The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, March 17, 1898, Image 5

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VA v Iwl
P O address
Weinman Nebr
IMghtear croppi d
Hole in center ol lelt
ilaiigc like creek
tWZTUt ji c
fix Jyj
Bfn - ---T
ltosebnd S D
Left side
Horses same on
left shoulder
Deerhorn clip on v
some cattle
mfff uw juw i
7 s
N 1 I M
Pullman Neb
Cherry Co
Hrand on left side
and thigh
Karmarlc square
crop liRlit ear
Southern branded
cattle have bia one
brand on left side
Native cattle liave
- uun ini
jutnm on ionion ana snake Creeks
Jiorses have same brandon left thigh
A Btmcara of 100 will be paid to anv
Jerson for information leading to the arrest and
inal conviction of any person or persons steal
ing cattle with above brand
Joseph W JBowncJ
j M
Vi Ji StiaTWewu 4k 53
William M Dunbar
Lessee lroin Heine Krocger
iiun miner sine
AlSf rags Eh on
Left ear oi cattle
V Jfange head ol Hay
Henry Pratt
William Shancren
Cody Neb
Oitlap underside oi
Jack LePoint
Mcrriman Neb
Cattle branded on
Jim also W
jWueiiicrniuMi ear
jVlso use fcffygi on
And SS side
RSt on rlcht side Itane Lake Corn ana
jQ Bear creeks
Charles H Faulhaber
pCtejttASSsvvvsa zm
IllIT ll I I
Ilosebud S D
lrownlee Xebr
Kithcr rijjhtor left
side on cattle
Horses same on
lelt shoulder
Left ear cut off or
Kange Loup river
Marshall vfe Wolfenden
Kennedy Neb
Some s on the eftjggj
Horses son lelt
Itrand is small
Karmark Quarter
clip behind half cir
cle forward on lett ear
Itnugc Lone Tree
1 h - 1
Louis F Richards
Metriman Neb
Charles Benard
ItancG Bip White
and Sad Uivers
W R Kissel
Brownlee Neb
4t TJ A
gjVMhV I
Also some below
lelt bin
on left thigh
William FSchmidt
Jtosebud S D
On left side
Horses branded
same on left hip or
Kange on riorse
Uane Kissels
Wheeler Bros
Gody Neb
IXange on the Snake
3lver aud Chamber
lain flat
Charles C Tackett
Ilosebud S D
Kange head of An
telope near St Marys
Horses branded
m mm mm
Feeling that a Conflict with
Spain Is Soon to Come
Congress Makes Appropriation of
850000000 for Emergency
Spirit ol Patriotism Is Universal Among
American People
rile Administration and All Officials
at the National Capital Kealize that
the Country Is Pacing a Crisis Con
ditions Deemed Such that Hostilities
Seem Inevitable Spaniards Have
Sought to Cause a Clash and Must
Take the Bitter Consequences No
Honorable Recourse Save the Ar
bitrament of Arms Appears Open
Washington correspondence
is a general feeling at the
TIIEUE that we are face to iCace
with a crisis The bill to appropri
ate 30000000 for the national defense
In evidence that the administration has
recognized this in its preparations for an
emergency Joseph G Cannon of Illinois
chairman of the House Committee on Ap
propriations Monday introduced the bill
appropriating 0000000 for national de
fense This bill is as follows
Be it enacted by the Senate and House
of Representatives of the United States
in Congress assembled That there is
f t
when there is an emergency This appro
priation is to be drawn against in just
such an emergency
The bill is not -simply a private bill -it is
an administration bill and an emergency
measure The situation regarding Cuba
has become so delicate that it is recogniz
ed that war is inevitable unless Spain is
made to understand that this Government
is ready for war and will not stop at half
way measures The President proposes to
be ready for any emergency and if Spain
wants war she shall have it- but she will
be driven from the western hemisphere
She has done enough bluffing
Although few persons will openly admit
it the feeling in the inner circles of the
administration at the time this is written
is that tlje country is on the verge of war
Conditions are such that an outbreak
seems unlikely to be long postponed
There is good authority for the statement
that Congress will declare Avar against
Spain soon after the report of the board
of inquiry into the Maine disaster has
been made public
The change of front on the part of the
administration is regarded as significant
Mr Melvinley who all along had seemed
sovjewhat averse to the ominous move of
asking Congress to assist him in making
preparations for war has thrown off his
indifference and did not hesitate to re
quest the emergency appropriation of
5000000 The change in the attitude
of Speaker Heed was even more noticea
ble than in the case of the President The
Speaker had set his face resolutely
against every proposed piece of legisla
tion which might be construed as intend
ed to prepare the country for war Mr
Reed had declared that there should be
no increase in the standing army and that
the bills for 1500 additional seamen and
the arming of the auxiliary cruisers
should never see the light of day Mon
day however Mr Tweed looked and acted
very differently
Heretofore the President has believed
that he could bring the war in Cuba to an
end by peaceful means While not entire
ly confident that he could secure the peace
and independence for the island by such
means he hoped at least that he might
secure autonomy for Cuba with the prom
ise of independence to be accorded the
strained situation or a misunderstanding
to actual war they argue and this dis
tance may never be bridged In fact
there are plenty of acute observers of the
situation who say Spains apparent policy
of aggressiveness is a mere bluff designed
for home consumption and that the best
possible treatment of it was to refuse the
recall of Gen Lee and to refuse to change
the plan of sending relief supplies to Cuba
by war vessels If it were Spains pur
pose to test the firmness of the United
States to ascertain whether or not this
country was really willing to take its
place gun in hand ready to light a duel
Spain has her answer
Meanwhile too the most energetic prac
tical preparations for war continue in this
country Ships are being fitted out as
rapidly as possible crews are being en
listed ammunition is hurried forward the
coast defenses are manned transports for
troops are boing prepared the State mi
litia are ready to jump aboard the cars
Not only is the President to have placed
in his hands the funds with which to outfit
-all our own ships including the merchant
vessels subject to our call for transports
or auxiliary cruisers but he will be able to
close contracts for the purchase of a num
ber of foreign battleships and cruisers
Moreover it is proposed to let contracts
at once for the construction of a large
number of small torpedo boats perhaps
fifty or a hundred to be built during the
next two months on inland rivers and
lakes where they will be free from any
possible Spanish attack ready to be taken
to the seaboard at a moments notice The
meaning of all this is simply that the re
sources and ingenuity of the American
people are brought into play in all their
wonderful extent and celerity in prepara
tion for the national defense Coupled
with the preparations which the Govern
ment has been making for mouths past
the sum total is most formidable and well
calculated to impress Spain or any other
possible enemy with the vastness of the
task which she must undertake if she
starts war upon us The United States
is ready for war and at this moment is
able to make war with terrible effective
ness This Government is not seeking
war and is trying to avert war but if it
must come to blows we are ready to strike
hereby appropriated out of any money in
the treasury not otherwise appropriated
for the national defense and for each and
every purpose connected therewith to be
expended at the discretion of the Presi
dent and to remain available until June
30 1S99 50000000
Mr Cannon intr6duced this bill in his
individual capacity but it was after a
most important conference at the White
House attended by Secretary Long Sen
ators Allison and Hale and Representa
tives Cannon Dingley Boutelle and Gros
venor The conference continued for an
hour and was regarded as most signifi
cant in view of the developments of the
day and the reports that the President
had given an emphatic refusal to the re
quest for the recall of Consul General
Lee and another to the request that re
lief supplies should be sent to Cuba in
merchant rather than in war vessels
While Senators and Representatives
were speculating as to the meaning of
such a conference the answer came from
Mr Cannon when he hrtroduced his bill
appropriating 50000000 for the national
defense There was much excitement in
the House but Mr Cannon said he had
no intention of adding to the excitement
throughout the country The bill speaks
for itself said he It is an appropria
tion for national fefense and it gives the
President discretion in the use of the
money I am not certain that we should
not always have such an emergency fund
But just now with the strained relations
between this Government and Spain and
the talk of war it is important that the
President should leave nothing undone
that would strengthen the national de
fense He is doing everything but there
are some things which cannot be done le
gally such as the purchase of ammunition
for our navy projectiles for our big coast
defense guns toal for our fleet and other
things that have to be contracted for
Cubans at some date in the future Here
tofore all preparations made by the Presi
dent have been for defense for he has
recognized all along that war might result
in spite of all his precautions Since he
has looked at the evidence deduced before
the board of inquiry he has changed all his
During the last month a lesson in cool
ness and self possession has been well
learned If Spain were only able to real
ize it the very calmness of the American
Government and the American people
msW W
xc rv
c v
r 3
speaks louder than any noisy vociferation
In the presence of a real danger of war
for no one denies that a real danger now
exists party lines seem obliterated and
every branch of the Government and ev
ery man who has anything to do with it
stands squarely out for the preservation
of American honor
Though the war cloud darkens it is not
believed by some that the storm is likelv
to break very soon although it may corned
at auy time It is a long was from a J
in a way which Spain will never forget
But it is a long way yet to war and we
may never get there The attitude of the
President is that it is not for us to make
war but to be prepared for it if it is forc
ed upon us There is nothing in the pres
ent situation justifying Spain in declaring
or provoking hostilities Nothing is- at
issue which makes a case on which she
dare go before the world as a disturber
of the peace The position of this Govern
ment is a simple one and should not be
misunderstood It is that if war is forced
upon us either directly or by provocation
we will fight Or in good time we will
have a solution of the Cuban problem
which has become simply intolerable to
this nation even if we have to fight to get
it But over such questions as Dupuy
de Lome Gen Lee the Maine disaster
and the method of forwarding relief sup
plies it Ls our purpose to be correct in ac
cordance with the practice of nations dig
nified and firm neither cringing nor un
necessarily provoking
One thing now most noticeable among
the public men of Washington is that as
the danger of war becomes more serious
they grow more conservative The events
of the last few days pointing more and
more to the possibility of Avar through
change of policy at Madrid or the accident
of friction between people who are grow
ing to hate one another have served to
level up and level down opinion at the
American capital Those who were ultra
conservative have become patriotic advo
cates of war if necessary to preserve our
honor and dignity Those who first fierce
ly shouted for blood with or without rea
son are now facing the actualities of the
situation calmly In truth so far as the
country is represented at Washington by
Senators and Representatives of all po
litical parties of all sections nd all
shades of opinion the nation stands to
gether as one man looking calmly and
pvithout fear into the eye of a possible foe
V Ol
1 -
Mwf Mil A
Valentine Nebraska
vvheol or gift of a wheel according to work done
This market always keeps a supply of
To keep our great factory
busy and introduce early our splen
did 98 models we have concluded to
In addition to a first class line of Steaks Boasts Dry Salt Meats
Smoked Hams Breakfast Bacon and Vegetables
AtStetters Old Stand on Main Street VALENTINE
m I I I -- I I II I- - I I II I I --
ftcf2ctr Co t ffc 5 A c2 A 0 A 5 St tC 2 ff S c5 rS b 3
Oi the Choicest Brands
t Vv iwwwwwiiii w rtwrn riwirwwi tiii n in n i n nmim iirn mi ianiMiumju
C 11 VOKXElAi Vtculitcnt
Valentme Nebraska
A General JBanlcitig ISiwincss Transacted
JSittjs aatl Sells Domestic and JHoreiyn JExchantje
Correspondent Chemical National Uank New Yurie Jirst National Hank Omaha
9c S o eS 3 Sb c e3 aj t o 5J H 2 c3 G A i S Oa 3 g
v c o
Js continually addinir improvements and it is nov the
best equipped and most comfortable
Hot and Cold Water Excellent Bath Room Two Sample Rcorris
lqp tf g 9tf j trw cy s s op op cjp jt op p jp y 5p5 j jp
Every facility extended customers consistent with conservative banking
Exchange bought and sold Loans upon good security solicited at reasonably
rates County depository
Notary Public
TTtTTfTTwl t
Valentine Nebraska
OtOWOP Bond Filed
SoutJi of Court Mouse
make a marvelous offer direct to the rider
For 3o days we will sell samples of our
swell 98 bicycles at net cost to manufac
ture rfnd will ship C O D on approval
to any address on receipt of the nominal
sum of ioo if westof Denver 5 Thisi
deposit is merely to show good faith on purchasers
part if you dont want to send money in advance send
your express agent s guaranty for charges one way and
we will pay them the other if 3ou dont want the wheel
Highest cnide eiBjolying every late improve-
5is inentof valneli inch imported tnbing flash
joints improved two piece cranks arch crown large detachable
sprockets handsomest finish and decorationp Morgan Wright
anick repair tires sinelo or donble tnbo hicrh rmrfo onnin
ment Special price on sample SZ900
a A eplendid machine eqnal to any for service and easy running Best IJi inch
RCainiGSa tcbinc two niWM nrantfl nrrh rrnnn ntnkl ci
finished and decorated Morgan Wright qnick repair tires single or double tube
high grade equipment Oar special sample price C4 00
T iv w Best melinra erado for 1S9S 1 inch tnbing Etriped and decorated arcb
m IFmr Z w tT 1 1 t f - nvrA Un - ull
ri 1 1 11 1 uum jjiuui uKi iMiza uiin retainers Destjnaiana or Wew
Brunswick tires standard equipment Special Drice on aamule SlQCWV
NOTE Choice of Color Style Height of Frame Gear etc Fully Guaranteed
Yon will bo surprised at the appcaranco and quality of these wheels Dont wait order
now while this offer is open Prices vill be much higher soon Yon can make Ble Money
nC nitr aa Minor irfTa Wa mr n n lr ff i j X
tuuiuo ol cs5nv uio ires use oi a sample
Do Vom Want Cheap Wheels
We have nnmbrrs of 169G and 1E97 model -wheels of various makes and
em nn j 01 r nn
etles eomeahtUeshop wom butallnew OlJu 10 5I6Wf
Wheels Slightly Used Modern Types
S800 to 1200
Our business and reputation are known throughout the country References any of the
express companies or any bank in Chicago Art Catalogue free Secure agency at once
The J L Mead Cycle Co Chicago