i i 1 1 n n n n 1 i V If si If K Pill 1 tuva mm iw if gfc SfeKSSS THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT ROBERT GOOD Editor and Publisher i w n - - - Official Taper of Cherry Coun ty Nebraska 100 Per Year in Advance IK i II HA - PUBLIHHEDJJVERX THURSDAY Entered at t he Post office at yalenttne Cherry -county Nelra ska as Secoad rtass matter This paper will be mailed regularly1 to its subscribers until s definite order to discontinue is received and all ar rears are paid ia full At this time indications are that the CubanquestiGnwillbe settled in very few days How it will be done is not yet known Spain diplomatically gives the impression that she will free Cuba without war yet she has sent 13 torpedo boats and cruisers to Porto Uico and is preparing to send 6 more The Maine report was sent to Con gress by McKinley without a word of recommendation and he is being se verely censured by all parties Congress is almost unanimously for war and if the question comes before either house neither the administration nor any other power can prevent -a de claration of war One of the Box Butte county com missioners Barry is about to be im peached for violating his duty and fracturing the laws of decency The trouble grew out of Alliance effort to get the county seat away from Hem ingf ord The goldbug mayor of Lincoln has been indicted by a grand jury Tbe goldbug mayor of Omaha has admitted under oath that he is an embezzler A goldbug state auditor has pleaded guilty to a charge of embezzlement A goldbug state treasurer is under a sentence of twenty years in state pris on for stealing state funds A go Id bug oil inspector will go on trial next week on a charge of stealing 5000 from the state A goldbug treasurer of Omaha is doing twenty years in prison for robbing the city And yet in the face of this damnable record of crimes committed by goldbug officials in this same state the Lincoln Journal has the audacity to poiut with pride to the proud record of the goldbug party in Nebraska The man who can point with pride to such a galaxy of criminals would not Tiesitate to cry God save the King if they should see the devil approaching Pwpillion Times The number of people who believe in repealing the laws requiring public officials to give bonds for the faithful performance of their duty is rapidly increasing They believe in placing the official upon his honor and then if he of his free will goes wrong placing him in the penitentiary for not less than ten years without his honor Another class believe in giving guar antee bonds exclusively the state county or city as It may be paying the cost of the bond The present system seems to be a great farce when any considerable sum is involved and in but few instances is the shortage recovered Again if no personal bond is given the official will not feel that he is under obligations to tois friends and temptation is removed from him Each plan spoken of has its good features and we would be pleased to see either adopted From a business standpoint the guarantee bond is per haps better but our preference inclines to the plan placing men on honor or in the penitentiary In a column article Monday the State Journal labored to show that the exports from this country to 14 select ed countries had increased m the six months from Aug 1 1897 to Feb 1 1898 23000000 over the amount of exports to these countries from Aug 1896 to Feb 1897 and by im plication gives the Dingley law credit for the increase but no where in the article does it explain how the Ding ley law created it The countries named were selected and in this the article is unfair It is as fair for us to show that our exports to one country China decreased 1400000 in the lat ter period and expect intelligent peo ple to accept this decrease as a cri terion of the effect upon our com merce by the Dingley law when ap plied to all countries This same tide also says that our imports de- creased 23OQO000 during the last six mpnths How then can republi cans hope to see a surplus raised by the Dingley law if our importations are stopped or decreased at so great In a recent decision Judge Tawcett of Omaha says A party cannot obtain a divorce in this state and then within six months go to some other state for the purpose of getting married within the time prohibited by the law of this state and tnen come back into this state and ask a court ot equity to declare his mar riage in such other state a legal and valid marriage The judge refused to say the mar riage was an illegal one but neither would he declare it legal The Democrat has often called at tention to this divorce law and the way it is evaded and it seems the only remedy lies in national legisla tion upon the subject It is a farce to have a law upon our statute books which can be so easily -evaded How ever Judge Fawcetts decision may check such marriages If our courts refuse to recognize marriages solemn ized in another state in violation of the divorce law in this state self respecting people will hesitate before they assume the risk ot having their nuptials declared null and void Some of our democratic friends have expressed surprise that a republican administration could make a 50000 000 appropriation for the general de fence without a bond issue If they will read history they will find a re publican administration never -floated bonds in time if peace and dont have to now Lynch Journal If they read history they will find that the Harrison administration prepared to issue bonds but left the actual work for Cleveland If they read history they will find that any old administration could have at this time with out a bond issue By the way can the Journal tell how this 50000000 was raised Was it raised by the Dingley tariff If not how can the Journal boast as above Eli jPrccinct Geo Johnsou was in Merriman Saturday Henry Heckel had business in Gordon last week Bert Nichols is attending school in the Rickett district Alex Dobson was on the -river looking for some posts We understand that Mun Richardson intends moving to Cody soon Wm Wilson killed a monster bd cat laid him out with an ax While in Valentine recently P Sullivan chased a new set of work harness Mrs -elder and Win Nichols are putting sKSEaaaseaam He upa new house on the line between their claims Hugh Bovil has moved his house on te the Hamdeu place which he recently buhgbi ii intends moving the buildings that are on the place and bunching them altogether Melvan Richardson as tending Nicks sheep He eagles are quite numerous and seem to have a liking for young lambs Nick thinks it is cheaper to hire a boy than it is to feed the eagles on mutton Hugh Bovil went to Chadron on business the last of last week sandy Wm Wisnell of Ainsworth was in our city Thursday The Hansen cattle company received a carload of fine steers one day this week F E Witt unloaded five cars of cattle Wed nesday and took them out to his ranch Thurs day MrsD Handy of Valentine was visiting with friends and relatives in our city last week A surprise party made merry at the home of R N Bruce Friday evening All present re port ajjood time Bishop Graves held service in Woodlake last evening and preached an excellent sermon to a large congregation N C Rigss and daughters were confirmed A surprise party in honor of the birthday an niversary of the host and hostess occured Tues day eveninc at the home of N C Riggs A pleasant time is reported by those in attendance Woodlake Oradle Minnecliadiiza Valley Mr A B Overman is furnishing up his new hoase The ladies of Crookston and vicinity organized a camp of Rojal Neighbors James De Borde is expected back iu a short time He will bring more cattle School in district 24 is a grand success under the management of Miss Emmeline Fee Mr James Cox puts in his spare moments herding his bunch of cattle as this is strictly a herd section The farmers are commencing their spring i work Great activity is shown around Wm Beeds who is preparing to put out a large crop -Chas Burns may also be seen herding as he is watering about 135 head and 55 head of R S cattle He is preparing to move on the old Towne ranch he recently purchased Equinoxial Kennedy Mesdames Bessie and Iriu Kime recently re turned from visiting their sister Mrs Geo Ladely of Newton J A Gee went to Pass one day last week Rev J M Bates held services on the 9th in the Episcopalian church at Kennedy which was attended by an appreciative audience Mr 5ee has a new buggy Bishop Graves will be here on the 29th All who enjoy an excellent sermon should be pres ent Miss Agnes Piercy accompanied Mrs Lud ivick while soliciting stock brands in this vicinity U S Mill jPrices for Feed Bran bulk 50c per cwt 900 ton Shorts bulk 60c per cwt 111 00 ton Screenings 35c 600 Chop Peed 70c 1300 Corn 50c Oats 80c U S Laud Office at Valentine Neb March 19 1898 i Complaint having been entered at this office by William P Davis against William A Davis for abandoning his homestead entrv No 10012 dated January 22 1895 upon the se section 34 township 35 range 31 in Cherry county Neb with a view to the cancellation of said entry the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at Valentine Nebr ontiie 20th daj of June 1S98 at 1 oclock p mto respond and furnish testi mony concerning said alleged abandonment -12 CR GLOVER Register rjErftJh u - - - n w grq U S Land Office Valentine Neb J March 10 1898 f Complafaft having been entered at this office lv William E Haley of Valentine Nebr against Charles A Barnes tor abandoning his homestead entry No 10082 dated April 13 1895 upon the nsvJ6 sehwU swseJi section 32 township so range 31 m Cherry county Nebr with a view to the cancellation of said entry said parties are hereby summoned to appear at this office on the 28th day ot April 1898 at 10 oclock a in to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged abandonment S ll C it GLOVEK Register U S Land Office Valentine Neb i March 14 1893 1 Complaint having been entered at this office by William Batcman Gordon Nebr against Nathauial M Fish for failure to comply with law as to timber culture entry No 7623 dated March 14 1893 upon the ne4 section 28 town ship 35 range 39 in Cherry county Nebr with a view to the cancellation of said entry contest ant alleging that Nathanial M Fish claimant failed to break or cause to be oroken ten acres of land on said T C entry 7C23 since he made said entry Afliant states that there never was broken or cultivated at any time since said en try was made ten acres of land broken or caus ed to be broken on said entry affiant further states that there are no trees of any kind nor even bush growing on said entry 7623 affiant further states to the best of his Knowledge and belief that there has been no trees seeds or cut tings planted on said entiy 72J since the year 1895 affiant further states to the best of his knowledge and ueliefthat claimant never was a lesident ol this state and that said entry No 7623 never was plowed broken cultivated nor prepared by carelul and thorough preparation to produce a growth of trees as contemplated by law The saul parties are herebv summoned to ap pear at this office on the 26ih day of April 1898 at 10 oclock a m to respond and furnish testi mony concerning said alleged failure 8 11 C It GLOVER Register U S Land Office at Valentine Neb I Ma ch 2 1898 1 Complaint 3557 having been entered at this office by Julius Lotieu against Ole O Coe for failure to comply with law as to timber culture entry No 421 dated laj22 1885 upon the nek section 34 tow i ship 27 ruige26 in Cherry county Nebr witliauiew to the cancellation of said entry csntestant alleging that the saul Ole O Coe has tailed to break or cause to be broken ten acres of said tract and has failed to plant or cause to be planted 10 acres of said tract iu trees tieeseels or cuttings and has wholly tailed in ciuttviiti r caused to be cu tivated any art of saiti tiact in the last 9 years of entry said tract has grown up in urjss and weeds and i wholly abandoned and claimant has tailed to i ure his laches to this dale The said parties are hereby summoned to appear at this office m the 19th day of April 1898 at 10 oclock a m Do respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged failure Depositions of witnesses will be taken before M 15 TriiSM l a notniv public at his office lit Coniptwii Nebr on the 12th day of April 1898 at 9 oclock a m K C R GLOVER Register FINAL PROOF NOTICES Claimants and witnesses in final proof ases notice of which appear in The Democrat will receive a marked copy of the paper Should any errors in description ot laud or spelling of names be discovered notice should be sent to the land oflioe and this office so correction can be made MUM I I ill III II u s Land Office Valentine Nebr I March 28 1898 Notice is hereby given thai Hamilton McCrea of Valentine Nebr has filed notice of inten tion to make final proof betore the Register or Receiver at his office in Valentine Nebr on Friday the 13th day of Mav 1893 on timber culture application No 7875 for ihe so of sec tion No 21 in township No 35n rauge No 25W He names as witnesses William D Clarkson and Abner W Clarkson of Valentine Nebraska Henry L Brown and jLouis H Smith of Sparks Nebr 10 15 G R GLOVER Register U S land Office Valentine Nebr I March 28th 1898 J Notice is hereby given that Emerson B Main of Whitman Nebr has filed notice of intention to make final proof -before the Register or Re ceiver a his offic in Valentine Nebr on Sat urday the 14th day of May 1893 on timber cul ture application No 3110 for the se section c township 27n range 31 w He names as witnesses Isaac H Lomas Thomas L Lomas Herman Pittinger and Matthew F Lomas all of Mullen Nebraska 10 15 C R GLOVER Register U S Land Office Valentine Nebr March 231898 Notice is hereby given that Peter Alt of Crookston Neb has hied notice of intention to make final proof before Register and Receiver at their office in Valentine Nebraska on Friday the 27th day of May 1898 on timber culture ap plication No 832S for the ueJ4 of section 34 in township 35n range 29w He names as witnesses Heinrich Sauerwem Henry S Claybaugh Frederick H Baumgartel and Max E Viertel all of Crookston Nebr 9 14 C R GLOVER Register TJ S Land Office Valentine Nebr I March 19 189s f Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice ot his intention to make final proof m support Of his claim and that said proof will be made before the Register or Receiver at Valentine Nebr on May 7 1898 viz Mary C Ladely of Newton Nebr H E No 10406 for the sekueM nVse section 19 township 29n range 34w He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said laud viz Levi N Tavport of Valentine Nebr George W Kime of Jvennedy Nebr John Dysert and GustavusS Vroman otNewton Nebr 9 14 C R Gi over Register U S Land Office Valentine Nebr l March 21 1S98 f Notice is herebv given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver at Valentine Neb on April 30 1898 viz Charlie A Shaul of Wood lake Nebraska H E 9150 for the se section 15 township 30n range 26w HenauiHS the following witnessee to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz Andrew G Ward Ebner P Dav Ely D Val entine and Albert Schlueter all of Woodlake Neb 9 4 C R GLOVER Register U S Land Office Valentine Nebr I March 7 1893 f Notice is hereby given that Renscke Bonnen of Pullman Nebr has filed notice ot intention to make final proof before Kobert Lucas U S Commissioner at his office in Merriman Nebr on Friday the 15th day of April 1898 on tim ber culture application No 8250 for lot 1 neH nwj nl4ne4 of section No 30 in township No 29n range No 3Gw lie names as witnesses illiam I Enlow and Charles H Jacobson of Gresrnrv Nebr William Pullman of Pull man Nebr and Elisha E Edwards of Gordon Neb 7 12 C R GLOVER Register M CLEARING 7 12 wrtwyffli 5Cnf9B9Hpr -1 To make room for our SPRING AND SUMMER STOIC We will sell all of our V - WEIGHT - GL At a sacrifice All BROKEN EOTS of LOTHING BOOTS and SHOES go REGARDLESS OF COST D STINARD THE CLOTHIER C R GLOVER Register TJ S Land Office Valentine Nebr March 19 1898 t Notice is hereby given that Charles W Deaver of Cody Nebr nas filed notice of intention to make final proof before Register and Receiver at their office in Valentine Nebr on Satin day the 7th day of Maj 1898 on timber culture ap plication No 8290 for the ne4 of section No 7 In township No 33n range 83v He names the following witnesses Gustave Gundersou William M Hook Will lam F McGee and Warren Cloutz all of Cody Nebr also Gustave Gunderson of Cody Nebr H E No 9C54 for tbe sswK section 32 and lots 3 4 section 5 township 31 u range 33v He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence and cultivation of said land viz Charles W Deaver William M Hook William H Carter and Clarence Guttecomb all of Cody Neb 9 14 C R GLOVER Register US Land Office Valentine Nebr i Alarcll 19 1898 in once is nereoy given mat me iouownig named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in suppoit of his claim and that said proot will be made before Register and Receiver at Valentine Nebraska on April 30 1898 viz Howard S Lookwood of Simeon Nub H e 9535 for lots 1 and 2 and sneKi section 1 township 30n range 29w He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said hind viz John W Daniels of Valentine Nebr Sam uel J Hutchinson Charles W Bennett and Charles S Retce of Simeon Nebr 9 14 CR GLOVER Register U S Laud Offioe Valentine Neb I Mar 12 1898 i Notice is herebv given that the folowing nam ed settler lm filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before Register and Receiver at Valentine Nebraska on April 29 1898 viz Frederick FI Good fellow of Cody Nebraska H E 9211 for tha eVsel nwMseH neswM section 20 township 32n range 3Mv He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz Wallace E Nelson James C Tavlor Joseph H Bemisdarfer and Edward S Weed all of Cody Nebr also James C Taylor of Cody Nebr H E 95S0 pised seneH section 33 and nwswM section 34 township 32n range 35w ne names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation ot said land viz Fredrick H Goodfellow Joseph If Bemis darfer Edward S Weed John Bishop all of Cody Nebr also Joseph II I Jemisdarfer Codv Nebr H E922iwsc AsvX section 25 town ship 32n range 35w He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said hind viz Frederick H Goodfellow James C Tavlor Wallace E Nelson and John H Storey ail of Cody Nebr also Wallace E Nelson of Cody Nebr H E 9319 seMnw sne seetion 2S sw34 nvS section 27 township 32n range 35w He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon aud cultivation of said laud viz Joseph H Bemisdarfer Frederick II Good fellow Edward S Weed and James C Tavlor all of Cody Neb 8 13 C R GLOVER Register U S Land Office Valentine Neb i March 4 1898 f Notice is hereby given that John C Nichols of McCami Neb lias filed notice of intention to make final proof before the Register or Receiver at his office in Valentine Neb on Saturday the loth dav of April 18 on timber cultm e ap plication No 8214 for the ne4 section No 25 in township 33n range 3lw He names as witnesses James T Galloway David R Hendershot of MeCamiNcb William A Wilson and Albert T Brackett of Riege Neb also James T Galloway of McCann Iseb H E 9329 for lots 3 4 seUnw nefcswj section 4 townshiu 32n range 3lw He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz John C Nichols and David i Hendershotr of fticCann Neb William A Wilson aud Albert T Brackett of Rieue Neb U S Land Office Valentine Neb March 5 1808 f Notice is hereby given that the followiiiK naraed settler has filed notice of his intention to make hnal proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver at Valentine Nebr on April 15 lS98viz Osman A Richey of Xenzel ISTebr H E 10089 for lots 1 2 4 and 5 section 7 township sin range 32v and seuej i section 12 township 3ln range 33v He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz William M Anderson Jesse V West Ira W Smith George L Coleman all of Cody Nebr 7 12 C It GLOVKR Register D S Laijd Office Valentine Neb 1 March 2 1893 Notice is hereby given that Edaar S Lovelett of Woodlake Nebr has filed notice of intention to make final proof before Register or Receiver at their office in Valentine Nebr on Saturday the 9th day of Apiil 1898 on timber culture ap plication No 7882 lor the sseseswJi and Iot4 section 19 township 3ln range 2tiv He names as witnesses William Gulick Joseph Kounovsky Chalmers A Lovejoy and John Cconin all of Woodlake Nebraska 1 C R GLOVER Register U S Land Office Valentine Neb I fen 24 in 1 Notice is herpbv given that Mx following named setiler has filed notice of his intention to make final nrnnf in siiort of his claim that said proof will be made before the R2iter or Receiver at Valentine Nebr on April 5th IS93 viz Spbastian Siebolt of Nenzil 3feb H E 9417 for tbe seUse1 option 24 reMnw4 and nVinpij spHou 2 tnvnhin Wt ranee 32w He nanws the following witnesses to Drove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of aid land vi- Joseph Bicil Ivitenre Neb Michael Boltz of Nenzil Neb John Ferstl and John Hofman of Valpntine Neb 5 10 C R GLOVER Register U S Land Office Valentine Xt b j Feb2llS9S f Notice is herpby given that thr following-named settler has filed notice of her intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before Kejrister and Receiver at Valentine Nebr on April 1898 viz LpUhA McOlonrl of Valentmp Xeb H E 9627 for the ne section 25 township 34n range 29w She nimes the following witnesses to prove her enniinnnu residence upon and cultivation of said land viz m 7 Zh nimiiiiTnirTi iintjnBiiftinii 11 nwiriwiii IIIMWHI r J t Earl Comstoclc Valentine Neb Cattle branded on left side or hip Also 969 TG OO Horses sa e as on steer left hip Also C on left shoulder ftfff Jw Left ears tagged Manager rm Thomas Farren Rosebud s d ID 1183 either left side or hip liorsts jlMlllrtex Range head of Antelope JT csfllE WJi All cattle dehorned AGENT For taking orders for enlarg ing pictures from photo graphs or tintypes Work guaranteed Headquarters at Valentine House All orders left there -will receive prompt attention 51 Land Office at Valentine Nebraska 1 -March 23 1308 f Complaint having been entered r tlii i ollice by Wiiler G Baker against John Gibson of Gordon Nebr tor abandoning his homestead entry No 10ISO dated July 31 1895 noon the wiswi neit sw1 mvMseJ4 section 1 township 29 i ange 3 S irerry county Nebraska with n view to the cancellat on o stld entrv flip i partiesate hereby suuimomd to appear at this f iirnce ont ie29i 1 dav of Airi isw r in iii 1 i tf n - f n ston Neb 5 10 CR GLOVER Register Estimate of Expenses Vaiicxtine Nebk March H 1898 Notice is hereby given that rhe following es timates for omit expenses for the Piisuingvear vere made by the county commissioners Jan 11 1S98 County bridges S4000 Court and jury 4000 Prev iwt officers 4 7 County officers 3 WO Jalf and boarding prisoners v County Hoails 2000 Supplies for poor 2000 Sinking fund uid irterest vm Rent for court limiM 8 Bounty nn wild animals WO rw and repairs 300 Boo s blanks and stationery 3V indigent soldiers and s dlors 200 Judgments 400 Total 23K0 J W Daniels Co Clerk w5SJsiapip8Bg6g5C55 Mgggglgggj V W nc oara ELudson Simeon Neb Left hip on cattle Left shoulder on horses Some horses Lazy 2 on left snoulder Range between Gordon and Snake River and Niobrara KUSRiver PO ty Ryl 1898 SfTHZTVS - i ffn im jmtWTlMJf RlfliWHTmKlRyQin W WE HAVE BUT FEW LEADERS In our store when you think of a leader a3 Borne article which has been cut in price only for the purpose of attracting people by its cheapness Our plan is different OUR LEADERS Are leaders in quality and style as well as in price For instance our present leaders are HATS CAPS AND CLOTHING Everything in these lines is stylish new au fait fin de seicle nobby and cheap The Red Front A - - i i -S i 2 i -55 - - 5 5s S s S 5o Tmprowffittit tlK Order Uv mmv rimim lyiytwisfii Rest Value Writing Machine first in Improvements Honest Construction aid ail iih grade Typewriter Essentials T t ART BOOKLET FREE ottteflsc Ija maJa Siaj 9uhi nr m w m maw rmsuw lyftrcwrircr 0 Syracuse n V li SJ3 Omaha Branch Office Corner Seventeenth and Farnain Streets W a VTTJWSfl tbbnAB vBfe AfUH Dl AMTQ R 2 a 9 Tdl B JS B y Om ii tB I APTJTT P I Will be in Valentine with a large consignment of SHRUBS FRUIT AND SHADE TREES Among the shrubs and small fruits will be found Moses oft various Varieties Raspberries ISJacJiberries and Gooseberries Currants and Strazvberry JPlatits Cabbage Celery Sweet Potato and Rhubarb Plants in proper Season Now is the time to subscribe 100 John DeCory Rosebud S S Vi t a r ijyviJ m m mgM Rosebud S D AlsoBlUonleft side Cattle undercut on both ears Horses branded 4 on Idft shoulder Range on Antelope and Spring Creeks Louis Paul Didier Rosebud S D Horses P Cattle hole in each ear Kanire Biir and Little White Rivers a in to resDord and furnish testimony concern 1 skz n said alleged abandonment 35 GLOVER Register frSUqsijgjPa D Some branded Merrimaa Kelt Bros Brownlee Neb Right or left sida norses same on left shoulder Earmark Swal low tall clip right or left ear Range Big Creek Steadman Bros l I nMZ rjJUirtijjyyt and v t JBlViCCii VW3gmSSSSSZSr rssms EigassK4as6tiiss5aaaAaM j jjS3PaiiS iyissmi ID 417 on left side Horses JD on left hip Ranee in Meter co on Antelope Creek S LT Kimmel f U4UI J liichardr I Ml I - Charles Eichards yCCRl Tlaa lift 1 1 11 11 ri r 1 iir arerriraaii Nek I DGTj fj T m t Pass Neb Brand on right or left se Horses and somo cattle brand on left side and hip Iton rigo Var Bull rAke r N I SgrSfL 7 4 h n i 4 R 3fS m I i Hi W if j u f V 1