K MjC - r - X Tm - ft RHEUMATISM CURED BY Onffnpnrl C Vftsi lilfflta t M With Rheumatism now miRpn Water Valley Mis Dec 31 1M7 Swanson Rheumatic Cure Co Chicago 111 I have forty five years with rheumatism but could medicine to euro me until J cot your c5 DROPS I had Buffered loca year with catarrh la iny head before I used your medicine 5 DROPS mad 1 could not hear out of my right car butt hen I took the DROPS I ws cured of the catarrh and my hearing waa restored It Is a blersed thine for mo that I ever heard of your medicine and Tired It for I am so improved that I almost feel youug again though I am eighty two years old TW WILLIAMSON Pfcotone 111 Dec 23 1897 8wanson Rheumatic Care Co Chicago Enclosed please find draft for which send some more of the 5 DROPS I have not used a bottle yet and my rheumatism is all gone and all those that use it speak highly of It I know It Is the best rheumatism cure I have tried In the last 18 years Respectfully yours WM YOUXC 5 DItOPSines Rheumatism Sciatica Keu ralgla Dyspepsia Backache Asthma Ca tarrh Sleeplessness Nervousness Nervous 3nd Neuralgic Headaches Heart Weakness JLa Grippe Creeping Numbness Many tboosaMds of similar letters re ceived Tho merits of 5 DROPS to undisputed xvith those who bvo tried it We are certain that a trial bottle- will convince anyone and for another SO days i7e will 8end6ample bottle prepaid for5 cents targe bottlcstf -5 DROPS 200 doses 10X 3 bottles ft M Not sola by druggists only by us and onr agents Ajnt9 w anted in new territory Write ua to day SWANSOH EUEUMATIG CURE GO 167 1B9 Dearborn St CHICAGO ILL lEIlir PAYS IIJl THE Uw PRATE EST -SCALE LEAST MONEY JOT1ZS or BWOHAMTON N Y He Got Off ney Well be said Im through specu lating I had 100 that I thought Id take chances -on so I began dealing through a ibucketshop Its all gone tout Im glad 1 had the experience just The same Really it has served to make me happy Hows that he was asked When I went home and told my wife abont it he explained she say she knew from the first it -would turn out that way Say theres the sweetest little woman in this -world A CHEAP TRIP Semi Monthly Excursions to the Sunny South The opportunity to visit the southern states afforded by the semi monthly ex cursions of the Louisville and Nashville railroad is one that should be taken ad vantage of by everyone interested These excursions are arranged for the first and third Tuesdays of April The tickets are good on the legular trains of those dates leaving northern terminals and can also lie purchased through from agents of con necting lines Tickets are sold to many points in Kentucky Tennessee Alabama the Carolinas Mississippi Georgia and the western portions of Florida They are gooil for return passage on any Tuesday or Friday -wit bin twenty one days and allow fifteen days on the going trip to stop off and examine the country The cost for the round trip is about the regular one way rate and on the same dates one way tick ets are soli at about two thirds of the reg ular rates For full particulars write to C P Atmore GP A Louisville JCy or Geo B Homer D P A St Louis 31o There are supposed to be nearly 50 D00 dentists practicing upon peoples teeth in the world A dentists case of Instruments nowadays contains -between o00 and 400 instruments I know that my life was saed by Pisos Cure for Consumption John A Miller Vi Sable Mich April 21 1S93 If women were as fond of appearing In print as in silk there would be more ladv writers j The Isle orshakpcnre3 Tempest Bermuda Is said to be Island of Shak speares Tempest Wlien the English discovered it they found it inhabited by hogs The strange noises which mariners heard coming from it and which they did not know were produc ed by hogs caused them to say that it was haunted and to report weird things of it The houses are all built of coraline rock When a man wants to build a house lie cuts his planir out of his ground and builds away If he wants a plank for anything he goes to the side of his yard and cuts out a slab He seems to think very little about how the hole left is going to look There are big and little quarnes all about In Hamilton which is the capital One hundred barrels of good British gun powder went from Bermuda to Boston in 177G It was sent in response to a letter from General Washington who emphasized the advantages wbioh might accrue from commercial rela tions between Bermuda and the colo nies and suggested that these relations could be further strengthened by time ly assistance in tire way of ammunition Great Britain kept then as now large military stores at Bermuda It was whispered at the time that Bermuda thought of casting her fortunes witli the colonies However that may have been she is loyal enough now to the British flag It is a pretty thought that she now sends us Easter lilies where once she sent us gunpowder Raising Easter lilies for the New York market is a favorite industry in Bermuda A Royal Wardrobe Marie Antoinette as Dauphine is the title of an article in the Century by Miss Anna L Bicknell who says The Dauphine was allowed a sum of 120000 livres for her dress alone but she never interfered in any way and everything was decided without con sulting her by the dame datour who ordered what was necessary according to her own appreciation and settled the bills of the tradesmen At the end of the year she presented incomprehensi ble accounts which the Dauphine was required to approve with the result that her expenses greatly exceeded the allotted sum through no fault of hers Mercy was called to the rescue and dis covered the most absurd extravagance For instance three ells of ribbon to tie the powdering gown of the Dauphine were put down daily also several ells of silk daily to cover the basket in which her gloves and fan were deposit ed with many other items of the same kind noted by Mercy in solemn repro bation With all tnis waste the ar rangements about her were strangely deficient in comfort Statu of Onio City of Toledo Lucas County p Frakk J Cheney makes oath that lie Is the senior partner of tho firm of F J Cheney Co dolus business in the City of Toledo County and State aforesaid and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Halls Catarrh Cure FRANK J CHENEY Sworn to before me and subscribed In mypres ence this Gth day of December A D 188G emale organs makes every movement painful and keeps the nervous system unstrung The following letter from Mrs Walter S Ba tA SparkilltRY tells the story of many women and shows -them how to get relief DkaeMhs Pinkham I cannot thank you enough forinULydiaEPinkharrfs Vegetable Compound has done for me When I wrote to you I had suffered for years with falling inflammation-arid ulceration of the womb mv back ached and I was so much fHstrpssnd T could scareelv walk I c4 was a bnrdnn to mvself and did not Jc care whether JL lived or died I have taken five bottles of your medicine andit has done wronders for me as all my friends can testify I can now do my own work and do not know ihow to express my gratitude to you for v the good your medicine and advice Ihave done me J owe my life to Mrs jPinkham Mrs Pinkhanvs counselisoff ered free to all women who need advice about jtheir health Her address is Lynn 2Iass Mrs M Hutchceoft Kel llerton Iowa tells here in her own twords how Mrs Pinkham helped her -Dear Mrs Pinkham I was in a 3ery had condition before I wrote to yon and began the tuse of Lydia E lEuakhams Vegetable Compound I didtnotknowwhattofclo I suffered terribly every montit when on my v J Dont Use A W GLEASON Notary Public Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally and acts directly on the blood and mucus surfaces of the system Send for testimonials free F J CHENEY CO Toledo Ohio E3Sold by druggists 75c Chinese Cotton Mill An American manufactory has been introduced into China In the form of the international cotton mill recently established at Pootung a small town near Shanghai under the auspices of the American Trading Company of New York It is the third cotton mill erected in China It has 45000 spindles and two engines of 1600 horse power now in motion and a number of looms will be added soon OVERWOEKED WOMEN Letters to Mrs Pinkham From Women Who Have Been Helped Fror Sickness or Health The ordinary every day life of most of our women is a ceaseless treadmill of work How much harder the daily tasks become when some derangement of the u spec l J l bmJBjl HAi eHF feet would have suck a bearing dwn feeling was very weak womb was swollen hack ached appetite was very poor also had trouble with my head I have taken several bottles of your Compound and cannot say enough in its favor It helped more 12ian all the doctors v LydlaEPinkamsYegetableCompottffdtaWomansReinedyforWoinatisins Forbid a Fool a Thing and That He Will Do ii SAPOLIO -S - 1 reports or Delegated Who Have Visited Western Canada l - The fol lowing let ters have been select ed from a large num ber of those sent by del egates t o report on Western Canada to their friends in Michigan aud as a result of whkli hundreds of people expect to havt this spriug for the Free Grant Lands of Western Canada Liidingron Mich Nov 1 1897 AI V Mrlnues Esq Colonization Agent Detroit Mich JJear Sir We have just returned rrom the West and were exceedingly well pleased with the country We are goiug bai k to take up our homesteads in early spriug We received 35 per month and board working for farmers and the board was the best we ever had the beef and mutton especially were excellent The tine Havor is owing to the tine grasses which the cattle and sheep feed upon The people are very hospitable and treat their hired help with much kindness The grain is much Heavier than here wheat being 2 lbs to the bushel oats 4S lbs and barley often 55 lbs Any man virli a good team and money enough to buy pin visions and seed tot six months can become rich there in live years Many people who arrived l here live years ago with little or noth ing are well oil now One man I met held his wheat from last 3ear and was offered H0U0 for this years crop and what he had held over from last year and is holding it at 100 per bushel We are going back in the spring to work for this same farmer until seeding af ter which we will homestead between seeding aud harvest We think we will settle on the Manitoba and Northwest ern Railroad You can refer any one to us for this part or the country while we are here and we will cheerfully answer any questions which anyone may wish to ask Yours truly Signed CI IAS TTAWLEY lOSlSLli DOLA Alameda N W T Aug 31 1S97 Dear Friends nl Saginaw Those de siring in secure a good and sure home will do well In lake our advice and ex amine the land in the neighborhood of Alameda as we know I hat everyone who sees this land will he agreeably surprised Hefore seeing this land we were partly in iloubl as to moving here but after looking it over we at once de cided to make our home here and we beg those of our friends who are desir ous of securing farms not to let this chance slip by as the soil is of the best and the water cannot be excelled The Jliiehl w ieal we ever ww is also raised here We shall return home in haste straighten out our affairs and move here at once Yours truly Signed WILLIAM JOTTOWSKI AL1U0RT MAI WILLIAM KIEDHL Of Saginaw Winnipeg Man Sept 10 1S97 Mr M V Mel nnes Chief Colonization Agent Detroit Mich Dear Sir We are pleased to state tG you that we have found the country in the vicinity of Alameda fully up tc what you and Mr Keller had represent ed it to be It is in fact an ideal location for mixed fanning The soil is the best we ever saw and as the farmers were all busy at threshing we had an excel lent chance to see its productive qual ity which cannot be surpassed any where The cattle could not be in bet ter condition We saw two-year-old steers equal to three-year-old raised in most places and these as all others are about Alameda were fed on native hay in winter and herded in summer As we had previous to this visited the Northwestern States in behalf of a large number of farmers to locate suit able land for mixed farming we are now in a position to say that the Ala meda district of Western Canada sur passes them all The country is equal to that about Thuringen in Germany We were rather sceptic before starting and our intentions to settle in spring if we were suited but we have now de cided to move at once that is as early this fall as we possibly can We left Mr Riedel at Alameda and take back his report and we will take his family and effects with us when we go lours sincerely Signed ALBERT MAI FRED G0TT0WSKL Franking betters The privilege granted to Senators and Representativesat Washington of send ing letters and other matter free may be curtailed or abolished altogether It is difficult to properly restrict it so long as there are so many dishonest persons in the world who will abuse all privi leges The system of franking letters originated in 1G60 in England and the privilege was granted to members of Parliament It was so much abused that in 1763 a Commission of Inquiry was opened This reported that in the mail sent free by post were fifteen couples of hounds two maid servants going as laundresses Doctor Crichton carrying with him a cow two bales of stockings and a deal case with four flitches of bacon Notwithstanding the exposure of fraud the privilege con tinued to be abused In the beginning of this century the needy members of Parliament were accustomed to sell their signatures The practice was greatly restricted in 1837 and finally in 1840 it was entirely abolished A report from a committee of inquiry ap pointed by our representatives might furnish us with ludicrous examples of the abuse of the franking privilege and also food for thought which might in uie near future create a public senti ment against it leading to its abolish ment A Sufficient Notice Near Christina Lake in Washington X rough road leads from the main high way toward the lake where there is a ferry operated by hand power At the point of departure of this road the fol lowing sign posted on a tree informs passers of all they have to do to make the trip across the lake by this route Wagon road to Cristina if you want to go acrose hollow or yeall also a gro cery gtore and hotel PRONUNCIATION Cbaractcri8tico o English and Anicr icana on the Continent of Europe The pronunciation which I have found most surely characteristic ot an English man or woman at least within 100 miles of London is the incapacity to give a straightforward and open sound to the letter o No one says Oh oftener or can enunciate it less- it has always a prolonged sidelon note and comes forth Aeow at last I heard one day a young salesman in a large shop remark to his companion Naow I must go raound and see if Braown is daown It Is a diphthon gal sound which was heard though more roughly among New England rustics In my boyhood and is given by Lowell in his Biglow Papers and a little of it lingers among educated peo ple in Philadelphia which is as I have always maintained our most English city But what impressed it most up on my mind in this case was the fact that on my repeating the pronuncia tion to several highly educated English people they declared that there was nothing peculiar about it and that it was the proper way Meeting after wards in the Wessex region of En gland an eminent novelist who has made its dialect classic he recognized entirely my imitation of the sound anu said that it was not heard in that part of England where we then were Not merely in this respect but in others this distinguished writer himself might travel through America without being taken for an Englishman as individual Americans are indeed often taken at first for Englishmen in England What leads even these to be recog nized sooner or later is not a differ ence in the pronunciation of single wordst but in the cadence of the sen tence or rather in the absence of such cadence It Is a fact never yet ex plained that while Americans are far more eager more vivacious and more quick witted than their English cous ins they should utter what they say in a far more level and expressionless tone An Englishman puts more ca dence more up-and-down into an in quiry what oclock it is than an Ameri can would usually put into the an nouncement that a President was as sassinated I do not see how anyone can be chiefly with English people for a time and then come back among Americans as in a hotel on the conti nent without observing this and not always pleasurably It gives a color less tone to the very people who care most for color and novelty in their lives It offers an extreme in both cases I think and here again one ob serves that in the best educated people there is the least difference in this mat ter Probably in English pronuncia tion and intonation as in English spelling there lies somewhere in the future a better standard than either na tion can now be said to possess ners Bazar Utilizlnj the Suns Heat A French scientist calculates that in an average day the sun will pour ou two and a half acres of ground heat which might be turned into energy equal to the muscle power of 415 t horses Mr Mouchot believed that this heat might be utilized and made fo do the work now done by steam and elec tricity lie found that by condensing the heat playing on less than a yard and a half of ground he could boil two pints of water By arresting sunshine and condensing it small steam engines have been operated successfully in Paris but nothing has yet been done to realize practically the great hopes of revolutionizing civilization by using di rectly the enormous power wheh comes to us daily from the sun This power is calculated at that of 21G000 000000 horses and a thousandth part of 1 per cent of it would run all the factories the world will ever need J 7 f7 t i w 4vjBrc9lvSrt t iTKSm Hie iHptwgtsn 2 HwKiliij8wi5v iv SPt Vr Great Benevolence In large cities of the United States the condition of the poor is constantly being improved by the benevolences of wealthy people Sanitary reforms are suggested and carried out with earnestness but those produced by Hostetters Stomach Bitters in disordered liver bowels or nerv ous system are very conspicuous No one can act fairly without acting sympathetically nor can any subserve his own best interest while that Is all he has at heart Shake Into Your Shoes Allens Foot Ease a powder for the feet It cures painful swollen smart ing feet and instantly takes the stiug out of corns and bunions Its the great est comfort discovery of the age Al lens Foot Ease makes tight fitting or new shoes feel easy It Is a certain cure for sweating callous and hot tired nervous aching feet Try It to day Sold by all druggists aud shoe stores By mail for 2oc in stamps Trial package FREE Address Allen S Olm sted Le Roy N Y Why wouldnt the pink of propriety be an appropriate flower for our na tional emblem TO CURE A COLT IN ONE DAT Tnfco laxative llromo Quinine Tablets All Urucclst roItiDJ the lunncr If It falls to core 25a The hide of the hippopotamus in some parts is two inches thick FITS rorraancnsir Cured No nts or neryousnwi alter Oret day ue of Ur Kline Or eat Herce Ke Borer Send for FKEE 820O trial bottle anl treatise UK K H Elink Ltd 981 Arch M Philadelphia Pa De Foe is said to have written Rob inson Crusoe in six months Mirrors toll the story of completions beautified by the aid of Glenns Sulphur Soap Hills Hair and Whisker Dye black or brown 50c You cant live on air or lly without wings Mrs TVInslows SnoTHrao Syrup for Children teething so it ens the KumH reauces inflammation allays pain cure wind colic 23 centa a bottle CLtzS MZx ana rvas vie svpnature orsify per Jro one has autlvority from me to use my name except The Centaur Company of -which Chas H Fletcher is President March 8 18971- Do Not Be Deceived Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you because he makes a few more pennies on it the ingredients of which even lie does not know it The Kind You Have Always Bought BEARS THE FAC SIMILE SIGNATURE OF CxicJu Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You TMC CENTAUR COMPkMV 7 r MURRAY STHKST NKWTOflK CITT 93 A Splendid Book for the Development of American Patriotism 5 BeautiMlifeofFrancesEWilIard Written by Anna A Gordon for 21 years her private sec- retary and most intimate friend Official memorial volume endorsed by the W C T U The Most Popular Book of the Century t Size 8x10 inches nearly 500 pages beautifully illustrated J Retail price Cloth 2 Halt Morocco 275 De Luxe Edition T 3-75- Sent postpaid on receipt of price J Solloltors w antod Bvanrnrlmmi a 5 to 3 per day eaeily made selling tiiis book ExperienceX not necessary most liberal terms credit given freightX paid circular and terms free Write for outfit Uxlay X MONARCH BOOK COMPANY Dept 30 Oeneril AgenU tor the United State EnzUnd Canada Australia ete A Chicago li Philadelphia Fa Oakland Cal Address nearest office A AlAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaAAAAAAAAAAAAAal Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste and acta gently yet promptly on the Kidneys Liver and Bowels cleanses the sys tem effectually dispels colds head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO SAN FRANCISCO CAL 10U18VJUE KY JEW YORK NY IRONING MADE ESSY J REQUIRES NO COOKING UM mBm MAKES COLLARS AND GUFFS STIFF AND NICE I ONE POUND OF THIS STARCH WILL CO i WwML AS FAR AS A POUND AND A HALF OF ANY OTHER STARCH tMtfJTACTURED 0BLy CHUBINGERBRO mKEOKUKjOWA NEW HAVEN iii iiMlilVliMWll i sraiftl W1 IWili WTO iTO BitfjWIfi -mm 9 ivajF iKisB gw w Htf30 i Joa a 1 Mi Jw Wsfzffiy v wm rzy This starch is prepared on scientific principles by men who havo had years of practical experienco in fancy laundering It restores old linen and summer dresses to thoir natural whiteness and imparts a beautiful and lasting finish It is mo only starch manufactured that is perfectly harmless containing neither arsenic alum or any other substance injurious to linen and can be used even for a baby povrder For sale by all wholesale and retail grocers OPEH LETTER To MOTHERS WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD CASTORIA AND PITCHERS CASTORIA AS OUR TRADE MARK J DR SAMUEL PITCHER of Eyannis Massachusetts was the originator of PITCHERS CASTORIA the sams that has borne and does now s ir on every bear tlie facsimile signature of wrapper This is the original PITCHERS CASTORIA which has been used in the homes of the mothers of America for over thirty years LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is the hind you liave always bought x2r stTsj on the 22 VTo delight to do aa early friend s good tarn The working parts of ANY AERMOTOR EXCHANGED FOR A ROLLER BEARlNCMpbyr nm ninc erer gom ererlastic power doubles UP-TO-DATE 93 MOTOR 8 FT FOft56l2 ifor8iZie for 3U They run like a bicycle and are made Ills a watch every movable part on rollers Doublet gesred mill power The Aermotor untrhen all other oil stood still and made the steel windmill bosinsss THE NEW BEATS THE OLD AS THE OLD BEAT THE WOODEN WHEEL On receipt of amount rensed Dolor bat not wheel or vane will fa sent to replace old ono then to be returned user tumect to cancellation at any time If your old wheal is not an Aermotor write for terms of swap new lor old to jo on old tower You can put it on Aensotor Ce Caiccjro 3SX3QQQQ9B S K FOR 14 GENTS J7e wUh to gain 150000 new nomeis and hence oSer 1 Earliest Red Beet lCo x Bismarck Cucumber 10c 1 i - i085 yiciona Lettuce 15c 1 Klondyka Melon lBc 3 Brilliant tfloirer Seeds 15c1 Worth 100 Tar 14 eents o Ahnvo m nV ro nnli D1 iyi m mail yoa free together with onr ereat Plant and Seed Catalocne uuua rECKint fiT trim Ttnnnm oni 14 postage Wo invite your trade and fiitTcr mnPTi nnra - KiHia iSeediyouYTilfneyerg talon with- 1 wuitVS roinwjesarAoo aBblCataloraloneSc NoJN MK BZED CO LA CaOSSX TTM ht ANTCPl settlers for ML Nebo ffMIl I EJ Beet Sugar and Fruit Lands Utah 2ooo acres splendid irrigated lands two railroads excursion rates easy terms sure crops good markets fine climate Write immediately STEVENSON PHILLIPS Western Home Finders 420 Atlas Bteckr Salt Lake City PENSIONS nnnnunThe 1 JIJJE8S net Ia ifrletnri ontapon Get Your Pensloi DOUBLE 2y QUICK Writs Capt 0AB2SLL PecrijsAsjaiTTajfcbgira BC best Bed Bopa Kooflnjr for 1 et nlllirlRI Jr caps and nails Included I1UUI IIIUSU03I1 Tha Far Manilla I S O X TJ Irrtes for Piaster bamDles free Rooting Co Cam dea X J 15 98 CURE YOURSELF w iv wwa JDie ior unnatural discharges Inflammations irritations nr titn of mucous membranes -- rainiesa ana not astrin ATHEtYUtf ChEHIOLCO gent or poisonous V ftmmiMHri n a 1 iaM in Uwu JTHIXUSI or sent in plain wrapper Circular stat 99 msMt