The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, March 17, 1898, Image 8

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    Mm ir
t ft
jBOBEET GOOD Editor and Publifiher
i W mmmmmmm M
Official Pper of Cherry Conn
ty Nebraska
100 Per Fear in Atfttttice
Entered at t ho Postoflice at ValenttneCherry
ounty Nebraska as Second class matte
The United States has purchased
two cruisers from JJrazil which are be
ingcompteted in an English shipyard
Spain is making frantic efforts to
-form an alliance with some ot the
great European powers s she is bank
rupt and cannot procure ipenns to car
ry on war
2500000 has been placed in the
hands of army ordinance officers
Iteport of naval board is expected
in a lew days
-A number of his friends are grooming
rTudgo for governor
irace cDuld be conflned to Kinkid
If the
Westorer we would see some hot
times politically in this neck6 woods
this fall
The following little poem - has recently-become
quite popular among
the farming communities
The chinch hug eats the farmers wheat
The bumblebee eats lus honer
The bedbiiE bites him on tltetock
The goldbug gets Itis money
A L Towle is getting his
camping utensils Teady to ftold down
a four years lob at Valentine and he
expects to make -his departure the
latterparfcof thepresentmonth so as
to get started thefirat -of the quarter
Valentine is a pretty town with a
fair country to draw from and a1
good citizenship The writer camped
on- the- townsite in 1862 when Cap
Meeres laid it out and at a time when
the Niobrara valley near Fort ittobra
jra was wild and woolly and full of
t danger which followed the town and
remained there for atfew yeare The
colonel will find -many old acquaint
ances there and the Pioneer wishes
bim success Niobrara Piomer
Alter reading a -certain mews item
f on the first page of this issue -many
people will naturallyinquitt Who is
Caiey Thorn Following will be
found the answer
theen a school teacher he
opponent of Miss Stoner
lation for superintendent
list ticket last fall he is
in whoo strongly
if democrats oonulists
ime he is the man who
it occasions was called
ig the populist s had
-county to the
man vhn w
J iras
Iffice and cana
andJhe latters
Lare or - -
uy a xew uj uib
will explain the
fas -been so actively en-
ling this paper and its
leyalso explain the treason
le got into trouble aside from
letter we received
In the -coming congressional cam
paign in the sixth district in Nebras
ka there seems to be a disposition
among the voters to make a change
This has been apparent for some time
and has been produced 4y a disss
faction among the people of the dis
trict as to the way inwhich MriGreene
has comparted himself Assuming
that a change will beonade the ques
tion naturally follows as to whom his
successor will be and what territory he
shall come from The northwestern
portion of the district has -never yet
been favored with a nomination of
any kind and she lays claim to the
position No congressman has ever
been elected in the district west of
Broken Bow The eastern pt of the
district has had the representative for
years and we are now -entitled to it
If we had no material from which to
select a candidate the situation would
be different But we have a number
of men who could fill the position with
creait to tiiemseires ana nonor to toeir
constituents The most available
man in the northwest and the first
Iftstf and all the time choice of The
Recorder ig Hon W H Wettever of
ftuiavine the present Judge of the
J5th judicial district He is the natur
al candidate to succeed Congressman
Greene both in ability and location
He needs no introduction to our read
ers as he is one - of the best known
men in this part of the state Chad
rpt Record
- - -
Dissecting Table
Uncle Samuel Is very liberal with his public
domain and givers the right to every well Inten
tloned man or woman to tile homestead papers
on 1C0 acres or less of land The only proviso
being that the party so filing shall agree to live
upon the land for six consecutive months dur
ing theflrstyear and tire paying of 125 an acre
for tbe4ami at ths expiration of that time If
however Uie claimant wishes so to do he may
lWe on the land for five j ears and at the end of
that tle he will be given a patent to the land
withoirt cost except fr the actual work done by
the government employes Tins law was passed
forttoe purpose of settling ap this western coun
trjnd was Intended to apply o1y to actual
setaers However dishonesty of mankind
makes violations ot the law of frequent occur
ence For instance a man will take out home
-stead papers build a shack oa the land and
oecassionally sleep In the stack He claims
that place as his hnnie and wL sometimes drive
25or 30 miles to vote in the precinct where his
land lies This gives him a eeehuical residence
but docs it give him a residence in fact Again
a young womaaefiK s uponx piece of land and
uviriK at nome in reality occassianany passes a
night on her claim After final proof is
made her father or in other or some otmjr
member of iter family either buys or uses the
land and no addition is Tdc to the population
orthu number of improved farms in the county
We have heard it started frequently that not
more than CO per cent of the flnplprools made
should be allowed u pass The land olllce
officials are powerless as all questions asked
are answered satisfactorily hnd the -claimant
has generally so arranged that he can make
iiroof T lthout committing iperjury
though he often comes Yery near it 3liis abuse
of a good law should be stopped
School Report
School report from Harmony for tne
month ending March 11 T808
Average attendance for the month
IG average attendance for six months
Those not absent nor tardy during
the month are Clyde Pett ycrew Ina
and Mabel Spratt Those absent but
one day SfcdllftSpratt Irene Fowler
Grace Hobson and Hazel Pettjcrew
Clyde Pettycrew ilna and Mabel
Spratt were not tardy during the six
months term Stella Srratt was absent-but
one day
School closed Friday March llt
after a six months berm -The school
gave -a pnplic entertffeowent Friday
evening to a crowded house
M L Herring Teacher
EH BPrecittct
PSullivan went to Valentine Monday
Wro Wilson has built an addition to his house
A D Gallop and wife were tht gxests of I li
Nichols and wife Sundy
Wrc Spence and family were visiting with B
Hunt the last of last week
F H Robinson will start lor California the
astrof this week to begone a -couple ofimonths
Jehn Selder and E E Crane itbe Ms Wi
A goat atWerrimnn a couple of weeks ago and
they haven fcdone anything since
Mamie Jeffries sdhnolun -district 49 was out
last Friday She tJommenced a three months
term in the Ricketts district Monday
We heard Chas Nichols say that Geo HeckeT
told him that Chet Goodrich said John
heard that- Henry Peterson was thinkingcof get
ting married
Isls Lincoln closed a very successful term of
-school in the Garner JDistrict last Friday with
a entertainment at night the patrons of the
J sefcool took in supper and all had an enjoyable
time y
A Steele wa pretty
away lastSatud yj on hj8way CodyJ
IMS 1UM i lKli mA rtKiB
mm and his wife out of the buggy the seat
injuring Mr Steele in the side
Woodlake - -
Clarence Waicott anil wife were in town on
W L Coliee of Simeon was m town ithe -first
tf the week
Rev Garner preached to a large audieuce
-Sunday evening
George Lovelett and wife were visiting at H
EDeweys on Saturday
Miss Ceha Vaughn left on the passenger Sat
urday morning for her school somewhere in the
east which commences on Monday morning
Mart Dew was seen on the streets on Sunday
Mr and Mrs C A Johnson and C M Bailey
Land wife are expected home TuesfJaynlghe
Henry Fisher was in town on Tuesday
ElD -Valentine makes a splendid clerk
iGharley Davis of Simeon was Siting at Mr
Lattas a- few days last week
Mr and Mrs Mell Hanna came an town on
Tuesday Mrs Barnesfime in wiQi them she
-experts-to move to Ains worth soon
Niobrara Falls
Doc Johnson has planted his oniony
AbnCiam Johnson is again on the sick list
John Adamson has bought two fine Jlerefords
toheadhis herd this season
RGjrooms and John Adamson eatfi have a
fine lisjlay of hotbed plants
R Grooms is building a dam on his -farm pre
paratory to making him a flnejshpond
Lon Mosber JjOrmesher and Mrs Adamson
visited latter partofhe week
Everybody is taking advantage of the fine
weathery clearing and ploughiijg heir garden
Heath Sros have purchased the improve
ment forerly owned by Henry Grooms Can
not say when they expect to take possession
Anyone wishing Information from the war de
partment arte Frank Reese Bad Boy
A sister of R N Bruce Is here for a ort vistt
with her brother t 9
Hal Bakewellbas rented Sirs Barnes house
and will take powesaion about MreJi 90
W Hbney retiraed from Rot SipHngs Ark
TnuNduy sight considerably2 Jraproved la
County Superintendent Stoner sad Mrs 3 M
Callen were In Tftaodlake last week Miss
Stoner attended our school entertainment i
J B7 Leader of Cbadron and C W Vance of
Fremont came down from the west- Saturday
morning and went out to the Jakes a hunt
i n - pn i
1 f
J W Danteis CoYcierk
A ot ire to Creditors r trr v
In the County Coiirr within anfi for Cherry coimd
ay iNeiTrmarcn 3 ita i
In the matter of A G Erickson deceased
To the creditors of said estate --
Youarehprebynotifipdthstlwill sit at the
y County Court room in Valentine in said county
on the 19th day of March 1898 at 9 oclock am
to receive and examine all claims -against satu
pstate -with a vew totheir adjustment and dl
lowance Vhe time limit for the -presentation
-of claims against 8aidcstate is 8 ononths from
the lstot October ADl897nilfhetimelimit
ed for payment of debts is one year from said
1st day of of October 1897 -
Witnessmy hand and the seal of
Court this 3d day of March 1898-
6 s County ifcldge
Land Office Ta1entineNeb
MamliICWCfntMAr 1
Oompialnthavinirbpenrrtered at this office
bv William E Haley of Valentine Nbr
against Charles A Barnes for abandoning- his
homestead entry No 10082 dated April 13 1895
upon Hie nytsw i sesw i swse section 32
rownsnip 30 range 31 n Cherry county Nebr
with a view to the cancellation of saidllentry
said Dnrties arc nerpDv t
mnifli ir
tnw omce on ne 28ta day of Annl lsns vAt 10
oclock a in to respond and furnish testiiriorty
vuiic7iuiiii PumAincu aiunuouiueuL
-ii rtjGraLfbttSfitec
US Land Ofttoe Valentme Nbot
- Peb3sri898 f
ComplaintNo 3521 having been entered at
this office by D B Stoner against Eugene A
Irons for abandoning his homestead entry No-
9935 dated sept 24 1894 upon thenwMswKi
ma swnwjsj section 17 and s4ne sedtidn 18
uwisuin strange 35 in cherry county Neb
wlfh a viewAf o the cancellation of said entry th
Saifl TiartiPS rnhtrlVMnimnnuH fr i
vv 1 V tftlV 21L
unsofflceoiithesnthdayof March I898kt 11
o ciocR a m torespond and JfurnsshJeiinony 1
concerning iaid alleged alwindonment 1
U S LBS yiSSeatftfairine Ncb i
OompIaint 3557fiiavinE been entered at this
office by Jul iusfliOtzIen againstOle for J
iautire cocompiy -wan mw asuo iimoert euicure
entry No 4221 dated May 22 885 upon the nehi
sectwm 34 towi bW 27 THiujeW in Cherry
conntVvNpbr with a uiew ta the AncellatloT 1
of saw entry csntestant alletrhtg that the sii
OleCoe lias iallodto break or cause to be
brottea ten acres oIsaid wactftnd has failed toi
plfttr cause to berplantedlOicres of said react
in trestree seeds orcuttinaa and has wtKllly
failed to cultivate or causedtObe cultivated ny
part of said tract n the iaat 8 years of entry
saidtraet lias grown up in -crass and weeds anti
iawbelly abandoned and claimant- has failed to
cure Iss laches to this date The said pamties
are lierebv summoned to -appear at this afftce
on the 19th day of April I895rtt lp oclock a im
toresond and furnish testimony coucennitig
said -alleged failure --
Denesitions of witnesses wffll be taken buore
M STrussel a notaiv ptblic at his office tin I
Comptn Nebnonthe tathaay of April
atflofekwk a m ocM
C R 3L VER Register
tU S Land Office JVojeatine Nebr J
Feb 23 1898 f
Compifidnt having been entered at this office
by Thomas ACarr against iGeorge M Eby for
failureitoacsmnlv with law as tto timber culture
entry N0S033 dated Oct 30fMS5 upon the uyt
ne anrtts4nw section 10 convnsnip so range
29 in Cherry county Nebraska witn a view to
the cancellation ef said entry -contestant
the said George M Bv has failed to
plaut orcaase to be planted any part of said
iraci in trees tree seeus or ifmungs nnu nas
wiiolly failed to cultivate or eause to be cultl
vataioPnt of said tract inne lastnineyears
oirtiifcy and said trcct has crown up in grass
and4Yeds aod has been wholiybandOed and
claimant has failed to cure hi laches to this
date parties are heicfhj summoned to
appear athisoulce on the 30th -Bay vof March
1898 at iLocfcjck a m to raspojl Bnd furnish
UHttniQuy cunearning said allegeddailiu e
M J A FIK2 Receiver
Claimants and witnesses in final froof eases
notice of twbjqh aptear in The Dkkocrat will
receive -a imajked epy of the paper Should any
errors inidegoriptfeeof land or speidog of names
be discovertdinoticeshoulcl be seut to the land
office aud thsnlhceo correction cisibemade
UiLndOftce ValentineNeb 1
March 5 1S98 I
Notice Is hereby giaoi that rhe following
named settler has filed notice of bis intention to
makeflual proof lifsupport of bis claim and
that said proof will -be made before the Register
and Receiver at Valentine Nebr on April 15
1838 viz t K
OBman A Rtebey of Xenzel Kebr
H E 10083 for Icitsl 2 4 and 5 section 7
township 3ln rangesw and seHneX section
lg township 3ln range 33w -
He names the faijpwlng witnesses to prove
liiB continuous rekWtence upon and cultivation
of said land vh
William M Anderson Jesse V West Ira W
Smith George L Coleman all of Cody Nebr
712 C tt GLOVER Registry
H S Land Offick Valentine Neb I
AIi rjli 1 00a f
-Notice is hereby given that EdwuvB Lovelett of
Woodlake Nebr has filed notice of lutein ion to
make final proof before Regiter or Heeeiyer ai
their oiflce in Valentine Xelir on Samnlav
the 9th day of April 1898 on timber culture
W 5L Balrd of Sheridan VVyo was Berelist 1 1 WSli 19 towushl3n 8M HS intV
- - 1 iul intLLiiMi ij brtrv ii11111 a 11 iiiiih vhvv
1 z 1 r A fck r ai r t 1
weeK in ffia iiiterescA oi wje 1 aiiie vxmipany j
and bought the ranch of J U Hanna for 15
000 J Qarrey of Whitney accompanied him
TToodjc OracUf
oil ntnLft 2Twr
He names as witnesses
William Guliek JoseDh Koniiovskv dnTmiis
A Lovrijoyand JohiiCroniii All of Woodikki
Nebraska t
CR GLOVER Registcj
iiii ilriwil n funmftfPaFV1mw ji
To make room fdr our SPRING AND SUMMEJFSTOCK
- We vri sell all of oar
At a sacrifice
D STIN ARD the clothier
JUitl JPribes for Feed
Bran bulk 50c per cwt 900- ton
Shorts bulk 60c per cwt 1100 tori
Screen ings 35c 600-
Chop Feed 70c 1300
Corn 50c
Oats 80c
Estimate of Expennea
Valektine Nkbb March U 1898
Notice is hertfoyjgiven that Hie following es
timates for county expenses forthe ensuing year
were made by the county commissiosers Jan
11 1898
County bridees ct V tJiO vf KlOO
J Couctiiid jury- i Iu MOO
rrecinct onicers 4000
Gdunty officers - 3500
Jail and boarding prisoners 2000
County Roads l 200Q
Supplies for poor 2000
Sinking fuatl nndinterest 7 -1606
Rent for court house -goo
Bounty on wild animals 500
Fuel anbrepalrs
Hoot s blanks and stationery
Indigent soldiers and ssiilors
U 8 Land Office Valentine Neb I
Mar 12 1898 f
Noticed hereby given that the followiiig nam
ed settler ha- filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim and
that saldtproof will be made before Register and
Receiver at Valentine Nebraska on April 29
1898 viz
Frederick W Good fellow of
Cody Nebraska
HE9241 for the eVise nwseK nejswj i
section 20 township 32n range 3Sw
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence -Upon and cultivation
of said land viz
Wallace E Nelson James C Taylor Joeeph
H Bemisdarfer and Edward S Weed all of
Cody Nebr also
James C Taylor of Cody Nebr
H E 9580 eseH seJ4neJ4 section 33 and
nwjswii section 34 township 32n range 5w
He names tne following witnesses to prove
his cent inueus residence upon and cultivation
of said land viz
Fredrick H Goodfellow Joseph H Bemis
darfer Edward S Weed John Bishop all of
Cody Nebr also
Joseph H Bemisdarfer Cody Jtfebr
H E 922S wseJi eJswJi section 25 towu
shlp 32n range 35v
He names tlie following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land viz
iFrederfck H Goodfellow James a Taylor
wanaee li iseison aim John n atorey ail oi
Cody Nebr also
Wallace E Nelson of Cody Nebr
UfE SMd seinw smie4 seutioh 8 swJ4
mvfci section 27 township 32n range aw
He names the following witnesses tto prove
his continuous residence upon and lonltivauon
of iaid land viz
Joseph H Bemisdarfer Frederick H Good
fellow Edward S Weeil and James C Taylr
all of Cody Neb
- 8-13- C R GLOYER Register
- v
Land Office Valentine Neb 1
March 4 1898 0
Notice is hereby given that John C NiehdJs
of McCann Neb has filed notice of intention to
make final proof before the Register or Receiver
at his ottioe in Valentine Neb on Saturday
the IGthdav of April 1898 on timber culture ap
plication No 8214 for the ne4 sectiou No 25
in township 33n range 31w
He names as witnesses
James T Galloway David R Hendersbot of
MeCunii Neb William A Wilson art Aibert
T Btackettflf RlegeNeb also U
JaniesT Galloway of McCanfailfteb
H E 932 for lots 3 4 ksw4
----- -
nALl M T
3BcnivHsmpt5jn range 3iw T
Hertames the following witnesses to
toiuiimuus resilience upon auu CUItl
said land viz
jonu u eiiois and David It Hendershott of
iuuHiiu neu wuuam a wusou am1 Albert
T BniCKett of RIege Nb
W2 C It GLO VER Register
ove his
jlOU uf
Land Office Valentine Nebr 1
March 7 1803 i
Notice IS herebV Civen that Rensnk p llrmnnn
Pulhuan NebrM bas flle4 iiotiea ot iuteutien
Mi maieaualittrawiufJikrt Htfaw 1110 it
Gomwclaiitjric fills Ms3iinLM Kt4ir i
orMayttettaffliitoyf Apns 8 on tim I
uarcsuMirc uiiDiiitunii in nw for lot i nu 1
nxH uyjiieiiof sectiou No 30 hi towushlp No
29u range No 36wr
lie names as witnesses
William L K0w and Charles H Jacobson
of Gregory Iebr William PnHman of Pull
lioxi iot aud Ellsha E Edwards of Gordon
C R GLOVER Register
US Land Office ViiSentlne Meb 1
Feb i4 1898 j
Notice is hereby given tbat tlie following
smmedsetiler has Hied notice of his intention to
tnuke -final proof in suppoct t his claim aud that
said nroof will be made before the - Register or
Receiver atf Valentine Nebr ouJApril 5th 1898
r Sefeastiitn Sleboltf NenzilNeb
for the seMseJa seetionia ne4nw
and itiief srctlou 25 township 34nrauge 3 w
He iiamus the following wituesses to
lils cfciitiiiuousresidence poa and cultivation
of said land viz
Joseuh Blcrl Kilgore Ne Michael Bolteof
iNenasAeD John Ferstlaad John Hofmanof
t uiuuiinc A1CU
MO C R GLOVER Register
U S Land Offtae Valentine Neb 1
Feb 21 1898 1
Nottce Is hereby given that the following-named
sattler has filed notice Hif her intention to
make final proof In suppose of bis claim and
that saidproof will be made before Jtegister
LiVer t VaieufiQe Nebr on April
loBe VIZ
heilA A McCloud of Valentine Neb
34i2f 29w the nbli fctlon 25 townsnp
She BHines the following witnesses to prove her
contmuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land viz
x HurtB x
Kelly WilUain Kelly William
stolfS aUd IiIartha CaanslCwI oi Croo
5 10
C R GLOVER Register
S Land Office Vajentlne Nebr
yeb 14 1898 f
Notloew hereby given thatahe following-named
settles has filed notice of his intention m
make final proof m support of his claim and
that saidproof will be made before Register or
Receiver at Valentine Nebeuska on Apr 5
3898 viz
John Henry Porath of
Kiege isTebraskH
H E 9354 for lot 3 and semvJi section 4
township 3Sn range 30v
He namesithe following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land vfaj
fcennan itge Chriitopher Hittmer Peter
Rttige aud Charles Sudke all of RIege Neb
W C R GLOVER Register
U a Jand Office Valenune Nebr t
Feb 7th I8 f
Notice Is hereby civen that the foils wing
named pettier hks filed notice of his intern loirto
make ftiial proof 111 support of his claim and
that satd proof will be made efore the Register
r ivcucy r u viiieuuiie iMCDr Oil Apr C 189S
viz -
William E Waite of Cbester
fieldf Nebraska
H E No 8993 for the uuetiteHnw sec
tlnn31 and nwJinwJi section 32 tovuship30n
range 32w
He names the following witnesses to provi
hiscontmuous residence on and cuUivation of
said andviz
Robert FGillaspie James L Gillsisple John
nimrc juuiaas ruzueury an 01 unesternelu
3 8
Land Office Valentine Nebr t
8 1898 f
Notice i hereby given that the following nam
ed settler has filed no ice of his imVntioa t
make final proof in suiportof hLs claim urn
that said proof will be made before Register and
and Receiver Valentine Neb on Mar 23rJ
1893 Vi2 r
Albert Wrlufiniiin of
Penbrook Xebr
H E No nilfi for tie sjiuv jnelinw ec
tion 8 and sesw eellou 5 tovnshi 3n
range 24w
- He names the followlig witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivaon of
said land viz
Edward Shackelio Philo Newman Bih L
Graddtf and John ILtt e all of Penbrook tbr
j 3 K iH 0- i0 ViiR Kegisf r
i iMinijiiMaqi3aTftiWgeagretssja
ytfty3g piawubWMjwiiit iiwpfiHWRwtftf
Earl Comstock Manager
Valentine Neb
x Lame nranuea or
1 efi iide or hip Also
Horses same as on
steer left Ihip Also
C on left shoulder
sw W I
Of all kinds of goods these days because jpf Fees J -
are so satisfactory and the quality of the goods is
so higrh That is the secret of our success in the
general mercliandise busineds This holds good in
our various departments viz
We have left on hand quite a lot of goods which
fire at the present time rather slow sellers and in
order to dispose of them have reduced the prices
bw is the time to get bargains in heavy goods
The Red Front
-v uj o 00 - 0 3 i 2T S S 55
Cbe mtb Premier typewriter tsk i
Best Value Writing NacfaiM
rirsi frT Improvements Hriet
Construction and all Hlb ral
Typovritcr Essentials T T
UA t64 l 73tA4alM IHUIHItliAI 47a
tfiMif i i n 1
v f tW lyT 1 417
mi 1 mttmm tr n i a
rMiTispsXM I I
For taking orders for enlarg
ing pictures from photo
graphs or tintypes Work
guaranteed Headquarters -at
Valentine Souse All orders
left there will receive prompt
attention 51
U S Land Office Valentine Neb
March 14 IS9S f
Complaint having been entered at this office
by William Hatemaii Got don riebr against
Nathaulal M Fish for failure to comply with
law as to timber culture entry No 7023 dated
March 14 1898 upon the nel section ijx town
ship 35 range 39 in Cherrv county Nebr with
a view to the cancellation of said eiifv contest
ant alleging that Naihanial Mditi claimant
failed to breaktor cause to be orokeu ten acres
of land on said TC entry 7623 since lie made
said entry Affiant stafes thit there never was
broken or cultivated at any time since said en
try was made ten acres of laud broken or eaus
edtobe biokeuou said entry affiant further
jraiestbit there are no trees of auv kind nor
even bush growing on said entry 7C23 affiant
tin tlier states to the best of his knowledge and
belief that there his been no trees seeds or cut
tings planted on said entry 7 since tlie year
1895 affiant further states to the best of his
knowledge and belief f at claimant never was
a resiaent 01 inis state ana tbat saidentry No
7C23 iiever was plowed broken cultivated nor
prepared byeareftil and thorough preparation
to produce a growth of trees as contemplated by
The said parties are hereby summoned to ap
pear at this office on the 26th day of April 1898
atio oclock a m to respond and furnish testi
111 ony concerning said alleged failure
8- C R GLOVER Register
YyygjpijnTYTYftj fm I i JtftTtfltSjM
American Beauties
Oa Each Em
V Slsnik
Omaha Branch Office Corner Seventeenth and Farnam Streets
W En I
33lflwif i m y
Rosebud S D
Cattle hole in
each ear
Range Bar and
LitUe White Rivera
aifc - - mv
Now is the time to subscribe 100
John DeCorv
Rosebud S I
Also B4U on left
Cattle undercut on
both eiu s
Horses branded 4
ion left sboiilitur
fitame eui tntelope
ami tipringiCreeks
Rosebud S D
hranded ID
Horsea JD
Range in Keycr C
011 AJitelope Crock
f U4UJ
Louis J Kiehards
Merriinaa Nfcb
JVicKht Bros
PO BrownleeNeb
Right or leftside
tinpses same on
left shoulder
Earmark Swal
low tail elip right
or left ear
Range Big Creek
Thoaaas Farreii
Rosebud S D
ID 1183 either left
de or hip
Horses F shoulfier Pn
Range head of
1 M j
Charles Eichardt
Merrimaii Neb-
Tcf t
oam Hudson
Simeon Neb
lft hip on cattle
Left shoulder on
Some hones Lv
2 on Ieftstiwulder
Range between
Gordon ajjd nake
di vVwrlc
WK au rtioDrara
43HaJiJe dehonie4
Paul Didicr
l i M
btoadmau ros
Pass Nel
Iiranrl nn
right or left side
Horses nd som
came Drand
on left side
and hip
Ranee Bun
and Wnmacujce
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