it V -V Y V Jj - Tho Fullness Thereof j Amid tlic discomforts of life nnd tho fullness thereof reaching to every family there is that which can so easily mitigate or entirely cure the wonder Is why we endure and suffer so much From big pains to little aches which are tile wear and tear of the physical structure of man there are always rem edies good better and best The choice should be always for beat as the surest and the cheapest In chronic or acute suffering -with rheumatism neuralgia sciatica or lumbago or with the minor ailments of sprains aiid bruises or of soreness and stiffness the efficacy of St Jacobs Oil and the fullness thereof in so many complete and perfect cures make it stand out as the best remedy for pain Why then should we stand on the or der of going for it and not go at once In numberless cases the aggravations of discomforts and pains rre from de lay Why should we suffer Feeding Elephants Elephants in the Indian army are fed twice a day When meal time ar rives they arc drawn up in line before a row of piles of food Each animals breakfast includes ten pounds of raw rice done up in five two pound pack ages The rice is wrapped in leaves and then tied with grass At the com mand Attention each elephant raises its trunk and a package is thrown into its flpieious mouth By this method of feeding not a single grain of rice is wasted OeOS3300aSCfceGQQC3 m fi X MK l IBViKff a 2 tVrXf J 1 1 J S- 5 Joh 1 1 IP ROOFING I S O N U FOR 14 CEBITS We wish to Rain 150000 now cus tomers rna hence oiler lllcsrlSDavRiiiiiHh Pkc Karly Spring Turnip Earliest Red Beet Bismarck Cucumber r lOofj 10c 10c Kl Queen Victoria Lettuce loo K Klondyko Melon IBe JK Jumbo Giant Onion 15o 3e Brilliant Flcmer Seeds lie Worth 9100 for 14 cents g Abovo 10 pkes worth 8100 tro will g mail yoa free together with our groat Plant and Seed Catalogue 2 upon receipt of this notice and Ite JP postage We invito your trade and Ci 1 A CT 1 1- M huvw Huea yuu uucu try ouizur u ws -seeds you will novergpt alone with- Q la out mom Ioiaiocsaiiuu n S a Bbl Catalog alone 5c froCb 5 MLZER 8KEU CO Li CROSSE WIS CGt2SOeSre32a THE FREIGHT BEST SCALES LEAST MONEY JONESOFBINGHJ VJTONNY The hest Bed Hope Rooting for 1 ct iH r kii font cut And nulls included suiisiitiitpa for Master Samples free XL tuy Manilla Koolinc Co Camden E 13 98 IHJKtS VHtKt AtL tlbt rAILb JJestCouga Syrup Tastes Good in ttnac Sold br druggists QAIXED 22 POMS IS 5 WEEKS From the Jiv Slander Macomb 11L Alderman Louis W Camp has astonish ed his friends by a remarkable gain in weight having gained 22 pounds in five weeks I was broken down in health said Mr Camp to our reporter and was so badly afflicted with a form of stomach trouble that life was a veritable nightmare I tried various remedies during the six months of my sickness but obtained no relief About two years ago I was advised to try Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale People I purchased one box and receiv ed so aiuch benefit that I used five more Interviewing the Alderman and was entirely cured I sained twenty two i minds in live weeks Since 1 stopped taking the piJls I have scarcely had an ache or pain Dr Williams Pink Pills restored me to health and I most heartily recommend them L W Camp on oath says that the fore goin statement is true W W MELOAN Notary Public Following is the physicians certificate as to Mr Camps present condition I am a regularly licensed physician of Macomb McDonough County 111 I have very recently examined Mr L W Camp as to his general physical condition and find the same to be all that could be de sired appetite and digestion good sleeps well and has all the evidences of being in a good physical condition SAMUEL RUSSEIL M D Subscribed and sworn to before me this EOth day of September 1897 W W MELOAN Notary Public Rider Haggard asks from 75 to 100 a column of 1500 words and will not write an article for which less than 1000 is to be paid Philadelphia Press 2 CENTS A COPY FOR 40 CENT SHEET MUSIC Send ten 1 centP O stamps and you will get by mail five good pieces full size 40 cenf sheet music with catalogue and oilier very valuable information how you can make money at all times in any place F P Deax Music Stork Sioux City la At Chrichel England there is a farm on which all the animals horses sows pigs and fowls are white To MOTHERS WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO TIIZ EXCLUSIVE UhE OP THE WORD CASTORIA AND PITCHERS CASTORIA AS OUR TRADE MARK I DR SAMUEL PITCHER of Eyannis Massachusetts was the originator of PITCHERS CASTORIA tlve sama tlvat has borne and does now 7p Tj yg 07h evrlJ bear tJie facsimile signature of aciccAC wrapper This is the original PITCHERS CASTORIA which has been used in t7ie homes of tlw mothers of America for over thirty lsars LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is tJie hind you Jiave always bought J9i y on l and has the signature o f t LtzfyX S UcS64 wrap per Jro one has authority from ma to use my name except The Centaur Company of which Chas H Fletcher is President March S 1897 qJLaL RIZftH JiftTfel TRADE MARK1 Do Not Be Deceived Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you because he makes a few more pennies on it the ingredients of which even he does not know i he Kind You Have Always Bought BEARS THE FAC SIM1LE SIGNATURE OF If vb r mi tsFTfc CURE YOURSELF Ure Hig i for unnatural discharges inflammations irritations or ulcerations of mucous membranes rainless anu not THEEVAKSCHEMICJlLCo gent or poisonous Sold by Drapsrlsh or sent in plain wrapper by expregi prepaid for SI on or 3 bottles 275 ircular sent on request OatsiWheaffi f llovr to provr vilieat nt40a bunndSSlbusoatS f 173 bus barter nnd 1600 1ms potatoes per acre lorSEK OUR GKKAT CATALOGUK mailed you fvrlth 11 crri need samples upon receiptor THIS XOTICE and lO cent In tumps I JOItX A SALZKR SEED CO IA CROBSE TTIS CS 1 m m m e m PENSIONS Get Your Pension DOUBLE QUICK yrite Capi 0TAE2SLL PesKoa AseatWashiaEtca BC 0 Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You TKC CCNTAUR COMNY Tf UUHRAV STREET NEW YORK CITY Rtteu 99 JLhis is hard work most people think But is it any harder for a man than the old fashioned way oi wash- incf o is for a woman And yet how many women apparently bright and Jligent still persist in that clumsy r vvtMr sii r fxni s vi wiv X 1 washing I fi I WTU 7 dont they v ii y uuu i tiiv y Ies Better of ret Pearline and save the hard work the ruinous wear and tear the needless and wrenching- Pearline can t hurt the clothes Its the most economical thing to wash with Why dont they use it like millions of other women sso sgrsss8afc y odhes J f fla 1 to 5 sytN I I ff QurDUti J IKL5I oot to tuietore Ifcl V it s a y y U American Kuntin Imperative requisitions by the govern ment authorities for the production of bunting for navy flags are what in sure the superiority so well known to characterize the American article The regulations prescribe that the fabric be made entirely of wool of the best qual ity and show no imperfections the weight to be five and one fourth pounds avoirdupois per piece of forty yards of ten inch width the yarn to be evenly spun the warp and filling to contain no lass than thirty four threads to the inch and the warp two ply with one ply filling properly twisted further a tensile strength is required of sixty five pounds for the warp and fortj five pounds for the filling in test pieces two inches wide The colors must be as fast as it is possible to make them and not liable to be seriously affected by being soaked continuously for twenty four hours in fresh water and then thoroughly wash ed in water with which is combined a good grade of laundry soap Every stripe and device on the flags made of this superb material is meas ured with the most perfect geometrical accuracy ard the stars are put on so carefully and evenly that when the flag is held up to tho light the stars which are made of muslin and put on both sides appear to be a part of the fabric The stars are cut with chisels out of bleached muslin laid thirty thicknesses together on a large open block Green Corn Pudding Grate four dozen ears of sweet corn Add from one and a half pints to one quart of milk according to the juiciness of the corn Add four well beaten eggs half a cup each of flour and butter a tablespoonful of sugar and salt to the taste Butter an earthen baking dish pour in the batter and bake in a hot oven two hours Eat hot with plenty of fresh sweet butter Innocent Chilcrcn SaurificcG The slaughter of the innocents con tinues until it is estimated that one fourth of the huma race die before at taining their fifth birthday owing to our rigorous and changeable climate Ami there are thousands of adults in this land that stomach complaints are reducing to confirmed invalidism whom llostetter Stomach Bitters would promptly relieve and invigorate Most Costly Leather in Market The most costly leather now in the market is known to the trade as piaao leather American tanners years ago discovered the secret of making Rus sia leather with its peculiarly pungent and lasting odor but the secret of making piauo leather is known only to a family of tanaers ia Thuriugia Ger many This leather has but one use the covering of piano keys A peculiar thing about it is that the skins from which it is tanned are prepared almost entirely in America It is a particulai kind of buckskin The skin of the com mon red or Virginia deer will not make the leather a species of the animal known as the gray deer and found only in the vicinity of the great nomliern lakes alone furnishing the material The German tanners have an agency in the West which collects the skins of this deer from the Indians and the half breed hunters who supply the market When the skins are returned to this country as piano leather they cost the piano manufacturers from lo to 1 a pound The worlds supply of this in valuable and necessary material is sup plied by tiie Kutzchman family of tan ners who have six establishments in Germany the largest in Thuriugia Chicago Tribune Origin of a French Habit Shrugging the shoulders in cold weather is probably the survival of an old imstLnct wliieh prompts animak to put the ikin of the back on the stretch and so erect the hairy covering of that part The hair is now reduced to a mere downy covering but the old in stinct still remains m common with others the rule apparently being that all instincts which are harmless to their possessors are constant in spite of any change of structure All animals witih long hair or feathers erect their coats in cold weather for the warmth of snch a covering depends on its thickness and the amount of air it con tains rather than mi its bulk Mother Grays Sweet Powders for Children Successfully used by Mother Gray nurse in the Childrens Home in New York cure Feverishness Bad Stomach Teeth ing Disorders move and regulate the Bowels and destroy Worms Over 10000 testimonials They never fail At all druggists 25c Sample JFKEE Address Allen S Olmsted Le Eoy N Y Ready Remedy Author I am troubled with insomnia I lie awake at night hour after hour thinking about ray literary work His Friend How very foolish of you Why dont you get up and read por tions of it Boston Traveler FOR 30 DAYS MORS YOU CAN THY IT FOR 25 CENTS rrvSTfliTTf Ildllli LO 113 IUUOb eaith Than fsr the Fifty Years Fast Swanson Rheumatic Cure Co Chicago Dear Sirs It is just about one year aco when I first commenced using your 5 DROPS for Nervous Rheumatism Catarrh in the head and Bronchitis I was so bad that I could not eat at all in bed or anywhere else my nerves were all in a quiver and my Liver and Kidneys were all out of order in fact I was so bad that I had to raise up in bed from five to twelve times in one night to get my breath and to keep from choking but to day I am hearti er and in better health than I have been for the past fifty years Others are using it here with wonderful results and still more calling for it Yours truly GEORGE YEAGER Portland Ind Feb IS 1888 IT IS THE BEST RHEUMATIC MEDICINE ON EARTH Gentlemen- received the order all riRhtfor riiich I send Uiancs 1 am still taking the 0 DROPS and am Raining orerj day havent felt so well for ten rcitr I j uw CIIHJUU3 ui uiuuiciuBs uui uuvc nrTer ionna nnyijiinr xuot Bait done tor me what Mo IHIOPV heft D a t uDr SPS 2aiKSS ISe anrn aiu S orings it very cnrefallr for he thinks thcrcfe BOJe5lcSeon enTV1 MJf H LR usinS Rheumatism he has only used it for three weeks and It has dono wonders lor him Ho couldnt harness his horses withont sitting down a number of times and it lias stopped all the pain m his limbs MKS GEO H ROWELL Strafford Vermont Feb 1 JB r i5 0P cnr0s Kfccnraotlsia Sciatica Jcnrnlgln Dyspepsia IJocLnche Asthma liny Catarrh Sleeplessness crvonsne eryons and enrnlec Headache Earache Toothuchc Heart WcakECM Croap SweUInc La Grippe Malaria Creeping Xumbncsu FOR THIRTY DAYS L0N6ERtoenblffsrcr8to5iTO5IEOpsnteastBtrinl wewillEonda JL T SPjfePKPP14 by mail for 25 cents A eamplo bottle will convinca yon Also large bottles 300 doses 1003 bottles for 160 Not sold by druggists only by us and our Lseais Agents wanted in new territory Write us to day SWANSON RHEUMATIC CURE CO 167 1S0 Dearborn St CHICAGO TLL M a The followlujj is a characteristic Hoods Sarsaparilla testimonial Facts like these have made Hoods Sarsaparilla Americas Greatest Medicine and en deared It to thousands of homes scat tered all over this broad land We like to tell what Hoods Sarsapa rilla has tione for us Our four children had diphtheria From the very first our little boy llalph then seven years old was Birds Fighting Kites Many amusing experiences have been the lot of the scientists who have been manipulating kites for scientific pur poses Large birds are always interest ed in the strange devices floating in the air and cannot quite make out what they are Prompted by sharp curiosity they hover around the floating kites and subject themselves to the danger of becoming entangled in the silken string and being dragged down to earth No bird however has ever alighted on a kite or attacked one While one scien tist was flying a train of five kites a couple of years ago a large silver-tipped eagle came suddenly out of the higher air and swooped round and round the first kite looking against the sunset sky like a huge silver ball As the train of kites was pulled in the eagle followed visiting one kite and then another seeming uncertain just what to do In a few minutes when he seemed to have decided that they were not good to eat and he knew nothing about them anyway he indig nantly flew off and was lost to view Another experience was had with a stork that came from the New Jersey side of the Hudson and flew straight for thequeer object in the air He ap parently had made up his mind to go straight through it but changed and dived underneath He went around and above it and through a glass it could be seen that he cocked his eye at the intruder in a comical manner He started away a few hundred feet changed his mind and came swooping back He finally reluctantly went away mystified over this queer addition to the inhabitants of the air While kites were high in the air one March a flock 3f geese flying in the B wedge flew over They invariably stopped broke up and hovered alove the queer object and at last slowly reformed and flew away While the larger birds all come from heights above the kites the small birds of the air will alight on the string hold ing the kite and sway to and fro Chi eajio News - very sick and for several days it seemed as if he would never be any better After a while he began to improve nnd in a few weeks was able to go out although weak and miserable Then gradually All Strongth in His Limbs gave out The physicians told us it was paralysis which sometimes follows an at tack of diphtheria We did everything for him but he grew worse until he was in a pitiful condition He suffered terribly at night and complained continually of his head und in what little sleep he was able to get moaned unceasingly He lost all control of the muscles of his body and limbs He had no appetite and complain ed of feeling sick at his stomach all the time After we had tried many different remedies and had about given up all hope we commenced giving him Hoods Sarsa parilla In a short time he ceased to com plain his appetite improved and at the end of three mouths he was able to attend school a part of the time Now he is well and quite a strong and rugged boy You are at liberty to use this testimonial if you Similar but Different C are There is something poetical about all marriages Tom What is it Clare The license iiife MfH r yew MSk SSl ea w i desire as we feel we cannot say too much in praise of Hoods Sarsaparilla as a blood purifier nnd building up medicine MHS R E ANDERSON Cumberland Maine Economy is also a characteristic of Hoods Sarsaparilla Every bottle contains 100 Doses and hence there is a solid fact concisely stated in the familiar line 100 Doses One Dollar Is Americas Greatest Medicine because it accomplishes wonderful cures when all other medicines fail Sold by all druggists 100 six for 8500 Prepared only by C I Hood Co Apothecaries Lowell Mass CHEAP AT THE PRICE Alan in the Sandwich Islands Had Posted Him He made a hearty meal at one of the restaurants near the Third street de pot and as he rose up with his hand in his pocket he said to the proprietor Two years ago in the Sandwich Islands I met a man from this town The bill is 55 cents said the pro prietor as he crooked his finger Yes I know And the man casually observed that some day or other I might find myself in this town Please hand over your bill sir Certainly and he added that if I ever did and felt hungry and was dead broke to call on you He couldnt re member your name but he said you were called the man with the big heart I want 55 coats sir exclaimed the proprietor I know you do And the man added ihat while you didnt profess to run an orphan asylum you never refused to chalk it down in the case of an un fortunate You may put my account on the slate You pay cash or get the boot said the proprietor as he came out from be hind the counter That was another matter he refer red to continued the stranger He said that at rare intervals you gave a man the boot but the kicks were few in number and lightly administered If in your judgment In my judgment Ill kick your heels over your head shouted the proprie tor as he seized him and led him to the door The Detroiter whom I met in the Sandwicli Islands said that you some times blustered ajid blowed around but it was only for moral effect Ill moral effect you you old dead neat Take that anv that and that Seven vigorous kicks were adminis tered the last of which lifted the man Into the street He crossed over turned sbont on the curbstone and called across I counted em and there were only seven Seven times eight are fifty six or not quite S cents a kick Say old man I like your large hearted and lib eral way of doing things Call it even S cents a kick and lemme come over and eat 50 worth of grub Detroit Free Press Everybody Satisfied I want to get a couple of books for two young men said the girl in the book store and I dont know what to choose Er what sort of young men are they asked the really intelligent clerk One teaches in our Sunday school and the other well he is not that kind of a young man at all you know Ah I I think I have just what you want And he handed out two copies of J Quo Vadis Indianapolis Journal Hows This Wo offer Ono Hundred Dollars reward for any case of Catarrli that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrli Cure V J CIIENJ5Y CO Props Toledo O VTe the undersigned liave known V J Cheney for the last 15 years and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and finan cially able to carry out any obligation niado by their linn WnsT Truax Wholesale Drugcists Toledo O Walm g Kiji xax Makvix Wholesale Drugcists Toledo O Halls Catarrh Cure is taken internally acting directly upon the Mood and mucous surfaces of the system Trlco 75c per bottle Sold by all Druggists Testimonials free To Be Proud Of Kitty They say that Harry Jenkins is drinking terribly because Nell Brans comb jilted him Aliccj Dear me how stuck up shell be if its true TO CUKK A CJLJ IN ONE HAY Tako Laxative Uronio Quinine Tablets All nrusrulsts refund the money If it falls to cure 25c Perhap9 She Ts Young Mother What do you think of the baby Isnt it a little peach Bachelor Brother Oh yes of course and you ought to be thankful that it isnt a pair FfTS Permanently Cured Jo ats or nervousness fter first nay use of Or Kllno Great Nerve Re s orer t enu for ifKEE JS200 trial bottle an I treatise nn k If Kline Ltd 931 Arch it Philadelphia Pa Can This Be True Parson What do you gather from the lesson of the five wise and the five foolish virgins Student That at least one half the women are foolish 400 FOR NEW NAMES The Salzer Seed Co want suitable names for their 17 inch long corn and White Oat prodigy You can win this 400 easily Catalogue tells all about it Seed potatoes only 150 a barrel Send This Notice and 10 Cta in Stnmpu to John A Salzer Seed Co LaCrosse Wis and get free their great seed cata logue and eleven new farm seed sam ples including above corn and oats positively worth 10 to get a start cn Johann Janko one of the best known Hungarian caricaturists has died at the age of His drawings number more than S0000 Aslc Tor Allens Foot Ease A powder to shake into your shoes It cures Corns and Bunions Chilblains Swollen Nervous Damp Sweating Smarting Hot and Callous Feet At all druggists nnd shoe stores 25c ASK TO DAY Sample FREE Address Allen S Olmsted LcRoy N Y Nearly 5000000 worth of patent medicines are exported from the Unt ied Kinsdom each year Yor lunp and chest diseases Pisos Cure is the best medicine we have used Mrs J L Northcott Windsor Ont Canada The great danger in trying to get something for nothing is that you may get what you deserve The pleasure and healthfulncss of tho bath 13 rrcatlr entranced by Glenns Sulphur Soar Hills Hair and Whisker Die black or brown GOc Dont imagine a hamlet is a little ham just because a streamlet i3 a little stream Mrs Window soothing hynnr lor Children teethinK 60tten the kiidik reaucrs inflammation allays imu cured wind colic V5 cents a bottle Russia is increasing in population faster than any other country in the world QYEE WEQUGrHT KERVES 0E W03IEN Extracts From Letters Received by Mrs Pinkham I am so nervous and wretched I feel as if I should fly How familiar these expressions are Little things annoy you and make 3 ou irritahle Yaa cant sleep you are unable to lift ordinary burdens and are subject to dizziness That bearing down sensation helbs to make yon - i v leei miKRrnhl Y t 1 Jk VpfV rt T T V 1 T -1 W r lsw jliiin xuu J1UVU uiiubiiuut iiuu jjiiip iu uuhh in the side pain in top of heaojlater on at base of the brain V Such a condition points uncrringlcto serious uterine trouble If you had written to Mrs Pinkham when you first experienced impaired -vitality yon would have been spared these hours of Iw ii awful suffering Happiness will be gone out of your life forever my sister unless you act promptly Procure Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound at once and begin its use then write to Mrs Pinkham at Lynn Mass if there is aaything about your case you do not understand You need not he afraid to tell her the things you could not explain to the doc tor your letter is seen only by women and is absolutely confidential Mrs Pinkhams vast experience with such troubles enables her to tell you just what is best for you and she will charge you nothing for her advice Mrs Jexkie Bueelt Youngdale Pa writes Deab Mks Pinkham Will you kindly allow me the pleasure of expressing my gratitude for the wonderful relief I have experienced by taking your Vege table Compound I suffered for a long time with nervous prostration back ache headache loss of appetite a heavy bearing down feeling also burning pains in the groins I could not sleep was tired all the time had no ambition Life was a burden tome The pains I suffered at times of menstruation were something dreadful I thought there was no cure for it I saw your advertise ment in the paper and my husband advised me to try your medicine I took five bottles and now I am well and happy Your medicine saved my life AMiUion Women Have Been Beaefttedby Mrs Pinkhams Advice and Medicine Bear in Mind that The Gods Help Those Who Help Themselves Self Help Should Teach You to Use 1 w XA LIO h f k