ft 1 o I 1 h V- j t 4 1 it raw iiiiiiiLUu iinmimiilit t ELECTRIC FLASHES NEWS FROM ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD SAY IT WAS A MINE PERSONAL OPINION OFSOME OF THE MAINES OFFICERS Government Officials Deny that They Have Advices from the Court of Inquir3 Name of the New War- ship Changed to New Orleans Express Their Views in Washington While the officers of the government in a position to know deny they have advices from the court of Inquiry that the Maine disaster was due to external causes it is undoubtedly true that the Maines officers who have reached Washington expressed it as their personal opinion that the cause of the explosion was external The Spanish minister called at ihe state department Monday and presented Angulo Valcra and Cadenas represent atives of the autonomist Cuban govern ment for the negotiation of a treaty of reciprocitj work on which will be com menced at once Secretary Long has issued an order changing the name of the newly bought Brazilian cruiser Amazonas to New Or leans Negotiations abroad for the purchase of warships have developed the fact that un less the Chilian battleship Olliggins be comes the property of the United States it will not be sold at all Practically the same is true of of the Argentine armored cruiser San Martino FROM POVERTY TO RICHES Young Man of Fostoria Ohio In herits 20000 from an Uncle Ilenry Hemple of Fostoria Ohio sold liis best suit and a banjo a week ago to secure mone3r for immediate necessities He has gone to Chicago to claim a fortune of 20000 He is 21 and for five years has been living alone in a shanty at Bradner supporting himself and his mother who jlives in Chicago by working for farmers and laboring in oil fields lie has received sl letter containing a check forl000 marks with the information that his bachelor uncle had died in Hamburg Germany leaving him heir to his wealth which he could secure in Chicago Ilemples parents -came to this country twenty four years ago the father having been disinherited Jor marrying against the Avishes of his parents The boy was born four days after landing lie has been compelled to support his mother since the death of his lather ten years ago in Chicago MORAL WAVE HITS BOSTON Lircatrioal Posters Must Be Submit ted to Committee of Council A wave of morality has struck the local hoard of aldermen and the theatrical managers of Boston have been ordered to tone down their representations of women 5n tights and skirts To make sure that they do so they have been ordered to sub 3iiit hereafter all posters on which women appear to the license committee of the board The agitation which resulted in 1 his rule was started by Mayor Perry of Somerville and his protest aroused the Watch and Ward Society and W C T U Boy Murderer Released The prison doors of Jolier 111 have swung open and admitted to liberty Jona than Skene a man scarcely out of Ihs leens who eight years and nirie months -ago entered the grim portals a life pris oner One of the last official acts of ex GovAltgeld was to grant the petition of Skenes relations and friends and commute the sentence to twenty eight years The lather went before the board of pardons smd renewed his application for a full par lon The board recommended to Gov Tauner that clemency be exercised and the release of the youth was the result Used Funds of the Church A Kome cable says Although 1 lie -most extraordinary efforts were made in papal circles to prevent the matter from becom ing known there has just been anolhei great financial scandal at the Vatican it being the discovery of embezzlements to the extent of over 1000000 lire -200000 resulting in the flight of one pf Jheiifost trusted employes of the papal treasury ProfBevis in Want Prof J R Bevis the widely known mathematician and astronomer -is lying seriously ill at Fairmquntir lnd Tie destitute circumstances and an appeal for assistance is made to his friends and the friends of science in general to assist him on his want Strikers Want to Compromise The ninth week of the struggle between -capital and labor in New Bedford Massj finds the situation practically unchanged- except that the operatives have conceded that they might be willing to go back -to work under a reduction of 5 per cent in stead of 10 Fire at Jersey -City The ferry houso and passenger station of the Pennsylvania Railroad in Jersey City was partially destroyed by fire early Tuesday morning Roland Worthingion Is Dead Holand Worthinglon the veteran journalist is dead at his home in Boston aged SI Cure for the Yellow Fever Dr Caldas a physician of Rio Grande Brazil states that he has discovered anew fever cure which is more efficacious than the cure discovered by Dr Sanarelli -with which the latter physician has been so successful in his experiments in Sao Paulo High Mark Undqr New Tariff The receipts from customs Saturday amounted to 1319737 This is the highest jointby nearly 305000 that the customs Has reached since the new tariff act went into effect about eight months ago TS pjfSSW vjwaV Wi nfwirfriaiin tPtttiaffiraOT - BRITISH COMMANDER COMING Refuses to State Object of His Visit to Washington The announcemot was made at Halifax N S Monday that General Montgomery Moore commander-in-chief of the British land forces in North America would start for the capital of the United States where General Gascoign commander of the Canadian militia is now reported to be visiting Sir Julian Pauncefote the British ambassador General Moore will be the guest of the British ambassador Asked if his trip was in any way connected with the presence in Washington of General Gascoign General Moore answered eva sively saying he understood General Gas coign had been in Washington but was not aware that he was still in the United States capital General Moore said he was not at liberty to discuss a possible Anglo American alliance and that all he knew on the subject was what he read in the newspapers BRADSTREETS REVIEW Favorable Features of Recent Weeks Still Manifest Bradslrecls Weekly Review says The aggregate volume of the countrys busi ness continues sufficiently large to allow of favorable comparisons with past periods alike in this and proceeding years Aside from a quieting demand at a few leading eastern markets where un certainly as to the outcome of foreign com plications is advanced as a reason for un willingness to embark on new business the situation is one possessing nearly all of the favorable features noted for some time past The best reports as to distribu tion in leading lines comes from the central west and the northwest The movement of iron and steel is especially large Distributive trade is reported in creasing at the northwest Navigation is practical open on the lakes and the 1st of April will witness a general movement of craft EXPELLED STUDENT MAY SUE Missouri University Likely to Have a 10000 Damage Case The expulsion of five students of Mis souri University at Columbia for disor derly conduct at the recent class riot may involve the institution in a remarkable lawsuit C S Price of Piatt City Mo one of the students expelled has consulted General Otlon Guitar a Columbia attor ney with a view to bringing suit against the university for 10000 He claims his character was damaged to that extent by his expulsion which he will endeavor to prove was unjustifiable SYNDICATE BUYS COAL MINES English Company Said to Have Con trol of Four in Alabama A deal has been practically closed for the sale of the furnace properties of the Sheffield Coal and Iron Company at Shef field the Philadelphia furnace at Florence the Wilhrow furnace at Sheffield and the mine properties of the Lady Ensley Coal andiron Company along the line of the North Alabama Railroad to an English syndicate for something like 1000000 Fear flii e Is Lost Some anxiety is expressed in San Fran cisco for the safety of Nellie G Thurston now 159 days overdue from New York with a party of Klondikers The schooner Thomas FNegus which arrived at Frisco Sunday from New Haven Conn reported that the Thurston left Playa Paula cove in her company but that when about eigiit miles off shore they were separated by a furious hurricane The Thurston carried nineteen passengers among whom is Mis Bowles the only lady passenger Pythians Ready for War B E Arons of Pittsburg colonel of the first regiment of the Uniformed Panic of Knights oi Pythias says that Maj Gen Carhaliaif whose headquarters are in Indianapolis has written Secretary of War Alger a letter placing at the disposal of the United States the Uniform Bank Knights of Pythias 30000 strong is case of war with Spain Dives Under the Water There was another successful trial of the submarine boat Holland in Staten Island Sound last week While the hull was under water all the time the turret which is about eighteen inches above the deck remained above the surface except for a minute or so when the vessel disap peared entirely and came up a short dis tance away Is Awarded 75000 for Uihel The hotly contested libel suit -of the American Book Company against the Kingdom Pnbljshing Company for 100000 damages came to a close in the United States district court at Minneapolis late Saturday afternoon resulting in a verdict for the plaintiff for 75000 The jury was out halt an hour Woyler Denies Its Authenticity Gen Weyler denies the authenticity of the -letter published in the New York Journal in which he is alleged to have said that the United States had not dared to send warships to Havana wInle Iievcom nrandedthere that he had ithe harbor of Havana well an rrnnnr11 -- -- I -- - lH Hearing on Postal Banks A subcommittee of the committee on postoffices and postroads will give a hear ing bhortly to those opposed to the postal savings banks project Communi cations can be sent to Representative Broniwell chairman of the subcommittee Pioneer Newspaper Woman Dead Lucy C Benedict a pioneer newspaper woman of New York and for the last eleven years agricultural editress of the American Press Association is dead She was born in Marietta Ohio Prominent Railroad Man Dead Allyn Cox one of the best known rail road men in the United States and identi fied with the Yanderbilt interests died suddenly Saturday at his office in New York city Russian Spy in Salisburys House The Birmingham Gazette asserts that a Russian spy in the guise of a footman has been discovered at Hatfield House Salis burys residence V QUIT THE BUSINESS ILLICIT DISTILLERS SURRENDER TO THE AUTHORITIES Eleven Arkansans Turn Their Stills Over to the U S District Attor ney at Liittle Roclc and It Is Said Forty Others Will Follow Illicit Distillers Quit Eleven illicit distillers from Conway County marched into the office of United States District Attorney Trieber at Little Rock Ark and surrendered The stills will be turned over to the authorities at once The men promised to quit the busi ness and asked for a chance to lead hon est lives obligating themselves to aid in the suppression of the traffic All gave bond for their appearance at the next term of the federal court and returned to their homes Forty other parties with twenty live stills from Pope County have sent word to the United Slates attorney that they want to surrender and quit Among the party are men of good stand ing in their communities some occupying official positions INDIAN TERRITORY TRAGEDY Negro and His White Wife Killed in the Town of Wyburn Sunday night in the town of Wyburn five miles north of Muskegee I T the house of d Chalmers a negro who re cently married a white woman was at tacked during the night by six white men The door of their cabin was broken in and both the negro and his wife were shot down The woman was killed outright Chalmers who succeeded in driving off the attacking party died before daylight The body of one Matthews an aged white man who lived at Gibson station was found near the Chalmers cabin pierced with a bullet Matthews answers the de scription given by Chalmers before he died of one of his assailants Chalmers and his wife had been threatened by white men who disliked the union Deputy United States marshals are investigating the murder and it is expected the murder ers will be brought to justice DIRE SPANISH THREAT Will Stir Up a Revolt in Our Southern States The None Frie Presse of Vienna pub lishes an interview with a Spanish states man evidently the Marquis dc Iloyos the Spanish ambassador who is represented as saying Spain would rather have war with the United States than pay compensation for the Maine for by tho latter course she would forfeit her honor through an ad mission of guilt which would erase her name from the list of civilized nations It could not be to Englands interest to see the Spaniards expelled from Cuba as there might arise at Washington an in clination to declare Canada independent If during a war the United States should incite the Philippines to revolt Spain would revenge herself by raising revolts in the American southern states A NEW COMET s Discovery Made by a Lick Observa tory Astronomer Advices have been received at the Har vard College observatory from Prof Schae berle at Lick Observatory stating that Prof Perrine has just discovered a bright comet Its position March 20 51 minutes 52 seconds by Greenwich mean time was as follows Right ascension 21 hours IS minutes seconds declination north 15 degrees 43 minutes 2J seconds daily motion in right ascension 3 minutes 44 seconds daily motion in declination 1 degree 1 minute The comet is two miles in diameter of the seventh magnitude has strong central condensation and a tail 1 degree long Kansas Bank Robbed The Bank of Nickerson at Niokerson Kan was robbed Monday night Five men did the job and it required four or five hours to blow the safe Citizens who were passing the building were held up and forced to go inside where they were kept until the safe was blown and the money secured About 55000 was secured The lobbers mounted horses and tied Children Struck by a Train A special from Danville Ky says While a number of children were fishing from a bridge on the Louisville Nash ville Railroad several were struck by a fast freight train Mary Van Arsdel aged 14 was killed and horribly mutilated and Claude Baker aged 12 was fatally injured The others escaped with lets serious injuries Ex Congressxnan Woodman Ex Congressman Chas W Woodman died Saturday in the Elgin 111 insane asylum Since last October he has suffered ironi paresis brought on by the rupture of a blood vessel in the brain In 1891 lie was sent to congress by tho Republicans of the Fourth district serving one term Grants Appeal of the Sultan In consequence of the sultans direct ap peal the -czar has consented to withdraw his demand for 3375003 of arrears of the Russo Turkish war indemnity This it is alleged foreshadows Turkeys accept ance of Prince George of Greece the can didate of the czar as governor of Crete Alleged White Caps Not Guilty The white cap case of the state of In diana ys Edgar and Chas Roher which has become famous because of the en deavors Of Gov Mount to have the boys punished is ended The Jury brought in a verdict of not guilty after deliberating but live minutes Big Steamer Disabled Two big ocean steamers one of them dis abled have arrived at Halifax The dis abled steamer is the Osborne from Lon don She was towed by the tank steamer Duff Burglars Make a Good Haul Burglars blew open the safe of the Bank of Franklin 111 Sunday night secured between 5000 and 8000 stole a hand car and escaped sswafcassrarw 3 v T FLIES OLD GLORY The Battleship Amazonas Formally Transferred to United States The cruiser Amazonas built by tho Armstrongs at Gravesend England for Brazil and purchased by the United States was formally transferred from the Brazil ian flag to the stars and stripes shortly after 11 oclock Friday morning The ceremony was simple and dignified and to the Brazilian officers it was somewhat pathetic Lieut Commander Cohvell United States naval attache accompanied by Ensign Roberts Assistant Engineer McMorris and Consul General Osborne arrived on board shortly before 11 a m In reply to Lieut Commander Colwells inquiry Commander Corres of the Ama zonas said he was ready to transfer the vessel forthwith and Messrs Colwell Roberts and McMorris donned their uni forms and proceeding on deck gathered near the flagstaff from which the green flag of Brazil was flying Then Lieut Commander Colwell salut ing Commander Corres said Captain I have here a contract of sale to which you were a witness and whereby this vessel is to be transferred- to me in behalf of the United States Commander Corres replied through an interpreter saying In handing over the ship I desire to say that it is done with the sincere friendship of Brazil Lieut Commander Colwell saluting re plied In behalf of the United States I thank you for the sentiment The flag of Brazil was hauled down at 1110 a m and Old Glory was run up the main Lieut Commander Colwell and tho Brazilian officers then shook hands Commander Corres invited the party into the cabin to drink to the ship and the Brazilian captain showed the party over the vessel and furnished them with inven tories of the supplies The new boat will sail for this country in a few days FAMOUS WOMAN DEAD Mrs Matilda Joslyn Gage a Pioneer Equal Suffragist Mrs Matilda Joslyn Gage died in Chi cago Saturday aged 72 years Mrs Gage won an international reputation as one of the earliest champions of womans rights in Ameiica having identified herself with that movement in 1852 For many years she was president of the New York State Woman Suffrage Association and in 1875 75 held the position of president of the National Woman Suffrage Associa ted with headquarters at Washington In 1S7S she formed the Womans National Liberal League being elected its presi dent which position she has since held Blizzard in Montana The most severe snowstorm of the season prevailed in the vicinity of Kalis peil Mont Sunday At 1 oclock in the morning it began snowing and at G oclock at night 38 inches of snow had fallen and at that hour the wind changed to the north and the snow was drifting badly All trains were delayed and some were abandoned entirely The storm was even more severe in the mountains and cuts and ravines were almost completely im passable making railroading very diffi cult Girl Scalped by u Windmill In the town of Sotlus Minn white drawing water at a windmill during a heavy wind a daughter of Charles Ander son was caught by the hair in some part of the mill gearing and her scalp literally twisted from her head Government Sells 200 Reindeer Lieut Sheldon Jackson acting on be half of the war department has sold 230 head of the reindeer herd purchased for relief to private parties It is understood the government received 100 per head Disastrous liline Explosion A terrible explosion took place the other day in the Santa Isabel mine at Belmez province of Cordova Spain Seventy corpses have already boon recovered and many men are as yet unaccounted for Editor Franklin Lee Dead Franklin W Lee editor of the Rush City Minn Post known throughout the northwest as a journalist verse writer and novelist died early Friday last of Erights disease Japanese Elections The Japanese election returns show a small majority for the government EISKET QUOTATIONS Chicago rCattle common to prime 300 to o75 hogs shipping grades 300 to 425 sheep fair to choice 250 to 300 wheat No 2 red 103 to S107 corn No 2 2Sc to 29c oats No 2 24c to 2bc rye No 2 4Sc to 50c butter choice creamery 17c to 19c eggs fresh 9c to 10c potatoes common to choice 53c to 70c per bushel Indianapolis Cattle shipping 3C0 to 550 hogs choice light 300 to 425 sheep common to choice 300 to 300 wheat No 2 94e to 90c corn No 2 white 31c to 32c oats No 2 white 29c to 31c St Louis Cattle 300 to 575 hogs 300 to 425 sheep 300 to 475 wheat No 2 9Sc to 99c corn No 2 yellow 20c to 2Sc oats No 2 20c to 2Sc rye No 2 49c to 50c Cincinnati Cattle 250 to 525 hogs 300--to 425 sheep 250 to 475 wheat No 2 red 9Gc to 97c corn No 2 mixed 31cto 32c oats No 2 raised 29c to 30c rye No 2 52c to 54c Detroit Cattle 250 to 550 hog 300 to 425 sheep 250 to 500 wheat No 2 96c to 9Sc corn No 2 yellow 29c to 30c oats No 2 white 29c to 31c rye 50c to 52c Toledo Wheat No 2 red 98c to 99c corn No 2 mixed 30c to 31c oats No 2 white 2Gc to 28c rye No 2 50c to 51c clover seed 275 to 2S5 Milwaukee Wheat No 2 spring 97c to 99c corn No 3 29c to 31c oats No 2 white 2Sc to 29c rye No 1 49c to 50c barley No 2 42c to 43c pork mess 975 to 1025 Buffalo Cattle 300 to 550 hogs 300 to 450 sheep 300 to 500 wheat No 2 red 97c to 99c corn No 2 vellow 32c to 34c oats No 2 white 31c to 32c New York Cattle 300 to 550 hogs 300 to 450 sheep 300 to 523 wheat No 2 red 104 to 106 corn No 2 30c to 37c oats No 2 white 32c to 34c butter creamery lGc to 20c eggs Western 10c to 12c Lm4V yHUffilJW I STATE OF NEBRASKA NEVS OF THE WEEK IN A CON DENSED FORM Robbers Nearly Kill William Schultz a Rich Recluse Living Near the Capital Old Man Does Effect ive Worth with a Corn Knife Bloodhounds After Them A bunch of bloodhounds and a large posse of enraged farmers on Sunday went in pursuit of four robbers who nearly killed William Schultz three miles cast of Lincoln For a quarter of a century he has lived alone on his farm as a recluse He has acquired a considerable fortune and was never known to resort to a bank Robbers broke into his home Sunday morning and the old man awakened sud denly grabbed a corn knife of great size and wielded it with terrific force Ulood was splashed here and there on the ceiling walls and door Three lingers of a mans hand as neatly severed as if done by a surgeon were mute evidence that the old misers crude weapon had been effect ively ued In the midst of the broken furnitme and blood bespattered carpet the old man was found unconscious lie had been beaten over the head with a club When revived the old man said he was awakened by the rear door being pushed in and the entry of four men He always kept a corn knife near his bed and as the men called him to give them his money he began to slash at them with the biade He cut and slashed for several minutes until felled by a club lie heard cries of pain and knew that he had wounded his assailants The cellar of the old mans house was dug into in many places but the treasure was not found The robbers secured 10 for their desperate work NOVEL LAW POINT INVOLVED Lincoln Attorneys Wrestling with a Knotty Property Puzzle An interesting law point has been pre sented to one of the district judges at Lin coln involving the homestead and exemp tion laws A man has a piece of property which he claims as his homestead and against which there is a mortgage of 9000 The property owner also has a number of heavy judgments hanging over him He now conies into court and alleges that his homestead is not worth and would not sell for more than 11000 which would leave only 2000 after the mortgage was paid This 2030 he says he would be entitled to under the exemption law and now asks the court to make an order where by the judgments will not be allowed to stand as a lien against the property There is some division among the attorneys as to whether such an order can lyS issued Some argue that the value of the property cannot lie ascertained exactly until it is sold and that up to that time the judg ment creditors ought to be protected by liens on the property Others hold that the value of the property can be ascer tained by means of appraisment or other proceedings and that the order may then be made preventing the filing of the judg ments against the property Agitating Count Seat Question The county seat question is again being agitated in Box Butte County The Alli ance people presented a petition last week asking for the calling of a special election for the purpose of submitting the question of relocation The remonstrators immed iately filed a petition requesting sixty days time in which to investigate the Alli ance petition The commissioners granted them fifty two days Hon Samuel Smyser represented the Alliance people and Judge Hamer of Kearney appeared for the re monstrators Nest of ilobbers Unearthed A nest of robbers has been unearthed on an island in the Platte River about seven miles northeast of Ashland and near tire confluence of the Elkhorn and Platte rivers Bloodhouds from Beatrice were secured to put on the trail of the robbers at Logan Bros store at Gretna They followed to the Platte River and were then taken across to the island The officers placed two men under arrest and took them to Papillion to await trial Valentines New School Euilding Valentine has just completed and the school moved into a new edifice The building is a seven room structure of brick and stone The building cost close to 15003 and is an honest job throughout Valentine has a corps of five teachers of which Prof R N Watson ex county su perintendent of Saunders County i j prin cipal the grade teachers being selected from the best in the state Parmer Boys Get Plums Ernest Ashby and James 31 Coulter two Fairfield farmers boys living near Fairfield who took the civil service ex amination for railway postal clerks some time ago have recently received notice that they have been selected from the eligible list as weighers of mail on railway postal cars in the regular quadrennial weighing which is soon to be inaugurated in the west Me cum Declared Not Guilty The jury in the case of the State against Herbert 3Iecum at Pluttsmouth charged with -assault with intent to kill Peter Cur tis returned a verdict of not guilty The general opinion has been that the man would be convicted but owing to the ill ness of the county attorney his case was not as strong as it might have been especially his plea Examination Postponed The preliminary examination of William FAright ex superintendent of the institu tion for the blind at Nebraska City which was to have been heard last week in the county court has been continued to April 8 he renewing his bond in the sum of lO0Q Escapes Impeachment The impeachment trial of 3Iayor Gra ham of Lincoln has been concluded and the city council by a vote of seven for and five against declined to impeach a two thirds vote being necessary Fatal Shot Ilenry Eckman aged 71 years a stone mason residing west of Sidney was in the act of taking a shotgun from his cart preparatory to shooting a bunch of wild geese when the gun accidentally dis charged and Eckmans right arm was almost shot off and his clothing Ignited 3Iedical aid was summoned but pyemia set in and Eckman died A New Postofflce A posloffice has been established at lnno Dodge County with Maria Harms as postmistress Si Verdict of Guilty 1 The jury in the case of the State against 31 S Woolather charged with aiding and abetting the cutting of young Sherman at Cortland Christmas night returned a ver dict of guilty AVoolather is an uncle of young VanDerpool who has confessed to having done the cutting He is only 1G years of age Celebrate Thoir Golden Wedding Air and 3Irs J J 3Iorris of Humboldt celebrated their golden wedding anniver sary at the home of their daughter 3Irs Val Ranh last week 3Ir and 3Irs 3Ior ris have been residents of that section for mally years New Bridge Opened The Canton Bridge Co of Canton Ohio has completed a new iron drawbridge across tho river at Republican City It was opened for traffic 3farch 12 Old Soldiers Club The old soldiers of Juniata and vicinity have organized an Old Soldiers Croconolo Club and will at once paper and nicely fit up a club room Nebraska Short Notes The ferry boat at Brownville has coih menced its seasons worlc t Fire in 31 A Kendalls meat market in- St Paul caused a loss of 100 Fifty two gay and festive sports were gathered in at one haul by Omaha polico one night last week Chadron is organizing a base ball club with which jt hopes to clean out every- thing in northwest Nebraska George Knight received a sentence or twelve years for setting the lire which burned the town of Arlington - At the last meeting of tllo board of county commissioners George Anker was appointed sheep inspector for Sheridan County Plattsmouths leading hotel the Riley has changed hands Joseph Opelt the well known Nebraska hotel man assuming -control A squad of troopers from Fort Cook in charge of a sergeant were in Plattsmouth the other day looking for a soldier who had deserted The race track at the Pierce fairgrounds will bo repaired and put in shape this spring aud the local horsemen will use it for training purposes Albert Albright a farm hand employed near Tecumseh was fined S25 and costs for discharging a shotgun at a party of hunters from Tecumseh Frank Frank living north of the river near Ord had his grain and buildings ex cept his house burned the lire starting from a prairie fire No insurance Fifty candidates were initiated into Anchor Lodge Ancient Order of United Workmen at Shelton one night last weekr Deputy Grand 3Iaster Putney of Oakdalo officiating Company II Nebraska National Guard of Nelson at its last weekly meeting voted -unanimously to request Gov Holcomb to enlist the company for active service in -case of war with Spain While W L Driscoll a carpenter of Louisville was at work on a - houso -befell or was blown from the roof and had three or four ribs broken hip joint fractured and was otherwise badly bruised and shaken up The Falls City Telephone Company is now at work erecting poles on its new line between Stella and the county seat Tho Nebraska Telephone Company has also made arrangements and will build tot Stella in the next thirty days A short time ago Section Boss Al Jay of Berlin and his assistant while endeavor ing to get their handcar off the track in front of the passenger train were a little tardy and the car was wrecked and the section hand somewhat bruised The annual convention of the Nebraska Lumber Dealers Association was held in Omaha last week Between 15 J and 210- delegates were in attendance Reports of officers read showed the organization to bo in a most satisfactory condition Charles Huber son of John Iluber of Columbus is dying at Oakland Cal with consumption His father has been trying to find hiM for several years and has ouly recently located him aud that with the sad intelligence that the could survive only a short time At a recent meeting of the Kearney city council the city clerk was instructed to have printed on the official ballois to be used at the next election For Saloon License and Against Saloon License The request to have this done was made through the Anti Saloon League A telegram was received at Grand Island from President Oxnard of the beet sugar company dated at New York in which he withdraws tho anti Hawaiian annexation clause in contracts with beet raisers This clause provided for a reduction of 50 per cent per ton in case Hawaii was annexed The Southeastern Nebraska Teachers Association will meet in Peru the last of 3Iarch providing the dormitory is then ready to relieve the crowded houses of their oversunply of students The delay now seems to be for the radiators but it is hoped that the firm which has the contract for putting in the steam heat will geta move on it before long An Ord young woman who leaches school had considerable trouble with tome cats They persisted in coming into the school room gaining entrance through a -window where a pane of glass was broken out Finally she took a boys coat and doubled it up and stuffed it in the window but was directly surprised to see the cat come crawling in through the coat sleeve She thinks of quitting the school An effoit will soon be made to resurrect1 the disbanded camp of Sons of Veterans at Tekamah The corn which has been stored at the Lyons race track for two years past is being shelled out Mayor Hamilton of Albion has issued an order to the chief of police to see that all places of business are closed within the city limits on Sunday Stephen Gregory of Ord shot a fine specimen of brown eagle last week and had him in town for sale The bird meas ured seven feet from tip to tip Building operations promise to be fairly activo in North Platte this season Several new houses are already in sight and a number of residents are figuring on addi tions and repairs A prairie fire near Alliance consumed a quantity of hay and for a time threatened to invade the town Victor Kindblad of Oakland felt in a fit and bit his tongue quite badlv Blood poisoning set in and lie has since been in a very bad condition his tongue swellin to an enormous size and turning black and green He may recover 3Iortgages filed and released inDixon County during Febrnary Farm mort gages 26 filed 2331025 33 released 1 City mortgages 5 filed 1481 V released 218387 Chattel mortgages 173 filed p 183 55 U relesed 2l593 Sheriffs deeds m foreclosure two farms rnsiitivwjjJnTr 7Trmr1 B Kr V- di 4r r k X A J s j iff Vv r F Vf Ml m s J f i t