The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, March 17, 1898, Image 7

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T -
Shouid Get Mrs Pinkhams Advice The Whole Truth can be Told
to her Bocause she is a Woman
The suffering and pain endurea by some working- women is almost past belief
Here is a letter from one of the multitude of women who have been restored
to health and usefulness by Mrs Pinkhams advice and medicine
Dear Mrs Pikkham I feel as though your advice had lifted me from the
grave I must have been very near it I suf
fered terribly at time of menstruation was
constantly troubled with t
cold hands and feet was
extremely nervous could
not sleep well was
bled with frightened
dreams had heart trouble
and a feeling as though JJ
my breath was going to
stop also had leucor
rheca I tried to get
help but all remedies
failed until I wrote to
you I cannot thank
you enough for 3Tour
kind advice and I wish
to tell everyone thegreat
good your remedies have
done me Tajijia C
Hoover Wolfsville 3Id
26G bus ner aero thats
t wonderful Well Salzers
Seeds are bred to yields
1667 Bus Per Acre
AVc know you cant be
lieve It its too biRl Hut
Salzers Seeds arc bred to
uig yieius
rarcest crrowers of fresh
live Grasses and Clover
Seeds in the world henco
our seeds are guaranteed
You can bet on our Clover
and Grass Seeds growing
mm hucujiciub u luus or
hay per acre
Finest earliest to bo had
Our Wisconsin Seed cant
lie beat Why buy your
seeds in stores when for
less money you can buy
them delivered free of us
35 pkKS Karliest Vegeta
bles tSlOO postpaid
For 10c Stamp CN
we will send you 11 Rare
I arm eeu -amines mm
our Great FAItil SEED
ItOOK EScnd this no
tice along
TVnt Via fnntA with T mackintosh
or rubber coat If you wantacoat
that will keep you dry in tnc nara
est storm buy the Fish Brand
Slicker If not for sale in your
town write for catalogue to
A J TOWER Boston Mass
- -- 25
rj Iarcet Seed lOXATU growers In America
JV The Unratew YorLercivc SALZERS
A EARLIEST u yield of 4G4 buhel per ocrc
Price dirt cheap OarrmlSKbb HOOK 11 Farm
l SrtdSuaplei north CO Oct start or 10c ind Iblt
y notice J0UMSlLSKSKKliCOUtroue1TisCK
Life Life Life
Cntiers Carbolato of Iodine rocket I niialcr
Guaranteed to euro CATAltKH and Uronchitis
Ail druggists liy mall 100 Address
V H S JlITIJ Ji CO Props Huffalo N Y
Lata Principal Eruatner TJ S Posilcn Sureiu
3 rs in U5t war 15 luyndicatinc claims attr
The best Red Hope Kooflnc tor 1 ct
Ier foot cp and nails included
Mibfiltutes for blaster ampleslrte
fay Manilla Kootinjr Co Canidcu J
hin writing to advcrtiseks
pIinso say you saw the advertisement
tx this paper
JHH AK3wni
iv rrEvi ma mMmmmmkmmmmmTmm
Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound for a quarter
of a century has been helping women to be strong end well
The followimr statement from Miss EL Patterson of
Lawrence St Philadelphia Pa should interest all working
women who are troubled with female complaints
Dear Mrs Pinkiiam I must write and tell what your medicine has done
for me I am a working girl and have to stay at my work all day I suffered
greatly with bearing down pains and backache 1 was advised by a friend to
try your Vegetable Compound I did so and can say positively 1 am cured I
have recommended your medicine to all my lady friends and would advise any
of my sex suffering from female weakness to give Lydia E Pinkhams Com
pound a trial for I know it will cure
n Mrs Pinkham invites all women troubled about their health to write to her
at Lynn Mass and secure her advice free of all charge All such letters are
seen and answered by women only
Ask Mrs Pinkhams Advice A Woman Best Understands a Womans Ills
JwABmWmm KWWMmmmwsm
40 cts a Bushel
With Salters new crea
tions In Spring Wheat to
ho sown before Aoril 545
you can raise wheat at 4 Oc
abuBheland make money
howt wiiyaiersmar
vel Wheat has a record of
r ln per acre in Iowa
Illinois Wisconsin Min
ncbota Midi Jud etc
209 Bus Per Acre
Salzers Sliver lIIne Oats
still leads the world with
a record right here in
Wisconsin of 231 bushels
per aero In 1896 What
more do yon wish Dont
tins neat all xou ste
iw i r i r - rjrAK
- fes
i tfyUK yields SSoOm
2iJold we pay for name of
our new Oat wonder
1 73 Bus Per Acre
Ino IJrclder IMishicott
Wis crew in 19 173
bus of Salzcrs S 11 vorEinj
Uarley from one meas
ured acre sworn to by
live witnesses Thats lm-
mense but you see Sal
zers Seeds are bred to
produce Thats why you
Ket such big yields
2531 J
Sentenced for 209 Years
Willlston Palmer is the name of a
white man against whom there are
sentences of 209 years jn the Georgia
penitentiary Palmer was originally
sent up for eleven years from South
Georgia for burglary Shortly after
ward while working in the mines of
Dade County he attempted with other
convicts to escape and in the melee
that followed he killed two of the
guards He was tried some time ago
for the killing of the first guard and
got ninety nine years He was then
mit on trial Lor rlio lcilhujr of the orhptv
man and got ninety nine years noore
A Remedy Which Is Sure to Cure These
and Many Other Diseases
o Drops is a remedy for rheuma
tism neuralgia catarrh la grippe and
kindred ailments The manufacturers
of o Drops have many letters from
those restored to health of which the
I following is a sample
Paris Texas Jan 0 1S0S
Swauson Rheumatic Cure Co Chi
cago Gentlemen I write to accept the
agency for your medicines Will aend
you the amount mentioned in j our let
ter and please send me the remedies to
begin with I have some orders all
ready Please send as soon as you can
With many thanks to you and God I
am eujoyiug better health than I have
for years I feel as if I am spared to
do some one else good tiow Yours
During the next thirty days the com
pany will send out 100000 of their sam
ple bottles for 25 cents a bottle From
the past they know that even a sample
bottle will convince one of the merits
of u Drops Not sold by druggists
only by us or our agents Agents
wanted Write to day to the Swauson
Rheumatic Cure Co 1GT Dearborn
street Chicago 111 This company is
reliable and promptly fill every order
Ashes Make Bone
The successful swine breeder does
not forget that ashes are essential in
building bone in hogs Where wood
ashes cannot be obtained corn cobs
can be burned to a charcoal or else to a
tine ash and kept in some clean place
to which the hogs have access at all
times There need then be no special
work in feeding it to them at any
stated time
Mr Goodman Williams County 111
writes From one package Salzers
German Coffee Berry costing 15 cents I
grew 300 pounds of better coffee than I
can buy in stores at 30 cents a pound
A package of this and big seed cata
logue is sent you by John A Salzer
Seed Co LaCrosse Wis upon receipt
of 15 cents stamps and this notice cn
Swept the Deck
Timkins I bought a tray of diamonds
for 50 cents this morning
Simkins What are you trying to give
Timkins Well its a fact I not only
got the tray of diamonds but the other
fifty one cards also
Mother Grays Sweet Powders for
Successfully used by Mother Gray nurse
in the Childrens Iiome in New York
cure ITeverishness Bad Stomach Teeth
ing Disorders move and regulate the
Bowels and destroy Worms Over 10000
testimonials They never fail At all
druggists 25c Sample FREE Address
Allen S Olmsted Le Roy X Y
Dear Little Nephew
Is papa strongas Samson aunty
Why no Willie of course not
Well mamma said he had you on his
hands for two months Scribners
Tafco Laxative llromo Quinine Tablets All Drucdsts
refund the mooey if it fails to cure 25c
Mr Moody is believed to have beater
all others as more than 1250000 hai
been paid in royalties for the Gospel
hymns and tunes issued by him in con
junction with Mr Sankey
Tisos Utire for Consumption has saved
me large doctor bills C li Baker 422S
Regent Sq Philadelphia Pa Dee S 9D
No Minister Required
Frank What did she do when you
Ned She dismissed me without cere
t J - v
How to Build a Fire
Remove the covers from the stove
and brush all the ashes from the top
of the inside into the fire box this
keeps the stove in constant cleanliness
besides making the oven easier to heat
and also keeps the heat channel clear
Then replace the covers and close the
dampers and -when the sitove lias been
closed as tightly as possible turn over
the gnate letting the contents fall into
the ashpan below Clean the grate of
any clinging substance then turn it
back into its place Brush out the oven
after the dust Jias ceased to rise ami
then it will be clean for lire and free
from dust when you are ready to bake
in it Remove the ashes and cinders
Into the lire box you put first of all
loose pieces of newspaper that have
been torn into strips that is unless
you happen to live where you can gt
plenty of fine pine shavings and most
people cant got them so they use pa
per these stripsgo on the very bottom
resting on the grate use plenty of pa
per so that the kindling may have a
chance to light before the paper is
burned out Next lay small pieces of
light -wood across the box leaving
small spaces betwen the pieces on
these put a layer of kindling a little
larger than the first layer putting the
sticks at right angles with the lower
ones on these again place fine hard
wood kindling then larger hardwood
and finally a thin layer of small coal
In this way you Avill have little trouble
in making the fire burn Each layer as
it burns heats the one above it
Washing the Pace
The method of washing the face daily
is of great importance as even if one
only washes it twice a day the opera
tion has to be gone through 700 times
in the course of a year and this would
naturally affect it for good or evil
Highly scented or highly colored soaps
should be avoided and one which gives
jk soft lather and does not cause any
feeling of irritation is the best The
soap should be well rubbed into the
face with a clean piece of flannel and
then bathed off in a basinful of abso
lutely clean Avater so that every par
ticle of soap may be removed After
thoroughly bathing the face should be
dried with a Turkish towel and then
if the7km ue coarse and thick it may
be n feed with a rough towel out il
the slin is at all sensitive a very soft
towel should be used and the face final
ly well rubbed over with a piece of
chamois leather Gentle friction of the
face with soft leather or better still
with the finger tips when clean tends
to remove lines and to prevent the for
mation of wriukles Philadelphia
Danger in Tin Can
Open a can of perches apricots cher
ries or other fruit for all fruit is
acidulous let it stand for some time
and the fruit acids and the tin are
ready to do their work of poisoning
A chemical knowledge that tells just
how the dangerous compound is cre
ated is unnecessary to an avoidance
of the peril The rule to follow is never
to make lemonade or other acidulated
drinks in a tin bucket nor allow them
to stand in a vessel of tin and in the
case of canned fruits or fish immedi
ately upon opening the can turn the
contents out upon an earthen ware
plate or into a dish that is made of
earthenware or glass Fruits in her
metically sealed cans if properly pre
pared generate no poison As soon
as opened the action of the acid in the
tin with the aid of the atmosphere
begins and in a short time the result
is a deadly poison Popular Science
When the Con Pones Hot
Dey is times in life when nature
Seems to slip a cog an go
Jes a rattlin down creation
Lak an oceans overflow
When tie worl jes stahts a spiunin
Irak a pickaninnys top
An you cup o joy is briramin
Twel it seems about to slop
An you feel jes lak a racah
Dat is trainin fu to trot
When yo mammy sop do blessiu
An tie con pones hot
v Paul Laurence Dunbar
Caramel Sauce
One half cupful of granulated sugar
one even table spoonful of flour one
cupful of boiling water a lump of but
ter the size of a hickory nut vanilla fla
voring Heat the sugar in an iron skil
Jet until it melts and is a light brown
and stir continually Add the flour
nix well the boiling water next and
boil tmtil it thickens Just before serv
ing add the butter and vanilla flavor
ing then your caramel sauce is ready
for uce
One Formula for Tea
A cooking teacher advising lier class
Df the various ways in which tea may
be made included among them this for
mula One ounce of tea finely ground is
linoistened with cold water and allow
ied to stand for twenty minutes A
scant pint of boiling water is then
ipoured on the tea and at the end of
lone minute it is ready to serve A very
jlittle cream used with this brewing of
the tea is an improvement-
Good Sausage
This sausage recipe has been proven
good Take 30 pounds pork 12 ounces
salt 2 ounces pepper 1 ounces sage
Put sage in a pan and dry in an oven
then sift You can add 2 ounces ground
mustard if you wish Add 2 or 3 pounds
sugar mix all together salt pepper
etc and mix with meat before it is
chopped After it is well mixed cut
to your liking F Ring wood
From the liecord Bitshnell Ill
No woman is better able to speak to
others regauling womans fatt than
Mrs- Jacob Weaver of Bushnell III
wife of ex City Marshal Weaver She
had entirely recovered from the illness
which kept her bedfast much of the time
for live or six years iist and says her
recovery is dueto that well known rem
edy Dr Williams Pink Pills
Mrs Weaver is fifty six years old and
has lived in Bashnell nearly thirty years
She is of unquestioned veracity and un
blemished reputation The story of her
recovery is interesting She says
I suffered for five or six years with
the trouble that comes to women at this
time of my life I was much weakened
was unable much of the time to do my
own work and suffered beyond my power
to describe I was downhearted and mel
1 took many different medicines in
fact I took medicine all the time but
nothing seemed to do me any good
I read about Dr Williams Pink Pills
for Pale People and some of my friends
recommended them highly 1 made up
f t -
Vji Ay trrJA
I WmtfM
l ii feHeagaswgg
mr mitiil tii t
them I bought the
first box in March
1S97 and was ben
e ti t e d from the
A box and a
half cured me com
pletely and I am
n o w rugged and
strong l have not
been bothered with
Mrs Jacoli Wearer my troubles since
1 began taking the pills
I have recommended the pills to many
women who are suffering as I suffered
They are the only thing that helped me
in tiie trial that comes to so many worn-
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
23d dav of October A D 1S0T
O C HICKS Notary Public
Dr Williams Pink Pills exert a pow
erful influence in restoring the system to
its proper condition They contain in a
condensed form all the elements neces
sary to give new life and richness to the
Birds as Insecticides
Birds arc natures great check on the
excess of insects and keep the balance
between plants and insect life Ten
thousand caterpillars it has been esti
mated could destroy every blade of
grass on an acre of cultivated ground
In thirty days from the time it is
hatched an ordinary caterpillar in
creases 10000 times in bulk and the
food it lives and grows on is vegetable
The insect population of a single
cherry tree infested with aphides was
calculated by a prominent entomologist
at no less than 12000000 The bird
population of cultivated country dis
tricts has been estimated from 700 to
1000 per square mile This is small
compared with the number of insects
yet as each bird consumes hundreds of
insects every day the latter are pre
cented from becoming the scourge
they would be but for their featherod
Peculiarity of Stoves on Vessels
Stoves and ranges used at sea have
two peculiarities One is that the doors
are made to turn down and not to
swiug and have fastenings to hold
them securely when they are shut so
that they cant possibly fly open The
other peculiarity is in the rack on top
It is elevated four or five inches and
runs around the edge of the stove to
keep the pots and kettles from sliding
off Some stoves and ranges used afloat
are also provided with cross rods which
run from the fixed rod at the back of
the stove to the rod in front across the
top of the pots and kettles and hold
them dowu and keep them from shift
itg They are used in very heavy
Avqnther or when the ship is rolling
For some reason these cross rods are
more Usd on British than they are on
American ships When a vtfsselsisin
port the front railfthe fack is usually
taken out and then the cook has as
easy access to the top of the stove as
he would have with a stove ashore
New York Sun
SlOO Reward 100
The readers or this paper will be pleased to
learn that there Is at least one dreaded disease
that science has been able to cure in all it
staces and that Is catarrh Halls Catarrh Cure
is tho only positive cure now known to the med
ical fraternity Catarrh being a constitutional
disease requires a constitutional treatment
Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally acting
directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of
the system thereby destroying the foundation
of the disease and giving the patient strength
by building up the constitution and assisting
nature in doing its work The proprietors have
so much faith in its curative powers that they
olTer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it
fails to cure Send for list of testimonials
Address F J CHEXKY CO Toledo 0
I5Sold by Druggists 7rc
Reflections of a Spinster
A man whom a dog will trust is nev
er wholly bad
Woman has three weapons flattery
food and flirtation
At 20 men love a woman at 30 wom
an at 4C women
A woman who can keen her lover as
a friend never believes in his love
People who consider love a dream
usually grow to think marriage as the
cold breakfast
Auger is a better weapon than tears
a burr commands more respect than a
sensitive plant
It isnt what he doesnt know that
troubles a man but what he knows he
doesnt know
Its a foolish wife who fears her hus
bands old flames Let her look out
for the new ones Judge
Ask for Allens Foot Ease
A powder to shake into your shoes It
cures Corns and Bunions Chilblains
Swollen Nervous Damp Sweating
Smarting Hot and Callous Feet At
all druggists and shoe stores 25c ASK
TO DAY Sample FREE Address
Allen S Olmsted LeRoy N Y
A Bright BiiM
The cuckoo is as likely to steal its
nest as to make it but this fact does
not take from the point of the following
pun quoted from Short Stories
A young Englishman being asked at
dinner whether he would have some
birds nest pudding said turning to his
hostess Ah yes birds nest pudding
and what kind of a bird may have
made it
Oh it was the cook who made it
was her prompt reply
- R V
1 Hil i
9R3Bi i
I if S
J011N i
Hypnotic Wonders
No one need go to Paris now to wo all
that is marvelous in hypnotism In the
hypnotic wards of many hospitals of this
country arc subjects that a mere glance it
is said throws them into the trance state
But in order to overcomo that obstinate
kidney trouble the persistent use of lis
teners Stomach Bitters is necessary Use
it lor bilious ami nervous diseases
Diamonds in Sand
An explorer in the mountains of
Witzies Iloek Natal is said to have
discovered a layer of sand inclosing
small diamonds at the edge of a lake
that occupies the crater of an extinct
volcano It is not know whether Uiese
diamonds were there as the result of
washing operations carried on by the
natives or whether the discovery cor
responds to an actual diamond mine
ihe hills of Wit7es Hock are not sit
uated in regions known to be diamond
bearing The presence of the gems in
the crater of a volcano may throw
some light on their formation in nature
Beets s Lirfic a Your Arm
- 7
The editor
of the
Brown City
Mich Ban
ner recently
paid a visit
to Western
C a n a d a
and sneak
ing of a garden that he saw in The Ed
monton District says
On Aug 23 we had the pleasure of
visiting the model seven acre garden at
Edmonton- owned and operated by one
Donald Ross a typical Scotchman and
a whole souled good natured old gen
tleman as 3 ou often meet He gave
the Yankees each a hearty handshake
as we were introduced in succession
by the Canadian Government agent
who was our guide and pilot while at
Edmonton and to whom we are indebt
ed for many courtesies conferred Mr
Ross informed us that he cleared from
S00 to 1000 annually from the sale of
roots vegetables flowers and plants
We here state that we never before saw
such a growth of vegetables at that sea
son of the year lie said that he raised
710 bushels of onions to the acre Beets
I were growing as large as your arm tur
nips the size of one s head and cabbages
as large as a patent pail Following
are prices that Mr Ross gave us as ro
ceiving for bis produce Beets o0 centr
per bushel carrots 10 cents onions
125 turnips 5 per ton cabbage 4
cents each green corn 25 cents per
dozen tomatoes 150 per bushel po
tatoes 25 to 30 cents cauliflower 100
per dozen cucumbers 15 cents per
dozen strawberries 25 cents per box
squash 4 cents per pound and other
produce in proportion lie kept a hot
house 12xlS0 feet heated by a furnace
by means of flues One man besides
himself attended this garden except at
time of gathering the crop
Agents of the Canadian Government
are now located at different points in
the United States and using their ef
forts towards securing settlers on the
fertile lands of Western Canada to
which the gold fields are tributary
Kentucky Crop Keport
Tourist Is there much corn raised in
Native Oh yes lots of it
What is the average annual
Native Cant say exactly but its
large enough to make all the Avhisky
we can use besides all thats wasted
for breath
Mrs Winslow- Hootiiino Syiiup for Childrpn
teething sottens the Kiims reduces inflammation
allavs pain cured wind coin 25 cents a bottle
Greatest Because in cases of Dyspep
sia Hoods Sarsaparilla has n touch
like magic which just hits the spotr
- brings relief to the sufferer and
gives tone and strength to the stom
ach as no other medicine docs
Could Not Eat Without Pain
For many years I have been a sufferer
from a severe case of dyspepsia I could
not eat without great pain in my stomach
and would be sick and vomit up what I
did eat One day 1 read of a cae cured
by Hoods Sarsaparilla I told iny hus
band I believed this medicine would help
me He went right away and got a bot
tle of Hoods Sarsaparilla I took four
bottles and I was cured MRS ALLEN
STIVERS Makanda Illinois
fe parilia
is Americis Greatest Medicine si for S3
Soltl by all UruffRlsts Get only Hoods
Hoorlc PIJIc arc tho lst after dinner
1IUUU is filli piiLs aid irlsfstmii 25c
A Perfect Type of the Highest Order of
Excellence in Manufacture
trot hae sold direct to the can
turner for 25 jcars at wbola
cale prices unnjr hiin toe
aeaier s prom snip any
wnere lor examination
Eyerythins warranted
118 styles of Vehicles
no styles ot Harness
Ton Knr frr V tn rn
finrrr yitit r
o w r HhwU
ewes apnag tioatl and Alilk
w 3
m i3
wwm m - 9
run it unEaxs
We wish to train UOOCC new
Tomers una nence oner
i fitguuaylladisij
Pkg Early Spring Tnrnip
Earliest Re2 Beet
103 g
n Ob
-- v muc iW 7
vneen Victoria iettnce 15c fi
Xlondyke ilelon 15c m
- Jumbo Giant Onion Isc 2
Brilliant Vxt
Wortl 100 for 14 cents
Above 10 pkgs rorth SLC0 tto will
mail yna free together with onr an
great Plant nnd Seed Catalojrae 2
npon receipt of this notice and M
postage We in vite yonr trad e and
know when yon once try Salzers
seeds you will never get alone with- g
ontthem Potatoes at S150
aBblCatalogalone5c XoCi S
tlttlW Mm in T rmnffm 2
BUl Oftbll IUh 1a VttUMfc 13
9 9593G9eeeQS
Absolutely Pure
Delicious y
Costs Less nan WE GEHT a Gap
Be sure that you get the Genuine Article
Established 17S0
To tho Free Grant Iands of Western Canada where
twenty five and thirty busholi of wheat are uraxrn ti
the acre will be personally conducted by a Cuuadiatx
Government representative on
leaving St Paul on these dates For particulars as to
the specially low passenger and freight rate apply to
jVfasKS V I9 MLrP fwJu
N tfartholomovr e
Moines Iowa D II
fatratiord Iowa W II
ConerS Watcrtown South
Dakota W V Bennett N
Y Life Baildins Omaha
Neb Ben Dariea 151 hast
Third StM Paul Minn
J S Crawford Sf Board or
Trade Buildinc Kansaft
City Missouri
Garden Flowar
with a world wide
7u w7 icpuuiuuii vuiuiu
JA3IES J II GKEGOUY S0N3SarbleheadHass
MMML Iiaul
By soothmg and subduing tj
U aiuii j bki0 awujp
iiiii imQLMaagni
25c 50c ggggyBK
The More You Say the Less
People Remember
Word With You
1 r
HoTt Surrey Hiram Price 5I5CO
as gooa X3 ttiu lor 23
il kMLdSS
ofXv JLsJ V
Xtl BUlorjar lree Vo GOSSarrer Frt rfh i
ioguBoiaii car styles ibadeapro3ndcaJS60 duar
idjsA I discharges inflammation
M ur iiicerauona
ta rri
r ainieas and not
THtVH3GKEilCAtCo gent or poisonous
kunuKiMiui f aoia tiy Brnszlsia
TjS4 Tor sent in Dlain wranwr
S C N U -
by sxpres prepaid for
100 or 3 bottles 275
Circular seat on
12 98
Best Cough Syrup Taste3Good Use
in time Sold by- druggists