T A vr s These two words emphasize a neces sity and indicate a remedy SPRING the season when the blood is most impure as a result of the win ters closer confinement higher liv ing slower action of the kidneys and liver when humors of all kinds boils pimples and eruptions are most liable to appear when the weak languid condition of the whole bodily rtrwcture demands and wel comes help MEDICINE that to which the millions turn at this season Hoods Sarsapa rilla The original and only prep aration especially adapted to the present needs of the human family that which makes the blood pure and clean as shown by its thousands of wonderful cures of dreadful blood diseases creates an appetite and cures dyspepsia as shown by its magic touch in all stomach trou bles steadies and strengthens the nerves as proved by the people for merly nervous now calm and self- possessed thanks to four bottles I was like a new wo man I had been married nine years and had no children I now have a beautiful little girl and we feel assured she is the result of my taking the Compound Mat B Wilsox 323 Sassafras St Millville 1ST J Shall we en dure or cure Only those who have been relieved of great suffering can fully appreciate the gratitude with which the testi monials overflow written in favor of Hoods Sarsaparilla Just read this C I Hood Co Lowell Mass Gentleincn My first experience with Hoods Sarsaparilla was when I used it as a touic and spring medicine It did me so much good my faith in its merits No man is better please with the progress of civil service reform than the feilow who knows he cannot get an of fice Next to getting a thing yourself J nothing is so pleasant as to see some one else turned down rlopef isl Words to Childless Women The darkest days of husband and wife are when they come to look forward to a childless and desolate old age Manv a wife has found herself incapable of motherhood to some Great lack of strength in the organs of generation Such a condition is nearly always due to long con tinued neglect of the plainest warnings Frequent backache and distressing pains accompanied by offensive discharges and generally by irregular and scanty menstruation indicate a nerve de generation of the womb and sur rounding organs that unless speedily checked will result in barrenness Head Mis Wilsons letter DeabMrs Pinkiiam Noone could have suffered from female troubles more than I I had tumors on the womb my ovaries were diseased and for fifteen years I was a burden to myself I was operated upon ythree different times with only temporary relief also tried many doctors Lydia E Pink hams Vegetable Compound was recommended to me by a lady friend and after taking Modern science and past experience have produced aothing so effective in treating diseases of the female organs as Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Com pound and Sanative Wash used according to special directions If you know any woman who is suffering and who is unable to secure relief or who is sorrowful because she believes herself barren tell her to write to Mrs Pinkham at Lynn Mass and ask her advice The thousands of Mrs Pinkhams cures are all recorded for quick reference and a reply will be promptly sent wholly without charge that will direct her what to do Mrs B Bluhm 4940 San Francisco Ave St Louis Mo writes It has been my great desire to have a babe Since taking your medicine my wish is fulfilled EjdiaEPinKtiamsVegetaWeCompoandjAWomansRemeclyforWoinanIlls ttwiwni ii c I 23 BjprA WheatXj f Hove to prow wheat at lOea bw and 231 bus oats t f 173 liu barlev and 1C00 1hv potatoes per acre- I WTSEK OUU GRKAT CATALOGUE mailed you t r with 11 irriinu ccU nuinnlc upon receipt of J TTHIS SOTICE and lO cent lu Jump J A4UUB A DAlUJt ltiU l IA Iftlir II o IIA J f 4 CURE YDURSELF CUIZEBX I Ems Bir for nnnntnrnl I dibcharge6 inUaimimtiouB nnt u titiMnM v i Irrerenu ecaugtoa Paialess and not astrin iITHEEuksChehIWlGO sent or poisonous kClNCINKU0l 1 Sold by Uracrfsts VBX 7 I or sent in plain wraprcr by express prepaid for eiOO or3 bottles sp71 Circular seat on request Ask those who have used mm mm YymgMw y rBM iXzlJJ Ill el lei ifrY Ij I III rhtty MMF became very strong About t vo years inter I had a running sore on ray foot It developed into erysipelas and affected tho entire limb At that time I was Very Much Run Down as I had been troubled with dyspepsia The drain on my system was so severe and my stomach was so weak I became a ready victim of malaria I feared I could never regain my health My stomach re belled at the simplest food and the medi cines prescribed for me gave but little re lief I sent for a bottle of Hoods Sarsa parilla and I had taken this medicine but three days when I began to improve Con tinuing with it I am now better and stronger than I ever expected to be It has purified my blood and given good cir culation I have had no return of my old troubles since MRS W KANE Media Pa Hoods Sarsaparilla is The Medicine for You Because of what it has done for others because you ought this spring to take that which will do you the most good Americas Greatest Medicine because it cures when all others fail Be sure to get Hoods No Patriots in China As for the patriotism of the Chinese If it ever existed it is unquestionably a thing of the past At the time of the war with Japan China had two squad rons the main or northern squadron with headquarters at Port Arthur and and the southern squad ron composed of line Armstrong cruis ers of gunboats and torpedo boats As it was clear that the Japanese would carry the war into Manchuria and toward the gulf of Petchili tho southern squadron was ordered to pro ceed northward and to re enforce the northern licet Far from obeying the commanding admiral and his ollicers decided that being a great deal safer in the south they would quietly remain there and go up a river the entrance of which could be defended by torpedo mines which they hurried to lay Why in the name of Confucius should they have exposed themselves for the sake of defending the northern provinces About the same time the Chinese Government being in need of money to carry on the war decided that a small tax would be imposed upon the tea plantations most of whose proprietors are wealthy or at least well-to-do peo ple But these patriotic citizens in or der to avoid paying that small tax bog ged he foreign merchants to take the plantations in their names Illustrat ed American Lectured to Small Houses Pardon the old question said the tourist on the east bound Atlantic liner but how did the Americans im press you I hardly met enough of them to form an idea replied the English traveler in a manner somewhat cold add dis tant You went through the eouimy has tily perhaps Journeying for pleasure may I ask No sir I Avas lecturing sir A Youtnful SoJomon Dear me ejaculated the editor of the Ituralville Bazoo knitting his thoughtful brow fretfulhj What re markable questions some of our corre spondeats do ask to be sure It is bad enough to be called upon to tell how much of a snake is body and how much tail and what is the best brain fond for an aspig young poet and whelh er if ones uncle had not been his uncle he would not have been his aunt and if it foretells a cold winter when the dogs bark is thickest on the north sid j of the house and if subterfuge will an swer the same purpose as febrifuge and how to preserve amenities so that they will keep all winter and how to cure a calf which stutters so badly wiien he bellows that his own mother doesnt recognize him ami how to util ize a job lot of surplus post holes and how to make a boot jack that will act ually jack a boot every time without fail and bow to prevent that full feel ing after drinking lavishly of hard cider and how much A and B must use off from a given grindstone in order to bilk C out of his rightful share and when pantalets are going to come in fashion again and so forth and so un it is bad enough to impoverish ones gray matter to answer such questions but now comes old Constant Header and wants to know what a farmer can raise and always be sure to have a crop Lt Wasnt Clear to AVillic Willie Pa can any one see through glass Pa Certainly Willie Willie Then why cant Uncle Henry see through his glass eye BED FIT FOR A QUEEN One Woman Who Ought loIaeDown to Pleasant Dreams The sleeping apartments of Mrs Og den Mills of New York is the envy of all her friends Her bed is a throne like affair that was built in America After examining beds in the Parisian shops Mrs Mills decided that they were all lacking in the conveniences and comforts the modern American woman demands for her sleeping hours So she came home and of very plain oak her bed was built the lofty canopy frame put up the embroideries order ed from an American needlewoman hung and then the great curtains and coverlid were edged with forty pounds of bullion fringe These requisites for a perfect Marie Antoinette bed brought the price of it up far into the thou sands but the end was not yet A wonderful foundation of spiral steel springs first lined the inside of the couch on the top of this a thin felt mattress was placed and then on top a hair bed slipped in a big silken cover before sheets or blankets or blankets could be laid on Finally the head board decorated by the brush of an American artist was put into place and lastly the electrician was called in to give the finishing touches The good oees of the electrician war not an original idea on the part of Mrs Mills for all the new beds builr for comfort as well as beauty have first of all a tiny button that anyone lying on the pillow can easily reach up touch and turn on the light in a gioup of bulbs artistically arranged in the headboard In Mrs Mills bed a couple of gilded Cupids in this board hold each a spray of lights that shed their ra diance down softly over the pillow at the exact angle needed for comfortable reading To make the light perfectly agreeable and easy for the eyes the globes of glass are first ground and then treated with a varnish Hint sub dues the hard electric glare A Wonder Room There is a curious room in Chicago It is in one of the most imposing man sions of the city a mansion famed tor its dinners and balls This little room is fashioned of mirrors Ceiling floor and walls are all of mirrors some of which are convex and concave some flat The door is also of looking glass and it opens with a spring which it is not easy to find One of the jests of the household is to entice a guest into the glittering room close the door and leave him for a few moments to find his way out The effect upon the senses is bewildering The occupant sees himself in grotesque shapes all around He is dogged with caricatures of himself He sees himself with a fat and swelling face and with an elonga ted and phiz he perceives himself squat as a dwarf and towering like a beanpole and can find no escape from these absurd presentments of himself A Prompt Boy Small boy dashed breathless into a merchants office Is the guvnor in Yes what do you want Must see him myself most partik ler But you cant hes engaged Must see him immejit most par tikler The boys importunity got him in Well boy what do you want Dyer want a orffice boy sir You impudent young rascal No Weve got one No you aint sir hes just bin n i over in Cheapside Boy engaged Tid Bits nV - Dont place too much confidence in your companion when you are beside yourself ACHES AN A better Scale for less money than has ever been offered Address Jonps o I Blnghamton Blnguamton N Y Something Qatirely new FREIGHT PAID SCALES St Jacobs Oi SSZCSGSBZSaSKSOSSZSZ iT 5 AINS B For they know the comfort of prompt relief TITOE 150 aBbl Lcrcent Seed POTATO cronrers in America J The nurnIXcvr VorkcrclrrSALZER8 3 EARLIEST a yield of 464 bunhcU per acre 1rice dirt cheap Our rreat SEED BOUK 11 Farm j ScedSmplei worth HOloftla ttart or 10c and till ft notice J0iUilSilaSKSKDCOLBCroiietTliCH S e6G5 Ancient Entravagpnce The great display of jewels by women of fashion on both sides of the ocean has been severely criticised even by those who could well afford to wear them if they desired to But if the precedent of hisury furnishes any jus tification of this fashion the jewel wearers of the present day are thor oughly justified According to Pliny Lollia Paulina the wife of Caligula wore on her head arms neck hands and waist pearls and emeralds to the value of one million six hundred and eightj thousand dollars Faustina had a ring worth two hundred thousand dollars Domitia had one worth three hundred thousand dollars and Kae sonia had a bracelet worth four hun dred thousand dollars Seneca be wails that one pearl in each ear no longer suffices to adorn a woman they must have three the weight of which ought to be insupportable to them There were women of ancient Rome whose sole occupation was the heal ing of the ears of the belles who had torn or otherwise injured the lobes with the weight of their pendants Pop paeas ear rings were worth seven hun dred and fifty thousand dollars and Caesars wife Calpurnia had a pair valued at twice that sum Marie de Medici had a dress made for the cere monj of the baptism of her children which was trimmed with thirty two thousand pearls and three thousand diamonds and at the last moment she found it was so heavy she could not wear it and had to get another But men led in the splendor of the middle ages and Philip the Good of Burgundy often wore jewels valued at two hundred thousand dollars When he walked along the streets the people climbed over each other to look at him The Duke of Buckingham wore a suit at the Court of St James which cost four hundred thousand dollars The dress of the nobles during the middle ages was literally covered with gold and precious stones San Francisco Chronicle Playful lfog Causes Dtiatli Mrs Gregory aged 07 years living ar Datchworth near Hatfield England has just met with her death under ex traordinary circumstances Her collie dog in its excess of affection jumped up at her violently and knocked ber down causing serious injuries to which -he succumbed At the inquest Dr Hodges proved that her death was di rectly due to her being knocked down by the dog A verdict of accidental death was returned The Modern Generation cf Men Physically men are better to day than ever Our college youth are as a general thing magnificent specimens The con stitutionally weak and nervous can great ly increase their strength and restore the nervous system by the ellicient aid of IIos telters Stomach Bitters which also re moves dyspeptic and bilious trouble Lietrers Ofteitest Used The proportionate use of letters in the printing of a newspaper is as fol lows e 1000 t 770 a T2S i 704 s JJ 0 o G72 n 070 h o iO r 528 d 392 1 i00 u 200 c 2S0 m 272 f 20 w 100 y 1S1 p and g 10S b 15S v 120 k SS j 53 q 50 x 40 z 22 a to tal of 5J77 consonants and 3400 vow els In the matter of initial letters the proportion is much different S takes the lead with 310 c next with 037 then p 01 a 57J t 571 d 505 b 403 m 430 f 3SS i 377 c 340 h 308 1 20S r 201 w 272 g 200 u 22S o 200 v 172 n 153 j 00 q 53 k 47 y 23 z 18 and x 4 STJXI TIIBI113 IS MONEY IN IT Carl Vollen sold 330 of Salzers Cab bage Labor seed rent and all did not cost him S50 profit 300 You can beat that and make lots of money on Early Radishes Peas Lettuce Mushroom- Onions Sweet Corn Tomatoes Pota toes etc Salzer warrants his seeds the earliest in the world Potatoes only 150 per barrel Millions of Raspber ries Cherries Apples and small fruits Catalogue tells all about them Send this Notice 14c Stamps to John A Salzer Seed Co La Crosse Wis and get free their big Plant and Seed Catalogue and 10 packages vege table and flower seeds novelties worth 100 c n Mme Wagner is nothing if not active and possessed of exceptional foresight Already she has taken time by the fore lock and has drawn out the program of the Bayreuth festival for the initial year of the next century In 1901 will be given an exceptionally grand per formance of The Flying Dutchman one of Wagners early operas The maestros widow sneaks of mounting the work in a style hitherto quite un heard of with any piece that has yet been produced at the Bayreuth fest smcihaus Ask for Allens Foot Ease A powder to shake into your shoes It cures Corns and Bunions Chilblains Swollen Nervous Damp Sweatiug Smarting Hot and Callous Feet At all druggists and shoe stores 25c ASK TO DAY Sample FREE Address Allen S Olmsted LcRoy N Y rfard to Tell Medieus 1 never lost more than a half dozen patients in my life Cjnicus I dont see how you manag ed to make a living on only six St Louis Republic TO CURB A COLD 3N ONE DAY Take LasatUc Jiromo Quinine Tablets All Drusslsii refund the money if lt falls to cure 25c Wanted a Monopoly Miss Askins Im sure you had a fine Mme with all those young ladies at the i ashore Toodles Not very good There was pother man there Puck Pisos Cure for Consumption has been a family medicine with us since 1SG5 J R Madison 2409 42d ave Chicago Hi The latest tj pe of phonograph has been sent to Windsor castle for the purpose of procuring permanently the tones of Queen Victorias voice Rer majesty has consented to speak a cer tain message into the instrument MSBmmrnmmBammacBvmmmmmmBmmmm WOMEN AND THE V1EEL From the Gazelle Delaware Ohio The healthfulness of bicycle riding for women is a disputed question Used in moderation it surely creates for women a means of outdoor exercise the benefit of which all physicians concede Used to excess like any other pastime its effect is likely to be dangerous The experience of Miss Bertha Reed the seven teen yen r old daughter of Mr J R Reed 333 Lake street Delaware Ohio may point u moral for parents who like Mr and Mrs Reed have ex perienced some concern for their daugh ters who are fond of wheeling In the fail of 90 Miss Bertha who had rid den a great deal began to fail in an alarm in w m maimer Rest and quiet die Jft r2lU SS g3 mimm ysfcfl her absolutely no rood A Ifk n liTsicino lounil her i pulse at 104 j a very high f rate Think- j mg mis may have been due aj Swi c T 7 7r t o temporary nervousness when lie examined her he watched her closely but her pulse continued at that rate for two weeks He was satisfied then from her high pulse and steadily wasting con dition that she was suffering from anae mia or a bloodless condition of the body She became extremely weak and could not stand the least noise or excitement In this condition of affairs they were rec ommended by an old friend to get some of that famous blood medicine Dr Will iams Pink Pills for Pale People They did so and almost from the first dose Bertha began to improve She continued to take the pills and was by their means made entirely well and more grateful people than her parents cannot be found Dr Williams Pink Pills have proved a boon to womankind Acting directly on the blood and nerves they restore the J requisite vitality to all parts of the body creating functional regularity and per fect harmony throughout the nervous system The pallor of the cheeks is changed to the blush of health the eyes brighten the muscles grow elastic ambi tion is created and cood health returns Poverty is no disgrace unless it is the result of ones own meanness iWlnO A isr I Eataggg i mmm s CURES RHEUMATISM ETC A Recent Discovery That Is Worlcinz Wonders The most prevailing a factions that for a century have been jgaging the most scientific skill of the medical world are rheumatism neuralgia ca tarrh asthma la grippe and their kin dred ailments The country is full or sufferers from these complaints AI thought the most learned experts of the medical profession have labored for a century to produce a curative until quite recently no positive results were effected To the Swanson Rheumatic Cure Co 107 09 Dearborn street Chi cago belongs the credit for having pro duced the new remedy It is being ex tensively advertised under the trade mark of Five Drops The trade mark is self explanatory Five drops make a dose The effect is magical In days gone by other alleged cures have been marketed with the promise to take effect in thirty days or more Five Drops begins to cure at once immedi ate relief is felt In order to more ef fectively advertise Its merits tiie com pany will for the next thirty days send out 100000 of their sample bottles of this positive cure for 25 cents a bottle by mail prepaid Large bottle 300 doses 1 for thirty days 3 bottles 250 Those suffering should take im mediate advantage of this generous offer and write them to day A five cent stamp must adorn every day book ledger or other account book kept by a business house in Mexico Mother Grays Sweet Powders for Children Successfully used by Mother Gray nurse in the Childrens lloino in New York cure Feverishness Bad Stomach Teeth ing Disorders move and regulate tho Bowels and destroy Worms Over 10000 testimonials They never fail At all druggists 25c Sample FHEE Address Allen S Olmsted Le Eoy N Y Proud looks make foul work in fair face3 3Irs WIii doiT Sootiiiwh SYitui Xnr Children tpptdinc sottrns the dims reduces inflammation Hilars tain cureti wind colic - cent a bottle MJLJm EMSY Zas -- - - J - - E- J ISES2352S3E ni vuiiLj nv sjuitiij r33 A7 5sy S 1 ml l 3 MAKES C0LU1R3 AND GUFFS STIFF AND NICE II1 AS WHEN FIRST BOUGHT HEW jazz wf ONE POUND OF TKS STARCH WILL GO AS FAR AS A POUND AND A HALF OF AMY OTHER STARCHo 7HCHUBINGERBRGSX9 rra 1 i i1 ffmKzoKU kJowa New HavenConn JSitSii 762833 yiBaggggaBgBfflEEsggaEsaaaCfr i ml Wfc Eiilr iW i bP m in Wtim mm imi mm wMmF W V This starch is prepared on scientific principles by men who havo had years of practical experience in fancy laundering It restores old linen and snmmer dresses to thoir natural whiteness and imparts p beautiful and lasting iinish It Is tho only starch manufactured that is perfectly harmless containing neither arsenic alum or cay other substance injurious to liseu and can bo used even for a baby powder For sale by ali wholesae and retail grocers SC01 CONSTIPATION 1 25c 50c M DRUGGISTS I g 2SX S i i i nr AP- fJ II JIliiiTS d but haTc soM direct to the con ranter for C3 jean at ale rrics3 ivn hin thn o ueaier s prcj is snip any prhcre for examination Terylaing warranted 118 styles of Vehicles 55 styles of Jiarsws Trn K nvna 3TAnCrn i PliAurAn 1m YL7 6 9 wu3 ajjz Lf e apnns iwaa and ililt J jrrs La last war 15 adjudieaflnz claims attr i S XK7ZZttfrrftiS v vm wzwmg VvIPYvw tTOICT 1077 Surrey Harnesi Price 5I6W masons- send tor large free vQ eoaaQrT puw Catalog rf 11 onrW Sg1 ELrriABT CABSIAGE Ahl IU2SS3 igC CO W B PHXTT Ecj EmilAUT ISO Say Aye No aid Yeii Neer Be Mar ried Dont Refuse All Our Advice to Use Life Life Life Cutlers Carbolate of Iodine Pocket Inhaler Guaranteed to cure CATAKKH aniljronclutis All drug lsts By mail 100 Address A li SMITH CO Props KufTalo N Y lENSIONS PATENTS CLAIMS 70HNW MORRIS WASHINGTON D a Ita Principal Examiner n B Pension Boreas Tne best Bed Hope Eooflngrrorl cs RGGFNG1 5i ioou cips ana nans incinaea J ln y Manilla Rootinz Co Camden Jf J 11ET10N THIS PAPER irar wbictko to idtihuu S C N U Vk2 - 14 98 zMmmmjm CUHES WHEKE AIL FISP FfillS Best Cough Syrup Tastes Good In time Sod by drc sists UseH fKMK