The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, March 31, 1898, Image 4

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4 I
roof of a Submarine Mine Given
in the Findings of the Court of
i Inquiry No Evidence Found
to the Responsibility
Message to Congress
Except on the occasion of the inaugura
tion of a president no such crowds as
surged through the corridors and stormed
the galleries for admission have been seen
at the national capitol for a quarter of a
century Public interest over the report
of the Maine court of inquiry was at a
white heat People began to assemble by
by daylight Monday and at 9 oclock
thiee hours before the time for the houses
of congress to meet the public galleries
were crowded and long lines of disappoint
ed persons stretching down the stairways
Many distinguished persons were in the
jeserved galleries There was nearly as
much excitement on the floors of the two
houses as in the galleries In the house
as soon as the preliminary business was
disposed of the report of the Maine court
of inquiry accompanied by a message
irom the president was read There was
an outburst of applause when the meesago
-was concluded It was referred without
debate to the committee on foreign affairs
The president after reciting his reasons
for sending the big battleship to Havana
Hie explosion which took the lives of 262
of the United States bravest men con
cludes his message as follows
There were two distinctexplosions with
a brief interval between them The first
lifted the forward part of the vessel very
perceptibly the second which was more
pronounced is attributed by the court to a
partial explosion of two or more of tiie
forward magazines The evidence of the
divers establishes that the after part of the
-ship was practically intact and sank in
that condition a very few minutes after
the explosion The forward part was
completely demolished Upon the evi
dence of concurrent external cause the
finding of the court is as follows
Frame 17 of the outer shell of the ship
from a point UJ feet from the middle
line of jlhe ship and six feet above when
in normal position has been forced up so
as to be now about 4 feet above where it
would be had the ship sunk uninjured
The outside bottom plating is bent into a
-reversed V shape the after wing of
which about 15 feet broad and 32 feet in
length from frame 17 to frame 25 is
doubled back upon itself against a contin
uation of the same plating extending for
At frame IS the vertical keel is broken
in two and the keel bent into au angle
similar to the angle formed from the out
side plates This break is about G feet be
low the surface of the water and about 30
feet above its normal position
In the opinion of the court Ihis effect
could have been produced only by an ex
plosion of a mine situated under the bot
tom of the ship at about frame 18 and
somewhat on the port side of the ship
The conclusions of the court are
That the loss of the Maine was not in
5iny respect due to the fault or negligence
of any officers or the crew
That the ship was destroyed by the ex
plosion of a submarine mine which caused
Hie partial explosion of two or moie of hei
forward magazines and
That no evidence has been obtainable
fixing the responsibility for the destruc
tion of the Maine upon any person or per
I have directed the finding of the court
of inquiry and the views of this govern
ment thereon to be communicated to the
government of her majesty the Queen of
Spain and I do not permit myself to doubt
the sense of justice of the Spanish nation
-will dictate a course of action suggested
by honor and the f rendly relations of the
two governments
It was the duty of the executive to ad
vise congress of the result and in the
meantime deliberate consideration is
Missouri Judge Holds that Boards
of Trade Have that Right
Judge E P Gates at Kansas City lias
rendered a decision which is important to
every board of trade and commercial or
ganization in the country The case grew
out of a dispute between the F A Farmer
Commission Company and the Perrine
Bros Commission Company over the pay
ment of a debt of 227250 The Farmer
Company was ordered to submit the dis
pute to arbitration and when the commit
tee ordered the Farmer Company to pay
the sum in dispute to the Perrine Company
he Farmer Company flatly refused Then
the board of trade notified the Farmer
Company that it would be expelled and to
prevent this Farmer obtained a temporary
restraining order Judge Gates dissolved
the order holding that the members of the
board of trade must be bound by its by
laws otherwise the corporation would be
inactive He held therefore that the
toard had the right to expel the Farmer
To Prevent Yellow Fever
With a view to preventing if possible
a recurrence of the yellow fever epidemic
of last fall in the southern states the ma
trine hospital service of the treasury de
partment is taking extraordinary precau
tions to compel the most punctilious ob
servance of the sanitary and quarantine
regulations throughout its jurisdiction
Sheep Shearing Pens
Extensive sheep shearing pens are being
erected at the ranch of J F Ash three
miles from Basin City Wyo on the 13ig
- Horn River Twelve thousand head of
sheep have been contracted for the open
ing of the shearing season and over 59000
will be handled during the year
Death of a Congressman
Representative John Simkins of the
Thirteenth district of Massachusetts died
Sunday night at his residence in Washing
ton of heart failure induced by gastric
Dipping Process indorsed by Dr
Conn away
Under the direction of the Missouri san
itary board Dr Con na way of Fort Worth
Texas has been conducting experiments
relative to the eradication of the southern
or splenetic fever The cattle were pro
cured from the Texas experimental sta
tion The doctor concludes that ticks
communicate the fever and even goes so
far as to affirm that ticks hatched in the
laboratory are entirely capable of com
municating the disease if they are the
progeny of ticks taken fiom cattle brought
from the infected districts The doctor
sajs he has every confidence in the dip
ping process becoming generally success
ful and its results will be to entirely free
cattle from the fever breeding ticks
Three dipping he says are necessary to
thoroughly do the work of making south
ern cattle perfectly safe for shipment to
northern ranges
Favorable Western and North
western Reports the Feature
Bradstreets Weekly Review says The
favorable features of the week in dis
tributive trade have been the reports
coming with few exceptions from all
parts of the west and northwest and
marred only by the check to business and
shipments caused by heavy rains and high
water in the Ohio valley The coarse cot
ton goods situation does not improve in
any way and declines in print cloths to a
still lower record quotation render in
creasingly imminent action by manufac
turers toward curtailing production in
this line While some woolen goods mills
have already booked good orders the bus
iness done as a whole has not been up to
anticipations Raw wool however does
not reflect the rather unsatisfactory con
dition in the manufactured product in
lower quotations
Louisiana Constitutional Convention
Perfects a Plan
By a vote of 95 to 28 with eleven dele
gates absent the Louisiana constitutional
convention in session at New Orleans on
Friday adopted a suffrage plan It took
forty five das to reach a verdict The
avowed purpose was to eliminate the ne
gro from Louisiana politics The measure
adopted by providing for educational and
property qualifications and a poll tax is
presumed to answer the purpose effect
ively At the same time it was desired to
let in as many white people as possible
and this is accomplished by exempting
naturalized voters as well as those who
were voters in 18G7 with their sons and
Gigantic Swindle Discovered by U
S Agents at Providence R I
Pension frauds said by the investigating
Agent of the pension department to be the
greatest ever known in the United States
have been discovered in Providence R I
Two arrests have been made and fifteen
other warrants have been sworn out
against claim agents of that city and vicin
ity and others charged with perjury and
uttering forged checks or pension vouchers
The amounts fraudulently secured will
reach in the aggregate many thousands of
dollars In one case alone 15000 had
been traced
Sir Thomas Smith Surgeon to the
Queen Called in Consultation
Sir Thomas Smith surgeon extraordi
Jiarj to the queen of England who was
called in consultation upon the case of Mr
Gladstone said to an interviewer that after
the examination Mr Gladstone begged
him not to say a word about his condition
unless the queen asked for information on
the subject The surgeon confirmed the
report that Mr Gladstone was suffeiing
intense pain and was very ill
Billy Hart Badly Hurt
During the practice game of the Pitts
burg National League team Saturday
afternoon at Little Rock Ark Pitcher
William Hart who played with the St
Louis Browns the last two seasons and
recently joined the Pittsburg club was
struck by a ball from the bat of William
Schriver and had his jaw broken in two
places It is believed that he will be able
to resume his place in the team in three or
four weeks
Kills His Wife and Himself
William Osterhage murdered his wife
at Vincennes Ind Thursday then
then placed tho revolver to his head and
blew his brains out Mrs Osterhage had
just rsturned from a three weeks visit at
Petersburg and in less than half an hour
was murdered The husband and wife
had been separated for some time and on
her return he begged her to live with him
but she refused to do so Then came the
Women Burn a Saloon
A report comes from Otoe southwest of
Wichita Kan and near the Oklahoma
line that twenty women raided and
burned a saloon building a mile south of
there It was claimed to have long been
a Sunday resort for lawless characters
Rev A C Fairchild a Baptist minister
who had been prominent in the crusade
was shot and severely wounded by un
known uarties as he was returning home
Train Rol s Down Eiubanknient
A combination tr tin on the houth Park
and Hill Top Railroad at Denver Colo
left the track Sunday and rolled down an
embankment None of the passengers
were seriously injured but a number of
persons sustained cuts and bruises
Declines to Sell the Dante Buena
The Fanfulla a newspaper published in
Rome says the Italian government has de
clined to sell to the United States the war
ship Dana Buena for which 30000000
lire was offered being 5000000 over her
ost price
Killed While Resisting Arrest
Sheriff Bell attempted to arrest George
Yarber at Brownwood Texas when the
latter opened fire fatally wounding the
sheriff Yarber was shot through the
heart dying instantly
lfiraBJa uatan
Beautiful Floral Tribute Presented
by Consul General Uapt Sigsbee
Pays a High Tribute to Gen Lee
in Responding Other News Items
Sigsbee Leaves Havana
Capt Sigsbee of the Maine and other
officers left Havana for Key West Satur
day morning on the steamer Olivette No
one present will ever forget the scene in
the cabin of the Olivette just before that
boat sailed for Key West On the center
table stood a large floral piece intended to
represent a ship Near the flowers stood
Consul General Lee At his left was Capt
Sigsbee while grouped around were naval
officers and newspaper men to the number
of a score American ladies were there
too In a voice trembling with emotion
Gen Lee in behalf of the newspaper men
presented the flowers to the captain With
wet eyes and those who looked on felt the
moisture too Gen Lee bade Capt Sigsbee
and his companions adieu wishing them
good fortune now and always to which
there was a deep chorus of assents as
Capt Sigsbee stepped forward in the
circle The captain could not trust him
self to speak of his ship but he could
say and gladly what he had put into
cipher dispatches to the navy department
that all the newspaper men in navanahad
treated him with absolute good faith had
never intruded upon him and had never
taken advantage of the confidence placed
m them On ins part he added he had
never refused to see newspaper men
Then turning to Gen Lee Capt Sigs
bee paid him a high tribute He said
We all love him Cries of right cap
tain we do as being bravery geniality
and good judgment personified The
captain also said The United States has
no better representative abroad than gal
lant Fitzhugh Lee consul general at Ha
vana Loud applause
Capt Sigsbee thanked the donors and
they all left the Olivette as the whistle
blew after giving a parting grip of the
hand to all those leaving for home
White Couple and a Colored Man
Killed in Atlanta
Firemen responding to an alarm at an
early hour Monday morning at Atlanta
Ga found the bodies of Mr and Mrs AV
II Briley white and Robert Wilkinson
colored in a store at 75 Humphreys Street
which was being rapidly destroyed by fire
The bodies however were taken out
without being marred by the flames All
were horribly mutilated the instruments
two heavy hatchets and a meat knife
being found on the floor Mr Briley was
struck from behind as two large wounds
back of the ear attested Mrs Briley had
five wounds In the back of her iiead and
her throat was cut from ear to ear The
head of the negro was crushed in Mr
Briley was the proprietor of the store and
it is believed that robbery was the motive
War Scare Seriously Interferes with
Its Transportation
The cotton buyeis and brokers of Texas
are becoming alarmed at the situation in
their business brought on by war rumors
They find it impossible to secuie insurance
on export cotton from either Galveston or
New Orleans as the insurance people will
not accept the cotton with the present war
cloud hovering over the country Several
foreign firms have wired their state buyers
to ship on British bottoms only as they
are considered the only safe means of
transportation in case of war At least a
third of the Texas cotton crop is to be
moved yet and the present war scare is
felt seriously in the marketing of the
Disastrous Experience of the Seal
ing Steamer Greenland
A St Johns F dispatch says that
the sealing steamer Greenland which put
into Bay de Verde Sunday night with a
story of terrible disaster to her crew on
Wednesday and Thursday while among
the ice floes in search of seals arrived
there Monday She reported 25 men
dead 23 missing and 05 so fearfully frost
bitten that about 20 of them will lose their
limbs The colony is aghast at the mag
nitude of tho disaster Nothing like it
has ever been known befoie
Jackson Wants Another Fight
Jackson has now made up his mind not
to retire from the ring ne wants another
match with Jeffries The Olympic Club
has the call on Jeffries and Sharky for
next month Jeffries has agreed and
Sharkey is expected to consent If
Sharkey makes it impossible to arrange a
match Jeffries has agreed to meet Malier
before the Olympic Club The battle
whichever man he takes on will be pulled
off the latter part of April
Vetoes the Anti Cigarette Law
Lieut and Acting Gov Worthington
of Kentucky has vetoed the Walker anti
cigarette bill The measure contained
stringent penalties against the manufac
ture sale or use of cigarettes or cigarette
material or having these articles in ones
possession It was backed by the W C
T U but warmly opposed by the tobacco
interests of the slate
Chalmers Murderers Indicted
William Lamon a merchant G W
Gains agent of the Missouri Kansas and
Texas Railroad and L A Sharpe a sec
tion hand all of Gibson Station I T
have been indicted by the federal grand
jury at Wagoner I T for murdering Ed
Chalmers and Wife who were killed by a
mob near Wybark
Want to Fight Spain
Three hundred and fifty La Fayette
students made anti Spanish demonstra
tions at Easton Pa the other night They
marched through the streets offered Pres
ident McKinley their service in war and
afterward burned a flag supposed to rep
resent the standard of Spain
Naval Boards Verdict Is that Ex
plosion Came from Outside
flie naval board of inquiry into the
Mtline disaster finds the explosion which
destroyed the Maine came from the out
side does not fix the responsibility for the
disaster does not express an opinion as to
the character of the explosive but the
testimony goes to show it was a powerful
submarine mine the exact character of
which is not determined by the testimony
though the belief is expressed that it was
what is known as a floating submarine
mine The board finds there were two ex
plosions the first from the outside which
set off one of the smaller magazines
Secretary Long and Lieut Commander
Marix delivered the naval boards report
to the president at 940 Saturday morning
Long and Marix remained till the mem
bers of the cabinet appeared when the
former went into the cabinet room while
Marix lemained in an adjoining room
subject to call The report of the board
was gone over carefully and a general
discussion of its leading features followed
Marix was called in to answer questions
and explain some matters not fully cov
ered by the report The meeting lasted
till after 1 p m After the adjournment
the members declared that no further
statement would be made till the contents
of the report were transmitted to congress
A sensational report was current in
Washington at midnight Friday that the
president had decided to intercept the
Spanish torpedo flotilla which sailed from
the Canaries Thursday It is said that
papers have been sent to two vessels of
the north Atlantic squadron to proceed to
head off the torpedo fleet This report
could not be verified Whether it is true
or not every official of the government
admitted that the situation is far more
grave than it has been since the strained
relations between the United States and
Spain first became a subject of general
Verdict of the Coroners Jury After
Two Weeks Deliberation
Thomas Walsh of Joliet 111 was
murdered This is the verdict reached by
the coroners jury Walsh disappeared
from a barber shop adjoining the whole
sale grocery store of his brother Robert
Walsh Saturday night March 5 Sunday
morning his body was found in Plainfield
in a ditch by the side of the Elgin Joliet
and Eastern Railroad tracks ten miles
from Joliet The Joliet police have in
clined to the theory that it was suicide
but the jury thought otherwise after two
weeks deliberation The verdict was
generally satisfactory to the members of
the Walsh family and a disappointment to
the police department
Window Glass Plants Shut Down
The window glass troubles are spread
ing The Anderson Window Glass Com
pany plants at Anderson Ind threaten
to shut down At Frankton the plants
were shut down by a strike Indications
are that every plant in the country will
be shut down before the week is over
President Burns action in withdrawing
from the arbitration session at Orestes
hastened matters
Scarcity of Seed Grain
A dispatch from Otto Wyo states that
there is a scarcity of seed grain in the Big
Horn basin this spring that threatens to
seriously interfere with planting a full
acreage of grain especially of wheat
The high prices last fall induced many
of the ranchmen of the region to sell
closely and they are now short of seed
Parnclls Mother Dead
Mrs Delia Tudor Parnell mother of the
late Charles Stewart Parnell died Sunday
night at Avondale Rathdrum County
Wicklow Ireland as the result of burns
received Saturday from the igniting of her
clothing while she was sitting before a
Hanging at Colfax Wash
John Leonard was hanged at Colfax
Wash Friday before a thousand people
for the murder July 18 1800 of Jacob
Malquist a Swede saloonkeeper at Texas
Sail for New York
Lloyds reports that the United States
cruisers San Francisco and Now Orleans
which sailed from England Monday are
bouud for New York
Chicago Cattle common to prime
300 to 575 hogs shipping grades
300 to 425 sheep fair to choice 250
to 500 wheat No 2 red 104 to 105
corn No 2 28c to 29c oats No 2 25c
to 2Gc rye No 2 4Sc to 50c butter
choice creamery 17c to 19c eggs fresh
9c to 10c potatoes common to choice
50c to 70c per bushel
Indianapolis Cattle shipping 300 to
550 hogs choice light 300 to 425
sheep common to choice 300 to 500
wheat No 2 93c to 95c corn No 2
white 31c to 32c oats No 2 white 29c
to 31c
St Louis Cattle 300 to 575 hoes
300 to 425 sheep 300 to 475
wheat No 2 97c to 9Sc corn No 2
yellow 2Gc to 2Sc oats No 2 2Gc to 27c
rye No 2 4Sc to 50c
Cincinnati Cattle 250 to 525 hogs
300 to 425 sheep 250 to 475
wheat No 2 red 97c to 9Sc corn No 2
mixed 31c to 32c oats No 2 mixed 2Sc
to 29c rye No 2 51c to 53c
Detroit Cattle 250 to 550 hogs
300 to 425 sheep 250 to 500
wheat No 2 95c to 97c corn No 2
yellow 29c to 31c oats No 2 white 30c
to 31c rye 51c to 53c
Toledo Wheat No 2 red 97c to 98c
corn No 2 mixed 30c to 31c oats No 2
white 2Gc to 2Sc rye No 2 50c to 51c
clover seed 2S5 to 295
Milwaukee Wheat No 2 spring 97c
to 99c com No 3 29c to 30c oats No
2 white 28c to 30c rye No 1 49c to 51o
barley No 2 42c to 44c pork mess
950 to 1000
Buffalo Cattle 300 to 550 hogs
300 to 425 sheep 300 to 525
wheat No 2 red 98c to 100 corn No
2 yellow 32c to 34c oats No 2 white
30c to 32c
New York Cattle 300 to 550 hogs
300 to 450 sheep 300 to 500
wheat No 2 red 103 to 105 corn No
2 3Gc to 37c oats No 2 white 31c to
32c butter creamery 16c to 20c eggs
Western 10c to lie
vps -
Nebraska Man Has Negotiations
With a Counterfeiter Was Ahont
to Purchase 20000 of the
Queer When Dealer is Nabbed
Nebraskan Arrested in Missouri
A A Kincaid who claims to be a
rancher at Whitman this state was ar
rested at Milan Mo last week on the
charge of offering counterfeit money for
sale and using the mails for fraudulent
purposes When arrested Kincaid had
870 in a belt underneath his clothing He
also had over fifty letters from people in
different points in Kansas Nebraska
Texas Virginia Arkansas Arizona Mich
igan Pennsylvania Ohio Illinois and
Missouri relating to the dealing in green
goods Of the money on him 200 was in
crisp new bills issued by the Merchants
National Bank of Omaha One of the
letters in the possession of Kincaid was
from a man named Andrews at Kearney
who was about to buy 20000 of the
queer Another fiom a woman school
teacher named Westgate at Decatur III
indicated he was trying to make a deal
with her
The State University
The announcement that President
Schurman of the Cornell University would
speak to the students of the University of
Nebraska one morning last week brought
out an audience that taxed the capacity of
the chapel to its utmost Upon the plat
form were seated Dean A H Edgren
Prof O R Richards Prof S W Card
Prof T L Lyon Dr John White Dr E
L Hinman B E Moore A Ross Hill R
E Chandler F G Franklin Judge Irvine
Judge Tibbette Judge Cornish and a
number from Omaha all of whom were
graduated from Cornell University When
President Schurman appeared ho was
greeted with a rousing University-of-Nebraska
yell followed by one more
familiar to his ears from those calling
Cornell alma mater His address was
well received by all in attendance
Suicide at Weissert
Charles Davis of Weissert committed
suicide by shooting himself with a rifle
He was at home at the lime and took the
gun from the house and went out placing
the muzzle of the gun in his mouth The
report of the gun attracted the attention
of his wife and some men near by who
were working on a fence ne was about
00 years old an old soldier and the father
of fifteen children His youngest is only
about4 years old the next youngest 10
Several are married He leave his family
in poor circumstances
Arrested in Omaha
James Williams wanted at Springfield
III for the embezzlement of 10000 was
arrested in Omaha last week Williams
left Springfield four weeks ago and soon
after his departure it was discovered that
he was an embezzler He confessed to the
full amount of the embezzlement He
said that gambling and liquor was the
cause of his downfall and expressed a
willingness to return to Illinois without
going thiough the formality of securing
requisition papers
Wants Gallagher on His Staff
Governor Holconib has asked for the ap
pointment of First Lieutenant Hugh J
Gallagher of the Sixth United States
Cavalry to take the place of Major E G
Fechet as instructor of the Nebraska Na
tional Guard Lieutenant Gallagher en
tered West Point Academy from Iowa in
1880 and graduated in 1SSL He was
made first lieutenant of cavalry in 1801
and assigned to the Eighth regiment but
was transferred to the Sixth legiment in a
few days
Kills a Horned Rabbit
Lon Junken of Bancroft while hunting
one day last week killed what might be
termed a horned rabbit The little an
imals head had projecting from it over
thirty horned projections which ranged
from one eighth to one and one half
inches in length and resembling in every
way horns Close inspection proved that
the horny substance was attached only to
the skin and is probably of a superfluous
growth the cause of which is not evident
But One Passenger Train a Day
The state board of transportation has
received a petition signed by seventy one
citizens of Hildreth m Franklin County
asking for better railroad accommodations
They complain that they have but one
passenger train a day that it is usually
eight or ten hours late and that in order
to make connections with the maiu line
they are compelled to drive from sixteen
to twenty miles
Footpads at Work
Chris Bader yardmaster of the Burling
ton at Nebraska City was held up by
three masked men while on his way home
the other night and relieved of S9 Bader
lives in the suburbs and was onlv about
two blocks from home when the men
stopped him That city seems to be in
fested with a gang of robbers and tramns
ouveru uiempts nave neen made to rob
Will Burn Gumbo
The Burlington and Missouri Railroad
is making preparations to burn gumbo
used for ballast at Table Rock this sum
mer and will employ about 100 men on the
work The beginning of hard times four
years ago stopped the work and since then
the kilns have been idle
Flour for Starving Cubans
k Johnson County will send a carload of
flour to the starving Cubans Organiza
tion has been perfected and the county is
now being solicited by precincts Grain
and cash contributions are being made in
generous quantities and the same will be
exchanged for the flour
New Secret Society
A lodge of Royal Oaks has been or
ganized at Osceola with twenty five
charter members
Hurt ia a Runaway
A four forse team belonging to Fred
Moulton of Elk City and hitched to a
large disc pulverizer ran away throwing
Moulton off cutting one foot severely and
bruising him up badly One horse was
badly cut about the legs
Burglars at Nebraska City
The residence of E K Bradley of Ne
braska City was entered by burglars while
they were in Omaha visiting friends
Clothing linen silverware and house
keeping utensils valued at about 500 were
TW 33t
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Holcomb Gives the New York Her
ald His Opinion
Governor Holcomb has received the fol
lowing tslegram relative to tho use of the
National Guard in time of war and the
authority for calling the same into service
What In your opinion is the authority of the
president of the United States over tho militia
of the several states In time of war and can ho
call upon them to form a part of tho federal
forces for the purpose of sending them outsldo
the country as well as to repel Invasion Would
any attempt to send militia to Cuba meet with
any such opposition from tho militia as In 1812
when the question of sending the militia out of
the United States was raised What is your
opinion of tho bill Introduced Into congress
giving the president absolute power to call upon
the militia direct without waiting for governors
to act
In reply to the above the governor sent
the following
Answering your telegram regarding state mil
itia will say aside from provisions nuiuo by con
gress laws of Nebraska provide that organized
militia of tho state may first be ordered Into
active service to repel Invasion etc upon requi
sition of the president unorganized militia
thereafter as may be required proportionate tc
population When once In active service it
would seem militia becomes part of federal
forces and subject to same laws and regulation
Aln not sufficiently well Informed regarding con
gressional bill affecting state militia to speak ad
Child Badly Burned
A little daughter of Hon S W Christy
of Edgar while playing near a bonfire in
the street happened to get too near Her
dress caught fire and was soon blazing
furiously She ran toward her mother
who was in the back yard and the flames
flaring backward as she ran did not touch
her face Her mother succeeded in smother
ing the fire with her own clothes but
was burned quite badly while doing so
The little girl was considerably burned on
the lower limbs but it is thought not
Ex Treasurer Acquitted
The trial of ex Treasurer Peter Turney
and his bondsmen to recover a claimed
shortage of about 4000 in his second term
occupied the attention of the district court
all last week at Aurora and resulted in an
acquittal It was the second case In the
first one about the same amount was sued
for and the jury gave a verdict against
him of about 1100 The case was carried
to the supreme court on error and is still
pending there The cases have involved -an
expense of over 4000
Many Loans Invalidated
Eastern loan companies by the dozen
have been wiring their correspondents in
Omaha for definite information concern
ing the courtdecision recently made whch
invalidates hundreds of loans all over
Nebraska Much alarm has been oc
casioned If any loss results it cannot be
attributed to the Nebraska law but to the
carelessness of agents in making leans and
not having acknowledgments of notaries
properly made
Aged Couple Burned to Death
Mr and Mrs Thomas Kegan an aged
couple living about five miles west ol
Bloomfield were bnrned to death last
week while asleep It is believed by the
neighbors that they became intoxicated
as they were both addicted to drink and
were in town during the day and carried
liquor home with them The origin of the
fire is unknown
Killed at Ilia Childrens Grave
W W Pool manager of the Nebraska
Land and Cattle Companys ranch neai
Ravenna killed himself by shooting
through the heart His body was found
in the cemetery lying across the graves ol
his children He was an old settler in
Buffalo County and was a very keiMi in
telligent and wide awake business man
Accidentally Shot
A young man living with Riciiard John
son eight miles south of Scnbner while
handling an English bulldog revolver was
badly injured by a discharge of the gun
The bulleL struck him in the fleshy part oi
the leg between the thigh and knee mak
ing a serious wound
Breaks a Leg
As Peter Soil of Scribner was getting
out of a wagon he slipped and fell break
ing a leg at the knee
Nebraska Short Notes
Frank E Helvey will be the next post
master at Nebraska City to succeed Y M
An Omaha man who peered intc
windows after dark to see women disrobe
was fined 1 and costs recently by th
police judge
The Gothenburg high school held its
first declamatory contest last week Clyde
Trotter was awarded first prize and Maude
Newman second
A meeting ol the citizens of Falls Citj
was held the other night for the purpose
of collecting food and clothing for the
starving Cubans
O L Horr contractor with forty horses
and contracting outfit has arrived a
Columbus He will commence work on
the Great Eastern canal at once
Under a new city ordinance all barbers
who work at the trade in Omaha must
pass a satisfactory examination before a
board appointed by the city authorities
Clay Center Lodge No 75 Ancient
Order of United Workmen and then
friends celebrated the ninth anniversary
of tho institution of the lodge in that city
last week
While engaged in fighting fire neai
Ansley Mrs John Tyler the wife of 3
farmer was so severely burned that she
died Her husband did not miss her foi
some time and finally found her almost
dead lying in a small canyon
Miss Grace Liddicott a teacher in the
city schools of Beatrice and Ernest Pore
man who was in a buggy with her had a
miraculous escape from a frightful death
recently While driving ou to a viaduct
over the Burlington track the horse
plunged against the railing and falling
over carried the buggy and occupants
with it to the bottom of the cut a distance
of thirty feet As they fell a passengei
tram flew by tho last car of which struck
the horse mangling it so badly that it had
to be killed MSS Liddicnff nm hor n
pauion emerged from the wreck almost
without a scratch The bugy wa
The ferryboat Queen of Omaha No 2
sank at Decatur last week Loos esti
mated at 2030
David Renter a farmer near Berlin had
Ins hand horribly lacerated
by falling un
der a harrow while
trying to stop a run
The farmers around Roseland have
nearly completed their seeding A larcei
acreage of spring wheat has been sown
than usual but not as much oats Fall
wheat never looked better and with the
average amount of rain this portion oi
Nebraska will tarn out more bushels oi
wheat than it was ever known to do
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