yes
terday and talked democracy with the
Judge Morris of Johnstown was in
town this week attending court aud
conducting a case for his son-in-law
W E Waite
Monday was pension day and depu
ty county clerk Reece had -his first ex
perience in making out the old sol
diers papers
J 11 Yeast lias filled his front yard
with good black dirt planted a num
ber of nice trees aud is preparing to
build a town
Mrs J II Quigley returned Satur
day from her trip to Gordon Merri
uiau aud Cody iu the interest ot the
stock hrand banner
Mrs G Stetter returned Sanday
morning from a four mouths visit
with her sister Mrs Plumley m Chi
cago and Johnny is happy once more
The program for the general teach
ers association which is to be iheld
hereon Apiil 30 was received this
morning but too late for publication
Eoland Robertson returned to Val
entine Tuesday morningfrom Chica
go where he had been in the employ
of a clothing tlrm for -the Just six
Amos Strong stallions Billy
Barnes a running horse and Junibo
coach horse will make the season at
Tillsons barnf in this city beginning
April 10
Mrs A L Towle and Mrs M Ilebo
of Niobrara arrived in town Monday
and are stopping at The Donoher pre
paratory to making this their perma
nent home
J W Burleigh and A L Towle
traded houses lor residence purposes
only last week Towle will live in
Burleighs house and Burleigh will oe
cupy the Fischer place
Easter services at the Methodist
church Sunday Missionary sermon
in the morning at 11 and a Sunday
concert in the evening at 730 Every
body invited to attend these services
W E Chadbourn bought 60 head of
young ctttl from J E Pettycrew the
first of the wek The Billings cattle
also arrived from Norden Monday
were branded and aent to the ranch
E J Davenport tapped the oity
water main on Cherry street this week
and ran a 300 toot pipe to his lawn on
north Main street The pipe is only
a foot or so under the ground and will
be used for sprinkling purposes
We neglected mentioning last week
that Grant Dunn and wife were the
proud parents of a new baby boy since
March 25 This is a belated an
nouncement but it is made with fer
vor nevertheless and wed like to
make more such
During the month of March 95 chat
tel mortgages for f 77390 57 were filed
with the county clerk aud 25 for 15
53802 were released 5 farm mort
eaes for 11710 were filed and 8 for
5620 were released One city mort
gage for 229 was released
The Y P S C E will give a ten
cent popcorn social at Hornbvs
hall tonight to which all are cordially
invited Endeavorers are noted for
the good times they have at their so
cials and the entertainment this eve
ning will not be lacking in quality
Frank Sageser resigned his position
in McDonalds store April 1 and
Monday went to Springview where he
will clerk for one of that citys mer
chants Harry Folks who has been
clerking for Crabb Vincent takes
the clerkship left by Frank at Mc
Ye editor arery much regrets that he
was not at home Saturday night to
enjoy the serenade tendered hira by
two young ladies His better three
fourths says the music was fine and in
sists that she was the party honored
As the editor is a man of peace he
doesnt care to argue the point
S B Downing and family who
have been occupying the Gillette place
east of town moved to a ranch south
of Johnstown just east of P E
Wantz place Friday We are sorry
to lose Mr Downing as a citizen of
Cherry county but wiBh him good
success in his new location
Eli Precinct
8 A Winslow was up the river last week
John Selder vent to Sioux City after cattle
Herbert DeVine is attending school up in the
Center district
Wm Wilson went over on the reserve last
week after a horse
Obe Church is building a new house and will
move up by Merriman
Mrs Sandy has got a brood of 23 little chick
ens Is there anyone earlier
Mrs Nicholslwas up the river last week nurs
ing Lee Sellers who was very sick
Alex Morse and Tom Franks made a flying
trip to the Churn ranch one day last week
We understand a man by the name of Jones
has moved on one of Goodfellaws farms and
will work for them this summer
Some of our inhabitants were badly fooled
when they got up the morning ot the 1st to see
about four inches of snow on the ground
Miss Nellie Jermauof jilernman was ou the
river visiting last week SAspy
t mrhi mhw mil
To make room for our PRITSTG AND SUM MEK STOK
We will sell all of our
At a sacrifice
Mill Pricet for Wee
Bran bulk 50c per cwt 900 ton
Shorts bulk 60c per cwt 1100 ton
Screenings 35c 1600
Chop Feed 70c 13U0
Corn 50c
Oats 80c
A oticc
Notice is herebv given that I have filed with
the Clerk of the Board of Village Trustees of the
village of Valentine Nebr a petition accom
panied by a bond duly tested said petition pray
ing that a license may be issued to me to sell
malt spintoils and vinous Manors in said vil
lage or Vaientine Nebraska for the yeir end
ing May 1 1899 Henky Stkttku
M odtce
Notice is hereby given ilia I have filed with
the Clerk of the Board of Village Trustees of this
village of Vaentine Nebr a petition accom
panied by a bond duly tested said petition pray
ing that a license may be issued to me to sell
malt spirituous and vinous liquors iu said vil
lage of Valentine Nebraska for the year end
ing May 1 1899 O K THidON
Notice is hereby given that I hare flled with
the Clerk of the Buaru ot diagd Trustees of liie
village ii aleiitiuu Nebr a petition accom
panied by a bond duly tested said petition pray
ing that a license may be isund to me to sell
malt spirituous aud vinous Honors in said vil
lage of Valentine Nebraska for the year end
ing Ma 1 1899 FliAMK FlSCtf
Notice is hereby civen that I have filed with
the Clerk of the Hoard of Vil age Tmstees ot tlie
village of Valentine Nebr a petition accom
panied by a bond duly tested said petition pray
ing that a license may be issued to me to sell
malt spirituous aud vinous liquors in said vil
lager Valentine Nebraska for the year end
ing May 1 1899 John J gutu
US Land Ofllce Valentine Nelr i
March 24 1893
Complaint having been entered at tliN oilliu
by Charles Tae against William Callxmu for
failure to comply with law as to timber culture
iiit ry 8352 datdrtjimn 20 1830 upon the seV
swH sVJse neUseJi section H township 28
range 36w in Cbeiry county Nebraska with a
view to the cancellation of said entry contest
ant alleging that William Calhoun claimant lias
aUotl to tireak or cause to be broken tne lira
live acres during4ho first year alter entry and
has failed to cure bis laches up to tbis dale Tlu
aid parties an hereby summoml to appear at
his office on the I4th day of May 189S at to
oclock a iu to respond and furnish testimony
concerning said alleced failure
11 13 C It GlOVEK Register
U S Land Office at Valeiitlnb Neb I
March 19 1893 f
Complaint having been entered at this office
by William I Davis agaiist William A Davis
for abaudoing his homestead entrv No 10012
dated January 22 1895 upon the se1 section
34 township 35 range 31 iu Cherry county Neb
with a view to the cancel lation of said entry tlie
said panics are hereby summoned to aupear at
-Valentine Nebr on the 20th day of Juno 1898
at 1 oclock p mtoivpo d and furnish
concerning said alleged abandonment
9 11 CltGLOVEKltegister
U SXand Ofllce Valennne Neb i
March 1C 1898 f
Complaint having been entered at tills office
bv William K JIaley of Valentine Nebr
against Charles A Barnes tor abandoning his
homestead entry No 10082 dated April Ki 1S95
iiikiii the nsAV4 seswU sw4se4 section iz
township 30 range 31 in Cherry county Nebr
with a view to the cancellation of said entry
said parties are hereby summoned to appear at
this nfQce on the 28th day of April 1898 at 10
oclock a in to respond and furnish testimony
concerning said alleged abandonment
8 11 it GLOVER Register
U S Land Office Valentine Neb i
A larch 14 1898 f
Complaint having been entered at this office
by William Bateman Gordon Nebr against
Nathauial M lish for failure to comply with
law as to timber culture entry No 7U23 dated
March 14 1898 upon the nek section 28 town
ship 35 range 39 in Cherry county Nebr with
a view to the cancellation of said utv contest
ant alleging ihat Nathauial M Fiji claimant
failed to break or cause to be orokeu teu acres
of land on said T C entry 7C23 since he made
saidejitiy Affiant states that there never was
broken or culiivated at any time since said en
try was made ten acres of land broken or caus
ed to be biokeu on said entry affiant further
states that there are uo trees of anv kind nor
even bush growing on said entry 7C2i affiant
further states to the best of his knowledge and
belief that there has been uo trees seeds or cut
tings planted ou said entry 723 since the year
1895 affiant f uither states to tlie best of his
knowledge and belief that claimant never was
a resident of this state and that said entry No
7C23 never was plowed broken cultivated nor
prepared by carerul and thorough preparation
to produce a growth of trees as contemplated by
The sad parties are hereby summoned to ap
pear at this office on the 2th day of April 1898
at 10 oclock a in to respond and furnish testi
mony concerning said alleged failure
8 11 O It ULOVElt Register
Claimants and witnesses iii final proof cases
notice of which appear in The Democrat will
receive a marked copy of the paper Should any
error in description of land or spelling of names
be discovered notice should be sent to the land
office aud this office so correction can be made
U S Land Ofllce Valentine Nebr I
March 21 1898 f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim and
that said proof will be made before the Register
and Receiver at Valentine Neb on April 30
189S viz
Charlie A Shaul of Wuod
lnke Nebraska
H E 9150 for the se section 15 township
30n range 26w
He names the following witnessee to prove
his continuous residence uuon and cultivation
of said land viz
Andrew G WardEbnerF DavE v D Val
entine and Albert Schlueter all of Woodlake
9 4 C R GXOVER Register
U s Land Office Valentine Nebr
March 19 189 j
Notieel8 hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of bis claim and
that said proof will be made efore the Register
or Receivtr at Valentine Nebr on May 7 1898
Mary C Ladely of Newton Nebr
H EvNo I04CG Tor the sekineH njseh seii
seM section 19 township 29n range 3lw
He names the following witnees to prove his
continuous residence upou aud cultivation of
Stiidland viz
Levi N Layport or Valentine Nebr George
ct r r I 1 x l lt r wl
v nime uiJeuneiiy eor uomi wjscii
GustavusS Vrolhau of Newton Nebr
9 a- CKU ovfk
U S Land Office Valentine Nebr
March 23 1898 f
Notice is hereby given that Peter Alt of
Crookston Neb has filed notice of intention to
make final proof before Kegister and Receiver at
their office in Valentine Nebraska on Fridav
ie ii ii of Jla isjoon tiiuoir culture
0 S32S for tne nei of section 34 hi
township 35n range 29w
lie names as witnesses
Helnricli Wauerwein Henry 8 Clavbaugh
Frederick U Haumgartel and Max E Viertel
all or frookston N br
9 14 C K GLOVER Register
U S Iand Office Valentine Nebr I
March 281 h 1893 J
Notice is hereby given that Emerson B Main
of Whitman Nebr has filed notice of intention
to make final proof before the Register or Re
ceiver a his ofiicv in Valentine Nebr on Sat
urday the 14th day of Mav 1898 on timber cul
ture application No St 10 for the se section C
township 27a range 31 w C J
He names as witnesses
Isaac H Loiuas Thomas L Lomas Herman
Pittinger and Matthew FLomas all of Mullen
10 15 C R GLOVER Kegister
U S Land Office Valentine Nebr I
ftla ch 28 1898
Notice is hereby given that Hamilton McCrea
of Valentine Nebr has filed notice of inten
tion to make final proof before the Register or
Receiver his office in Valentine Nebr on
Friday the 13th day of May 1898 on timber
culture application o 78T5 lor the sai of sec
tion No 21 in township No 35n range No 25W
He names as witnesses
William 1 Glarksouand Abner W Clarkjon
of Valentine Nebraska Henry L Brown and
otus II Smith of Sparks Nebr
10 15 C R GLOVER Register
U S Land Office Valentine Nebr
March 7 1893
Notice is hereby given thit Renscke Bonnet
of Pullman Nebr has filed notice ot intention
to make final prool before Kobert Lucas U 8
Commissioner at hN office in Merrimaii Nebr
on Friday the loth day of April 1898 on tim
ber culture application No 825G for lot 1 nei
nwM n4neH of section No 30 iu township No
29ii range No 3Gw
tie names as witnesses
William i Eiuow aim Charles H Jacobson
of Gregory Nebr William Pullman of Pull
man Nebr and Etisha E Edwards of Gordon
7 12 C R GLOVER Register
U S Land Office Vaientine Nebr t
March 19 1898 f
Notice is hereby given tint Charles W Deaver
of Cody Nebr nas filed notice of intention to
make Una proof hefore Register and Receiver
at their office in Valentine Nebr on Satuiday
tlie 7th day of May 1898 on timber culture ap
nlieaUoi NoS230 for tlieneVi of section No 7
In township No 33n range 33vv
He names tlie following wiiuosses
tiwtave Gtmderso i William M Hook Will
iam F McGee aud Warren Cloutz all of Cody
Nebr also
iustiive C undercut of Cody Nebr
H E No 9G54 for the sj5sw4 section 32 and
lots 3 4 section 5 township 31 n range 33w
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous resideuce and cultivation of said
land vb
ciiares W Deaver William M Hook William
H Carter aud -Clarence Cuttrcomb all of Cody
9 14 C B GLOVER Kegister
US Land Office Valentine Nebr I
March 19 1898
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice or his iniention
to make final proof in supnoit of his claim and
that said proof will be made before Register and
Receiver at Valentine Nebraska on April 30
1898 viz
Howard i Lockwond of Simeon Ni b
II e 9535 for lots 1 and 2 and sSne section
1 township On range 29w
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upou and cultivation of
said laud viz
John W Daniels of Valentine Nebr Sam
uel 1 Hutchinson Charles W Bennett and
Charles S Retce of Simeon Nebr
9 14 CK GLOVER Kegister
U S Land Omce Valentine Neb l
Mar 12 1898 f
Notice is bpreby given that the following nam
ed settler ha tiled notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim and
that said pror will tie made before Register and
Receiver at Valentine Nebraska on April J9
1898 viz
Frederick II Good fellow of
Cody NVbnisrca
H E 9241 for U eVise mvMsetj nesw4
section 20 township 32u range 35v
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land viz
Wallace E Nelson James C Taj lor Joseph
n Remisdarfer and Edward S Weed all of
Cody Nebr also
James U Taylor of Cody Nebr
II E ri80 eiSseH seMne section 33 anil
nwswk section 34 township 32u range 35w
He names the following witnesses to prove-
his continuous residence upou and cultivation
of said laud viz
KredriekH Goortfellow Joseph H
darfer Edward S Weed John Bishop all of
Cody Nebr also
Joseph 11 Mernisdarfer Cody N br
H fi9221 wjsejii eJswk section 25 town
ship 32n range 35v
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous resideuce upon and cultivation of
said hi nil
Freuerick H Goodfellow James C Taylor I
mini ii iiciauu aim uuuii ti tiiorey an ii
Cody Nebr also
Wallace E Nelson of Cody Xebr
H E 9519 seMmV4 snek set tioii 28 sw
mv section 27 township 32u rangp 35w
He names the following witnesses to prove
his connnuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land viz
Joseph H Bemisdarrer Frederick II Good
fellow Edward S Weed and James C Taylor
all of Cody Neb
8 13 C R GLOVER Register
U 5 Laud Office Valentine Neb
March 5 18U8 f
Notice is hereby given that ihe following
named settler has filed notice of his intention to
make Hnal proof in support of his claim and
that said proof will be made before the Register
and Receiver at Valentiue Nebr on April 15
1898 viz
Osman A Richey of Xenzel Nebr
II E 1009 for lots 1 2 4 and 5 section 7
townshiw 3ln range 32w and seueJi section
12 township 31u range 33w
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land viz
William M Anderson Jesse V West Ira W
smith George L Coleman all of Cody Nebr
7 2 C R GLOVER Register
U S Lakij ufkick Valentine Neb i
March 2 189S
Notice is hereby given that Edsrar S Tivelett of
TI7nlilo Vulir liuulilrkil nntiPH llf IntPiitifin ti
make final prool lierore Register or Receiver at j
their office in Valentine Nebr on Saturday
the uth dav of April Ib9 ou timber culture ai
plicatiou No 7S tor the and
lot 4 section li tnwnshi 31 n range 2Gw
He names as witnesses
William uuiick losepn Ivmiiwvsky Chalmers
A Loveicvand Julm Crouin iii of Wmdlafce
c u ulu lilt iegitier i
r - i
Kent Value Wrllla PfaoMn
first in 8rnpweeote Owiest
Construction and U Mlfc r4t
Typewriter Csscutiaie t t
y filWfMOWrJ
CM SiiD Premier typewriter Co syracwenv us
In our store when you think of a leader as
some article which has been cut in price only
for the purpose of attracting people by its
cheapness Our plan is different
Are leaders in quality and style as well as in
price For instance our present leaders are
Everything in these lines is stylish new
au fait fin de seiele nobby and cheap
The Red Front
ii im rmusvfi vyyvwiiivi en
ft m m ffA
Omaha Branch Office Corner Seventeenth and Farnam Streets
iuit nic ui nip iiiov
939 TG
Horses sa eason
steer left hip Also
C on left shoulder
Rosebud S D
ID 1183 either left
side or hip
F on eft
Range head of
On APRIL 9 1898
I Will be in Valentine with a large consignment of
Among the shrubs and small fruits will be found
lloxcs of varioitH Varieties ltaspherrtea J5acIeberrtM aiUt
Gooseberries Currants and Sfrawoerry Plants
Cabbage Celery Sweet Potato and Rhubarb Plants in propez Season
Earl Comstoek Manager
I Valentine Neb LJ
Cattle branded
For taking orders for enlarg
ing pictures from photo
graphs or tiniypes Work
guaranteed Headquarters at
Valentine House All orders
left there will receive prompt
attention 51
TJ S Iand Office Valentine Neb
March 4 1898 f
Notice is hereby given that John O Nichols
of McCinn Neb has filed notice of intention to
make final proof before the Register or Receivei
at- his ottke in Valentine Neb on Saturday
tlie ICth dav of April 1898 on timber cultuie ap
plication No 8214 for the nej section No 25
iu township 33u range 31vr
He names as witnesses
James T Galloway David R Hendershot of
McCann Neb Wilham A Wltsou and Albert
T Brackett of ltiege Sub also
Janie 1 Galloway of McCann eb
H E 932 for lots 3 4 seVinw nesw
section 4 township 32n range 31v
He names ihe followiug witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land viz
John O Nichols and David It Hendersnott of
McCann Neb William A Wilson and Albert
T Brackett of Riege Neb
7 12 C B GLOVER Register
Land Office at Valentine Nebraska i
March 23 1893
Complaint having beeo entered a thN offce
by Walier G Baker against John Gibson of
Gordon Nebr for jitnid ing his home uad
e ty o 101S0 dated July 31 1895 upou the
vKsvl4 iieswJi iiwiftSrj ecioii i tojstp
29 range orf in Cherry county Nebraska with a
LrW to the tajielkitoi of said entry the savd
parties are herebv summon dtoappir at ii s
otlice on the 29thday of Apr I8M at 10 oclock
a m 10 i us pond and furnish testimony concern
ing said alleged abandonment
9 12 - C It GLOVER Register
Now is the time to subscribe 100
7 BB I
Thomas Farren
John DeCory
Bosebud S J
OF j
Jam Hudson
Simeon Neb
Left hip on cattle
Left shoulder on
Some horses Lhz
on left shoulder
Range between
Gordon and Snake
Left ears tagged All cattle dehorned
Some branded ID
417 on left side
Horses JD oa left
Range in xeyer Ce
on Antelope Crefc
S H Ivimmel
Rosebud S D
Also B4U on left
Cattle undercut on
both ears
Horses branded 4
on left shoulder
Range on Antelope
and Spi lug Creeks
f U4U I
Louis J Kichards
Ej3I I
Ro3e6ud S D
Cattle bole in
eich ear
Rauue Biir and
Little White Rivers
Merrlmaa Nb
JtteRht Bros
P O BrownleeNeb
Right or iefSsSde
Horses same on
left shoulder
Earmark Swal
low tail clip right
oi left ear
Range Big Creek
I Hi
Charles Eichardi
verrlsoa N
Paul Didier
II m
Steadman Bros
i L
fi TivnwnmrM ii
Phss Keb
Brand am etti
rLht or left side
Morses and unmn
came brand
on left side
Rangft Bull Laka
and Watnaduee -
reosc -