The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, March 31, 1898, Image 5

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JMetzger Bros
wwij vwm
Rosebud S D
On left side
Horses branded
name on left hip or
Range on florso
Pullman Neb
Cherry Co
Brand on left tide
and thigh
Earmark square
crop right ear
Southern branded
cattle have but one
brand on left siilr
i Native cattle have
lllrnit iiitllr
m i iiiiintb iTailtb
Jtance on t union ana snake Creeks
Horses have same brandfou left thigh
A Retcarrt of 100 will be paid to anv
person for information leading to the arrest anil
final conviction of any person or persons steal
ing cattle with above brand
Joseph W Bownct
P O address
Mernman Nebr
Right car cropped
Holu In center of leit
Itango Lake creek
w Ma
v T
William M Dunbar
Lessee from Heine Krocger
Cody Neb
IUn Hither side
Iift ear oi cattle
itange ueaa or nay
Henry Pratt
Rosebud S 1
Left side
Horses same on
left shoulder
Dqerhnrh clip on
some cattle
William Shaiiffren
Cody Neb
7 I
Dulap underside oi
Jack Le Point
Mcrriman Neb
Cattle branded on
lert side Some on
hip also
liarmai k round hole
In center ot left ear
Also use
ifi4M nn cMa tii u I r nrt
Bear crocks
Charles II Faulhabe
Jk Hfe
w m nrjf
Brownlee Nebr
Either rightor left
side on cattle
Horses same on
left shoulder
Left ear cut off of
Itauge Loup river
Marshall Wolfenden
Kennedy Neb
Some 5 on the left
Horses s on left
JJnuid is small
Earmark Quarter
clip behind half cir
cle forward on leit wir
Ruuge Lone Tree
2m3 r
Louis F Richards
3Wi I Meiriman N
c CxittJ I J
TTAniCT IT- - TIT 1 iM7I
Charles Benard
Rosebud S D
Range Rig White
end rad Rivers
W JR Kissel
Brownlee Neb
Also some below
lett hin
Range Kissels
Wheeler Bros
Cody Neb
Range on the Snake
Rver uid Chamber
Liin tlat
TTiflBr i ii imi i it mmSn
Charles C Tackett
1 u f vmJe u
Rosebud 3 D
Range head of An
telope near 3t Marys
Horses branded
on left thigh
William F Schmidt
This Government Prepared for the Yorst
that Alay Come
The War and Navy Departments Have
Not Been Idle
Both Spain and the United fctates Have
Made Preparations Indicating a
Probable Conflict Ships Disposed So
as to Be More Advantageous Con
Kresa Importuned to Increase the
Kcular Army Purchase of War
Vessels Guns and Ammunition
Abroad Continues
Washington correspondence
The United Slates is prepared for war
Its magniGcent lleet of fighting ships is
lying within striking distance of Havana
Its coast cities and towns are strongly for
tified and guarded by coast defense ves
Bels fully equipped for business It has
immense supplies of ammunition and
stores distributed where they will be eas
ily available In regard to land forces it
has the army departments reorganized
reofficercd and its 25000 regulars so dis
tributed as to be within call of any point
threatened by the enemy Furthermore
it has the National Guardsmen of 115000
ready for any emergency
Spain too is prepared for hostilities
She has on Cuba fully SOOOO men the
army there having recently been re-enforced
She Las called out her reserves
and made every preparation to enlist vol
unteers She has quite a formidable lleet
at Havana and to support the Mime
quite a number of warships distributed
at other points in the West Indies She
has raised a small loan and is fast sup
plying her navy and army with every
thing that is necessary to their efficiency
Spain intends to fight if shes given half
a chance Her Government dare not do
otherwise else civil strife break out and
the monarchy be overthrown
In order to be fully prepared for what
ever may come a further disposition of
the warships on the Atlantic coast has
Veen made Two powerful fleets have
ment to shorter them The board will I
inspect the Ward line boats and is also
looking at steel yachts and at iron and
steel coal tugs Information received by
the Government shows that there werei
929 vessels of all types available for im
presuinent at its service Plans are near
completion for utilizing as many as possi
ble of these in connection with the naval
In the desire to have in the North At
lantic squadron coast a lleet superior to
any Spain might send to Cuba the naval
authorities ordered the first class battle
ship Oregon to proceed with all dispatch
from San Francisco to Key West by way
of Cape Horn Protection to the Pacific
coast afforded by the Charleston Pliila
delphia and Monterey is considered effi
cient by the officials who point out that
a Spanish war vessel would have no coal
ing facilities there Work is being hasten
ed on the Newark Charleston and Phila
delphia and Chief Constructor Hichborn
announced the other day that these vessels
would be ready for service on May 15
Southern Republics and Britain Would
Follow Our Example
There has been much discussion in
Washington during the last few days on
the question of the attitude of foreign
powers in the event of the recognition of
the independence of Cuba by the United
States The President has been told that
many if not all the Southern republics
would recognize the independence of Cuba
simultaneously with the United States
and although no official declaration as far
as can be ascertained has yet come from
Great Britain on that point the earnest
desire of that country to avert war be
tween the United States and Spain will
it is believed induce her to promptly fol
low any action in this direction which may
be taken by this country
Appreciating as they do that such joint
action would be one of the strongest guar
antees against war the administration
officials are naturally anxious that othei
countries should follow our course in rec
ognising the new republic
Insurance Companies Take Action Com
cernixig Gulf shipments
Insurance companies carrying risks on
American breadstuffs for export are
charging war rates This applies to all
shipments from the Atlantic and Gulf oi
Mexico ports
One of the largest exporting firms in St
Louis has been endeavoring to secure an
expression from the big insurance com
panies that insure exports but was not
successful until Monday when it was
wired that war rates were in effect This
is one quarter of 1 per cent added to the
regular rate covering loss from all
VWYAJ - r - - f
utline Map Showing the Various Departments as They Ar Now Constituted
Importance of he Department of the Gulf May Be Headily f jeen
jeeu created one at Key West to guard
die gulf and be in readiness to make a
lemonstration against Havana and an
ther at Hampton Roads to guard the
North Atlantic coast and serve in case
3f emergency as a support to the Gulf
fleet Besides coast defense vessels have
been disposed at the principal harbors
Each fleet consists of battleships double
turreted monitors armored cruisers gun
boats torpedo boats and torpedo boat de
itroyers Spain has also divided her
ivailable ships into squadrons One will
defend Havana another will guard home
cities and a third will hold itself in readi
ness to proceed wherever directed To
effect this arrangement she halted her
torpedo boat flotilla at the Canary islands
and retained the second fleet about to sail
from Cadiz Spain evidently intends to
have a flying squadron to utilize wher
ever opportunity occurs
Vessels Made Ready for War
At League Island Key West and other
points all warships have been coaled to
their full capacity and have been supplied
with a full quota of all kinds of ammuni
tion The Montgomery has been over
hauled since her return from Havana and
the gunboats Helena and Bancroft also
Preparations have been made with the
secrecy and assignments to the one fleet or
the other have been carried on so guarded
ly that it is impossible to find out just
where any vessel is going to be found
when the first shot is fired The newly
acquired Brazilian cruiser Amazonas un
der convoy of the San Francisco will ar
rive in a few days all ready for service
Her sister ship will be brought across the
Atlantic within two weeks and completed
in an American yard Several other ves
sels will have in the meantime been pur
chased and added to our available war
So delicate is the situation that our Gov
ernment cannot wait for guns to be manu
factured by our own shops but is pur
chasing them in England and Germany
These guns being of a caliber different
from ours ammunition has to be purchas
ed with them Batteries are moving from
the West to the Atlantic and Gulf coast
cities and large quantities of ammuni
tion and supplies are being forwarded in
advance of their arrival A bill was in
troduced in Congress providing for the
increase of the regular army to 104000
men another for the building of three bat
tleships with an amendment increasing
them to twelve and for the construction
of six torpedo boats and six torpedo boat
Steps have been taken by the Navy De
partment to re enforce the ships in service
The board on auxiliary cruisers has exam
ined the American liner St Louis and
mpasured her for armament The owners
of the fleet which comprises this vessel
and the St Paul New York and Paris
will ft is said not insist on the purchase
of these vessels by the Government as it
has a right to do in the event of their im
pressment but will nermit the Govern
nary causes On parcel shipments this is
an advance of 50 per cent The regular
cargo rate is live eighths of 1 per cent
from Atlantic and three quarters of 1 per
cent from gulf ports The cause for the
adoption of war rates is that in the event
of hostilities any ship carrying the Ameri
can flag would not be safe from attack
by a Spanish war vessel
Posters Calling for Recruits Are Is
sued at Washington
Men wanted for the United States
navy Large posters with flaming head
lines and magnificent portraits of two bat
tleships were issued from the Navy De
partment in Washington Monday Those
will be sent throughout the country and
the work of enlistment will follow The
age required is IS to 35 years the pay
ranges from 1S per month to 40
The following classes of men are desir
ed Seamen ordinary seamen chief ma
chinists machinists first class machinists
second class All applicants must pass a
physical examination The department in
Washington accepts no enlistments Ap
plicants are referred to the following re
cruiting stations Boston Brooklyn New
York League Island navy yard Wash
ington D C navy yard United States
steamer Michigan at Erie Pa New Or
leans Mare Island navy yard Norfolk
navy yard and Gloucester Mass
Capital Citys Defenses Are at Tast
Practically Completed
The preparation for the defense of the
national capital has been practically com
pleted so far as its approach by water is
The battery at Sheridans Point on the
Potomac just above Mount Yernon is
now completely manned and will prove a
powerful auxiliary to the main battery
at Fort Washington on the opposite shore
of the river nearer the city A garrison
was established at Fort Washington sev
eral months ago It consists of a detach
ment of the Fourth artillery from Wash
ington barracks under command of Cap
tain Howe
The work of building the emplacements
and mounting the guns at Sheridan Point
was completed only a short time ago and
its establishment as a poBt was accom
plished only within the past few days
when battery K of the Fourth artillery
arrived thero tfrom Fort Monroe and went
into camp
Anxious for War with Spain
The Indianapolis Common Council pass
ed resolutions urging that war be declar
ed against Spain if the naval court of in
quiry reports that Spain directly or indi
rectly caused the Maine disaster and that
the United States should insist upon the
evacuation of Cuba by the Spanish army
and suitable- indemnity for the loss of the
The House on Saturday passed the
postoffice appropriation bill which had
been under consideration since Wednes
day The main points of attack in the de
bate were the appropriation of 30000
000 for railway transportation of mails
and 171000 for special facilities be
tween New York and New Orleans and
25000 for special facilities from Kansas
City to Newton Kas These items an
nually attract more or less of a contest
This year the opposition seemed to be less
intense All effort to reduce the appro
priation for railroad transportation sig
nally failed and the vote on Southern
mail subsidy was 77 to OS against strik
ing out By neat parliamentary maneu
vering the opponents of the subsidy were
prevented from getting a direct vote on a
motion to recommit with instructions
The Maine relief bill was passed unani
mously by the House on Monday The
Senate bill to satisfy the claim of the
legal representatives of John Itoach
amounting to 331151 for labor material
and dockage furnished by Itoach and the
occupation of his yards by the gunboats
Chicago Boston and Atlanta was taken
up out of its order and a long and bitter
fight followed Without action upon the
claim the House took a recess until 8
oclock The evening session was devo
ted to the consideration of private pension
bills In the Senate Mr Bacon introduced
an amendment which he announced he
would offer to the resolution providing for
the annexation of the Hawaiian Islands
to the United States The amendment
provides that the resolution shall not be
effective until the question of annexation
shall have been submitted to the qualified
electors of Hawaii and passed upon af
firmatively by them Mr Allen secured
the passage of a resolution calling upon
the Secretary of the Interior for informa
tion as to the number of all classes of
pensioners including the percentage of
men and women and children carried on
the pension rolls A number of bills of
minor importance were passed
In the House on Tuesday the naval ap
propriation bill was reported but as it had
not been printed the contested election
case of Thorpe versus Eppes from the
fourth Virginia district was taken up and
debated until 4 oclock when owing to
the illness of Mr Rhea of Kentucky who
was to have spoken in the afternoon the
House adjourned In the Senate the
quarantine bill was further debated Mr
Carter of the Committee on Territories
called up the measure reported by him
making further provisions for a civil gov
ernment of Alaska and addressed the
Senate at length upon it Mr Gallinger
who recently returned from a trip to Cuba
announced that he would briefly address
the Senate upon his observations in Cuba
Mr Foraker presented the credentials of
his colleague Mr ITanna for the term
as United States Senator covering six
years from March 4 1S90 The creden
tials were read and ordered filed Among
the bills passed was that to raise the age
of protection for girls in the District of
Columbia and the territories to 18 years
In the House on Wednesday It T
Thorp was given the seat from the fourth
Virginia district Sidney P Epes who
obtained the certificate of election was
unseated by a strict party vote The Ite
publicans without a break voted for
Thorp and the Democrats and Populists
with the exception of Mr Howard of xlla
bama a Populist voted for Epes Mr
Thorp contested the seat of Mr Kenney
in the laht Congress and was seated The
Republican majority in the House which
was 52 when the House convened last
summer is now 54 In the Senate the
bill for the relief of the Maine victims
was passed without debate Senator Gal
linger related his observations in Cuba
The Senate then resumed consideration of
the bill making further provision for a
civil government in Alaska and later took
up the national quarantine bill Its con
sideration had not been concluded when
the Senate adjourned
Debate on the naval appropriation bill
consumed the day in the House on Thurs
day Adjourned until Friday In the
Senate Mr Thurston in a thrilling speech
told what he saw in Cuba A number of
bills on the calendar were passed Mr
Bate presented resolutions in ryemory of
the late Senator Isham G Harris of Ten
nessee and eulogies were delivered by Mr
Bate Mr Morrill Vermont Mr Mor
gau Alabama Mr Hoar Massachu
setts Mr Walthall Mississippi Mr
Hawley Connecticut Mr Cockrell Mis
souri Mr Stewart Nevada Mr Chil
ton Texas and Mr Turley Tennessee
The Senate adjourned until Mondaj
Friday in the House was spent in con
sideration of the naval appropriation bill
TKve was much filibustering and only
f pages of the bill were gone over Ad
journed until Saturday The Senate was
not in session
Told in a Few Lines
Pear Eytinge the actress is in a New
York hospital insane from the morphine
Over 700 deaths occurred from the
black plague in Bombay India during
During the cattlemens convention at
Fort Worth Tex stock to the value of
2000000 changed hands
A committee of the Norwegian parlia
ment has recommended universal suffrage
to all men above 25 years of age
Negotiations by the Government for the
purchase of the two Japanese cruisers
now being built in the United States are
A 7 inch vein of almost pure sulphide
of silver was struck seven miles west of
Ahumada in the State of Chihuahua
Mex The ore assays 22000 ounces per
Advices from Madrid describe the Span
ish people as in a very nervous condition
The slightest hint of good will from a for
eign paper is looked upon as an evidence
of impending alliance
A clergyman while opening the New
Jersey Senate with prayer asked that the
Emperor of Germany might be forgiven
if his failure to size this country up prop
erly was due to insanity
Two negroes are to be sold into bond
age at Glasgow Ky They have repeated
ly been convicted of vagrancy and the
county has advertised their services for
lale for the time of their imprisonment
This market always keeps a supply of
In addition to a first class line of Steaks Koasts Dry Salt Meats
Smoked Hams Breakfast JBacon and Vegetables
AtStetters Old Stand on Main Street VALENTINE NEBRASKA
- -II I I I I
wjL jf k r - n s x- jt r n x ji f ft w r r rt - - i - - r Jw
T T TW w w
nniTnPQ a Kin nnAPC
4 i rivf w vivvj j xi vx ilu
Of the Choicest Brands
tyqpS3pV7 5P W W W V V V S S V V W WV W 8
C H LOIZXEIjIj President
4 Hot and Cold Water
Jl V XKltHOLSOy Cashier
Valentine Nebraska
1 General Banking Susiness Transacted
JSutjs and Selts domestic and Foreign JEaceJianyc
Correspondents Chemical National Bank New York First National Bank Oinalia
4 9
z v
Js continually adding improvements and it is now the
best equipped and most comfortable
Excellent Bath Room Two Sample Focms
it3B5yVSSiP g jp 3 jp w cy lj p ea p iJVilIVlVVV
Valentine Nebraska
Every facility extpnded customers consistent with conservative banking
Exchange bought and sold Loans upon good security solicited at reasonably
rates County depository
Notary Public
Real Estate
Valentine Nebraska
Sa0P000 Bond Filed
SotttJi of Court House
To keep our great factory
busy and introduce early our
did 93 models we have concluded to
make a marvelous offer direct to the rider
For 3o days we will sell samples of our
swell 93 bicjcles at net cost to manufac
ture and will ship C O D on approval
to any address on receipt of the nominal
sum oi ioo if west of Denver So This s
ElHf TlIM ill
deposit is merely to show good faith on purchaser9
part if you dont want to send money in advance send
your express agents guaranty for charges one way and
we will pay them the other if you dont want the wheeL
WfittQ N Hisbeat erade embodying every lato
y nient of valne V4 inch imported tubing flash
joints improved two pieco crenke arch crown large detachabla
sprockets handsomest finish and decorations Morgan Wrighe
coick repair tires Binsle or donblBtnbehihfrafPonTn
meet Special price on sample 2900
CQSSSC fv A 8plendid snachine eqnal to any for eerviceand easr running BestlH inei
i iiuuilr i seamless tnbing two piece cranks arch crown detachable sprockets finely
finkhed and decorated Morgan Wright qnick repair tirea single or doable tabe
high grade equipment Omrspecial sample price Ci fifl
r v m
PtljONQTr Best medinmgrado for 1893 iya inch tnbing striped and decorated arei
ooJbe crown dost proof bearings ball retainers best Indiana or New
Brunswick tires standard equipment Special price oa cample 1900
NOTE Choice of Color Style Height of Frame Gear etc Fully Guaranteed
You will be surprised at the appearance and quality of these wheels Dont wait order
now while this offer is ioppn Prices will be much higher soon Yon can makoBkrMoner
as our Agent selling for us We give our agents choice of cash tho free use of a Bsmvlm
wheel or gift of a wheel accordingto work done Buvm
Do Yom Want Cheap Wheels
We have numbers of 1S95 and 1897 model wheels of various makes and
etyles some a little shop worn but all now 1200 10 j 1600
Wheels Slightly Used Modern Types - 800 to 1200
Onr business and reputation are known throughout tho country Beferenceg any of tfea
express companies or any bank in Chicago Art Catalogue free 8ecare agency atones
The J L Mead Cycle Co - Chicago