The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, March 31, 1898, Image 1

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Fine line of plain and fancy jew
elry constantly on hand
Repairing promptly executed and
done in the best manner
Full line of sporting goods
Hair cutting and shaving
Shop in the W H Moses builng
All work executed with promptness
and accuracy
Comina Events
Farmers Institute April 2
Side Tracked April 4
Village Election April 5
Easter Sunday April 10
GeneralTeaclicre Association April 80
John Maxwell is driving the dray for
Fred Miller
The Y P S C E will give a social
at Hornbys hall April 7
C A Johnson of Woodlake was in
town yesterday on business
W S Garcelon of Longpinej was in
town Tuesday on business
W W Thompson ha3 had a kitchen
Imilt on the west end of his house
A millinery store will be opened in
the old Morey building in a few days
J A Hooton has almost completed
his job of painting on the court house
C E Thompson of Papillion this
state registered at the Donoher Mon
Ghas Iteece filed his bond yesterday
and was sworn in as deputy county
Another new business house will be
built on Main street this spring
Wait lor it
We neglected mentioning last week
that the lied Front had bought a tine
large new fireproof sale
J M Jones and family of La Grand
Iowa have returned to Cherry county
arriving here Monday afternoon
A J Hale of Cooper was m town
the first of the week on his way to
Omaha where he goes for surgical
John Oens of Sparks called on us
yesterday He has been ill most all
wiuter but is rapidly recovering his
good health
Xo matter what is the trouble with
the throat or lungs Dr Daniels Com
pound JSyiup Sanguiuaria will relieve
it At Elliotts -50
The Cherry County Bank building
received a couple of coats of paint this
week which greatly improves the build
ings appearance
Claude Jones will run a town herd
this year charging 75 cents per month
for each cow Herd will be started as
soon as owners wish 10
To Cur JL Cia in One Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets All Druggists refund the money
if it fails to Cure 25c 46
W H PenneU government inspect
or of electric light and steam plants
returned from Rosebud Tuesday on
his way to Washington
The road overseers books are now
ready and overseers are requested to
call at the county clerks office and get
books for their district
The county clerks office was clean
ed up in tine style Tuesday and no
body seemed to know where nothing
was for some time after
Mrs J II Quigley went to Gordon
Monday afternoon for a few days vis
it in the interest of the Presbyterian
ladies stock brand banner
E J DoBell is building a new house
and an addition to his store at Rose
bud Freighters have beeu hauling a
carload of lumber from here thjs week
fur the improvements
ri SvitWtj t y 3
- r
Number of pupils enrolled 14 aver
age attendance 12
Those not absent were Wm Piercy
Marion Gee Cora Linnie Archie and
Frankie Ayers C A Gee
C A Barnes has rented the prop
erty vacated by liev Smith and his
good mother will come up from Wood
laktt and keep house for him Charley
will be at home to his friends in
that charming little cottage after next
week Ainsicoxth Star Journal
Published for Four Years as
I U S land office terminates with the south of City Hotel and will onen her
dose of business today I desire to snrinff stock of hats on Saturday April
J H Sears the Sparks mail driver
has traded his team of grays for a
stallion and will quit the stage bus
iness July 1
Wm Steadman and R M Faddis
were in town from Pass Saturday
Mr Steadman purchased about 2500
feet of lumber for his sheds while in
Elliotts drug store presents a very
neat appearance since M Christensen
and his able assistant G A Cutler
finished papering and painting the in
DoRt if orget the city election next
Tuesday Two tickets are in the field
one by petition the other by regular
nomination The citizens ticket is the
present board
Wes Holsclaws neat and commo
dious residence in the northeast part
of town is rapidly approaching com
pletion Wes has done most all the
work himself and has everything just
as he wishes
City Marshal Layporte requests
everybody to clean the alleys in the
rear of their residence and business
lots immediately or 3ame will be done
and cost charged to property owners
Better heed this warning
Wm Smith of Crookston was ar
rested Saturday night after much
trouble and Monday morning was
treated to a fine of 25 and costs for
being drunk and disorderly and strik
ing an officer of the law Geo Ham
The 1893 Club was organized at
Judge Townes office Tuesday night
All committees are to report and
officers will be elected at a meeting in
the same place Friday night at 8
oclock All young men are invited
to attend
The supreme court has decided that
Bartley shall have a rehearing in the
matter of his application for a new
trial Thats right what in h 1 is the
supreme court for if it isnt to keep
such men as Bartley and Moore out ol
the pcnSpringview Call
Dr A Lewis has a fine electric bat
tery now for use in his practice
Electricity is especially good for re
moving or reducing tumors He also
has a hot air apparatus that is a fine
thiug With it he can apply from 300
to 400 degrees of heat to flesh without
Prof J L Lyons of the state uni
versity under the management of the
Farmers Institute will address the
people on soil culture sugar beet etc
Mr C H Elmendoif on cattle raising
Saturday April 2 in Cornell Hall Val
entine Neb Everybody invited to
come Lillian Stoner Secy
A L Towle arrived from Niobrara
Tuesday night and tomorrow he and
J C Pettijohn will succeed J A Fike
and C R Glover as receiver and reg
ister of the U S land office respective
ly A full report of the transfer will
appear next week We understand
that the present efficient clerk Lew
Brownell will be retained
The Valentine Steam Laundry has
put in a collar band machine and in
the future their work will resemble
that of the best city laundries This
institution has been receiving a very
liberal patronge since it started and
we predict that this addition to its
machinery will be the cause of still
further increasing its patronage
C R Watson M V Nicholson
J M Christensen and Harry Hilsinger
made a trip to the lakes near Ballards
Saturday and Sunday on a duck hunt
They were not very successful on ac
count of the cold snap Saturday night
which froze over the lakes Several
ducks were bagged though and ye ed
itor feasted on two of them
The school entertainment Friday
night netted over 7 for the library
fund Here is a good opportunity to
help a worthy object If you have one
or two good books that you can spare
donate them to the school library
They will be appreciated and will
help many a boy or girl become ac
quainted with good literature Works
of biography history and travel and
fiction by standard authors are espec
ially good for the school
Bishop Graves preached two later
esting sermons at the Episcopal church
Sunday talking in the morning on
Vicarious Sacrifices His evening
sermon was devoted to classifying
Christians into three groups the
dillettante the amateur and the pro
fessional and describing them In the
morning he administered confirmation
to Mrs and Maggie Robinson Cora
Gillett Chas Ward Ella Stillwell and
Mr and Mrs Robert Good
On last Friday night when Rev and
Mrs Moore returned from the enter
tainment at the school house they
found the furniture in the house very
much deranged and beariug evidence
of some one having been in their honse
while they were gone A search fail
ed to reveal that anything was missing
but did reveal the kitchen table heap
ed to overflowing with groceries and
provisions amounting in value to over
10 Such occasions make bright
spots in the lives of our ministers
To the Public - Mrs B E Harmon has moved her
My term of office asEeirister of the millinery store into the Morev buildim
V 1 A W
thank all for the kind and courteous
treatment during the past four years
While I have not decided to remain
permanently in Valentine yet where
ever 1 locate I shall give active atten
tion to the government land practice
and I feel that my seventeen years
experience enables me to give the
proper information and -advice To all
wanting information as to their rights
to government land to make second
entries where the orst nas proven
worthless to amend entries to contest
existing -entries oi in anyway protect
their interests I will be pleased to act
as counselor and attorney Write or
call upon me for the present at Val
entine Nebr and state your case
plainly and I will prepare the necessary
papers mailing same to you with
proper instructions
Yours respectfully
C R Glover
Good foi Teas
In its account of a home talent
A Correction
Editor Valentine Democrat
I have been asked to submit the fol
lowing correction to your article of
last week on The First Church The
61 members reported at tne close of
Rev Dawsons work should have Pedn
reported as the number at the -close of
Rev Holsclaws work and included a
number of members on what is now
the Crookston charge also that the
average attendance of the Sunday
school for February of this year was
149 instead of 97 as reported to you
O T Moore Pastor
Keturnert from Alaska
R H Harrell returned Sunday
morning from his trip to Alaska He
was in a party of four and the party
had the misfortune to have their out
fit burned on the freight boat which
carried them Harrell and one of his
companions theretore returned from
Skaguay while the other two went on
Harrell reports a tremendous rush to
the gold country and announces his
intention to return some day He
says that about 300 a day are going in
and 100 coming out of the Klondike
Owing to the resignation of E L
Maloney day operator for the West
ern Union things have been changed
around a little at the depot V A
Northrop surrenders the night trick
to Arthur Gore and V takes the day
job This gives excellent satisfaction
to both boys Arthur has had a long
ing to become permanently establish
ed here ever since last fall and since
V was uiarried the night job has not
been so pleasant to him as before
duction of -Called Back in ONeill
last week the Frontier has this to say
of a well known and admired iady in
The leading lady was our own Tess
whose faultless production of the part
of Pauline drew forth unbounded
admiration Though Miss OSuilivans
histrionic talent is well known to the
people of ONeill yet her perfect im
personation of the demented Pauline
shows her to possess a high order of
dramatic genius Should she see fit to
cultivate her unquestioned talent we
pause not to predict for her a career as
famous if not so tragic as that of her
namesake of the DUrbervilles
ONeill Frontier
Son ofa Cherry Connty Citizen
Mr Ira J Ayers and Miss Ada M
Hagenbuck of Lincoln were united
in marriage at the home of the groom
1028 K street Lincoln on Wednes
day evening March 23 Mr Ayers is
the son of J II Ayers of Crookston
He is employed by the state of Neb
raska as military secretary to Gov
Holeomb and chief clerk of the mili
tary department of the state He is
well known in Cherry county and is
considered the most trustworthy and
efficient employee of the state Miss
Hagenbuck is one of Lincolns most
esteemed young ladies
To our patrons and public in
We the undersigned hereby give
Dauglas old son of
John Shangrean and wife of Cody
died at Taylors restaurant in this
city Saturday morning of congestion
of the lungs and was taken to Pine
Ridge for ourial
The bar docket for the coming term
of district court contains five criminal
and filty four civil case will be dis
missed and is not docketed The
robbery cases against Lane and Eavens
will be dismissed also leaving three
criminal cases to be heard
Jos Kennedy and Lulu Danks
came up from Brownlee Tuesday
afternoon and were immediately mar
ried The groom is well known in the
south part of the county and the new
ly married couple will hold down a
homestead near Brownlee
A L Towle will occupy the Fischer
property on south Cherry street for
a residence Webb Hilsinger contem
plates moving to the mill and J V
Burleigh will then come from the
country and occupy his house Jno
Borman will move into the country
There is a new song going the
rounds of the newspapers and it run
eth this wise We dont want to buy
at your place we wont buy there any
more youll be sorry when you see us
going to some other store You cant
sell us any stale goods we have opened
wide our eyes we dont want to trade
at your store cause you dont adver
All signs indicate that spring has
come to stay The small boy is play
ing marbles the larger boy is playing
ball the still larger boy the one with
whiskers is going fishing women are
laying out flower beds and talking of
planting gardens and the little birds
are building their nests on the build
house However all
signs fail at some time or other
Tuesday afternoon about 3 oclock
fire broke out in a set of did quarters
at Fort Robinson used at the time for
residences by the families of some six
or seven enlisted men and non-commissioned
officers of the 9th cavalry
The entire quarters were destroyed
with the contents and two little child
ren were burned to death They were
the daughters of Sergt Wallace of C
troop 9th cavalry - Crawford Tri
Fire broke out in the rear of JLoe
weuthal Brothers Palace Clothing
Emporium Wednesday afternoon about
525 No one was in the store at the
time but smoke was discovered issu
ing from the building and an alarm of
fire was speedily answered by the fire
department and the ilames were
extinguished in short order Benja
min Loewenthal estimates the damage
by file smoke and water at 10000
with an insurance of 11250 CJiad
ron Journal
One would think by reading Tom
Watsons paper that he and Wharton
Baker of Maine were about the only
two men in the United States They
have both got more mouth than brains
About all you can read in Mr Wat
sons paper from week to week is the
abuse of senator Marion Butler Chas
A Towne senator William V Allen
and a few other men who forget more
in one minute than those men ever
knew or ever will know Harrison
Journal Pop
As has been said the newspaper
field is wide and full of thorns and
roses If you roast the ungodly tha
preacher smiles If you roast the
saloon man the teetotaler smiles and
when you roast the teetotaler the
saloonkeeper smiles and sets em up
If you swear you are a very wicked
man and if you pray you are a hypo
crite if you have an opinion you get
cussed if you dont you are a noneni
ty The preacher knows one thing
the sinner knows another but the
notice that we will close our barber i journalist is supposed to
shops at 1030 oclock a m on the
Sabbath This to take effect on the
second Sabbath in April 1898
C M Sageser
5- P W C Lawson
School JBcporr
Following is the report
fourth month of school in district 31
know every
thing He is the best man and the
worst in the community
The following letter to Mrs Eva
Kazey explains itself
Chicago March 19th 1898
We expected to send your outfit of
The Beautiful Life of Frances E
Willard several days ago but the
preparation of this volume is a larger
task than we planued upon We are
able to say now that outfits will be
ready in a few days Be sure to tell
your friends that YOU will have the
authentic book written by Anna A
Gordon and endorsed officially by the
W C T TJ Retail price in cloth
2 half morocco 275 fullmorocco
Dont be alarmed by rerorts of
other agents having outfits We state
positively there has not been a single
outfit of the official book sent to any
one Monarch Book Compsy
Come and See Our Line of
o r o
NO 10
All sizes and styles of these
shoes kept constantly in our stock
WomeDs Childrens Mens
We also have new lot of Mens
Furnishing Soft Shirts o
Some very neat Shirt Waists for
for the Ladies just Arrived
Davenport Ihacher
Full line Undertakers Supplies
Are You goingi
The Largest
and Finest Selected Stock of
In Kbrthwcst Xebraska
Elliotts Drug Store
jl -a j - jl a a a m A m
5 We Have a Number ox pairs oi bhoes g
Ladies and Gents also a limited amount of Winter Goods
Which we will Close Out at CJot to make Iloom
For our New Spring Goods which will arrive this week
Our New Goods will all he Up-to-Date In Style
as well as prices Fresh Groceries and Flour just received
and will he sold Cheaper than by any Competitor
Come and see our bargains before you send your money out of
the country
Look over our- Dry Goods Gents Furnishing Goods Trunks and
Valises and get our prices before purchasing elsewhere
E McDonald Valentine Neb
Shirt Waists Neckwear Dress
Skirts Wrappers Underwear
v ri
C A WELiii
I will put a 14r inch lay on your plow for 3300 if you will
bring iii your plows at once I make this price because I
want to keep busy during the dull season Come early and
get the benefit of this low price it wont last always In
addition to doing general blacksinithing I carry in stock
Wagon and buggy repairs asleSj wheels tongues and tnills
o kr o
J B Wells
Office over
Cherry County Jfianjc